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Submersible MoIor Pump

Amarex KR1
Pump Sizes DN 40 Io DN 300
MoIor Sizes:
2-pole: 5 2 Io 55 2
4 poles: 4 4 Io 65 4
6-pole: 4 6 Io 50 6
8-pole: 10 8 Io 35 8
MaI. No.:
LegaI in!ormationlCopyright
IhsIallaIioh/OperaIihg Mahual Amarex KR1
Origihal operaIihg mahual
KS8 AkIiehgesellscha!I
All righIs reserved. 1he cohIehIs provided hereih musI heiIher be disIribuIed, copied, reproduced, ediIed or
processed !or ahy oIher purpose, hor oIherwise IrahsmiIIed, published or made available Io a Ihird parIy wiIhouI
KS8's express wriIIeh cohsehI.
Sub|ecI Io Iechhical modi!icaIioh wiIhouI prior hoIice.
KS8 AkIiehgesellscha!I FrahkehIhal 18.12.2012
Clossary .................................................................................................5
1 Ceheral ..................................................................................................6
1.1 Prihciples ...........................................................................................................6
1.2 IhsIallaIioh o! parIly compleIed machihery .................................................... 6
1.3 1argeI group ..................................................................................................... 6
1.4 OIher applicable documehIs ............................................................................ 7
1.5 Symbols .............................................................................................................7
2 Sa!eIy .....................................................................................................8
2.1 Key Io sa!eIy symbols/markihgs ....................................................................... 8
2.2 Ceheral .............................................................................................................. 8
2.3 IhIehded use .....................................................................................................8
2.4 Persohhel quali!icaIioh ahd Iraihihg............................................................. 10
2.5 Cohsequehces ahd risks caused by hoh-compliahce wiIh Ihese operaIihg
ihsIrucIiohs ...................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Sa!eIy awarehess ............................................................................................10
2.7 Sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh !or Ihe operaIor/user ..................................................... 10
2.8 Sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh !or maihIehahce, ihspecIioh ahd ihsIallaIioh work ..... 11
2.9 UhauIhorised modes o! operaIioh ................................................................ 11
2.10 Lxplosioh proIecIioh ...................................................................................... 11
3 1rahsporI/1emporary SIorage/Disposal .............................................13
3.1 Checkihg Ihe cohdiIioh upoh delivery .......................................................... 13
3.2 1rahsporI ......................................................................................................... 13
3.3 SIorage/PreservaIioh ...................................................................................... 14
3.4 ReIurh Io supplier ........................................................................................... 15
3.5 Disposal ...........................................................................................................15
4 DescripIioh o! Ihe Pump (SeI) ............................................................16
4.1 Ceheral descripIioh ........................................................................................ 16
4.2 DesighaIioh ..................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Name plaIe ...................................................................................................... 16
4.4 Desigh deIails .................................................................................................. 16
4.5 1ypes o! ihsIallaIioh .......................................................................................18
4.6 Coh!iguraIioh ahd !uhcIioh ........................................................................... 19
4.7 Scope o! supply ............................................................................................... 19
4.8 Dimehsiohs ahd weighIs ................................................................................20
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe ...............................................................................21
5.1 Sa!eIy regulaIiohs ........................................................................................... 21
5.2 Checks Io be carried ouI prior Io ihsIallaIioh ............................................... 21
5.3 IhsIallihg Ihe pump seI .................................................................................. 23
5.4 LlecIrical sysIem .............................................................................................. 29


Amarex KR1 3 o! 86
6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh ...................................................35
6.1 Commissiohihg/sIarI-up ................................................................................. 35
6.2 OperaIihg limiIs .............................................................................................. 36
6.3 ShuIdowh/sIorage/preservaIioh .................................................................... 39
6.4 ReIurhihg Io service .......................................................................................39
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce .......................................................................41
7.1 Sa!eIy regulaIiohs ........................................................................................... 41
7.2 Servicihg/ihspecIioh ........................................................................................ 42
7.3 Draihage/cleahihg ..........................................................................................47
7.4 DismahIlihg Ihe pump seI .............................................................................. 48
7.5 Reassemblihg Ihe pump seI ........................................................................... 51
7.6 1ighIehihg Iorques ......................................................................................... 57
7.7 Spare parIs sIock ............................................................................................. 58
8 1rouble-shooIihg ................................................................................59
9 RelaIed DocumehIs ............................................................................61
9.1 Ceheral assembly drawihgs ........................................................................... 61
9.2 Wirihg diagram............................................................................................... 74
9.3 FlamepaIhs oh explosioh-proo! moIors ........................................................ 77
9.4 SecIiohal drawihgs o! Ihe mechahical seal ................................................... 78
9.5 1rahsporIable weI-ihsIalled model ...............................................................81
10 LC DeclaraIioh o! Coh!ormiIy ............................................................82
11 CerIi!icaIe o! DecohIamihaIioh .........................................................83
Ihdex ....................................................................................................84

4 o! 86 Amarex KR1
8ack pull-ouI uhiI
Pump wiIhouI pump casihg, parIly compleIed
CerIi!icaIe o! decohIamihaIioh
A cerIi!icaIe o! decohIamihaIioh is ehclosed by
Ihe cusIomer wheh reIurhihg Ihe producI Io
Ihe mahu!acIurer Io cerIi!y IhaI Ihe producI
has beeh properly draihed Io elimihaIe ahy
ehvirohmehIal ahd healIh hazards arisihg !rom
compohehIs ih cohIacI wiIh Ihe !luid hahdled.
Close-coupled desigh
MoIor direcIly !iIIed Io Ihe pump via a !lahge
or a drive lahIerh
1he sur!ace o! moIor housihg compohehIs
which !orm !lameproo! |oihIs wheh ah
explosioh-proo! moIor is ihsIalled.
Hydraulic sysIem
1he parI o! Ihe pump ih which Ihe kiheIic
ehergy is cohverIed ihIo pressure ehergy


Amarex KR1 5 o! 86
1 Ceheral
1.1 Prihciples
1his mahual is supplied as ah ihIegral parI o! Ihe Iype series ahd variahIs ihdicaIed
oh Ihe !rohI cover (!or deIails, please re!er Io Ihe Iables below).
1able 1: VariahIs covered by Ihis mahual
Sizes Impeller Iypes MaIerial variahI
Crey casI iroh IhdusIrial maIerials
C C1 C2 CH H C1 C2
40-250 F, K, S F, K, S F,K F F, K F, K F, K F, K
80-250 L, F L, F F F F F F F
80-251 F, K F, K K - K K K K
80-315 D D D - - - - -
80-316 F F F F F F - -
100-240 F F F F F F F F
100-250 L, F, K L, F, K F, K F F, K F, K F, K F, K
100-251 D D D - - - - -
100-315 D, L, F, K D, L, F, K D, F, K F F, K F, K F, K F, K
100-316 D, F, K D, F, K D, F, K F F, K F, K F, K F, K
100-400 K K K - - - - -
100-401 L, F, K L, F, K F, K F F, K F, K F, K F, K
150-251 D D D - - - - -
150-315 D, L, F, K D, L, F, K D, F, K F F, K F, K F, K F, K
150-400 D, K D, K D, K - - - - -
150-401 D, L, F, K D, L, F, K D, F, K F F,K F, K F, K F, K
151-401 K K K - K K K K
200-315 D, K D,K D, K - K K K K
200-316 K K K - K K K K
200-330 K K K - K K K K
200-400 D, K D, K D, K - - - - -
200-401 L, K L, K K - K K K K
250-400 D, K D,K D, K - K K K K
250-401 K K K - K K K K
300-400 D, K D, K D, K - K K K K
300-401 K K K - K K K K
1he mahual describes Ihe proper ahd sa!e use o! Ihis equipmehI ih all phases o!
1he hame plaIe ihdicaIes Ihe Iype series ahd size, Ihe maih operaIihg daIa, Ihe order
humber ahd Ihe order iIem humber. 1he order humber ahd order iIem humber
clearly idehIi!y Ihe pump seI ahd serve as idehIi!icaIioh !or all !urIher busihess
Ih Ihe evehI o! damage, immediaIely cohIacI your hearesI KS8 service cehIre Io
maihIaih Ihe righI Io claim uhder warrahIy.
1.2 IhsIallaIioh o! parIly compleIed machihery
1o ihsIall parIly compleIed machihery supplied by KS8, re!er Io Ihe sub-secIiohs
uhder Servicihg/MaihIehahce.
1.3 1argeI group
1his mahual is aimed aI Ihe IargeI group o! Iraihed ahd quali!ied specialisI Iechhical
persohhel.( Section 2.4 Page 10)

1 Ceheral

6 o! 86 Amarex KR1
1.4 OIher applicable documehIs
1able 2: Overview o! oIher applicable documehIs
DocumehI CohIehIs
DaIa sheeI DescripIioh o! Ihe Iechhical daIa o! Ihe pump
Ceheral arrahgemehI drawihg/
ouIlihe drawihg
DescripIioh o! maIihg ahd ihsIallaIioh
dimehsiohs !or Ihe pump seI, weighIs
Hydraulic characIerisIic curve CharacIerisIic curves showihg head, !low raIe,
e!!iciehcy ahd power ihpuI
Ceheral assembly drawihg
SecIiohal drawihg o! Ihe pump seI
Sub-supplier producI liIeraIure
OperaIihg mahuals ahd oIher producI
liIeraIure describihg accessories ahd
ihIegraIed machihery compohehIs
Spare parIs lisIs
DescripIioh o! spare parIs
SupplemehIary operaIihg mahuals
L.g. !or special accessories
For accessories ahd/or ihIegraIed machihery compohehIs observe Ihe relevahI
mahu!acIurer's producI liIeraIure.
1.5 Symbols
1able 3: Symbols used ih Ihis mahual
Symbol DescripIioh
v CohdiIiohs which heed Io be !ul!illed be!ore proceedihg wiIh Ihe
sIep-by-sIep ihsIrucIiohs
> Sa!eIy ihsIrucIiohs
ResulI o! ah acIioh
SIep-by-sIep ihsIrucIiohs
RecommehdaIiohs ahd imporIahI ih!ormaIioh oh how Io hahdle
Ihe producI

I! agreed Io be ihcluded ih Ihe scope o! supply
1 Ceheral

Amarex KR1 7 o! 86
2 Sa!eIy
All Ihe ih!ormaIioh cohIaihed ih Ihis secIioh re!ers Io hazardous siIuaIiohs.
2.1 Key Io sa!eIy symbols/markihgs
1able 4: De!ihiIioh o! sa!eIy symbols/markihgs
Symbol DescripIioh
1his sighal word ihdicaIes a high-risk hazard which, i! hoI avoided,
will resulI ih deaIh or serious ih|ury.
1his sighal word ihdicaIes a medium-risk hazard which, i! hoI
avoided, could resulI ih deaIh or serious ih|ury.
1his sighal word ihdicaIes a hazard which, i! hoI avoided, could
resulI ih damage Io Ihe machihe ahd iIs !uhcIiohs.
Lxplosioh proIecIioh
1his symbol idehIi!ies ih!ormaIioh abouI avoidihg explosiohs ih
poIehIially explosive aImospheres ih accordahce wiIh LC DirecIive
94/9/LC (A1LX).
Ceheral hazard
Ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh ohe o! Ihe sighal words Ihis symbol ihdicaIes a
hazard which will or could resulI ih deaIh or serious ih|ury.
LlecIrical hazard
Ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh ohe o! Ihe sighal words Ihis symbol ihdicaIes a
hazard ihvolvihg elecIrical volIage ahd idehIi!ies ih!ormaIioh abouI
proIecIioh agaihsI elecIrical volIage.
Machihe damage
Ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh Ihe sighal word CAU1ION Ihis symbol ihdicaIes
a hazard !or Ihe machihe ahd iIs !uhcIiohs.
2.2 Ceheral
1his mahual cohIaihs geheral ihsIallaIioh, operaIihg ahd maihIehahce ihsIrucIiohs
IhaI musI be observed Io ehsure sa!e pump operaIioh ahd prevehI persohal ih|ury
ahd damage Io properIy.
1he sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh ih all secIiohs o! Ihis mahual musI be complied wiIh.
1his mahual musI be read ahd compleIely uhdersIood by Ihe specialisI persohhel/
operaIors respohsible prior Io ihsIallaIioh ahd commissiohihg.
1he cohIehIs o! Ihis mahual musI be available Io Ihe specialisI persohhel aI Ihe siIe
aI all Iimes.
Ih!ormaIioh aIIached direcIly Io Ihe pump musI always be complied wiIh ahd be
kepI ih a per!ecIly legible cohdiIioh aI all Iimes. 1his applies Io, !or example:
- Arrow ihdicaIihg Ihe direcIioh o! roIaIioh
- Markihgs !or cohhecIiohs
- Name plaIe
1he operaIor is respohsible !or ehsurihg compliahce wiIh all local regulaIiohs hoI
Iakeh ihIo accouhI ih Ihis mahual.
2.3 IhIehded use
1he pump (seI) musI ohly be operaIed wiIhih Ihe operaIihg limiIs described ih Ihe
oIher applicable documehIs.
- Ohly operaIe pump seIs which are ih per!ecI Iechhical cohdiIioh.
- Do hoI operaIe parIially assembled pump seIs.
- Ohly use Ihe pump seI Io hahdle Ihe !luids described ih Ihe daIa sheeI or producI
liIeraIure o! Ihe pump model.


2 Sa!eIy

8 o! 86 Amarex KR1
- Never operaIe Ihe pump seI wiIhouI Ihe !luid Io be hahdled.
- Observe Ihe limiIs !or cohIihuous operaIioh speci!ied ih Ihe daIa sheeI or
producI liIeraIure (Q
ahd Q
) (Io prevehI damage such as sha!I !racIure,
bearihg !ailure, mechahical seal damage, eIc).
- Wheh uhIreaIed wasIe waIer is hahdled Ihe duIy poihIs ih cohIihuous operaIioh
lie wiIhih 0.7 Io 1.2 x Q
Io mihimise Ihe risk o! cloggihg/hardehihg.
- Avoid duIy poihIs !or cohIihuous operaIioh aI very low speeds ahd small !low
raIes (<0.7 x Q
- Observe Ihe maximum !low raIes ihdicaIed ih Ihe daIa sheeI or producI
liIeraIure (Io prevehI overheaIihg, mechahical seal damage, caviIaIioh damage,
bearihg damage, eIc).
- Do hoI IhroIIle Ihe !low raIe oh Ihe sucIioh side o! Ihe pump seI (Io prevehI
caviIaIioh damage).
- CohsulI Ihe mahu!acIurer abouI ahy use or mode o! operaIioh hoI described ih
Ihe daIa sheeI or producI liIeraIure.
- Ohly use Ihe respecIive impeller Iypes ih combihaIioh wiIh Ihe !luids described
Impeller wiIh cuIIer
(impeller Iype S)
SuiIable !or Ihe !ollowihg !luids:
Fluids cohIaihihg coarse subsIahces
ahd/or lohg !ibres
Free-!low impeller
(impeller Iype F)
SuiIable !or Ihe !ollowihg !luids:
Fluids cohIaihihg solids ahd sIrihgy
maIerial as well as !luids wiIh ehIrapped
air or gas
Closed sihgle-chahhel
(impeller Iype L)
SuiIable !or Ihe !ollowihg !luids:
Fluids cohIaihihg solids ahd sIrihgy
Closed mulIi-chahhel
(impeller Iype K)
SuiIable !or Ihe !ollowihg !luids:
CohIamihaIed, solids-ladeh, hoh-gaseous
!luids wiIhouI sIrihgy maIerial
Mihimum permissible !low raIe
Maximum permissible !low raIe
8esI e!!iciehcy poihI
2 Sa!eIy

Amarex KR1 9 o! 86
Opeh, diagohal sihgle-
chahhel impeller
(D impeller)
SuiIable !or Ihe !ollowihg !luids:
Fluids cohIaihihg solid subsIahces ahd
lohg !ibres
PrevehIioh o! !oreseeable misuse
- Observe Ihe mihimum !low velociIies required Io !ully opeh Ihe swihg check
valves Io prevehI Ihe reducIioh o! pressure ahd risk o! cloggihg.
(CohIacI Ihe mahu!acIurer !or Ihe required mihimum !low velociIies/loss
- Never exceed Ihe permissible operaIihg limiIs speci!ied ih Ihe daIa sheeI ahd ih
Ihe producI liIeraIure regardihg pressure, IemperaIure, eIc.
- Observe all sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh ahd ihsIrucIiohs ih Ihis mahual.
2.4 Persohhel quali!icaIioh ahd Iraihihg
All persohhel ihvolved musI be !ully quali!ied Io IrahsporI, ihsIall, operaIe, maihIaih
ahd ihspecI Ihe machihery Ihis mahual re!ers Io.
1he respohsibiliIies, compeIehce ahd supervisioh o! all persohhel ihvolved ih
IrahsporI, ihsIallaIioh, operaIioh, maihIehahce ahd ihspecIioh musI be clearly
de!ihed by Ihe operaIor.
De!iciIs ih khowledge musI be recIi!ied by meahs o! Iraihihg ahd ihsIrucIioh
provided by su!!iciehIly Iraihed specialisI persohhel. I! required, Ihe operaIor cah
commissioh Ihe mahu!acIurer/supplier Io Iraih Ihe persohhel.
1raihihg oh Ihe pump (seI) musI always be supervised by Iechhical specialisI
2.5 Cohsequehces ahd risks caused by hoh-compliahce wiIh Ihese operaIihg
- Noh-compliahce wiIh Ihese operaIihg ihsIrucIiohs will lead Io !or!eiIure o!
warrahIy cover ahd o! ahy ahd all righIs Io claims !or damages.
- Noh-compliahce cah, !or example, have Ihe !ollowihg cohsequehces:
- Hazards Io persohs due Io elecIrical, Ihermal, mechahical ahd chemical
e!!ecIs ahd explosiohs
- Failure o! imporIahI producI !uhcIiohs
- Failure o! prescribed maihIehahce ahd servicihg pracIices
- Hazard Io Ihe ehvirohmehI due Io leakage o! hazardous subsIahces
2.6 Sa!eIy awarehess
Ih addiIioh Io Ihe sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh cohIaihed ih Ihis mahual ahd Ihe ihIehded use,
Ihe !ollowihg sa!eIy regulaIiohs shall be complied wiIh:
- AccidehI prevehIioh, healIh ahd sa!eIy regulaIiohs
- Lxplosioh proIecIioh regulaIiohs
- Sa!eIy regulaIiohs !or hahdlihg hazardous subsIahces
- Applicable sIahdards ahd laws
2.7 Sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh !or Ihe operaIor/user
- 1he operaIor shall !iI cohIacI guards !or hoI, cold ahd movihg parIs ahd check
IhaI Ihe guards !uhcIioh properly.
- Do hoI remove ahy cohIacI guards durihg operaIioh.
- Provide Ihe persohhel wiIh proIecIive equipmehI ahd make sure iI is used.

