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now to def|ne tab sequence |n SNCN d|sp|ay f||e des|gn?

lrom acLlon dlagram Lake l17 (dlsplay screen formaLs) Lo go Lhe screen formaLs Lake Z (edlL screen
formaL deLalls) press l10 (Sequence)
lrom here we can deflne Lhe dlsplay sequence and also Lhe Lab sequence
What |s the use of MA ro|e?
1he roles of parameLer
a) oslLlon ls equal Lo seLll ln 8C
b) 8esLrlcL ls equal Lo CPAln 8LAuL opcode ln 8C
c) vary Lhe lengLh wlll be vary when you call user wrlLLen program
d) Map lL map Lhe aLLrlbuLe and lengLhs of Lhe LargeL fleld

now do u access the screen and pr|nter f||e des|gn?
ulsplay flle
lrom acLlon dlagram Lake l17 (dlsplay screen formaLs) Lo go Lhe screen formaLs
rlnL llle
'1' on Lhe funcLlon wlll show Lhe edlL devlce sLrucLure screen

now to set a f|e|d as opt|ona| or requ|red?
lrom Lhe screen formaL press l7 1hls dlsplays LdlL screen formaL relaLlons 8y Laklng opLlon 'C' or
'8' agalnsL Lhe fleld we can make Lhe fleld as opLlonal or requlred
8y defaulL all Lhe flelds are '8equlred' flelds

What |s v|rtua| f|e|d?
vlrLual flelds are loglcally presenL ln one flle and physlcally presenL ln anoLher flle 1hls ls valld only
for CWnLu 8?and 8LlL8S 1C relaLlon Lypes lollowlng relaLlons can have vlrLual flelds

LeL us assume Lhere are Lwo flles A and 8 A and 8 are relaLed by owned by relaLlonshlp lf user ls
creaLlng an lnLeracLlve dlsplay panel based on flle 8 and he Lhlnks LhaL lL would be lnformaLlve lf
some relaLed deLalls from A ls also dlsplayed ln Lhe screen ln Lhls case we go for vlrLual fleld We can
add Lhe requlred fleld as vlrLual fleld by selecLlng opLlon 'v' agalnsL Lhe access paLh on whlch Lhe
dlsplay flle ls placed

8aslcally Lhls ls Lo comblne Lwo Lables and LreaL lL as a slngle Lable Sn access paLh ls creaLed by
uslng vlrLual flelds

What are the uses of Cwned by re|at|on?
lL creaLes a parenL chlld relaLlonshlp beLween flle daLa lnLegrlLy ls achleved by Lhls way

now to app|y mu|t|p|e co|or for f|e|ds on d|sp|ay f||e?

Pere ls how Lo achleve mulLlple colors for flelds on dlsplay flle

1 lrom Lul1 Screen LnLry deLalls press l11LnLry user Source ?ou wlll be presenLed wlLh Lhe
ALLached uevlce luncLlons panel
2 ress l9ALLach funcLlon ?ou wlll geL ALLach uevlce luncLlon prompL
3 SelecL Lhe flle you wanL Lo aLLach your funcLlon Lo
4 Add a funcLlon of Lype LxCuS8S8C Lo Lhe flle
SelecL Lhe newly creaLed funcLlon
6 noLe Lhe name of Lhe devlce fleld you wanL Lo change Lhe color of
7 Co Lo Lhe devlce user source and change Lhe source Lype Lo uuS (l Lhlnk lL sLlll creaLes lL as 8C)
8 Add Lhe followlng Lo your uLvuS8S8C
) llnu 1Lx1#8AA1x
) lnSL81
00000A 67 CCLC8(?LW)
00000A 68 CCLC8(8Lu)
where #8AA1x ls Lhe uuS name of Lhe fleld LhaL you wanL Lo add Lhe color Lo
9 ln your program you need Lo seL Lhe lndlcaLors LhaL condlLlon Lhe colors

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