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Silver Training Test Taking Control with Time Management

Name: ___________________________________ Office: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Results: ______________ Training Coach: ____________________________

Silver Training Test Taking Control with Time Management

Part 1: True False (27 points)

Place a T for true or an F for false in the space before each item.

1. 2.

Time management is primarily concerned about doing things well and quickly. SMART goals are Special, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-related. Short-term goals are also called enabling goals. A To-Do List is a list of goals you want to achieve. 80% of your accomplishments come from 20% of your work effort. Prioritizing your activities is the same as prioritizing your time. Delegation is assigning someone a task to do. You can delegate to an individual but not a team. Technological time savers can also be time wasters.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Silver Training Test Taking Control with Time Management

Part 2: Multiple Choice (21 points)

Circle the letter of the correct response. 1. Which of the following is not a guideline for making a To-Do List? A. B. C. D. Keep it brief. Prioritize your list. Revise at least weekly. Use to schedule your day.

2. All of the following are external time wasters except which one? A. B. C. D. Telephone calls Appointments Email Meetings

3. All of the following are internal time wasters except which one? A. B. C. D. Attempting too much Working too hard Procrastination Poor organization

4. Which one of the following is not a time management key for a meeting? A. B. C. D. Have an agenda. Use visuals. Start and stop on time. Save all questions to the end of the meeting.

5. All of the following are reasons you should delegate except which one? A. B. C. D. Improves your decision-making ability Increases your subordinates competence Helps relieve your stress Increases motivation and job satisfaction

6. All of the following cannot be delegated except which one? A. Confidential B. Leadership C. Personnel 3

Silver Training Test Taking Control with Time Management

D. Technical 7. You can manage stress by all of the following except which one? A. B. C. D. Avoid multitasking Use technology Learn to say No Reevaluate your priorities when things change

Silver Training Test Taking Control with Time Management

Part 3: Miscellaneous (45 points)

1. List three ways to manage your incoming phone calls.

2. List three ways to manage your outgoing phone calls.

3. List three ways to manage drop-in visitors.

4. List three ways to improve you personal organization.

5. List three ways to more effectively plan and schedule your time.

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