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The Stuyvesant Standard

“Your School, Your World—Your News” 
Volume VI, Issue 9 Friday, February 02, 2007 Free

Candy for Sale PLUS

OPINIONS P/3 Freak Chickens
Video Game Review
Produce Drug Special, Stuy Voice,
Containing Eggs

Parents: Where Did The Sports Beat, and
They Go Wrong? much more inside...
SCIENCE P/8 corbis

Harvard Proposes Junior Comedy Night

Campus Expansion BY DAVID YIN
Several students who went to
the event found the experience to
be incredibly hilarious. Junior
Junior Comedy Night took
BY HESHAM SALEH ject will take about 50 years and place on Friday, January 19 at the Tracy Mak said, “It was really
STAFF WRITER billions of dollars to complete. Laugh Factory near Times Square fun. The comedians were great.
On January 11, Harvard Uni- The proposal, which is still from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Comedians They really gave us good jokes.”
versity announced its plan to ex- awaiting city approval, would entertained the various juniors Indeed, the jokes dished out by
pand the Harvard campus from change Allston in a dramatic fash- who attended. The students were the comedians kept the students
Cambridge to Allston, which is ion. First, it will move Soldiers served chips and soda as they laughing and craving more. When
across the Charles River. This Field Road, a major street in Alls- laughed wildly at the perform- asked which joke was the most
plan is supposed to convert over ton, underground. This change ances.
will give students easier access to Continued on Page 2
200 acres of land into another
Harvard Square, which will have the Harvard campus. The plan
academic and athletic buildings,
as well as student dormitories.
will create wider streets and 30
acres of free space. Results of the Columbia
This proposal looks very benefi- Harvard’s football stadium
cial to the Allston community
because it will create 14,000 to
and Harvard Business School are
already situated in Allston. The
15,000 jobs. However, this pro- Continued on Page 3 BY GARRY CHIEN take part in five preliminary
STAFF WRITER rounds. In Lincoln-Douglas (LD)
From January 19 to 21, The Debate, the debate is one-on-one.
Stuyvesant Speech and Debate In Public Forum Debate, it is two-
Team competed in the Columbia on-two. There are two divisions
Invitational Tournament located in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Jun-
at Columbia University. ior Varsity and Varsity; Public
In Lincoln-Douglas and Pub- Forum has one division. In each
lic Forum Debate, competitors Continued on Page 3

An Interview with
Olivier Martinez

Olivier Mart inez pl a ys
Gabriel, the leader of a group of
loup garoux, humans who can
turn into wolf-like creatures, in
“Blood and Chocolate,” which
debuted on January 26. I recently
had the chance to interview the
actor along with other student
Martinez was asked many
questions about his role in “Blood
and Chocolate.” He felt the role
was a challenge because “[he]
was being half-man [and] half-
wolf.” He said that he was French actor Olivier Martinez.
“sharing [the] role with [the]
wolf.” wolves, they went to a “wolf-
In order to help Martinez and camp.” Martinez called the ex-
the rest of the cast learn about perience very interesting and ex-
Continued on Page 7
Page 2 Friday, February 02, 2007 NEWS THE STUYVESANT STANDARD


Founded 2001
BY ALLEN WANG was going to be easy,” said fellow
  STAFF WRITER contestant James Ybarra of
  Woodland. “They told us if you
don't feel like you can do this;
  don't put your health at risk.” Un-
“Your School, Your World—Your News”  der normal circumstances water
intoxication is a very rare condi-
Executive Leadership Team tion. It happens when a person
intake too much water in a short
period of time causing the tissues
DR. JOHN NIKOL FACULTY ADVISER of the body to swell with water,
JENNIFER SCHLESINGER EDITOR IN CHIEF which in turn can cause seizures,
DEREK WENG MANAGING EDITOR comas and death if not treated.
Rios, had a phone conversation
The contestants started on small bottles
DANNY ZHU COPY CHIEF and worked up. with Strange. She said that
JIMMY ZHANG NEWS EDITOR Strange’s head was hurting very
PRISCILLA MELO OPINIONS EDITOR A contest to win a brand-new much as she was on her way
Nintendo Wii was the cause of home. “She was crying and that
ERIC MAYO SPORTS EDITOR was the last that anyone has heard
JOSEPH KRUTOV death of a 28-year-old women,
Jennifer Strange, who would have from her.” Strange was trying to
HANFORD CHIU BUSINESS EDITOR win one of the consoles for her
JESSE ZHANG WEBMASTER been the runner-up of the contest.
The contest, called “Hold Your three children. She was later
DANIEL EGERS (‘03) FOUNDER Wee for a Wii,” was held by found dead in her home. After a
ERNEST BASKIN (‘04) EDITOR EMERITUS KDND 107.9 in California. It preliminary autopsy, it was deter-
pitted contestants against one an- mined that she died from water
other to see which one of them intoxication. John Geary, vice
Publication could drink the most water with- president and marketing manager
out having to go to the restroom. for Entercom Sacramento, the
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD is a nonprofit and nonpartisan publication pro-
Contestants were given eight- station’s owner, said station staff
duced by the students of Stuyvesant High School.
ounce bottles to drink every 15 were “stunned” at the tragedy.
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD distributes 2,000 free copies on a bi-weekly
minutes, although it’s unclear The radio station immediately
basis to the students and faculty of Stuyvesant High School and through-
how much water Strange actually fired 10 people, including all of
out the adjoining neighborhoods of TriBeCa and Battery Park City.
took in. “They were small little the DJ’s related to this incident. ◙
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD welcomes letters from its readers.
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD reserves the right to edit any published mate- half-pint bottles, so we thought it
rial. The viewpoints of contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of
the Standard staff.


Junior Comedy Night
Continued from Page 1 were given raffle tickets, and at
Contact Us memorable, junior Sam Crisanto the end of the show, one of the
comedians, along with junior
replied, “[the] Asian guy when he
Please direct all correspondence to: [just arrived in] America [and] president Michelle Lee, drew the
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD couldn’t get his Metrocard to raffle tickets. Mak said, “I wanted
345 Chambers Street work. Too fast, too slow, too fast, to win the Starbucks gift card.”
New York, NY 10282-1000 too slow… you should take bus! . Junior Alvis Yuen won a movie . . too fast, too slow . . .” Crisanto pass through the raffle.
Find us on the web at also said that “the best comedian Junior Comedy Night was a
there was the main act with the great experience for many stu-
Advertising African American,” who consis- dents. The comics were hysteri-
If you would like to advertise in THE STUYVESANT STANDARD, please e-mail tently threw funny sexual innuen- cally funny and told incredibly to request an advertisement form. We offer dos at the crowd. side-splitting jokes. Chips and
a broad range of options including full color capability for your advertis- After the show, there was a soda were served and constantly
ing needs. raffle, with many small prizes. refilled. Many students found the
Anybody who went was eligible raffle to be a nice ending to the
to win a free smoothie, a Star- show. As Crisanto put it,
Subscription bucks gift card worth five dollars “Overall, this was a fun event to
or a free movie pass. Upon en- celebrate the end of a term.” ◙
trance, members of the audience
1 YEAR — $15
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Please cut and mail to THE STUYVESANT STANDARD, 345 Chambers
Street, New York, NY 10282-1000 OR send the above informa-

