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An An:ounl of II Journey frona the Canll'ron Highlandll

to the East Coast Railway lind of a vllli l to

the Temiar Set ll ements in the
of the SUngai BlalOp and S. Der.
By A. C. Ih .. u., MC.S.
{Pute X\'I-XVlIIl .
The South wt corner of ];Iu Kdanun hetnm the RailWllY
and Cameroll HighlaDds baa, till ,try rKt'ntly, bn (lilt of
the few remainin, blanle. !lJ'llOI'S on the map of Lib all
blank :IJlI.ct! on the map, Ihis ar"'" Ms e.dted " htahhy
and has, within tbe last few yean, betn by u a,-elkn
Mr. &lIam)' 8rown plS:;ttl from the Telum Val"'y in Pa .... ns:
dU1fll the Sungai to To' Jagor'! Ladang al the junction "I
the Sungai Brok and the Sungai CherU5. MT in
the course of a very strenuous erpedition, <tnl d""" the SUl\(lai
Brule., a pttuliarly diffICUlt hit of country that latn trutlltn have
awHdflI. Mr. H. D. (;ovHnmtnt EthOO(!raphe.
of the F,M.s. Ml3tlHm Departmtl'lt, hI\OI spenl many visiting
the more imp<lnant Temlar Ladang5 in this atu and has made II
remn!lo3.lssance !U1\'t')' of portion of Ihb atea whleh has
found 10 be most a.a:urBte and helpful, and bas compo5fti a "ery
complete voc.abulary of tbe Tern;",r and othet- Sakai di&1lPcts. :'.1.,
Noone's map "i,b some millO' additions and modification! 1IalIe<1
nil our o",n has been adopted as tbe ba5is of the
p.dch nlap of the route W\' fol1o..'ed. Mlle. Cuisipier, a "try del ....
mined aoo intrepid French lady ",110 has been in''eugatinj( the
S., tribes in F lu Kelantan, W been up as far as the Kuala
Ber. Dr. L. \y, EVilIIS, Chid Medical Officer, Kelanta.n, IIa$ also
\isited the area round Jerarn Gajah and has everl !occeed..:! in
pt'reuading many of the Temian 10 be vaccinatrd and to in
distributing medicintS in lIIe mort remote Temiar ladanJ!l.
[ nave had the benefit of the aWstan of the notes and
lIketchea which tbese pre-.iou.. If'I..eUen have very gl'ncrous.1y placed
at lIlY disposal .nd It Is largely to thtm thai I owe the possibility
of coWl';ng .. good deal of ground willi perhaps les 8lllMty and
flgue than !lOme 01 my prrdoecesMrs.
There still remaln.erl an Important link between the Ca",.,ron
Highlands .rfa and the valley of tho! Ber which had not been
Iii:! Excellency the Governor, ,,'ben I proposed vi!iti ng this
atf'll, pointed OIlt that the CaITM'T{IO Highlarnb rOIl<.! had be\o ..
by a rood suited 10 light cars through Kuala Terla and
JDW",O/ Malaya .. Bro .. r" 1\'01. XI, Pal1 II

J(>(!MSAL MALAYAN IlIlANCIt. f(OYAI. Soc. \(>l.. XI. 19.1:I.
Trap. on Sunlotal nor.

\n ACCI.>IUI\ 0( II JOIl"'I'Y !wm the ('mile.!)" lS9
Cow!.ngs OISlale 10 within a couple of milr$ of lilt f'ahang-
t\elllJlUn borde., and that a preliminary invt'9tigation of a possibioe
acceM route from the Cia. M!6IIng RlIil",ay Sta(OQ to tl>e Cameron
Highl and! luaU $)fflttnl I>e of iu\e.esl.
With obJ<!Ct In vie .. T, R, Rlackman 01 the
OepiUlnwnt and I wilh the help of \r G. Ste"art,
Engi"" .... Cameron Highlands, culltcd a party of TnnJar OIrrif'5
near I'ahang-}\rlantan boundlll"}'. 10 my ..... t
H. D, '\<one "115 rxevenled by si,knes Imrn ocoomp.1.nyinfl; u& aI
urifl:inally planned; but Yap biD Ahmat, a Collector 01 tbr Taiping
... 110 hld Tern!ar latbngs ,,;Ih Mr.
