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QUESTION WORDS Cara membuat kalimat menggunakan question word: 1.

Question word yang menayakan subject, caranya: - Ganti subyeknya dengan kata tanya, dengan catatan: a. simple present, V-1 nya ditambahkan s/es (tanpa do/does) b. simple past, langsung V-2 (tanpa did) c. jika ada kata bantu, pilihlah untuk yang tunggal: is, was, has, will. - rumus umumnya: QW + auxiliary (tunggal) + verb .....? - contoh: who goes to school everyday? Who went to school yesterday? Who is studying English right now? 2. Question word yang menanyakan selain subject, caranya: - selalu menggunakan kata bantu (auxiliary), dengan catatan: a. Auxiliary harus sesuai dengan subyeknya (am I, are you, is he, ..) b. Letakkan subject setelah auxiliary (do you, will they) c. Setelah auxiliary pertama jika ada beberapa auxiliary. - Rumus umumnya : QW + auxiliary + subject + ..+verb? - Contoh: What do you speak every day? What does she write once a month? Where have they been discussing their problem? Q. WORD Who (siapa) Whom (siapa) With whom (dengan siapa) For whom (untuk siapa) What (apa) MEANING Menanyakan subject/ Object (orang) Menanyakan object (orang) Menanyakan object (orang) Menanyakan object (orang) Menanyakan subject (Benda/hewan) Menanyakan verb What (apa) Menanyakan object QUESTION Who is writing a letter? Whom did you visit last night? With whom do you come here? For whom do you buy this drinking water? What has eaten a mouse? What are you doing? What are you ANSWER She is writing a letter. I visited my parent last night. I come here with my friend. It is for you. A cat has eaten a mouse I am listening to the music. I am writing a

What. What for What like What + noun(s) What time (jam berapa) What age What color? What if How (bagaimana) How to How many (berapa banyak) How deep How wide How high How tall How many times How often

Menanyakan informasi (noun) Untuk apa Seperti apa Kamus-kamus apa Menanyakan waktu Umur berapa Warna apa. Bagaimana jika Menanyakan cara Bagaimana untuk untuk benda yang dapat di hitung Berapa dalam. Berapa lebar. Berapa tinggi.. (untuk benda) Berapa tinggi.. (untuk orang) Berapa kali.

writing? What book did you buy? What do you come here for? What is your book like? What dictionaries do you need? What time will she go to school? What age are you? What color is your pen? What if we go to Malang now? How did you go to Bandung? How to make this cake? How many students are from B class? How deep is this well? How wide is this street? How high is this tree? How tall is your father? How many times have you visited Borobudur temple? How often do you

letter. I bought an English book. I just want to make you happy. My book is small, blue, and there is my name on it. I need an English dictionary. She will go to school at 06:30 am. I am 17. My pen is black color. Okay. I think so. I went to Bandung by train. I dont know how to make it. There are 36 students. For about 27 meters. Maybe 10 meters. For about 14 meters 171 centimeters Only 2 times

Berapa sering.

Every two months

How many + nouns (Benda yang bisa di hitung satuannya) How old How far How long How much (Benda yang tidak bisa di hitung satuannya) How much How fast Which (yang mana) Where (dimana) When (kapan) Whose (milik siapa)

Berapa banyak

go abroad? How many girls visit me? How many boys has she kissed? How old is she? How far is Bandung from Bogor? How long have you been here? How much is your book?

I go to abroad There are 4 girls. She has kissed 10 boys. 14th Less more 230 kilometers. Less more ten moths. Only thirty six thousands.

Berapa umur. Menanyakan jarak Berapa lama.. Berapa harga

Berapa (dalam hitungan) Berapa kecepatan Menanyakan pilihan bisa diikuti bendanya (boleh jamak/tunggal) Menanyakan tempat Menanyakan waktu Menanyakan kepemilikan dapat dapat diikuti bendanya (boleh jamak/tunggal) Kenapa Menenyakan alasan

How much is five + five? How fast were you driving? Which bag do you want? Where do you live? When did you go to pare? Whose book will you borrow? Whose is this book? Whose books does he need? Why dont you go there?

It is ten For about 40 km/hour. I want a Small and black bag. I live in Surabaya I went to pare in 2009 I will borrow Putris book This book is mine. He needs my books. I am busy.