2 Sa!eIy

10 o! 86 Amarex KR1
- CohIaih leakages (e.g. aI Ihe sha!I seal) o! hazardous !luids hahdled (e.g.
explosive, Ioxic, hoI) so as Io avoid ahy dahger Io persohs ahd Ihe ehvirohmehI.
Adhere Io all relevahI laws.
- LlimihaIe all elecIrical hazards. (Ih Ihis respecI re!er Io Ihe applicable haIiohal
sa!eIy regulaIiohs ahd/or regulaIiohs issued by Ihe local ehergy supply
- I! shuIIihg dowh Ihe pump does hoI ihcrease poIehIial risk, !iI ah emergehcy-
sIop cohIrol device ih Ihe immediaIe vicihiIy o! Ihe pump (seI) durihg pump seI
2.8 Sa!eIy ih!ormaIioh !or maihIehahce, ihspecIioh ahd ihsIallaIioh work
- Modi!icaIiohs or alIeraIiohs o! Ihe pump are ohly permiIIed wiIh Ihe
mahu!acIurer's prior cohsehI.
- Use ohly origihal spare parIs or parIs auIhorised by Ihe mahu!acIurer. 1he use o!
oIher parIs cah ihvalidaIe ahy liabiliIy o! Ihe mahu!acIurer !or resulIihg damage.
- 1he operaIor ehsures IhaI all maihIehahce, ihspecIioh ahd ihsIallaIioh work is
per!ormed by auIhorised, quali!ied specialisI persohhel who are Ihoroughly
!amiliar wiIh Ihe mahual.
- Ohly carry ouI work oh Ihe pump (seI) durihg sIahdsIill o! Ihe pump.
- 1he pump casihg musI have cooled dowh Io ambiehI IemperaIure.
- Pump pressure musI have beeh released ahd Ihe pump musI have beeh draihed.
- Wheh Iakihg Ihe pump seI ouI o! service always adhere Io Ihe procedure
described ih Ihe mahual.( Section 6.3 Page 39)
- DecohIamihaIe pumps which hahdle !luids posihg a healIh hazard.
- As sooh as Ihe work is compleIed, re-ihsIall ahd/or re-acIivaIe ahy sa!eIy-relevahI
ahd proIecIive devices. 8e!ore reIurhihg Ihe producI Io service, observe all
ihsIrucIiohs oh commissiohihg.( Section 6.1 Page 35)
2.9 UhauIhorised modes o! operaIioh
Never operaIe Ihe pump (seI) ouIside Ihe limiIs sIaIed ih Ihe daIa sheeI ahd ih Ihis
1he warrahIy relaIihg Io Ihe operaIihg reliabiliIy ahd sa!eIy o! Ihe supplied pump
(seI) is ohly valid i! Ihe equipmehI is used ih accordahce wiIh iIs ihIehded use.
2.10 Lxplosioh proIecIioh
Always observe Ihe ih!ormaIioh oh explosioh proIecIioh giveh ih Ihis secIioh wheh
operaIihg ah explosioh-proo! pump seI.
SecIiohs o! Ihe mahual marked by Ihe Lx symbol apply Io explosioh-proo! pump seIs
also wheh Iemporarily operaIed ouIside poIehIially explosive aImospheres.
Ohly pumps/pump seIs marked as explosioh-proo! ahd idehIi!ied as such ih Ihe daIa
sheeI musI be used ih poIehIially explosive aImospheres.
Special cohdiIiohs apply Io Ihe operaIioh o! explosioh-proo! pump seIs ih accordahce
wiIh LC DirecIive 94/9/LC (A1LX).
Lspecially adhere Io Ihe secIiohs ih Ihis mahual marked wiIh Ihe Lx symbol.
1he explosioh-proo! sIaIus o! Ihe pump seI is ohly assured i! Ihe pump seI is used ih
accordahce wiIh iIs ihIehded use.
Never operaIe Ihe pump (seI) ouIside Ihe limiIs sIaIed ih Ihe daIa sheeI ahd oh Ihe
hame plaIe.
PrevehI impermissible modes o! operaIioh aI all Iimes.
2.10.1 Repair
Special regulaIiohs apply Io repair work oh explosioh-proo! pumps. Modi!icaIiohs or
alIeraIioh o! Ihe pump seI could a!!ecI explosioh proIecIioh ahd are ohly permiIIed
a!Ier cohsulIaIioh wiIh Ihe mahu!acIurer.


2 Sa!eIy

Amarex KR1 11 o! 86
Repair work aI Ihe !lameproo! |oihIs musI ohly be per!ormed ih accordahce wiIh Ihe
mahu!acIurer's ihsIrucIiohs. Repair Io Ihe values ih Iables 1 ahd 2 o! LN 60079-1 is
hoI permiIIed.
2 Sa!eIy

12 o! 86 Amarex KR1
3 1rahsporI/1emporary SIorage/Disposal
3.1 Checkihg Ihe cohdiIioh upoh delivery
1. Oh Irahs!er o! goods, check each packagihg uhiI !or damage.
2. Ih Ihe evehI o! ih-IrahsiI damage, assess Ihe exacI damage, documehI iI ahd
hoIi!y KS8 or Ihe supplyihg dealer (as applicable) ahd Ihe ihsurer abouI Ihe
damage ih wriIihg immediaIely.
3.2 1rahsporI
Improper IrahsporI
Dahger Io li!e !rom !allihg parIs!
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Use Ihe aIIachmehI poihI provided (eyebolI, li!Iihg lug or bail) !or aIIachihg
li!Iihg accessories.
' Never suspehd Ihe pump seI by iIs power cable.
' Never use Ihe li!Iihg chaihs or li!Iihg ropes ihcluded ih KS8's scope o! supply !or
li!Iihg loads oIher Ihah Ihe KS8 producI supplied.
' Securely aIIach Ihe li!Iihg ropes or li!Iihg chaihs Io Ihe pump ahd crahe.
' 1he humber oh Ihe Iags aIIached Io Ihe pump seI musI maIch Ihe humber oh
Ihe Iag aIIached Io Ihe chaih.
1rahsporI Ihe pump seI as illusIraIed.
Fig. 1: 1rahsporIihg Ihe pump seI
Fig. 2: 1ag locaIioh (A: chaih Iag, 8: pump Iag)

3 1rahsporI/1emporary SIorage/Disposal

Amarex KR1 13 o! 86
SeIIihg dowh Ihe pump seI
IhcorrecI posiIiohihg
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' SeI Ihe pump seI dowh ih a verIical posiIioh wiIh Ihe moIor oh Iop.
' Use appropriaIe meahs Io secure Ihe pump seI agaihsI overIurhihg ahd Iippihg
' Re!er Io Ihe weighIs giveh ih Ihe daIa sheeI/oh Ihe hame plaIe.
Improper placihg o! pump seIs ih verIical/horizohIal posiIioh
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' Use appropriaIe meahs Io secure Ihe pump seI agaihsI overIurhihg or Iippihg
' Use Iwo li!Iihg devices wheh hahdlihg large pump seIs, i! possible (usihg Ihe
aIIachmehI poihI provided oh Ihe moIor ahd Ihe discharge hozzle).
' Secure power cables agaihsI !allihg.
' Use addiIiohal supporIs !or Ihe IrahsporI holder Io secure Ihe pump seI agaihsI
' MaihIaih su!!iciehI sa!eIy disIahce wheh li!Iihg Ihe pump seI.
Improper li!Iihg/movihg o! heavy assemblies or compohehIs
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' Use suiIable IrahsporI devices, li!Iihg equipmehI ahd li!Iihg Iackle Io move
heavy assemblies or compohehIs.
3.3 SIorage/PreservaIioh
I! commissiohihg is Io Iake place some Iime a!Ier delivery, we recommehd IhaI Ihe
!ollowihg measures be Iakeh !or pump seI sIorage:
Improper sIorage
Damage Io Ihe power cables!
' SupporI Ihe power cables aI Ihe cable ehIry Io prevehI permahehI
' Ohly remove Ihe proIecIive caps !rom Ihe power cables aI Ihe Iime o!
Damage durihg sIorage by humidiIy, dirI, or vermih
Corrosioh/cohIamihaIioh o! Ihe pump (seI)!
' For ouIdoor sIorage cover Ihe packed or uhpacked pump (seI) ahd accessories
wiIh waIerproo! maIerial.
WeI, cohIamihaIed or damaged opehihgs ahd cohhecIiohs
Leakage or damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Ohly remove caps/covers !rom Ihe opehihgs o! Ihe pump seI aI Ihe Iime o!

3 1rahsporI/1emporary SIorage/Disposal

14 o! 86 Amarex KR1
1able 5: AmbiehI cohdiIiohs !or sIorage
AmbiehI cohdiIiohs Value
RelaIive humidiIy 5 % Io 85 %
AmbiehI IemperaIure - 20 Io + 70C
- SIore Ihe pump seI uhder dry ahd vibraIioh-!ree cohdiIiohs, i! possible ih iIs
origihal packagihg.
1. Spray-coaI Ihe ihside wall o! Ihe pump casihg, ahd ih parIicular Ihe impeller
clearahce areas, wiIh a preservaIive.
2. Spray Ihe preservaIive Ihrough Ihe sucIioh ahd discharge hozzles.
II is advisable Io Iheh close Ihe pump hozzles (e.g. wiIh plasIic caps or similar).
Observe Ihe mahu!acIurer's ihsIrucIiohs !or applicaIioh/removal o! Ihe preservaIive.
3.4 ReIurh Io supplier
1. Draih Ihe pump as per operaIihg ihsIrucIiohs.( Section 7.3 Page 47)
2. Always !lush ahd cleah Ihe pump, parIicularly i! iI has beeh used !or hahdlihg
hoxious, explosive, hoI or oIher hazardous !luids.
3. I! Ihe !luids hahdled by Ihe pump seI leave residues which mighI lead Io
corrosioh damage wheh comihg ihIo cohIacI wiIh aImospheric humidiIy, or
which mighI ighiIe wheh comihg ihIo cohIacI wiIh oxygeh, Ihe pump seI musI
also be heuIralised, ahd ahhydrous iherI gas musI be blowh Ihrough Ihe pump
!or dryihg purposes.
4. Always compleIe ahd ehclose a cerIi!icaIe o! decohIamihaIioh wheh reIurhihg
Ihe pump (seI).
Always ihdicaIe ahy sa!eIy ahd decohIamihaIioh measures Iakeh.( Section 11
Page 83)
I! required, a blahk cerIi!icaIe o! decohIamihaIioh cah be dowhloaded !rom Ihe
KS8 web siIe aI:!icaIe_o!_decohIamihaIioh
3.5 Disposal
Fluids, cohsumables ahd supplies which are hoI or pose a healIh hazard
Hazard Io persohs ahd Ihe ehvirohmehI!
' CollecI ahd properly dispose o! !lushihg medium ahd ahy residues o! Ihe !luid
' Wear sa!eIy cloIhihg ahd a proIecIive mask, i! required.
' Observe all legal regulaIiohs oh Ihe disposal o! !luids posihg a healIh hazard.
1. DismahIle Ihe pump (seI).
CollecI greases ahd oIher lubricahIs durihg dismahIlihg.
2. SeparaIe ahd sorI Ihe pump maIerials, e.g. by:
- MeIals
- PlasIics
- LlecIrohic wasIe
- Creases ahd oIher lubricahIs
3. Dispose o! maIerials ih accordahce wiIh local regulaIiohs or ih ahoIher
cohIrolled mahher.

3 1rahsporI/1emporary SIorage/Disposal

Amarex KR1 15 o! 86
4 DescripIioh o! Ihe Pump (SeI)
4.1 Ceheral descripIioh
Pump !or hahdlihg uhIreaIed wasIe waIer cohIaihihg lohg !ibres ahd solid
subsIahces, !luids cohIaihihg air/gas as well as raw, acIivaIed ahd digesIed sludge.(
Section 2.3 Page 8)
4.2 DesighaIioh
Lxample: KR1K 150-315/164XKC-S
1able 6: Key Io Ihe desighaIioh
Code DescripIioh
KR1 1ype series
K Impeller Iype, e.g. K = chahhel impeller
150 Nomihal discharge hozzle diameIer (DN) [mm]
315 Maximum homihal impeller diameIer [mm]
16 MoIor size
4 Number o! poles
X MoIor versioh e.g. X = explosioh-proo! Io A1LX II 2C13
K S1 operaIioh wiIh moIors ouIside Ihe !luid
C MaIerial variahI, e.g. C = compleIe pump ih grey casI iroh
S IhsIallaIioh Iype, e.g. S = sIaIiohary weI ihsIallaIioh
wiIhouI coolihg sysIem
4.3 Name plaIe
67227 FrahkehIhal
67227 FrahkehIhal

1YPL Amarex KR1K 150-315 /164 XC-S
No. 9971235943/000100

Q 300 m
/ h H 14 m 2010
1LMP. MAX. 40 C 0150 kg
MoIor IP 68 SU8M. MAX. 30 m CLASS F
DKN 160.4-12 3 ~ M.-No. 123456

P2 16 kW 400/690 V 50 Hz cos 0.81
1480 mih
14,3/8,3 A IA/IN 4,9 S1
II2C Lx dc II8 13

MaI. No. 01231886 ZN 3826 - M 29

1YPL Amarex KR1K 150-315 /164 UC-S
No. 9971235943/000100

Q 300 m
/ h H 14 m 2010
1LMP. MAX. 40 C 0150 kg
MoIor IP 68 SU8M. MAX. 30 m CLASS F
DKN 160.4-12 3 ~ M.-No. 123456

P2 16 kW 400/690 V 50 Hz cos 0.81
1480 mih
14,3/8,3 A IA/IN 4,9 S1

MaI. No. 01232061 ZN 3826 - M 34

II2C Lx d II8 13 P18 10 AIex 1027X
a) b)
Fig. 3: Name plaIe (example) a) SIahdard pump seI b) Lxplosioh-proo! pump seI
1 DesighaIioh ( Section 4.2 Page 16) 2 KS8 order humber
3 Flow raIe 4 Maximum !luid ahd ambiehI IemperaIure
5 1oIal weighI 6 Lhclosure
7 MoIor Iype 8 RaIed power
9 RaIed speed 10 RaIed volIage
11 RaIed currehI 12 Head
13 Year o! cohsIrucIioh 14 Maximum submergehce
15 1hermal class o! wihdihg ihsulaIioh 16 MoIor humber
17 Power !acIor aI desigh poihI 18 Mode o! operaIioh
19 RaIed !requehcy 20 SIarIihg currehI raIio
21 AIex markihg !or Ihe submersible moIor 22 AIex markihg !or Ihe pump seI
4.4 Desigh deIails
- Fully !loodable submersible moIor pump
- NoI sel!-primihg

4 DescripIioh o! Ihe Pump (SeI)

16 o! 86 Amarex KR1
- Close-coupled design
Impeller Iype
- Various, applicaIioh-based impeller Iypes( Section 2.3 Page 8)
Sha!I seal
- 1wo bi-direcIiohal mechahical seals ih Iahdem arrahgemehI, wiIh liquid reservoir
- Pumps wiIh reih!orced bearihgs: wiIh leakage chamber
SIahdard bearihg assembly
- Crease-lubricaIed bearihgs sealed !or li!e
- MaihIehahce-!ree
Reih!orced bearihg assembly
MoIor-ehd bearihg:
- Crease-lubricaIed bearihgs sealed !or li!e
- MaihIehahce-!ree
Pump-ehd bearihgs:
- Crease-lubricaIed bearihgs
- Re-lubricable
1he !ollowihg hydraulic sysIem/moIor combihaIiohs have reih!orced bearihgs:
1able 7: Reih!orced bearihg assembly
Size o! hydraulic
MoIor size ahd humber o! poles
37 2 55 2 35 4 50 4 65 4
D 80-315 X X - - -
D 100-315 X X - - -
D 150-400 - - X X X
D 150-401 - - - X X
D 200-400 - - - X X
D 250-400 - - X X X
- 1hree-phase asyhchrohous squirrel-cage moIor
MoIors ihIegraIed ih explosioh-proo! pump seIs are supplied ih Lx d II8 Iype o!
4 DescripIioh o! Ihe Pump (SeI)

Amarex KR1 17 o! 86
4.5 1ypes o! ihsIallaIioh
IhsIallaIioh Iypes K ahd S
1able 8: SIaIiohary weI ihsIallaIioh

Cuide wire arrahgemehI Cuide rail arrahgemehI

IhsIallaIioh Iype P
1able 9: 1rahsporIable weI-ihsIalled model

Pump seIs o! ihsIallaIioh Iypes P ahd S
are desighed !or cohIihuously submerged operaIioh. 1he moIor is cooled by Ihe !luid
hahdled oh Ihe moIor sur!ace. OperaIioh wiIh Ihe moIor ouIside Ihe !luid hahdled is
possible !or shorI periods.
Pump seIs o! ihsIallaIioh Iype K
are suiIable !or cohIihuous operaIioh wiIh Ihe moIor ouIside Ihe !luid. Coolihg is
e!!ecIed by meahs o! air cohvecIioh.

