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May 19, 2010


Filed under: ATTACK!!!, MINDCO NS THEO RY O F INFO W AR AGAINST CIVILIANS!, Brain Destruction, HELP THE VICTIMS!, INVASIVE W EAPO NS!, m edia, Mind Control News, Neurodem ocracy, STO P INFO W AR AGAINST CIVILIANS!, Welcom e to the Machines!, Welcom e to the Secret Services Globalization!, W ELCO ME TO YO UR BRAIN! Tags: Arm es psychotroniques, , Elections, Health, Hum an Rights, infowar, Mik rowellenk anone, Nanobrain, NEURO SLAVERY, psychotronic weapons, Science, Verk iezingen m indcon @ 9:06 am

A T T A C K !!! W e lc o m e to Y o u r N A N O BR A IN ! O n th e R o a d to F r e e d o m : W e lc o m e to th e F u tu r e o f H u m a n s ! Quote: < >

A B O U T T H I S B L O G T H E P U R P O S E O F T I S T O I N F O R M P E O P A B O U T N E W T E C H N O T H A T H A V E N E G A T I V I N F L U E N C E O N P E O V I O L A T E H U M A N R I G M O S T P O S T S W I L L C N E W S A N D L I N K S T O R E S O U R C E S A B O U T S U B JW EE CL TC. O M E T O T H I N F O WA R A G A I N S T C M I N D C O N S T H E O R I N F O WA R A G A I N S T C 1 4 . 0 2 . 2 M0 I 1 N0 D. C O N 2 0 - 2 0 1 3 . A L L R I G H T R E S E R V E D . S E A R C H



SCAN: Im age: http://l.yim /a/i/ww/news/2010/05/04/non-words-pd2.jpg in / , May 06, 2010, < > D e a r @ S ir , @ M a d a m , M o r e o n th e s to r y c a n b e fo u n d h e r e : M a tt R a n s fo r d , A n A r tific ia l Br a in , P o p u la r S c ie n c e , p o p s c i.c o m , 03.11.2008, < /scitech/article/2008-03/artificial-brain >. Quote: < > T h e in v e n tio n o f a n a n o b r a in ta ke s u s o n e s te p c lo s e r to th e fu tu r e of m edicine < > Although our m ost sophisticated nanom achines are still not yet ready to navigate your blood stream , Japanese researchers have recently com e one step closer by inventing a nanotech brain. < > T h e o n e -to -m a n y c o n c e p t is c r itic a l to r o b o tic c o n tr o l a n d h a s th e p o te n tia l fo r a p p lic a tio n s in fu tu r e g e n e r a tio n s o f c o m p u tin g . < > Read full article: /scitech/article/2008-03/artificial-brain === === A T T A C K !!! Quote: < >


The #Petition BAN #ELECTRONIC #WARFARE ON #CIVILIANS #STOP #TORTURE NOW #HELP THE #VICTIMS 8 months ago E. White TECH TALK IN THE FIGHT TO EXPOSE AND #STOP THE #CRIME OF ORGANIZED #STALKING AND #ELECTRONIC #HARASSMENT 2012 8 months ago #STOP #TORTURE NOW! 15/civ PLEASE #HELP THE #VICTIMS! 10 months ago Human rights group: Killer robots should be banned | The Raw Story 10 months ago Cheryl Welsh, #Mind #Justice, at 10 months ago



SCAN: Im age: http://m in < > N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === ===

Fwd: The #Petition BAN #ELECTRONIC #WARFARE ON #CIVILIANS Http://Mindcon.Wordpress.Com/2010/01/29/ThePetition-Ban-Electronic-WarfareOn-Civilians/ #STOP #TORTURE NOW! Http://Mindcon.Wordpress.Com/2010/06/15/CivilianPetitions/ #PLEASE #HELP THE #VICTIMS! (Via Http://Ff.Im/1bRxJU) January 21, 2013 The #Petition BAN #ELECTRONIC #WARFARE ON #CIVILIANS! Http://Mindcon.Wordpress.Com/2010/01/29/ThePetition-Ban-Electronic-WarfareOn-Civilians/ #STOP #TORTURE NOW! Http://Mindcon.Wordpress.Com/2010/06/15/CivilianPetitions/ #PLEASE #HELP THE #VICTIMS January 21, 2013 The #Petition BAN #ELECTRONIC #WARFARE ON #CIVILIANS! Http://Mindcon.Wordpress.Com/2010/01/29/ThePetition-Ban-Electronic-WarfareOn-Civilians/ #STOP #TORTURE NOW! Http://Mindcon.Wordpress.Com/2010/06/15/CivilianPetitions/ #PLEASE #HELP THE #VICTIMS January 21, 2013 The #Petition BAN #ELECTRONIC #WARFARE ON #CIVILIANS Bit.Ly/Dc4jzM #STOP #TORTURE NOW! Bit.Ly/AqEXzP #PLEASE #HELP THE #VICTIMS! January 21, 2013 Eleanor White, TECH TALK IN THE FIGHT TO EXPOSE AND #STOP THE #CRIME OF ORGANIZED #STALKING AND #ELECTRONIC #HARASSMENT, Jun 23, 2012, Pdf, Http://Www.Randomcollection.Info/Ostt.Pdf January 10, 2013

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Jo n a th a n F ild e s , C h e m ic a l b r a in c o n tr o ls n a n o b o ts , BBC N E W S , n e w s .b b c .c o .u k, 11 March 2008, < >. Quote: < > A tiny chem ical brain which could one day act as a rem ote control for swarm s of nano-m achines has been invented. < >



SCAN: Im age: http://newsim edia/im ages/44482000/jpg/_44482307_e136d46d-e213-4964-a1b4f412e5f474cb.jpg in < > The researchers have already built larger brains < > Com puter brain < > We instruct only one m olecule and it sim ultaneously and logically instructs 16 others at a tim e, said Dr Bandyopadhyay. The configuration allows four billion different possible com binations of outcom e. The two nanom etre diam eter structure was inspired by the parallel com m unication of glial cells inside a hum an brain, according to the team . < > We have clear cut evidence that we can control those m achines, said Dr Bandyopadhyay. This one-to-m any com m unication and the devices ability to act as a central control unit also raises the possibility of using the device in future com puters, he said. < > Read full article: === === S u r fd a d d y O r c a , T h e N e u r o R e v o lu tio n , A Bo o k R e v ie w , H + M a g a zin e , h p lu s m a g a zin e .c o m , August 17, 2009, < http://hplusm /articles/neuro/neuro-revolution >. Quote: < >



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SCAN: Im age: http://hplusm /sites/default/files/im ages/articles/hplus-neuro-revolution.jpg in http://hplusm /articles/neuro/neuro-revolution < > Quote: < > The Neuro Revolution: How Brain Science Is Changing Our World, Zack Lynch, St. Martins Press, Hardcover, July 2009 < > Its not a deep dive, but rather a tour-de-force attem pt to spark public dialogue about how neurotechnology is im pacting society now and in the future. < >
ATTACK!!! (22) MINDCONS THEORY OF INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS! (31) Brain Destruction (29) Censorship (7) HELP THE VICTIMS! (31) INVASIVE WEAPONS! (25) Media (30) MEMORIAL OF WWW (7) Mind Control News (30) Neurodemocracy (29) STOP INFOWAR AGAINST CIVILIANS! (31) Welcome To The Genetic Globalization! (2) Welcome To The Machines! (10) Welcome To The Secret Services Globalization! (27) WELCOME TO YOUR BRAIN! (19)

