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Teacher Candidate _____Mrs. Lauralynn Defngin______ Grade Level __3rd Grade Nutrition ____
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors) Contextual Factors: 4 ESL students (Shi-on level, Sha- on level, Jocelyn- low in reading and writing, on level math, K- on level) 4 Students low in literacy; 2 IEPs (Max, C); 1 IEP for writing (V) 4 Students HAL (Er, Taye, J, El) 2 Students who have behavior challenges (Erionna, T) 5 Vision impairment- (Jared, C, Mx, V, Jar) 1 Vision impairment-outdoors only (Ma) Classroom environment: Technology available; smartboard, iPads, laptops, Students desks grouped in 4s Library present and accessible WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)
State Standard/Objective (from Unit Plan): Nutrition & Fitness Standard 6: Students will understand how a healthy diet and exercise can increase the likelihood of physical and mental wellness. Objective 1: Compare personal eating habits with a balanced diet. A: Record daily intake. Integrated Language Arts Standard 8: Students write daily to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences. Objective 1: Prepare to write by gathering and organizing information and ideas (pre-writing). Content Walk-Away: I will draw food items and create a mini plate of MyPlate and what foods I have eaten in a meal. Language Walk-Away: I will organize my thoughts by recording what my intake of food was from a meal that I have eaten (i.e. what I ate from breakfast or dinner last night).

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have learned the Walk-Away? )
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson): *Ask students questions to see if they are understanding the elements of MyPlate. *Check students understanding of what each slot in MyPlate represents by naming foods in the given area. (i.e. What type of foods will we look for to paste in the fruit areas?) *Observe students while they are drawing their food items and make

Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Ask question specified to Max to help him understand which foods go with each food group When Erionna is working on her MyPlate have everything cleared off her desk to help her stay more

sure they are placing the correct items in the right area in the MyPlate poster. Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): *Students finished product of current food intake and their before plate of MyPlate. Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): *Written record intake of food items previously eaten on the back of their MyPlate.

focused and less distracted. Have Taye write along with his food intake a paragraph on how he can improve his food intake. Jared may work close to the white board with a clip board so he can see the MyPlate nutrition and the different foods that are in each food group. Have Jocelyn work with aide or Ms. Johnson or Ms. Wittwer to make sure her letters are facing the right direction and her MyPlate is done in the correct manner through organization.


Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.). Note: Provide a brief

description for each. Do not simply list SIOP 4,5,12, etc.

Activate/Building Background Knowledge: Think of what you ate for breakfast or lunch today, or even dinner last night. What foods did you eat? (SIOP 7) Now I want you to share with a partner what you ate last night for dinner, or this morning for breakfast. Ready? Share. Allow time for students to share their answers, if many want to share ask them to turn to a partner to share what they ate for dinner last night or what they ate for breakfast or lunch today. (SIOP 16, 18) Using your prior knowledge, think about what you learned last year about grains, fruits, vegetables, protein and dairy. (SIOP 8) Provide a brief review of the different items, for example: Grains provide important nutrients for our bodies. Grains gives us energy. Here are some grains. Teacher will show pictures of bread, rice, cereal, pasta, oats, waffles, and pancakes. These foods are all part of the grain family. Many breads and cereals are made of wheat flour. -Show picture of wheat, so students better understand how they grow. Fruits are also important for our bodies. There are so many different fruits. Can someone name a fruit for me? (SIOP 14) -Teacher will then show pictures of some fruits.

SIOP 7 concepts linked to students background experiences SIOP 18 wait time SIOP 16: Frequent interaction and discussion *Make sure that Taye is not bored and is continuing to learn and make sure he does not shout out answers or tell answers to students around him. SIOP 8 links explicitly made between fast learning * Have Jocelyn sit with an aide on the rug with a white board and when asked a question about what a fruit is she writes the name of the fruit she is saying on her board so to help her with her writing. *Make sure to keep an eye on Erionna and make sure she is not interrupting other students around her while on the rug for whole-group instruction.