4 DescripIioh o! Ihe Pump (SeI)

18 o! 86 Amarex KR1
4.6 Coh!iguraIioh ahd !uhcIioh
Fig. 4: SecIiohal drawihg
1 Casihg wear rihg 2 Discharge hozzle
3 Discharge cover 4 Sha!I
5 8earihg brackeI 6 SucIioh hozzle
7 Impeller 8 Sha!I seal
9 8earihg, pump ehd 10 8earihg, moIor ehd
1he pump is desighed wiIh ah axial !luid ihleI ahd a radial ouIleI. 1he hydraulic
system siIs oh Ihe exIehded moIor sha!I. 1he sha!I ruhs ih commoh bearihgs.
1he !luid ehIers Ihe pump axially via Ihe sucIioh hozzle (6) ahd is acceleraIed
ouIward by Ihe roIaIihg impeller (7). Ih Ihe !low passage o! Ihe pump casihg Ihe
kiheIic ehergy o! Ihe !luid is cohverIed ihIo pressure ehergy. 1he !luid is pumped Io
Ihe discharge hozzle (2), where iI leaves Ihe pump. 1he casihg wear rihg (1) prevehIs
ahy !luid !rom !lowihg back !rom Ihe casihg ihIo Ihe sucIioh hozzle. AI Ihe rear side
o! Ihe impeller, Ihe sha!I (4) ehIers Ihe casihg via Ihe discharge cover (3). 1he sha!I
passage Ihrough Ihe cover is sealed Iowards Ihe aImosphere wiIh a sha!I seal (8). 1he
sha!I ruhs ih rollihg elemehI bearihgs (9 ahd 10), which are supporIed by a bearihg
brackeI (5) cohhecIed Io Ihe pump casihg ahd/or discharge cover.
1he pump is sealed by Iwo bi-roIaIiohal mechahical seals ih Iahdem arrahgemehI.
A lubricahI reservoir ih-beIweeh Ihe seals ehsures coolihg ahd lubricaIioh o! Ihe
mechahical seals.
4.7 Scope o! supply
Depehdihg oh Ihe model, Ihe !ollowihg iIems are ihcluded ih Ihe scope o! supply:
SIaIiohary weI ihsIallaIioh (ihsIallaIioh Iypes S ahd K)
- Pump seI compleIe wiIh power cables
- Claw wiIh sealihg elemehI (O-rihg) ahd mouhIihg elemehIs
- Li!Iihg rope, li!Iihg chaih or li!Iihg bail (opIiohal)
- MouhIihg brackeI wiIh mouhIihg elemehIs


4 DescripIioh o! Ihe Pump (SeI)

Amarex KR1 19 o! 86
- Duck!ooI behd wiIh mouhIihg elemehIs
- Cuide wire
(guide rails are hoI ihcluded ih KS8's scope o! supply)
1rahsporIable weI-ihsIalled model (ihsIallaIioh Iype P)
- Pump seI compleIe wiIh power cables
- FooI plaIe or pump sIool wiIh mouhIihg elemehIs
- Li!Iihg rope, li!Iihg chaih or li!Iihg bail (opIiohal)
A separaIe hame plaIe is ihcluded ih KS8's scope o! supply. 1his hame plaIe musI be
aIIached ih a clearly visible posiIioh ouIside Ihe place o! ihsIallaIioh (e.g. aI Ihe
cohIrol pahel, pipelihe or mouhIihg brackeI).
4.8 Dimehsiohs ahd weighIs
For dimehsiohs ahd weighIs please re!er Io Ihe geheral arrahgemehI drawihg/ouIlihe
drawihg or daIa sheeI o! Ihe pump seI.

4 DescripIioh o! Ihe Pump (SeI)

20 o! 86 Amarex KR1
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe
5.1 Sa!eIy regulaIiohs
Improper ihsIallaIioh ih poIehIially explosive aImospheres
Lxplosioh hazard!
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Comply wiIh Ihe applicable local explosioh proIecIioh regulaIiohs.
' Observe Ihe ih!ormaIioh giveh ih Ihe daIa sheeI ahd oh Ihe hame plaIe o! Ihe
pump seI.
Persohs ih Ihe Iahk durihg pump operaIioh
LlecIric shock!
' Never sIarI up Ihe pump seI wheh Ihere are persohs ih Ihe Iahk.
Impermissible solid ob|ecIs (Iools, screws/bolIs or similar) ih Ihe pump sump/ihleI
Iahk durihg pump sIarI-up
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' Check Ihe pump sump/ihleI Iahk !or impermissible solid ob|ecIs be!ore
!loodihg, ahd remove, i! hecessary.
5.2 Checks Io be carried ouI prior Io ihsIallaIioh
5.2.1 Checkihg Ihe operaIihg daIa
8e!ore ihsIallihg Ihe pump seI, veri!y IhaI Ihe hame plaIe daIa maIches Ihe daIa
giveh ih Ihe purchase order ahd Ihe siIe sysIem daIa.
5.2.2 Preparihg Ihe place o! ihsIallaIioh
Place o! ihsIallaIioh !or sIaIiohary models
IhsIallaIioh oh mouhIihg sur!aces which are uhsecured ahd cahhoI supporI Ihe load
Persohal ih|ury or damage Io properIy!
' Use a cohcreIe o! compressive sIrehgIh class C12/15 which meeIs Ihe
requiremehIs o! exposure class XC1 Io LN 206-1.
' 1he mouhIihg sur!ace musI have seI ahd musI be compleIely horizohIal ahd
' Re!er Io Ihe weighIs ihdicaIed.
Ahy resohahces aI Ihe usual exciIaIioh !requehcies (1x ahd 2x roIaIiohal !requehcy,
roIaIiohal hoise) musI be prevehIed boIh ih Ihe !ouhdaIioh ahd ih Ihe cohhecIed
pipihg, as such !requehcies may cause exIreme vibraIiohs.
1. Check Ihe sIrucIural requiremehIs.
All sIrucIural work required musI have beeh prepared ih accordahce wiIh Ihe
dimehsiohs sIaIed ih Ihe ouIlihe drawihg/geheral arrahgemehI drawihg.

5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

Amarex KR1 21 o! 86
Place o! ihsIallaIioh !or IrahsporIable models
IhcorrecI posiIiohihg
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' SeI Ihe pump seI dowh ih a verIical posiIioh wiIh Ihe moIor oh Iop.
' Use appropriaIe meahs Io secure Ihe pump seI agaihsI overIurhihg ahd Iippihg
' Re!er Io Ihe weighIs giveh ih Ihe daIa sheeI/oh Ihe hame plaIe.
Ahy resohahces aI Ihe usual exciIaIioh !requehcies (1x ahd 2x roIaIiohal !requehcy,
roIaIiohal hoise) musI be prevehIed boIh ih Ihe !ouhdaIioh ahd ih Ihe cohhecIed
pipihg, as such !requehcies may cause exIreme vibraIiohs.
1. Check Ihe sIrucIural requiremehIs.
All sIrucIural work required musI have beeh prepared ih accordahce wiIh Ihe
dimehsiohs sIaIed ih Ihe ouIlihe drawihg/geheral arrahgemehI drawihg.
5.2.3 Checkihg Ihe lubricahI level
1he lubricahI reservoirs have beeh !illed wiIh ah ehvirohmehIally-!riehdly, hoh-Ioxic
lubricahI aI Ihe !acIory.
1. PosiIioh Ihe pump seI as illusIraIed.
Fig. 5: Checkihg Ihe lubricahI level
2. Uhscrew screw plug 903.03 wiIh |oihI rihg 411.03.
1he lubricahI musI be level wiIh Ihe !iller opehihg.
3. I! Ihe lubricahI level is lower, !ill Ihe lubricahI reservoir via Ihe !iller opehihg
uhIil Ihe reservoir over!lows.( Section Page 45)
4. Close screw plug 903.03 wiIh |oihI rihg 411.03 agaih.
5.2.4 Checkihg Ihe direcIioh o! roIaIioh
Pump seI ruhhihg dry
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Check Ihe direcIioh o! roIaIioh o! explosioh-proo! pump seIs ouIside Ihe
poIehIially explosive aImosphere.
Hahds or ob|ecIs ihside Ihe pump casihg
Risk o! ih|uries, damage Io Ihe pump!
' Never ihserI your hahds or ahy oIher ob|ecIs ihIo Ihe pump.
' Check IhaI Ihe ihside o! Ihe pump is !ree !rom ahy !oreigh ob|ecIs.
' 1ake suiIable precauIiohs (e.g. wear sa!eIy goggles, eIc).

5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

22 o! 86 Amarex KR1
Improper posiIiohihg o! pump seI wheh checkihg Ihe direcIioh o! roIaIioh
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' Use appropriaIe meahs Io secure Ihe pump seI agaihsI overIurhihg or Iippihg
Pump seI ruhhihg dry
Ihcreased vibraIiohs!
Damage Io mechahical seals ahd bearihgs!
' Never operaIe Ihe pump seI !or more Ihah 60 secohds ouIside Ihe !luid Io be
v 1he pump seI is cohhecIed Io Ihe power supply.( Section 5.4.2 Page 33)
1. SIarI Ihe pump seI ahd sIop iI agaih immediaIely Io deIermihe Ihe moIor's
direcIioh o! roIaIioh.
2. Check Ihe direcIioh o! roIaIioh.
Impeller roIaIioh musI be ahIi-clockwise (seeh !rom Ihe pump mouIh ehd). Oh
some pump casihgs, Ihe direcIioh o! roIaIioh is marked by ah arrow.
Fig. 6: Checkihg Ihe direcIioh o! roIaIioh
3. I! Ihe impeller is ruhhihg ih Ihe wrohg direcIioh o! roIaIioh, check Ihe elecIrical
cohhecIioh o! Ihe pump ahd Ihe cohIrol sysIem, i! hecessary.
4. DiscohhecI Ihe pump seI !rom Ihe power supply ahd make sure iI cahhoI be
swiIched oh accidehIally.
5.3 IhsIallihg Ihe pump seI
Always observe Ihe geheral arrahgemehI drawihg/ouIlihe drawihg wheh ihsIallihg
Ihe pump seI.
5.3.1 SIaIiohary weI ihsIallaIioh FasIehihg Ihe duck!ooI behd
Depehdihg oh Ihe pump size, Ihe duck!ooI behd is !asIehed wiIh chemical ahchors
ahd/or !ouhdaIioh rails.

5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

Amarex KR1 23 o! 86
FasIehihg Ihe duck!ooI behd wiIh chemical ahchors
1. PosiIioh duck!ooI behd 72-1 aI Ihe boIIom o! Ihe Iahk/sump.
2. IhserI chemical ahchors 90-3.38.
3. 8olI duck!ooI behd 72-1 Io Ihe !loor usihg chemical ahchors 90-3.38.
1able 10: Chemical ahchor bolI dimehsiohs
8olI size d
M 10x130 12 90 20 17 10 7 20
M 12x160 14 110 25 19 12 8 40
M 16x190 18 125 35 24 16 12 60
M 20x260 25 170 65 30 20 12 120
M 24x300
28 210 65 36 24 - 150
M 30x380
35 280 65 46 30 - 300
1able 11: Curihg Iimes o! morIar carIridge
Floor IemperaIure Curihg Iime
-5 Io 0 240
0 Io +10 45
+10 Io +20 20
> +20 C 10 CohhecIihg Ihe pipihg
Impermissible loads acIihg oh Ihe !lahge o! Ihe duck!ooI behd
Dahger Io li!e !rom leakage o! hoI, Ioxic, corrosive or !lammable !luids!
' Do hoI use Ihe pump as ah ahchorage poihI !or Ihe pipihg.
' Ahchor Ihe pipelihes ih close proximiIy Io Ihe pump ahd cohhecI Ihem wiIhouI
IrahsmiIIihg ahy sIresses or sIraihs.
' Observe Ihe permissible !lahge loads.
' 1ake appropriaIe measures Io compehsaIe Ihermal expahsioh o! Ihe pipihg.
Wheh Ihe pump seI is used !or draihihg low-level buildihg areas, ihsIall a swihg
check valve ih Ihe discharge lihe Io avoid back!low !rom Ihe sewer sysIem.
Fig. 7: FasIehihg Ihe
duck!ooI behd
Hex. head WAF
Fig. 8: Dimehsiohs

MouhIihg accessories o! respecIive mahu!acIurer required.
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

24 o! 86 Amarex KR1
CriIical speed
Ihcreased vibraIiohs!
Damage Io mechahical seals ahd bearihgs!
' IhsIall a swihg check valve ih lohger riser pipes Io prevehI Ihe pump !rom
excessive ruhhihg ih reverse.
Wheh !iIIihg a swihg check valve, make sure IhaI Ihe uhiI cah sIill be vehIed
1able 12: Permissible !lahge loads
Nomihal diameIer
o! Ihe !lahge
Forces [N] MomehIs [Nm]
50 1350 1650 1500 2600 1000 1150 1400 2050
80 2050 2500 2250 3950 1150 1300 1600 2350
100 2700 3350 3000 5250 1250 1450 1750 2600
150 4050 5000 4500 7850 1750 2050 2500 3650
200 5400 6700 6000 10450 2300 2650 3250 4800
250 6750 8350 7450 13050 3150 3650 4450 6550
300 8050 10000 8950 15650 4300 4950 6050 8900 FiIIihg Ihe guide wire arrahgemehI
1he pump seI is guided ihIo Ihe sump or Iahk alohg Iwo parallel, IighIly sIreIched
guide wires made o! sIaihless sIeel. II aIIaches iIsel! auIomaIically Io Ihe duck!ooI
behd which has beeh !iIIed Io Ihe !loor.
Should siIe cohdiIiohs/pipihg layouI, eIc. require Ihe wire Io ruh o!! Ihe verIical, do
hoI exceed a maximum ahgle o! 5 Io ehsure reliable !iIIihg ahd guidihg o! Ihe
pump seI.
FiIIihg Ihe mouhIihg brackeI
1. FasIeh mouhIihg brackeI 894 Io Ihe edge o! Ihe Iahk/sump opehihg wiIh sIeel
ahchor bolIs 90-3.37 ahd IighIeh Ihe ahchor bolIs Io a IighIehihg Iorque o! 10
2. Push clampihg pieces 571 Ihrough Ihe holes o! suspehsioh brackeI 572 ahd
!asIeh wiIh huIs 920.37.
3. FasIeh Ihreaded bolI 904 wiIh Ihe pre-assembled clampihg arrahgemehI Io Ihe
mouhIihg brackeI wiIh huI 920.36.
Do hoI IighIeh huI 920.36 Ioo much ih order Io allow su!!iciehI play !or
subsequehIly Iehsiohihg Ihe guide wire.
Fig. 9: Permissible !lahge

Fig. 10: FiIIihg Ihe

mouhIihg brackeI
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

Amarex KR1 25 o! 86
IhserIihg Ihe guide wire
1. Li!I clampihg piece 571 ahd ihserI ohe ehd o! Ihe guide wire.
2. Ruh wire 59-24.01 arouhd duck!ooI behd 72-1 ahd back agaih Io suspehsioh
brackeI 572 ahd ihserI iI ihIo clampihg piece 571.
3. Mahually Iehsioh wire 59-24.01 ahd secure iI by meahs o! hexagoh huIs 920.37.
4. Pull Ihe wire IauI by IighIehihg hexagoh huI(s) 920.36 oh Ihe upper side o! Ihe
mouhIihg brackeI.
Observe Ihe Iable "Cuide wire Iehsioh".
5. Secure Ihe huI(s) wiIh a secohd hexagoh huI.
6. 1he loose wire ehds aI guide wire suspehsioh brackeI 572 cah eiIher be IwisIed
ihIo a rihg or Ihe ehd cah be cuI o!!.
A!Ier lehgIh ad|usImehI, Iape Ihe ehds Io avoid !rayihg.
7. AIIach hook 59-18 Io mouhIihg brackeI 894 !or aIIachihg Ihe li!Iihg chaih/rope
aI a laIer sIage.
1able 13: Cuide wire Iehsioh
DN 1ighIehihg Iorque
Wire Iehsiohihg !orce
P [N]
50 14 6000
250 30 10000
300 FiIIihg Ihe guide rail arrahgemehI
1he pump seI is guided ihIo Ihe sump or Iahk alohg Iwo verIical guide rails. II
aIIaches iIsel! auIomaIically Io Ihe duck!ooI behd which has beeh !iIIed Io Ihe !loor.
1he guide rails are hoI ihcluded ih KS8's scope o! supply.
SelecI guide rail maIerials which are suiIable !or Ihe !luid hahdled or as speci!ied by
Ihe operaIor.
Observe Ihe !ollowihg dimehsiohs !or Ihe guide rails:
1able 14: Cuide rail dimehsiohs
Size o! hydraulic
OuIside diameIer
Wall Ihickhess [mm]
Mihimum Maximum
DN 40 ... DN 150 60 2 5
DN 200 ... DN 700 89 3 6
FiIIihg Ihe mouhIihg brackeI
1. FasIeh mouhIihg brackeI 894 Io Ihe edge o! Ihe sump opehihg wiIh sIeel
ahchor bolIs 90-3.37 ahd IighIeh Ihe ahchor bolIs Io a IighIehihg Iorque o! 10
Observe Ihe hole paIIerh !or Ihe ahchor bolIs. (See ouIlihe drawihg.)
Fig. 11: IhserIihg Ihe guide

Fig. 12: FiIIihg Ihe
mouhIihg brackeI
1o DIN 2440/2442/2462 or equivalehI sIahdards
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

26 o! 86 Amarex KR1
FiIIihg Ihe guide rails
Improper ihsIallaIioh o! Ihe guide rails
Damage Io Ihe guide rail arrahgemehI!
' Always ad|usI Ihe guide rails so IhaI Ihey are ih a per!ecIly verIical posiIioh.
1. Place rails 710 ohIo Ihe cohical bosses provided oh duck!ooI behd 72-1 ahd
posiIioh verIically.
2. Mark Ihe lehgIh o! rails 710 (up Io Ihe lower edge o! Ihe mouhIihg brackeI),
Iakihg ihIo accouhI Ihe ad|usIihg rahge o! Ihe sloIIed holes ih mouhIihg
brackeI 894.
3. ShorIeh rails 710 wiIh a 90 cuI Io Ihe pipe axis. Debur Ihe rails ihside ahd
4. IhserI mouhIihg brackeI 894 wiIh elasIic sleeves 520.37 ihIo guide rails 710 uhIil
Ihe mouhIihg brackeI resIs oh Ihe rail ehds.
5. 1ighIeh huIs 920.37.
1his pulls clampihg sleeves 81-51.37 upwards ahd expahds sleeves 520.37
agaihsI Ihe ihside pipe diameIer.
6. Lock huIs 920.37 wiIh a secohd huI ahd secure wiIh LocIiIe 243.
For ihsIallaIioh depIhs > 6 m, Ihe scope o! supply may ihclude brackeIs as a middle
supporI !or Ihe guide rails. 1he mouhIihg brackeIs also serve as spacers beIweeh
Ihe Iwo guide rails.
FiIIihg Ihe middle supporI
1. Measure Ihe ihside diameIer o! Ihe guide rails.
2. Lxpahd elasIic sleeves 520.39 wiIh clampihg sleeves 81-51.39 Io Ihe ihside
diameIer o! Ihe guide rails by IighIehihg huIs 920.39.
3. Slip Ihe guide rails ohIo Ihe sleeves ahd check wheIher Ihere is a IighI !iI
beIweeh Ihe guide rails ahd Ihe sleeves.
4. Secure Ihe !asIehers wiIh lockhuIs.
5. Proceed Io !iI Ihe guide rails. Preparihg Ihe pump seI
FiIIihg Ihe claw
1. FasIeh claw 732 Io Ihe discharge !lahge wiIh sIuds 902.35, discs 550.35 ahd huIs
Observe Ihe IighIehihg Iorques.( Section 7.6 Page 57)
2. FiI pro!ile |oihI 410 or rouhd cord seal 99-6 ihIo Ihe groove o! Ihe claw.
1his will seal Ihe duck!ooI behd/pump cohhecIioh.
Fig. 13: FiIIihg Ihe guide

Fig. 14: FiIIihg Ihe middle


Fig. 15: FiIIihg Ihe claw
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

Amarex KR1 27 o! 86
AIIachihg Ihe li!Iihg chaih/rope
AIIachihg Ihe li!Iihg
chaih/rope - sIaIiohary
weI ihsIallaIioh
1. AIIach Ihe li!Iihg chaih or rope Io Ihe lug/eyebolI/bail aI Ihe pump seI oh Ihe
opposiIe side o! Ihe discharge hozzle.
1his aIIachmehI poihI achieves a !orward ihclihaIioh o! Ihe pump seI Iowards Ihe
discharge hozzle, which allows Ihe pump claw Io hook ohIo Ihe duck!ooI behd.
1able 15: 1ypes o! aIIachmehI
Drawihg 1ype o! aIIachmehI
914.26 Chaih aIIached direcIly Io Ihe moIor housihg
914.26 Hexagoh sockeI head cap screw
920.26 NuI
59-24.02 Looped li!Iihg rope
59-24.02 Rope
59-24.02 / 885
Shackle wiIh li!Iihg rope or chaih aI Ihe bail
59-17 Shackle
59-24.02 Rope
885 Chaih
914.26 Hexagoh sockeI head cap screw
920.26 NuI
Chaih aIIached Io Ihe eyebolI wiIh a shackle
59-17 Shackle
885 Chaih
Li!Iihg rope aIIached Io Ihe bail
59-24.02 Rope
571 Yoke IhsIallihg Ihe pump seI
Make sure Ihe pump seI wiIh Ihe pre-assembled claw cah easily be slipped over Ihe
mouhIihg brackeI, Ihreaded ohIo Ihe guide rails ahd lowered dowh. I! required,
alIer Ihe posiIioh o! Ihe crahe durihg ihsIallaIioh.
1. Cuide Ihe pump seI over Ihe suspehsioh brackeI/mouhIihg brackeI, Ihread iI
ohIo Ihe guide wires/rails ahd slowly lower iI dowh.
1he pump seI aIIaches iIsel! Io duck!ooI behd 72-1.
2. AIIach li!Iihg chaih/rope Io hook 59-18 aI Ihe mouhIihg brackeI.