SCAN: Im age: http://hplusm /sites/default/files/im ages/articles/brain-neurons-revolution.jpg in http://hplusm /articles/neuro/neuro-revolution < >



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The Neuro Revolution should spark a broad public dialog about the societal im plications of where this technology m ight go, and how to begin the conversation around the regulatory options neurotechnology clearly has both its up and down sides. One exam ple: m any people will be considered about having anyone (or anything) inside their heads. The issues will not be sim ple, and Lynch elegantly lays out m any of the likely ethical, legal, and social com plexities. < > Read full article: http://hplusm /articles/neuro/neuro-revolution === === Ia n S a m p le , S w is s s c ie n tis ts a im to b u ild a s y n th e tic b r a in w ith in a d e c a d e , G u a r d ia n N e w s , g u a r d ia n .c o .u k, 23 July 2009, < >. Quote: < >










SCAN: Im age: http://static.guim ages/Books/Pix/pictures/2008/07/04/m em orysunsetrex460.jpg in Quote: < > The artificial brain Photograph: Rex/Sunset < > Quote: < > The worlds first synthetic brain could be built within 10 years, giving us an unprecedented insight into the nature of consciousness and our perception of reality. < > Professor Henry Markham , director of the project at the Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, has already sim ulated parts of the neocortex, the m ost m odern region of the brain, which evolved rapidly in m am m als to cope with the dem ands of parenthood and social situations. < > Ultim ately, scientists want to use synthetic brains to understand how sensory inform ation from the real world is interpreted and stored, and how consciousness arises. < > Read full article: === === C la y D illo w , C o m in g S o o n : a S y n th e tic Br a in Bu ilt fr o m T e n s o f T h o u s a n d s o f S m a r tp h o n e C h ip s , P o p u la r S c ie n c e , p o p s c i.c o m , 05.04.2010, < /technology/article/2010-05/building-synthetic-brain-tensthousands-sm artphone-chips >. Quote: < > While other brain sim s, like IBMs Blue Brain, use high-powered supercom puters to m im ic the com puting power of the hum an brain, Furber thinks that if we really want to recreate the brain synthetically, we need a m ore practical, affordable, lowpower approach. < > While Furber and com pany wait in Manchester, UK, for the chips to begin arriving, theyve cobbled together a pared-down, 50neuron version for testing. That m odel can already control a Pac-Man-like video gam e, and Furbers first goal once he gets working on the real deal is to teach Spinnaker to control a robotic arm . This, of course, is a precursor to his teaching it the full range of tasks required to control a hum anoid body. < > Read full article: /technology/article/2010-05/building-synthetic-brain-tens-thousands-sm artphone-chips === === P a u l M a r ks , A r m y o f s m a r tp h o n e c h ip s c o u ld e m u la te th e h u m a n b r a in , N e w S c ie n tis t, M a g a zin e is s u e 2 7 5 8 , n e w s c ie n tis t.c o m , 04 May 2010, < /article/m g20627585.700-arm y-of-sm artphone-chipscould-em ulate-the-hum an-brain.htm l >. Quote: < > Com puter engineers have long wanted to copy the com pact power of biological brains. But the best m im ics so far have been im practical, being sim ulations running on supercom puters. Furber, a com puter scientist at the University of Manchester, UK, says that if we want to use com puters with even a fraction of a brains flexibility, we need to start with affordable, practical, low-power com ponents. < >




M I K R O W E L L E N - W A F F















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SCAN: Im age: /data/im ages/ns/cm s/m g20627585.700/m g20627585.700-1_300.jpg in /article/m g20627585.700-arm y-of-sm artphone-chips-could-em ulate-the-hum an-brain.htm l < > Furber wont com e close to copying every property of real neurons, says Henry Markram , head of Blue Brain. This is IBMs attem pt to sim ulate a brain with unsurpassed accuracy on a Blue Gene supercom puter at the Swiss Institute for Technology, Lausanne. Its a worthy aim , but brain-inspired chips can only produce brain-like functions, he says. < > A robot controller with even a dash of brain-like properties should be m uch better at tasks like im age recognition, navigation and decision-m aking, says Furber. < > The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Pentagons research arm , is funding a project called Synapse. Wei Lu of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, is working on a way of providing synaptic weights with m em ristors, first m ade in 2008 (New Scientist, 3 May 2008, p 26). Handily, their m ost basic nature is brain-like: at any one m om ent a m em ristors resistance depends on the last voltage placed across it. This rudim entary m em ory m eans that sim ple networks of m em ristors form weighted connections like those of neurons. This m em ory rem ains without drawing power, unlike the m em ory chips needed in Spinnaker. Mem ristors are pretty neat, says Lu. < > Read full article: /article/m g20627585.700-arm y-of-sm artphone-chips-could-em ulate-the-hum an-brain.htm l === === D ia n e E . Ba n e g a s , S y n th e tic Br a in s , T h e N a tio n a l S c ie n c e F o u n d a tio n , n s f.g o v , January 27, 2009, < m .jsp?cntn_id=112947&am p;am p;org=NSF >. Quote: < > The challenges to creating a synthetic brain are staggering. Unlike com puter software that sim ulates brain function, a synthetic brain will include hardware that em ulates brain cells, their am azingly com plex connectivity and a concept Parker calls plasticity, which allows the artificial neurons to learn through experience and adapt to changes in their environm ent the way real neurons do. < >

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SCAN: Im age: m g/m edia/im ages/synthetic_brain1_f.jpg in m .jsp?cntn_id=112947&am p;am p;org=NSF < > Aside from the daunting technological challenges, a synthetic brain or brain com ponents will also raise ethical and environm ental issues. The role of em otions in learning are just beginning to be understood, and it appears they are incredibly im portant to brain function. < > Read full article: m .jsp?cntn_id=112947&am p;am p;org=NSF === === Jo n a th a n F ild e s , A r tific ia l b r a in 1 0 y e a r s a w a y , BBC N E W S , n e w s .b b c .c o .u k, 22 July 2009, < >. Quote: < > A detailed, functional artificial hum an brain can be built within the next 10 years, a leading scientist has claim ed. < > Around tw o b illio n p e o p le are thought to suffer som e kind of brain im pairm ent, he said. It is not im possible to build a hum an brain and we can do it in 10 years, he said. < >

