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Dedicated to the ideals Address:

and interests pf young
Americans of Ukrainian і Ж* UKRAINIAN WEEKLY
descent 1 1* 81-83 G r a n d S t r e e t -

4 r%
Informative, instructive. Jersey City 3, N. J.
Supplement of ' Ш Tel. HEnderson 4-0237
New York's Telephone:
Vkrajn^n ~<ply Svoboda
Ukrainian National

•' " A t t e n t i o n . ' Ukrainian National Aas'n

OS • - -
The Ukrainian Weekly Section Tel. HEnderson 5-8740


—- T"

"CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK" RESOLUTION SIGNED BY EISJENHOWEt, Appeals Regarding "Captive Pr* G. I? Kistiqkowsky Confirms
BECOMES PUBLIC LAW. CEREMONIES HELP IN N.Y.C. and WASHINGTON Nations Week" His Ukrainian Background '««л
Ukrainian Congress Committee of A m e r i c a Played Vital Paft In reply to a letter sent by
the editor of Svoboda to Dr.
lit Preparation and Passage of Resolution To All Branches and Organizations of the Ukrainian Congress
Committee of America »
George Bohdan Kistiakowsky.
recently appointed Special As­
WASHTNGTON, July 17.— of New York, the co-sponsor
President^ : Eisenhower proc- of the congressional resolution.
CAPTIVE NATIONS WEEK, 1959 The President of the United States of America, in imple­ sistant to the President for
Science and Technology, with
• ' • • • '' '. ". І • * •'•:' menting a congressional resolution, approved unanimously by
ljflme# the week's* "July 1» to Others who delivered brief BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES the both Houses of the Copgress, designated the week from regard to his national back­
гЙгЛйГ'ав' v Gaptive Nations addresses were: Stefan Kor- July 19 to July 26, as "Captive Nations Week'" ground, Dr. kistiakowsky' re­
Week* "^and саШа" qn Ameri­ bonski, ACEN Chairman; Wil­
The Executive Board of tbe Ukrainian Congress Committee plied as follows:
cans^ to '"study Йае Й ^ " ° f liam Rand; Jr., representing of America appeals to all Branches and Organizations, which "Dear Mr. Dragan:
countries held captive by GoV. Nelson A. Rockefeller; A P R O C L A M A T I O N
'ullfil the functions of such branches, to observe this week'with 'Thank' you very much for
"imperialistic end aggressive* Commissioner James O'Brien, appropriate manifestations and meetings, devoted to the great your kind letter of July 13
SfcJvief communism. representing Mayor Robert F. Whereas many nations throughout the world have been cause of liberation of the Ukrainian people as well as other with its congratulations and
',4ТЬе'реорГеЬ '$f the Soviet Wagner; H. E. Yu Chi Hsuch, made captive by the imperialistic and aggressive policies.of nations enslaved by the communist tyranny. good wishes on the occasion of
dominated' nations have "been Deplity Representative of the Soviet communism; and j EXKCniVE^BOARD my appointment as Special As­
deprivpa* o f ОтеГг ndtiohal fri- Republic'of China to the U.N.; Whereas the peoples of the Soviet-dominated nations hate Ukrainian Congress Committee of America sistant to the President for
dep*nd«mce and their Individu­ Msgr. Vincent G. Raith, rep­ been deprived 'of Qielr national independence and their indU Science and Technology''
al - liberties,"" the v PresldenYs resenting' Cardinal Spellman; vidual liberties; an§
proclamation said. He' asked *£Sgr. John Balkunas, presi- UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
Whereas the citizens of the United States are linked by To AU Supreme and Branch Officers and All Members of the "As regards your Inquiry
Americana to "recommit them- dent of CACEED, and Christo- about my origin, I should like
веїгеа”Лб”Ніе. support of the pher Emmet, chairman of 'the bonds of family and" principle to those who love freedom and Ukrainian National Association
to assure you that I consider
фЛ”аврЬ-аОфпв" of these peo­ American Friends of the Cap- justice on every continent; and myself to be of Ukrainian
ples aifjT to ^beerye "Captive tive Nations. Whereas it is appropriate and proper to manifest to the The President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower,
in implementing a congressional resolution passed unanimously pirth, but I left the country at Dr. Gearge B. Kistiakowsky
Natipm) Ipeejc"' with appro- "Many American Catholic and peoples of the captive nations the support of the government an early age and have long
priaie ceremonies and activi­ Protestant bishops issued spe- and the people of the United States of America for their just by Congress, which he subsequently signed, designated the ago become so complete)?
ties. > ""* s
' y
'^ cial letters urging their com- aspirations for freedom and national independence; and week from July 19 to July 26 as "Captive Nations' Week," this is probably the reason why
The President also signed a municants to take part in com- calling the attention of the American people to the fact that Americahbffd that the' distinc­
Whereas by' a joint resolution approved July 17, 1959, many countries and nations, including our own glorius Ukrain­ tion between tJkraihiaii and a part of the American press
joint*' cbngressibhal" resolution memorative observances. Most the Congress has authorized a n d requested the President of the generic term" "Russrah'
has always referred to me as
pr^vidin^'for' anhual" observ­ Rev. Ambrose Senyshyn, Bish- the United Stajeij of Amerjca to issue a Proclamation designat­ ian people, continue to remain in Russian communist slavery Russian-born."
and await from America appropriate assistance in the struggle doesn't strike me' as terribly
ance df Uhe'weeTf "iintH such op of the Ukrainian Catholic The letter signed by Dr. G.
time as freedom and independ­ Diocese of Stamford, issued a ing the 3rdVeeV in' .July'"Captive Nations Week" and for freedom and independence. The President urges all Ameri­ Important in ray case. Since B. Kistiakowsky, was dated
ence shall have been achieved letter' designating Sunday. to issue a similar proclamation each year until such time as cans, including Americans of Ukrainian descent, to observe kiev, at the time I was born, July 17. 1959 and sent from
for^aff' (he captive' natioris/ of July 26, 1959 a s - a day of freedom and independence shall have been achieved for ail the this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. was legally part of Russia, my the White House.
the wort^.* The resolution thus prayer for the Ukrainian" peo- captive nations of the world: 61 supporting' this Proclamation, we appeal to the many official papers so indicate, and
became'a public raw!" ple iii all Ukrainian Catholic Now. therefore. I, Dwigbt D. Eisenhower. President of thousands рї members of the Ukrainian National Association
~Th£ Jcfot'CT^rfpssional Res- churches of his diocese. Both the United States of America, do hereby designate the week to take active part in the observance of "Captive Nations Dmytro Halychyn Nominated for
olution'enumerates "ftie follow- the Ukrainian Congress Com- beginning July* ]&, 1959, as Captive Nations Week. Week* in' the bejiet that this observance will speed up a'long-
ing'nations''Mid ip ' captivity mittee" of America and the 1
by Communist Russia і" Ukrainian National Association
I invite the4people of the United States of America to ob­ awaited Day of freedom for the enslaved Ukrainian people,
as well as all other peoples enslaved by Moscow and will
"Ukrffiniat^-pf-th^-yeqr ' Awqrd
serve such week with appropriate ceremonies and activities
Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Issued appropriate appeals to ancTl UTJ& Фе 1 " І?, fludy Ihe plight of the SoViet-domlnafed a stable and just peace to the world,
Ukraine, Czechoslovakia*," "Lat­ their members asking them to John H. Roberts, president
via, Estonia, White Ruthenia, take part in the observance of natjons and to recommit themselves to the support of the just Ukrainian National Association
of the Ukrainian Professional
Rumania, East Germany, Bul­ "Captive Nations , Week" in aspirations oi the p^ppleeof those captive nations. Society of North America, an­
garia, mainland China, Ar­ their "respective localities. In witness whereof I bave hereunto set my hand and nounced 'that the Executive
Board of ' the • 'Society 'had
menia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Sen. Javits Recalls Enslave-
North Korea* Albania^ Idei-
caused the seal of the United States of
Done at the CHy of Washington this 17th day pj Juiy in
America to be affixed.
STATEMENT selected Mr. Dmytro Haly­
ment of Ukraine
Ural, Tibet, Cossack ia, Tur­ the year 61 our Lord 1969 and of the Independence of the The following statement was read by Mr. Dmytro Halychyn. chyn, President of the Ukrain­
kestan and North Vietnam. Sen. Jacob K. Javits, in an United States of America the 184to. Chairman of ШйСоПГегеЛсе of American* of Central anfl Eastern ian National Association and
European Descent (CACEED) St the meeting with Congressional President of the Ukrainian
UCCA Played ~Vltal Part In address at the New York cere- "••*"•' , aigned maors of .the "Captive Nations Week" Resolution, on July 22, j Congress Commit** pjf Amier:
' P a s s a g e of Resolution '/ mony, said: . . . . . ... D. D. gttBENHOWEK
ijTra'Washington. D. C." p|C-2 \ '• ••— ^.
ica. \o receive tije "UTkrainian-
I '*£here are many more na- x
Tlte' T 'UkralpJan Congress tions enslaved by Soviet im- been a staunch and intrepid of-the-Year" Award for 1959.
•It is my pleasure and distinct advocate of an enlightened U.S.
Committee of 'America, and perialism behind the Iron Cur-
hopor to appear here person­ policy of liberation in deep con­ A plaque representative of this
especially its chairman Dr. tain which we're not mention- JSINT RESOLUTION ally and lb tiie name of tlje viction that only a wholeheart­ high honor will be presented
Lev H." bobriansky' in' Wash­
ington', played ah important cr./- ; fEWTOR's NOTE: The follnirini/ resolution іоаа introduced in the Cbnferepce or Americans of
7/ошів о/ Rcprtoentativca on July 5, J959 by Hon. Michael A. Central and Eastern European ed support of the enslaved na­ nual convention banquet' whleh
to Mr. Halychyn at the an­
and vital part Jh tiie prepara­ Then, deporting from his Fcighan of Ohio) я r tions in their struggle against
^Bccn). ЇСІАрЕЕр) thank the Soviet will be held at Rochester, New
tion afad the passage of the prepared speech, he said: Russian imperialism
''Let's not 'forget the brave sponsors of ti?e Joint Congres­ and domination can prevent York, oh September 5th, 1959.
Joint Congressional Resolution. Whereas the greatness of Georgia, North Korea, Albania, sional Resolution, for their The award is based on Mr. Dmytro Halychyn
Also tne*'New* York UCCA Ukrainian people behind the the United States is in large Idel-Ural, Tibet, CossaCkia, Communist Russia from her
tron Curtain." great insight, and belief ip the further conquests and ag­ Halychyn's "long and out­
ofhee '<&)itributed greatly ' to standing service and devotion
the successful passage of the Senator Javits stated that part attributable to its having Turkestan, North Vietnam, and pause of the enslaved nations gressions in the world.
been able, through the demo- others; and of Europe apd Asia, which to the ideals, interests and as­ which he has continued to
resolution" by urging.' U. S. Ie- he is a co-sponsor of a bill cratic process, to achieve a Whereas these submerged tfiey demonstrated by spon­ This is why we believe that pirations of the Ukrainian peo­ dedicate his onorgy, his health,
gfel&tiihrthrou'gh "its branches tailing for the erection of a harmonious national unity of nations look to the United
soring the said resolutlop. 1 the passage, of the Resolution ple and especially for bis pa­ in fact his life to promote the
in Various" stales, and the statue of Taras Shevchenko in its people, even though they States, as the citadel of
Washington in recognition of also thank the President ojf the will greatly enhance the pres­ triotism, ' loyalty, ' sincerity, welfare of the Ukrainian peo­
Presklent, to enact such legis­ stem from the most diverse of human freedom, for leadership United States ' ^ho issued a tige and power of the United selflessness, and' humility with ple in their cause of freedom."
lation. UCCA delegates in л hie fervent belief in freedom
racial, religious, and ethnic in bringing about their libera­ Proclamatlbn of July 17, 195p States, as it will remind both
CACEED (Conference of Amer­ for air mankind.
icans of Central' hnd Eastern The Ukrainian C o n g r e s s backgrounds; and tion and independence and in designating' .tbjs week as the worlds the free and the en­
Whereas this harmonious uni­ restoring to them the enjoy­ ''Paptiv^ Nations Week" and slaved that it still is a cham­
Taras Shpikuia Receives Doctor's
European Descent) were also Committee of America was
very active and' instrumental represented at the ceremony
fication of the diverse elements ment of: their Christian, Jew­ iylio signed a congressional re- pion of freedom and independ­
of our free society has led the ish. Moslem. Buddhist, or other sojution providing for annual ence of all the enslaved and
Degree in Dental Surgery and
in ФеТ«*сїм^«!ог» of Щ legis­ by Dmytro Halychyn. Joseph
lation. '•" Lesawycr, Vasyl Mudry and people of the United States to religious freedoms, and of observance of the Week. persecuted, and a bAstlon Commission in Ц. §. Air fqres
Walter Dushnyck. and Svoboda possess a warm understanding; their individual liberties; and This resolution, which has and ultimate hope of mankind
"Captive Nations Week" Cere- by Ivan Kcdryn-Rudnytsky. and sympathy for the aspira Whereas it is vital to the na­ now b«cpme Public l^w 869,0 as a whole. Taras W. Shpikuia was
' mony in New York tions of peoples everywhere tional security of the United constitutes a great and signi­ It is with a sense of deep graduated from the Loyoja
Scroll Given to U.S. Legislator* and to recognize the natural States that the desire for lib­
The observance of "Captive ficant event in our relatiopb gratitude that our orgapiza- University School of Dentistry
Nations Week" in New York On Wednesday, July 22. 1959 interdependency of the peoples erty and independence by the with the enslaved nations lan­ tion pledges its support to yoy in Chicago on last June 10th
began last Sunday with a representatives of the ACEN. and nations of the world; and part of the peoples of these guishing in the tyrannical slav­ and to our government in fight­ with the'degree of Doctor ot
solemn Mass'at; Щ. Patrick's the American Friends of Cap- Whereas the enslavement of conquered nations should be ery 'of Communist Russia, be­ ing the communist encroach­ Dental' Surgery'' On the same
Cathedra*', with more than tive Nations and CACEED a substantial part of the steadfastly kept alive; and cause it clearly and definitely ments everywhere, as it firmly day he received his commis­
2,000 worshipers "attending. presented a scroll of recogni- world's population by Commu­ Whereas tbe desire for lib­ states that the United 'States believes that only a bold stand sion as a First Lieutenant of
On Monday, July 20. 1959 the tion to Sen. Paul H. Douglas nist Imperialism makes a erty and * indepedence by the Government and the American against Communist Russia the United States Air Force
Assembly of Captive European of Illinois, the original spon- mockery of the idea of peace­ overwhelming majority of the people as a whole have not for­ would enable us not only to and will serve in the Air Force
Nations (ACEN). the Ameri­ sor of the "Captive Nations ful coexistence between na­ people of these submerged na­ gotten these victims of Soviet maintain our precious freedom Dcnta) Corps stationed in the
can Friends of the Captive Week" resolution. Several tions and constitutes a detri­ tions constitutes a powerful Russian despotism and slavery. and security, but eventually it Ryukyu Islands after training
Nations and the Conference of other U.S. legislators were ment to the natural bonds of deterrent to war and one of Our organization, encom­ yould help the 23 enslaved na­ at Montgomery, Alabama in
Americans of~ Central and present at the ceremony in understanding between the the best hopes For a.just and passing the many millions of tions, enumerated in the Joint September.
E a s t e r n European Descent Washington. people of the United States ana lasting peace; and American citizens of Albanian Congressional Resolution, to Dr. Shpikuia wa 8 born m
(OA'CEED). 'commemorated ' Among the delegates was D. other peoples; and Whereas it is fitting that we Bulgarian. Czechoslovak. Hun­ regain their own freedom and
Chicago in 1936. graduated
"Captive Nations Week" by a Halychyn, chairman of CA- Whereas since 1918 the im­ clearly manifest to such peo­ garian, Estonian, Latvian. independence to which they, as from the St. Nicholas Ukrain­
flag-raiKing ceremony and the CEED who presented a short perialistic and aggressive pol­ ple through an appropriate Lithuanian, Polish. Rumanian God's creations, are fully cn- ian Catholic Elementary
reading Of a manifesto. The statement thanking U.S. legis- icies of Russian communism and official means the historic and Ukrainian descent, has titled. School. Austin High School
principal speaker at the cere lators for enacting the "Cap- have resulted in the creation fact tjiat' the people of the arid Wright Junior College.
mony was Sen. Jacob K Javits tlve Nations Week" resolution. of a vast empire which poses a United States share with them Dr. Taras W. Shpikuia
dire threat to security -of the their aspirations for the re­ District Committee of U. N. A. His sister. Donna, graduated
from Wright Junior College from' the St. Nicholas Ukrain­
UKRAINIAN AMERICAN NEWS United States and of all the covery of their freedom and
free peoples of the world; and independence: Now, therefore, Branches O r g a n i z e d in on June 24th and will go ian Catholic School and will
to Europe in September to attend a Chicago high school.
• Dr. Michael Kasha of Eli-attended the blessing of a new b e l t
Whereas the imperialistic
zabeth, N. J. received a prize Sports Field named for Het- policies of Communist Russia Resolved by the Senate and Youngstown, Ohio continue her studies at the Their parents are Taras and
of $50.000 from the Petroleum man Ivan Mazepa and a new have led, through direct and House of Representatives of YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. — On cipal speaker at the meeting, University of Vienna in Aus­ Mary Shpikuia, active parti­
Research Fund for his research Ukrainian Orthodox chapel at indirect aggression, to the sub­ the United States of America Sunday, July 12.1959 an organi­ who talked on the importance tria. She also graduated from cipants in Ukrainian affairs