SENTENCE Def: Suatu gabungan dari beberapa kata yang memiliki pengertian yang sempurna setidaknya terdiri dari Subject & predicate. Sentence dibagi 2: 1. Verbal sentence Suatu kalimat yang menerangkan kata kerja. I go to school. 2. Nominal sentence Suatu kalimat yang terdiri dari kata sifat, kata benda, kata keterangan. I am handsome : Adjective / kt.sifat. How are you? I am a student : Noun / kt.benda. What are you? I am here : Adverb / kt.keterangan. Where are you? TENSES Adalah perubahan kata kerja yang menunjukan waktu dan sifat kejadian. Menurut waktunya tenses dibagi menjadi: 1. Present (masa sekarang) 2. Past (masa lampau) 3. Future (masa depan) 4. Past future (Rencana masa lampau) Menurut sifatnya tenses dibagi menjadi: 1. Simple (sederhana) 2. Continuous (sedang berlangsung) 3. Perfect (telah) 4. Perfect continuous (telah berlangsung selama)

THE 16 TENSES TABLE Sifat waktu Simple (+)S+V1(s/es)+ O. (-)S+(do/does) +Not+ V1+O I speak English (+) S+V2+O (-)S+did+not + V1+O I spoke English S+will/shall+V1 +O I will speak English S+would/shoul d+V1+O I would speak English Continuous S+Aux(are/ am/ is)+Ving+O I am speaking English S+Aux(was/ were)+Ving+O I was speaking English S+will/shall+be +Ving+O I will be speaking English S+would/shoul d+be +Ving+O I would be speaking English Perfect S+have/has+V3+ O I have spoken English S+had+V3+O I had spoken English S+will/shall+bee n+ V3+O I will have spoken English S+would/should +have +V3+O I would have spoken English Perfect continuous S+have/has+bee n+Ving +O I have been speaking English S+had+been+ Ving+O I had been speaking English S+will/shall+hav e+ been+Ving+O I will have been speaking English S+would/shold+h ave+been+Ving+ O I would have been speaking English




Past future

1. Simple Present Tense Formula verbal: (+) S + v1 (s/es) + o + (adverb). (-) S + do/does + not + v1 + o + (adverb). (?) Do/does + s + v1 + o + (adverb)? Eg: (+) She always brings a book. (-) She doesnt always bring a book. (?) Does she always bring a book? DO I, you, they, we DOES he, she, it Formula nominal:

(+) (-) (?) (+) (-) (?)

S + is/am/are + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb) S + is/am/are + not + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb) Is/Am/Are/ + S + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)? She is crazy. ( Adjective) They are not teachers. (noun) Am I at my home? (adverb) Twice a week Every week On Sunday Ever Always : dua kali seminggu. : setiap minggu. : hari minggu. : pernah. : selalu.

Keterangan waktu: Every day : setiap hari. Seldom : jarang. Never : tidak pernah. Often : sering. Usually : biasanya.

Question word: Her mother buys a new motor cycle. b c d e f a. Whose mother buys a new motor cycle? b. Who buys a new motor cycle? c. What does her mother do? d. How many new motor cycles does her mother buy? e. Which motor cycle does her mother buy? f. What does her mother buy? Function: 1. Menyatakan kebenaran umum. - The sun rises in the east. (Matahari terbit disebelah timur) 2. Menyatakan aktivitas sehari-hari atau kebiasaan (habitual action). - We eat rice everyday (kita makan nasi setiap hari) 3. Menyatakan situasi yang ada saat sekarang dengan tidak menggunakan kata kerja non progressive. - He needs a pen right now. - I have only a thousand right now. 4. Sebagai Judul Surat Kabar The Terrortist attact Jakarta SBY visits Dutch 5. Perintah atau Larangan Laily . . . open your book, please! Dont be lazy! 6. Future Time (Terjadwal - Kelembagaan)

EEC office opens at 0700 oclock tomorrow The train leaves at 0900 oclock tomorrow 7. Ability (Kemampuan) Laily sings keong racun song melodiously Laily can sing keong racun song melodiously 7. Series of action (Kejadian yang berurutan) I want to make cake. The first, I pour the water into the bowl, I add 3 eggs, sugar and I stir it well. . . . 8. Untuk memberikan komentar dalam sebuah pertandingan Ronaldo takes the ball from Carlos. He brings the ball to the middle and then he gives it to Raul, he controls the ball and shoolts. . . goal! 9. Digunakan untuk menggantikan Present Continuous pada beberapa kata kerja yang tidak lazim dalam bentuk Continuous. You like her. Not You are liking her. 10. Digunakan dalam anak kalimat (if clause) conditional sentence 1. If she comes, he will give her a bunch of flowers. 11. Digunakan dalam Clausa waktu apabila merupakan suatu hal yang rutin terjadi atau induk kalimatnya dalam simple future tense. She watches television after she comes home from school We will go home if it stops raining 12. Untuk kalimat seru yang di mulai dengan here dan there Here he comes! There he goes! Cara-cara penambahan s/es pada V1 a. Berakhiran (ss,sh,ch,x,o) ditambahkan es kiss kisses catch catches wash washes fix fixes

