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8. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using one of the words in bold. Do not change the word in bold.
1. Charles and his father are exactly alike in appearance.
Charles looks just/exactly like
his father.
2. Take all your possessions and walk slowly to the exit.
Take everything _______________ and walk slowly to the exit..
3. Im finding it really enjoyable to work here.
I ____________________________________ here.
4. I take work home regularly because of my new responsibility at work.
My new responsibility at work _________________ work home regularly.
5. In my cycling group theres George, Tom, Harry and me.
My _____________________ George, Tom, Harry and me..

/ 5 marks]

Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable past verb form.

1. I realised that someone was stealing (steal) my wallet when I felt
(feel) their hand in my jacket pocket.
2. When I ___________ (phone) Helen last night she ________ (wash) her hair.
3. Peter ____________ (offer) me another drink but I decided I ________ (have)
4. Nobody ____________(watch), so the little boy ________ (take) the packet
of sweets from the shelf and __________ (put) it in his pocket.
5. I ____________ (not realise) that I ___________ (leave) my umbrella on the
bus until it _________ (star) to rain.

13. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct Phrasal verbs.
give up / look after / get on / run out of / get together / give away /
find out / give in/ bring up /get through/ get rid of
1. He insisted on buying a motorbike so much that eventually I just ___ gave in
2. She decided shed rather ____________ her children _______ in the countryside.
3. Do you think you could _________________ the cat while were away?
4. Its a shame she doesnt ____________________ better with her colleagues.
5. She knew that if her parents ___________________ about the party she would
never be allowed to stay in the house on his own again.

6. Were ___________________ free shampoo samples as a promotion.

7. Are you going to ________________ work when you have your baby?
8. I __________________ a lot more work when Im on my own.
9. We should _______________ for a drink some time.
10. We have to go to the market, I ______________ milk and I have to make a
11. Your car has broken down and we should really _____________________
(10 marks)
14. Put the following sports into the correct column.
Abseiling / tennis / rugby / judo / yoga / fencing / surf / weightlifting /
paragliding / cycling / snowboard / free running / swimming / golf / rhythmic
gym / diving / dance / soccer / shooting / archery / water polo / parachuting.


NAME: _____________________________
DATE: _____________________________

This is part of a letter you receive from your pen-friend. Write a reply telling him
about your free time. Use informal language and an appropriate beginning and
ending.Use three different paragraphs to organise your ideas.

Ive just bought a new computer game. Do you like

playing games on the computer or have you got a
Play Station? What else do you use the computer






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