Ip the field o f exact science. the Ukrainian Plast Camp at jugation of the national inde­ in Congress assembled, That zational meeting of representa­ and necessity of UNA District the St. Nicholas Catholic E- in the Chicago area. Taras
In addition. Dr. Kasha wea in- East Chatham, N. Y. Speak­ pendence of Poland. Hungary, the President of the United tives of seven Branches of the Committees. lementary School and the Shpikuia is a Supreme Advisor
vited as a Visiting Professor to ers at these ceremonies were Lithuania, Ukraine. Czecho­ States' is 'authorized and re­ UNA from Youngstown. Camp­ The following executive Mother of God Academy, a of the Ukrainian National As­
teach chemistry at Harvard. Messrs. Myroslav Sharko and slovakia, Latvia, E e t d n і a, quested to issue a proclama­ bell, Capton, New Castle and committee of the District Com­ Ukrainian High School in sociation' and Financial Secre­
He is Dean of the Chemistry Myroelav L a b u n k a. com­ White Ruthenia, Rumania, East tion designating the third Sharon took place with the pur­ mittee of UNA Branches was Stamford, Connecticut. tary of Branch 221, the largest
Department'of the University manders of the older and Germany, Bulgaria, mainland week in July 1959 as "Captive pose of establishing a District elected: president Peter Lish- When the Ukrainian Na­ U. N. A. branch, where the
of Elorida. younger Ukrainian Boy Scout China, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nations Week" and inviting chak, secretary of Branch 230 tional Association first organ­ entire family holds its mem­
Committee Of UNA Branches in
Ф On July 16. 1959 the Rev. camps, respectively. Dr. Jaro- the people of the United States the area. The meeting was in Youngstown; vice president ized the Ukrainian Cultural bership.
Dr. PAVIO Mysklv, Arcbiman- slaw Padoch, and Dmytro Ha- to observe such week with ap­ —Peter Babych, secretary of Courses*at Soynzivka in 1954, • The Canadian press gave
drito of the BasUfeui Qrder Jn tychyn; Rev. Yuri Mencintsky, • Professor Yuri Polansky, propriate ceremonies and acti­ presided by Michael Mushyn? UNA Branch 115 in Canton; both Donna and Taras were extensive coverage to the Sixth
Rome, pai(d a courtesy visit \o Ukrainian Catholic priest, i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y - k n o w n vities. The President is fur­ вку, president of UNA Branch secretary in Ukrainian—Peter members of its first student CongresH of Ukrainian Can­
$voboda a n < 1 the Ukrainian blessed the field.- The blessing Ukrainian archeologist. was ther authorized and requested 230 in Youngstown, while Ste­ Bury from Campbell; and sec­ body. Soyiudvka has become adians which was held at the
National Association.' fa*? was of the Ukrainian Orthodox appointed professor of ar­ to issue a similar proclamation phen Bury, secretary of UNA retary in English—Maria Sta- their favorite summer re­ beginning of July, 1959 in Win­
accompanied by' fcev. Orest Za- chapel was performed by cheology at the University of each year until such time as Branch 219 from Campbell, cbura, secretary of UNA Br. treat and ever since, they have nipeg, Man. A series of re­
seyblda, Provincial Consultor Archbishop Palladiy, of the Buenos Aires, Argentina. For freedom and independence was secretary. 348 from Youngstown; and repeated their visits aonually port* and editorials appeared
of the Basilian Order in the Ukrainian Autocephalic Ortho­ the past several years he has shall have been achieved for Mr. Dmytro Szmagala of treasurer — Mrs. Melania Vc~ either as students! employees in the various newspapers of
Uniter States. dox Church in exile, who was been conducting archeoioglcai all the captive nations of the Cleveland, Ohio, Supreme Ad­ rozhbyt. Mrs. Julia Voytbyych, or guests. the Dominion underscoring the
Mi- research"In'" the Andes, in the world. visor dfr the Ukrainian Nation­ of Youngstown, was elected A, younger brother, Myron. importance of the Ukrainian
• During July 18-19. 1959, assisted by Rev. Timofy province of Mendoza.
weekend hundreds of visitors nenko. al Association, was' the* prin- District UNA organizer." also graduated on June 7th ethnic group in Canada.
By CLARENCE A . MANNINO The following article is by John- Panchuk, general counsel for
Ukrainian newspaper published daily except Sundays. Mondays W e recently received a letter is doing more t h a n hie share,
b holidays (Saturday A Monday issms combined) • Qnec more the Secretary of secure from Mikoyan or Koz the Wolverine Insurance Co., .the Federal Life and Casualty Co., for his branch is a l r e a d y
by the Ukrainian National Association, Inc. and secretary of the latter firm. Mr. Panchuk is a keen student of from a fellow we "met" 25
at 81-83 Grand Street. Jersey City 3, N. J.
State of the p n i t e d S t a t e s a n d ! lov. European events with a special interest in Ukraine, where he has y e a r s a g o t h r o u g h T h e Week­ credited for exceeding i t s quota
the Foreign Ministers of Great Futility of S u m m i t Meeting anctitral roots. ly's Pen Pal Column. Cor­ of new members. If all of t h e
Britain and France have g o n e W h a t із the point of t h i s Mr. Panchuk is a former president of the Ukrainian Youth respondence h a d been inter­ officers of all of t h e U N A
Second Class Postage paid at the Post Office of Jersey City, N. J
to Geneva to e n g a g e in the meeting or a s u m m i t confer Ьсчіие of Sorth America and the United Ukrainian American rupted y e a r s a g o , but w a s re­ branches would follow John's
most costly, most fateful and e n c e ? T h a t is the question for Relrff Committee. He is a member of the Ukrainian National
established when we discovered example and g o o u t and g e t
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for Sectio most useless of all sports, the the free world t o a n s w e r . At AsstCiation.
that our Pen Pal w a s now new members t h e U N A would
1130 of Act of October з. I a n authorize*] July jrf, ІУІЙ task of negotiating with the the time of the ending of the secretary of a branch of the reach its goal of 75,000 l o n g
да— representative of the Soviet Berlin airlift, Stalin w h o real­
Union. Once more they are ized that further opposition
Ukrainian National
tion and we s e n t him a note. end.
Associa­ before t h e y e a r c o m e s t o a n
The Ukrainian Weekly starting upon an endless flow and insistence upon his ideas
On the morning of J u l y 8, European, which h a s the mis­
N o ! It w a s t h e o t h e r w a y a- J o h n readily a d m i t s that
1713, P e t e r the Great, Czar of fortune of h a v i n g R u s s i a for a
of verbiage, a river of oratory. would lead t o war, allowed the round — he read our column g e t t i n g new members involves
English Langiuige Supplement Muscovy, defeated Charles XII neighbor."
public and private, and all of a g r e e m e n t s ending it t o be a lot of traveling e n d time. B u t
of Sweden and his Ukrainian H i s o m i n o u s observations on and s e n t us a note. A n y w a y ,
them are confident in their made on the spot and did not after s w a p p i n g notes, we re­ he knows what he's doing. "I
Адреса: "SVOBODA", P . O . B o x 34C, JERSEY CITY 3, N . J . all;, H e t m a n Ivan Mazepa, in R u s s i a n potential over a cen­
hearts that it will be up t o seek a s u m m i t conference. ceived a long letter from him. don't mind w o r k i n g for a n
a short but decisive battle, tury a g o is written with over­
them to offer Khrushchev con­ Is it because K h r u s h c h e v •Our Pen Pal's name is John. organization t h a t m y f a t h e r
f o i g h t near the Ukrainian city t o n e s reminiscent of t o d a y :
"CAPTIVE N A T I O N S WEEK"— cessions, if they are to make alone m a k e s decisions? If so,
any progress in relieving ten­ why should t h e W e s t trust t o
of Poltava. "With a population exceeding He writes in a w a y which dem­
helped to build, t o g e t h e r w i t h
o n s t r a t e s that h e t a k e s his the late D m y t r o Kapitula, t h e
a t h e annals of f a m o u s world 6 0 million, all implicitly obey­
PUBLIC LAW 8690 sions and not perhaps heighten­ their fulfillment if he cannot
ing them. rely upon his subordinates to
ba ties, P o l t a v a r a n k s w i t h i n g t h e impulse of a s i n g l e rul­
position as secretary of a U N A late Mr. Chepa,
branch very seriously. "1 other pioneers. I realize t h a t
and many
such renowned battles a s Ma­ ing m i n d ; with a territorial
At the time of the preceding present his views and t o act would like to get at least 25 new members m u s t be had t o
On Friday, J u l y 17, 1959 President Eisenhower issued a conference the three Western under his supervision and on rathon, Chalons, H a s t i n g s , area of s i x million and a half
square m i l e s ; with a stand­ members by the end of 1959," replace the old. For, a s time
P r o c l a m a t i o n d e s i g n a t i n g the week of July 19 to July 26, 1959 powers had prepared a plan for his orders? T h e n it m u s t be Waterloo, t h e defeat of the
i n g a r m y eight hundred thou­ John s t a t e d in his letter. This marches on, it t a k e s their s o u l s
as "Captive N a t i o n s Week." At the same time he signed a solving Spanish A r m a d a and J o a n of
the entire German to satisfy his vanity and still- is quite a goal for John be­ to our Creator. It is up t o u s ,
Arc's victory over the E n g l i s h s a n d s t r o n g ; with powerful
congressional resolution providing for annual observance of problem. It looked well on pa­ more to humiliate the leaders their children, to s e e t o i t t h a t
at N e w Orleans. fleets on the Baltic and Black a u s e he doesn't live in a bigc
the Week. In s i g n i n g the resolution President E i s e n h o w e r per but it ran up against the of the free world by forcing S e a s ; with a skillful host of city and new members aren't
the U N A does nut falter a l o n g
The victory of Russian a r m s
called on A m e r i c a n s to "study the plight" of countries held hopeless obstacle that it looked them to do his will. diplomatic a g e n t s planted in e a s y t o g e t in his area. He
the w a y due t o lack of m e m ­
D o s t o y e v s k y in t h e Journal oier those of S w e d e n a t Pol­
captive by "imperialistic and aggressive'* Soviet c o m m u n i s m ; forward t o the creation of a tava established Russia a s a every court and a m o n g every
himself points o u t that there bership."
he a l s o urged t h e American people to "recommit t h e m s e l v e s unified and independent Ger­ of a Writer for J a n u a r y 1881. great E u r o p e a n a s well a s tribe; with the confidence is a n o t h e r U N A branch in the John's letter leaves the im­
many which would be free to summarized the position of
to the support of the just aspirations" of these peoples and A .-in tie power, w h o s e challenge which unexpected s u c c e s s cre­ area a s well a s branches of pression that t h e ' n e w m e m ­
decide its destiny instead of .Russia. "The nations (of A s i a ) o t h e r fraternal organizations, bers of today will h a v e t o ­
to observe "Captive N a t i o n s Week" with appropriate ceremonies accepting of necessity its role can have k h a n s and emirs, to • undisputed s u p r e m a c y in a t e s , and the s a g a c i t y which
long experience fosters, R u s ­ not to mention a g e n t s of vari­ morrow's problem' of g e t t i n g
and activities. in tfie new world that w a s be­ t h e y can keep in their minds bith s p h e r e s remains t h e prime o u s commercial insurance com­ more new m e m b e r s for t h e
concern of our o w n era. sia now g r a s p s , with a n armed
In s i g n i n g the congressional resolution President E i s e n h o w e r ing sponsored by the Kremlin. and imagination the threat of
* right hand, the tangled thread panies. But, although John has future of the U N A . And he's
accomplished an important act, inasmuch as the resolution The West w a s not prepared to England, at w h o s e etrength of E u r o p e a n politics, and issues been a U N A branch secretary right because the job of g e t ­
Peter's triumph at P o l t a v a
called on the President of the United S t a t e s "to issue a sim­ s a y "Take it or leave it" and they marvel—but the name of her m a n d a t e s a s t h e arbitress o n l y since 1956, he has had ting new members is never
a>sured R u s s i a a permanent
ilar prpelamation each y e a r until such time a s freedom and s o they temporized and com­ the White Czar m u s t stand access to the Baltic and Black of the m o v e m e n t s of the age." e n o u g h exjHirience to know finished. It has to g o on a n d
promised and offered new con­ higher than the k h a n s and that one doesn't g e t new mem­ on if the U N A Is t o g o on a n d
independence shall have been achieved for all the captive •
cessions about Berlin. T h e an­ emirs, higher than the E m p r e s s Seas and spring board b a s e s bers by wishful thinking. "I on. John hit the nail s q u a r e l y
n a t i o n s of the world." T h u s the resolution has become Public Interesting too is t h e par­
s w e r w a s an unqualified nega­ of India, higher than the very fcr w e s t w a r d expansion. found out that it's a w a s t e of oh the head when he s t a t e d : —
L a w 8690. In t h e continuous march of allel, a s drawn by Creasy be­
tive, reinforced by Khru­ name of caliph. Let there be time t o sit and wait for some­ "New members • m u s t be h a d
t w e e n t h e statecraft employed
T h e observance of "Captive Nations Week" began in N e w s h c h e v ' s sabre-rattling speech­ a caliph but White Czar is Muscovy, s o graphically de­ one to eome to y o u , " he writes. to replace the old." A n d , since
by t h e R o m a n and Muscovite
York last S u n d a y with a solemn Mass at St. Put rick's Cathe­ e s that the West would accept the czar of the caliph." T h i s scribed by Harold L a m b in a E m p i r e s for territorial expan­ "You h a v e to g o out and talk we're all g e t t i n g older, w e
book by t h a t title, the victory
dral, which w a s attended by more than 2,04)0 worshippers. his terms or meet with milita­ is the spirit that Khrushchev to people. One person actually must keep the U N A s t r o n g by
ry defeat. is trying to s h o w w h e n he re­ at P o l t a v a • rekindled the sion. Soviet Russia currently came t o me, but by going out
B i s h o p Griffiths delivered an appropriate sermon, while Car­ e m p l o y s the s a m e technique; g e t t i n g new members for w e
N o w the conference h a s re­ fuses t o m e e t — a l l o w even his dreams of Moscow's rulers of I g o t eleven members and as need these new m e m b e r s t o g e t
dinal Spellman presided at the Mass. Many American Catholic "The classic scholar will re­
assembled in an atmosphere foreign minister to carry on succeeding to t h e imperial
m e m b e r the statecraft of the m a n y promises." more new members for t h e
and P r o t e s t a n t bishops issued pastoral letters in their respec­
of hope that Khrushchev will meaningful negotiations w i t h glory of the B y z a n t i n e Empire. Roman senate, which took care John has the 9 g h t idea and future.
t i v e dioceses calling on their communicants t o observe "Cap­
make s o m e slight concession. the foreign ministers of the "Destiny" imposed on t h e Mus­ Thanks, John, for your
tive N a t i o n s Week." Most Rev. Ambrose S e n y s h y n , Bishop of G r o m y k o h a s uttered a few West. It is the proud s t a t e ­ covites Czar t h e duties of a in every foreign war to appear that is w h y he Hies already ob­
tained 12 new members for his thought-provoking c o m m e n t s .
t h e Ukrainian Catholic Diocese of Stamford, issued a special meaningless phrases which of­ ment that the world m u s t sure­ protector of the Greek Ortho­ in the character of protector.
. . . E v e r y s t a t e which Rome branch. T h e U N A is in the We hope our readers take t h e m
letter to the Ukrainian Catholic clergy of his diocese recommend­ fer hope but s*ay nothing def­ ly become Communist and ac­ dox faith and of reclaiming
ancient "Rue" territories. protected w a s ultimately sub­ middle of its 65th Anniversary as seriously and with t h e s a m e
ing that on Sunday, July 26, 1959 special M a s s e s be said for inite and the first task of the cept the dictates of Moscow a s j u g a t e d and absorbed by her." membership campaign t o boost spirit as y o u p u t t h e m o n
t h e suffering Ukrainian nation. Both the Ukrainian Congress optimistic foreign ministers is Kozlov even dared t o repeat in It is n o w o n d e r that, after
S o m e of the . c l a s s i c Russian the membership total t o 75,000 paper. E v e r y b o d y should think
Committee of A m e r i c a and the Ukrainian National Association to find whether, they can secure the United S t a t e s . the battle of Poltava, P e t e r
"protectorates" w h i c h she b y the end of the year, and seriously about our organiza­
any clear expression of w h a t U n d e r such c i r c u m s t a n c e s was flattered t o accept the new
issued special appeals calling on their membership and branches had absorbed in one form John is doing his s h a r e of the tion, the Ukrainian N a t i o n a l
those w o r d s mean. it is m a d n e s s and worse for title of emperor of "All R u s
to take active part in the observance of "Captive N a t i o n s or a n o t h e r a t various times job. A s a m a t t e r of fact, John Association.
Opinions still differ as to Secretary Herter t o dillydally sia" and monarch of Moscow w e r e : Poland, Courland,
Week" throughout the country. and Kiev, in addition to his
what is g o i n g to hapi>en. Presi­ at Geneva and e x c h a n g e m e a n ­ Livonia, E s t o n i a , Lithuania,
On Monday, July 20, 1959 the A s s e m b l y of Captive Eu­ dent E i s e n h o w e r after his ex­ ingless dinners and s p e e c h e s hereditary title of Czar.
Finland, Bessarabia, Wallachia
ropean N a t i o n s ( A C E N ) , the American Friends of the Captive perience at Geneva in 1955 still with Gromyko. There are far •
H i s t o r y w a s falsified then a s
and Moldavia ( n o w R u m a n i a ) . Russian Communist Masquerade
N a t i o n s and t h e Conference of A m e r i c a n s of Central and E a s t ­ w a n t s t o see s o m e t h i n g tangi­ too m a n y serious m a t t e r s t o Crimea, Georgia. Immeritia,
ern E u r o p e a n D e s c e n t <CACEED> c o m m e m o r a t e d "Captive ble before he e n t e r s a n o t h e r occupy his attention, p a r t i c u - |