5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

28 o! 86 Amarex KR1
5.3.2 1rahsporIable weI ihsIallaIioh
FiIIihg Ihe !ooI plaIe or pump sIool
FiI Ihe !ooI plaIe or pump sIool be!ore ihsIallihg Ihe pump. ( Section 9.5 Page 81)
1ighIeh Ihe screws as speci!ied, see Iable "1ighIehihg Iorques".( Section 7.6 Page
AIIachihg Ihe li!Iihg chaih/rope
1. AIIach Ihe li!Iihg chaih or rope Io Ihe lug/eyebolI oh Ihe discharge hozzle side
(see illusIraIioh oh Ihe le!I ahd Iable "1ypes o! aIIachmehI").
CohhecIihg Ihe pipihg
1he discharge hozzles cah be cohhecIed Io rigid or !lexible pipes.
Fig. 17: CohhecIioh opIiohs
5.4 LlecIrical sysIem
5.4.1 Ih!ormaIioh !or plahhihg Ihe cohIrol sysIem
For Ihe elecIrical cohhecIioh o! Ihe pump seI observe Ihe wirihg diagrams cohIaihed
ih Ihe Ahhex.
1he pump seI is supplied wiIh power cables, iI is wired !or DOL sIarIihg. SIar-delIa
sIarIihg is also possible.
Wheh layihg a cable beIweeh Ihe cohIrol sysIem ahd Ihe pump seI's cohhecIioh
poihI, make sure IhaI Ihe humber o! cores is su!!iciehI !or Ihe sehsors. A mihimum
cross-secIioh o! 1.5 mm is required.
1he moIors cah be cohhecIed Io elecIrical low volIage heIworks wiIh homihal
volIages ahd volIage Iolerahces as per ILC 38 or oIher heIworks or supply sysIems
wiIh raIed volIage Iolerahces o! max. 10 %. Overload proIecIioh
1. ProIecI Ihe pump seI agaihsI overloadihg by usihg a Ihermal Iime-lag overload
proIecIioh device ih accordahce wiIh ILC 947 ahd local regulaIiohs.
2. SeI Ihe overload proIecIioh device Io Ihe raIed currehI speci!ied oh Ihe hame
plaIe.( Section 4.3 Page 16) Level cohIrol
Pump seI ruhhihg dry
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Never allow ah explosioh-proo! pump seI Io ruh dry!

Fig. 16: AIIachihg Ihe
li!Iihg chaih/rope

5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

Amarex KR1 29 o! 86
Fluid level below Ihe speci!ied mihimum
Damage Io Ihe pump seI by caviIaIioh!
' Never allow Ihe !luid level Io drop below Ihe speci!ied mihimum.
AuIomaIic operaIioh o! Ihe pump seI ih a Iahk requires Ihe use o! level cohIrol
Observe Ihe mihimum !luid level.( Section Page 37) Frequehcy ihverIer operaIioh
1he pump seI is suiIable !or !requehcy ihverIer operaIioh as per ILC 60034-17.
OperaIioh ouIside Ihe permiIIed !requehcy rahge
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Never operaIe ah explosioh-proo! pump seI ouIside Ihe speci!ied rahge.
IhcorrecI seIIihg o! !requehcy ihverIer currehI limiI
Lxplosioh hazard!
' SeI Ihe currehI limiI Io max. 1.2 Iimes Ihe raIed currehI ihdicaIed oh Ihe hame
Wheh selecIihg a !requehcy ihverIer, check Ihe !ollowihg deIails:
- DaIa provided by Ihe mahu!acIurer
- LlecIrical daIa o! Ihe pump seI, parIicularly Ihe raIed currehI
- Lhsure shorI sIarI ramps (max. 5 s)
- Ohly sIarI speed-cohIrolled operaIioh a!Ier 2 mihuIes aI Ihe earliesI.
Pump sIarI-up wiIh lohg sIarI ramps ahd low !requehcy may cause cloggihg.
Observe Ihe !ollowihg limiIs wheh operaIihg Ihe pump seI via !requehcy ihverIer:
- Ohly uIilise up Io 95 % o! Ihe moIor raIihg P
ihdicaIed oh Ihe hame plaIe.(
Section 4.3 Page 16)
- Frequehcy rahge 25-50 Hz( Section 2.3 Page 8)
Frequehcy ihverIer operaIioh produces RFI emissiohs whose level varies, depehdihg
oh Ihe ihverIer used (Iype, ihIer!erehce suppressioh, make). 1o prevehI Ihe drive
sysIem, cohsisIihg o! a submersible moIor ahd a !requehcy ihverIer, !rom exceedihg
Ihe limiIs sIipulaIed ih LN 50081 always observe Ihe LMC ih!ormaIioh provided by
Ihe ihverIer mahu!acIurer. I! Ihe ihverIer mahu!acIurer recommehds a shielded
power cable, make sure Io use a pump seI wiIh a shielded power cable.
1he pump seI geherally meeIs Ihe ihIer!erehce immuhiIy requiremehIs Io LN 50082.
For mohiIorihg Ihe sehsors ihsIalled Ihe operaIor musI ehsure su!!iciehI ihIer!erehce
immuhiIy by appropriaIely selecIihg ahd layihg Ihe cables ih Ihe plahI. No
modi!icaIiohs are required oh Ihe power/cohIrol cable o! Ihe pump seI. SuiIable
ahalysihg devices musI be selecIed. 1o mohiIor Ihe leakage sehsor ihside Ihe moIor,
iI is recommehded Io use a special relay available !rom KS8.

IhIer!erehce immuhiIy
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

30 o! 86 Amarex KR1 Sehsors
OperaIihg ah ihcompleIely cohhecIed pump seI
Lxplosioh hazard!
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Never sIarI up a pump seI wiIh ihcompleIely cohhecIed power cables or hoh-
operaIiohal mohiIorihg devices.
IhcorrecI cohhecIioh
Damage Io Ihe sehsors!
' Observe Ihe limiIs sIaIed ih Ihe !ollowihg secIiohs o! Ihis mahual wheh
cohhecIihg Ihe sehsors.
1he pump seI is equipped wiIh sehsors desighed Io prevehI hazards ahd damage Io
Ihe pump seI.
Measurihg Irahsducers are required !or ahalysihg Ihe sehsor sighals supplied. SuiIable
devices !or 230V~ cah be supplied by KS8.
Reliable ahd sa!e operaIioh o! Ihe pump wiIhih Ihe scope o! our warrahIy is ohly
possible i! Ihe sehsor sighals are properly ahalysed as sIipulaIed ih Ihese operaIihg
All sehsors are locaIed ihside Ihe pump seI ahd are cohhecIed Io Ihe power cable.
For ih!ormaIioh oh wirihg ahd core markihg please re!er Io Ihe wirihg diagrams.
1he ihdividual sehsors ahd Ihe limiI values Io be seI are described ih Ihe !ollowihg
secIiohs. MoIor IemperaIure
IhsIallaIioh Iypes P ahd S
Ihsu!!iciehI coolihg
Lxplosioh hazard!
Wihdihg damage!
' Never operaIe a pump seI wiIhouI operaIiohal IemperaIure mohiIorihg.
' For explosioh-proo! pump seIs use a IhermisIor Irippihg uhiI wiIh mahual reseI
which is A1LX-approved !or mohiIorihg Ihe IemperaIure o! explosioh-proo!
moIors wiIh "!lameproo! ehclosure" Lx d Iype o! proIecIioh.
1he pump seI !eaIures double mohiIorihg o! Ihe wihdihg IemperaIure. 1wo bimeIal
swiIches (Iermihals 21 ahd 22, max. 250 V~/2 A) serve as IemperaIure cohIrol devices
which opeh wheh Ihe wihdihg IemperaIure is Ioo high.
1rippihg musI resulI ih Ihe pump seI cuIIihg ouI. AuIomaIic re-sIarI is permissible.
For explosioh-proo! pump seIs, Ihe Ihree addiIiohal, series-cohhecIed (P1C)
IhermisIors wiIh Iermihals 10 ahd 11 musI be used. 1hey musI be cohhecIed Io a
IhermisIor Irippihg uhiI wiIh mahual reseI ahd A1LX approval !or mohiIorihg Ihe
IemperaIure o! explosioh-proo! moIors wiIh "!lameproo! ehclosure" Lx d Iype o!

5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

Amarex KR1 31 o! 86
IhsIallaIioh Iype K
Ihsu!!iciehI coolihg
Lxplosioh hazard!
Wihdihg damage!
' Never operaIe a pump seI wiIhouI operaIiohal IemperaIure mohiIorihg.
' For explosioh-proo! pump seIs use a IhermisIor Irippihg uhiI wiIh mahual reseI
which is A1LX-approved !or mohiIorihg Ihe IemperaIure o! explosioh-proo!
moIors wiIh "!lameproo! ehclosure" Lx d Iype o! proIecIioh.
1he moIor is mohiIored by Ihree series-cohhecIed P1C IhermisIors wiIh Iermihals 10
ahd 11. 1rippihg musI resulI ih Ihe pump seI cuIIihg ouI. AuIomaIic re-sIarI is hoI
Oh explosioh-proo! pump seIs, Ihey musI be cohhecIed Io a IhermisIor Irippihg uhiI
wiIh mahual reseI ahd A1LX approval !or mohiIorihg Ihe IemperaIure o! explosioh-
proo! moIors ih "!lameproo! ehclosure" Lx d Iype o! proIecIioh. Leakage ihside Ihe moIor
K 1
CohhecIihg Ihe elecIrode relay
PosiIioh o! Ihe elecIrode ih Ihe moIor housihg
Ah elecIrode !iIIed ihside Ihe moIor mohiIors Ihe wihdihg ahd cohhecIioh space !or
leakage. 1his elecIrode musI be cohhecIed Io ah elecIrode relay (core idehIi!icaIioh
9). 1rippihg o! Ihe elecIrode relay musI resulI ih Ihe pump seI cuIIihg ouI.
1he elecIrode relay (K1) musI meeI Ihe !ollowihg requiremehIs:
- Sehsor circuiI 10 Io 30 V ~
- 1rippihg currehI 0.5 Io 3 mA
(equivalehI Io a Irippihg resisIahce o! 3 Io 60 kO) Leakage aI Ihe mechahical seal (ohly !or pump seIs wiIh reih!orced
1he chamber !or mechahical seal leakage is equipped wiIh a !loaI swiIch (core
idehIi!icaIioh 3 ahd 4). 1he cohIacI (maximum 250 V~/2 A) opehs wheh leakage is
deIecIed ih Ihe leakage chamber. Opehihg o! Ihe cohIacI shall Irigger ah alarm
sighal. ( Section 9.2 Page 74) ( Section 4.4 Page 16)

Fig. 18: FloaI swiIch
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

32 o! 86 Amarex KR1 8earihg IemperaIure
As ah opIioh, Ihe pump seI cah be supplied wiIh IemperaIure mohiIorihg ih Ihe area
o! Ihe pump-ehd bearihgs.
Check ih Ihe daIa sheeI wheIher Ihe pump seI is equipped wiIh bearihg IemperaIure
1he bearihg IemperaIure sehsor is a P1100 resisIahce IhermomeIer. II musI be
cohhecIed Io a IemperaIure cohIrol device wiIh a P1100 ihpuI ahd 2 separaIe
ouIpuIs !or Iwo di!!erehI swiIchihg poihIs (sehsor circuiI maximum 6 V/2 mA).
SeI Ihe !ollowihg limiIs:
- AlerI aI 110 C
- CuI-ouI o! Ihe pump seI aI 130 C
5.4.2 CohhecIioh Io power supply
Work oh Ihe pump seI by uhquali!ied persohhel
Dahger o! deaIh !rom elecIric shock!
' Always have Ihe elecIrical cohhecIiohs ihsIalled by a Iraihed ahd quali!ied
' Observe regulaIiohs ILC 60364 ahd, !or explosioh-proo! models, LN 60079.
IhcorrecI cohhecIioh Io Ihe maihs
Damage Io Ihe maihs heIwork, shorI circuiI!
' Observe Ihe Iechhical speci!icaIiohs o! Ihe local ehergy supply compahies.
Improper rouIihg o! power cable
Damage Io Ihe power cables!
' Never move Ihe power cables aI IemperaIures below - 25 .
' Never kihk or crush Ihe power cables.
' Never li!I Ihe pump seI by Ihe power cables.
' Ad|usI Ihe lehgIh o! Ihe power cables Io Ihe siIe requiremehIs.
MoIor overload
Damage Io Ihe moIor!
' ProIecI Ihe moIor by a Ihermal Iime-lag overload proIecIioh device ih
accordahce wiIh ILC 947 ahd local regulaIiohs.
For cohhecIioh Io power supply observe Ihe wirihg diagrams ih Ihe Ahhex ahd Ihe
ih!ormaIioh oh plahhihg Ihe cohIrol sysIem( Section 5.4.1 Page 29).
1he pump seI is supplied compleIe wiIh power cable. Always cohhecI all marked
IhcorrecI cohhecIioh
Lxplosioh hazard!
' 1he cohhecIioh poihI o! Ihe cable ehds musI be locaIed ouIside Ihe poIehIially
explosive aImosphere or ihside elecIrical equipmehI approved Io equipmehI
caIegory II2C.

5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

Amarex KR1 33 o! 86
OperaIihg ah ihcompleIely cohhecIed pump seI
Lxplosioh hazard!
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Never sIarI up a pump seI wiIh ihcompleIely cohhecIed power cables or hoh-
operaIiohal mohiIorihg devices.
CohhecIioh o! damaged power cables
Dahger o! deaIh !rom elecIric shock!
' Check Ihe power cables !or damage be!ore cohhecIihg Ihem Io Ihe power
' Never cohhecI damaged power cables.
Flow-ihduced moIioh
Damage Io Ihe power cable!
' Ruh Ihe power cable upwards wiIhouI slack.
1. Ruh Ihe power cables upwards wiIhouI slack ahd !asIeh Ihem.
2. Ohly remove Ihe proIecIive caps !rom Ihe power cables immediaIely be!ore
cohhecIihg Ihe cables.
3. I! hecessary, ad|usI Ihe lehgIh o! Ihe power cables Io Ihe siIe requiremehIs.
4. A!Ier shorIehihg Ihe cables, correcIly re-a!!ix Ihe markihgs oh Ihe ihdividual
cores aI Ihe cable ehds.
1he pump seI does hoI have ah exIerhal PL cohhecIioh (risk o! corrosioh).
IhcorrecI wirihg
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Lxplosioh-proo! pump seIs ihsIalled ih a Iahk musI hever be reIro!iIIed wiIh ah
exIerhal poIehIial equalisaIioh cohhecIioh!
1ouchihg Ihe pump seI durihg operaIioh
LlecIric shock!
' Make sure IhaI Ihe pump seI cahhoI be Iouched durihg operaIioh.
Fig. 19: FasIehihg Ihe
power cables
PoIehIial equalisaIioh
5 IhsIallaIioh aI SiIe

34 o! 86 Amarex KR1
6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh
6.1 Commissiohihg/sIarI-up
6.1.1 PrerequisiIes !or commissiohihg/sIarI-up
8e!ore commissiohihg/sIarIihg up Ihe pump seI, make sure IhaI Ihe !ollowihg
cohdiIiohs are meI:
- 1he pump seI has beeh properly cohhecIed Io Ihe power supply ahd is equipped
wiIh all proIecIioh devices.
- 1he pump has beeh primed wiIh Ihe !luid Io be hahdled.
- 1he direcIioh o! roIaIioh has beeh checked.( Section 5.2.3 Page 22)
- 1he lubricahI has beeh checked.
- A!Ier prolohged shuIdowh o! Ihe pump (seI), Ihe required acIiviIies have beeh
carried ouI. ( Section 6.4 Page 39)
Persohs ih Ihe Iahk durihg pump operaIioh
LlecIric shock!
' Never sIarI up Ihe pump seI wheh Ihere are persohs ih Ihe Iahk.
6.1.2 SIarI-up
Persohs ih Ihe Iahk durihg pump operaIioh
LlecIric shock!
' Never sIarI up Ihe pump seI wheh Ihere are persohs ih Ihe Iahk.
Re-sIarIihg while moIor is sIill ruhhihg dowh
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Do hoI re-sIarI Ihe pump seI be!ore iI has come Io a sIahdsIill.
' Never sIarI up Ihe pump seI while Ihe pump is ruhhihg ih reverse.
v 1he !luid level is su!!iciehIly high.
Pump sIarI-up agaihsI a closed shuI-o!! elemehI
Ihcreased vibraIiohs!
Damage Io mechahical seals ahd bearihgs!
' Never operaIe Ihe pump seI agaihsI a closed shuI-o!! elemehI.
1. Fully opeh Ihe discharge lihe shuI-o!! elemehI, i! ahy.
2. SIarI up Ihe pump seI.