'\OOnt, jointd OUr part)" lod pro,-ed bimsoelf 10 be a very cheerful
&nd helplul lravelling companion
The 161h and I7lh September in the
party in climbing tI"kil Tljam (S24O'J, From tM
of Buldl Tajarn were Ible 10 lake I number of obser,alion:l
coveting 1100t of the principal itatureJ 01 the route which
-..&5 spreMI oul before u,. T(I!,he north-east die wide 800 fairly
level of the lmngai Blatop ,,;!h numtf(lu! Slui Iadangs
$ho .. inll &5 " mOlt vivid on tht!1ope!.. To the 111)' 111 the
i!oIattd lng<: of hills round GU/lOt1g &njurt, II very dceq>tive
"hich from thi! distance looked much \'as)' of than
it 'KaI ultimately found 10 be. 1'ht v.allt)'1l of tbe TIer and Broil.
"1!re by inte"'ening ran!ll!5, but Bukil Ayam a long
ridge, .hQ\O'e<! 00l dearly to the north-east and dd\ned the position
of the lapids of Jeram Gajab
On th 18111 we -...ere awakened before dawn by a "'rang<: lind
penetraliIll smell to whidl yt ... to get well accmtomed during
the nelll few da)'1l, tht MU'1I of a grn wood lirt Illld of
roasted Silkai; a wry cold nighl had brought all our Ternlar
carriera from tbelr sbcfte" 10 ctouch tound WT camp fire. We
to be asIp and watched througb hall closed cye.; the
groups of IIKn, wgmm, and chihlrtn, !.bilting about in tilt firelight:
lrom the 6nt felt attncted 10 tb_ kindly ... ell mannered
people, ttere wu nil elbowing to get tbe best placn, no noisy
chattering but a quitt 01 one, fait w re of hot ashe,
and pungtnt smoke.
We left at dawn climbing a fairly ateep mock 10 a paM to
the of Gunong Tapm which we n;uned Gintlng Ledlad (4800'").
WI! folmed a fairly US)' down to the ju1lClioo 01 lWU SIII,,1l
l1Teams, the Teyek .nd tm Sungai 11Je", ""01.5 a
l&ir .Iand of """arlt; ",uai and (II giant bamboos gmwing al
35W, OuT TftIllar <;ar,lers roIleciM Lunches of -..lId
and the !!Cenled of II shrub which tJMoy b]Q" .. hieb
gives out a pleasant when
We folknmJ lite Sungai Ledlad d(nm to ill jUllClion with the
c::uIl8"i Blal(lp---a 5pOI .. bere t"O iIlrltalm joio round alar",
isolaled rr;anite bouMer
1933) Roryc/ Sk/y.

.\, C.
Continuing dmrn the the gol nll became n.ther diffICUlt;
we wadtd through detp pool, and down and sl ippery
lucki1y lite .... ater .. as dear and 1.>ri$ht suo1iltht f>1tered
through the br.mchts.
About noon We lefl thr bed of the stream ami CUI through
II. ,erie!! of ahandnnl.'d Tern;a' lalianll!', mlher hl!avy goill'; through
lan,1td undergrowth. but our T .. rniar carn= w .. bIonl on
fora!!;ng expeditiOll and kepI T!'-a[lpearing II'!)m all side!! wilh lapioa
roolS and SII)I:U caM'!!. \\e noticed II. good deal 01 serious damage
\0 bamboo clUmp!! rmck by the bamboo 'ali and found
the burrows III Ihis .ninlll Mil t'Overe.1 WiLh dry -lea"", '-1'1'}' tlUy
10 trip o\'e .
We reached KU3la Hlatop at about 4 p.m. anrl camped on
t ht rh ..... bank (2100'l_ Thf!l' is a T"",Ll. ladang thr ...
under Ihe hl'.lldship of l'e"Rbl/lu ;\lenRkuda ... ith fClU' long
and aOOut JO acres of mind cultivation, mainly tapioca and maiat'
"illl small pl(lls of $uprttnc and IObacco rPlate XVI) .
lh. l'filghulu was with Uil his we, "pry shy and ran and
hid at oor approach; a Ie.... Kits 101M holder small boys 500lI
hro\ij{hl Ihem round and we had all 1M Mlp wr. in building
a very rool lortubJe eamp. An interested party Iollowro U5 ,,'h ....