Harvard Proposes Campus Expansion

Continued from Page 1 dent of the Allston Brighton
plan intends to also move the sci- Community Development Corpo-
ence research and athletic facili- ration, said, “Folks in the commu-
ties into Allston, as well as the nity are trying to figure out how
Harvard Graduate School of Edu- Harvard’s growth can coexist
cation and the Harvard School of with a vital urban neighborhood.”
Public Health. He was also a bit uneasy about
The plan will also create an the plan himself, saying “I think
industrialized community. There there’s still a lot of unanswered
will be room for stores, museums, questions.”
performance centers and a mall. Some residents, such as
In many ways, the community Harry Mattison, are afraid that the
will be the linkage between the plan, if it is carried out, will cut
residential neighborhood of Alls- the two communities apart. This
ton and the Cambridge campus. contradicts the original purpose of
There are some people who the plan — to unite these two
approve of the plan, and others communities. Mattison summed
who are opposed to it. Mayor up many people’s worries when
Thomas Menino commended the Rowers on the Charles River paddle toward an arched bridge near Harvard and he said, “Could it be that they’ll
proposal for the new community, Cambridge Universities. [Allston and Cambridge] be di-
saying, “The community will vided by not that much distance,
benefit with the job creation ef- Although the mayor has many people in the community but in some ways be miles apart?”
forts and new amenities.” shown his approval of the plan, have not. Bob van Meter, Presi- ◙

Results of the Columbia Invitational Candy for

Continued from Page 1 to Castro. In Junior Varsity, Stuy- Rosenbaum & Hon placed fifth.
preliminary round, there is one
judge, who decides the winner of
the round and gives speaker
vesant’s Khatiya Chelidze and
Neha Sharma made it to double-
octos.In the Varsity division, Nis-
Extemporaneous Speaking is a
category where each speaker is
given a topic to write a speech on
points. The number of speaker kayuna High School’s Sam Gron- and limited time to write the BY HUI TING JIANG
dahl defeated Walt Whitman High speech. In this category Suman STAFF WRITER
points ranges from 1 to 30 and is
based on how well a debater School’s Xiaoqi Zhu. Stuyve- Som made it to the semifinal One in three Americans skip
spoke. The first two preliminary sant’s Jared Dummitt and Yan round and Shabil Billah made it breakfast on a regular basis. This
rounds are based on random se- Slavinskiy made it to the quarters, to the quarterfinal round. For Oral is shocking, considering the nu-
lection. After that, the rounds are losing to finalist Grondahl and Interpretation, each speaker reads merous studies that make clear
“power matched,” so that com- Hunter College’s Zayn Siddique. a piece of literature in an engag- the dire consequences of this ill-
petitors debate against people Stuyvesant’s Claire Bulger and ing manner. Evan Kolesnick advised choice. For Stuyvesant
with similar win/loss records and Georgia Stasinopoulos made it to placed third, and Miles Purinton students, it is either going to
speaker points. After the five pre- double-octos. and Nina Charap made it to the school early to get the free break-
liminary rounds, the top 32 debat- For the speech side of the semifinal round. Warlito deLeon, fast available in the cafeteria or
ers in each division advance to tournament, the speakers are Jennifer Lau and Paul Silverman rushing up the steps and buying a
the elimination rounds. The elimi- grouped into groups of about six made it to the quarterfinal round. candy bar from a vendor. Every-
nation rounds are double-octos, and judges rank them. The top- The Original Oratory Category is one knows an ideal nutritious
octos, quarters, semifinals, and ranked speakers make it to the one in which speakers write their breakfast is something that is not
finals. In these rounds, there is elimination rounds. In the Decla- own speeches and give them.
mation Speech contest, for which Stuyvesant did very well in this

more than one judge. If the deci-

sion isn’t unanimous, it goes by students give speeches written by division, with Maureen Chung
majority. other people, Stuyvesant’s Jimmy placing third, Michelle Luo plac-
In the Junior Varsity LD De- Wang, Christine Yeoun and ing fourth and Evan Schwartz
bate competition, Arthur L. John- Karthiga Emmanuel made it to placing fifth.
son High School’s Alexander the semifinals. In the Duo Inter- Overall, the Stuyvesant
Castro defeated TJ Golden from pretation Category, for which two Speech and Debate Team did well
Sacred Heart High School to win. speakers work together a give a at the Columbia Invitational. ◙
Lee Schleifer-Katz of Stuyvesant performance of a piece of litera-
made it to the semifinals, losing ture, Stuyvesant’s team of Many of what is sold are not healthy
for students.

STUY VOICE only healthy, but satisfying and

wholesome as well. But who actu-
ally takes the time to sit down and
Generation Imitation enjoy the lost meal we call break-
fast? “I just get some SweetTarts
BY AMNA AHMAD age and laugh at. ing a dead woman’s clothes just or chocolate,” said freshman
COLUMNIST When I think of the fashion to look like Madonna is a desper- Yvonne. Who is the accomplice
that defines our generation, I ate attempt to duplicate an earlier to the crime of choosing a bad
Sometimes the overwhelming breakfast?
amount of schoolwork and preoc- think of Chuck Taylors, multicol- age. In accordance with this
ored tights, and teased skinny view, 86 percent of students agree It might just be you: the per-
cupation we have with securing a son who carries a box of candy
successful future force us to ig- jeans. But isn’t that what teenag- that our generation of pop culture
ers have been wearing since the borrows from or imitates past around the halls of Stuyvesant.
nore the things about our genera- The consumer can choose from
tion that make it stick out from all 1980’s? After looking through an generations.
old yearbook from 1985, I’m not As far as music is concerned, the “satisfying” Snickers bar,
the others. Then again the ques- cubes of sugar known as Star-
tion surfaces of whether there sure what I’ll do if I see another I find myself preferring music
pair of Chuck Taylors again. from decades ago over the music bursts, or the peanut-buttery taste
would be anything at all that we’ll of Reese’s Cups. The sugar con-
be able look back on in our old Vintage clothing seems to be in of today. It’s evident that teenag-
fashion lately, but to me, exploit- Continued on Page 4 Continued on Page 4

Candy for Sale
Continued from Page 3 consequences are not so profit-
Generation Imitation
able. The apparent decrease in
corbis n’t deserve. I’m sure that every-
Continued from Page 3
health has already been noted by one has heard an older person
ers today simply cannot let go of
the government. Physical educa- describe how much harder school
the classics of the 70’s, 80’s and
tion tests have been issued in was without the Internet. Be-
90’s such as Queen, The Beastie
some elementary and middle cause of this technology, too
Boys and Nirvana. Maybe it has
schools. A ban of trans fat was much is expected of us. I guess
something to do with a long
recently put into effect. Commer- that certain individuals are reluc-
streak of bad music in our current
cials offering pills for weight loss tant to consider the possibility of
generation. For me, it’s difficult
such as the NV pill are common- a computer crash within minutes
to decipher one song from another
place. Even school lunches are of a Saturday deadline for a re-
and everything just sounds like
getting health-conscious by bak- port, or the possibility of your
organized noise.
ing foods that are usually fried.
As for selling candy for the
A healthy alternative to candy bars is benefit of clubs/pubs at Stuyve- ...86 percent of students agree that our gen-
trail mix.
sant, I suggest vending wiser food eration of pop culture borrows from or imi-
tent in candy bars is staggering. A choices such as whole grain gra-
Hershey’s Milk Chocolate bar nola bars, or hearty trail mix. The tates past generations.
alone contains 22 grams of sugar. occasional indulgent Dark Choco- homework being posted on Sun-
late Raisinets won’t be a problem Just what is it that causes our
Some like, Ada Leung, call it a generation to lag behind in day at four in the afternoon and
“sugar rush in the morning.” At since Stuyvesant has ten stories due the next morning.
for students to walk up and down. uniqueness? It may have some-
this rate, the only rush you’ll be thing to do with the current ad- It’s arguable what we should
getting is one to the hospital if When purchasing these snacks, think of our generation now, but
keep in mind that you’re helping vancements in techn olog y.
you don’t change your eating hab- Maybe if teenagers of our genera- the truth about it will be revealed
its. Even Hershey’s warns you to the Stuyvesant community as well in the near future when we look
as your grumbling stomach, tion spent more time playing
“enjoy in moderation.” Although sports in the street with the back and see how little things
the profit goes to the funding of which needs vitamins and miner- have actually changed. I wonder
als. Bon appetit! ◙ neighborhood kids like our par-
Stuyvesant’s numerous clubs, the ents did, rather than hanging out what I’ll say to my kids when
on YouTube, we’d be getting they ask me what life was like
somewhere. When asked whether when I was a teen. As disappoint-
Keep Cool In a Hot technology in a way defines our
current generation, 95 percent of
ing as it may seem, I’m not sure if
I’ll have anything interesting to
students responded “yes.” In ad- say because it seems that the so-
Market Or You Might dition to having far too great of
an impact on the life of a typical
cial evolution of the world has
come to an end — a generational
teenager, technology has given Armageddon. ◙
Just Get Burned our generation a label that it does-

