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Chemistry and Gardening

Name: Curtly Frank School: Queens College Date: Wednesday 11, 2013 Teacher: Ms. Jordan

Chapter 1: Essential Elements for Plant Growth and Their Sources (S.O. 6.1:6.2)
Plants require sixteen various elements for their proper growth and development. These nutrients are categorized according to the quantity in which they are needed. Nutrients that plants require in large amounts (e.g. nitrogen) are called macronutrients, while those needed in much smaller amounts (e.g. zinc) are called micronutrients or traces. Macronutrients are divided into two groups: Primary Nutrients: these are the three most important nutrients to a plant. They are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Secondary elements: these are the three other macronutrients; calcium, magnesium and sulphur. Though they are essential to plants, they are not needed in as large amounts as the primary macronutrients, but are needed in larger quantities than micronutrients. Nitrogen: this element is absorbed as either ammonium ions (NH+4) or as nitrate ions (NO-3). Nitrogen is important to plants because it promotes vegetative growth. Nitrogen is one of the most easily leached elements. Nitrogenous fertilisers include ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2 SO4) which contains 20% nitrogen, ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) which contains 35% nitrogen, and urea (CO(NH2)2) which contains 46% nitrogen. Phosphorus: absorbed as phosphate ions (PO3-4), phosphorus stimulates root growth and is also used to alter the maturity rate of plants. Fertilisers rich in

phosphorus include super-phosphate (P2O5) which has 19-21% phosphorus availability, triple super phosphate (P2O5) which has 47% phosphorus availability, and ammonium phosphate ((NH4)3PO3) which has 12-21% phosphorus availability. Potassium: plants take up potassium as K+ ions. Potassium is needed in plants because it is essential for the formation and transfer of carbohydrates. Potassium rich fertilisers are Muriate of Potash (KCl) which has 60% potassium oxide, and Sulphate of Potash (K2SO4) WHICH HAS 48-50% potassium oxide. *Some fertilisers combine nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a fertiliser called NPK. NPK is available in various ratios of each of the three, (e.g. 10 N:10P:10K, 15N:10P:10K) Some micronutrients required by plants are: Sulphur: one of the constituents of proteins, sulphur is important to plants with high protein levels (e.g. legumes). Calcium: this element is essential to the development of root tips. Magnesium: this is one of the fundamental parts of the chlorophyll molecule and is therefore needed for all green plants. *Some micronutrients are found in fertilisers rich in macronutrients (e.g. sulphur can be found in sulphate of potash).

Chapter 2: Effects When Elements are Deficient (S.O. 6.3)

Deficiency of any one of the major elements required by plants results in visible side-effects. Nitrogen: deficiency of this nutrient results in stunted growth, yellowing of leaves and leaves dropping off. Phosphorus: phosphorus deficiency results in purple pigmentation of leaves, stunted growth in green parts of the plants and poor root development. Potassium: deficiency of potassium results in drying of leaves from the tips backwards, irregular molting of leaves and pre-mature falling of buds.

Chapter 3: Nitrogen Compounds in Home Gardening- Organic Manure vs. Fertilisers; the Nitrogen Cycle (S.O. 6.4)
Nitrogen is one of the macronutrients needed by plants. It is also one of the most easily leached nutrients. As such, nitrogenous fertilisers are needed constantly to replenish nitrogen supplies. The nitrogen cycle is the continuous circulation and conversion of nitrogen through its various forms through the environment. This constant cycling of nitrogen is very essential for nitrogen to remain in the soil. The amount of nitrogen returned to the soil by the nitrogen cycle in home gardens is not enough, and therefore nitrogenous fertilisers are needed to provide the additional nitrogen needed. Organic vs. Inorganic Fertilisers Organic fertilisers are any fertilisers derived from animal or vegetative matter. Inorganic fertilisers are fertilisers derived from chemical substances and are generally in the form of soluble powders, granules, or crystals. Organic Fertilisers Nutrients are released at a slow and consistent rate, thus resulting in steady growth. Improves soil structure. Inorganic Fertilisers When inorganic fertilisers are dissolved in water and reach a body of water (e.g. lake/river) it results in pollution. After a period of time, plants and farmers become dependent on inorganic fertilisers. Helps to prevent topsoil erosion. Are easier to uses and apply than organic fertilisers. Help to retain soil moisture. Nutrients are instantly available to plants. Cheaper than inorganic fertilisers. Are more expensive than inorganic fertilisers, but are added less frequently. Must be applied at more regular Regular use contributes to a decrease in intervals to supply essential quantities pH, and is therefore a cause of soil of nutrients. acidification.

Chapter 4: Humus, Why We Need It! (S.O. 6.5)

Humus is any organic matter which is added to the soil to influence the texture and nutrient & water retention. Humus is sometimes used to describe manure or natural compost. Humus serves as a host and source of food for microorganisms in the soil. When humus is added to the soil, it helps to promote the activities of soil organisms. Humus adds very important nutrients to the soil while helping to improve the structure of the soil. Humus conserves soil moisture, prevents erosion and has a buffering effect on the soil. The addition of humus to soils also helps to reduce quick soil temperature fluctuations.