go do

goes does

b. Berakhiran y yang didahului konsonan di ubah jadi ies study studies fry fries try tries dry dries cry cries fly flies c. Berakhiran y tapi di dahului vocal maka cukup ditambah s play plays say says buy buys d. secara umum di tambahkan s calls, brings, writes. . . 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. Function: 1. Menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang terjadi saat ini.

- We are studying English now. (kita sedang belajar bahasa Inggris) 2. Menyatakan aktivitas dimasa yang akan datang dengan menyabutkan keterangan waktunya (dalam waktu dekat dan sudah pasti) - He is going to Bandung tomorrow. Formula Verbal: (+) S + IS/AM/ARE + Ving + O + (adverb). (-) S + IS/AM/ARE + NOT + Ving + O + (adverb). (?) IS/AME/ARE + S + Ving + O + (adverb)? (+) He is visiting me right now. (-) He isnt visiting me right now. (?) Is he visiting me right now? AMI IS he, she, it AREyou , they, we. Formula nominal: (+) S + is/am/are + being + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb) (-) S + is/am/are + not + being + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb) (?) is/am/are/ + S + being + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)? (+) She is being crazy. (-) They are not being teachers. (?) Am I being at my home? Keterangan waktu: Now : sekarang Tonight : nanti malam Today : hari ini At present : kini This evening : malam ini This afternoon : sore/siang ini Tomorrow : besok Question word: We are studying English now. a b c d a. Who is studying English now? b. What are we doing now? c. What are we studying now? d. When are we studying English? 3. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ( Adjective) (noun) (adverb) At this time At the moment Nowadays Right now : saat ini : pada saat sekarang : sekarang : sekarang juga

Function: - Menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang telah dilakukan pada saat yang tidak tentu diwaktu sekarang dan efek dari kejadian tersebut masih terasa sampai sekarang. I have just taken a bath (the Effect= now I feel fresh) Formula verbal: (+) S + HAS/HAVE + Verb 3 + O + (adverb). (-) S + HAS/HAVE + NOT + Verb 3 + O + (adverb). (?) HAS/HAVE + S + Verb 3 + O + (adverb)? (+) I have just taken a bath recently. (-) I have not just taken a bath. (?) Have I just taken a bath? HAS SHE, HE , IT HAVEI, YOU , THEY , WE. Formula Nominal: (+) S + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + ANA. (-) S + HAS/HAVE + NOT + BEEN +ANA. (?) HAS/HAVE + S + BEEN+ ANA ? (+) She has been here for long time. (-) They have not been a teacher. (?) Have we been smart? (Adverb) (Noun) (Adjective) : belum : sudah : pernah

Keterangan waktu For : selama Yet Since : sejak Already Never : tidak pernah Ever Just : baru saja Recently : Akhir-akhir ini/baru baru ini Question word 3 boys Have stolen my fruits in the garden. a b c d e f a. How many boys have stolen my fruits? b. Who Has stolen my fruits in the garden? c. What have 3 boys Done in the garden? d. Whose fruits have 3 boys stolen? e. What have 3 boys stolen in the garden? f. Where have 3 boys stolen my fruits?

