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openbiz-cubi - Rapid PHP Application Development Platform
Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 68 Openbiz Cubi Platform is a php based rapid application development platform. The goal of Cubi is to provide commonly used modules and a set of tools PHP, Framework, ZendFramework, AJAX, Openbiz, Enterprise, Platform, jQuery, Web

doophp - DooPHP is a high performance MVC based PHP 5 framework

Updated: Last 7 days - Stars: 136 DooPHP framework is one of the fastest, if not the fastest PHP framework available. It enables developers at all levels to rapidly develop robust web 2.0 applications. The framework is around 3-... PHP, framework, mvc, orm, performance, REST, modules, routing, HTTPDigestAuthentication, templateengine, codegeneration, profiling, cache, database, model

phpcheckstyle - Coding convention style checker for PHP

Updated: Last 30 days - Stars: 22 PHPCheckstyle is an open-source tool that helps PHP programmers adhere to certain coding conventions. The tools checks the input PHP source code and reports any deviations from the coding convention. ... DevTool, PHP

arras-theme - Arras WordPress Theme

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 61 php, wordpress, theme

kaytwo - A theme/framework for WordPress.

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 199 K2 is an advanced open source theme for WordPress, developed by Michael Heilemann, Chris J Davis, Zeo,
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Steve Lam, Ben Sherratt and Eric Marden. Would you like to know more? K2 wasn't made ... wordpress, k2, template, blogging, php, javascript, ajax, theme, stable, jquery

rock-php - Best PHP based MongoDB administration GUI tool

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 207 Git Repository Comes: PHP, MongoDB

phppi - PHP Picture Index

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 12 PHP Picture Index is a free, quick to install, image gallery script. PHPPI does not require any databases, all information is retrieved from the files/folders themselves. PHPPI was designed this w... PHP, Images, JavaScript, Album

goagent - a gae proxy forked from gappproxy/wallproxy

Updated: Today - Stars: 5430 goagent 3.0.4 ~~goagent 2.1.17 twitter web 0813 goagent 3.0.4 ... AppEngine, PHP, Proxy, Go, Python

libstats - A simple web-based app for tracking library reference statistics

Updated: Earlier this year - Stars: 42 Libstats provides a simple way for library reference & service desks to track statistics on the number of questions asked, as well as build a simple knowledge base. Libstats requires PHP and Pear::... php, library, statistics, knowledgebase, referencedesk, apache

mollify - File management and publishing for web

Updated: Today - Stars: 177 Mollify is web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a PHP enabled web server, with clean and fully customizable user interface. For screenshots etc, visit project home page. ... Web, Ajax, PHP, FileManagement, DocumentManagement, Publishing

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