BY SIHONG HUANG control, the way to get it back is

STAFF WRITER not to initiate a rash commitment
that will be regretted in the fu-
Today’s market is filled with
excitement as talk of record-
People are better off invest-
breaking highs circulates around
ing if they get over the impulse to
Wall Street. The reactions from
try to “nail it.” People do greater
investors and brokers are usually
harm than good when they mess
one of two:
with their portfolios. Brett N.
a) Stocks are rolling again; I
Steenbarger, a clinical psycholo-
must get in on the action.
b) I’ve seen this before, better
gist and author of “Enhancing
keep it safe and bail. Trader Performance,” stated that
humans experience nervous
Usually when 55 percent of in- breakdowns when a big gain or
vestment newsletter writers are
bullish, the market is at the top.
loss in wealth occurs, that our
brains don’t work correctly the
The Next Wall Street
As of right now we’re at: way they do when we’re calm.
• 14 percent: 2006 return of
the S&P 500
In an unscientific survey con-
ducted by Money magazine, three
Could Be in China or
• 60 percent: newsletter writers people were asked if they were a
who are optimistic (bullish)
• 56 percent: bulls in January
bull or a bear in response to the
current market:
a) “A bull. Real estate will
2000 before the market BY HANFORD CHIU The report concluded that
correct a bit, but everything
crashed BUSINESS EDITOR New York and the United States
else is moving along.” –
Cary According to a report issued were trailing in the following
One of the reasons investors three ways: lack of regulation
b) “I’m a bull, I’m a bull.” – in part by Mayor Bloomberg,
should stay cool in a hot market is John Woram against frivolous lawsuits, com-
New York City is trailing behind
that when a market is at the top, c) “A bear. Times are chang- plicated regulatory laws and a
the rest of the world as a leading
the fall could hurt. People tend to ing and things are going to declining pool of talented work-
financial capital, and could soon
feel optimistic after hearing about get tough.” – Lloyd Clunie ers. One of the concerns is the
lose the title in as little as 10
bonus pays for Wall Street firms Sr. red tape of regulation all over
years. Senator Charles Schumer
reach new heights and that there large businesses since the col-
(D-NY) joins with Bloomberg in
is invested cash sitting in mutual Most people fall for the trap lapse of Enron. In response to that
issuing a 134-page report urging
funds, but in this kind of situation and act bullish when it is more and other accounting fraud, Con-
legal and regulatory reform to
people also feel giddy or scared. opportune (according to ex- gress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley
make the United States market
When you’re feeling a lack of perts) to stay a bear. ◙ more attractive. Continued on Page 5
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD Friday, February 02, 2007 BUSINESS/A&E Page 5

The Next Wall Street Could Be Dreamgirls:

in China or Europe Just Another Pretty Face
Continued from Page 4 IPO’s (initial public offerings)
Act in 2002 to impose a number were listed in New York, con- BY EMMA RABINOVICH well placed and helped the movie
of financial control reforms. The trasted to Europe’s 63 percent ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR gain momentum. The fact that
act is policy that fails to empha- share, more than double last they were sung by girls with pow-
size principles of ethics, but year’s percentage. The United erhouse voices is just icing on the
rather imposes many small rules. States is still the world’s largest cake. “Listen,” which acts as Be-
Furthermore, strict immigration financial market with $51 trillion yonce’s little coming-out party, is
policies have affected the number worth of equities, debt and bank actually so good you’ll want to
of skilled professionals allowed to deposits in 2005, but markets in buy the soundtrack.
work in their fields, leaving col- Europe and Asia are growing Created by writer and direc-
lege-educated immigrants work- faster, and securities jobs are in- tor Bill Condon, “Dreamgirls” is
ing in jobs food carts on the creasingly being created overseas, based on the Broadway musical
streets. The impact of this regula- while financial services in New about a trio of black female soul
tion is clear in the effects on Wall York are declining. ◙ singers who cross over to the pop
Street. Just 16 percent of global charts in the early 1960’s. Deena
Jones (Beyonce), Effie White

(former American Idol contestant

Jennifer Hudson) and Lorrell
Robinson (Anika Noni Rose) start
out as small-time singers aiming
for the top, with Effie in the lead.
Sharon Leal, Beyonce Knowles, and However, when their manager
Anika Noni Rose in DreamWorks Pic- Curtis Taylor Jr. (Jamie Foxx)
tures' and Paramount Pictures decides that the slimmer, prettier
“Dreamgirls.” Deena should sing lead, tensions
explode and Effie ends up leaving
With all the Golden Globe
the group. Fortunately, the swing-
buzz surrounding the movie, I
ing door goes both ways and she’s
expected another bittersweet tale
quickly replaced by Michelle
of three girls who came from the
Morris (Sharon Leal).
wrong side of town, fought
There is a 10--minute inter-
against the odds, and finally made
lude when you’re bombarded by a
it, singing along the way. Fortu-
collage of pretty images of Be-
nately, in terms of plotline and
yonce in different outfits and
musical number, the movie defi-
hairstyles that acts as an “and
nitely exceeded expectations.
The musical numbers were Continued on Page 7
A collage of “All in the Family,” a controversial CBS sitcom that aired from 1971
to 1983.
Children of Men
All in the Family BY ROBERT COLBOURN
what the public needed. It clearly
surpassed all expectations in its
BY TASSO BOUNTOUVAS complete opposite. Edith, played use of computer-generated im-
Yahoo! Movies

