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Raphael: The Energetics of Love Are Available

Greetings, It is I Archangel Raphael, I have come forward from the Celestial Realms at this time to add to the message delivered by Yeshua. Our realm is very present now to those who will listen to the guidance that we want to give to you. We also bring forth Light templates that will assist you in creating humanitys ascension. In order to receive what is being offered, it is important that you know more about your Sacred Heart and the value of operating from this holy center that is within you. Your Sacred Heart is your most important center from a physical as well as a soul perspective. It is where you receive the Light and Love of The All That Is, and where you create in full alignment with the wisdom of your soul. When you cultivate a conscious awareness of this center, you begin to know yourself more intimately as a light being. Through the Love and Light of Source, some of the old programming of unworthiness and separateness begins to be replaced by selfvalue and appreciation. This has been a difficult concept for humanity to receive and embody. The programming of separation and unworthiness that was held in place by stable energetics of the 3rd dimensional matrix obstructed the love that has always been given to you. Now, with the dawn of a new era, and the beautiful, fluid love energies of 5th dimension that are readily available, all who are willing to receive these are able to create a totally different state of being. Through the love that is present within your Sacred Heart, you can begin to see yourself differently and create a center where you can always find peace and

harmony regardless of any outside events. This center is only a breath away and is accessed through your conscious attention. This is so important during these times of change and transition that are playing out on Earth today. You must stay centered and in your heart so you can replace fear and judgment with the power of love. This enables you to create powerful solutions to the problems that daily face you. Know that you do not do this alone. Many of you have called us forth and asked for our assistance and guidance. We are here in force; we Angelics and the Master Realm are honored to be part of this vast creative effort. We bring many light frequencies and templates to assist you, as well as guidance and teachings that will make you a more effective creator within form. The solution to the fallen state of consciousness in the realms of form must be found within form itself. You, as a creator embodied in a form, are an integral part of this reclamation. We can assist you, but you are the ones in a body and so you must create the solution. You must eliminate the fear and the polarized thinking, and most importantly, you must reconstruct your self-image so that you can see the beautiful light being that Prime Creator created you to be. Even though your consciousness fell to a very dense level, the fact that you are a being of light created in the image of the Creator has never changed. You are that. The dense matrix of the 3rd dimension caused you to forget that you are the light and love of Source exemplified in form. In the coming times, we will give you specific guidance on how to reawaken your awareness and see more clearly your light. We of the Archangelic Realm have many duties that were given to us by Source ,and we are masters of the energy that is used in all of creation, both physical and nonphysical. I, Raphael have been charged by Prime Creator to hold the integrity of the vast energetic templates of Love for all of the creative realms. I do so with great honor, and I take my duties very seriously. Another of my functions is that of healing all misalignments that are a result of creative attempts that were out of alignment with the original schematic of creation. Prime Creator directed us to establish the original intent and templates of Love

when humanity was able to receive it adequately. That time is now. As we progress in these teachings, you will soon learn of the power of the Element of Love, and that it is much more than an emotion or feeling. Now I wish to assist you in aligning yourself more with these energies by giving you some concepts and energetics to practice and integrate. First, as I have said, Love is a vast energetic template, which has many components such as sound, light and color codings. It will be most beneficial to you to begin to access some of these energetics, and this can only be done through your conscious presence [SS1] in your Sacred Heart, for this is the fertile ground from which you are able to receive these energies. Your Sacred Heart holds a much higher frequency range, [SS2] and is not limited by the effects of denser thinking and realities. So you can see how beneficial it is to go to this center often each day. Consciously breathe yourself into this center and rest in the love that is available to you. When you have rested here for a few moments, begin to feel my presence as I bring forth from my Sacred Heart to your Sacred Heart some of the love codes that are held within the color green. First feel the essence of this coding as you receive it and fill yourself with them. Feel the coolness and the fluidity of the green codes as the love in your heart expands to encompass you. This begins to create an energetic foundation for you to begin to change your perspective of yourself, and begin to see your beautiful soul essence. When you are able to see this more fully, you will have a conscious image of yourself as being light filled. From this awareness, you gain respect, value and love for yourself. You see it and know it. The energies of the green coding are very valuable to you in altering the false image that you have held of yourself throughout eons of time spent in a fallen state. Because the green coding is so fluid it is all encompassing and easily integrated into your physical body, which is mostly liquid. As you breathe in the all-encompassing energy of the green, visualize it becoming part of all the fluids in the body, especially your blood. As the fluids of the body receive and carry the energetics of the green code, they bathe all parts of your physical body in love, nourishing you and