of t h
t o g i v e color t o the claims Mingrella, T c h e r k a s s i a n and
e Muscovites.
In Vienna .
N a t i o n s Week" by a flag-raising ceremony and by the issuance s u m m i t conference which can larly in t h e Caribbean a r e a Caucasian tribes, Ukraine, in­
І П / 1 8 5 І Prof. E . S. Creasy
of a m a n i f e s t o . R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of t h e s e organizations, a s well be torpedoed in the s a m e way where revolutions, s e r i o u s and: cluding E a s t e r n Galicia, V o l h y - • •
• •

a s t h o s e of the U k r a i n i a n C o n g r e s s Committee of America if it does not reach conclusions frivolous, are breaking o u t published a book called T h e nia, n o r t h e r n Bukovina and (Editorial) • i . • <•-
11 D e c W v
in one country after, a n o t h e r J^*** « B a t t l e s of the
paid a special visit to the U. S. C o n g r e s s on Wednesday, July s a t i s f a c t o r y to the expansion Carpatho-Ukraine. A d d t o t h e s e
B e g i n n i n g Sunday, July 2 6 . ] ' The Vienna editors launched
of Communism. Prime Minis­ There can be n o doubt t h a V ^ & H d in which t h e pattern of the satellitee countries of Al­
22, 1959 t o thank the Congressional leaders for s p o n s o r i n g the
ter Macmillan, fired with that there is an upsurge of demo­ Russlan conquests, following bania, Bulgaria, H u n g a r y , Cze- 1959 a new Soviet Russian a campaign, known a s "Opera­
"Captive N a t i o n s Week" resolution.
same fervor for negotiotiona cratic elements in these coun­ t h e battle of P o l t a v a , is force­ cho-Slovakia, E a s t Germany, masquerade, the "Seventh tion Silence," which is intended
that led Europe into t h e dan­ tries but it is i m p o r t a n t now f u l l y described. "The succes­ and m a n y l e s s known Asiatic World Y o u t h Festival," is to prevent c o n t a c t b e t w e e n t h e
Error or Malice?
g e r o u s conference of Munich for the Secretary of S t a t e and s o r s of Peter h a v e one and all nations. scheduled to t a k e . ' place 1n participants of- thV festival a n d
During the ceremony, h o w e v e r , which took place in front in 1938, still hopes t h a t a sum­ his chief advisers to endeavor carried on a uniformly ag­ Vienna. S o m e 17,000 delegates the population of Vienna, a
Many of the named protec­ from 120 countries and thou­ g e s t u r e w h i c h m e t with t h e a p ­
of A C E N House, opposite the United N a t i o n s in N e w York, mit conference will do some t o find w h a t native e l e m e n t s g r e s s i v e and uniformly suc­
t o r a t e s recalled the historian's
the A C E N a r r a n g e r s of the ceremony committed a rather un good, even t h o u g h Khrushchev are involved and which a r e in­ c e s s i v e s y s t e m of policy a g a i n s t exclamation, "Woe t o the peo­ s a n d s of athletes, musicians proval of t h e entire free wortct.
Turkey and a g a i n s t every and a c t o r s are expected In Some 800 leading representa­
fair and politically inadmissible error, which m a k e s one wonder during Macmillan's visit t o spired solely by the C o m m u n i s t
Moscow, displayed the most desire to m a k e trouble and to Other state, Asiatic a s well a s ple w h o s e liberty depends upon Vienna. tives of "Soviet y o u t h , " in­
w h e t h e r it w a s inspired by their ignorance of the captive na the continued forebearance of
amazing tactics of insult and fish in muddy waters. The entire affair has been cluding s o m e 80 Ukrainian
tions problem, or simply by malice and s h o r t s i g h t e d n e s s . Al­ an o v e r m i g h t y protector!" jrganized with the utmost care boys and girls from Ukraine,
contempt. H e still feels t h a t Western statesmen are a t e them out of hand, on the
t h o u g h the ceremony w a s attended by r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of many • by t h e World Federation of are scheduled t o take part in
Khrushchev really w a n t s to re­ afraid of the reactions in their
other A m e r i c a n national g r o u p s , the A C E N a r r a n g e r s pro- lieve tension and accept some o w n countries and a m o n g the g r o u n d that conditions" have Creasy concludes his a n a l y s i s Democratic Youth, which is a the festival. All will speak and
ceded in c o m m e m o r a t i n g "Captive N a t i o n s Week" narrowing form of "peaceful changed. of Russian power politics in communist-front organization defend the Soviet s y s t e m a n d
co-exist­ neutralists if t h e y cannot prove
the number of enslaved nations to only nine "external satellites" ence." If there is to be a relief of s e n t e n c e s w o r t h y of General oiled and directed by Moscow. "peaceful policies" of Khru­
to t h e world that t h e y have
tension, the initiative m u s t be MacArthur: "Fear not modera­ A s such, it is an instrument shchev.
of t h e U S S R : Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hun Governor Harriman h a s add­ e x h a u s t e d every effort t o re­
taken by Khrushchev. He m a y tion; it is the only effective of Soviet foreign policy, and
gar)', Latvia Lithuania, Poland and Rumania. Y e t the Joint ed his stick to the fire. After a lieve tension and that t h e fault overplay his hand but t h e Although no Ukrainian
check on the ambition of such directed against the United
very frank and a l m o s t brutal for the ending of negotiations
Congressional Resolution explicitly s t a t e d : d a m a g e even then would be powers a s ancient Rome and S t a t e s and the whole free y o u t h organizations are taking
talk with. K h r u s h c h e v he is lies on Moscow. T o that end part in the Moscow-sponsored
" W h e r e a s t h e imperialistic policies of C o m m u n i s t Russia l e s s s e v e r e t h a n if the free modern Russia. T h e a m o u n t world.
convinced t h a t the latter is an they are tending to prolong gathering, eleven Ukrainian
h a v e led, t h r o u g h direct and indirect a g g r e s s i o n , to t h e sub arrogant and overbearing man the conferences, t o hope a g a i n s t world allowed him this time to of t h a t fear depends on the
j u g a t i o n of the national independence of Poland, H u n g a r y , and one w h o really w a n t s hope for s o m e condition that feel t h a t he had played cau­ amount of timely vigilance and American y o u t h organizations
Lithuania, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Estonia, W h i t e Ru- |)eace but is able t o over­ would allow them to satisfy tiously. It remains to be seen energy which t h e other s t a t e s Sweden and Turkey would in the United S t a t e s issued a n
w h e t h e r a real or symbolic choose t o employ against the have formed a north and east "Appeal" in the English, Ukrain­
thenia, R u m a n i a , E a s t Germany, Bulgaria, mainland China, play his hand for war and Khrushchev's demands with­
check m i g h t not be given to common e n e m y of their free­ axis with the smaller Baltic, ian, German and R u s s i a n lan­
A r m e n i a , Azerbaijan, Georgia, N o r t h Korea, Albania, Idel- m a y precipitate one. S o he out being regarded as appeas-
4iis ambition, if t h e West for a dom and national independ­ E a s t European and Balkan
Ural, Tibet, Cossackia, T u r k e s t a n and N o r t h Vietnam . . . " urges a summit conference ers. Y e t Khrushchev h a s it in g u a g e s which will be distrib­
c h a n g e stopped being so con­ ence." s t a t e s developing their nation­
In o t h e r words, in the A C E N - s p o n s o r e d ceremony in N e w or at a n y rate a meeting of his power to spin these so-call­ siderate of his feelings. It re­ If Russia had lost the battle al consciousness and political
uted in Vienna, w a r n i n g t h e
York, t h e following enslaved countries were omitted, despite him and Eisenhower, perhaps ed negotiations out indefinite­ m a i n s t o be seen w h e t h e r the of Poltava, the balance of pow­ independence, undominated and participants about the R u s s i a n
in the United S t a t e s because ly and if t h e y did s e e m to communist trap s e t in Vienna.
t h e fact that their strategical importance and the degree of M a y o r of Detroit w a s not more er in E a s t e r n Europe would "unprotected" by Russia.
personal acquaintance with the succeed there is nothing in the
e n s l a v e m e n t s u r p a s s e s that of some of 4 h e nine "satellites." United S t a t e s might give him code of Marx, Lenin and Sta­ effective in s h o w i n g Kozlov have kept Russia from men­ T h e text of the appeal appears
(Courtesy, Enquirrr and News,
U k r a i n e , White Ruthenia, Last Germany, mainland China. a better outlook than he could lin that forbids him to repudi- acing the peace and territorial July 8, 19r>9. Battle Creek. elsewhere in this issue of T h e
(Concluded on p a g e 3 ) integrity of other nations, Michigan) Ukrainian Weekly.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, N o r t h Korea, Idcl-l'ral, Tibet,
Cossackia, T u r k e s t a n and North V i e t n a m or fourteen distinct
a n d s e p a r a t e countries, which were enumerated in the Joint
C o n g r e s s i o n a l Resolution and which the A C E N deemed "unim­ PUSHCART TO FREEDOM " H a l t ! Halt.' Get back!" I heard s h o u t s behind me. [there and waited. One hour passed, another, and the redhead
p o r t a n t " t o include on their list as captive nations. " N u t s to y o u ! " I answered through m y clenched teeth | came out several times, g o i n g over again and again t h r o u g h
T h i s Omission w a s so flagrant that it prompted Sen. Jacol B y OLHA MACK and kept on m o v i n g slowly. his futile explanations. He showed us his watch, pointed t o
K. J a v i t s of N e w York, t h e co-sponsor of the Joint Con Translated from the Ukrainian by A d a m Hnldj I s a w that Mother and Mary were also following the cart, the rear, showed u s t h e w a y from the road down the e m ­
greseional Resolution, t o make the following s t a t e m e n t at the (26) a l t h o u g h t h e y protested just a while ago. Behind them, three bankment, but we did not understand a word of it. We kept
N e w York c e r e m o n y : begging him with g e s t u r e s to let us g o under the barrier. T h e
more p u s h c a r t s had broken through, and the Russian border
• T h e line broke out into a wave of protests and outraged Englishman shook his head emphatically, making denying mo­
"There are m a n y more nations enslaved by Soviet im post w a s in a uproar. One more minute, and we were before
s h o u t s directed at me, so that I had t o halt for a while. But tions with his hands. Instead, he now more often showed u s
perialism, behind the Iron Curtain which were not mentioned. . .' t h e British border post. Coming out to meet us, a tall red-
a s soon a s e v e r y o n e around me calmed down, I squeezed my­ the way down the e m b a n k m e n t , m a k i n g a large circle in t h e
S e n a t o r J a v i t s , departing from his prepared speech, said: haired E n g l i s h m a n emerged, spreading his a r m s and shout­
self through. G e r m a n women cursed and blocked my way, air.
" L e t ' s not forget the brave Ukrainian people behind the Iron ing s o m e t h i n g . We did not understand w h a t he said, but his
Mother and Mary a l s o said something, and I came to a halt. " U n d e r s t a n d ? " he asked with unmistakable reproach in
Curtain." He added that he is a co-sponsor of a bill calling for g e s t u r e indicated that he would not let us g o a n y further.
I stood still for a moment, visually selecting "the weakest "Nein. nicht understand."
t h e erection in W a s h i n g t o n of a s t a t u e of Taras Shevchenko I felt no fear this time, for I knew t h a t nothing bad
spot," and then pushed forward again. The E n g l i s h m a n ruffled his red top nervously, perspiring
in recognition of the adherence of the Ukrainian people to the
principles of freedom and the democratic s y s t e m of govern­ A f t e r a half hour of such maneuvers, I reached the very could happen t o us in the neutral zone in which we were now from his explanation, but in v a i n : we did not understand.
ment. head of the line. A s though on t h e palm of my hand, I s a w s t a n d i n g . T h e only w o r r y w a s M a r y : w h a t if her time had Finally, the friendly E n g l i s h m a n lost his temper. H e
the strip of the neutral zone and the British guards on the really come, and there w a s no doctor and no hospital in sight •,'rabl)ed the cart angrily and pushed it with all his might d o w n
W e hope that the A C E N realizes its g r o s s l y unjust and
other side. My God, how near! And t h e y would not let us I pointed t o Mary, bending and groaning, a t t e m p t i n g t o ex­ the embankment.
uncalled for political error.
a c r o s s ! Is it not a desperate s i t u a t i o n ? What irony of f a t e ! plain the situation t o the Englishman. It seemed t h a t the " U n d e r s t a n d ? " he shouted.
In conclusion, the p a s s a g e of the Joint Congressional Res­ E n g l i s h m a n understood and become v e r y worried. H e waved
"What are y o u planning to do, D a r i a ? " asked Mary. We still did not understand. W h y had he become a n g r y
olution and its signing by the President of the United S t a t e s hie a r m s even more energetically, pointing a t his watch, point
"Are you completely c r a z y ? " Mother w a s shocked. "Look 3iiddenly? W h y did he push the cart down t h e e m b a n k m e n t *
g i v e s t h e United S t a t e s and the free world at large a new at h e r ! She is g o i n g to run for it! A s soon as you m a k e a ing with his hand s o m e w h e r e to the back of him, a s k i n g all
I ran down, put our scattered t h i n g s together, and tried t o
and powerful weapon a g a i n s t the forces of tyranny and ag­ move forward, they'll shoot us down like sparrows—and that t h e t i m e : "Understand?
'athom the m y s t e r i o u s behavior of the E n g l i s h m a n . It ap­
g r e s s i o n . But, on the other hand, we should make sure that it will be the end of t h e t r y ! " "Yes, u n d e r s t a n d ! " T h e fact is that we did not understand peared that he had been giving u s good advice. B u t w h a t ?
s h o u l d not become a pawn or toy in the hands of those leaders But I w a s certain that the R u s s i a n s would not dare shoot a thing. I also pointed back at the Russian guards, pointed at The children ran down after me, t h e n Mary a n d Mother, and
w h o believe that the prerogatives of freedom and independence before the Britishers' e y e s . There w a s no fear of it now! It t h e children, Mother and Mary, and told him in German that
finally the other women a l s o pushed their carts down. I looked
s h o u l d be applied to certain enslaved countries exclusively. could have happened in Wittenberg or Luckenwald, but not here. I would not g o back. " U n d e r s t a n d ? " N o , the E n g l i s h m a n did up to the h i g h w a y and s a w t h a t the red-haired E n g l i s h m a n
b u t not to all of them. No. they would not shoot. At the worst, they might catch us not understand either. B u t the appearance of the children was standing there immobile, demonstratively turning his back
L e t ' s hope that next year's celebration of "Captive Na­ and turn us back. Thie w a s the worst that can happen to us. s p e a k s for itself in all languages. The redhead took a look at tn us. A s if to s a y "I s e e nothing."
t i o n s W e e k " will be held in an atmosphere of mutual trust and Thus, I decided to try it. them, shook his head, quickly went somewhere, fetched some
E v e r y t h i n g became clear t o me, and I began to laugh. W e
d i g n i t y , and t h a t all the enslaved nations will be given the Selecting an appropriate moment, when the guards were buns,chocolates, and o r a n g e s , emptied it all on t h e pushcart, had forgotten long a g o w h a t laughter sounded like; therefore,
a t t e n t i o n and recognition provided for by the resolution of the busy p u s h i n g the crowd back, I stooped and sneaked under the and w e n t a w a y . everyone looked at me with surprise a n d e v e n fear.
United States Congress. barrier, with the cart. T h e children a t e t h e buns and chocolates, and we stood ( T o be concluded)