Chapter 5: Lime and Soil (S.O. 6.6; 6.7)

pH is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. Soil pH refers to the pH of the soil. The majority of agricultural crops thrive within a pH of 6.5-8.6. If the soil is too acidic, lime can be added to soil. The addition of lime to the soil, on a chemical level, increases the pH of the soil, thus removing soil acidity. Also, lime hastens the decomposition of organic matter and helps to develop nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Lime can be added as limestone (CaCO3), quicklime (CaO) or slaked lime (Ca(OH)2). Lime, physically, compliments soil structure helps to reduce weeds. When ammonium is added to the soil it reduces the soil pH, thus making the soil more acidic (NH4+ + H2O NH3(aq) + H3O+). Since lime does the opposite, when the two are added together, each counteracts the activity of the other (2NH 4+ + CaO NH3 + Ca2+ OH).

Adding lime to Soil

Chapter 6: Chemical and Biological Control of Pests (S.O. 6.8)

A is any substance used for the prevention and/or removal of any unwanted pests. Pesticides can be either biological or chemical. Both classes of pesticides are found to have harmful effects on the effects on the environment in the long run. Some such effects are: Water Pollution: when pesticide run-off gets into contact with large bodies of water they pollute the water. Nitrogen Fixation: pesticides reduce the efficiency of nitrogen fixation, thus resulting in a higher need for nitrogenous fertilisers. Pesticide Drift: when pesticides are sprayed in the air, they are carried by the wind and can be scattered for miles, resulting in wide scale air pollution. Biological Pesticides (Biopesticides): Biopesticides are pesticides used for biological control of pests and are organic in nature. Advantages of biopesticides are that they: Do not have traces of harmful residues. Are cheaper than chemical pesticides. Are better for the environment due to them being biodegradable. Disadvantages of biopesticides are that they: Work slower than other pesticides. Allow for living organisms adapt and increase their resistance to any other form of control. Are very specific. Chemical Pesticides: Chemical pesticides are pesticides that are inorganic in nature. Some advantages of chemical pesticides are that they: Are fast acting. Are more effective than biopesticides.

Are less specific and therefore can target a wider range of pests. Disadvantages of chemical pesticides are that they: Remain on the surface of the fruit for days after being picked, so there is risk of ingestion of pesticide residue. Are more expensive than biopesticides.

Chapter 7: Herbicides (S.O. 6.9)

Herbicides are also known as weed-killers because they get rid of unwanted plants. Herbicides are categorized as either selective or non-selective. Non-selective herbicides kill all plants they are sprayed on; while selective herbicides target only a select variety of plants and the rest are immune to their effects (e.g. selective herbicides can target broad leafed plants while fine leafed crops are unaffected). Herbicides have advantages and disadvantages. Some are: Advantages Herbicides are highly effective and can kill many harmful crops. Herbicides have no harmful effects on the soil. Disadvantages Herbicides are toxic and can be fatal if ingested. Herbicides are damaging to the environment. Over time, herbicides increase plant resistance, therefore making the plants harder to destroy.

Chapter 8: Hydroponics (S.O. 6.10)

Hydroponics, from the Greek words hydro (water) and ponos ( labour), is an adopted method of cultivation in which roots of the plants are immersed in nutrient-enriched water. Hydroponics can be done with our without the use of sand or gravel for mechanical support, but is generally done without it. Hydroponics is sometimes referred to as planting without soil. The first published work on planting without soil was in the Sylva Sylvarum, a book published in 1627. In the 18th century, scientists discovered that plants absorb all their mineral requirements as inorganic ions. Soil is a reservoir for these minerals, but only when the minerals are dissolved in water can the plants absorb them. Therefore, when these minerals were introduced into a plants water supply by artificial means, soil would no longer be required for plant growth. This led to the development of hydroponics. There are many benefits of hydroponics. The most notable are: Increased Production: hydroponics allows for plants to grow faster and have a stable and larger yield of crops. This allows a much higher profit. Healthier Plants: hydroponics promotes healthier plants because there is precise control over the plants environment (e.g. pH and nutrition can be easily changed). Also plants grown through hydroponics eliminate the risk of soil-borne diseases, and fewer pesticides are used. Water Efficiency: hydroponic systems use less water than traditional farming systems. This is a result of water in the system being recycled and recirculated. For this reason, hydroponics is used in areas where water is not always readily available. Wide Crop Production Range: hydroponics allows the production of plants that are out of season or even plants that need a specific climate to grow,

provided the plants are in a greenhouse where conditions can be precisely recreated. Also, most terrestrial plants can be grown using hydroponics. Though hydroponics is very effective, it comes at disadvantages. If there is a failure of the hydroponic system, the plants would quickly die without soil as a buffer. Setting up hydroponic systems is expensive, and many hydroponic plants need varying fertilisers.

CXC Agriculture Third Edition, Sahadeo Ragoonanan (Caribbean Education Publishers), pp. 77-78, 82, 86-87. Biology for CXC, M.V.B. Roberts & June Mitchelmore (Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.) p. 28 home_gardening

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