healing you from many misaligned thoughts and feelings of the denser realities. Allow yourself, your emotional body, and your mental body, to receive the healing qualities of the expansive green energetic codes. When you receive and use the green codes of love, you begin to think, feel and create from a different state of consciousness. You have aligned yourself with the Element of Love of Prime Creator and now have the conscious awareness of yourself as that love. In this state of consciousness, you will notice that your reactions lessen and that you have more patience with those with whom you are in relationship. You begin to have compassion for those who are still bound by denser realities, and most importantly, for others to follow, because you have opened a pathway of love and healing. It must start with you first, and then from you an opening is created that allows for a different reality to be put into place one that has its foundation in love. Go to your Sacred Heart often throughout the day and breathe in the green codes of Love that I am constantly projecting into your energetic field. Receive the emotional healing that is being offered through these energetics so that you can see the light that you are. Thank you for receiving me today. Know that I am with you to support and guide you. Blessings, Archangel Raphael Change your opinion

Greetings, It is I Kuthumi, Change your opinion of yourself and you will change your reality. What do I mean by this statement? How you view yourself most often is based on outside influences and others opinions rather that an interior knowing that comes from your heart. When you constantly look to the exterior world for verification, your view of self is skewed because it is formed by someone else, not you. You are the only one who can form an opinion of self. That right belongs only to you. It was given to you when you chose to embody and experience yourself as an individualized expression of The Divine. So why do humans continually seek verification from others? Because it is part of the paradigm of the separation game of the 3rd dimension where there is limitation and continual judgment. Your body is a 3 rd-dimensional vehicle. A new era is dawning. It is a time of great change. Love and unity consciousness are the foundations of this new era of the 5th dimension. This consciousness starts with you. Through the urging of your soul, you are called upon to see the beauty that God has created in each one of you. Prime Creator does not create anything that is outside of His/Her own reflection or image. You can only see your true nature by entering your heart and accessing your soul.

Others will tell you that you are not good enough or that you cannot measure up to what they expect of you. Your soul will never tell you this. It has no false expectations because it knows of the great love and light that is within your heart. Now is the time for you to be willing to see what God created in you and express it to the world. You came into this world with talents and abilities to use in creating your experience in form. You cannot use them if you do not know of them. Being quiet and looking inside of yourself will help you see and gather the true information that you seek. Others in the outside world cannot help you here. Some of you came with great skills in science and mathematics, some in the arts, some in teaching and some in healing. Even though these gifts and abilities relate to your physical world, they are gifts that help humanity grow and prosper. But what about your spiritual gifts? Consider the love, the open heart and the compassion for others that you have. Have you noticed the intuitiveness that you possess and that inner knowing that always leads you correctly when you are willing to listen? Have you bothered to notice when people want to be with you because they enjoy your presence? This is because you emit a very special light of your soul and a loving essence. I am sure that you can see many more gifts if you will take the time to look. Observe how you navigate your daily life. Observe when you use your special talents and abilities. Be willing to see your beauty and how you share it with others. This is how you gather the information that forms your opinion of self; it is not from someone else. Your inner knowing grows through self-awareness. Soon you will begin to see that you have value. When you value yourself, you begin to see all of the qualities that make you so unique. Self-value is the first step in changing that long held belief that you are less than. If you have value, how can you possibly be less than? When you see your value, you begin to like yourself and you begin to approve of yourself. This is the first step toward actually loving you. Many have difficulty saying that they love themselves. They can love others but are resistant to

owning they could love themselves. This is a program that has to be changed if you are to function easily within the 5th dimensional constructs that are built on unity and love. There is a dissatisfaction brewing within many of you because your soul is leading you to change. It is urging you to be quiet and to look within at your beauty so that you can exemplify it in your outside world. When you create from your strengths and abilities you change your reality and your experience of the world. You then operate from your authentic Self, rather than from anothers opinion or reality. There is peace and harmony within you because you have honored yourself by seeing the beauty that God created in you. The moment you are willing to alter the opinion that you hold of yourself is the moment that you change both your interior reality and your exterior reality. Blessings, Kuthumi Embrace Your Center of Peace

Greetings, it is I Kuthumi Let us talk about the importance of finding a space each day to connect to who you are. In this space, you will be able to expand your viewpoint that you are light. You were created in light and this is your true essence.