EDITORS NOTE:7V»« following appeal, printed tn the Ukrainian,
English, German and Russian language*, will be distributed among
the participants in the Vienna "Festival":
ORGANIZATIONS IN THE WORLD Miss Barbara Skrobala of selves proud. It all took place
U. A. Vets Convention Y.C. Post 7 ) : U.C.C.A. Vice
TO PARTICIPANTS OF TIIE "SEVENTH WORLD YOUTH Yonkers, N. Y., winner of the around a campfire Friday
The N a t i o n a l Ukrainian President. — Tom Darmopray By DR. W. G. DANYLIW title "Miss Soyuzivka" of 1959 night. Many wet eyes were
FESTIVAL" AND STUDENTS IN VIENNA AND TO THEAmerican Veterans held their (Philly Post 1).
YOUTH OF THE ENTIRE WORLD і Address delivered at the Graduation Banquet of the Ukrainian spent a week's vacation here seen as young girls were say­
12th annual convention several Briefs last week. Miss Ala Nowycka ing their farewells.
The Ukrainian youth living of the youth of the enslaved weeks ago at the Soyuzivka, Student Club at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario)
I know I echo the thoughts who took second place was also There was some unusually
in the free countries of the and captive nations, aspiring Ukrainian National Association of the entire UAV organiza­ (5)
world and outside their home­ to freedom and human dignity Estate at Kerhonkson, N. Y.— tion wishing Walter Pelensky present. fine Ukrainian singing at the
land are following with keen In suppressing in the most and it was a fine success. During those great years for a state funeral. Hundreds A three piece combo or­ Thursday night Vatra by the
of Philly's Post 4, who did such Soyuzivka guests.
interest the masquerade that brutal manner every manifesta­ Over 250 delegates and a fine job as National Ad­ іе Ukrainian student changed of thousands of Kievans( took chestra led by George Cheme- Dr. Huk and son and Sofron
wjll be staged by the Com­ tion of the peoples to national guests (including many vet's jutant the past two years, a b a student uniform to the part in the funeral procession. rynsky played Monday night at
munist chieftains — the "Sev­ and social liberation, as for in­ children) thoroughly enjoyed speedy recovery from his ill­ uiiform of a soldier. He threw It was probably the most mov­ the get-acquainted social. Fediw kept the tennis courts
enth World Youth Festival" stance in Ukraine, Georgia, the themselves at this informal ness. As that old saying goes 11 his knowledge and ability ing funeral in the history of Hikers who took the 3/4 busy with some sizzling games.
in Vienna. і і .to the service of his country, our nation. Thirteen years mile hike to the waterfalls dis­ Under the aegis of engineer
Baltic States, Poland, Hungary country-type convention — and "A good man nowadays is Myron Lepkaluk a soccer game
We, the Ukrainian youth of and Tibet, the Communist were sure from the reaction of hard to find." Get well quick­ a id in that way passed the later, the student conference covered that the blueberries was organized and was well
America, are wholeheartedly leaders deceitfully declare that most of the -people present— ly, Walt! hkrdest examination, the ex­ held in Lviv in March, 1931, are the best they have been
for the friendship and coopera­ Jthey support the national libe­ that the UAV - will continue amination of political maturity. proclaimed January 29, as an in the past seven years cheered my enthusiastic spec­
tion of youth and students of ration movements of the peo­ with this resort-type conven­ Suggestions Hp often volutarily went to.the all-Ukrainian Students' Com­ Blueberry picking seems to tators, Sunday afternoon.
fifrat front lines to defend his memoration Day and since then be favorite outdoor activity St. Mary's Club from Mc-
the whole world; we are for ples of Asia and Africa. In tion as opposed to the more
free and direct meetings, for actuality they extend their en­ formal city-hotel type con­ I'd like to advance a few ntry against the approach- Ukrainian students all over of the older youth who knaw Kees Rocks, Pa. under the su­
exchange of thoughts and ideas slavement under the sign of claves. ideas in correcting some points enemy. the globe commemorate this exactly what to do with them pervision, of O. Holovatsky,
of the UAV which I think will As a most prominent ex­ Anniversary every year. after the're picked. spent the entire week at Soyu­
and for a competitive contest the hammer and sickle, under The UAV business sessions, zivka. Friday night the young­
of attainments; we endorse the Red banner, soaked in thewhich were well attended, were make the UAV a better organi­ ample, I would like to mention After four years of the What do you do on a rainy
common games and entertain­ blood of innocent victims. opened by outgoing command­ zation all-around. the students of the Kiev Uni­ War for Independence the afternoon in Soyuzivka? Well. sters sang and danced for the
ment. But we are irrevocably First, I suggest that the versity, who with their blood young Ukrainian Republic was Mr. and Mrs. Stecura, of Long benefit of all guests.
Youth of the World! We er Emil Senium. Major Michael We are still receiving com­
opposed to using the youth as shall not relate to you the Darmopray of Philadelphia, Commander or Chairman of the wrote the saga of defense of defeated; thousands of Ukrain­ Island City, Mrs. Carbon of
an instrument for the prop­ cruel and bloody history of the leading force and prime mover monthly meeting and the con­ their capital. ian students were compelled White Plains, N. Y., and Mrs. pliments on the fine violin per­
agandist ic and .political object­ enslavement of Ukraine, which in organizing the UAVets in vention fully prepare hif As the Russian troops were to leave their country. The McKeon made up a bridge four­ formance of Donna Grescoe
Saturday evening. Besides be­
ives of Communist Russia. We has claimed the blood of mil­ 1948, briefly outlined the his­ agenda well in advance and marching on Kiev, the univer- center of Ukrainian emigra­ some.
know what's what HO as to give uty and high school students tion at that time was Prague. ing a violin virtuoso she prov­
are for the recognition of the lions of Ukrainian victims in tory of the UAV and the many The children from the camp ed to be a most delightful
right of all peoples, including their desire for freedom, a- problems attached thereto in his full and undivided atten­ together formed a Student Czechoslovakia, where in 1921 j?nd' hotel were treated to a
the Ukrainian people, to a free mong the victime being thou­ its organization. tion at all times to the speak­ Brigade under the command the Central Union of Ukrain­ special showing of "Alice in show woman.
er who has the floor, instead of Student Omelchenko of the ian Students (CESUS) was The perennially favorite
life and national independence. sands of the youth and stu­ N. Y. attorney Michael Piz- Wonderland" in color.
of trying to "bone up" on tht founded, it resumed the Amor Orchestra tickled the
Youth of the World! We.ap- dents who are languishing to­ nak, chairman of the resolu­ next topic with a discussior Kiev University. This Student Incidentally, the Girls' Camp dancing feet of Soyuzivka
activities of the pre-war Na­
peal to you in the name of a day in the prisons and con­ tions committee, did a fine job with a fellow e" •""•tv" /*чгіщ Brigade met the more numer­ closed with a fine performance guests Friday and Saturday
with his group in coming up ous enemy on January 29. tional Union of Ukrainian Stu­
once-free people, now enslaved; centration camps of Soviet the meeting Mission. ""hi; dents. In the same year of singing, dancing, and skits in nights and will continue on
we appeal in the name of Russia. We shall only point with an appropriate set of res­ would make for a better meet 1918, near the small town of
of Kruty, north-east of Kiev CESUS was admitted to mem which the youngsters did them- through the season.
our brothers who are bludgeon­ out that in Ukraine and in the olutions regarding the UAV's ing, being easier to contro
They battled tenaciously. The bership in the Confederation
ed into silence by, tb,e Russian other countries enslaved by earnest desire to make our and which would move faste:
barbarian; we appeal to you, Russia, there is not even the great country strong in oppos­ and more smoothly. :nemy suffered heavy losses. Internationale des Etudtant*
as sons and daughters of the most rudimentary form of ing the Russian hope to rule Vhen the ammunition of the (CIE), which had a similar
Ukrainian land conquered by freedom- nor any respect of the world—plus resolutions on Joe Sheremeta, of Philly': Hudent Brigade ran out they function during the period be­
violence and treachery*- ruse human rights. other UAV matters. Other com­ Post No. 4. on the whole dk truggled on in hand to hand tween the two World Wars as
the International Student Con­
and the armed might of Mos­ Keep this in mind, Youth of mittee chairmen also reported, a fine job on reservation: rombat, until only a few were ference has now. By becom­
cow. We appeal as those who the World! Consider it well, as did UAV representative to (showing what a little pre eft; but their death became a
ing a member of CIE, CESUS
were compelled to leave our and see for yourself what is the UCCA, Tom Darmopray, convention preparation will do> ymbol of heroism to all future
had an excellent opportunity
homeland and seek refuge and behind the Communist prop­ and good discussions followed. but we'd suggest that once J :enerations of Ukrainian stu-
freedom elsewhere. We appeal aganda and the peace-loving On the overall balance sheet, convention reservations chair lents When the enemy re- to carry out propaganda foi
the Ukrainian cause and to de­
to you as those who know from slogans of the Russian ag­ we can safely state that head­ man is selected, all reservation, reated before the advancing
fend the rights of the Ukrain­
their own bitter experience the gressor and enslaver' of na­ way was made in veterans be honored with replies as Jkrainian armies in the spring
duplicity of Russian slogans tions. matters by the UAV at this once, no matter how earh »f the вате year the bodies of ian student againut the oc
they're made. he members of the Student cupants of Ukraine before r
and promises, who know the And having learned and rec­ convention.
true meaning, of mendacious ognized the true nature and A couple of years ago, th< Jrigade were brought to Kiev world-wide student body.
The combined Connecticut-
Russian Communist declara­ .deceitful aims of Russian com­ New York vets turned back UAV decided not to hold thei.
tions on peace and friendship munism, you, the Youth of the the Pennsylvania-New Jersey convention on Father's Day s<
among the nations. We ap­ World, will join us and stand forces in a 5 inning softball as to eliminate possible inter Helen Perozak and J. Smindak Girls enjoying their meal in the camp dining room at Soyuzivka.
peal to you; we do not in­ with us in the struggle against game by a score of 3-1, in ference with celebrations о
stigate, sway or persuade you, the most dangerous enemy of featuring sport director Tony that nature. This year tin Wed, Spent Part of Honeymoon
but we remind you how the truth and human freedom the Kucher's program.
convention Sunday was Fath
Walter er's Day. In the future, thu In Kiev Annual Holy Name Communion
Communist tyrants suppress world has ever known. Steck was the winning pitcher practice should be eliminate!
every revolutionary upsurge and Walter Bodnar was the and we suggest the i960 Con Breakfast
New York, July 1959. Helen Perozak of Brantford. ian Weekly and former editoi
loser. vention committee start worl Ont. and Joseph Smindak' of of The Ukrainian Trend; Jo
MEMBERS OF THE COORDINATING CENTER On June 14, 1959, the Holy! sky. recording secretary; Mi­
After the game, Canadian on this now.
Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America; Minister of Labor Michael Brooklyn, N. Y. recently re- seph Smindak is a former pre Name Society of Sts. Peter! chael Kawoczka, correspond­
Executive Board meeting: urned from a three-week sklent of the Ukrainian Youtl and Paul Ukrainian Catholic ing secretary; Peter Mikula,
Ukrainian Youth Organization "Plast"; Ukrainian American Starr, a Ukrainian, gave an in­ should be held at the head
Youth Association; Young Ukrainian Nationalists — "MUN"; formal talk to the vets at the quarters of various local posb lorieymoon trip to Austria, League of North America Church of Jersey City held Marshall; George Gratson, Mi­
Federation of Ukrainian Catholic Students "Obnova"; Society Main House. He stressed the and should coincide with loca Czechoslovakia Qnd Ukraine. Both of them are very activt its annual C o m m u n i o n chael Hrynik — delegates to
of Ukrainian Orthodox Youth; Ukrainian Student Association vets fine work during wartime social affairs whereby the ex Яга. -Smindak їв a former As- in the Ukrainian Americar Breakfast. The members in a Hudson County Holy Name
for National Solidarity 'Zarevo"; The Mikhnovsky Ukrainian and stated that all the world's ecutiyea. could.meat,and mi; OCutfe Editor of The Ukrain- youth circles. p-oup received the Holy .Eu­ Federationc Joseph Bilas and
Student Society; Association of Ukrainian Democratic Youth; people owed gratitude for the with the local rank and file, o: - '.fjJI.V" Following their wedding on charist and renewed the Holy Thomas Lnsuk—alternate dele­
Ukrainian Youth League* of North America; Union of Ukrain­ vets many great sacrifices — the all important
jgafe June 6. 1959 in Brantford N'ame pledge at the 8.00 A.M. gates to Hudson County Holy
ian American Sport Clubs. and urged continued good work (Note: my Newark, N. J. ЦАЛ ine .Work on behalf of our Ontario. Canada, the couph Mass. Following the Mass, the Name Federation.
on behalf of the world's free Post No. 6) will sponsor thei> leedy vets, ріеале send your flew on a Lufthansa plane t( nembers descended to the Distinguished speakers at the
(and enslaved) peoples during annual Fall Dance at the Clul lonations. large or small, to: Vienna, from where they wehf .•hurch hull and partook of a breakfast were Very Rev. De­
BACK TO GENEVA peace-time. tatheto Pope, Welfare Fund to Prague, Czechoslovakia anc" hearty meal, prepared by some metrius G. La Puta, C.S.S.R,
Diana on Springfield Ave. if Officer —UAV Welfare Fund then to Kiev, capital of Ukraine ti the members' wives.
(Concluded from page 2 ) from St. John the Baptist
The banquet was well at­ Union, N. J. on Friday evening ! Eait 79th Street, New York, They remained in Kiev for £
what the Detroit situation was gle foot of territory that is tended and convention chair­ September 11. 1969 K John Procyk, Jr. performed Ukrainian Catholic Church,
M. Y ; • • days and only a half hour at the duties of toa8tma8ter and Newark, N. J. and John Bar-
than the bankers and auto­ free now and that it will never man Martin Horby of Philly The above suggestions arr
mobile manufacturers who en­ recognize the seizure by Mos- Post No. 4 did a fine job in made purely in a constructive ЗицІ prior to leaving after the airport in Lviv. nstalled the following newly ston, Ukrainian lawyer from
Their impressions and ob elected officers: New York City.
tertained Kozlov and spoke cow of any non-Russian ter­ organizing this phase of the manner in order to strengthen he convention, hew Command-
servations will be summerized Walter Sakula, president;
hopefully of good relations. It ritory that is free now and that convention. the UAV—as we feel that і •r George Wolynetz played Co-chairmanshop of the
remains to be seen whether the it will never recognize the seiz­ lost at an impromptu meeting in two articles by Helen Smin Michael Pawelko, 1st vice pre-
The Johnson City (N.Y.) St. strong UAV organization haf it hie quarters. George related dak. which will be published udont; Paul Cenko, 2nd viee breakfast was shared by Mi­
sudden refusal to let Vice ure by Moscow of any non-John's Ukrainian Orthodox a very definite and importani .hat he would work "like the n The Ukrainian Weekly be- nresident; Myron Pello, finan­ chael Pewelko and Henry Syby.
President Nixon go to Moscow Russian territory whether In Church group covered them­ role to play here in America.
would not be more expressive Europe, Asia or Africa. iickens," along with his ex- ginning with the issue of next cial secretary; Walter Butkow- Thomas Lasuk
selves with glory when their Briefs 2cutive board, to correct any week.
and potent for peace than for The time came when the fine choir (30) voices) sang at Newly elected Junior Vice
President Eisenhower to yield West had to make up its mind the banquet and later just be­ Commander Meron Kaxbiwnyk and all items that need correc­ ___. . • ' > . JVHY BE ON THE OUTSIDE? J O I N THE UKRAINIAN