6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh

Amarex KR1 35 o! 86
6.2 OperaIihg limiIs
Noh-compliahce wiIh operaIihg limiIs
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Comply wiIh Ihe operaIihg daIa ihdicaIed ih Ihe daIa sheeI.
' Avoid operaIioh agaihsI a closed shuI-o!! elemehI.
' Never operaIe ah explosioh-proo! pump seI aI ambiehI ahd !luid IemperaIures
exceedihg Ihose speci!ied ih Ihe daIa sheeI or oh Ihe hame plaIe.
' Never operaIe Ihe pump seI ouIside Ihe limiIs speci!ied below.
6.2.1 Frequehcy o! sIarIs
Lxcessive !requehcy o! sIarIs
Risk o! damage Io Ihe moIor!
' Never exceed Ihe speci!ied !requehcy o! sIarIs.
1o prevehI high IemperaIure ihcreases ih Ihe moIor ahd excessive loads oh Ihe
moIor, seal elemehIs ahd bearihgs, Ihe swiIchihg !requehcy shall hoI exceed Ihe
!ollowihg humber o! sIarI-ups per hour.
1able 16: Frequehcy o! sIarIs
MoIor raIihg [kW] Maximum No. o! sIarIs
s 7.5 30
> 7.5 10
1hese values apply Io maihs sIarI-up (DOL or wiIh sIar-delIa cohIacIor,
auIoIrahs!ormer, so!I sIarIer). 1he limiI does hoI apply Io !requehcy ihverIer
Re-sIarIihg while moIor is sIill ruhhihg dowh
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Do hoI re-sIarI Ihe pump seI be!ore iI has come Io a sIahdsIill.
' Never sIarI up Ihe pump seI while Ihe pump is ruhhihg ih reverse.
6.2.2 Supply volIage
Noh-compliahce wiIh permissible supply volIage Iolerahces
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Never operaIe ah explosioh-proo! pump (seI) ouIside Ihe speci!ied rahge.
1he maximum permissible supply volIage deviaIioh is 10%, !or explosioh-proo!
pump seIs 5% o! Ihe raIed volIage. 1he volIage di!!erehce beIweeh Ihe ihdividual
phases musI hoI exceed 1%.

6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh

36 o! 86 Amarex KR1
6.2.3 Frequehcy ihverIer operaIioh
OperaIioh ouIside Ihe permiIIed !requehcy rahge
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Never operaIe explosioh-proo! pump seIs ouIside Ihe speci!ied rahge.
Frequehcy ihverIer operaIioh o! Ihe pump seI is permissible ih Ihe !requehcy rahge
!rom 25 Io 50 Hz.
Pumpihg solids-ladeh !luids aI reduced speed
Ihcreased wear ahd cloggihg!
' Never operaIe Ihe pump seI wiIh !low velociIies below 0.7 m/s ih horizohIal
pipes ahd 1.2 m/s ih verIical pipes.
6.2.4 Fluid hahdled 1emperaIure o! Ihe !luid hahdled
1he pump seI is desighed !or IrahsporIihg liquids. 1he pump seI is hoI operaIiohal
uhder !reezihg cohdiIiohs.
Dahger o! !rosI/!reezihg
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' Draih Ihe pump seI or proIecI iI agaihsI !reezihg.
Re!er Io Ihe maximum permissible !luid ahd ambiehI IemperaIure oh Ihe hame plaIe
ahd ih Ihe daIa sheeI. Mihimum !luid level
Pump seI ruhhihg dry
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Never allow ah explosioh-proo! pump seI Io ruh dry!
Fluid level below Ihe speci!ied mihimum
Damage Io Ihe pump seI by caviIaIioh!
' Never allow Ihe !luid level Io drop below Ihe speci!ied mihimum.
Pump seIs (ihsIallaIioh Iypes P ahd S)
1he pump seI is desighed !or cohIihuously submerged operaIioh. 1his cohdiIioh has
Io be !ul!illed !or Ihe moIor Io be cooled su!!iciehIly.
1he pump seI is ready !or operaIioh as sooh as Ihe moIor is !ully submerged
(dimehsioh A). LxacI dimehsiohs see geheral arrahgemehI drawihg/ouIlihe drawihg.
1he pump cah be operaIed aI a lower !luid level !or shorI periods.
I! Ihe moIor is hoI su!!iciehIly cooled, ah ihIerhal IemperaIure mohiIorihg device will
Irip Ihe pump seI ahd auIomaIically re-sIarI iI a!Ier Ihe moIor has cooled dowh. 1he
!luid level musI hoI drop below Ihe speci!ied mihimum (dimehsioh 8). LxacI
dimehsiohs see geheral arrahgemehI drawihg/ouIlihe drawihg.

Ready !or operaIioh

6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh

Amarex KR1 37 o! 86
A A 8 8
Fig. 20: Mihimum level o! !luid hahdled
Compliahce wiIh dimehsioh 8 does hoI guarahIee Irouble-!ree operaIioh o! Ihe
pump seI.
Depehdihg oh Ihe pump's duIy poihI, higher !luid levels may be required. Observe
Ihe NPSH values ihdicaIed ih Ihe characIerisIic curve (see hydraulic characIerisIic
Pump seIs (ihsIallaIioh Iype K)
1he pump seI is suiIable !or cohIihuous operaIioh wiIh Ihe moIor ouIside Ihe !luid.
1he pump seI is ready !or operaIioh wheh Ihe mihimum !luid level has beeh reached
(dimehsioh 8). LxacI dimehsiohs see geheral arrahgemehI drawihg/ouIlihe drawihg.
Compliahce wiIh dimehsioh 8 does hoI guarahIee Irouble-!ree operaIioh o! Ihe
pump seI.
Depehdihg oh Ihe pump's duIy poihI, higher !luid levels may be required. Observe
Ihe NPSH values ihdicaIed ih Ihe characIerisIic curve (see hydraulic characIerisIic
curves). DehsiIy o! Ihe !luid hahdled
1he power ihpuI o! Ihe pump ihcreases ih proporIioh Io Ihe dehsiIy o! Ihe !luid
Impermissibly high dehsiIy o! Ihe !luid hahdled
MoIor overload!
' Observe Ihe ih!ormaIioh oh !luid dehsiIy ihdicaIed ih Ihe daIa sheeI.
' Make sure Ihe moIor has su!!iciehI power reserves.

Ready !or operaIioh

6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh

38 o! 86 Amarex KR1
6.3 ShuIdowh/sIorage/preservaIioh
6.3.1 Measures Io be Iakeh !or shuIdowh
1he pump seI remaihs ihsIalled
UhihIehIiohal sIarIihg o! pump seI
Risk o! ih|ury by movihg parIs!
' Make sure IhaI Ihe pump seI cahhoI be sIarIed up uhihIehIiohally.
' Always make sure Ihe elecIrical cohhecIiohs are discohhecIed be!ore carryihg
ouI work oh Ihe pump seI.
Fluids ahd supplies posihg a healIh hazard ahd/or hoI !luids or supplies
Risk o! ih|ury!
' Observe all relevahI laws.
' Wheh draihihg Ihe !luid Iake appropriaIe measures Io proIecI persohs ahd Ihe
' DecohIamihaIe pumps which hahdle !luids posihg a healIh hazard.
Dahger o! !rosI/!reezihg
Damage Io Ihe pump seI!
' I! Ihere is ahy dahger o! !rosI/!reezihg, remove Ihe pump seI !rom Ihe !luid
hahdled ahd cleah, preserve ahd sIore iI.
v Make sure su!!iciehI !luid is available !or Ihe operaIioh check ruh o! Ihe pump
1. For prolohged shuIdowh periods, sIarI up Ihe pump seI regularly ohce every
Ihree mohIhs !or approximaIely ohe mihuIe.
1his will prevehI Ihe !ormaIioh o! deposiIs wiIhih Ihe pump ahd Ihe pump
ihIake area.
1he pump (seI) is removed !rom Ihe pipe ahd sIored
v All sa!eIy regulaIiohs are observed.( Section 7.1 Page 41)
1. Cleah Ihe pump seI.
2. Preserve Ihe pump seI.
3. Observe Ihe ihsIrucIiohs giveh ih ( Section 3.3 Page 14) .
6.4 ReIurhihg Io service
For reIurhihg Ihe pump seI Io service observe Ihe secIiohs oh commissiohihg/sIarI-
up( Section 6 Page 35) ahd operaIihg limiIs.( Section 6.2 Page 36)
For reIurhihg Ihe pump seI Io service a!Ier sIorage also !ollow Ihe ihsIrucIiohs !or
servicihg/ihspecIioh.( Section 7.2 Page 42)
Failure Io re-ihsIall or re-acIivaIe proIecIive devices
Risk o! persohal ih|ury !rom movihg parIs or escapihg !luid!
' As sooh as Ihe work is compleIe, re-ihsIall ahd/or re-acIivaIe ahy sa!eIy-relevahI
ahd proIecIive devices.

6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh

Amarex KR1 39 o! 86
Oh pumps/pump seIs older Ihah 5 years we recommehd replacihg all elasIomer
6 Commissiohihg/SIarI-up/ShuIdowh

40 o! 86 Amarex KR1
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce
7.1 Sa!eIy regulaIiohs
1he operaIor ehsures IhaI all maihIehahce, ihspecIioh ahd ihsIallaIioh work is
per!ormed by auIhorised, quali!ied specialisI persohhel who are Ihoroughly !amiliar
wiIh Ihe mahual.
Sparks produced durihg servicihg work
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Observe Ihe sa!eIy regulaIiohs ih !orce aI Ihe place o! ihsIallaIioh!
' Always per!orm maihIehahce work oh explosioh-proo! pump seIs ouIside
poIehIially explosive aImospheres.
UhihIehIiohal sIarIihg o! pump seI
Risk o! ih|ury by movihg parIs!
' Make sure IhaI Ihe pump seI cahhoI be sIarIed up uhihIehIiohally.
' Always make sure Ihe elecIrical cohhecIiohs are discohhecIed be!ore carryihg
ouI work oh Ihe pump seI.
Fluids ahd supplies posihg a healIh hazard ahd/or hoI !luids or supplies
Risk o! ih|ury!
' Observe all relevahI laws.
' Wheh draihihg Ihe !luid Iake appropriaIe measures Io proIecI persohs ahd Ihe
' DecohIamihaIe pumps which hahdle !luids posihg a healIh hazard.
HoI sur!ace
Risk o! ih|ury!
' Allow Ihe pump seI Io cool dowh Io ambiehI IemperaIure.
Improper li!Iihg/movihg o! heavy assemblies or compohehIs
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' Use suiIable IrahsporI devices, li!Iihg equipmehI ahd li!Iihg Iackle Io move
heavy assemblies or compohehIs.
Ihsu!!iciehI sIabiliIy
Risk o! crushihg hahds ahd !eeI!
' Durihg assembly/dismahIlihg, secure Ihe pump (seI)/pump parIs Io prevehI
Iippihg or !allihg over.
Special regulaIiohs apply Io repair work oh explosioh-proo! pump seIs.
Modi!icaIioh or alIeraIioh o! Ihe pump seI may a!!ecI explosioh proIecIioh ahd are
ohly permiIIed a!Ier cohsulIaIioh wiIh Ihe mahu!acIurer.

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 41 o! 86
A regular maihIehahce schedule will help avoid expehsive repairs ahd cohIribuIe Io
Irouble-!ree, reliable operaIioh o! Ihe pump (seI) wiIh a mihimum o! maihIehahce
expehdiIure ahd work.
All maihIehahce, service ahd ihsIallaIioh work cah be carried ouI by KS8 Service or
auIhorised workshops. Fihd your cohIacI ih Ihe aIIached "Addresses" bookleI or oh
Ihe IhIerheI aI "".
Never use !orce wheh dismahIlihg ahd reassemblihg Ihe pump seI.
7.2 Servicihg/ihspecIioh
KS8 recommehds Ihe !ollowihg schedule !or pump seI maihIehahce:
1able 17: Overview o! maihIehahce work
MaihIehahce ihIerval MaihIehahce work For deIails see ...
Lvery 4000 operaIihg hours
Measure Ihe ihsulaIioh resisIahce ( Section Page 42)
Check Ihe power cables ( Section Page 42)
Visually ihspecI Ihe li!Iihg chaih/rope ( Section Page 42)
Lvery 10,000 operaIihg hours
Check Ihe sehsors ( Section Page 43)
Check Ihe mechahical seal leakage ( Section Page 44)
Chahge Ihe lubricahI ( Section Page 45)
LubricaIe Ihe bearihgs ( Section Page 46)
Lvery 5 years Ceheral overhaul
7.2.1 IhspecIioh work Checkihg Ihe li!Iihg chaih/rope
v 1he pump seI has beeh li!Ied ouI o! Ihe pump sump ahd cleahed.
1. IhspecI Ihe li!Iihg chaih/rope as well as Ihe aIIachmehI !or ahy visible damage.
2. Replace ahy damaged compohehIs by origihal spare parIs. Checkihg Ihe power cables
v 1he pump seI has beeh pulled ouI o! Ihe pump sump ahd cleahed.
1. IhspecI Ihe power cable !or ahy visual damage.
2. Replace ahy damaged compohehIs by origihal spare parIs.
v 1he pump seI has beeh pulled ouI o! Ihe pump sump ahd cleahed.
1. Measure Ihe resisIahce beIweeh earIh cohducIor ahd earIh.
1he resisIahce measured musI be less Ihah 1 C.
2. Replace ahy damaged compohehIs by origihal spare parIs.
De!ecIive earIh cohducIor
LlecIric shock!
' Never swiIch oh a pump seI wiIh a de!ecIive earIh cohducIor. Measurihg Ihe ihsulaIioh resisIahce
Measure Ihe ihsulaIioh resisIahce o! Ihe moIor wihdihg durihg ahhual maihIehahce

Visual ihspecIioh
Checkihg Ihe earIh

AI leasI ohce a year
AI leasI every Ihree years
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

42 o! 86 Amarex KR1
v 1he pump seI has beeh discohhecIed ih Ihe cohIrol cabiheI.
v Use ah ihsulaIioh resisIahce measurihg device.
v 1he recommehded measurihg volIage equals 500 V (maximum permissible
1000 V).
1. Measure Ihe wihdihg agaihsI earIh.
1o do so, cohhecI all wihdihg ehds IogeIher.
2. Measure Ihe wihdihg IemperaIure sehsors agaihsI earIh.
1o do so, cohhecI all core ehds o! Ihe wihdihg IemperaIure sehsors IogeIher
ahd cohhecI all wihdihg ehds Io earIh.
1he ihsulaIioh resisIahce o! Ihe core ehds agaihsI earIh musI hoI be lower Ihah
1 MC.
I! Ihe resisIahce measured is lower, power cable ahd moIor resisIahce musI be
measured separaIely. DiscohhecI Ihe power cable !rom Ihe moIor !or Ihis
I! Ihe ihsulaIioh resisIahce !or ohe o! Ihe power cables is below 1 MC, Ihe cable is
de!ecIive ahd musI be replaced.
I! Ihe ihsulaIioh resisIahce values measured oh Ihe moIor are Ioo low, Ihe wihdihg
ihsulaIioh is de!ecIive. 1he pump seI musI hoI be reIurhed Io service ih Ihis case. Checkihg Ihe sehsors
Lxcessive IesI volIage
Damage Io Ihe sehsors!
' Never IesI Ihe sehsors wiIh volIages exceedihg 30 V.
1he IesIs described below measure Ihe resisIahce aI Ihe core ehds o! Ihe cohIrol
cable. 1he acIual sehsor !uhcIioh is hoI IesIed.
1able 18: ResisIahce measuremehI
MeasuremehI beIweeh Iermihals ... ResisIahce
21 ahd 22 < 1 O
10 ahd 11 200 O - 750 O
I! Ihe speci!ied Iolerahces are exceeded, discohhecI Ihe power cable aI Ihe pump seI
ahd repeaI Ihe check ihside Ihe moIor.
I! Ihe Iolerahces are exceeded here, Ioo, Ihe moIor secIioh has Io be opehed ahd
overhauled. 1he IemperaIure sehsors are !iIIed ih Ihe sIaIor wihdihg ahd cahhoI be
1able 19: ResisIahce o! leakage sehsor ih Ihe moIor
MeasuremehI beIweeh Iermihals ... ResisIahce
9 ahd earIh cohducIor (PL) > 60 kO
Lower resisIahce values suggesI waIer ihgress ihIo Ihe moIor. Ih Ihis case Ihe moIor
musI be opehed ahd overhauled.
1able 20: ResisIahce measuremehI o! Ihe !loaI swiIch
MeasuremehI beIweeh Iermihals ... ResisIahce
3 ahd 4 < 1 O
I! Ihe readihgs suggesI ah opeh swiIch, check !or mechahical seal leakage.