Vegetables is another item that we all should have on our plates. Can someone name a vegetable? -Teacher will then show pictures of some vegetables. (SIOP 12) -Teacher will then do the same thing for protein and dairy. Now that we have seen what a grain, fruit, vegetable, protein, and dairy are and how they all play an important role in keeping our bodies healthy and strong, I am going to show you an activity that we will be doing today. Before we start our activity I want to go over some key words that you will hear throughout our lesson. -Show slide of MyPlate. -Teacher will introduce the key words: diet, intake and make sure they understand the concept of MyPlate. (SIOP 9) Todays goal is to learn how to record our food intake. -Here is when I will post the objective of learning how to record their food intake in writing. We will read together as a class.(SIOP 1, 2, & 3)
Formative assessment: Can someone name a grain? Can someone name a fruit? Can someone name a vegetable? Can someone name a protein? Can someone name a dairy item? (SIOP 30) Modification/accommodations: Make sure all pictures are clear and big enough for students with vision impairment can see.

*When posting objectives and showing pictures of food items make sure it is big enough where Jared may see it or have Jared in an area on the rug where he can easily see the food items so he can participate. *Have Max share his food intake with the class to get him involved in the lesson so he can better understand the purpose. *Make sure Chad and Max are understanding the activity and writing portion and assist them as needed.

SIOP 14 supporting student learning, asking questions activating prior knowledge

SIOP 12 using visuals

Focus Lesson (I do it) Today we will be discussing our daily intake of foods that we have eaten in a previous meal. We will draw on a plate a replica of the MyPlate diagram and organize our food by drawing foods that we have eaten on the plate in their food group category. The reason I had you think of what you ate at dinner, breakfast, or lunch is because today we are going to record our intake of food in our diet. Here is an example plate of what I had for dinner last night. I had a piece of chicken, rice, and a salad that consisted of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. -Leave example plate up on the board so students will be able to look back at it for reference when working on their own. (SIOP 14) -Show class through power point slide my food intake. Note that I want them to write their food intake of their meal on a piece of paper I am going to show you how I want you to do this activity. First thing I am going to do is record what I had for breakfast this morning. I had a toast, eggs, strawberries, and a glass of milk. So, I will write breakfast on the top, then write 1 slice of toast, 1 egg, 3 strawberries, and a glass of milk. Then, I want you to bring your recorded intake to me or one of the teachers to check and you will come get a plate so you can start on the activity. (SIOP 24, 25 & 26) Next, I would like for each of you to draw the different food items in their proper food group area.

*Ask Max a question about the different food groups, so I know that he would understand where to put each of his food items. *Have Jocelyn share her food intake of a meal with me after she shares with a partner to I know that she understands the task at hand. *Show Jared a vegetable and ask what food group would the food item belong under. Hold picture out so he can see. *Ask Taye to share with a partner what he had for a meal and what food group each food item is in. *Have Erionna and Taye share the same thing, what they had for a meal and what food group each food item is in so to help challenge them.

SIOP 9 introducing key words SIOP 1 displaying content objective

First thing I am going to do is go through my food items. I would already know that the toast I ate for breakfast this morning is a grain, so I will draw a piece of toast in the grain part of my plate. Next on my food list is an egg. I know an egg is a source of protein, so I will draw an egg under the protein food group. Next on my food list is are my strawberries. Class, what food group would I draw strawberries under? -Give students opportunity to explain where it goes. Students should say under fruits.(SIOP 16) Next on my list is a glass of milk. Class, where should I draw a glass of milk? -Class should answer in the dairy category. -After I finish showing class how to do the task, I will explain what I want them to write. After you are done with your plate, I want you to write your food intake of that meal that you wrote on your sheet of paper and transfer your food intake on the back of your MyPlate product. (SIOP 11, 17, & 21)
Formative Assessment: Teacher will ask: Can anyone tell me a grain that you might have eaten today? Clarify again what is a grain and what important element it gives to our bodies. Check for understanding that students understand what they are expected to do and if they know where the different food item belongs on their plate. Can someone name a fruit? Modification/accommodations:

SIOP 2 displaying language objective of recording in writing SIOP 3 Content is age appropriate SIOP 30 checking for understanding Make sure the example of MyPlate is close to where Jared is so he can see my example and how I organized my food items.