and go to Geneva. that Hitler did not mean when fore the regular dance began, (and his lovely family) and 1 tion, and would like to meet ON YOUR READINQ LIST: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION T O D A Y AND READ ' T H E
At the present time the he said that he was seeking their fine folk dance group, renewed acquaintances. "Mac" ind speak with as many Uk­
world has only Khrushchev's nothing more. It allowed him of little tykes to adults, per­ and I first met at the organiza
words as a pledge that the to -overplay his hand. Today formed at the club-house tional meeting in April 194! sible He also urged everyone to
rainian Veterans posts as pos­ MOSES UKRAINIAN WEEKLY"!
- b y -
Kremlin wants peace. It does it is within the power of the pavilion. The pretty (natch— at the Newark Sitch Home and )ack his administration to the IV AN FRANKO ' - ^ ? ' М Л ^
not have a single known con­ West to take a final stand and they're Ukrainian) ullest for the UAV can make
dancing later spent much time togethei ts presence felt if all groups
cession, a single withdrawal or let Khrushchev see that he has gals performed on bare feet— at the first UAV Convention in
alteration of any Moscow's but the two choices—to nego­ a rather unusual feat—or is it Philly in May 1948.
demands, a single acceptance tiate honestly or to make his unusual feet? Incidentally, Mac, a brother-
worked together.
translation of
All Ukrainian-American vet­ the great Ukrainian poet, whose
anniversary was observed lasi
of a denial of the free world will known and carried out by Father Frank Lawryk, the in-law of outgoing Command erans posts who wish to learn month. — Price o! book 50r
of any of his claims. He can force. That is a hard decision Johnson City spiritual director, ег E. Senkow, is a bulwark as Order from: at KERHONKSON, N. Y.
well boast that the Soviet for the free world to make but who with his charming wife, a Jack-of-all-jobs at the St erand should write letters of
Union has alone presented a if the Geneva negotiations are teaches this fine group and Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox nquiry to: Commander George "8 V О В О D A" is accepting applications for
plan for peace and Communist to succeed, the West must prepares them for their many Cathedral in Philly. He also •Volynetz,National UAV Head- 83 Grand Street
success and that the rest of make it clear that it is ful­ good will appearances through­ does a tremendous job in re martere, 2 East 79th Street, JERSEY CITY, N .J. 1. The Children's Camp
the world does nothing. He is ly prepared for either choice out New York state and sur porting, writing, publishing New York, N. Y. open to children from 7 t o . 11 years of age
right for the free world should by Khrushchev. That may rounding areas, deserves a and mailing out Post No. 4's
make clear to all /concerned give him a new idea of "peace­ great deal of credit and ap newsy publication, Four Poster • for BOYS —
that it will not abandon a sin- ful coexistence." plause for their group's out Nice going, Mac and Philly from JULY 19 to AUOUST 9.
Attention! Attention!
standing work in gaining rec­ Post No. 4! 2. The Ukrainian Cultural Courses
DONALD A. SPRAGUE FRANK DECKER ognition for the Ukrainian Newly-elected Senior Vice- ROCHESTER • AUBURN - MANCHESTER • for GIRLS & BOYS —
people. I might add, as UYL- Commander Tony Kucher re
SPRAGUE and DECKER, Inc. NA Sports Committee member, lated to us that he'd like tc from AUGUST 9 to SEPTEMBER 3.
INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE that this same Johnson City see the UAVets meet more
group has also won 4 national than once a year—socially and
A DISTRICT COMMITTEE between 16 and 21 years of a g e .
Telephone: 2300 ЕПЄПУШЄ, N. Y. UYL-NA basketball titles and otherwise—to keep the organi­
they field an outstanding soft- zation closer together. Inciden­
MEETING Address all applications to:

ball team in their "triple-cities^' tally, Tony's wife, Stella OF U.N.A. BRANCHES UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ESTATE
area, for a well-rounded activi­ kept score and recorded the OF ROCHESTER, AUBURN. MANCHESTER
There's Nothing Like ties program. Well done, John­ hits, runs, errors, at-bats, etc. will be held
Tel.: Kerhonkson 5641 Kerhonkson. N. Y.
son "City, N. Y.! in the softball game in pro­
A Dance Here is the 1959-60 slate of fessional style. Sunday, August 2, 1959, at 3.30 P.M.
officers of the UAV: Command­ Joe Paslow, my successor as
at SOYUZIVKA ! er—George Wolynetz ( N Y C UAV historian, had a number
Application For A d m i s s i o n
831 Joseph Avenue — ROCHESTER. N. Y.
KERHONKSON, New York Post 7 ) ; Sr. Vice-Commander of good suggestions as regards TO THE
Anthony Kucher (Hartford, the UAV and its member posts All Officers, Members and Convention Delegates of the
Conn. Post 14); Jr. Vice Com­ Joe, the commander of the following Branches should be present: Ukrainian Cultural Courses,
DANCE mander — Meron Karblwnyk Troy, N. Y. Post 16, was with 36, 38, 202, 217, 269, 283, 285, 289, 316, 340. U.N.A. ESTATE, KKRHONKSON, N. Y.
(Philly Post 4) Finance Officer his lovely wife and sisters. 343, 367 and 437. August 9 to September 3 , 1959
Every Friday and Saturday —Walter Steck (New York We had the honor and
City Post 7 ) ; Chaplain — pleasure of working on the
1. Formation of District Committee of UNA Branches and
Joe Lopushanski (Philadelphia welfare fund committee with adoption of By-Laws. Name . .
A SPACIOUS DANCE PLATFORM OUTSIDE Post No. 5 ) ; Judge Advocete Ruse Kolody of Troy and Wel­ 2. Election of District Officers and Auditing Committee.
—Wasyl Plaskonas (Hartford, fare officer Mathew Pope of 3. U. N. A. Jubilee Campaign. Address
THE CLUBHOUSE. Conn. Post 14)-; Quartermaster New York. Both Russ and Mat­ 4. Plans for UNA 65th Anniversary Celebrations.
0 —JamesGreenday (Philly Post ty had their lovely families Present at the meeting will be:
Age Member of U.N.A. Branch ,
2); Historian—Joseph Paslow (all girls) there for the conven­ JAROSLAW PADOCH, Supreme Secretary of UNA.
Music by the (Troy, N . Y . Post 16). Other tion, and like the rest of the and • Ability to speak Ukrainian, slight, fair, good. •
officers are: Welfare Fund—• crowd really hated to leave
"AMOR" Orchestra Matthew Pope (NYC Post 7 ) ; for home.
WILLIAM B. HUSSAR, UNA Supreme Advisor.
Enclosing deposit of $
(Total Pec for the Courses Is $120.00. A deposit of haH of this
Service legislative officer— Mi­ Incidentally, if any readers are invited ?to attend. amount ts required with Application.)
— FINE ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM — chael Piznak (N.Y.C. Post 7 ) ; wish to contribute to the UAV
Adjutant—Steve Berchuk (N.Welfare Fund which does mich Ш»ФФФ0ФФФ*+ФФФ0ФФ*Ф»ФФф0Ф0ФФФОФввФ0ФФЇІ&ФШ*в+0ФФФФ9ФЄФвфві00вЛ

* * ) * •


В ДНЯХ 19-20 ВЕРЕСНЯ 1959

Рік VI
СТРИБОК ВГОРУ Легкоатлети на старті
ч. 5 (54)
Одною а точок легкоатле­ хової ноги. паралельно з ла­ Старанням легкоатлетич­ 3. А. Навроцький (Ч. Крила­
тичних змагань на Мазспин­ тою. Це проводить до пово­ ної ланки СУАСТ-Схід і Т-ва тих) — 6JB с!
ському здвнгові молоді, що роту всього тулуба стрибуна. Прихильників Оселі УРСоюзу
,КУЛЬТУРВДИ ОБМГН" відбудеться у вересні в Ню 2. Та сама вправа, але з Стрибок у довжінь: 1. Я.
Норку, с стрибок угору. Ця приземленням на поштовхову відбулися 20-21 червня перші Лешко — 19Д5 CTJtf, %Ір.
Популярний від деякого ча­ і вломлюються до твердині спо- спортова конкуренція, як і ногу та рукн. Прн цьому спор в цьому сезоні легкоатлетич­ Йсч?т (Плай) — 1В.03 ст..
гу культурний обмін між не­ | ртової ідеї, заснованої на тиг кожна інша, вимагає' доволі товець переходить лату ле­ ні змагання при участі 20 зма ї. к. Навроііькоб (Ч. {Срчла-
вільничим совстським та віль­ І сячилітній традиції Олімпій- тренінгу, при чому важливим жачи. гунів, що заступали Ню Иорк тих) —"ЇТ,79 ст? ' ' • **