STAFF WRITER by Jean Stapleton, usually toler- agery, and the cast was perfectly
“All in the Family” aired on ated Archie’s rants in order to put together. Its controversial
CBS from 1971 to 1983. For five avoid disagreement. However, view of 2027 was an emotional
years, it was the top-rated show that wasn’t the case with Archie’s thriller, with virtually no comedic
on American television and won live-in son-in-law Mike Stivic, relief to break the moment.
four consecutive Emmy Awards played by Rob Reiner. Mike was Theo Faron (Clive Owen), a
for Outstanding Comedy Series. a liberal college student who mar- reluctant activist-turned-
“All in the Family” was one of ried the Bunkers’ daughter, Glo- bureaucrat, is living in a world in
the most successful, significant ria, played by Sally Struthers. The which the youngest person in the
and influential sitcoms in history. quarrels between Archie and world has just died at 18. Women
It began a new era of American Mike, or as Archie called him, have become infertile slowly,
television filled with programs “Meathead,” served as the foun- with no known scientific reason.
that weren’t afraid of addressing dation for much of the show’s It is a time of complete anarchy;
controversial or social subjects. comedy. Because both characters the only nation in the world that
The plot of “All in the Fam- were extremely vocal about their has not been thrown into chaos is
ily” centered on the Bunker fam- viewpoints, heated conflict be- Britain. As a result, it has to act
ily in Queens, New York. The tween the two was guaranteed. as a refuge for many people in the
family patriarch, Archie Bunker, “All in the Family” seemed to world, causing a war between the
played by Carroll O’Connor, was revel in breaking primetime’s government, which is trying to
Poster of Universal Pictures'
a bigoted loading dock worker previously unshakable prohibi- limit immigration, and terrorist
“Children of Men.”
bothered by the changes in tions. Archie’s regular attacks groups, which are trying to create
American society. To Archie, laced with racial and ethnic la- For most of 2006, sci-fi equal rights for the refugees. Yet
achievements by the “Spades,” bels, Mike and Gloria’s appar- movie-goers were undoubtedly when one refugee woman, Kee
“Spics” or “Hebes” of America ently active sex life, and the disappointed by the severe lack of (Claire-Hope Ashitey), is found to
(as he usually referred to Blacks, sounds of Archie’s belching and decent science fiction movies. be pregnant, hope for the survival
Hispanics and Jews, respectively), of flushing toilets all broke sit- However, they definitely felt a of the human race emerges. Theo,
came at his expense and that of com convention. Even though the sense of awe and relief if they now thrust in a struggle to protect
other lower-middle class show’s pilot episode consistently saw “Children of Men” this De- this woman, goes through a jour-
“whites.” His sweet but flighty rated below average in research cember. A depiction of a dark,
“dingbat” wife, Edith, was the Continued on Page 7 post-apocalyptic future is just Continued on Page 7
Page 6 Friday, February 02, 2007 A&E THE STUYVESANT STANDARD

Video Game Review Special

Elite Beat Castlevania
Agents Back to the Future of Gaming
Along with this, new skills have
COLUMNIST been introduced which allow the
The year is 1944. World War characters to use powerful team
BY JONATHAN XIKIS attacks or jump on each other’s
COLUMNIST II has taken its toll, and millions
of souls wander the Earth without shoulders to reach high areas. A
quest system has been introduced,

peace. In the midst of destruction

and chaos arises the ultimate evil: in which you can find rare items
Dracula’s Castle. However, there and spells. Finally, the frustrating
is hope, in the form of novice “dominance” system from DoS, in
vampire hunter Jonathan Morris which the main character would
and teenage witch Charlotte randoml y absorb monsters’
Aulin. This unlikely duo pos- “souls” to gain special attacks,
sesses the skills needed to destroy has been eliminated in favor of a
Dracula once and for all — as- more predictable, skill-based sys-
suming the two manage to get tem, in which your attacks in-
past Brauner, a powerful vampire crease in power the more you use
Elite Beat Agents, a game for the who has barred the way using The two main characters in Castleva-
Nintendo DS.
magical paintings of immense nia: Portrait of Ruin. A slew of new monsters,
power, as well as his two daugh- weapons and items have been
Imagine, for a moment, that ters, who hide a dark secret. acters at once, on their quest to added since Dawn of Sorrow. The
you are a teenage girl and you “Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin” is fight their way through Dracula’s most interesting is Jonathan’s use
want to go steady with your foot- the newest game in the Castleva- Castle and save the world. Jona- of whips, specifically the power-
ball jock boyfriend. Just as you nia series, which is famous for than is confident and strong with ful Vampire Killer, which will be
are about to ask him, the doorbell making good use of old-school physical attacks, while Charlotte instantly recognizable to veterans.
rings and you are given four side-scrolling action. is skilled in magic, but otherwise The game even goes so far as to
rowdy children to baby-sit for! “Portrait of Ruin” improves weak. The well-developed partner place some of the previous
Who could possibly save you on its predecessor, “Dawn of Sor- system allows you to fight with game’s best-loved bosses into a
from this plight? Time to call in row,” in many ways. Now, you both characters at once, or use special area, the “Den of Evil,”
the Elite Beat Agents! These gov- control not just one, but two char- them separately to solve puzzles. Continued on Page 7
ernment agents help people solve
ordinary — or extraordinary —
problems through the power of
dance. Also known as EBA, this
Battlefield 2142
long-awaited rhythm pseudogame
for Nintendo DS looks decep-
tively simple, but is jam-packed
Has the Series Frozen Over?
with quality music, amazing
graphics and four difficulty lev- STAFF WRITER
els, each with different main char-
After a century of political
acters, catering to everyone from
stalling and nonstop atmospheric
the first-timer to the experienced
pollution, humankind has realized
that global warming is, indeed,
The mechanics of EBA are
very real. After melting the
almost exactly like those of “Osu! Earth’s ice caps, it has caused a
Tatakae! Ouendan!,” a Japanese phenomenon resembling “The Day
game released in 2005, which, After Tomorrow,” plunging the
though it had limited success in Earth into a new ice age. The last
its home country, soon became an fertile land left, around the equa-
import phenomenon. Its pick-up- tor, is enough to fight — and die
and-play nature made it fun even — for. This is where the online
for those who couldn’t understand first-person shooter Battlefield
Japanese. EBA takes this winning 2142 begins, as you play the role
formula, upgrades it, and sets it in of a soldier from one of two op-
Americanized surroundings, with posing factions, the European Un-
completely new scenarios and ion and the Pan-Asian Coalition, A screenshot of Battlefield 2142
songs. In both games, you play as both of which are fighting for con- stunned by your Rambo-esque act graphics cards. A staple of the
a secret agent, specially trained in trol of Europe and the unfrozen of bravery, such as single- series is its large variety of vehi-
the art of dance, who uses the land of North Africa. BF2142 of- handedly destroying the core of a cles, such as the tank and the air
uplifting power of music to help fers nonstop action, but sticks too giant flying fortress and parachut- transport. Unfortunately, the only
people in trouble around the much to the formula of its prede- ing to safety. This is countered by new vehicle types added since
world. EBA replaces the trench- cessor, Battlefield 2, for its own the fact that you may be banging BF2 are the Battlewalker (a slow
coat-clad dancers of Ouendan good. your keyboard after being repeat- but powerful mech-like tank) and
wi t h b l a c k - s u i t e d , B l u e s - BF2142 still accommodates edly killed by an overzealous APC Gunship (a future version of the
Brothers-esque agents, who travel up to 64 players at once on truly gunner or a bad pilot. The game’s helicopter with a jet engine). This
around in a 60’s-style convertible. gigantic maps. This makes for epic graphics are slightly better than change has given more power to
The goal of the game is to battles, in which multiple things BF2’s, with enhanced explosions ground forces, which were once at
help the person, who is intro- can be happening at once. Un- and dust effects that will put a the mercy of a good jet pilot. One
doubtedly, there will be at least load on all but the most advanced
Continued on Page 8 one moment in which you are Continued on Page 8
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD Friday, February 02, 2006 A&E Page 7
Children of Men
Continued from Page 5 which everyone has lost hope and
ney of confusion, heartbreak and the world is being torn apart. Its
a drive to actually make a differ- use of CGI is also fantastic. CGI
ence in the world. is not used in many instances
The concept behind this (besides for showing futuristic
movie was amazing. The highest technology), but it flows seam-
points had to be its cast of charac- lessly when it is.
ters. Claire-Hope was a new- This film is not something
comer to Hollywood, and yet she that one would watch while in
was able to stand out with the best search of some light-hearted sci-
in this movie, such as Michael fi. This is a film that will make
Caine and Julianne Moore. Every one question governmental ac-
character added significantly to tions and the meaning of life. This
the plot, even the minor ones. is a must-see for anyone looking
They set the mood of the movie: a for a deep, emotional, theatrical
Olivier Martinez in MGM’s “Blood and Chocolate.” bleak and hopeless world in experience. ◙