'''f went IOf .n tvtll;nl! >wim in tiM' ri''t'f. TIlt Temiars,
they mainly by r;.-tr and are very in ralts
da"l':l'I'OlIl rapid are '<!'ldom ahle \n at all or .tt
the IJIIlI,I ean only few Oog our vtry
j,l!Ii!femll divinl{ and lO"imn,;ng was watched with inl <:re'>l.
On I .... 191h we Sl:1 OUI for what wrrwd out to br the
daY'1 journty 01 the whole trip. We followed Ihe north lwIk of
the Sunga; arok do .. n strt':lm for abolll D mile and liM'n climbed
up along the (){ an
painfully. till reached a pass al a hti/l:ht of HSO'. From the
pa!O!I "'e loll" .. ed an easy elephant lrack along Ibt and then
deicl'ndcd stl't'ply 10 the Sungal TerMllh whue we rested at a
r.malf la,t"ng, Artpr aoolher st,,.re dimb we 1m- GUllO..,
Smjon UI the elUl of the summit and after a steql decenl
O'o'u broken K'ound rt':Icbe<I f'eoghulu Ildang on the Sung3i
Ber (1850'). all f ..... linll wry emau.ted. Lud;ii y we had arrangeocl
for light well packed in II "f"'Cially dtsillnnl carryinf;: lin madP
Tn tit the bark !)rfl\"idM "ith hT(l3d carryinM Siraps.
our Terniar carrier! had all they could;e. and m}' own
light rocksack felt a burden than I have kll(\"'n it
to he on the climbi ng in lhe "Ips. II .. IIS good W
$te how earefull}' the Tm1iars "P3red IMir ,,'omen: a PTtgnatlt
woman carried DOlhing beyond her""", burden and lhe ()ther "<)men
bad only the 10ad5.
We camped by Ihe Bet," very It,..el}' toear a much
used croWng. In Ihe evening Penllhulu OaLam from the ntllt
downs.trt'llrn ladang calM to v;sil III wilb a ..,.Irome lift of white

Teml .. c Raft>.ma n.

An of a Journey from the Camo:ron Highlands. 291
Next day .... e bol h fnun<! affIM by a mlher sh.'rr>
of quinine and to a lazy day in
camp. a ",gular nel .... ork of Sakai tracks led \0 lhe river C'OII5inll:
near (lur camp and we had an exCO;'l1cllt OIlI)(Irlun;ty 1o .alch
the normal day's .... orl: of a l"em;ar ladang. The T",miar lrihl'
in va1\ty!I are II Hibe ;l1)3rl, and e,'en to lite unscientifIc
'''''ry differellt from IIny of 1M other Sal:ai trilles I have
come inlO contact with.
No(me de$Cribec! them as ":\essiots" a primitive
Indooesian "ock who ptt'ded the round Maded ()co:oanic ) long<"lls.
I'laies Xo. X\'I and XVII how ma)l:nif,ctntly huilt of
Ihe men are uf our rarr;.-r.\ wt: abotlt 5' 6" and had lighl
CQloured and linU in Iheir hlaek wavy hai.:
I).uli;uity b obviously lookec:l on with !PKiaJ as some of
lMm had <kfini tely reddish hair which appeatt.'() to have
been bleachcod or dyed Th.e ."Omen were kf"Ilerally shorter but
Wilh fine features and a veT}" g';lCeful .... e weN! Iittl" 10
ttlfft t he IWO "ive!; of Penl\:hlilu To' JaJ!:'lr botJ1 tall and bt-amiful
with _ very markl'd 'lISe of thei r own Theil:
W3..I little vb.ible amonpt the ,ruups "'""e met. We had
taken a Ipr,t' of itch ointment to di,t.ibute but found f.'()m-
parntively I/:W ca5e'O which .tQuired treatmt:nt. in conUMt whh tht
Malays Ihe r.howM 3n e.llraordiMry dt5ire to 53ntple
f;urope.ln and lht immediate tfficacy of iIldine on cuts
or ammonia on Of tbe doses of aspirin. calomtl or quinine
which we I.Hs!.ibuled caUSfd an almost embarra5$ing desire for
medicines 1111 along (lUr route.