ним світом розпочався в спор­ j ськн.ч Ігрищ, політрукн-аґіта- є опанування вже при пер­ Після того, як учень, тре­ (Пластова "Станиця. „Нота
ті багато скоріше, як у інших I тори і фахівці злочинної робо ших стрибках належної тех­ нуючись у стрибках способом Крнлатих”-Курів,ь Стрибок угору: 1. Ю, Йост
Ві.тьма Рудольф скрутила собі ногу в бігу на 100 метрі* ніки. Українські тренери, що старших — 5 стіп 6 інч., 2. Я." Деїпко
ділянках життя. Несподіване | ти. Більшість провідників спо­ „перекат", навчиться робити
рішення червоної Москви ви­ рту країн вільного світу не жінок і сходить з біжні стадіону на Фргнклін Філд у Фила- можуть похвалитися десятком сильний мах маховою ногою пластунів, УВТС „ Плай"),
силати своїх спортовців на О- здас с»бі ще справи, до чо­ делфії при помочі співзмагунів ЗЛА. Вона зайняла чет­ спортовців-стрнбунів, які по­ та правильно виконувати по­ „Ньоман”-С.Рівер, „Воркут"- нншнн (Я. Крилатих) т - 4
лімпійські Ігрища після дру­ го ведуть їх нерозважні кро­ верте місце в бігу на 100 м., але першою була таки її това­ долали висоту 2 м., поруча- штовх, можна приступати до Порт Амбой. Змагання -відбу­ ст. Щ іяч. * ” ”
гої світової війни було почат­ ки, які допомагають комуніс­ ришка, ргіціс.и-ніанг ЗЛА, Барбара Джонс, яка пробігла 10) ють такий приблизно тренінг опанування „ перекидного ” лись в групах чоловіків4 ю ^ -
ком культурного обміну, а в тичним обманцям кривдити та метрів за 11.7 секунди стрибка угору для початків­ способу. Є два варіанти цього Куля: 1. Ю. Иост — .46,
дійсності тільки продовжен­ обдурювати залюблену в спо­ ців: способу стрибка: перехід че­ ків; заплановано також зма­ 97' стіп., 2. Яночке (НьомаК)
ням у зміненому вигляді зло­ рті молодь. Молодь, яка за­ Приступаючи бо ^посеред - рез лату обертанням та здій­ гання і для жінок, але на ста­ U 33,3 ст., & Ю. Коваль,(Ч-
чинного обману большевика- хоплюються не раз самими ньо до навчання групи нова­ снення стрибка з використан­ рті стала лише .'.. одна зЦа- (Срйяа,тнх) гт 33г24 с*.~•**•* '.;
ми вільного світу. Совстський спортовнмн осягами, часто за­ Легкоатлетичні змагання ЗДА—СССР ків стрибкам угору з розбігу ням „нурка". Оскільки досвід гунка.
Союз, який від початку свого буває, про дійсні цілі та зав­ способом „перекат", інструк­ переможців ХУІ О. І. пере­
існування бойкотував Олім­ дання спорту. А чейже не Чоловіки: Мет ратищем: тор знайомить спортовців з конливо довів, що раціональ­ Змаганнями керувала комі­ т'Ьі, 2-ю:
пійські Ігрища, влаштовуючи можна називати спортом тре- 1. Лл Кантслльо 262 ст. 5 технікою виконання стрибка ним с перехід лати з обер­ сія у складі: інж. Грнцай,
Кіг на 100 метрів: цалів, 2. Віктор Цибулсвк», шляхом особистого показу. танням, наводимо методичну А. Навроцький, О. Савоико,.ІГ. ІІ4.И су.
різного роду ..робітничі олім­ сурн вибраної з-поміж міль­
піади", пішов уперше на доро­ йонів горстки спортовнх тала­ 1. Рей Нортон 10.3 сек., 2. 3. Володимир Кузнсцов, і. Потім новаки з метою опану­ розробку лише цього варіанту Скоробогата, Т. Школьннк.
Булавка ? 1. Домово*'
гу культурного обміну в спор­ нтів при повній неґації вихов­ Боб Пойнтер. З .Леонід Вар- Бастер Квіст. вання техніки поштовху та Перші дві вправи комплек­ Ви слід змагань: мая) — 319,32 ct,>3-3 Йеібт
ті. І тоді, коли західні Олім­ них завдань спорту для всієї тенів, 4. Едвін ОзолінІ маху виконують такі вправи: су тут спрямовані на опану­
Стусан кулею: І Коваль — 206,50, ст.
пійські Комітети строго сте­ молоді. Чи спорт на службі Біг на ПО м. через плітки: 1. Перрі О'Брясн 63 ст. 2 і з 1. Стрибок через лату з вання виходу стрибуна вверх ЮНАКИ
регли аматорства своїх спор- злочинних змовників проти цаля' 2. Дсй Дейвіс, 3. Ігор прямого розбігу. Під час по­ під час поштовху. Без цього •Біг• навпростепь: ЇМ. Коо-
товців-учасннків Ігрищ, від­ вільного світу мас місце се­ 1. Гейс Джонс 13.6 сек., 2. Тср-Овенесіян, 4. Віктор Ліа- штовху тут необхідно зосере­ правильний перехід через ла
60 ярдів: 1. Б. Бартко (Пла ЧИИСЬІ ,кн'й”-'о:Ь; 1 - £ в.
ред культурного
мовляючи їм цього sa най- ного своїм виховним напрям­ спорту, вір­ Лі Калгун, 3. Лнатоль Михай­ сніс. дити увагу учня на здійснен­ ту неможливий.
Була*'(^ КриЛати*^ 4 ' Ш | і І
менщнй промах, ..субсидова­ кам? лів, 4. Микола Везручко. ні максимального маху рука­ 1. Стрибок з розбігу в один ст) — 7.2 сек., 2. М. Коп- — ЗГ їванбв (Беркут) —^ІВ,в
ний" державою СОВСТСЬКИЙ Мет молотом: ми та маховою ногою. Під час крок (без лати). Техніка чинський (Пласт), 3. Ю. Ва-
Завдяки останнім догово­ Біг на 10.000 м.: 1. Василь Руденкои 219 ст. виконання стрибка тулуб стри виконання поштовху та маху сько (Беркут). — 4. 3. ІІЇпЬК Й:' ГнвтЙІко;
спортовець, ЯКИЙ за спортові
одягн діставав фіктивну по­ рам про культурний обмін ма­ 1. Алекссй Дгсятчіков 31 2 цалі, 2. Гсролд Коннеллі. 3. Руна повинен знаходитись у тут буде така: прн поштовху Стрибок у довжінь: 1. М.
О. Славка:' f <*7*W?
саду і ставав членом уприві- ли ми нагоду побачити вже хв 40.6 сек.. 2. Губерт Парна- Мнхаїл Крнвоносов, 4. Бобвертикальному пол о ж1 є н н і. лівою ногою права рука стри­ Гінці 4x85 ярд.: 1. ( І Крв-
ленрваної Kacnj совстських і в твердині вільного світу — ківі. 3. Макс Труекс, 4. Боб Бакус. При переході через лоту по- буна в момент завершення по­ Копчинський (Пласт) — 17. л а т и ? ) — 4і,2,свк.,^. „ЇШст/
громадян, став до змагань j З Д А не о д н о г о троян Сот. Ьітовхова нога підтягається штовху повинна знаходитись 02 стіп, 2. Ю—Васько (Бер­
зі спортовцямн — аматорами ського коня: совстських тан­
Мет диском: Під себе, а потім вільно опус­ значно вище, ніж ліва (тобто кут) — 16,81 ст.'”З. Б. Бартко — 4L8.
цюристів, співаків і врешті а- Гінді 1 х 100 м.: 1. Ал Ертер' 188 ст. 9 па­ кається. Приземлення здійс­ мах правою повинен бути си­ (Пласт) — 14,95 ст. По змаганнях роздано на­
вільного світу. лів, 2. Володимир Ляхов, 3. нюється на поштовхову ногу.
тлетів. Кому потрібний цей 1. ЗДА 39.8 сек.. 2. СССР Отто Григалко, 4. Перрі 0'- льнішим, ніж мах лівою.) Стрибок угору: 1. Ю. Вась­ городи, що їх і&рбуімЖ Ко-
І тут в спорті вперше зла-j культурний обмін — нам яс­ 40 сек. Брасн. 2. Ця ж вправа виконуєть­ Змах маховою ногою робить­ пчийськйй. (біг'навп|>оетоа>)
комився легковірний вільни*| но. У кожному разі не віль­ ся з косого розбігу. ся з таким розрахунком, щоб ко — 4,875 ст., 2-3. Б. Барт­ — Перехідна чаша'Прихиль­
світ Иа облудні заяви Моск-| ному світові. Шкода тільки, Марш на 20 км.: у момент закінчення поштов ко, Ю. Кулчинський.
ви про бажання не тільки спі-[ що західні народи і держави 1. Володимир Голубничий
Жінки: Цими вправами доцільно по ху стрибун обернувся на па­ Куля: 1. Б. Бартко — 32, ників 'Оселі УРСоюауТІ ",,Ч-
чинати взагалі всі тренування льцях поштовхової ноги при­ 78 ст., 2. М. Копчинський 27, Крилатих' ' (гінці*, тим' jite
віснувати, але й культурно) не хочуть скористати з досві­ 1 год. 38 хв. 20.2 сек., 2 Ана- Біг на 100 м.: на кожному етапі навчання.
співпрацювати. Поодинокі го-1 ду українців та інших понево­ толь Ведяков, 3. Рудольф Га- близно на 45 ступнів уліво 67 ст., 3. Ю. Васько — 24 ст. Т-вбк уфундовані чаша в 300
Наступне завдання — на річчіі ^ябтрїі”ської"перем^гн
лоск у Міжнародному Олім-| лених Москвою народів. Ве­ луза (ЗДА), 4. Фрсд Тімко. 1 Барбара Джонс 11. 7 сек., При цьому дуже важливо
пінському Комітеті про сум­ лика шкода, бо ця наука до­ 2. Віра Крепкіна, 3. Галина |вчання переходу через лоту
— здійснюється за допомогою
щоб тулуб стрибуна зберігав Диск: 1. Б. Бартко — 74, гетьмана Г.' Внговського '• н”ад
нівне аматорство совстських сить коштовна. Вона дорожча Біг на 400 м. через плітки: Попова, 4. Вільма Рудольф. вертикальне положення. При­ 42 ст. ,2. М. Копчинський — Мбскздн?). * * -^ f "*•. фп
таких вправ: землення відбувається на по­ 63,55 ст. ”• '
спортовців не знаходили під­ за мільйони доларів, дорожча 1. Джош Калбрет 50.5 сек., Гінці 4 х 100 м.: 1. Виконуючи описану ви­
держки серед обдуреної біль­ за ціну миру, бо вона може штовхову ногу. Змагання відбулдся в пряд-
шосте членів Комітету. Так коштувати Захід втрату нео- 2. Дік Гавард, 3. Юрій Літу- 1. СССР 44, 8 сек.. 2. ЗДА ще вправу, під час приземлен­ 2.Така ж вправа, але з роз ЧОЛОВІКИ *т> т о в а р и с ь к і й ' Д о с і ю й .
само, наприклад, не знайшло­ ціненої свободи. св, 4. Алексей Кленін. 45 сек. ня повернути стопу поштов- Треба над^тУед, щр Ц наЯ-