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SCAN: Im age: http://newsim edia/im ages/45690000/jpg/_45690145_f0013613-the_hum an_brain-spl.jpg in < > But as well as advancing neuroscience and philosophy, the Blu e Br a in project has other practical applications. For exam ple, by pooling all the worlds neuroscience data on anim als to create a Noahs Ark, researchers m ay be able to build a n im a l m o d e ls . < > Read full article: === === L a r a F a r r a r , H u m a n s a n d m a c h in e s w ill m e r g e in fu tu r e , BA N G s e m in a r h o m e > in th e n e w s !, b a n g s e m in a r .o r g , 10/08/08, < http://bangsem l >. Quote: < > Scientists: Hum ans and m achines will m erge in future Story Highlights Nick Bostrom says technology will let hum ans m anipulate their own biology Ray Kurzweil predicts hum ans will be m ostly non-biological by around 2030 Biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics could m erge m ankind with m achines <> On the final day of the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference experts will focus on what could be the unintended consequences of new technologies, such as superintelligent m achines that, if ill-conceived, m ight cause the dem ise of Hom o sapiens. Any entity which is radically sm arter than hum an beings would also be very powerful, said Dr. Nick Bostrom , director of Oxfords Future of Hum anity Institute, host of the sym posium . If we get som ething wrong, you could im agine the consequences would involve the extinction of the hum an species. < > We will begin to use science and technology not just to m anage the world around us but to m anage our own hum an biology as well, Bostrom told CNN. The changes will be faster and m ore profound than the very, very slow changes that would occur over tens of thousands of years as a result of natural selection and biological evolution. < > Yet the invention of so m any high-powered technologies and the possibility of m erging these new technologies with hum ans m ay pose both peril and prom ise for the future of m ankind. I think there are grave dangers, said Kurzweil. T e c h n o lo g y h a s a lw a y s b e e n a d o u b le -e d g e d s w o r d . Read full article: http://bangsem l === === A T T A C K !!! A n n a b e l M c G ilv r a y , N a n o te c h n o lo g y m a y ta p in to y o u r m in d , A BC S c ie n c e , a b c .n e t.a u , 2 5 February 2010, < >. Quote: < > Telecom m unications researchers in Japan are attem pting to create electronic sensors that can not only receive inform ation from the brain, but could m anipulate our neural pathways. < > Establishing connections between the brain and electrical instrum ents is im portant for understanding how the brain works and for controlling neural activity, says Torim itsu, who heads NTTs Molecular and Bioscience Group. To develop som e kind of devices or interfaces with the brain that would m ake it possible to transm it our inform ation, sending it through the telecom m unication pathways to another person or device such as a com puter that is the goal. < > Read full article: === === C h ip W a lte r , C y b e r S a p ie n s , ku r zw e ila i.n e t, 2 0 0 6 , < em e/fram e.htm l? m ain=/articles/art0687.htm l >. Quote: < > We will no longer be Hom o sapiens, but Cyber sapiensa creature part digital and part biological that will have placed m ore distance between its DNA and the destinies they force upon us than any other anim al a creature capable of steering our own evolution.

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Excerpted from Thum bs, Toes, and Tears, Walker & Co. 2006. Published on October 25, 2006. < > Now after six m illion years of evolution, where do we go next? How will evolution, our newly arrived intellect, our prim al drives and the powerful technologies we continually create, change us? < > In fact each day the lines between biology and technology, hum ans and the m achines we create are blurring. We are already part and parcel of our technology. < > Read full article: em e/fram e.htm l?m ain=/articles/art0687.htm l === === R o b o t s lu it h u w e lijk in Ja p a n , R T L N ie u w s .n l, r tl.n l , < erkelijk/%29/com ponents/actueel/rtlnieuws/2010/05_m ei/16/opm erkelijk/robot_sluit_huwelijk.xm l >. Quote: < > Een Japans stelt heeft letterlijk een buitengewoon am btenaar van de burgerlijke stand. Ze zijn getrouwd door een robot. < >

SCAN: Im age: age_v3!0/gj3675tunhgelbr3g3e03a7qstruxkm /Sun16.robot-bruiloft-japan.jpeg in erkelijk/%29/com ponents/actueel/rtlnieuws/2010/05_m ei/16/opm erkelijk/robot_sluit_huwelijk.xm l <> De robot I-Fairy was een logische keuze voor het bruidspaar. De werkgever van de bruid bouwde de robot en de bruidegom werkt als professor aan een technische universiteit en is gespecialiseerd in robots. De robot, I-Fairy, brengt haar dagen niet door als een buitengewoon am btenaar. < > R e a d fu ll a r tic le : W a tc h th is v id e o : erkelijk/%29/com ponents/actueel/rtlnieuws/2010/05_m ei/16/opm erkelijk/robot_sluit_huwelijk.xm l W a tc h th is v id e o : ponents/actueel/rtlnieuws/m iMedia/2010/week19/Sun16.robot-bruiloft-japan.xm l W a tc h th is v id e o : R o b o t s lu it h u w e lijk Ja p a n , R T L N e d e r la n d , r tl.n l , 16.05.2010, 19.30, < ponents/actueel/rtlnieuws/index_video.xm l >. ponents/actueel/rtlnieuws/m iMedia/2010/week19/Sun16.robot-bruiloft-japan.xm l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === A T T A C K !!! A m y W illis , Im m o r ta lity o n ly 2 0 y e a r s a w a y s a y s s c ie n tis t, te le g r a p h .c o .u k, 22 Sep 2009, < m ortality-only-20-years-away-says-scientist.htm l >. Quote: < > The rich could all be cyborgs in the future. < > Mr Kurzweil calls his theory the Law of Accelerating Returns. Writing in The Sun, Mr Kurzweil said: I and m any other scientists now believe that in around 20 years we will have the m eans to reprogram m e our bodies stone-age software so we can halt, then reverse, ageing. Then nanotechnology will let us live for ever. Ultim ately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of tim es m ore effectively. < > If we want to go into virtual-reality m ode, nanobots will shut down brain signals and take us wherever we want to go. Virtual sex will becom e com m onplace. And in our daily lives, hologram like figures will pop in our brain to explain what is happening.

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S o w e c a n lo o k fo r w a r d to a w o r ld w h e r e h u m a n s b e c o m e c y b o r g s , w ith a r tific ia l lim b s a n d o r g a n s . < > Read full article: m ortality-only-20-years-away-says-scientist.htm l === === R o b o ts c o u ld d e m a n d le g a l r ig h ts , BBC N E W S , n e w s .b b c .c o .u k , 21 Decem ber 2006, < >. Quote: < > Robots could one day dem and the sam e citizens rights as hum ans, according to a study by the British governm ent. < >

SCAN: Im age: http://newsim edia/im ages/42209000/jpg/_42209290_roboteinstein203.jpg in < > The research suggests that at som e point in the next 20 to 50 years robots could be granted rights. If this happened, the report says, the robots would have certain responsibilities such as voting, the obligation to pay taxes, and perhaps serving com pulsory m ilitary service. < > These scans are tools for governm ent to identify risks and opportunities in the future, said Sir David. < > Read full article: === === E r ik K lo p p e n b u r g , U n iv e r s ite ite n T w e n te e n T ilb u r g o n tw ikke le n v ir tu e le r e c h ts h u lp , T w e a ke r s .n e t, 10 m ei 2010, < l >. Quote: < > Het project diagnose en triage bij conflicten m oet daarin verandering brengen. Er wordt een website ontwikkeld waarop een gebruiker gegevens over het geschil kan invoeren, waarna een gericht oplossingsadvies wordt geboden. < > De Universiteit van Tilburg zal zich binnen het project vooral bezighouden m et de juridische aspecten, terwijl de Universiteit Twente psychologische effecten en benvloeding van de gebruiker onderzoekt. De Raad voor Rechtsbijstand heeft het project 200.000 euro subsidie verleend. < > Read full article: l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === U T o n d e r zo e kt o n lin e to o l v o o r r e c h ts h u lp , U n iv e r s ite it T w e n te , u tw e n te .n l, 10 m ei 2010, < >. Quote: < > Veel m ensen weten als ze een geschil hebben niet wat hun rechten en m ogelijkheden zijn. Bovendien hebben de m eeste m ensen onrealistische verwachtingen van hun winstkans als het conflict voor de rechter zou kom en. < > Psychologische effect De onderzoekers focussen zich op een integratie van juridische aspecten (Tilburg) en psychologische effecten en de benvloeding van de gebruikers (Twente). < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,