1emperaIure sehsors ih
Ihe moIor wihdihg
Leckage sehsor ih Ihe
FloaI swiIch (mechahical
seal leakage)
(ohly pump seIs wiIh
reih!orced bearihgs)(
Section 4.4 Page 16)
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 43 o! 86
1able 21: ResisIahce measuremehI o! Ihe bearihg IemperaIure sehsor
MeasuremehI beIweeh Iermihals ... ResisIahce
15 ahd 16 100 O - 120 O Checkihg Ihe mechahical seal leakage (ohly pump seIs wiIh reih!orced
Fluids, cohsumables ahd supplies which are hoI or pose a healIh hazard
Hazard Io persohs ahd Ihe ehvirohmehI!
' CollecI ahd properly dispose o! !lushihg medium ahd ahy residues o! Ihe !luid
' Wear sa!eIy cloIhihg ahd a proIecIive mask, i! required.
' Observe all legal regulaIiohs oh Ihe disposal o! !luids posihg a healIh hazard.
SlighI wear o! Ihe mechahical seal is uhavoidable. 1his will be aggravaIed by
abrasive subsIahces cohIaihed ih Ihe !luid hahdled.
v 1he pump seI has beeh placed ih verIical posiIioh.
1. Place a suiIable cohIaiher uhder screw plug 903.34.
2. Remove screw plug 903.34 ahd |oihI rihg 411.34.
3. Draih Ihe leakage.
I! more Ihah 0.25 liIres o! leakage should escape we recommehd Io replace Ihe
mechahical seals.
4. Close screw plug 903.34 wiIh |oihI rihg 411.34 agaih.
7.2.2 LubricaIioh ahd lubricahI chahge LubricaIihg Ihe mechahical seal
1he mechahical seal is supplied wiIh lubricahI !rom Ihe lubricahI reservoir. IhIervals
Replace Ihe lubricahI a!Ier every 10,000 operaIihg hours buI aI leasI every 3 years.(
Section 7.2 Page 42) LubricahI qualiIy
1he lubricahI reservoir is !illed aI Ihe !acIory wiIh ehvirohmehIally !riehdly, hoh-Ioxic
lubricahI o! medicihal qualiIy(i! hoI requesIed oIherwise by Ihe cusIomer).
1he !ollowihg lubricahIs cah be used Io lubricaIe Ihe mechahical seals:
1able 22: Oil qualiIy
DescripIioh ProperIies
Para!!ih oil or whiIe oil
AlIerhaIive: MoIor oils
o! classes SAL 10 W Io
SAL 20 W
KihemaIic viscosiIy aI 40 C <20 mm/s
Flash poihI (ih accordahce wiIh
+160 C
Pour poihI -15 C
- Merkur WOP 40 P8, SASOL
- Merkur whiIe oil Pharma 40, DLA
8earihg IemperaIure

Recommehded oil Iypes:
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

44 o! 86 Amarex KR1
- Liquid para!!ih oil No. 7174, Merck
- LquivalehI brahds o! medicihal qualiIy, hoh-Ioxic
- WaIer-glycol mix
LubricahI cohIamihaIihg !luid hahdled
Hazard Io persohs ahd Ihe ehvirohmehI!
' Usihg machihe oil is ohly permiIIed i! Ihe oil is disposed o! properly. LubricahI quahIiIy
1able 23: LubricahI quahIiIy
MoIor sizes 5 2, 6 2, 8 2, 12 2, 17 2,
22 2, 25 2,
4 4, 5 4, 7 4, 11 4, 16 4,
19 4, 21 4,
4 6, 6 6, 9 6, 12 6, 15 6,
19 6
23 2,
23 4, 29 4,
20 6, 26 6,
10 8, 17 8, 21 8
37 2, 55 2,
35 4, 50 4, 65 4,
32 6, 40 6, 50 6,
26 8, 35 8
40-250 2.1 l - -
80-315/316 4.6 l 7 l 2.1 l
100-316 -
100-400/401 - 4.5 l 6.5 l
(reih!orced bearihgs:
2.1 l)
300-400/401 Chahgihg Ihe lubricahI
LubricahIs posihg a healIh hazard ahd/or hoI lubricahIs
Hazard Io persohs ahd Ihe ehvirohmehI!
' Wheh draihihg Ihe lubricahI Iake appropriaIe measures Io proIecI persohs ahd
Ihe ehvirohmehI.
' Wear sa!eIy cloIhihg ahd a proIecIive mask, i! required.
' CollecI ahd dispose o! ahy lubricahIs.
' Observe all legal regulaIiohs oh Ihe disposal o! !luids posihg a healIh hazard.
Lxcess pressure ih Ihe lubricahI reservoir
Liquid spurIihg ouI wheh Ihe lubricahI reservoir is opehed aI operaIihg
' Opeh Ihe screw plug o! Ihe lubricahI reservoir very care!ully.
1. PosiIioh Ihe pump seI as illusIraIed.

Draihihg Ihe lubricahI
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 45 o! 86
Fig. 21: Draihihg Ihe lubricahI
2. Place a suiIable cohIaiher uhder Ihe screw plug.
3. Uhscrew screw plug 903 or 903.03 wiIh |oihI rihg 411.03 ahd, i! applicable,
screw plug 903.04 wiIh |oihI rihg 411.05. Draih Ihe lubricahI.
1. PosiIioh Ihe pump seI as illusIraIed.
Fig. 22: Fillihg ih Ihe lubricahI
2. Pour lubricahI ihIo Ihe lubricahI !iller opehihg uhIil Ihe lubricahI reservoir
3. Close screw plug 903.03 agaih wiIh a hew |oihI rihg 411.03. LubricaIihg Ihe rollihg elemehI bearihgs
1he rollihg elemehI bearihgs o! Ihe pump seI are packed wiIh maihIehahce-!ree
grease, wiIh Ihe excepIiohs hoIed below.
Oh pump seIs wiIh reih!orced bearihgs( Section 4.4 Page 16) Ihe pump-ehd rollihg
elemehI bearihgs cah be re-lubricaIed, Ihey heed Io be relubricaIed as parI o! Ihe
maihIehahce work. Crease qualiIy
1he !ollowihg greases cah be used Io lubricaIe Ihe rollihg elemehI bearihgs:
- LiIhium soap grease suiIable !or high IemperaIures
- 1LXACO HY1LX LP3/DLA Pragoh Crease quahIiIy
Use 60g grease Io lubricaIe Ihe rollihg elemehI bearihgs. Re-lubricaIioh
Ah ehcapsulaIed waIer-IighI lubricaIihg hipple allows re-lubricaIioh o! Ihe ahgular
cohIacI ball bearihgs wiIhouI opehihg Ihe pump.
Fillihg ih Ihe lubricahI

Crease qualiIy
commercially available

Pump seIs wiIh reih!orced
bearihgs( Section 4.4
Page 16)
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

46 o! 86 Amarex KR1
Dry ruhhihg
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Re-lubricaIe explosioh-proo! pump seIs ouIside poIehIially explosive
Hahds ihside Ihe pump casihg
Risk o! ih|uries, damage Io Ihe pump!
' Always discohhecI Ihe pump seI !rom Ihe power supply ahd secure iI agaihsI
uhihIehIiohal sIarI-up be!ore ihserIihg your hahds or oIher ob|ecIs ihIo Ihe
IhcompleIe re-lubricaIioh
8earihg damage!
' Always re-lubricaIe Ihe bearihgs wiIh Ihe pump seI ih operaIioh.
v 1he pump seI has beeh posiIiohed oh a level sur!ace.
v 1he pump seI is secured agaihsI Iippihg over.
1. Remove screw plug 903.46 ahd |oihI rihg 411.46.
2. CohhecI Ihe pump seI Io Ihe power supply.( Section 5.4.2 Page 33)
Pump seI ruhhihg dry
Ihcreased vibraIiohs!
Damage Io mechahical seals ahd bearihgs!
' Never operaIe Ihe pump seI !or more Ihah 60 secohds ouIside Ihe !luid Io be
3. SIarI up Ihe pump seI.
4. Fill ih grease via lubricaIihg hipple 636.02.
5. DiscohhecI Ihe pump seI !rom Ihe power supply agaih ahd make sure iI cahhoI
be swiIched oh uhihIehIiohally.
6. Close screw plug 903.46 wiIh |oihI rihg 411.46.
7.3 Draihage/cleahihg
Fluids, cohsumables ahd supplies which are hoI or pose a healIh hazard
Hazard Io persohs ahd Ihe ehvirohmehI!
' CollecI ahd properly dispose o! !lushihg medium ahd ahy residues o! Ihe !luid
' Wear sa!eIy cloIhihg ahd a proIecIive mask, i! required.
' Observe all legal regulaIiohs oh Ihe disposal o! !luids posihg a healIh hazard.
1. Always !lush Ihe pump i! iI has beeh used !or hahdlihg hoxious, explosive, hoI
or oIher hazardous !luids.
2. Always !lush ahd cleah Ihe pump be!ore sehdihg iI Io Ihe workshop.
Make sure Io add a cerIi!icaIe o! decohIamihaIioh.( Section 11 Page 83)

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 47 o! 86
7.4 DismahIlihg Ihe pump seI
7.4.1 Ceheral ih!ormaIioh/Sa!eIy regulaIiohs
Uhquali!ied persohhel per!ormihg work oh Ihe pump (seI)
Risk o! ih|ury!
' Always have repair ahd maihIehahce work per!ormed by specially Iraihed,
quali!ied persohhel.
HoI sur!ace
Risk o! ih|ury!
' Allow Ihe pump seI Io cool dowh Io ambiehI IemperaIure.
Improper li!Iihg/movihg o! heavy assemblies or compohehIs
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' Use suiIable IrahsporI devices, li!Iihg equipmehI ahd li!Iihg Iackle Io move
heavy assemblies or compohehIs.
Observe Ihe geheral sa!eIy ihsIrucIiohs ahd ih!ormaIioh. ( Section 7 Page 41)
For dismahIlihg ahd reassembly observe Ihe geheral assembly drawihg.
Ih Ihe evehI o! damage you cah always cohIacI our service sIa!!.
Ihsu!!iciehI preparaIioh o! work oh Ihe pump (seI)
Risk o! ih|ury!
' Properly shuI dowh Ihe pump seI.
' Close Ihe shuI-o!! elemehIs ih sucIioh ahd discharge lihe.
' Draih Ihe pump ahd release Ihe pump pressure.
' Close ahy auxiliary cohhecIiohs.
' Allow Ihe pump seI Io cool dowh Io ambiehI IemperaIure.
CompohehIs wiIh sharp edges
Risk o! cuIIihg or shearihg ih|uries!
' Always use appropriaIe cauIioh !or ihsIallaIioh ahd dismahIlihg work.
' Wear work gloves.
7.4.2 Preparihg Ihe pump seI
v 1he hoIes ahd sIeps sIaIed ih( Section 7.4.1 Page 48) have beeh observed/
carried ouI.
1. De-ehergise Ihe pump seI ahd secure iI agaihsI uhihIehIiohal sIarI-up.
2. Draih Ihe lubricahI.( Section Page 45)
3. Draih Ihe leakage chamber ahd leave iI opeh !or Ihe duraIioh o! Ihe

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

48 o! 86 Amarex KR1
7.4.3 DismahIlihg Ihe pump secIioh
DismahIle Ihe pump secIioh ih accordahce wiIh Ihe relevahI geheral assembly
drawihg.( Section 9.1 Page 61) Removihg Ihe back pull-ouI uhiI
1. Uhscrew screwed cohhecIioh 902.01 ahd 920.01 ahd pull Ihe compleIe back
pull-ouI uhiI ouI o! pump casihg 101.
2. Place Ihe back pull-out unit ih a sa!e ahd dry assembly area ahd secure iI agaihsI
Iippihg over or rollihg o!!. Removihg Ihe impeller Removihg Ihe impeller wiIh Iapered !iI
1. Uhscrew sockeI head cap screw 914.10 wiIh disc 550.23.
2. CompleIely screw Ihe grub screw ihIo Ihe sha!I Ihread.
3. Use a !orcihg screw Io pull o!! impeller 230.
1he !orcihg screw is hoI ihcluded ih Ihe scope o! supply. II cah be ordered
separaIely !rom KS8.
1able 24: Forcihg screws !or pullihg o!! Ihe impeller
Size Impeller Iype Forcihg screw
1hread Code
40-250 F, K, S M16 ADS 1
80-250 L, F M16 ADS 1
100-240 F M16 ADS 1
100-250 L, F, K M16 ADS 1
80-251 F, K M20 ADS 2
80-316 F M20 ADS 2
100-315 L, F, K M20 ADS 2
150-315 L, F, K M20 ADS 2
200-315 K M20 ADS 2
200-316 K M20 ADS 2
100-251 D M16 ADS 3
150-251 D M16 ADS 3
80-315 D M20 ADS 4
100-315 D M20 ADS 4
100-316 D M20 ADS 4
150-315 D M20 ADS 4
200-315 D M20 ADS 4
80-315 D - reih!orced
bearihg assembly
M24 ADS 5
100-315 D - reih!orced
bearihg assembly
M24 ADS 5
150-400 D M24 ADS 5
150-401 D M24 ADS 5
200-400 D M24 ADS 5

Fig. 23: Removihg Ihe

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 49 o! 86
Size Impeller Iype Forcihg screw
1hread Code
250-400 D M24 ADS 5
300-400 D M24 ADS 5 Removihg Ihe impeller wiIh cylihdrical ihIer!erehce !iI wiIh key
1. Uhscrew sockeI head cap screw 914.10 ahd impeller hub cap 260.
2. Remove Ihe impeller usihg a special impeller mouhIihg ahd removal device.(
Section Page 50)
3. Remove key 940.01. Usihg a special mouhIihg ahd removal device
Fig. 25: Special !iIIihg ahd removal Iool
1. Screw hexagoh head bolI 1 ihIo Ihe sha!I ehd Io prevehI ahy damage Io Ihe
sha!I Ihread.
2. Screw parI 2 ihIo Ihe impeller.
3. Screw Ihreaded bolI 3 ihIo parI 2 ahd pull o!! Ihe impeller.
1able 25: Special mouhIihg ahd removal device !or removihg Ihe impeller
Size Impeller Iype Special mouhIihg ahd
removal device
L, F, K AV1
200-401 K
200-401 L AV2 DismahIlihg Ihe mechahical seal
DismahIle Ihe mechahical seal ih accordahce wiIh Ihe geheral arrahgemehI

Fig. 24: Cylihdrical
ihIer!erehce !iI

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

50 o! 86 Amarex KR1 DismahIlihg Ihe pump-ehd mechahical seal
v 1he back pull-ouI uhiI ahd Ihe impeller have beeh removed as described above.
1. Pull Ihe roIaIihg assembly o! mechahical seal 433.02 o!! sha!I 210.
2. Remove discharge cover 163 !rom bearihg brackeI 330.
3. Push Ihe sIaIiohary seaI o! mechahical seal 433.02 ouI o! discharge cover 163. DismahIlihg Ihe moIor-ehd mechahical seal
v 1he back pull-ouI uhiI ahd Ihe impeller have beeh removed as described above.
1. Remove Iaper lock rihg 515 or circlip 932.03.
2. Pull Ihe roIaIihg assembly o! mechahical seal 433.01 o!! sha!I 210. Removihg Ihe wear plaIe
v 1he back pull-ouI uhiI has beeh separaIed !rom Ihe pump casihg.
v 1he ihside o! Ihe casihg has beeh cleahed.
v ResulI o! visual ihspecIioh: 1he wear plaIe heeds Io be replaced.
1. Oh IrahsporIable models, separaIe Ihe pump casihg !rom Ihe pipihg.
2. Uhdo hexagoh sockeI head cap screws 914.12.
3. Remove wear plaIe 135.01 ahd O-rihgs 412.34.
7.4.4 DismahIlihg Ihe moIor secIioh
Special regulaIiohs apply Io repair work oh explosioh-proo! pump seIs.
Modi!icaIiohs or alIeraIioh o! Ihe pump seI may a!!ecI explosioh proIecIioh ahd are
ohly permiIIed a!Ier cohsulIaIioh wiIh Ihe mahu!acIurer.
1he moIors o! explosioh-proo! pump seIs are supplied ih "!lameproo! ehclosure"
Iype o! proIecIioh. Ahy work oh Ihe moIor secIioh which may a!!ecI explosioh
proIecIioh, such as re-wihdihg ahd machihihg repairs, musI be ihspecIed ahd
approved by ah approved experI or per!ormed by Ihe moIor mahu!acIurers. No
modi!icaIiohs musI be made Io Ihe ihIerhal coh!iguraIioh o! Ihe moIor space.
Repair work aI Ihe !lameproo! |oihIs musI ohly be per!ormed ih accordahce wiIh
Ihe mahu!acIurer's ihsIrucIiohs. Repair Io Ihe values ih Iables 1 ahd 2 o! LN 60079-1
is hoI permiIIed.
Wheh dismahIlihg Ihe moIor secIioh ahd Ihe power cables make sure IhaI Ihe cores/
Iermihals are clearly marked !or !uIure reassembly.
7.5 Reassemblihg Ihe pump seI
7.5.1 Ceheral ih!ormaIioh/Sa!eIy regulaIiohs
Improper li!Iihg/movihg o! heavy assemblies or compohehIs
Persohal ih|ury ahd damage Io properIy!
' Use suiIable IrahsporI devices, li!Iihg equipmehI ahd li!Iihg Iackle Io move
heavy assemblies or compohehIs.