бігу в 2-3 і більше кроків. 60 ярдів: 1. Я. Лешко (Ч. ^ " ж ^ й ? імагадня^ і
ся недавно хоч би декількох Спеціально в роки великих Біг па 200 м.: 3. Те саме, але після пош­ $р
л р є д с тавників поодиноких роковин українського 'досві­ Біг на 200 м. , Крилатих) — 6^6 с, 2. В. Бу­ %рку сган.& н а ф О т і більлїе
1. .Ран Нортон 20.7 сек., 2. товху підгорнути поштовхову
країн у Комітеті, які зуміли б д у з Москвою з часів Хмель­ 1. Люсінда Вілліямс 23.4 цова 2 хв. 11.3 сек., 2. Любов ногу під махову так, щоб п*я ла (Ч. Крилатих) — 'в,8 с, чнслЬ Молодих легкоатлетів.
протиставитися намаганням ницького. Внговського, Ма­ Венс Робінсон, 3. Леонід Бар- сек., 2. Ізабел Дсніслс, 3. Га­ Январева, 3. Грейс Бучер, 4. та поштовхової ноги знаходи­ *ч • • • - . » - .
червоної Москви та Пейпінгу зепи і останніх визвольних тенів, 4. Едвін Озолія. лина Попова, 4. Нона Поля- Ліліян Ґрін. лась під коліном махової, а ко
виключити з членства Олім­ змагань цілий цей обман ку­ Біг на 800 м.: кова. лІно поштовхової було попер .
пійського Комітету представ­ льтурного обміну непокоїть
ників вільного Китаю. Пщ нас і примушує пригадувати ' 1. Том Мирфн 1 хв. 48.5 сек. Біг на 80 м. через плітка:
Стрибок угору:
1. Таїса Ченчик 5 ст. 10 нуте назовні. Приземлення ро Коли люди не йдуть до В Ф В . . .
галас заяв про аполітичність світові про Переяслав, Пол 2. Джером Волтерс, 3. Васі- цалів, 2. Галина Доля, 3. Ав биться на махову ногу. При Довгі роки минають від ча­ виті закарпатці", в цершія
1. Галина Бистрова 11 сек., правильному виконанні впра­
спорту та про право на член­ таву і Крути та багато інших лій Савінков. 4. Абрам Кри- 2. Галина Грінвальд. 3. Вяр- на Флнн, 4 .Лина Роніґер. ~ ви тіло стрибуна обертаєть­ су, як українська Спортова шпальті,, рядінг 4 fc 5 . , в » і у
ств* в М. О. Комітетг'кожно- злочинних дій облудної і кри- вошшв. бара Міллер, 4. Шірлі Крав- Стрибок вдопжіпь: ся у повітрі на ІвО^О сту Централя Америки й Канади нвдруковаир,; „ ^ і і м а а й й ,
го державного, ба навіть ко- вавоГ Москви. Біг на 1.500 м.: дер. • • 1. Віра Крепкіна 20 ст. З пнів. пгюгрлрснл^а кампанію здаг ЙР,аДІ. організован:оедв & Дис­
лоніял ьного, народу знову (вс) І.Дайрон Барлсон 3 хв. 49. Біг на 800 м.: цалі, 2. Маргарет Метюс, З 4. Те саме, але перед при гань за Відзнаку ~«ЙзнтеоІ ципліни івсі аапМ талан^яЩ)
4 сек., 2. Джім Греллі. 3. Єв­ Валентина Шіпрунова, 4. Ві­ земленням випрямити поштов Вправности — а наші спорто­ являються afloa ...< в чужому
геній Момохков, 4. Євгеній Со­ 1. Людмила Лнсенко Ціев- ллі Байт. хову ногу і приземлитись на ві клюби, секції і молодечі ор­ возі!... ,. ?
колов. обидві ноги.
ОБІЖНИК СУАСТ-СХІД Мет ратищем: 5. Такий самий стрибок ганізації в переважній біль­ Згадане місце, без першої
Біг на 5.000 м.: 1. Б. Калсдін 181 ст. 8 ц., але виконаний через встанов­ шості ведуть себе так. начеб­ перетинки, май звучати: ,,...
Футбольний турнір юнаків 2. Алевітіна ИІастітко, 3. лену на невеличкій висоті то не їхне варилося—н/9 їх­ без .Таланту праці, (таланту)
1. Олександер Артимюк 14 Мерджорі Ларні, 4. Амелія пліток.
1. Футбольний турнір юнаків 22 змагуни. хв. 17.8 сек., 2. Петро Болотні- нє пеклося!.. opraifkQBHHoCTH й (талачтуі
Вуд. 6. Виконання стрибків „пе­ Що до людей таки можна д и с ц в п л ^ асі' н^ші тиутаилр
ля першість Делеґатури УС- 9. Змагання відбудуться си­ ков. 3. Бил Делінґен, 4. Лю
ЦАК - СУАСТ-Схід за 1959 р. стемою рундовою. Стейґліц. Мет диском: рекидним" способом. достукатися з ідеєю ВФВ, на - Ч- л- ; v
відбудеться в днях 15-16 се­ 10. Одна зустріч триває 2х Гінці 4 х 400 м.: 1. Ніна Пономарсва 181 ст. Кілька слів про найбільш те доказ: Пластова організа­ P-Hft. «ww
1 і V4 ц.. 2. Євгенія Кузнсцо- характеристичні помилки під ція за один з пунктів-умов
рпня ц. р. на ,,Союзівці", Кер- ЗО хвилин. - . . I . J Щ ..,,'
гонксон, Н. П. 11. Черговість зустрічей
1. ЗДА 3 хв. 7 сек., 2. СССР ва, 3. Ірлен Бравн, 4. Памела час переходу через лату. успішного складення третього
Каррел. Найсерйознішою з них с пе­
2. Господарем турніру с вильОсовустЬся до табелі: при ПІг навпростець 3.000 м.: редчасне опускання махової пластового екзамену поклала „ Черннк-Львів ” (Клівленд)
УСК „Союзівка". Кергонксон. 1-ох дружинах: 1-3, 2-1, 3-2. 1. Семен Ржищнн 8 хв. 51. Стусан кулею: ноги за лату. Спортовцеві здобуття Відзнаки Фізичної
3. Дружини, учасники тур­ 1 1 , 2-1. 3-1; при 5-ох дружи 6 сек.. 2. Володимир Свдокі- J. Тамара Прес 55 ст. 6 і необхідно пам'ятати, що ця Вправности. Теніс
ніру, будуть забезпечені ніч­ нах: 1-5. 2-і. 5-2. 1-3. 2-1, 3-5 мов. 3. Фил Колсмсн, 4. И цаля, 2. Ірлен Бравн, 3. нога є віссю, навколо якої Пластунам: Скоб! А до ін­ 9 суботу, 4 липня в Детрой­
лігом та прохарчуванням. 1-З ч 5-4. 3-2. 4-1. Джордж Янґ. Людміла Жданова, 4. Шсрон обертається тіло стрибуна над ших запит: чи не можуть ^а- ті відбулася Дружиноні' зма­
Щепперд. латою, а передчасне її опус­ ку постанову винести всі на.-
4. Початок турніру в субо­ 12 Про черговість місць рі­ Стрибок угору: кання затримує це обертання. ші молодечі організації?'... гання між місцевим „Черин-
ту 15 серпня ц. р. о год. 1-ій шає кількість здобутих ТО 1. Роберт ІПалаккідзе 6 Десятизмаг чоловіків: кр^" і „Львовом", з Кліалел-
по полудні. чок. У випадку рівної кіль­ ст. 9 цалів, 2. Еррол Віллі- 1. Василь Кузнсцов 8.350 то Чи не можуть наші спортові ду. Господарі, з асами, як Ко­
5. Зголошення про участь косте точок рішас краще від­ ямс. 3. Ігор Кашкаров. 4. Чар- чок, 2. Дейв Едстром 7. 599 клюби заявити спо}м чиннніі роль, Годів (обидва чемпіони
у турнірі надсилати не піз­ ношення воріт. При рівній лз Дюма. всі 6 ст. 9 цалів) точок, 3. Майк Гсрман 7.026 „ЛЬВІВ" ЗДЕГРАДОВЛШІП змагунам, що передумовою їх­ УСЦАК!) панували яаХ гос­
ніше 10-го серпня ц. р. на ад­ кількості точок і воріт — про Стрибок в довжінь: точок, 4. Ігор Тср-Овенесіян Футболісти клівлендського ньої дальшої участи в змаган­ тями. Що в добавок виступили
6.853 точки. „Львова програли в чемпіо­ нях с здобуття ЙФІ?.
ресу господаря турніру — У- місця рішатиме жереб. І.Греґори Бел 26 ст. 7 цалів без Нсбеша б Гурпва. Вислі­
СК „Союзівка" —- Юкрснісн 13. У турнірі .зобов'язують 2. Ігор Тер-Ованесіян. 3. Джо У цих міжнародних зма­ натах Огайо підряд 1:3 проти Нам дуже цікаво, як до та­ ди: Король-Древаицький.в:З,
Нешенел Естейт. Ксргоксон,Н постанови Делеґатури УСЦ- Віллі, 4. Олег Федосесв. ганнях знову виступали укр- Дж. Б. Ю., 0:3 проти Ст. Сгі- кої пропозиції повтавляться 6Ю; Воробкевич — Гі>абець
И., на руки п. Кваса; копії АК — СУАСТ-Схід. їнські спортовці під фірмою С- фенс Ганґсрісн СК, 2:4 про­ наші молодечі організації й б,:І,,б:Ої.Годів^ Капустявхь-
Стрибок з"тичкою: ССР, яких частіше звали росі­ ти „Польонії" та 1:4 проти наші спортові клюби. З такої кнй 6 ;0. З; 6, 6:4; Король Ми-
зголошень переслати до СУА- 14. Першун закваліфікусть-
СД-Схід. на адресу: 'Mr. М. ся до дальших розгривок за 1. Дай Бреґ 15 ст. 2 і ^ янами, та мусіли здобувати Мевсфілду. З пунктами 8:20 чи іншої їхньої постави мож­ коденко-Древацькнй; Капус-
цалів. 2. ВЬлбдимнр Булатов, с л а в у Москві. Петренки і воротами 30:39 ,,львов'яни" на буде зробити висновок,
Bojcun. 1120 Lamberton St. першість УСЦАК. 3. Ігор Петренко, 4. Рон Мор- Цибуленки, Лисенки, Артем- опинилися на передостанньо­ хто там кого й куди насправді тякськнй 6:4, 0:2. Юиьйоря:
Trenton 10. N. J. До зго­ 15. Управа СУАСТ-Схід до­ ріс. юки, Голубничі, та багато ін­ му, сьомому місці табелі-Мей- в е д е . . . СЦаль —' Гениш ф і / Л в Ш ;
лошення обов'язково залучи­ ручає своїм членам провадити ших українців, як також пред джер Дивіжин, Огайо і, згід­ —• Ростовнч — Ю. Попель-в Л
ти спис, з поданням віку учас­ дальшу підготову змагунів до Трискок: ставникн інших національно­ О. Ганський 6:0^ СливИа — Р. Еакоиський
ників. участи в Мазспинському 1. Константнн Цнганков 52 стей у большевццькій тюрмі но з постановами ліги, мусять, Нррр-реф. УСЦАК 6^4, в:2*;ХЗмаль, Роспсов'нч —
в. Участь у турнірі можуть ЗдвизІ Молоді, що відбудеть­ ст. 4 цалі. 2. Іра Дейніс, 3. народів — спортовці високої разом з ,,Шенфілд Іншуренс- Гребець, Гуйннщ 8:1, б:1'.
браги товариства — члени ся в Ню Иорку. Олег Федосесв, 1. Гсрман Перрі О'Брасн , представник кляси, а тому їхні осягн вар­ ом", зійти до нижчої Першої Г
Сто”укс. Прошу, прошу: без коми!... (41.Н.)
Делеґатури. 16. Футбольний турнір за ЗДА в стусані кулею, під час то відмітити, висловлюючи дивізії (теж „Пропаганда на­