I thi nl: Ihe mn,,1 inlereslinl\: in tilt life a$ .... e
il .. u l hti. happiMM and ftllOMhip.
.. u no of food. ,mall f()r3.J{ing wrre
slllng out and returning witb fruit!, especi.lly langsab and
and fWl from tht stream. Then: an abundant
supply 01 tapioca roots nnd mail;(' and milll:t ))Oundol'd into a fme
pa!1'" C8lltd -.tkoi Partits rtf ... nmen caIN: d"",'o to thl' stream
10 fetch ",alH in of bamboo:!! and In the men
brollght b3ck quantities of dry r"l:"<'oood. Throu8hout the day
paste called Jek,,; l'lIrti{'5 of .... omen calm' down 10 the stream
of came and ,,etl! from Ihe neighbourinl\: tatlangs
and _rt flftly entertained. A Tembr hu his own fe .. personal
which are lrn.5urM and earned whefl!Vl'r he
goe1I in " smlll rollin (a",w",l. but lor the rest food alld
130uu' art <!-arl'd ungrudgingly.
played about makinl\: small ralts and tllking IMm
oo .... n the ntpid. and we noticed one boy with _ beautifully
fini$hed and baland Jigla rod made from a niboNf
rib with I Ii"" from the jeri,lnC fibre aDd rings of plated
rotan. Theil: "lIS no red .nd the !!pIre line was wound on I
oepMlIte di!l:.
19.1Jl H.()y<l/ .1J1alir !mid,.

I!"Vt"1lIf1 ""1$ gi""" OVtf 10 wng and talk,
Temiar In/Iy be primil i,,, but will! bim li fe il certainly 001 "!U.5ly,
and tJ>orL.,
On 2bt September we fIl.ldr; an early .tart and had a falrly
ItrCllUOI$ ;rorking OUt uy down the ,'alley 01 tbe Her partly
.... ading do ... " lbl- lMnlt' ",'b..;b val at li!Jlel .",k .. l1rdly dffp aoo.
po.rdy through a of Tenlia. W" camped al 1M
juncti on of the and tile Brok near Dalam's iadan,ll:.
morning the Und we .. It with To' and
his people who had come 10 us and afU!r a few more milts
nl river scrambling we reached. !land bank wl>cre light ban\OOO
railS "ll'trt bujlt lor tlu: nut ,age of our journey.
I can rtcollect few mere utterly blin lul bou than tile rest
"f that aiU!rno<," as we lay ",N, and lnui';td on r .. fl.
that slid m!ily along a clear fl91 flowing stream. At inte .. "3l.
we went Ihrough deep pools wbfTt fish could be SI'eI> darling in
and out In this strelcli of the river the Temilll bave ""UI a very
large _n constructed lrap of tile type k!lOWn as flU:rialOf tbe
of ... bicb is to drive t be fish 00 to II. aerie. 01 "toping
platrorros ... bleh are then hea,'ed above water, Scbo.raw is oome-
lillle$ taken !Jut 100ft often kid, /ttI'lJl, Iu"drap 100 /.amID".
' '"'shulu To' Jap insisted 011 the caft$ brilljl when
Pili O,' r r the rapids but Ihl' Temiar crews handled t!leir rail!
boldly relying more on a long $Ierring swlltp at botb 00... and stern
thm Oil the more U!u.aI method of off with poles.
