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In order to complete the course Communicative English 3 (AE501), student s are to conduct a mini project. In this mini project, my group members have decided to do a survey on the usage of smart phone. In July 2013, our group conducted the survey in Port Dickson Polytechnic on the above topic. Our respondents consisted of Port Dickson Polytechnic students from JKM, JKA, JKE, JP. The method we used in this survey was questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire was to collect information and opinions of students on our survey topic.

This is conclusion about our topic which is the survey of the usage of smart phone among Port Dickson Polytechnic student. In our observation, mostly student like to have a smart phone. Majority, student selected the brand Samsung for the preferred smart phone brand and the minor preferred smart phone brand is HTC. For the number of smart phone that student Port Dickson Polytechnic has for the highest number is one because not all students has much money to buy another smart phone and the lowest is four. Next is when do student use a smart phone. The conclusion is student Port Dickson Polytechnic use a smart phone is everytime because they do their activities like example play games, social network, find reference and others. The conclusion for the student get the information about smart phone is from the internet because why student can get the full information without need to go smart phone shop. Another reason why internet is the majority because of find the information from internet is the simple and easy why to find information.

Type of smart phone with the reasonable price for student. From the survey data many student suggest to buy brand Samsung because brand Samsung offer the lowest price for the smart phone and it also quality even the price is cheap. Another questionnaire is popular application among student of Port Dickson Polytechnic. The highest popular application is social network because now student more to use social network as the place to communicate with another people like example facebook, wechat, whatapps, and other. The lowest application is references because student more to go library to get the information and they use sometimes this application when they is in desperate situation. Preferred operating system by Port Dickson Polytechnic student chooses the android operating system because the android operating system is now more popular then another operating system likes IOS, WINDOW and another operating system. Android operating system also easy to use or handle then another operating system. The rate of satisfaction of smart phone that they use is now. Many student rates they smart phone that they using now satisfied because they feel that the smart phone is now not evolve. This we can see all brands smart phone has the same application, operating system, and others. For the important to have smart phone many student says agree to have smart phone because the main function smart phone is to call, text and so on. This function is same to old version phone. The last questionnaire is the reason that student should have a smart phone. From the data that the first reason why student should have a smart phone is for communicate. The trend communication now is more to use communication application like example line, kakaotalk, wechat and other that use internet data. It very saving the money because why we just need to buy internet data and we can contact, text and do other thing just for free and we can contact how long we want without need to pay cost.

This project only focuses on students of Port Dickson Polytechnic. The total number of respondents involved in this survey is 40 and they are from JKM, JKA, JKE and JP. For future research it is recommended the total number of respondents could be increased to get a more comprehensive data. The project could also involve students from other polytechnics.


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 JKA JP JKE JKM

Communicate 4 8 5 6

Surf internet 3 3 3 6

Learning 3 2 4 3

Information 4 5 4 4

Other 6 3 2 3

The graph bar shows of the reason that student should have a smart phone. The higher reason is communication while the lowest reason is the learning and others. From the graph bar we can see that the JKA, JP and JKE have the same value for surf internet reason. We can summary this graph bar the majority for reason that student should have a smart phone is get the information.

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