In these days of turmoil and confusion, it is easy to become immersed in the chaos of the collective consciousness. To eliminate the possibility of taking in this disruptive energy, you must create a space within yourself that is calm and centered. When you create from the center of your Sacred Heart, you are able to choose instead of react. There are so many disruptions that flow in and out of your daily life. It is necessary to have and access a center of peace, a center where you can find respite, where you can find your connection and know who you are and that you are all right. You are perfect the way you are. How will you know this if you do not access your center? In this center, all is light; all is one with Source. There is such comfort and peace in this space. It is important that you access this center regularly. Because your collective consciousness is so erratic in these times. Much is being asked of all of you for change. You are being asked to change a thought system that no longer serves this planet. Teachings have been given to you that are in some respects erroneous and keep you in a state of upheaval and fear. These teachings and beliefs do not serve such beings as you. You must find and access regularly that center where you can know without a shadow of doubt what is your truth. In this space, you will feel and know that you are connected to your Source. You will know you are supported and loved even though you are challenged at every turn. You are not alone. Many on this planet are being challenged to see a different viewpoint, to expand and broaden their awareness. You are being called to experience and live your life in a state of expanded consciousness. The current state of the collective consciousness is one of disruption and chaos. When this is all that you can see, you cannot access anything other than the chaos. You cannot change a thought based in chaos when you are continually in it or part of it. The only way to change this is through a daily practice of entering the center of peace in your Sacred Heart and listening for the answers to your questions.

You will find your center of peace in your heart center and your Sacred Heart. This is where you connect with your soul. This is where you connect with Source. It is here that you begin to recognize the love and light that is available to you from Source. When you create from this center, you are in full alignment with the Divine Plan for creation. It only takes a little of your time to get relief from the chaos. It is only a breath away. Take a deep breath and bring your attention to your Sacred Heart. Breathe yourself into this center. Notice how your breath begins to slow and you begin to feel calm. You begin to feel nurtured and loved. It is that easy. You just have to remember to find your center and embody the light that you are. Walk in that light. This is what a coherent frequency is. In this state of being, you will feel the peace of your connection. You will know the availability of many who will assist you. You will receive answers to the questions that you ask. There are many questions that you ask, but you do not realize that there are answers available to you. When you are so embroiled in the daily chaos, the din is too loud and you cannot hear what is being given to you. You cannot see the pathway that is before you. It is covered by the chaos. The question is will you access that space that is available to you? It is in this space that energetic shifts in your being occur. In this space, your awareness is expanded. You can choose to access this center of peace or you can play a little longer in your chaos. How intense does it have to be before you say, Enough! Enough! I choose another way to see my life, to see my world. This, dear beings of light, is the state you are approaching. When you embrace this center of peace for yourself and use it regularly, you not only benefit yourself but you benefit many. You affect the collective consciousness and provide a pathway for many to begin to access their center of peace. They then begin to see alternative ways to experience their life. You are to be commended for your efforts in this regard.

It is important that you experience this meditation practice to the fullest extent possible so that you can know what it feels like. You will then begin to access your center more often and at a deeper level. I am here to assist you. Know my presence, feel my presence. I will lead you to your center of peace. All that is required is that you spend a little time regularly, daily experiencing it. Your life will change dramatically. You will begin to live your life in a more peaceful and connected state. Blessings, Master Kuthumi Yeshua: Your Sacred Heart

Greetings Beloved Ones, it is I, Yeshua. I have come forward from the Illumined Realms of Creation to awaken within you the awareness of your Sacred Heart. This is a holy space that is within all parts of you, both physical and nonphysical. You are a vast being of light and your physical body is only a minute part of you and is only able to hold a very small part of the holy space of your Sacred Heart. This is because your body is a 3rd-