converted by|en| === === JO H N M A R K O F F , T h e C o m in g S u p e r b r a in , T h e N e w Y o r k T im e s , n y tim e s .c o m , May 23, 2009, < http://www.nytim /2009/05/24/weekinreview/24m arkoff.htm l?_r=2&src=twt&twt=nytim es >. Quote: < > Mr. Joy, a co-founder of Sun Microsystem s, still believes that. I wasnt saying we would be supplanted by som ething, he said. I th in k a c a ta s tr o p h e is m o r e like ly . <> I see the debate over whether we should build these artificial intellects as becom ing the dom inant political question of the century, said Hugo de Garis, an Australian artificial-intelligence researcher, who has written a book, The Artilect War, that argues that the debate is likely to end in global war. < > Read full article: http://www.nytim /2009/05/24/weekinreview/24m arkoff.htm l?_r=2&src=twt&twt=nytim es === === K a tie D r u m m o n d , P e n ta g o n P r e p s S o ld ie r T e le p a th y P u s h , w ir e d .c o m , May 14, 2009, < /dangerroom /2009/05/pentagon-preps-soldier-telepathy-push/ >. Quote: < > The m ilitary has been funding a handful of m ind-tapping technology recently, and already have m onkeys capable of telepathic lim b control. Telepathy m ay also have advantages beyond covert battlefield chatter. Last year, the National Research Council and the Defense Intelligence Agency released a report suggesting that neuroscience m ight also be useful to m ake the enem y obey our com m ands. The first step, though, m ay be getting a grunt to obey his officers rem otely-transm itted thoughts. <> Read full article: /dangerroom /2009/05/pentagon-preps-soldier-telepathy-push/ === === D a v id H a m b lin g , A r m y O r d e r s P a in R a y T r u c ks ; N e w R e p o r t S h o w s P o te n tia l fo r D e a th , w ir e d .c o m , October 10, 2008, < /dangerroom /2008/10/arm y-ordering-p/ >. Quote: < > But the energy weapon m ay face new hurdles, before its shipped off to the battlefield; a new report details how the supposedly non-lethal blaster could be turned into a flesh-frying killer. < > The announcem ent arrives on the sam e day as a new report from less-lethal weapons expert Dr. Jrgen Altm ann that analyzes the physics of several directed energy weapons, including Active Denial, the Advanced Tactical Laser (used as a non-lethal weapon), the Pulsed Energy Projectile (a.k.a. Maxim um Pain laser) and the Long Range Acoustic Device (a.k.a. Acoustic Blaster). <>

SCAN: Im age: /im ages_blogs/dangerroom /im ages/2008/10/10/ads_desert_2.jpg in /dangerroom /2008/10/arm y-ordering-p/ < > Meanwhile, the National Institute of Justice is still has a reported interest in a hand-held, probably rifle-sized, short range weapon that could be effective at tens of feet for law enforcem ent officials. Thats just one of the likely dom estic applications of Active Denial technology which are likely to follow if the Arm ys experim ent with ADS is successful. A lot of people will be watching this one very closely. < > Read full article: /dangerroom /2008/10/arm y-ordering-p/ === === N o a h S h a c h tm a n , N e w R o b o -W e a p o n : P a r a ly zin g F lo o d lig h t, w ir e d .c o m , February 20, 2007, < /dangerroom /2007/02/new_roboweapon_/ >. Quote: < > Well, this ought to chill out anyone who was worried about a robotic uprising: our m echanical overlords m ay not kill us right away. At first, they just m ight zap us with a paralyzing burst of light.

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The US Arm ys Aviation Applied Technology Directorate (AATD) plans to dem onstrate the use of a 7.5 m illion candlepower strobe floodlight system m ounted on board an unm anned air vehicle as a non-lethal crowd-control system , the always-linkworthy Flight International tells us. < > But thats not the only flying robot / ray gun com bo the U.S. m ilitary is exam ining. The Air Force is also toying with the idea of m ounting its Active Denial System pain weapon on a drone, too. Just so the robots can m ake us feel like were on fire, before they tem porarily blind us. <> Read full article: /dangerroom /2007/02/new_roboweapon_/ === === , , r ia n .r u , 06/05/2010, < l >. Quote: < > , 6 . , , , Cam pus Insight. < > 2008 , . - : , , . , . < > Read full article: l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === H e n k V a n N ie u w e n h o v e , T in e Be r g e n , M IN D S P E L L E R , C a m p u s In s ig h t, IN T E R N A T IO N A L M A G A Z IN E O F K .U .L e u v e n , m ay 2010, < http://www.m pusInsight.pdf >. Quote: < > A team of Leuven professors has successfully developed a com pact, portable device that converts brain signals into words and sentences. < > Read full article: http://www.m pusInsight.pdf === === N a th a n H o d g e , R u s s ia n G e n e r a ls W a n t T h e ir S p a c e W e a p o n s , T o o , w ir e d .c o m , May 13, 2010, < /dangerroom /2010/05/russian-generals-want-their-space-weapons-too/ >. Quote: < > Weeks after the Air Force launched the X-37B reusable space plane on a classified m ission and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency launched a hypersonic glider over the Pacific, the Russians are looking at their own inventory of space weaponry and are worrying of a serious lag behind the United States. < >

SCAN: Im age: Photo: Quote: < > U.S. Air Force via Wikim edia < >, /im ages_blogs/dangerroom /2010/05/x37-launch-prep-660439.jpg in /dangerroom /2010/05/russian-generals-want-their-space-weapons-too/ < > Anatoly Sitnov, the form er head of procurem ent for Russias arm ed forces, had a better (and m ore eeeevil!) quote. Who owns