4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Function: - Menyatakan aktivitas yang sudah dilakukan dan masih sedang di lakukan sampai sekarang selama beberapa waktu. I have been studying in the class for 4 hours. Formula Verbal: (+) S + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + Ving + O + (adverb). (-) S + HAS/HAVE + NOT + BEEN + Ving + O + (adverb). (?) HAS/HAVE + S + BEEN + Ving + O+ (adverb)? (+) I have been eating rice since still baby. (-) I have not been eating rice since still baby. (?) have I been eating rice since still baby? Formula Nominal: (+) S + HAS/HAVE + BEEN + BEING + ANA. (-) S + HAS/HAVE + NOT + BEEN + BEING +ANA. (?) HAS/HAVE + S + BEEN + BEING + ANA ? (+) She has been being here for long time. (-) They have not been being teacher. (?) Have we been being smart? (Noun) (Adverb) (Adjective)

Keterangan waktu: Since : sejak For : selama for . until now : selama..sampai sekarang Question word: FOR=>QW=how long SINCE=>QW=when They have been watching TV for 2 hours. a b c d a. Who has been watching TV for 2 hours? b. What have they been doing for 2 hours? c. What have they been watching for 2 hours? d. How long have they been watching TV? 5. SIMPLE PAST TENSE Function:


Menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang terjadi pada saat tertentu disaat lampau. Di gunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kebiasaan yang di lakukan pada waktu lampau.

Formula verbal: (+) S + V2 + O + ADVERB. (-) S + DID + NOT + V1 + O + ADVERB. (?) DID + S + V1 + O + ADVERB? (+) They bought a new car yesterday. (-) They did not buy a new car yesterday. (?) Did they buy a new car yesterday? Formula nominal: (+) S + was/were + ANA. (-) S + was/were + NOT + ANA (?) Was/were + S + ANA? (+) I was smart. (-) We were not doctors. (?) Was he at home yesterday? Keterangan waktu Yesterday Last Last Week Last year .. ago Two days ago A week ago Questionword S= QW + Verb 2 + O? S= QW + did + S + V1 + O? We bought a New car in the showroom yesterday. a b c d e f g a. Who bought a new car in the showroom yesterday? b. What did we buy in the showroom yesterday? (Adjective) (Noun) (Adverb)

: kemarin : terakhir/lalu : minggu lalu : tahun lalu : ..yang lalu : 2 hari yang lalu : seminggu yang lalu


c. How many cars did we buy in the showroom yesterday? d. Which car did we buy in the showroom yesterday? e. What did we buy in the showroom yesterday? f. Where did we buy a new car yesterday? g. When did we buy a new car in the showroom? 6. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE. Function - Di gunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sedang terjadi di waktu yang lampau ketika perbuatan lain terjadi di waktu lampau. I was watching TV when my girlfriend visited me. Formula verbal: (+) S + WAS/WERE + Ving + O. (-) S + WAS/WERE + NOT + Ving + O. (?) WAS/WERE + S + Ving + O? (+) I was swimming all morning yesterday. (-) I wasnt swimming all morning yesterday. (?) Was I swimming all morning yesterday? WAS I, HE, SHE ,IT. WERE YOU, THEY, WE. Formula Nominal sentence: (+) S + WAS/WERE + being + ANA. (-) S + WAS/WERE + NOT + Being + ANA. (?) WAS/WERE + S + being + ANA ? (+) She was being beautiful. (-) We were being there. (?) Were they being carpenters?

(Adjective) (Adverb) (Noun)

Keterangan waktu yang dapat di gunakan. All morning yesterday : sepanjang pagi kemarin. At . . . . Oclock yesterday : pada pukul . . . . kemarin. While : sementara. When : ketika. At this time yesterday : pada waktu ini kemarin 2 konsep kejadian. - Past continuous + when + simple past (6 when 5 / when 5, 6) I was sleeping when my friend came. - Past continuous + while + Past continuous (6 while 6 / while 6, 6) We were learning English while they were learning chemistry. - Simple past while past continuous (5 while 6 / while 6, 5) She was at home while her boyfriend was calling her.


Question word They were playing foot ball in the ball field when she came to their home. a b c d e a. Who was playing foot ball in the field when she came to their home? b. What were they doing when she came to their home? c. What were they playing in the field when she came to their home? d. Where were they playing foot ball when she came to their home? e. When were they playing foot ball in the field? 7. PAST PERFECT TENSE Function : - Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang telah selesai sebelum kegiatan lain terjadi pada waktu lampau. She had phoned me before I phoned her. Formula Verbal : (+) S + HAD + V3 + O + (ADVERB). (-) S + HAD + NOT + V3 + O + (ADVERB). (?) HAD + S + V3 + O + (ADVERB)? Formula Nominal : (+) S + had + been + ANA. (-) S + had + NOT + been+ ANA. (?) had + S + been + ANA ? (+) I had been in pare on November 2009. (-) He had not been lecture. (?) Had you been sick? Keterangan waktu: After :setelah Before : sebelum When :ketika 7 before 5 before 5, 7 7 when 5 when 5, 7 5 after 7 after 7, 5 Question word A smart girl had invited me b c d e a. How many smart girls had invited me? b. Which girl had invited me? c. Who had invited me? (adverb) (noun) (adjective)