An Interview with Olivier Martinez All in the Family

Continued from Page 1 but a car accident left him unable
citing. He said, “I am fascinated to continue. In his own words, he Continued from Page 5 out there and hustle for it, like I
“didn’t know what to do.” Look- done. I didn’t have no people
by [the] wild in general, [the]
wolf in particular.” He enjoyed ing back, the actor said, “I don’t marchin’ and protestin’ to get my
experiencing the knowledge of regret [the decision].” Despite the job.”
the wolf as he felt wolves could fact that his family did not believe EDITH: “No, his uncle got it
perceive one’s feelings, so people in him, Martinez kept dreaming, for him.”
must not be afraid around them. and dreaming big. He is more The impact of “All in the
The filming of the movie was interested in enjoying his profes- Family” impact was so strong that
done in Romania. However, Mar- sion than its benefits. Martinez it went beyond the world of tele-
tinez said that he did not see sees the awards that he has won vision. The show became the
much of Romania, as he was as a result of circumstances and heart of a fiery national debate on
working hard and had to concen- nice, but not extraordinary. He whether the use of comedy was an
trate on his part. said that being recognized does appropriate means by which to
The actor was unable to cate- not bother him. Overall, he said, fight prejudice and social inequal-
gorize roles in such groupings as “I consider myself a very privi- ity. Archie Bunker also became
villain or good guy. He said, “I leged person” an American symbol because of
don’t see a role as good or bad.” Martinez feels that any role is The cast of “All In The Family,” a his sympathetic qualities, allow-
Instead, he tends to see roles as a challenge as the actor cannot sitcom that aired on CBS from 1978 to ing many viewers to see Archie in
“interesting or not.” Of his role as control the role. He said an actor 1983. a positive light despite his obvi-
Gabriel, he said that humans may has to improvise, especially when ous faults.
see him as a villain, but from the working with children or animals. tests conducted by both ABC and The show’s influence on
point of the wolf he is just fulfill- Fortunately, Martinez likes this CBS, CBS debuted the show on American television is difficult to
ing his nature. Of roles in general, aspect of his job. He said he must January 12, 1971, though with ignore. It helped introduce a new
Martinez said, “all [of my] roles always show the best to the crowd fairly little publicity. The first generation of comedic programs
have a common point, me.” even though an actor’s perform- show began with an unforgettable that replaced the light plotlines of
Martinez was also asked ances are a mix of “what you exchange between Archie and television’s early years with topi-
questions about his acting in gen- want to do and can do.” However, Edith: cal themes of social importance.
eral. Of his choice to become an he did note that an actor never ARCHIE: “If your spics and In this way, its impact on prime-
actor, he said, “I did it by stands alone; there is always a spades want their rightful share of time programming continues to be
chance.” He used to be a boxer, team behind him. ◙ the American dream, let them get sensed decades later. ◙

Dreamgirls: Just Another Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin:

Pretty Face Back to the Future of Gaming
Continued from Page 5 turn. Continued from Page 6 new online mode, in which play-
The sudden change in mood

which is unlocked when most of ers from around the world can try
in the second half of the movie the map has been explored. Por- their hand at co-op mode to try
(after the exit of Effie) is also too trait of Ruin’s graphics have been and defeat a gauntlet of bosses in
drastic. It goes from hopeful to revamped, with some enemies and the least time, or sell their hard-
melancholy too quickly with backgrounds being rendered in earned items in a virtual store to
nothing in between; the Dream- full 3D. The diverse assortment of friends who have extra gold. The
girls fight for their dream and areas within Brauner’s paintings online mode is not perfect, how-
then the dream falls apart. The assures more variety and a much ever, due to a number of small
movie takes a very clichéd ap- larger map than were present in glitches which have been discov-
Beyonce Knowles and Jamie Foxx in proach to success and only shows
DreamWorks Pictures' and Paramount Dawn of Sorrow; however, some ered. One allows you to get
that it destroys people and cor- bosses are a bit easier than in the unlimited items from quests, al-
Pictures' “Dreamgirls.”
rupts friendships, which makes previous game. This does not lowing any player to sell them for
then some time later,” but after a the girls’ dreams of success seem mean the game is easy — in fact, unlimited gold. Regardless, Por-
while even the biggest Beyonce meaningless and empty. upon completion, the game lets trait of Ruin should be obtained
fan will feel overwhelmed. In However, the actors give ter- you use secret characters and play by anyone looking for a quality
fact, the movie’s greatest short- rific performances (especially on difficulty levels that would be game for the Nintendo DS, as it
coming is its inability to take the Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Hudson) challenging even to the most bat- reaches the gold standard set by
camera off its leading lady long and the music is great, so in the tle-hardened Castlevania veteran. Dawn of Sorrow. ◙
enough to give someone else a end, everything falls into place. ◙ Portrait of Ruin includes a
Page 8 Friday, February 02, 2007 A&E/SCIENCE THE STUYVESANT STANDARD

Elite Beat Agents Review Battlefield 2142: Has the

Continued from Page 6
duced by a manga-style animated
but. Although some of the songs
might seem downright ridiculous, Series Frozen Over?
comic on the top screen; you they fit in perfectly with the Continued from Page 6 ferent gameplay modes.
solve the dilemma by guiding the game, thanks to sound-alikes that
player from each team can apply “Conquest” is the most popular
agents’ dance moves using the are better than many of the origi-
to be the Commander, who has a mode, where players compete to
stylus and the touch screen. This nal singers.
detailed battle view and can send capture and hold “control points”
is done by tapping multicolored The ultimate goal is to
orders to squads using his laptop. and ultimately deplete the other
dots to the beat, as well as hold- achieve a perfect “S” ranking for
The rest of the players can choose team’s “tickets,” or chances to
ing down on moving balls and each and every song, but that will spawn, to zero. ”Titan” is the new
require much practice. EBA also from one of four classes — down
spinners to make the agents, ren- from seven in BF2 — each with its kid on the block, and features two
dered in full 3D, get their groove manages to throw in some im- mammoth flying transport ships
proved features, such as being own specialties. For example, the
on. You can string together com- Engineer class can defend with called “Titans” (one per team)
bos and earn points to make your able to skip scenes and adding a which players fight to destroy by
mines or attack with a rocket
“Elite-O-Meter,” which is con- replay mode to show the world either capturing missile silos or,
launcher, while a player who cho-
stantly decreasing, go up, much your “elite skills.” The game’s once their shields are down,
ses Recon can specialize in Spe-
like Dance Dance Revolution. If multiplayer mode is icing on the boarding them. This new mode
cial Forces training or sniping. A
you make too many mistakes, cake, and lets you face off against adds new depth to the game, al-
new feature in BF2142 allows you
however, it might drop danger- a rival in battle — if you make a though there is a major problem:
to customize your kit with a multi-
ously low, causing the person on mistake with your tapping, your tude of different upgrades, all of lag. While the Titan is moving,
the upper screen to mess things opponent gets the upper hand. which have to be unlocked by your soldier, as well as any items
up, to hilarious effect. If the meter Elite Beat Agents is a fun and or bodies on the floor, tend to
drops to zero, you’re through. involving game, with a few twists
move jerkily by themselves, as
Although this may seem like a and an insanely intense ending they are not exactly in sync with
piece of cake, it soon becomes that will leave you wanting more . the movement of the ship. Al-
harder to handle, as the dots ap- . . and more . . . and more. You though a recent patch disallowed
pear at a blindingly fast rate on will have to beat the game at least Titan movement once its shields
the higher difficulty levels. twice in order to unlock the final are down, it is still a nuisance.
This might sound frustrating, difficulty level, “Hard ROCK,” in While Battlefield 2142 is ad-
but thanks to the carefully chosen, which you play as the beautiful dicting and fun, it suffers from
high-quality songs, ranging in “Elite Beat Divas.” This game has some minor problems and glitches.
genre from “September” by Earth, to be played to be believed, and For example, you might be frus-
Wind and Fire to “La La” by Ash- should definitely be picked up by A screenshot of Battlefield 2142. trated to learn that the Gunship’s
lee Simpson, the game is anything anyone with a Nintendo DS. ◙ gaining ranks through playing TV missile is too fast and almost
online before you can use them. impossible to aim and that the
Although you can use some gadg- transport you were piloting has