In the 1I11rmOOrl we InChed To JIlIOI" ', It the junction
of Kuat. Cberus. Penghulu To' Jagor ...-bo i, .. r-IlkJ\o,,u in all
Ibe valleys llbo'"f: tbe Jeram Gajah is a most character:
a fine upstanding man .. ho CltTi6 hIS be has
)'Oung man wandered fairly far and spMh Malay
but for many years he not ltfl hit ladang on the Sunp; Bo:r
hf: ketps a strict lUmlard of latherly discipline. :0;0 bT""
pipts . re allo .... ed II!I be co!lSidet! that the llpal poison usffi 011
the arro.., sicklltS! amongst those "'ho haodk it To'
ladang cultivated: brsides lhe USOla! Terni .. ,
crops a good deal of hill padi is groorn I!! nil I!! and
ever HO\II"ering !lhrub!.
Tu' Jqor has two wives, one young and comely who tmwl>
.. ;th him .nd one older woman tall and stalely with a II'tat natural
Sll'DSe of dignity \Ii'ho looks after the IoDg house in his absellCt.
long hOllM: holds at It.ll.!lt 100 people grouped in family part ie!!
round Iht fire places, Thtre are no partitions and necessity SII'em5
10 bue produced a very high seme of lloIIesty and moralil}".
We 110" began to feel that our stores _uld be suffodcnt for
the rest of the journey and decided to give a party:
G.,rrled the J!OOd new! and gutru. ClIme in f1"<M11 all round.
l\IlI/ay.m 8,urlCII 1"01 XI , Part II


\n Acruullt or a from tho> 103
""" .... np of rice, ten enormous lins of 110 a.llcd s,udiroa, quanti lin
vi tobacC<), cil!&"'UCS, sugar and '''';Dna ... con.uma:! "","drs
t.lf)ioca and fo .. 1s "'blch .. e had purclwed. Our Stayed
lill 5 a.m.,.o;o it must bave been a good parly. Singing and dancing
wtnl on ..:n n;gbl. The or<:lseslra to<W!l.e<J of a wries of bamboos
ta;lptd against a log and &ivlng baM or trphle note.
a maD sings tbe first line and bolds tbe bsl note .. bilst !be
is repeated by the wumen bul other 50np 'ftre sung in uniliOJl.
The 50ngs vary grmtly In cbal"3<..ttr IOI"MlimH a IIOlemn incantation
""bid! all tool:. !erioU!ly, IIOIDeti"," a jolly DOisy song ""itb rousing
chorus and at o!bet times a pbintive wliling ... itb a f.eling of
lilt abandonment of d""'lb in it.
In.- men' <ia, ... i"R .... itl> nWlV<'Tll<'nt, i$
nU unlike Ibe Malay lapin dalM;t. Tbe .. omen's daoces I'OIIslllolM
lI\3;nl)' in a graceful p:JISturing of body and al'lM. The srmboliWl
,,-'s rlear but bd all the natur&i dignity of life, and birth
ard "'35 fRr removed from degCl:leratc i",italiona. "'hen the night
.. ., far advanad To' jagor'S elder wife ctme 10rwlUd and showed
til> 00 .. tbey danced wben she """ young and in tbe dig"i!)' :.nd
dt<:ision of her mOYements oul-Shone tbtm all.
.... nl morning IPC were fetling but our Temiar
awean!d as IrHh as and rafted us !bwn tbt ,tream hy n,""
.... ider and more placid as IIII as Jeram Gajah (Plate X\'JIJ). Htlf!
the ri\"er gun m'eT I seriH of rapidl wbicb .. e IlITnOlot fall!
a.d II YeTY daogeroln eddy in the pool below surges up against
a grut 01 rods Mt half across the river.
The ralts "elf! made n.ltT(IWff, !Lrengthenrd and let
by the aid of rattan
At tbe}1!I1lIlI Gajab we .. ere met witb the 6rst and only difficulty
10Ib our carrie". We had up 10 lIO'II' cunged carrim 81
la:lang so as 10 tah no ooe too lar f"OlD his own bomt. .-'
l\'IeSlIIeJllIier had betn Kilt 10 fetch carriers from Pengbulu Stil 'S
the }trlm Gajal> falla, but IMY Btock and IlPOOld
110' rome up, .. hilst To' Jagor's mm sbnwtd .110 desire 10 /1'0 o:Iown
-".:'nnlu.lllr To' Jagor's IUlllotity then 10 mo\-C, but lbt-rc
lIn obvious break in lribal organisation nClt in rad'"
chara<:leri)\ie al the lalls; &Ix)\'e the fall:!! TemiaB bad Qby;uu.\1y
bNn one happy family !>" .. in,; from Io.d""ll l<:I ladang .nd boIdiDIl
IlIlbings in common; the fills thert i5 OO\'io-us watchlulne!15
if nOl deflnite booLility .1Id each puty kl1lt apart.