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space, owns the world, he said. When we tried to test laser weapons in space, we were told that the m ilitarization of outer space m ust not occur and we stopped, but the United States has started and continues to test these weapons even today. < > And that m eans m any issues on space weaponry are still undecided. John Bennett of Defense News quotes Marine Gen. Jam es Cartwright, Vice Chairm an of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying the adm inistration was still engaged in a rich debate about space policy. It has been the hardest of the reviews, Bennett quoted Cartwright as saying. But dont worry too m uch, Russians: The X-37B (pictured here) m ay be circling overhead, but Darpa is still trying to figure out why its hypersonic glider went AWOL during the recent test flight. < > Read full article: /dangerroom /2010/05/russian-generals-want-their-space-weapons-too/ === === T h o m a s M c C a r th y , W a r in th e A g e o f In v is ib le M a c h in e s , zo kle t.n e t, 1997-2006 . < l >, < l >. Quote: < > M o le c u la r n a n o te c h n o lo g y ( M N T ) is a n e m e r g in g te c h n o lo g y th a t h a s th e p o te n tia l to r e d e fin e th e s o u r c e s o f p o w e r in th e w o r ld a n d to c h a n g e th e s tr u c tu r e o f th e in te r n a tio n a l s y s te m , thus influencing the business of states, from how they live and trade to how they conduct war. It is therefore prudent for us to exam ine this new technology, and study its potential to reshape the world around us. On a global level, MNT poses a serious challenge to decision-m akers and ordinary citizens alike. < > N a n o w e a p o n s will advance the state of the art in weaponry in both ways. Due to the sm all scale it works on, m olecular m anufacturing will allow for the creation of invisible weapons, dreadful and insidious in the sam e way as biological and chem ical warfare. Bu t n a n o w e a p o n s w ill a ls o b e m o r e p r e c is e th a n b io lo g ic a l a n d c h e m ic a l w e a p o n s b e c a u s e o f h o w th e y a r e m a d e . Nanoweapons will be m ade with an atom ic precision that will allow the creation of actual robots sm aller than the agents used in biological weapons, and as robots they will be program m able. This will m ean weapons that can evade defenses and strike predeterm ined targets, m uch as cruise m issiles do, but on an invisible scale. < > Read full article: l l === === A T T A C K !!! N B! K e y w o r d s : H e a r t A tta c k ( c a r d ia c a r r e s t) , H . K r u m , M . S c h la ic h , R . W h itb o u r n , P .A . S o b o tka , J. S a d o w s ki, K . Ba r tu s , B. K a p e la k, A . W a lto n , H . S ie v e r t, S . T h a m b a r , W . T A b r a h a m , M . E s le r , C a th e te r -b a s e d r e n a l s y m p a th e tic d e n e r v a tio n fo r r e s is ta n t h y p e r te n s io n : a m u ltic e n tr e s a fe ty a n d p r o o f-o f-p r in c ip le c o h o r t s tu d y , T h e L a n c e t, V o lu m e 3 7 3 , Is s u e 9 6 7 1 , P a g e s 1 2 7 5 1 2 8 1 , 1 1 A p r il 2 0 0 9 , th e la n c e t.c o m , < /journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2809%29605663/fulltext >. Quote: < > S u m m a r y Ba c kg r o u n d Renal sym pathetic hyperactivity is associated with hypertension and its progression, chronic kidney disease, and heart failure. < > M e th o d s We enrolled 50 patients at five Australian and European centres; 5 patients were excluded for anatom ical reasons (m ainly on the basis of dual renal artery system s). Patients received percutaneous r a d io fr e q u e n c y c a th e te r -b a s e d tr e a tm e n t between June, 2007, and Novem ber, 2008, with subsequent follow-up to 1 year. We assessed the effectiveness of renal sym pathetic denervation with renal noradrenaline spillover in a subgroup of patients. Prim ary endpoints were office blood pressure and safety data before and at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 m onths after procedure. Renal angiography was done before, im m ediately after, and 1430 days after procedure, and m agnetic resonance angiogram 6 m onths after procedure. We assessed blood-pressure lowering effectiveness by repeated m easures ANOVA. This study is registered in Australia and Europe with, num bers NCT 00483808 and NCT 00664638. < > Read full article: /journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2809%2960566-3/fulltext === === Bijzo n d e r e in g r e e p v e r la a g t o n b e h a n d e lb a r e h o g e b lo e d d r u k, 0 1 -0 4 -2 0 0 9 , n ie r n ie u w s .n l, < aand=2010-03 >.

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Quote: < > Artsen van verschillende instituten in de Australische stad Melbourne hebben een m ethode ontwikkeld waarm ee ze een onbehandelbare hoge bloeddruk tot norm ale waarden kunnen terugbrengen. O m d it te b e r e ike n s c h a ke le n ze e e n d e e l v a n h e t ze n u w s te ls e l g e r ic h t u it m e t b e h u lp v a n r a d io g o lv e n . < > Mensen m et een sterk verhoogde bloeddruk lopen een groot risico op een beroerte of hartaanval. < > In Australi gaat het om ongeveer 1,5 m iljoen m ensen. Artsen in Melbourne hebben een m ethode ontwikkeld waarm ee ze het probleem op een andere m anier aanpakken: ze s c h a ke le n e e n d e e l v a n h e t ze n u w s te ls e l u it . Ze voeren een speciaal ontwikkelde katheter op vanuit de lies, tot in de nierslagader. D a a r s c h a ke le n ze s y m p a tis c h e ze n u w e n in d e s la g a d e r w a n d u it m e t b e h u lp v a n r a d io g o lv e n . < > Read full article: aand=2010-03 N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === 3 0 % , in tv .u a , 18.5.2010, < >. Quote: < >

SCAN: Im age: edia/im g/old/news/p_im g_57810753.jpg in < > , . , . < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === Bijzo n d e r e p a c e m a ke r b e s tr ijd t h o g e b lo e d d r u k e ffe c tie f, n ie r n ie u w s .n l , 19-06-2008, < id=533&loc=9&cat= >. Quote: < > Tijdens het internationale congres rond hoge bloeddruk Hypertension 2008 in Berlijn, werden gisteren de eerste resultaten gepresenteerd van een Nederlandse test m et een im planteerbaar apparaat dat de bloeddruk kan verlagen. Deze tussentijdse gegevens beloven heel wat: het toestelletje lijkt een ernstig verhoogde bloeddruk m et enkele tientallen m illim eters kwikdruk te kunnen verlagen. < >

SCAN: Im age: in < > De energie die de generator doorgeeft via deze elektroden, kan van buiten het lichaam geregeld worden. De gebruikte techniek wordt Baroreflex Activation Therapy genoem d, om dat de zogenaam de baroceptors in de slagaderwand, de sensors waarm ee het lichaam de bloeddruk m eet, geactiveerd worden. A ls d it g e b e u r t, s tu r e n ze s ig n a le n n a a r d e h e r s e n e n , d ie n o r m a a l g e s p r o ke n b e te ke n e n d a t d e b lo e d d r u k s tijg t. O m d e ze s tijg in g , d ie in w e r ke lijkh e id n ie t p la a ts v in d t, te c o m p e n s e r e n , s tu r e n d e h e r s e n e n s ig n a le n

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n a a r a n d e r e lic h a a m s d e le n ( h a r t, b lo e d v a te n e n n ie r e n ) , o m d e b lo e d d r u k te v e r la g e n . < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === T w o -Y e a r C lin ic a l T r ia l F in d in g s S h o w S ig n ific a n t a n d P e r s is te n t R e d u c tio n in Blo o d P r e s s u r e w ith C V R x ( R ) R h e o s ( R ) H y p e r te n s io n T h e r a p y , Bu s in e s s W ir e 2 0 0 8 , 2 0 0 8 -0 6 -1 8 , Bu s in e s s W ir e , p r -in s id e .c o m , < /two-year-clinical-trial-findings-show-r649537.htm >. Quote: < > Inc., the Rheos HT System is the only im plantable m edical device designed to control hypertension, or high blood pressure. Worldwide, hypertension is a leading and growing cause of heart and kidney disease, stroke and death. The Rheos HT System could provide a new treatm ent option for the m illions of people who cannot control their hypertension with m edications. The device activates the bodys own system for regulating blood pressure. < > T h e R h e o s H T S y s te m u s e s C V R x p a te n te d Ba r o r e fle x A c tiv a tio n T h e r a p y ( T M ) ( BA T ( T M ) ) te c h n o lo g y th a t is d e s ig n e d to e le c tr ic a lly a c tiv a te th e c a r o tid b a r o c e p to r s , th e b o d y s n a tu r a l b lo o d p r e s s u r e s e n s o r s . W h e n th e b a r o r e c e p to r s a r e a c tiv a te d , s ig n a ls a r e s e n t th r o u g h n e u r a l p a th w a y s to th e b r a in a n d in te r p r e te d a s a r is e in b lo o d p r e s s u r e . T h e b r a in w o r ks to c o u n te r a c t th is p e r c e iv e d r is e in b lo o d p r e s s u r e b y s e n d in g s ig n a ls to o th e r p a r ts o f th e b o d y ( h e a r t, b lo o d v e s s e ls a n d kid n e y s ) to lo w e r h ig h b lo o d p r e s s u r e . < > Read full article: /two-year-clinical-trial-findings-show-r649537.htm === === A T T A C K !!! N O T A BE N E ! K e y w o r d s : S le e p D e p r iv a tio n , S le e p d a m a g e