Parents: Where Did ets almost immediately, it takes a

while to unlock a gun. However, it
exploded after crashing into a tree.
The game’s menu looks almost the
same as BF2’s, which, though it is
seems that weaponry has not
They Go Wrong? changed much since 2007; in fact,
it got weaker. That’s right — in
familiar to veteran players, feels
stale. Finally, the much-loathed
EA Games felt it necessary to in-
more than a century, there are no
BY KENNETH LAM mother angrily begins to spank lasers, plasma rifles, microwave clude controversial in-game ads to
STAFF WRITER him, but to no avail. Eventually beams or death rays. The soldiers deepen their pockets, and are sus-
A child runs she lets him go and slumps to the use inaccurate conventional weap- pected of including spyware
around the ground, exhausted, her head be- ons, and the anti-air emplacements (although the software is supposed
house, scream- tween her arms. She says to her- have gone from missiles to flak to collect region information
ing and break- self, “Where did I go wrong?” cannons. To be fair, many weap- only). There are a few minor im-
ing things as he This sounds like a job for the Su- ons were toned down for balance provements, such as with the
runs. A frus- pernanny! issues, and now feel more realis- server browser and the allowance
trated mother What leads to a need for such tic. Some of the gadgets, such as of the creation of multiple soldiers
desperate measures? The answer the antipersonnel mine or C4, are with the same account. This game
runs behind
is simple: a lack of proper disci- just futuristic carbon copies of the should be bought by any Battle-
him, yelling and
pline of the child. A new study current version. There are some field aficionado who wants more
screaming for
showed that 31 percent of parents useful exceptions, though, such as of the winning formula, but if you
her child to stop. When she fi-
do not find their methods of spawn beacons, auto-turrets and need an introduction to the series,
nally catches up to him, she grabs
teaching their children to be ef- active camouflage. buy Battlefield 2 first. ◙
him and screams in his face. The
child begins to cry, and the In BF2142, there are two dif-
Continued on Page 10

Freak Chickens Produce Eggs Containing Drugs

BY RAMMIYA NALLAINATHAN inserted genes for miR24, an anti- genic hen is made, it can pass they had very low success rates.
STAFF WRITER body, and interferon b-1a, an anti- along the gene from generation to Animals other than chickens have
As weird as it may seem, viral drug, into the genes of a hen generation. also been used in this kind of ex-
people have long imagined differ- which produce ovalbumin, which After the eggs are laid, the perimentation, including goats,
ent things that could be found in makes up about half of the egg white can be separated from the rabbits, sheep and cattle. Cattle
chicken eggs. However, no one white. The hens were thus made yolk and purified. It would go can produce the proteins so that
really thought about finding drugs to produce the two substances in through certain trials to make sure they end up in milk.
in chicken eggs until now. Scien- their egg whites. it is safe. To avoid any bad ef- Researchers and scientists
tists confirmed on January 15, This technology is a great fects, the chickens would not be have come a long way since the
that genetically modified hens advance for pharmaceutical com- eaten by humans, though they do first transgenic animal was made.
could produce drugs. These drugs panies. Current methods for pro- not seem to be any different from Now, the question is how these
would be found in the albumen ducing drugs are very expensive. regular hens except for the special results will affect our future. Will
(white) of eggs. With this method, production will proteins found in their egg whites. it be for better or for worse? ◙
Helen Sang and other re- be a lot cheaper. Transgenic hens have been
searchers of Roslin Biocentre This is because once a trans- produced in the past. However,
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD Friday, February 02, 2007 BUSINESS/A&E Page 9

Chewing Gum in Development to Combat Obesity

BY SANGHEE CHUNG life. that patients with a pancreatic healthy volunteers. They were
COLUMNIST “We hit on the idea of a tumor generated more PP and had offered buffet meals and were
A chewing gum that can fight chewing gum because obese peo- relatively thin bodies without ill free to eat as they wished. Those
obesity has just started to be de- ple like chewing,” said Professor side effects. who received the PP injection
veloped. At Imperial College Bloom. “People with benign pancre- ended up feeling less hungry and
London, scientists have developed Pancreatic polypeptide is atic tumors who secrete large ate 15 to 25 percent less than
a drug based on a natural hor- produced by the pancreas after quantities of PP remain chroni- those who merely received an
mone that makes the body feel each meal and alerts the brain that cally thin but have no other side inactive salt solution.
full and satisfied. In the United Kingdom, ap-
The scientists have received proximately one in five adults is
Chewing gum would be key to solving obese and this figure could rise to
£2.2 million ($4.4 million) to cre-
ate the drug in the form of chew- the worldwide problem of obesity. one in three by 2010. Obesity
ing gum. Professor Steve Bloom, causes 1,000 deaths a week.
who has studied appetite control “This need for effective anti-
for over 20 years, believes that the stomach is full so that effects,” said Professor obesity therapies is currently un-
this natural hormone, called pan- eating does not go out of control. Bloom. “When the hormone is met,” said Dr. Ted Bianco of the
creatic polypeptide (PP), is key to It has also been found that differ- given to volunteers who are then Wellcome Trust, the organization
solving the worldwide problem of ent people have different levels of allowed to eat as much as they that gave Bloom the funding. “We
obesity. So far, the hormone has the hormone and being over- like, the amount they eat is re- believe that Professor Bloom’s
only been used experimentally, weight tends to decrease the duced by between 15 and 25 per- research holds great promise and,
but the long-term goals are to amounts of the hormone in the cent.” with our support, can be trans-
create it into a chewing gum or body. The effects of the hormone The hormone was tested on a lated into tangible benefits to
nasal spray that may be used for were first noted after discovering group of 35 overweight but health.” ◙

Two-Headed Reptile Is
Discovered In China:
A Fossil, That Is
BY LOREN OUMAROVA barrel-shaped body, short tail, and
STAFF WRITER long serpentine neck. Only one
“When I saw it, I immedi- interesting aspect alienated it
ately realized it was something from the rest of its species: it had
extremely unusual,” said paleon- two heads with two separate
tologist Eric Buffetaut of the Cen- necks fused at the base! Scientists
tre National de la Recherché Sci- believe that this small creature is
entifique (CNRS) in Paris, the earliest known victim of a
Differences in HDL and triacylglycerols observed in different ethnic groups may be
France. He was referring to an birth defect called axial bifurca-
due in part to carbohydrate intake.
ancient fossil, recently discovered tion (two-headedness).This defect
in the Yixian Formation of north- occurs when an embryo is dam-
Cholesterol Levels eastern China. For years, the site aged in the womb. Usually, a le-
Royal Society