Pengbulu Slia ba.d prepsn!d for our UK a larller nolt and
.. e .. ent dowo pas! bi5 ladang witb tbe idn 01 piniog as much
,.round as possible tbat eYening. natbcr wbich had lJeen
''i)n<krful1y up 10 Ih .. " like hmLkinJl .. ,,,,I we ",a.,\1;<1 tn
I'!ach Kuala Bet;' nelll day.
We reached a sullable ground II dusk a lil LIe .boYe
Sungal Sungbi .... be-re IPC passed the onl) miserable b"",,, "f <Iur
19331 Ro]4l AsitUk

journey. II tmiflC thundtr storm broke bdon' .. e had time 10
build any sMlter: all .. t <:Quid do ....... to $lip out (If our cold
drendlcd cloth{'$ put on thick woollen bath kit and at intervals
wring il out and put it on again .... we !\al for !!(Mne "utln (In lhc
5:101<1 ba"k with tM dri\'inst min churnin!( UI) and land an
wund U,.,. [ t w,u late that bfof(lre the rain m<lC'leraltd and
..., wcn' able to ClImp and gM. a fin' buming.
On Sunday the 24!h ... f h)d an tll!y UDeVl'ntful day ralti ng
down the ri''tr to Kuala Uni,: we brj(an to meet Ihe r,,.,1 (.1\;1K'!Ie
jdllIGN( "wken and pass!'d S<:8lterro Mala>' I:ampong. along the
,i"" "allk. ,\I Kualn where Wf 1;1"",1 lhe night, llwrc is
a kamp/'mg wilh about 30 OOII5e.
From KUlla Beti. 10 Gua MUMnJ{ Railway Sution i\
12 miles along I fairly well track through cuy undubting
ceunlry: we reached GIla Mu,;:,ng by 5 in the l'\'ening after visiting
on the way a wry eif..:itn, Ch'nMO' maollgtd J{old mine al
Lalat whicb turl\! DUI aOOtn 70 (If j!fJld a mooth.
the course 01 our joulney ot't collected a certain number
of .pecimens .. hich haw been "';In the assistance
of the DirectOr of GooIogical We iJso had the
of hu\'inj! the of tbe J{eQlflI/;;cal notes (I( Mr. Sa'<Se. "-
Mining Prospeclor who 1he lower of Sungai Brolr..
The granite [."Illation of tIM: Camtron HiJlhlands
down the Sunl1;loi Lfdlad flr jUllCtion nf 11M: Sunsai Udlad
and Stlngai lllalop. Below lhiJ point and all 0\'tI' the Gunong
Senjn" 31'fa thuulIh I'rcdnnlinat('S there are ,Mli
011 mlCll-'\(;ltist. Ahout a mile an(] half Ku.113 Broi:
Ihtrt is a ClJnsidellll' le aru of brfCOaltd p"nile. bei()Ol- this point
the granite i. di!!Placed by srdirMntaty roc:b mainly scbistll.
Aoo..'t leram Gajah tbe rh'tl' bed iJ mainly quartzite and Jemm
Gajah rapids are caused by hullt bouldwo 01 vitreous
Below tllt: ltlarn ,he !it'dirTll'ntary st.alf:s are Its5 di!\urbed there
1fM a shnrt siTt, eh of lime stone allow Snnghi. Belween
Koala lSetis alld Goa ,,",u'"""se we re-c'llter tbe p,cdotninantly
Slone area, bill the Old mine al l>arianJI: talal is the rdge O1f II
tonRUt O1f I'!l1Ini le mainly in the Il)rm of buge dttat:hrd boulders
"'hieh Into 'be lime aru. wtre informtd that
alluvial gold bad \)fen found in ,mall quantities aboovc the
lenm Ca;ab and Ihat tin OJi(\(, depo!lit5 are found in the
bed of the Sungai Brok. We Tf'i\'ed definite inlormation
from 1!t'-'.raJ iIOUra! of lin depwits oowoeen Sun!'3.i neti! and Ihe
Illnt: S\oJle 1'1lngr: (If Bulr.ll A)'lIm to the Wl'!t.