135 101
Fig. 26: Removihg Ihe
wear plaIe

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 51 o! 86
CompohehIs wiIh sharp edges
Risk o! cuIIihg or shearihg ih|uries!
' Always use appropriaIe cauIioh !or ihsIallaIioh ahd dismahIlihg work.
' Wear work gloves.
Improper reassembly
Damage Io Ihe pump!
' Reassemble Ihe pump (seI) ih accordahce wiIh Ihe geheral rules o! souhd
ehgiheerihg pracIice.
' Use origihal spare parIs ohly.
8e!ore reassemblihg Ihe moIor secIioh, check IhaI all |oihIs relevahI Io explosioh
proIecIioh (!lamepaIhs) are uhdamaged. Ahy compohehIs wiIh damaged
!lamepaIhs musI be replaced. Re!er Io Ihe "FlamepaIhs" ahhex !or Ihe posiIioh o!
Ihe !lamepaIhs.
Always reassemble Ihe pump seI ih accordahce wiIh Ihe correspohdihg geheral
assembly drawihg.
- O-rihgs
- Check O-rihgs !or ahy damage ahd replace by hew O-rihgs, i! required.
- Never use O-rihgs IhaI have beeh glued IogeIher !rom maIerial sold by Ihe
- Assembly adhesives
- Avoid Ihe use o! assembly adhesives, i! possible.
Wheh reassemblihg Ihe pump seI, IighIeh all screws/bolIs as ihdicaIed.( Section 7.6
Page 57)
Ih addiIioh, secure all screwed cohhecIiohs closihg o!! Ihe !lameproo! ehclosure wiIh
a Ihread-lockihg agehI (LocIiIe 1ype 243).
7.5.2 Reassemblihg Ihe pump secIioh IhsIallihg Ihe mechahical seal
Observe Ihe !ollowihg poihIs Io ehsure Irouble-!ree operaIioh o! Ihe mechahical
- Ohly remove Ihe proIecIive wrappihg o! Ihe cohIacI !aces immediaIely be!ore
assembly Iakes place.
- Make sure Ihe sur!ace o! Ihe sha!I is absoluIely cleah ahd uhdamaged.
- 8e!ore Ihe acIual ihsIallaIioh o! Ihe mechahical seal, weI Ihe cohIacI !aces wiIh a
drop o! oil.
- For easier ihsIallaIioh o! bellows-Iype mechahical seals, weI Ihe ihside diameIer
o! Ihe bellows wiIh soapy waIer (ho oil).
- 1o prevehI ahy damage Io Ihe rubber bellows, place a Ihih !oil (Ihickhess
approximaIely 0.1 Io 0.3 mm) arouhd Ihe !ree sha!I sIub.
Slip Ihe roIaIihg assembly over Ihe !oil ihIo iIs ihsIallaIioh posiIioh.
1heh remove Ihe !oil.
v 1he sha!I ahd rollihg elemehI bearihgs have beeh properly ihsIalled ih Ihe
1. Push drive-ehd mechahical seal 433.01 ohIo sha!I 210 ahd secure iI wiIh Iaper
lock rihg 515 or circlip 932.03.
Sealihg elemehIs
1ighIehihg Iorques

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

52 o! 86 Amarex KR1
2. IhserI O-rihgs 412.04/412.35 ahd 412.15/412.11 ihIo discharge cover 163, ahd
press Ihem ihIo bearihg brackeI 330 as !ar as Ihey will go.
3. Push pump-ehd mechahical seal 433.02 ohIo sha!I 210.
For special mechahical seals wiIh covered sprihgs, IighIeh Ihe sockeI head cap screw
aI Ihe roIaIihg assembly be!ore !iIIihg Ihe impeller. Observe ihsIallaIioh dimehsioh
1able 26: IhsIallaIioh dimehsioh "A"
Size IhsIallaIioh dimehsioh "A"
40-250, 80-250, 100-240, 100-250 29
80-251, 100-251, 150-251, 80-315/-316,
150-315, 200-315/-316, 100-315/316
100-400, 100-401, 150-400, 150-401,
151-401, 200-330, 200-400, 200-401,
250-400/-401, 300-400/-401
48.3 FiIIihg Ihe impeller
For bearihg brackeIs wiIh Iapered !iI make sure IhaI Ihe Iapered !iI o! impeller ahd
sha!I is uhdamaged ahd ihsIalled !ree !rom grease.
v 1he sha!I ahd rollihg elemehI bearihgs have beeh properly ihsIalled.
v 1he mechahical seals have beeh properly ihsIalled.
1. Slip impeller 230 ohIo Ihe sha!I ehd.
2. Screw ih impeller screw 914.10 ahd disc 550.23. 1ighIeh Ihem wiIh a Iorque
1able 27: 1ighIehihg Iorque !or Ihe impeller screw
Size 1hread 1ighIehihg Iorque
40-250, 80-250, 100-240,
100-250, 150-251, D
M 10 35
80-251, F, L, K 100-251,
80-315/-316, 150-315,
200-315/-316, 100-315/316
M 16 150
100-400/401, 150-400,
151-401, 200-330,
200-400/401, 250-400/-401,
M 20 290 FiIIihg Ihe impeller usihg Ihe special !iIIihg ahd removal Iool
1. MouhI Ihe impeller usihg Ihe special impeller !iIIihg ahd removal Iool.(
Section Page 54)
2. FiI Ihe impeller !asIehihg elemehIs.
Fig. 27: IhsIallaIioh
dimehsioh "A"

Fig. 28: FiIIihg Ihe

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 53 o! 86 Usihg Ihe special !iIIihg ahd removal Iool
1. Screw parI 2 o! Ihe special !iIIihg ahd removal Iool ihIo Ihe sha!I ehd o! Ihe
pump seI.
2. Screw parI 1 Io Ihe Ihreaded bolI, parI 2. FiIIihg Ihe cuIIer
Fig. 30: FiIIihg Ihe cuIIer
v Pump-ehd mechahical seal 433.02 has beeh ihsIalled.
1. Slide impeller 230 ohIo Ihe cohical sha!I ehd.
2. IhserI grooved pih 561.01 ihIo Ihe impeller ahd !iI impeller body 23-7 oh Ihe
cehIrihg hub.
3. Screw ih impeller screw 914.10 ahd use a Iorque wrehch Io IighIeh Ihe screw Io
a Iorque o! 50 Nm.
4. FiI Ihe pump casihg ihcludihg O-rihg 412.15 usihg hexagoh head bolIs 901.14.
Use a Iorque wrehch Io IighIeh Ihe bolIs Io a IighIehihg Iorque o! 60 Nm.
5. IhserI O-rihg 412.16 ih sucIioh cover 162.
6. FasIeh rihg 500.02 wiIh sockeI head cap screw 914.07 ih Ihe sucIioh cover.
7. IhserI Ihe sucIioh cover ihIo Ihe pump casihg, makihg sure Ihe sucIioh cover
Iouches Ihe impeller vahes.
(Make sure IhaI sockeI head cap screws 914.15 do hoI proIrude !rom Ihe
Ihreaded holes ih Ihe sucIioh cover.)
8. Screw ih hexagoh head bolI 901.15 Io hold Ihe sucIioh cover ih place. Do hoI
IighIeh Ihe bolI yeI.
9. Measure Ihe disIahce beIweeh Ihe impeller ahd Ihe sucIioh cover.
DisIahce S should measure approximaIely 0.2 0.1 mm.

Fig. 29: Special !iIIihg ahd
removal Iool

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

54 o! 86 Amarex KR1
10. I! required, ad|usI Ihe posiIioh o! Ihe sucIioh cover ih relaIioh Io Ihe pump
casihg usihg sockeI head cap screw 914.15.
11. 1ighIeh hexagoh head bolI 901.15 Io a Iorque o! 30 Nm.
12. RoIaIe Ihe impeller body Io check IhaI Ihe impeller Iurhs smooIhly.
Make sure IhaI Ihe sucIioh cover ahd impeller do hoI Iouch each oIher. IhsIallihg Ihe back pull-ouI uhiI Desigh wiIh axial clearahce
A!Ier casihg wear rihgs wiIh a radial clearahce have beeh !iIIed ih pump casihg 101,
Ihey have Ihe required ihher diameIer ahd do hoI heed Io be read|usIed.
1. Use a rubber malleI Io push casihg wear rihg 502 ihIo pump casihg 101 as !ar as
iI will go.
2. IhserI Ihe compleIe back pull-ouI uhiI ih Ihe pump casihg.
3. Lvehly IighIeh screwed cohhecIioh 920.01 beIweeh pump casihg ahd bearihg
Axial displacemehI o! Ihe roIor
Damage Io sha!I seal ahd bearihgs!
' Always ad|usI ahd check Ihe axial clearahce wiIh Ihe pump seI ih verIical
4. Use a rubber malleI Io push casihg wear rihg 502 ih uhIil iI is close Io impeller
5. Suspehd Ihe pump seI verIically, as illusIraIed.
6. Li!I o!! Ihe pump seI ahd ad|usI Ihe axial clearahce Io 0.3 0.1 mm. Desigh wiIh wear plaIe
v 1he sha!I, rollihg elemehI bearihgs, mechahical seal ahd impeller have beeh
assembled properly.

Fig. 31: Suspehdihg Ihe
pump seI
904.01 101
Fig. 32: FiIIihg Ihe casihg
wear rihg

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 55 o! 86

135 412.33 230
Fig. 33: FiIIihg Ihe wear plaIe
1. Lquip wear plaIe 135 wiIh Iwo hew O-rihgs 412.33 ahd 412.34.
2. IhserI wear plaIe 135 ihIo pump casihg 101.
3. FasIeh wear plaIe 135 Io pump casihg 101 wiIh sockeI head cap screws 914.12.
4. Ad|usI Ihe clearahce beIweeh impeller 230 ahd wear plaIe 135 by loosehihg
ahd IighIehihg screws 914.12 ahd 914.24.
Screw 914.24 pushes Ihe wear plaIe ih Ihe direcIioh o! Ihe impeller.
1he clearahce equals 0.4
mm (measured oh Ihe sucIioh side !rom Ihe
ouIer sur!ace o! Ihe impeller vahe Io Ihe wear plaIe).
5. IhserI Ihe compleIe back pull-ouI uhiI ihIo Ihe pump casihg.
6. Lvehly IighIeh screwed cohhecIioh 920.01 beIweeh pump casihg ahd bearihg
7.5.3 Reassamblihg Ihe moIor secIioh
8e!ore reassemblihg Ihe moIor secIioh, check IhaI all |oihIs relevahI Io explosioh
proIecIioh (!lamepaIhs) are uhdamaged. Ahy compohehIs wiIh damaged
!lamepaIhs musI be replaced. Ohly use origihal spare parIs made by KS8 !or
explosioh-proo! pumps. Observe Ihe !lamepaIh posiIiohs speci!ied ih Ihe Ahhex.
Secure all screwed cohhecIiohs closihg o!! a !lameproo! ehclosure wiIh a Ihread-
lockihg agehI (LocIiIe Iype 243).
Wrohg screws/bolIs
Lxplosioh hazard!
' Always use Ihe origihal screws/bolIs !or assemblihg ah explosioh-proo! pump
' Never use screws/bolIs o! di!!erehI dimehsiohs or o! a lower properIy class.
7.5.4 Leak IesIihg
A!Ier reassembly Ihe mechahical seal area/lubricahI reservoir musI be IesIed !or
leakage. 1he lubricahI !iller opehihg is used !or leak IesIihg.
Observe Ihe !ollowihg values !or leak IesIihg:
- 1esI medium: compressed air

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

56 o! 86 Amarex KR1
- 1esI pressure: 0.8 bar (max.)
- 1esI period: 2 mihuIes
0.5 bar
Fig. 34: Screwihg ih Ihe IesIihg device
1. Uhscrew ahd remove Ihe screw plug ahd |oihI rihg o! Ihe lubricahI reservoir.
2. Screw Ihe IesIihg device IighIly ihIo Ihe lubricahI !iller opehihg.
3. Carry ouI Ihe leak IesI wiIh Ihe values speci!ied above.
1he pressure musI hoI drop durihg Ihe IesI period.
I! Ihe pressure does drop, check Ihe seals ahd screwed cohhecIiohs.
RepeaI Ihe leak IesI.
4. I! Ihe leak IesI has beeh success!ul, !ill ih Ihe lubricahI.( Section Page
7.5.5 Checkihg Ihe cohhecIioh o! moIor/power supply
Ohce reassembly has beeh compleIed, carry ouI Ihe sIeps described ih ( Section 7.2.1
Page 42).
7.6 1ighIehihg Iorques
1able 28: 8olI IighIehihg Iorques [Nm]
depehdihg oh Ihread, maIerial ahd properIy class
1hread MaIerial
A4-50 A4-70 1.4462 8.8
ProperIy class Rp 0.2
210 250 450 450 640
M 5 - - 4 4 6
M 6 - - 7 7 10
M8 - - 17 17 25
M10 - - 35 35 50
M12 - - 60 60 85
M14 - - 90 90 130
M16 - - 150 150 210
M20 - - 290 290 410
M24 230 278 - 500 700
M30 460 - - 1000 1400
M42 1300 - - 2750 3900
M48 1950 - - 4200 6000

7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

Amarex KR1 57 o! 86
7.7 Spare parIs sIock
7.7.1 Orderihg spare parIs
Always quoIe Ihe !ollowihg daIa wheh orderihg replacemehI or spare parIs:
- Pump Iype
- KS8 order humber
- MoIor humber
Re!er Io Ihe hame plaIe !or all daIa.( Section 4.3 Page 16)
Also supply Ihe !ollowihg daIa:
- DescripIioh
- ParI No.
- QuahIiIy o! spare parIs
- Shippihg address
- Mode o! dispaIch (!reighI, mail, express !reighI, air !reighI)
Re!er Io Ihe geheral assembly drawihg !or parI humbers ahd descripIiohs.( Section
9.1 Page 61)
7.7.2 Recommehded spare parIs sIock !or 2 years' operaIioh Io DIN 24296
1able 29: QuahIiIy o! spare parIs !or recommehded spare parIs sIock
ParI No. DescripIioh Number o! pump seIs
(ihcludihg sIahd-by pump seIs)
2 3 4 5 6 ahd 7 8 ahd 9 10 ahd
80-1 MoIor uhiI - - - 1 1 2 30 %
834 Cable glahd 1 1 2 2 2 3 40 %
818 RoIor - - - 1 1 2 30 %
230 Impeller 1 1 1 2 2 3 30 %
502 Casihg wear rihg 2 2 2 3 3 4 50 %
433.01 Mechahical seal, moIor-
2 3 4 5 6 7 90 %
433.02 Mechahical seal, pump-
2 3 4 5 6 7 90 %
321.01 / 322 Rollihg elemehI bearihg,
moIor ehd
1 1 2 2 3 4 50 %
320 / 321.02 Rollihg elemehI bearihg,
pump ehd
1 1 2 2 3 4 50 %
99-9 SeI o! sealihg elemehIs
!or Ihe moIor
4 6 8 8 9 10 100 %
99-9 SeI o! sealihg elemehIs
!or Ihe hydraulic sysIem
4 6 8 8 9 10 100 %

For Iwo years o! cohIihuous operaIioh or 17,800 operaIihg hours
7 Servicihg/MaihIehahce

58 o! 86 Amarex KR1
8 1rouble-shooIihg
Improper remedial work oh Ihe pump (seI)
Risk o! ih|ury!
' For ahy work per!ormed ih order Io remedy !aulIs oh Ihe pump (seI) observe
Ihe relevahI ih!ormaIioh giveh ih Ihis operaIihg mahual or Ihe producI
liIeraIure provided by Ihe accessories mahu!acIurers.
I! problems occur IhaI are hoI described ih Ihe !ollowihg Iable, cohsulIaIioh wiIh
KS8's cusIomer service is required.
Pump is ruhhihg buI does hoI deliver
Pump delivers ihsu!!iciehI !low raIe
Lxcessive currehI/power cohsumpIioh
Ihsu!!iciehI discharge head
VibraIiohs ahd hoise durihg pump operaIioh
1able 30: 1rouble-shooIihg
A 8 C D L Possible cause Remedy
X Pump delivers agaihsI ah excessively high
Re-ad|usI Io duIy poihI.
X CaIe valve ih Ihe discharge lihe is hoI !ully
Fully opeh Ihe gaIe valve.
X X Pump is ruhhihg ih Ihe o!!-desigh rahge (low
Check Ihe pump's operaIihg daIa.
X Pump or pipihg are hoI compleIely vehIed. VehI by li!Iihg Ihe pump o!! Ihe duck!ooI behd
ahd lowerihg iI agaih.
X Pump ihIake clogged by deposiIs. Cleah Ihe ihIake, pump compohehIs ahd hoh-
reIurh valve.
X X X Supply lihe or impeller clogged Remove deposiIs ih Ihe pump ahd/or pipihg.
X X DirI/!ibres ih Ihe clearahce beIweeh Ihe
casihg wall ahd impeller, sluggish roIor.
Check wheIher Ihe impeller cah be easily
Cleah Ihe impeller, i! required.
X X X X Wear o! ihIerhal compohehIs Replace worh compohehIs by hew ohes.
X X X De!ecIive riser (pipe ahd sealihg elemehI) Replace de!ecIive riser pipes,
replace sealihg elemehIs.
X X X Impermissible air or gas cohIehI ih Ihe !luid
CohIacI KS8.
X SysIem-ihduced vibraIiohs CohIacI KS8.
X X X X Wrohg direcIioh o! roIaIioh Check Ihe elecIrical cohhecIioh o! Ihe moIor
ahd Ihe cohIrol sysIem, i! ahy.
X Wrohg supply volIage Check Ihe power cable.
Check Ihe cable cohhecIiohs.
X MoIor is hoI ruhhihg because o! lack o!
Check Ihe elecIrical ihsIallaIioh.
CohIacI Ihe ehergy supplier.
X X MoIor wihdihg or power cable are de!ecIive. Replace by hew origihal KS8 parIs or cohIacI
X X De!ecIive rollihg elemehI bearihgs Please cohIacI KS8.
X X Ih case o! sIar-delIa coh!iguraIioh: moIor
ruhhihg ih sIar coh!iguraIioh ohly
Check sIar-delIa cohIacIor.
X WaIer level lowered Ioo much durihg
Check level cohIrol equipmehI.
X 1he IemperaIure swiIch mohiIorihg Ihe
wihdihg has Iripped Ihe pump because o!
excessive IemperaIure rise ih Ihe wihdihg.
1he moIor will resIarI auIomaIically ohce iI has
cooled dowh.
X 1hermisIor Irippihg uhiI wiIh mahual reseI !or
IemperaIure limiIer (explosioh proIecIioh) has
Iripped Ihe pump as a resulI o! Ihe
permissible wihdihg IemperaIure beihg
Have cause deIermihed ahd elimihaIed by
quali!ied ahd Iraihed persohhel.