Related to Ethnicity
BY OMAR AHMAD Cholesterol in the blood that
STAFF WRITER can be of two forms: LDL or
Scientists have been puzzled HDL. LDL, or low-density lipo-
for many years by certain condi- protein, is the form which can be
tions that are prevalent only in dangerous to the human body and
certain ethnicities. These condi- is normally related to disease.
tions include some diseases, fat HDL, or high-density lipoprotein,
intake, longer lifespan, and even is harmless and actually assists
A tiny dinosaur-era reptile with two heads has been found in China—the first time
high cholesterol level. Recently, the body in maintaining the cell
the extremely rare developmental anomaly has been seen in a fossil.
specific tests were conducted that membranes of all animal cells.
It is now known that the con- has been a famous treasure trove sion will form, causing a certain
helped determine the answer to
sumption of certain carbohydrates of feathered dinosaur and early part of the offspring’s body to
the cholesterol differences be-
can affect the conversion of lipo- bird remains from the Cretaceous duplicate itself. Nowadays, axial
tween two ethnicities.
proteins into cholesterol or their period, around 120 million years bifurcation is a relatively com-
Dr. Anwar T. Merchant of the
storage as energy for the body. ago. Dozens of well-preserved mon birth defect among lizards,
Population Health Research Insti-
Not only does it affect the conver- imprints can be found in the fine snakes, turtles, tortoises, and
tute in Hamilton, Ontario stated
sion rate, it also influences the grain sediments and volcanic other modern reptiles. This birth
that previous research had been
levels of these cholesterol cells rocks of the formation. What defect is a strong piece of evi-
done on this topic with diet, life-
that are evident in the body. makes this latest discovery so dence against the saying that two
style, genes and obesity as possi-
The two groups that Anwar particularly special? heads are better than one.
ble factors, but none gave suffi-
Merchant recently studied were The small fossil was classi- “Having two heads obviously
cient information. Recently, he
South Asians and Chinese. Those fied as an ancient reptile called causes huge coordination and
noticed that most studies were
who were studied were monitored Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensis, behavior problems, since it means
concerned with only the fat con-
for several months. The South similar to many others that were having two brains which function
sumed in diets, not carbohydrates
found around it. It had a typical
or proteins. Continued on Page 10 Continued on Page 10

Cholesterol Parents: Where Did They Go Wrong?

Levels Continued from Page 8
fective. Among these methods
clude threats that are exaggerated,
such as threatening to ban some
dom, as this will teach their chil-
dren independence and decision-
activity for life, or any threat making skills.
Related to are yelling and spanking. How-
ever, another statistic also shows made and not followed through An extremely common nega-
that 38 percent of parents are sim- with. By making an empty threat, tive approach to disciplining chil-
Ethnicity ply using the techniques that their
parents once used on them. This
one is undermining one’s author-
ity over the child, and the child
dren is spanking. This practice is
generally frowned upon, but
Continued from Page 9 leads to the question: What is the will begin to think that the parent many parents still engage in it, as
Asians, who consumed the most best method for parenting? they think it is the only way to get

carbohydrates on a daily basis, There are many techniques a message through to a child that
had the lowest levels of HDL and that can be used in parenting. doing something is wrong. How-
the highest levels of LDL, and the However, these techniques vary ever, this method fails to commu-
Chinese, who ate the smallest with age, and will tend to develop nicate the message. Instead, it
amount of carbohydrates high into negotiation as the child conveys conflicting messages to
levels of HDL and low levels of grows older. Rather than simply what one wants one’s child to
LDL. The lifestyles of these peo- yelling and screaming at a child learn. It teaches children that
ple had a great influence on their to teach them, parents should at- violence can solve problems, and
cholesterol levels and this study tempt to reason with the child. In will cause children to fear their
shows that carbohydrates increase addition, such negotiations should parents and not come to them
your risk of high cholesterol sig- be specific to the task at hand, Spanking teaches children that violence with problems.
nificantly, and a low level of car- instead of simply telling a child can solve problems, and will cause Although nearly a third of
bohydrates can assist in maintain- not to do something. A parent children to fear their parents rather parents state that their methods
ing health. should make an active effort to than to come to them with problems. are failing to bring the message
This study is further evidence act more on the positive side by across the board to their children,
of the disparity between different rewarding good behavior rather really does not wish to punish two-thirds of these parents will
ethnicities in regard to health. It than punishing bad behavior. him or her, and will continue with use methods that they feel are
is not only what you do that can Although there are many the wayward activities. In addi- effective, such as time-outs.
affect your health, but your ethnic positive ways to deal with chil- tion, as children grow older and However, there is no clear-cut
background as well. ◙ dren, there are also many wrong enter their teen years, parents will solution to parenting. Each child
approaches to disciplining a child. generally use the removal of is different, and correspondingly
One such example of a negative privileges to teach a teen right each parent’s parenting style will
Two-Headed approach to parenting is to make from wrong. However, they
should also give teens more free-
differ. ◙
empty threats. Empty threats in-
Reptile Is
Discovered In The Double Standard
China: A Continued from Page 12
XLI Preview

Continued from Page 12

season, Merriman was suspended
Fossil, That Is for four games for violating the attack. This game is just too
NFL’s policy on steroids and re- evenly matched.
Continued from Page 9
lated substances. He blamed the With the offenses and de-
more or less independently, while test results initially on an over- fenses perfectly aligned, it will
other organs within the body cav- the-counter supplement he was come down to special teams.
ity, such as the heart and diges- using, but declined to appeal the Devin Hester for the Bears may
tive tube, are usually not dupli- suspension and sat out the four have been a threat in the regular
cated,” Dr. Buffetaut explains. In games. When he returned, it was season, but so far in the playoffs,
fact, one report describes a two- as if nothing happened. He was he has not put up a single big gain
headed snake one of whose heads being seriously considered for on a return. Robbie Gould has
bit the other off! Defensive Player of the Year be- been known to struggle in warm
Although two-headed crea- fore finishing third to Jason Tay- weather, and the game is to be
tures have been known to live lor of Miami and Champ Bailey played in Miami. For the Colts,
over ten years in captivity, this is of Denver. Terrence Wilkins has not been
a very rare case. Most victims of The hard thing to fathom is playing up to par on his returns,
axial bifurcation die at a very the hypocritical actions by the leaving only one player on special
young age, especially in the wild. media in this case. Merriman is a teams with any importance, Vi-
The newest fossil from China is known steroid user, something McGwire was recently up for induction natieri. So far this year, he has
no exception to that rule. The that should put his entire career
into the baseball Hall of Fame. been perfect in warm weather, 9-
small reptile imprint is 2.8 inches under intense scrutiny. He should until he tells what he knows about 12 on grass, 9-11 outdoors (all
(7 centimeters) long. This is tiny be held to the same standard has steroids, he doesn’t deserve to be misses were over 50 yards), and
compared to the average length of disgraced former slugger Rafael the poster boy for the steroid era. perfect against the NFC. Each of
an adult Hyphalosauras, which Palmiero, who tested positive for It boils down to the high stan- those factors will be satisfied dur-
was about one meter long. The steroids at the end of his career dards that we place on baseball. ing the Super Bowl. As the of-
two-headed reptile was merely a and threw any chance he had at Baseball is the American pastime, fensive and defensive units clash,
hatchling when it died. It was the Hall of Fame out the window. and as much a part of the Ameri- the scoring will either be high or
either still-born or it passed away An yone who watched can spirit as the flag itself. Amer- low, but either way, it will be
in the very early stages of its life. McGwire over the end of his ca- ica brought baseball to the world. close. Vinatieri has three game-
Two-headed creatures are not reer knew he was taking some- Football, while a true American winning kicks in Super Bowls,
only figments of our imagina- thing. He has admitted to taking sport, doesn’t have the same in- and another one would not be a
tions, but actually exist. Though supplements, but not steroids. The ternational appeal as baseball. A surprise.
two heads impair motor function point is that there is no proof that baseball problem is a global issue. My score for the Super Bowl
and other necessary processes, McGwire took anything he wasn’t A football problem is a national is 24-21 in favor of the Colts,
there’s no denying how amazing supposed to. Though he does not issue. That doesn’t excuse the with Adam Vinatieri driving in a
they are! ◙ deserve to make the Hall of Fame double standard. ◙ game-winning field goal, again. ◙
THE STUYVESANT STANDARD Friday, Feburary 02, 2007 SPORTS Page 11