легкоатлетичних з м а г а н ь при цьому надію, що й вони шої справи"! — прим, скла­ В числі 4 „Українського
7. Участь у змаганнях мо­ першість СУАСТ-Схід перших колись зможуть змагатися як дача).
жуть брати лише члени зго- дружин відбудеться у серпні крок чоловіків, жінок і юнац­ ЗДА — СССР, коли він здо­ вільні спортовці під іменем Спорту", з 1*3 червня, трапи­ 1884 — 19JS
лошених Товариств. и рямцях Мазепннського Здвй був новий світовий рекорд ося свого рідного краю. Причиною безпрецедентної лася маленька , а проте вДніІ- в? років и» службі ч я е я я я
тва відбудеться наприкінці
8, Товариство може виста­ гу Молоді: докладну програ­ серпня ц. р. Час і місце по­ гом "63 стіп та 2 f i/j поля, Кінцеве точкування чоло­ в історії нашого спорту в ЗДА ненька друкарська помилка: 1
" * f Р Д р » І ? — Oraaaftr*
вити до змагань дружину, зло му подасться окремим комуні- дасться згодом. цим самим побивши свій до­ віків: ЗДА — 127 точок. СС­ деградації клівлендців було кома-перетинка в' непотрібно­ и> в І і е Г я н ' м к ч я е а а ш ш
жену з 15-ти змагунів, а до катом. теперішній світовий рекорд на СР — 108 точок; жінок.СССР повне нехтування тренінґами му місці... Українського 'Народаото7
цілого турніру не більше як' 17. Перший плавацькнй Управа СУАСТ-Схід пів цаля меншин 67 точок, ЗДА — 40 точок. збоку змагунів (О. Н.) В моїх споминах „Працьо­ - • - Ооизу} « -v •.--•*

яг Т7Г
них зовсім не згинають колін. вається „трнкроку на місці" ловою и . . . протилежною ча­ вгору, зап яток черкаючи зем (нога мусіла тягнути м'яч, лу ревйка доторкнутн зап'ятий
ПРАЦЬОВИТІ ЗАКАРПАТЦІ Коло м'яча ці люди ходять як (цей трикрок найкраще випо­ стиною тіла (присядьте в лю на ліву сторону — „нав­ ком згори — хай би собі хтось другої ноги.'
дерев'яні, пічно зпбувають (до вняти, підбиваючи м'яч нав­ слушний мент і накрийте неір паки"). І так само всі подачі був дозволив яа підхмарний, ""^иенер Мазал був зокрема
(Як тренувала ,.Русь”-Ужго-род) переміну обидвома ногами,
тягнути) „задню" ногу, про м'яч! . . . — і починалися пасін- крайніша досередини. Ціль: некритий м'яч, не кажучи вже „пес." на'пункті „високого стрі
(3) підношення коліна в час стрі­ прн чому кожний удар пови­ ґи-подачі стріли на довгу від­ заадресувати докладно лег­ про,,кікс" . . . ) , а напасники л е н
нен бути виконаний після від л Р я" серед доросту. Невмо­
Високошр>*бована фізична ІІНІ іп« він утече)! . . . Спро­ лу (необхідне для НИЗЬКОГО даль.. Покищо — все в ста­ кий м'яч (стріляний простим йшла стріляти на ворота.'”Пе- лима засада звучала: „Єще
кондиція була необхідна для буйте перемаршуватн так хоч лету м'яча) вони не чували рахованого трнкроку: раз-два тичній формі, без бігу. Коли ,,рістом" являє, собою важку редумова: м'яка нога, що де­
-три (удар), раз-два-три (у- едиов взгуру. а уж то буде по
важкої технічної муштри. би вздовж довшої лінії кар­ не знають.Вимуштруваний те­ ж статична техніка була ви­ кулю, яку нелегко перелови­ ржить тягар тіла, м'яка й кл,
Спробуйте „зважити" собі на ного поля (якщо м'яч внрветь хнік ходить коло м'яча так дар) і т. д. черпана, до голосу доходила ти й „небезпечно" брати, нап. тренінгу...."
що стріляє. „Стрілецька", під
одній нозі ..порожнім місцем" ся зависоко, здоженіть ного свобідно. як коло вірного пса Сирий змагун, що попадав кінетична, динамічна чн тех­ на голову), та не зарізати
на такни тренінг,, був здиво­ час удару, мусить носиком ч$- (Докінчення буде)
„черевика, між підбиттям і за­ і знесіть униз ударом стегна. (і „навпаки"!. За кожним м'я­ ніка в русі: пасінґи в двійку власного партнера (маркова­
дертими вгору пальцями но­ чи н грудей! . . . Зробіть собі чем такий змагун шле звіль­ ваний ствердженням (на влас
ній шкірі), що техніка футбо­ й трійку, з задержуванням ний чи „фальшований" нале­
ги) м'яч 80-100 разів — і з партнером 200-300-500 го­ нену в суглобах ногу ((її ,,за­ м'яча й без задержування, жно м'яч іде до нього, ба, жде
побачите, якої фізичної кон­ ловок (добрі техніки відбива­ микається" тільки про зударі ліста виконується з суглоба УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ СПОРТ
чи т. зв. „кістки" ноги — по­ на найкоротшу й найдаль­ його). Подачі без задержуван
диції для того треба (крижі. ють тисячі разів)! . . . з диким суперником), кожний U K R A I N I A N SPORTS
дібно, як техніка тенісиста, шу віддаль між змагунамн. ня (стопінгу) мусіли бути
литка підпірно і ногн( ! . . . Трикрок, доскок і техніка в старт, кожний стопінг і стріл Всі подачі — зокрема без за­ добре криті (дослівно, дав­ Сторінка Союзу Украіясько-Лиерюажсмш Спортовжх
Спробуйте вдержати в повітрі супроводяться непомітним до- чи піиґ-понґіста, з суглоба
„кістці" руки. держування м'яча, мусіли бу­ лені до землі) внутрішньою Товариств (Схід) — Даяеґатурв <УСЦАК
•— не вище колін! м'яч, скоком ..задньої" ноги (необ­
Тренер Мазал звергав бач­ хідним для вдержання рівно­ ти виконувані маркованими частиною „дальшої"' чи зов­ Редагуй Колегія
вдаряючи ного порожнім міс­ Техніка кінетична ударами збоку м'яча (на .пра­ нішньою „ближчої" до м'яча
цем" черевика, навпереміну ну увагу на ходження до м'я­ ваги тіла й контролі м'яча). Адреса РедаицП: Dr. Е. ZarekyJ
правої й лівої ноги (тільки на ча і з м'ячем. Зверніть увагу Довгі кроки до м'яча скоро­ А потім стопінги всіх ро­ ву сторону правою зовніш­ ноги".
давайте м'ячеві пальцями ног на футбольних початківців, чуються до иайкоротших прн дів—на аемлі, в повітрі, чере­ ньою або лівою внутрішньою В закінчення тиловики діс­ 800 Е. 6th Street, Now York 3, N. J,
ротації-„кручення" до тіла — чи самоуків — більшість із і м'ячі, коли за правило вжи­ виком, стегном, животом, го­ стороною стопи, пальці ноги тавали свої вправи —відколи T«Li Algonqvta * Ш 8

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