N A N C Y T JA L O N D O , S T A L K E N : W O R D T G E V O L G D , T E D / T E D .N L 2 0 0 6 -0 4 5 , 3 1 .0 8 . 6 .0 9 .2 0 0 6 , p . 6 -7 , < > . Quote: < > E L E C T R O N IS C H E W A P E N S < > S la c h to ffe r s w o r d e n o o k v a a k u it h u n s la p g e h o u d e n . < > En dit keer werden ook wapens ingezet die elektrische golven dwars door de m uren uitzenden en ervoor zorgen dat bepaalde lichaam sdelen flink gaan irriteren. < > Deze zogenaam de H ig h P o w e r M ic r o w a v e w a p e n s < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === R V ir a y , M c K in n e y R e p o r t: M ic r o w a v e H a r a s s m e n t a n d M in d C o n tr o l p a r t tw o , H R V C a n a d a , r e n d tv ir a y .b lo g s p o t.c o m , May 10, 2010, < /2010/05/m ckinney-report-m icrowaveharassm ent_10.htm l >. Quote: < > S le e p d is r u p tio n / d e p r iv a tio n T h is is a c h ie v e d b y m e a n s o f o v e r t a n d e le c tr o n ic h a r a s s m e n t. S le e p d e p r iv a tio n , a s a ta c tic , in v a r ia b ly s u r fa c e s w h e n th e ta r g e te d in d iv id u a l b e g in s e x h ib itin g a s tr o n g e m o tio n a l a n d ir r a tio n a l r e s p o n s e to th e o th e r fo r m s o f h a r a s s m e n t. < > Read full article: /2010/05/m ckinney-report-m icrowave-harassm ent_10.htm l === === S le e p D e p r iv a tio n A ffe c ts M o r a l Ju d g m e n t, S tu d y F in d s , A m e r ic a n A c a d e m y o f S le e p M e d ic in e , 2 0 0 7 , M a r c h 2 , S c ie n c e D a ily , s c ie n c e d a ily .c o m , < /releases/2007/03/070301081831.htm >. Quote: < > Research has shown that bad sleep can adversely affect a persons physical health and em otional well-being.

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However, the am ount of sleep one gets can also influence his or her decision-m aking. A study published in the March 1st issue of the journal SLEEP finds that sleep deprivation im pairs the ability to integrate em otion and cognition to guide m oral judgm ents. < > The findings suggest that continuous wakefulness has a particularly debilitating effect on judgm ent and decision m aking processes that depend heavily upon the integration of em otion with cognition, said Killgore, adding that the results provide further support to the hypothesis that sleep loss is particularly disruptive to the ventrom edial prefrontal regions of the brain, which are im portant for the integration of affect and cognition in the service of judgm ent and decision m aking. < > Our results sim ply suggest that when sleep deprived, individuals appear to be selectively slower in their deliberations about m oral personal dilem m as relative to other types of dilem m as, said Killgore. < > Read full article: /releases/2007/03/070301081831.htm === === V ikto r , K o r te r s la p e n , v r o e g e r d o o d , F a q t, fa q t.n l, 11 m ei 2010, < >. Quote: < > Wie te weinig slaap krijg s nachts, heeft een v e r h o o g d r is ic o o p e e n v r o e g e d o o d . < > In al die gegevens vonden ze om onstotelijk bewijs dat er een verband is tussen m inder dan zes uur slaap per nacht en een te vroege dood. Dat schrijven de onderzoekers in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Sleep. < > Mensen die vaker te weinig slaap kregen, hadden 12 procent m eer kans om te overlijden binnen die 25 jaar. < > Met andere woorden: een goede nachtrust is van levensbelang. < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === C a p p u c c io F P ; D E lia L ; S tr a zzu llo P ; M ille r M A . S le e p d u r a tio n a n d a ll-c a u s e m o r ta lity : a s y s te m a tic r e v ie w a n d m e ta -a n a ly s is o f p r o s p e c tiv e s tu d ie s . S L E E P 2 0 1 0 ;3 3 ( 5 ) :5 8 5 -5 9 2 , S L E E P A r tic le A b s tr a c t, jo u r n a ls le e p .o r g , 2010, < >. Quote: < > Ba c kg r o u n d : Increasing evidence suggests an association between both short and long duration of habitual sleep with adverse health outcom es. < > R e s u lts : Overall, the 16 studies analyzed provided 27 independent cohort sam ples. They included 1,382,999 m ale and fem ale participants (follow-up range 4 to 25 years), and 112,566 deaths. Sleep duration was assessed by questionnaire and outcom e through death certification. In the pooled analysis, short duration of sleep was associated with a greater risk of death (RR: 1.12; 95% CI 1.06 to 1.18; P < 0. 01) with no evidence of publication bias (P = 0.74) but heterogeneity between studies (P = 0.02). Long duration of sleep was also associated with a greater risk of death (1.30; [1.22 to 1.38]; P < 0.0001) with no evidence of publication bias (P = 0.18) but significant heterogeneity between studies (P < 0.0001). C o n c lu s io n : Both short and long duration of sleep are significant predictors of death in prospective population studies. < > Read full article: === === A T T A C K !!! W a tc h th is v id e o : fa r ka la n d , A r e m o te c o n tr o l th a t c o n tr o ls h u m a n s ( E n g lis h a u d io ) , y o u tu b e .c o m , F e b r u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 0 7 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / w a tc h ? v = K f0 E 9 llkZ IU > .

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=== === A T T A C K !!! W a tc h th is v id e o : c h e llo w 2 , r e m o te c o n tr o lle d h u m a n ( m in d c o n tr o l) ( e n g lis h + d u tc h s u b s ) , y o u tu b e .c o m , Ju ly 3 0 , 2 0 0 7 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / w a tc h ? v = iR T V g n P d 1 lM > .