We were di<appoinle<! ill DOl able '0 .nab any n'ally
identifICations in the we >nl Ihron!(h, but !lO lar
u rould judge tMre wen' fair 01 "'"1111/;, mcrb<lll.
luaN/IIN" ",,,Ill", and $C,a,.,. We I1Otica1 no or al any
rate l3i]"d t(l idl'rltify it and we rerognlse<l only a few
)Qwlf4l M aill)'ll" BrIl"cI/ I Vol. Xl, Part n.













































































































\n Acoounl of :I }<>urney (rom the lIishland!. 195
t!'tn, clumP'> \If bambovs .... ere abu!I!bnl every where, Woe were
glad til r,nd " fair numll4'r of the "K(tul u.., rivtr banks,
a trN' which is btin/! carefully in thi;, State & ils .()OUI
protect the riH' banh from erosicm and deep .\hade k.-eps had
and un<krgrowth,
The .. hole arta hel\\'etn the Pahang and Kelantan hlIundary
and lhe Sung:tl Ulatop should provide a very \.'aluabJe utenSlUn
II> the Cameron Highlands area and .... ould Kwear t\l be
t(l the same 1}lJt' of agriluhure_ It ;1. wide ,';1.I\('y "ith ,,,'aU
areas of !lal land, bul in no """se a plateau and an}- a(lplicant5
for land In area will M\e 10 tu mfet "jlh Ihe
00"'\15 (If Ihe 'J1>p area !J..,t .. 'etn
Kuala and Gua ;\ huallil is nat; the 5(lil "Pl)(':lfS
\0 bc excellenl, and Ihere' i, good rail aoo river at!<l which il
is hoped 1\1 impn,we sho.-tly hy the construction of a light road;
there are about 200 !'(juare milts in Ihis 3reot which should be
ruilM 10 immediate &(triculture de"elopment
I ""lic"/! that tho: rOUle I full","'M is Ihe ea=il"<l
,"",\IIS of aCUSS by ""hich till' road 01 tile CamHon lIip:hlands
and tbe E ,,! CQ3j,\ rail .. ay could ultimately be linked up by an
J,:aSt 10 \rCSt Crosli route, bul Ille area round Senjtlrt
bet wetn the Su,n!!"i ller and the Suogai Brok "'ilI always be a
ml.l!ol difrkult of the roule,
TM n>OS!. abiding memllr), of OUt trip will be our contacl w,th
the Temiar tribe, I estimatt ,he POPUlatiOIl 01 tile area \0'': wcnl
tbrough at about 3,000. Tbey are I think dearly a race
wbich al sornin>e undl'r p",,"sure from other WlI"" \If irwaden
have sought refuge in those and i":KeMble and have
kCllt Ihtm jealom1y to Ihm-ollth'e!5, I hope that future
dt\'eiOllrntnt awaiu Ibis adequate reserves bctwfen Kuala
Cherus and the upper ridges uf the Her will be set aside fur
their use if they stick. to tbeir presenl lorm of life. On lhe
otbrr hand if their confideD can be gained I see no rcasun wby
they !Ihould nlll loe capable (Ii and of adding one
more .. irile race 10 lhe many racK of Malara, My companion
iu this lriu, ;\Ir, II lackman, a I\e .. Zealander, was struck at once
witb the in character the' Temiars and tile
;\ laori5; perlmpS the same future may be 0(Je1l 10 them; i f I
!>ope they will <k"elop witboul losing thei r good Itmpered open
handed mallly l(lfm of Ilfe.

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