d. What had a smart girl done? e. Whom had a smart girl invited? 8. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE. Function - Untuk menyatakan aktivitas sedang berlangsung segera sebelum, sampai, sampai lain waktu atau peristiwa. - Digunakan untuk menyatakan durasi kejadian pertama. I had been studying English for two hours before my friend came. Formula Verbal: (+) S + had + been + Ving + O + adverb. (-) S + had + NOT + been + Ving + O + adverb. (?) had + S + been + Verb-ing + O + adverb? (+) I had been reading a book for seven days before I did examination. (-) I hadnt been reading a book for seven days before I did examination. (?) Had I been reading a book for seven days before I did examination? Formula Nominal: (+) S + had + been + being + ANA. (-) S + had + NOT + been + being + ANA. (?) had + S + been + being + ANA ? (+) I had been being in Tulungagung in 2010 (adverb) (-) He had not been being lecture. (noun) (?) Had we been being clever? (adjective) Keteranganwaktu: For . . . . .Before/after . . . . : selama. . . . . sebelum/sesudah . . . . . Question word We had been studying English for 2 hours before we did examination. a b c d e a. Who had been teaching English for an hour? b. What had we been doing? c. What had we been teaching? d. How long had we been teaching English? 9. PRESENT FUTURE TENSE. function


untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang akan terjadi atau di lakukan di waktu yang akan datang. Formula Verbal (+) S + will/shall + V1 + O. (-) S + will/shall + NOT + V1 + O. (?) will/shall + S + V1 + + O? (+) We shall climb Bromo Mountain. (-) we shall not climb Bromo Mountain. (?) Shall we climb Bromo Mountain? Nominal sentence (+) S + will/shall + be + ANA (-) S + will/shall + not + be + ANA (?) will/shall + S + be + ANA ? (+) I will be milyader in 2015. (-) He will be a lecture. (?) will he be clever? (Adverb) (Noun) (Adjective)

Keterangan waktu Tonight : Malam ini Next week : Minggu depan Next time : Nanti Soon : segera This week : minggu ini The day after tomorrow : hari setelah besok Will = I and We Shall = All subject.

Question word We will bring a new motor cycle here tomorrow. a b c d e f g a. Who will bring a new motor here tomorrow? b. What will we do here tomorrow? c. How many motor cycles will we bring here tomorrow? d. Which motor cycle will we bring here tomorrow? e. what will we bring here tomorrow ? f. Where will we bring a new motor cycle tomorrow?



when will we bring a new motor cycle?

10. FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE. Function Menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang. Verbal sentence (+) S + will/shall + be + Verb-ing + O. (-) S + will/shall + NOT + be + Verb-ing + O. (?) will/shall + S + be + Verb-ing + + O? (+) They will be visiting her. (-) They will not be visiting her. (?) Will they be visiting her? Nominal sentence (+) S + will/shall + be + being + ANA. (-) S + will/shall + not + be + being + ANA. (?) will/shall + S + be + being + ANA? (+) he will be being foolish. (-) he will not be being foolish. (?) will he be being foolish? Keterangan waktu At the same time tomorrow. : pada waktu yang sama besok. At the same .: pada .. yang sama .. At this time tomorrow : pada waktu ini besok At 8 oclock tonight : pada pukul 8 malam ini. Question word He will be sleeping at this time tomorrow a b c a. Who will be sleeping at this time tomorrow? b. What will he be doing at this time tomorrow? c. When will he be sleeping? 11. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Function Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan selesai di waktu yang akan datang.