=== ==== E le a n o r W h ite , R O A D T O F R E E D O M , s h o e s tr in g r a d io .n e t , Last Updated: July 30, 2009, < >, Quote: < > 18: Cheryl Welsh and her Mind Justice Organization. Recorded Novem ber 2, 2005: Eleanor White reads excerpts from the 2003 Sum m ary of Evidence by United Nations non-lethal weapons expert Cheryl Welsh. Cheryl and her web site are the nucleus of her organization nam ed Mind Justice. Cheryls specialty is exposing m ind control, an extrem ely invasive part of electronic harassm ent. Cheryls posted inform ation is am ong the best, if not the best docum ented available. < > Quote: < > Proven and Available Harassm ent Technologies < > Read full article: === === S u s a n H a y e s A r t W o r k, in C h e r y l W e ls h , M in d Ju s tic e , m in d ju s tic e .o r g , < http://www.m >, Whats New, < http://www.m >.
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Quote: < > Artist Susan Hayes depicts m ind control targeting in her art work. She is regularly featured in art shows in New Ham pshire. < > Read full article: http://www.m http://www.m === === E le a n o r W h ite , IN T H E F IG H T T O E X P O S E A N D S T O P T H E C R IM E O F O R G A N IZ E D S T A L K IN G A N D E L E C T R O N IC H A R A S S M E N T , m u ltis ta lke r v ic tim s .o r g , Mar 10, 2010, < http://www.m ultistalkervictim >. Read full article: http://www.m ultistalkervictim === === L o v e H e w itt s ta lke r p le a d s g u ilty , BBC N E W S , n e w s .b b c .c o .u k , 30 Septem ber, 2003, < ent/3151518.stm >. Quote: < > She believed that Ms Love Hewitt was part of a group that targeted her with so-called p s y c h o tr o n ic te c h n o lo g y , Kahil said. Deal Due to this technology Napolis believed they were able to tell what she was thinking, she added. < > Read full article: ent/3151518.stm === === A T T A C K !!! N O T A BE N E ! O R G A N IZ E D C R IM E W A V E S , http://www.organizedcrim /index.php === === N O T A BE N E ! H E L P T H E V IC T IM S ! m in d c o n , R e : P e r s o o n lijke e r v a r in g e n , v o lks o p s ta n d .n e t, 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 0 8 -7 .0 3 .2 0 1 0 , /28-persoonlijke-ervaringen/1694-re-persoonlijke-ervaringen.htm l#2642 p d f, 1 6 .0 5 .2 0 1 0 , http://m /2010/01/infotopic_re_persoonlijke_ervaringen-2008_23-03-2010.pdf m in d c o n , Bio e ffe c t: H a r ts tils ta n d ( c a r d ia c a r r e s t) , in In fo to p ic , R e : P e r s o o n lijke e r v a r in g e n , n r .1 8 8 3 , v o lks o p s ta n d .n e t, 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 0 8 -7 .0 3 .2 0 1 0 , /28-persoonlijke-ervaringen/1694-re-persoonlijke-ervaringen.htm l#1883 p d f, 1 6 .0 5 .2 0 1 0 , http://m /2010/01/infotopic_re_persoonlijke_ervaringen-2008_23-03-2010.pdf N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === E le a n o r W h ite , A m e r ic a n P s y c h o lo g is t a r tic le : 1 9 7 3 V o ic e to S ku ll D e m o n s tr a tio n , r a v e n 1 .n e t, March 1975, < psychv2s.htm >. Quote: < > Artificial m icrowave voice to skull transm ission was successfully dem onstrated by researcher Dr. Joseph Sharp in 1973, announced at a sem inar from the University of Utah in 1974, and in the journal Am erican Psychologist in the March, 1975 issue, article title Microwaves and Behavior by Dr. Don Justesen. < >

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PDF Verson for Easy Printing psychv2s.pdf Read full article: psychv2s.htm E le a n o r W h ite , A n ti-V o ic e to S ku ll C o u n te r m e a s u r e , M a r c h 2 9 , 2 0 0 9 , c r e v ie w s .n e t, < >. Quote: < > Targets of organized stalking and electronic harassm ent (OS/EH) have discovered that m ultiple radios playing different talk-oriented content can m ask the content of the voice to skull (V2S) attacks. < > Read full article: === === W a tc h th is v id e o : le s lie c r a w fo r d , P R E S S C O N F E R E N C E F O R T A R G E T E D IN D IV ID U A L S H E L D O N A P R IL 1 6 , 2 0 1 0 , y o u tu b e .c o m , A p r il 1 8 , 2 0 1 0 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / w a tc h ? v = a I6 G T C Z S s 0 Y & fe a tu r e = r e la te d > .

=== === W a tc h th is v id e o : le s lie c r a w fo r d , P R E S S C O N F A P R IL 1 6 2 0 1 0 P a r t 2 , y o u tu b e .c o m , A p r il 1 8 , 2 0 1 0 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / w a tc h ? v = 0 r lX P ky 1 O P E & fe a tu r e = r e la te d > .

Thank you!

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Yours sincerely. Com m ents (8)

May 5, 2010


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A T T A C K !!!

SCAN: Im age: http://www.m ages/BackgroundIm age3.jpg in http://www.m agnitron5.htm l Quote: < > .< > N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| O n th e R o a d to F r e e d o m : W e lc o m e to th e F u tu r e o f H u m a n s ! D e a r @ S ir , @ M a d a m , M o r e o n th e s to r y c a n b e fo u n d h e r e : S A N D R A BL A K E S L E E , M o n ke y s T h o u g h ts P r o p e l R o b o t, a S te p T h a t M a y H e lp H u m a n s , T h e N e w Y o r k T im e s , January 15, 2008, < http://www.nytim /2008/01/15/science/15robo.htm l?_r=1&pagewanted=1&ref=science >, p.2, < http://www.nytim /2008/01/15/science/15robo.htm l?pagewanted=2&_r=1&ref=science >. Quote: < > On Thursday, the 12-pound, 32-inch m onkey m ade a 200-pound, 5-foot hum anoid robot walk on a treadm ill using only her brain activity. She was in North Carolina, and the robot was in Japan. It was the first tim e that brain signals had been used to m ake a robot walk, said Dr. Miguel A. L. Nicolelis, a neuroscientist at Duke University whose laboratory designed and carried out the experim ent. < >

SCAN: Im age: http://graphics8.nytim /im ages/2008/01/15/science/15robo.xlarge2.jpg in http://www.nytim /2008/01/15/science/15robo.htm l?pagewanted=1&_r=1&ref=science <> When that person thinks about walking, he said, walking happens. < > A brain m achine interface is any system that allows people or anim als to use their brain activity to control an external device. But until ways are found to safely im plant electrodes into hum an brains, m ost research will rem ain focused on anim als. < > We have shown that you can take signals across the planet in the sam e tim e scale that a biological system works, Dr. Nicolelis said. Here the target happens to be a robot. It could be a crane. Or any tool of any size or m agnitude. The body does not have a m onopoly for enacting the desires of the brain. < > Read full article: http://www.nytim /2008/01/15/science/15robo.htm l?_r=1&pagewanted=1&ref=science http://www.nytim /2008/01/15/science/15robo.htm l?pagewanted=2&_r=1&ref=science

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=== === Billy S u s b u c k, M o n ke y M ilitia s , n ix o n th e h a n d , n ix o n th e h a n d .c o m , 10.27.08, < /2008/10/27/m onkey-m ilitias/ >. Quote: < > Researchers hooked up m onkeys to m achines that m ade it possible to observe their brainwave patterns. They then watched as the m onkeys (rhesus m acaques, for those prim atologists out there!) used a joystick to m ove a cursor on a com puter screen over a target. Then they incorporated a robotic arm into the m ix; in a separate room , the arm m ade the sam e m ovem ents as the m onkey, and m oved its own cursor into the target. The official press release best explains what happened next: The scientists next rem oved the joystick, after which the m onkeys continued to m ove their arm s in m id-air to m anipulate and grab the cursor, thus controlling the robot arm . The m ost am azing result, though, was that after only a few days of playing with the robot in this way, the m onkey suddenly realized that she didnt need to m ove her arm at all, said Nicolelis. Her arm m uscles went com pletely quiet, she kept the arm at her side and she controlled the robot arm using only her brain and visual feedback. Our analyses of the brain signals showed that the anim al learned to assim ilate the robot arm into her brain as if it was her own arm . <>

Scan: Im age: /files/robot_arm _feeding_m onkey.jpg in /2008/10/27/m onkey-m ilitias/ <> A lot of people have a keen interest in this type of technology, from those who want an exoskeleton to those who want to wage war from the com fort of their living room s. The only thing that everyone can agree on is the old adage: Mind over m atter. < >

SCAN: Im age: http://www.m rm /im ages/m onkey-gun.jpg in /2008/10/27/m onkeym ilitias/ <> Read full article: /2008/10/27/m onkey-m ilitias/ === === M o r a lity is m o d ifie d in th e la b , BBC N e w s , n e w s .b b c .c o .u k, 3 0 M a r c h 2 0 1 0 , < >. Quote: < > Scientists have shown they can change peoples m oral judgem ents by disrupting a specific area of the brain with m agnetic pulses. They identified a region of the brain just above and behind the right ear which appears to control m orality. < > Lead researcher Dr Liane Young said: You think of m orality as being a really high-level behaviour.