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Boys JV Basketball
Vs. High School of Food Boys Gymnastics
and Finance Vs. John F Kennedy
@ High School of Food @ Stuy
and Finance 4:00 PM
4:30 PM

February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 18

Boys Gymnastics Boys JV Basketball Boys JV Basketball Indoor Track

Vs. Dewitt Clinton Vs. Beacon Vs. Martin Luther King Jr Manhattan
@ Stuy @ Stuy @ Martin Luther King Jr
4:00 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM Championships
@ The Armory

The Unpredictable Knicks The Best Show in Town

Continued from Page 12 with Brown. Marbury started the Continued from Page 12 Vince Carter and Shaquille
season off at a mediocre level, but Corbis O’Neal. The West had Kobe Bry-
The Knicks started the season his game has flourished during ant, Steve Nash, Tim Duncan,
with a record of 5-11, losing 11 of January, during which he has av- Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady.
their first 16 games. Since then, eraged 21.1 ppg and 6.1 assists 2006, with LeBron as MVP, was
however, they have been decent, per game (apg). all about the rise of the new gen-
with a record of 12-12. Quentin Richardson had an eration of emerging young stars,
This season, for the most awful season last year, with along with Wade and Anthony.
part, has been much better than nearly no impact on the Knicks. For 2007, expect more of these
last year’s. With still another half This year, however, he is per- young players like forward Chris
of the season to play, the Knicks forming much better. He is aver- Bosh, center Dwight Howard and
need only six more wins to tie aging 14.1 ppg and 7.1 rpg. guard Chris Paul to step up.
their total wins for last year. Un- David Lee is also playing This year, All-Star veterans
mistakably, the Knicks have im- very well this season. He is aver- return as well, players who were
proved this season, and there are aging 10.7 ppg and 10.4 rpg. He once young stars themselves like
several key players responsible is one of only eleven players in Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett.
for this transformation. the NBA to average a double- Time seems to pass by so quickly,
Eddie Curry has in fact been double in points and rebounds. as it was just yesterday they first
playing like an all-star this sea- With veterans performing at accepted their acceptances with
son. He’s averaged 19.1 points an all-star level and a crop of im- wide smiles, to now, when it has
per game (ppg) and 7.3 rebounds pressive youngsters, the Knicks become an expected tradition and
per game (rpg). In fact, Curry look to build upon their decent
Yao Ming, the Chinese center for the
duty to perform their best in the
leads all Eastern Conference cen- Houston Rockets, is the all-time lead-
first half of the season and make a ing vote-getter, with a record-breaking game. The current active players
ters in terms of scoring. Stephon run for the playoffs. ◙ with the longest All-Star tenure
2,342,738 votes in 2006.
Marbury faced much criticism last are probably Shaquille O’Neal
year, especially during his strife forward, guard and center. The and Kobe Bryant, former team-
voting is done by the general pub- mates of the Lakers dynasty. For

lic, and this is the time when loyal 2007, they will go head-to-head
fans show their avid support for again, because of Shaq’s trade to
their favorite players. Miami two years ago. Iverson’s
Of course, what the All-Star trade to Denver will shift some
game really comes down to is a guard power to the West, but look
popularity contest. The players for James and Wade to fill in and
who sell the most jerseys or run dominate. The West used to have
the most sneaker ads are usually the big men, but with the East’s
the ones who get chosen. Or, in Shaq, Wallace and Howard, it has
the case of Yao Ming, whoever’s evened out. Look for Bryant
country has the most voters. Yao guarding James, Carter defending
Ming, the Chinese center for the cousin McGrady, and O’Neal on
Houston Rockets, is the all-time Yao. Look for spectacular Nash
leading vote-getter, with a record- alley-oops, James sky-walking,
breaking 2,342,738 votes in 2006. and Yao facials. This time, there
He has been a starting center will be old faces, and there will
since 2003, and expect no less be new faces. But either way, the
from him this year. Last year, the 2007 NBA All-Star game will be
East starters were: Allen Iverson, a blast. ◙
Eddie Curry, left, leads all Eastern Conference centers in terms of scoring. Dwayne Wade, LeBron James,
Page 12 Friday, February 02, 2007 SPORTS THE STUYVESANT STANDARD


Bears middle linebacker Brian Urlacher (left) holds up the NFC Championship

Super Bowl XLI Preview

BY ZAKHAR SHTULBERG league, showcasing substance
STAFF WRITER over style, led by Peyton Man-
The 2007 Super Bowl will be ning. The Bears beat the most
one for the ages. The Chicago explosive offense in the NFC
Bears will battle the Indianapolis championship game, and the
Colts for the NFL championship, Colts beat the most consistent
and it will all come down to one defense in the AFC championship
man: the man who won three Su- game. The Bears lost a key
per Bowls by himself, Adam Vi- player in the defensive running
natieri. Here’s why. game, Tommy Harris. The Colts
The contending teams are don’t have much of a running
matched too closely for the game
to be a blowout. The Bears have
game. The Colts’ run defense has
been weak against the NFC in
recent games; the Bears don’t
The Unpredictable
the best defense in the league, led
by Brian Urlacher. The Colts
have the best offense in the
have much of offensive running
Continued on Page 10
BY HESHAM SALEH exactly half of the season. Their
THE SPORTS BEAT STAFF WRITER record as of that game was 17-24.
Although that puts them in the
The Double Standard This might be Isaiah Tho-
mas’s last season as the Knicks’
head coach — or it might not be.
11th seed in the Eastern Division,
all they need is a couple of wins
to become the Atlantic Division

BY ERIC MAYO After firing Larry Brown, James

SPORTS EDITOR leaders, and ensure themselves a
Dolan gave Thomas a one-year playoff berth. But that might be
ultimatum to turn the Knicks into much easier said than done, espe-
One player has been rumored
a decent team with potential. cially for such an up-and-down
to have been taking steroids. One
The Knicks played their 41st team as the Knicks.
player has been caught and sus-
game on January 19 against the
pended for using steroids. One
New Jersey Nets, which marks
was held out of the Hall of Fame. Continued on Page 11
The other was rewarded with a
trip to the Pro Bowl and serious
consideration for Defensive
Player of the Year. The differ-
The Best Show in Town
BY RICHARD MAI together on the same court for one
ence? One plays baseball, and the STAFF WRITER unforgettable night. The All-Star
other football. game, however, is also a game
I’m referring to Mark Mark your calendars: Febru- just for fun. Every year, NBA
McGwire and Shawne Merriman. ary 18. The event? The 56th an- fans from across the globe with
McGwire, former all-star first nual NBA All-Star game, which Internet access are able to vote for
basemen with the Cardinals and Shawne Merriman of the San Diego is being hosted in Las Vegas,
Chargers is a known steroid user. the members of the NBA All-Star
Athletics, was recently up for where it is sure to be the best team. There are two teams, the
induction into the baseball Hall of the steroid hearings two years ago show in town. West and the East. Players whose
Fame. He only received 23.5 per- added further circumstantial evi- The yearly event is a big teams are in the western U.S. are
cent of the vote, far short of the dence to his story when he re- draw in the NBA. It is where chosen for the Western Division
75 percent needed for entry. marked, “I am not here to talk players can make or break their and players whose teams are in
Many writers refused to vote for about the past.” careers; everything from their the East are chosen for the East-
McGwire because of his sus- Merriman is an outside line- egos to their performance for the ern Division. Voters online are
pected steroid use during the backer for the San Diego Charg- rest of the season can be on the able to select players according to
“juiced” era of the late 90’s. His ers. Before Week 8 of the regular line. Some of the greatest mo- their respective positions, such as
testimony on Capitol Hill during ments in basketball occur here,
Continued on Page 10 where the best of the NBA play Continued on Page 11

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