Verbal sentence (+) S + will/shall + Have + V3 + O (-) S + will/shall + not + have + V3 + O (?) will/shall + S + have + V3 + O? (+) she will have sung a song. (-) she will not have sung a song. (?) will she have sung a song? Nominal sentence (+) I will have been a student of university. (-) I will not have been a student of university. (?) will I have been a student of university? Keterangan waktu By next month : menjelang bulan depan. By the end of year : menjelang akhir tahun. Question word He will have followed me by the end of year. a b c d a. Who will have followed me by the end of year? b. What will he have done by the end of year? c. Whom will he have followed by the end of year? d. When will he have followed me? 12. FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS Function 13. SIMPLE PAST FUTURE TENSE Function Digunakanuntukmenyatakansuatuaktifitasatauperbuatan yang akan sudahterjadi di lakukan di waktu yang akan dating. Suatukejadian yang akansempurna di masa yang akan dating, danaktifitasinisudah di mulai. Untukmenyatakansuatuaktifitas yang sudahterjadi di masalampaudanaknansempurnaatauselesai di masa yang akan dating. Keteranganwaktu yang biasanya di lakukan: In two years time By this time next year


By the end of. By next august By.. Formula Verbal : (+) S + will/shall + Have + Verb 3 + O. (-) S + will/shall + NOT + Have + Verb 3 + O. (?) will/shall + S + Have + Verb 3 + O? Contoh : (+) I will have studied in university by the end of next month. (-) I will not have studied I university by the end of next month. (?) will I have studied in university by the end of the month? Yes, I will. No, I will not. (+) we shall have eaten at 8 oclock tonight. (-) we shall not have eaten at 8 oclock tonight. (?) shall we have eaten at 8 oclock tonight? Yes, I will. No, I will not. Formula Nominal sentence : (+) S + will/shall + have + been + C. (-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + C. (?) will/shall + S + have + been + C ? Contoh : (+) I will have been in pare by the end of this week. (-) He will have been lecture. (?) will he have been clever? Yes, we will. No, we will not. Formula Question word a. Untuk menanyakan subject Q.W. + will + have + Verb 3 + O? b. Untuk menanyakan Verb atau kata kerja. Q.W. + will/shall + S + have + been + done + O? c. Untuk menanyakan selain subject dan Verb. Q.W. + will/shall + S + have + Verb 3 + O? (adverb) (noun) (adjective)


Contoh : The president will have stayed in USE by the end of this day. a b c d Who will have stayed in USE by the end of this day? What will the president have done? Where will the president have stayed by the end of this day in? When will the president have stayed in USE? 12.Future perfect continuous tense. Di gunakanuntukmenyataksuatuaktifitas yang akansudah di lakukanpadawaktu yang akandatangtetepiperbuatantersebutmasihberlangsungpadawaktuitu. Menyatakanaktifitas yang akantelahtelahsedangberlangsungselamabeberapawaktu di masa yang akndatang . Untukmenyatakankegiatan yang akantelahsedangberlangsungbeberapa lama di masa yang akandatang, kegiatanini di mulainantikselamanantik (belum di mulai). Keteranganwaktu yang biasanya di gunakan : By the end of For five years by the next year By this time next. Formula Verbal : (+) S + will/shall + Have + been + Verb-ing + O. (-) S + will/shall + NOT + Have + been + Verb-ing + O. (?) will/shall + S + Have + been + being + O? Contoh : (+) I will have been finishing my duty for five days by next week. (-) I will not have been finishing my duty for five days by next week. (?) will I have been finishing my duty for five days by next week? Yes, I will. No, I will not. Formula Nominal sentence : (+) S + will/shall + have + been + (being) + C. (-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + (being) + C. (?) will/shall + S + have + been + (being) + C ? Contoh : (+) I will have been in pare for 3 weeks by next year. (adverb) (-) He will have been lecture. (noun) (?) will he have been clever? (adjective)


Yes, we will. No, we will not. Formula Question word a. Untuk menanyakan subject Q.W. + will + have + been + Verb-ing + O? b. Untuk menanyakan Verb atau kata kerja. Q.W. + will/shall + S + have + been + doing + O? c. Untuk menanyakan selain subject dan Verb. Q.W. + will/shall + S + have + been + Verb-ing + O? Contoh : They will have been studyingat Universityfor 4 years by next year. a b c d Who will have been being studying at University for 4 years by next year? What will they have been doing? Where will they have been studying for 4 years by next year? When will they have been studying at University? Exercise: 1. (-) (?) 2. 3. 4. (+) They will have been going abroad for 3 years by next month Saya sedang bekerja selama 10 tahun menjelang bulan depan Mereka tidak sedang mengajar selama 5 tahun menjelang tahun depan Siapa yang sedang berjualan selama 3 tahun menjelang bulan depan?