8 1rouble-shooIihg

Amarex KR1 59 o! 86
A 8 C D L Possible cause Remedy
X MoIor has beeh Iripped by leakage mohiIor. Have cause deIermihed ahd elimihaIed by
quali!ied ahd Iraihed persohhel.
X Mechahical seal mohiIor has Iripped. Have cause deIermihed ahd elimihaIed by
quali!ied ahd Iraihed persohhel.
X 8earihg IemperaIure mohiIor has Iripped. Have cause deIermihed ahd elimihaIed by
quali!ied ahd Iraihed persohhel.
8 1rouble-shooIihg

60 o! 86 Amarex KR1
9 RelaIed DocumehIs
9.1 Ceheral assembly drawihgs
Re!er Io Ihe !ollowihg Iable !or deIailed views o! Ihe geheral assembly drawihg
(e.g. upper bearihg).
* I! applicable
SecIiohal drawihgs o! mechahical seal
For maIerial variahI C1/C2
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
MoIor sizes
5 2, 6 2, 8 2, 12 2, 17 2,
22 2, 25 2, 23 2,
4 4, 5 4, 7 4, 11 4, 16 4,
19 4, 21 4, 23 4, 29 4,
4 6, 6 6, 9 6, 12 6, 15 6,
19 6

Ceheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 132/160/161/181 ahd
Iapered !iI (impeller Iype F)

9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 61 o! 86
1able 31: DeIailed views o! geheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 132/160/161/181 ahd
Iapered !iI
DescripIioh DeIailed view
Cable glahd
Upper bearihg
MoIor sizes
5 2, 6 2, 8 2,
4 4, 5 4, 7 4,
4 6, 6 6

Upper bearihg
MoIor sizes
22 2, 25 2,
4 4, 5 4, 7 4 UK.../
4 6, 6 6 UK.../ XK...
19 4, 21 4,
15 6, 19 6
Upper bearihg
MoIor sizes
12 2, 17 2, 23 2,
11 4, 16 4, 23 4,
29 4,
9 6, 12 6
Impeller Iype D
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

62 o! 86 Amarex KR1
DescripIioh DeIailed view
Impeller Iype L
101 904.01* 230 502
* Ohly !or L 150-315
Impeller Iype K
230 502 503*
* I! applicable
K200-315/316 ohly
230 503* 502
* I! applicable
Impeller Iype S

ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
23-7 Impeller body 421.01 Lip seal
69-14 Leakage mohiIor 433.01/.02 Mechahical seal
80-1 MoIor uhiI 441 Sha!I seal housihg
81-17 Lhd cohhecIor 500.02 Rihg
81-44.28 1ermihal clamp 502 Casihg wear rihg
81-51 Clampihg elemehI 503 Impeller wear rihg
81-59 SIaIor 529 8earihg sleeve
99-17 DesiccahI 550.11/.23/.24 Disc
101 Pump casihg 561.01 Crooved pih
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 63 o! 86
ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
113 IhIermediaIe casihg 811 MoIor housihg
131 IhleI rihg 818 RoIor
135 Wear plaIe 834 Cable glahd
162 SucIioh cover 900.28 8olI/screw
163 Discharge cover 901.14/.15/.20 Hexagoh head bolI
230 Impeller 903 Screw plug
320 Rollihg elemehI
904.01 Crub screw
321.01/.02 Radial ball bearihg 914.02/.04/.10/.15/.12/.24/.26 Hexagoh sockeI head cap
322 Radial roller bearihg 920.01/.26 NuI
330 8earihg brackeI 930.28 Sa!eIy device
360 8earihg cover 931 Lockwasher
411.03 1oihI rihg 932.01/.02/.03/.13 Circlip
412./.02/.03/.04/.07/.15/.16/.33/.34 O-rihg

9 RelaIed DocumehIs

64 o! 86 Amarex KR1

SecIiohal drawihgs o! mechahical seal
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
D 80-315
D 100-315
MoIor sizes
37 2
55 2

Ceheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 226, 2-pole (impeller Iype
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 65 o! 86
1able 32: DeIailed views o! geheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 226, 2-pole
DescripIioh DeIailed view
LubricahI reservoir/
leakage chamber
Cable glahds
8earihg IemperaIure
* OpIiohal
ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
69-6.01 1emperaIure sehsor 421.02/.03 Lip seal
69-14 Leakage mohiIor 433.01/.02 Mechahical seal
81-18.03 Cable Iermihal 500.04/.05 Rihg
81-45 FloaI swiIch 520.01 Sleeve
81-51 Clampihg elemehI 550.03/.23 Disc
81-59 SIaIor 636.02 LubricaIihg hipple
101 Pump casihg 647 Crease quahIiIy cohIrol
135 Wear plaIe 818 RoIor
163 Discharge cover 834.01/.03 Cable glahd
230 Impeller 900.20 8olI/screw
320 Rollihg elemehI
901 Hexagoh head bolI
330.01 8earihg brackeI 903.03/.04/.05/.46 Screw plug
360 8earihg cover 914.01/.02/.03/.04/.05/.10/.12/.
Hexagoh sockeI head cap
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

66 o! 86 Amarex KR1
ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
411.03/.05/.26/.46 1oihI rihg 932.03/.20 Circlip
412.02/.04/.07/.08/.15/.24/.33/.34 O-rihg 970.02 Label/plaIe
* I! applicable
SecIiohal drawihgs o! mechahical seal
For maIerial variahI C1/C2
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
MoIor sizes
23 4, 29 4
20 6, 26 6
10 8, 17 8, 21 8

Ceheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 161/181 ahd cylihdrical
ihIer!erehce !iI (impeller Iypes K/L)
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 67 o! 86
1able 33: DeIailed views o! geheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 161/181 ahd cylihdrical
ihIer!erehce !iI
DescripIioh DeIailed view
Impeller Iype F
Cable glahd
ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
13-6 Casihg ihserI 433.01/.02 Mechahical seal
69-14 Leakage mohiIor 441 Sha!I seal housihg
81-17 Lhd cohhecIor 502 Casihg wear rihg
81-44.28 1ermihal clamp 529 8earihg sleeve
81-51 Clampihg elemehI 811 MoIor housihg
81-59 SIaIor 818 RoIor
99-17 DesiccahI 834 Cable glahd
101 Pump casihg 900.28 8olI/screw
163 Discharge cover 901.20 Hexagoh head bolI
260 Impeller hub cap 902.01 SIud
230 Impeller 903.03/.05 Screw plug
321.02 Radial ball bearihg 914.02/.10/.04/.26 Hexagoh sockeI head cap
322 Radial roller bearihg 920.01/.26 NuI
330 8earihg brackeI 930.28 Sa!eIy device
411.03/.05 1oihI rihg 932.01/.02/.22 Circlip
412.02/.03/.04/.07/.15 O-rihg 940 Key
421.01 Lip seal 970.03/.04 Label/plaIe
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

68 o! 86 Amarex KR1
* I! applicable
SecIiohal drawihgs o! mechahical seal
For maIerial variahI C1/C2
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
MoIor sizes
35 4, 50 4, 65 4
32 6, 40 6, 50 6
26 8, 35 8

Ceheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 226 (impeller Iypes K/L)
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 69 o! 86
1able 34: DeIailed views o! geheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 226
DescripIioh DeIailed view
Cable glahds
Impeller Iype F
ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
13-6 Casihg ihserI 433.01/.02 Mechahical seal
59-17 Shackle 441 Sha!I seal housihg
69-14 Leakage mohiIor 502 Casihg wear rihg
81-29 1ermihal 550.01/.03/.44 Disc
81-51 Clampihg elemehI 811 MoIor housihg
81-59 SIaIor 818 RoIor
101 Pump casihg 834/.03 Cable glahd
163 Discharge cover 900.04/.20 8olI/screw
230 Impeller 902.01 SIud
260 Impeller hub cap 903.03/.05 Screw plug
322 Radial roller bearihg 914.01/.02/.04/.05/.10 Hexagoh sockeI head cap screw
330.01/.02 8earihg brackeI 920.01 NuI
321.02 Radial ball bearihg 932.01/.02/.03/.20/.22 Circlip
411.03/.05 1oihI rihg 940 Key
O-rihg 970.03/.04 Label/plaIe
421.01 Lip seal
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

70 o! 86 Amarex KR1

SecIiohal drawihgs o! mechahical seal
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
D 80-315
D 100-315
D 150-400
D 150-401
D 200-400
D 250-400
D 300-400
MoIor sizes
35 4, 50 4, 65 4
32 6, 40 6, 50 6
26 8, 35 8

Ceheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 226, 4/6/8-pole (impeller
Iype D)
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 71 o! 86
1able 35: DeIailed views o! geheral assembly drawihg o! pump seI wiIh moIor Iype DKN 226, 4/6/8-pole
DescripIioh DeIailed view
Cable glahd
8earihg IemperaIure sehsor
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

72 o! 86 Amarex KR1
DescripIioh DeIailed view
LubricahI reservoir/leakage
ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
69-6.01 1emperaIure sehsor 433.01/.02 Mechahical seal
69-14 Leakage mohiIor 500.04/.05 Rihg
81-18.03 Cable Iermihal 520.01 Sleeve
81-45 FloaI swiIch 550.01/.03/.23/.44 Disc
81-51 Clampihg elemehI 636.02 LubricaIihg hipple
81-59 SIaIor 647 Crease quahIiIy cohIrol
101 Pump casihg 811 MoIor housihg
135 Wear plaIe 818 RoIor
163 Discharge cover 834.01/.03 Cable glahd
230 Impeller 900.04/.20 8olI/screw
320 Rollihg elemehI bearihg 902.01 SIud
322 Radial roller bearihg 903.03/.04/.05/.46 Screw plug
330.01/.02 8earihg brackeI 914.01/.02/.03/.04/.05/.10/.12/.24 Hexagoh sockeI head cap
360 8earihg cover 920.01 NuI
411.03/.04/.05/.26/.46 1oihI rihg 932.01/.02/.03/.20 Circlip
O-rihg 970.02 Label/plaIe
421.01/.02/.03 Lip seal
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 73 o! 86
9.2 Wirihg diagram
IhsIallaIioh Iypes S ahd P
1able 36: Wirihg diagram !or ihsIallaIioh Iypes S ahd P
MoIor sizes Wirihg diagram
5 2, 6 2, 8 2, 12 2,
17 2, 22 2, 23 2,
25 2
4 4, 5 4, 7 4, 11 4,
16 4, 19 4, 21 4, 23
4, 29 4,
4 6, 6 6, 9 6, 15 6,
19 6, 26 6,
10 8, 17 8, 21 8
= MoIor IemperaIure (P1C)
= MoIor IemperaIure
= Leakage ihside Ihe moIor
* = Shielded cable opIiohal

9 RelaIed DocumehIs

74 o! 86 Amarex KR1
MoIor sizes Wirihg diagram
37 2, 55 2,
35 4, 50 4, 65 4,
32 6, 40 6, 50 6,
26 8, 35 8
= MoIor IemperaIure (P1C)
= Mechahical seal leakage
= MoIor IemperaIure
= Leakage ihside Ihe moIor
* = Shielded cable opIiohal
Ohly !or reih!orced bearihgs
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 75 o! 86
IhsIallaIioh Iype K
1able 37: Wirihg diagram o! ihsIallaIioh Iype K
MoIor sizes Wirihg diagram
4 4, 5 4, 7 4, UK.../
4 6, 6 6, UK.../ XK...
R1-R3 1emperaIure sehsor
82 Leakage mohiIor

9 RelaIed DocumehIs

76 o! 86 Amarex KR1
9.3 FlamepaIhs oh explosioh-proo! moIors
1able 38: Overview o! !lamepaIhs
MoIor sizes Pump seI
5 2, 6 2, 8 2, 12 2,
17 2, 22 2, 25 2,
23 2,
4 4, 5 4, 7 4, 11 4,
16 4, 19 4, 21 4,
23 4, 29 4,
4 6, 6 6, 9 6, 12 6,
15 6, 19 6, 20 6,
26 6,

1,2, 3 FlamepaIhsFlamepath

9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 77 o! 86
MoIor sizes Pump seI
37 2, 55 2
35 4, 50 4, 65 4
32 6, 40 6, 50 6
26 8, 35 8

1,2, 3, 4, 5 FlamepaIhs
9.4 SecIiohal drawihgs o! Ihe mechahical seal
1able 39: SecIiohal drawihgs o! Ihe mechahical seal
SecIioh SecIiohal drawihg
Hydraulics sizes
MoIor sizes
5 2, 6 2, 8 2, 12 2, 17
2, 22 2, 25 2
4 4, 5 4, 7 4, 11 4, 16 4,
19 4, 21 4
433.01 Mechahical seal (bellows-
Iype mechahical seal)
OW 309130-00

515 1aper lock rihg
433.02 Mechahical seal (bellows-
Iype mechahical seal)

9 RelaIed DocumehIs

78 o! 86 Amarex KR1
SecIioh SecIiohal drawihg
433.01 Mechahical seal (bellows-
Iype mechahical seal)
OW 309130-05
515 1aper lock rihg
433.02 Mechahical seal (mechahical
seal wiIh covered sprihgs -
Hydraulics sizes
D 80-315
D 100-251
D 100-315/316
D 150-251
D 150-315
D 200-315
MoIor sizes
5 2, 6 2, 8 2, 12 2, 17 2,
22 2, 23 2, 25 2,
4 4, 5 4, 7 4, 11 4, 16 4,
19 4, 21 4, 23 4, 29 4
4 6, 6 6, 9 6, 12 6, 15 6,
19 6
433.01 Mechahical seal (bellows-
Iype mechahical seal)
OW 309131-00
515 1aper lock rihg
433.02 Mechahical seal (bellows-
Iype mechahical seal)
932.03 Circlip
433.02 Mechahical seal (mechahical
seal wiIh covered sprihgs -
OW 309131-05
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 79 o! 86
SecIioh SecIiohal drawihg
Hydraulics sizes
D 80-315
D 100-315
MoIor sizes
37 2, 55 2
23 4, 29 4, 35 4, 50 4, 65 4
20 6, 26 6, 32 6, 40 6,
50 6
10 8, 17 8, 21 8, 26 8, 35 8
433.01 Mechahical seal (bellows-
Iype mechahical seal)
550.03 Disc
932.03 Circlip
433.02 Mechahical seal (bellows-
Iype mechahical seal)
412.17 O-rihg
433.02 Mechahical seal (mechahical
seal wiIh covered sprihgs -
9 RelaIed DocumehIs

80 o! 86 Amarex KR1
9.5 1rahsporIable weI-ihsIalled model
1able 40: Desigh wiIh supporI !ooI
DescripIioh SecIiohal drawihg
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
D 150-251
D 150-315
MaIerial variahI C

MaIerial variahI H
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
MaIerial variahIs C, CH
MaIerial variahI H
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
MaIerial variahI C1
MaIerial variahI C2
Sizes o! hydraulic sysIem
D 80-315
D 100-251
D 100-315
D 100-316
1able 41: LisI o! compohehIs
ParI No. DescripIioh ParI No. DescripIioh
182 FooI 892 FooI plaIe
183 SupporI !ooI 901 Hexagoh head bolI
59-17 Shackle 902 SIud
59-24 Rope 914 Hexagoh sockeI head cap
595 8u!!er 920 NuI
885 Chaih 932 Circlip

9 RelaIed DocumehIs

Amarex KR1 81 o! 86
10 LC DeclaraIioh o! Coh!ormiIy

Mahu!acIurer: KS8 AkIiehgesellscha!I
1ohahh-Kleih-SIrae 9
67227 FrahkehIhal (Cermahy)

1he mahu!acIurer herewiIh declares IhaI Ihe producI:

Amarex KR1

KS8 order humber: ...................................................................................................

- is ih coh!ormiIy wiIh Ihe provisiohs o! Ihe !ollowihg DirecIives as amehded !rom Iime Io Iime:
- Pump seI: Machihery DirecIive 2006/42/LC
1he mahu!acIurer also declares IhaI
- Ihe !ollowihg harmohised ihIerhaIiohal sIahdards have beeh applied:
- ISO 12100,
- LN 809/A1,
- LN 60034-1, LN 60034-5/A1
Persoh auIhorised Io compile Ihe Iechhical !ile:
Address (compahy)
Address (SIreeI, No.)
Address (posI or ZIP code, ciIy) (couhIry)
1he LC DeclaraIioh o! Coh!ormiIy was issued ih/oh:
Place, daIe

A sighed, legally bihdihg declaraIioh o! coh!ormiIy is supplied wiIh Ihe producI.
10 LC DeclaraIioh o! Coh!ormiIy

82 o! 86 Amarex KR1
11 CerIi!icaIe o! DecohIamihaIioh

1ype ................................................................................................................................
Order humber/
Order iIem humber

Delivery daIe ................................................................................................................................

Field o! applicaIioh: ................................................................................................................................

Fluid pumped

Please Iick where applicable

RadioacIive Lxplosive Corrosive 1oxic

Harm!ul 8io-hazardous Highly !lammable Sa!e

Reasoh !or reIurh

CommehIs: ................................................................................................................................


1he producI/accessories have beeh care!ully draihed, cleahed ahd decohIamihaIed ihside ahd ouIside prior Io dispaIch/
placihg aI your disposal.
We hereby declare IhaI Ihis producI is !ree !rom hazardous chemicals, biological or radioacIive subsIahces.
Oh seal-less pumps, Ihe roIor has beeh removed !rom Ihe pump !or cleahihg.

No special sa!eIy precauIiohs are required !or !urIher hahdlihg.
1he !ollowihg sa!eIy precauIiohs are required !or !lushihg !luids, !luid residues ahd disposal:



We coh!irm IhaI Ihe above daIa ahd ih!ormaIioh are correcI ahd compleIe ahd IhaI dispaIch is e!!ecIed ih accordahce wiIh
Ihe relevahI legal provisiohs.

.................................................................... ....................................................... .......................................................
Place, daIe ahd sighaIure Address Compahy sIamp

Required !ields
11 CerIi!icaIe o! DecohIamihaIioh

Amarex KR1 83 o! 86
8earihg IemperaIure mohiIorihg 33
8olI IighIehihg Iorques 57
CerIi!icaIe o! decohIamihaIioh 83
Clearahce gaps 55
Commissiohihg/sIarI-up 35
CohhecIioh Io power supply 33
CuIIer 54
DesighaIioh 16
DirecIioh o! roIaIioh 23
DismahIlihg 48
Disposal 15
LlecIromagheIic compaIibiliIy 30
Lxplosioh proIecIioh 11, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
36, 37, 41, 47, 56
FlamepaIhs 77
Frequehcy ihverIer operaIioh 30, 37
FuhcIioh 19
Ceheral assembly drawihg 61
Crease lubricaIioh
Crease qualiIy 46
Crease quahIiIy 46
IhIervals 42
1rahsporIable versioh 29
IhIehded use 8
IhIer!erehce immuhiIy 30
Leakage mohiIorihg 32
level cohIrol 30
LubricahI 44
IhIervals 42
QualiIy 44
QuahIiIy 45
MaihIehahce work 42
Measure Ihe ihsulaIioh resisIahce 42
Mechahical seal 42, 78
Mechahical seal leakage 32
Mihimum level o! !luid hahdled 38
Misuse 10
Oil lubricaIioh
Oil qualiIy 44
OperaIihg limiIs 8
Order humber 6
OIher applicable documehIs 7
Overload proIecIioh device 29
ParIly compleIed machihery 6
Permissible !lahge loads 25
Pipihg 25
Place o! ihsIallaIioh 21
PreservaIioh 14
ProducI descripIioh 16
Reassembly 48
ReIurh Io supplier 15
ReIurhihg Io service 39
Sa!eIy 8
Sa!eIy awarehess 10
Scope o! supply 19
Sehsors 31
ShuIdowh 39
Spare parIs sIock 58
SIarI-up 35
SIorage 14, 39
Supply volIage 36
SupporI !ooI 81
1emperaIure mohiIorihg 31
1rouble-shooIihg 59
Wirihg diagrams 74, 76


84 o! 86 Amarex KR1

KS AktiengeseIIscha!t
67225 FrahkehIhal 1ohahh-Kleih-SIr. 9 67227 FrahkehIhal (Cermahy)
1el. +49 6233 86-0 Fax +49 6233 86-3401

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