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Conics iBook Authors Project Rubric

Outcomes Excellent (4 points) Project clearly demonstrates a high level of knowledge regarding the history of the conic section and includes 3 or more facts. Project clearly demonstrates a high level of knowledge regarding the graphs of the given conic section and includes 3 or more examples. Project clearly demonstrates a high level of knowledge regarding the real-life application of conic section and includes 3 or more facts. All content presented are accurate. Project includes 1 or more clearly labelled interactive images appropriate to the content covered. Project includes a student created video/pictures for the gallery, appropriate to the content covered. Project includes 5 or more questions appropriate to the content covered. Project includes 5 or more words in the glossary appropriate to the content covered. All (100%) of the sources are documented on a page with hyperlink. Project showed a high level of creativity with digital elements combined in inspiring and thoughtful ways with all digital elements of the iBook are running smoothly with no errors. Satisfactory (3 points) Project demonstrates a mid-level of knowledge regarding the history of the conic section and includes 2 facts. Project demonstrates a mid-level of knowledge regarding the graphs of the given conic section and includes 2 examples. Project demonstrates a mid-level of knowledge regarding the real-life application of the conic section and includes 2 facts. Most content presented are accurate with 1-2 errors. Project includes 1 interactive image either not clearly labelled or not appropriate to the content covered. Project includes a video/picture gallery from the Internet, appropriate to the content covered. Project includes 3-4 questions appropriate to the content covered. Project includes 3-4 words in the glossary appropriate to the content covered. Most (>90%) of the sources are documented on a page with hyperlink. Project showed a mid-level of creativity with digital elements combined in somewhat inspiring and thoughtful ways with most digital elements of the iBook are running smoothly with 1-2 errors. Unsatisfactory (2 points) Project demonstrates a low level of knowledge regarding the history of the conic section and includes 1 fact. Project demonstrates a low level of knowledge regarding the graphs of the given conic section and includes 1 example. Project demonstrates a low level of knowledge regarding the real-life application of the conic section and includes 1 fact. Some of the content presented are accurate with 3-4 errors. Project includes 1 interactive image not clearly labelled and not appropriate to the content covered. Project includes a video/picture gallery but it is not appropriate to the content covered. Project includes 1-2 questions appropriate to the content covered. Project includes 1-2 words in the glossary appropriate to the content covered. Some (75%-90%) of the sources are documented on a page with hyperlink. Project showed a low level of creativity with digital elements and little regard for imagination with some digital elements of the iBook are running smoothly with 3-4 errors. Poor (1 point) Project demonstrates little or no knowledge regarding the history of the conic section and includes no facts. Project demonstrates little or no knowledge regarding the graphs of the given conic section and includes no examples. Project demonstrates little or no knowledge regarding the real-life application of the conic section and includes no facts. Many of the content presented is inaccurate with more than 4 errors. No interactive image is included.

History of conic section

Graphing conic section

Real life application of conic section

Accuracy of Content Presented

Use of Interactive Image

Use of Media/Gallery Widget

No video/picture gallery is included.

Use of Review Widget

Project includes no questions appropriate to the content covered. Project includes no words in the glossary appropriate to the content covered. Not enough (<75%) of the sources are documented on a page with hyperlink. Project showed no creativity with digital elements and no regard for imagination with multiple digital elements of the iBook are not running well with more than 4 errors.

Use of Glossary

Sources cited

Overall Project Creativity and Technical Execution of the iBook

Total Mark :


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