13. Simple Past Future Tense Digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang akan dilakukan pada waktu lampau tetapi batal (mengandaikan melakukan di waktu lampau) Kebiasaan di masa lampau. Examples: He would visit her last night but immediately his car was broken I would visit my grandfather every weekend when I was child Formula Verbal (+) S + should / would + V1 + O (-) S + should / would + not + V1 + O (?) Would / would + S + V1 + O? Examples: (+) He would visit her (-) He wouldnt visit her (?) Would he visit her? Yes, I would No, I wouldnt Formula Nominal Sentence: (+) S + should / should + be + C (-) S + should / should + be + C (?) Would / should + S + be + C? Examples: (+) She would be a teacher (-) I wouldnt be a bad student (?) Would you be here? Time Signal: Last night yesterday if S. Past .. Formula Question word Untuk menanyakan subject Qw + would / should + V1 + O? Untuk menanyakan Verb atau kata kerja. What + would / should + S + do? Untuk menanyakan selain subject dan Verb. Qw. + would / should + S + V1 + . ? Example: She would take her new camera a b c d e a. Who would take her new camera? b. What would she do?


c. Whose new camera would she take? d. Which camera would she take? e. What would she take?


14. Past future continuous Digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang seharusnya sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau Formula verbal (+) S + would / should + be + Ving + O (-) S + would / should + be + Ving + O (?) Would / should + S + be + Ving + O? Example: (+) She would be singing a dangdut song at 7 oclock last night (-) She wouldnt be singing a dangdut song at 7 oclock last night (?) Would she be singing a dangdut song at 7 oclock last night? Time signal: At 7 oclock yesterday at last night at the same time last week

Formula Nominal (+) S + would / should + be + being + C (-) S + would / should + be + being + C (?) Would / should + S + be + being + C? Example: (+) She would be being a smart student (-) She wouldnt be being stupid (?) Would she be being smart? Formula Question word Untuk menanyakan subject Qw + would / should + be + Ving + O? Untuk menanyakan Verb atau kata kerja. What + would / should + S + be + doing? Untuk menanyakan selain subject dan Verb. Qw. + would / should + S + be + Ving + ? Example: A clever cat would be eating a big mouse a b c a. How many clever cats would be eating a big mouse? b. Which cat would be eating a big mouse? c. What would a clever cat be eating?


15. Past future perfect Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah aktivitas yang seharusnya telah selesai di waktu lampau. Formula verbal (+) S + Would / should + be + V3 + O (-) S + Would / should + not + be + V3 + O (?) Would / should + S + be + V3 + O? Example: (+) we would have finished that work by the end of this month last year (-) we would have finished that work by the end of this month last year (?) Would we have finished that work by the end of this month last year? Time signal By last by the end of last year Formula nominal (+) S + Would / should + have + been + C (-) S + Would / should + not + have + been + C (?) Would / should + S + have + been + C? Example: (+) We would have been there (-) We wouldnt have been a farmer (?) Would she have been here?


Formula Question word Untuk menanyakan subject Qw + would / should + have + V3 + O? Untuk menanyakan Verb atau kata kerja. What + would / should + S + have + done? Untuk menanyakan selain subject dan Verb. Qw + would / should + S + have + V3 + ? Example: Two clever cats would have eaten a big mouse a b c a. How many clever cats would have eaten a big mouse? b. Which cat would have eaten a big mouse? c. What would two clever cats have eaten?


16. Past future perfect continuous Digunakan untuk menyatakan subuah aktivitas yang seharusnya berlangsung selama di waktu lampau Formula verbal (+) S + would / should + have + been + Ving + O (-) S + would / should + have + been + Ving + O (?) Would / should + S + have + been + Ving + O? Example: (+) She would have been singing for an hour by 8 oclock last night (-) She wouldnt have been singing for an hour by 8 oclock last night (?) Would she have been singing for an hour by 8 oclock last night? Time signal For . By .. last . For two weeks by the end of last month For 6 months by last year Formula nominal (+) S + would / should + have + been + being + C (-) S + would / should + not + have + been + being + C (?) Would / should + S + have + been + being + C? Example (+) she would have been being here (-) she would have been being here (?) Would she have been being here?


Formula Question word Untuk menanyakan subject Qw + would / should + have + been + Ving + O? Untuk menanyakan Verb atau kata kerja. What + would / should + S + have + been + doing? Untuk menanyakan selain subject dan Verb. Qw. + would / should + S + have + been + Ving + O? Example: Two clever mice would have been eating a big chicken a b c a. How many clever mice would have been eating a big chicken? b. Which mouse would have been eating a big chicken? c. What would two clever mice have been eating?



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