dimensional vehicle that has limitations. The energetic templates that compose your Sacred Heart are massive and have no limits. This holy center is the home of your soul. You are able to receive the wisdom and knowledge of your soul in this sacred environment. Your Sacred Heart is also the perfect environment where you awaken the knowledge of yourself as a divine creator who was created in the image of your Source. The energy of love that is always streaming from the Godhead is focused here so that you might create with it in a way that reflects the original blueprint of your soul. Your soul is composed of four God Particles. These four particles, which work together, are: Love, Living Light, Unity Consciousness, and the Image of Source. You can see how it takes a very special space to hold the massiveness of your soul. Your Sacred Heart is the foundation of who you are. You gain knowledge of yourself when you hold your attention point here. You receive all the answers to your questions when you hold your attention point within your Sacred Heart. The calmness and harmony of this holy space allows you to rest and revitalize your energies so that you can create consciously and precisely in full alignment with your soul blueprint. As you become aware of yourself as the divine creator, this knowledge empowers you to create more fully and effectively. When you see your power, you begin to value yourself and eliminate all of the destructive patterns of unworthiness and less than. This allows you to step more fully into a 5thdimensional consciousness, which is very fluid, creative and has unlimited potential. This consciousness resonates with your soul essence and you are able to draw in the Love and Light of your Source to use in your creations. Being conscious of your Sacred Heart and placing your attention in this space allows you to know yourself more intimately. When you receive love unconditionally, this alters your opinion of yourself and you can now hold value and appreciation of

self more easily. Draw in the love that is always available, receive it and allow this vast Love of Source to nourish every part of you. The Love of Prime Creator is much more than the emotion of love that you have previously known, which is experienced as a warm feeling or an excitement in the heart area of the body. The Love of Source of which I am speaking is not an emotion but an energetic element. It is the power and driving force for creation. When you create from this state of consciousness, you create in full alignment with the original schematic for all creation. When you expand your consciousness through self-awareness, knowledge is gained from the wisdom of your soul. This knowledge shows you the importance of receiving the Love from Source that is constantly streaming from the creative realms of the Godhead. Your Sacred Heart holds all of this consciousness and awareness. It is the space that you can always go to and find the nourishment, peace and harmony that sustains your awareness of Self as Divine. Come with me often, take my lead and I will show you the way. I model for you how to create from the beauty of your soul. Blessings, Yeshua Change: One step at a time

Greetings, It is I Metatron,

I have come to discuss with you an important awareness that you can make conscious at this time. This awareness is that of resistance to change. I have spoken to you previously about the need for change and that change is part of the energetics that is in play on your beloved planet. Many on your planet find great difficulty with this because of the underlying fear that comes from the energetic complexities of being embodied in a dense third dimensional body. This body type is made up of energetics that are very stable and polarized. The Ego in this body needs to maintain the status quo in order to feel safe. Fear of any kind is always from the ego, not from the soul. Now that you are aware of what you are dealing with, you see the importance of taking time daily to access the true nature of who you are. You accomplish this by going within to that sacred space of your heart to refresh your memory. This must be done often as the energetics of a third dimensional body are so limiting to your soul essence. Even if you only can only sit quietly for five minutes this is enough to start programming the consciousness and bring the soul into the forefront of your conscious mind. It will take some self-discipline to set aside this time daily but I tell you that it is worth your time and effort as it will begin to change the way you think and react to outside stimulus. You will very quickly begin to operate from your heart, not your ego. As you practice this daily you will start to realize that you have value to yourself and others. You will know that you came into this embodiment for several purposes, all of them related to your evolvement personally as well as collectively. During this quiet time you will begin to create a very conscious dialog with The All That Is through connecting with your soul, praying your own personal prayers that you create from your sacred heart and developing a very real relationship with the Divine. Soon you will notice that five minutes is not long enough for you to communicate what is in your heart. Time in this space ceases to exist and is not relevant to this sacred time of communion.

Your ability to see your value and beauty is crucial in creating your life experience in peace and harmony. Make no mistake; you are the creator of your life experience. A dominate program of less than is an energetic pattern of your dense physical embodiment. It is a program that was created by your ego to reflect the polarized view of reality of third dimension. It was also modeled to you by parents, siblings, teachers and peers. You got a double patterning from both your interior and from your exterior world through teaching and example. You can dislodge and eventually remove this pattern just through consciously seeing your light and the beauty of your soul that Prime Creator created in you. When you begin to value yourself you know it from inside yourself and you do not require anyone to verify it for you. This one step alone will change your reality and your ability to create effectively. You empower yourself to embrace change instead of resist it and you begin to look forward to the opportunity to create differently. Be patient with yourself for you have operated many years in your dense third dimensional reality and the programming is deeply installed. Be diligent and hold to your practice. The changes will come and you will be amazed at what you see in yourself, just by spending this quality time. Any relationship requires some quality time. Are you worth the effort that you would so generously give to another? This is the most important step that you will take for yourself and many doors will open to you. There will be many opportunities to create a different reality for yourself as well as for the collective through change and a fuller expression of your soul essence. Blessings, Metatron

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