SIOP 14 assisting student on their activity If Taye finishes early, either have him do another MyPlate replica with another previous meal choice, or go around assisting those who need help organizing their foods in proper food group area

Guided Instruction (We do it) Now that you have seen how to do this task I want each of you to choose a meal in the day, it can be what you had for dinner last night, or breakfast or what you usually eat. -I will pass out little scratch pieces of paper for food intake. Together I want everyone to write down what their food intake was for the meal that you chose. If you need help raise your hand and one of our helpers will be over to help you. (SIOP 21) -Be explicit with instruction -Ask students if they have any questions.
Formative Assessment: I will go around and make sure all students are writing their food intake down correctly. Modification/accommodations: Assist Chad, Max, and Jocelyn in their writing

SIOP 24 objective supported by lesson delivery SIOP 25 students should be engaged SIOP 26 pacing lesson to meet student levels SIOP 16 interaction between teacher and student Have a paper plate already drawn and prepared for IEP students like Max. Help Max label and organize his food intake in the correct food group area. SIOP 11 clear statement of what teacher expects from students SIOP 17 supporting content and language objective

Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) -Students will be working on their MyPlate replica of their meals and drawing their food items in the proper food groups, they may collaborate with partners for assistance. (SIOP 20) -Color utensils and paper plates will be provided.
Formative Assessment: Modification/accommodations: Assist Chad and Max

Independent (You do it alone) *Students will create their own plate of what they ate or eat in a meal. They will create their plate by drawing food items that they have eaten in the proper area of where the food belongs whether it is a fruit, vegetable, grain, protein, or dairy. (SIOP 4, 5, & 6)
Formative/Summative Assessment: Teacher will walk around and observe students to make sure they are accurate in their drawing of food items. Teacher will also give meaningful feedback to help students on their plate. (SIOP 29) Modification/accommodations: Make sure Erionna and Taye are staying on task Make sure that Chad and Max are receiving the right amount of help that they need.

SIOP 21 activity applies content and language knowledge SIOP 20 hands-on materials are provided

Comprehensible review of content and vocabulary -Teacher will review key words again and ask for understanding from students. (SIOP 27) *Grains, Fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy *intake *diet
Formative/Summative Assessment: After reviewing I can ask them again what all the words mean. Modification/accommodations:

SIOP 4 making lesson meaningful SIOP 5 activity is done to the different levels of students abilities SIOP 6 meaningful activities

Provide partner support

Summarization Students will turn in their plates and meet at the rug. What activity did we do today? Why did we do this activity? (SIOP 15) -Read objectives again with students. I will record my food intake and create a mini MyPlate by drawing my food intake in the proper food group area. So, did we record our food intake? -Students respond, yes! Did we create a MyPlate of one of our meals and the food we intook? -Students respond, yes! Recording our food intake is important because it can help us keep track of what we need to cut back on and what we need to add to our diet to be healthy and strong. Why is recording our food intake important? -Students should respond with I hope each of you will try to keep record of what you eat and know how you can improve your eating habits and strive to maintain a healthy balance diet. Ms. Wittwer will now help you take what we have learned about foods you eat now and how we can improve our diet.
Formative/Summative Assessment: Students will respond back with the purpose of this activity and lesson, and why it is important to record our food intake. Teacher will look over plates and make sure that they are done correctly. Modification/accommodations:

SIOP 27 review of key vocabulary

SIOP 15 promoting higher order thinking

What do I need to remember to do? Remember to be explicit with instructions Remember to remind class about how to use a scissors and how they need to be careful. Remember to keep checking for understanding Materials to have ready? -MyPlate poster -Pictures of different foods -Piece of scratch paper -Color pencils (if time permits for students to color) Approximate time needed for lesson? -15 -20 minutes

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