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To be able to apply a m agnetic field to a specific brain region and change peoples m oral judgm ents is really astonishing. < > Read full article: === === D e e p s tim u la tio n b o o s ts m e m o r y , BBC N e w s , n e w s .b b c .c o .u k, 30 January 2008, < >. Quote: < > E le c tr ic a l s tim u la tio n o f a r e a s d e e p w ith in th e b r a in c o u ld im p r o v e m e m o r y , e a r ly r e s e a r c h s u g g e s ts . < >

< > The brains lim bic system was stim ulated < > SCAN: Im age: http://newsim edia/im ages/44389000/jpg/_44389464_lim bic_system 203.jpg in < > He had refused gastric surgery, and doctors decided deep brain stim ulation, although experim ental, was his best option < >

SCAN: Im age: http://newsim edia/im ages/44390000/jpg/_44390862_electrodes203.jpg in < > S id e e ffe c ts c a n in c lu d e a p a th y , h a llu c in a tio n s , d e p r e s s io n , a n d e v e n c o m p u ls iv e g a m b lin g but often they are tem porary < > When the electrodes were stim ulated by electrical im pulses the patient began to experience feelings of deja vu. < > The results suggest it m ight be possible to use deep brain stim ulation directly to boost m em ory. <> Read full article: === === A P , In te l S h o w s O ff M in d -R e a d in g S o ftw a r e , F O X N e w s N e tw o r k, fo x n e w s .c o m , April 09, 2010, < /scitech/2010/04/09/intel-shows-m ind-reading-software/ >. Quote: < > Software that uses brain scans to determ ine what item s people are thinking about was am ong the technological innovations showcased Wednesday by Intel Corp., which drew back the curtain on a num ber of projects that are still under developm ent. The software analyzes functional MRI scans to determ ine what parts of a persons brain is being activated as he or she thinks. < >

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SCAN: Im age: /static/m anaged/im g/Scitech/Honda%20Brain%20Tech_doom sday_604x341.jpg in /scitech/2010/04/09/intel-shows-m ind-reading-software/ < > Honda dabbled with linking brain thoughts with robotics in 2009. Now Intel says its achieved a 90 percent strike rate with reading m inds. < > Other innovations on display at Wednesdays Intel event in Manhattan included: Cell phone technology that would use m otion, GPS and audio data gathered through users cell phones to track what theyre doing and who theyre with. The technology can distinguish activities such as walking, giving a business presentation and driving. It also com pares audio readings from different cell phones to determ ine who is in the sam e room . This would allow users to share their activity inform ation with their close friends and watch avatar versions of their friends throughout the day. < > Read full article: /scitech/2010/04/09/intel-shows-m ind-reading-software/ === === T r e n t N o u v e a u , Ja p a n e s e s c ie n tis ts d e s ig n m in d -r e a d in g r o b o ts , tg d a ily .c o m , 23rd Apr 2010, < /general-sciences-features/49496-japanese-scientists-design-m ind-reading-robots >. Quote: < > Japanese scientists are preparing to develop m ind-reading robots and consum er electronics that can be controlled by thought. According to the AFP, such devices are expected to include television sets, m obile phones, car navigation system s and airconditioners. < >

SCAN: Im age: /sites/default/files/stock/article_im ages/m isc/cylonbsg.jpg in /general-sciences-features/49496-japanese-scientists-design-m ind-reading-robots <> Indeed, the project is likely to include the participation of num erous industry heavyweights, such as Toyota, Honda, Hitachi, the National Institute of Inform ation and Com m unications Technology, Osaka University and the Advanced Telecom m unications Research Institute International. < > Read full article: /general-sciences-features/49496-japanese-scientists-design-m ind-reading-robots === === V la d is la v S a v o v , Ja p a n p la n s m in d -r e a d in g r o b o ts a n d b r a in in te r fa c e d e v ic e s b y 2 0 2 0 , E n g a d g e t, e n g a d g e t.c o m , Apr 23rd 2010, < /2010/04/23/japan-plans-m ind-reading-robots-and-braininterface-devices-by/ >. Quote: < > The Japanese governm ent and private sector are, according to the Nikkei, all set to begin work on a collaborative new project to develop thought-controlled gadgets, devices and robots. < >

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SCAN: Im age: / /m edia/2010/04/23apr10o2353fjapan.jpg in /2010/04/23/japan-plans-m ind-reading-robots-and-brain-interface-devices-by/ <> Read full article: /2010/04/23/japan-plans-m ind-reading-robots-and-brain-interface-devices-by/ === === A F P , Ja p a n e y e s m in d -r e a d in g d e v ic e s , r o b o ts b y 2 0 2 0 ( A F P ) , g o o g le .c o m , 22.04.2010, < /hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hqCisAKzlm kDyAyubLEg4zR_wshg >. Quote: < > TOKYO Japan plans to develop m ind-reading robots and consum er electronics that can be controlled by thought alone and hopes to m arket them within a decade, the Nikkei daily reported Thursday. < >

SCAN: Im age: /hostednews/afp/m edia/ALeqM5g77Bu2b8w4rfRU7VaAMJzugC6GWg?size=l in /hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hqCisAKzlm kDyAyubLEg4zR_wshg <> The envisaged devices would include television sets that can be operated without lifting a finger and m obile phones that send text m essages com posed purely through thought, the business daily said. The initiative, to be launched this fiscal year, is a partnership between the governm ent and the private sector, the report said, citing unnam ed com m unications m inistry sources. < > Read full article: /hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hqCisAKzlm kDyAyubLEg4zR_wshg === === A n n e H a r t, S a c r a m e n to s s c ie n c e w r ite r s ta c kle b r a in r e s e a r c h fr o m n e u r o e th ic s to n e u r o te c h n o lo g y , e x a m in e r .c o m , April 25, 2010, < http://www.exam /x-7160-Sacram ento-Nutrition-Exam iner~y2010m 4d25Sacram entos-science-writers-tackle-brain-research-from -neuroethics-to-neurotechnology?cid=edition-by-channel-rssSacram ento-Health >. Quote: < > Neuroscience entails an artificial hippocam pus to restore the ability to c r e a te n e w m e m o r ie s or erase traum atic ones. Instead of brain surgery, the future of neurotechnology m ay focus on nanobots put into your blood to repair brain dam age or perform diagnoses. Are you ready for bionic brains? When m inds m erge with m achines, the question of ethics com es into play. Maybe you want a digital copy of your brain with all the m em ories and em otions transferred to an im m ortal robot? Or put on a com puter like a flash drive to pay forward for the next m illion years that m ight be transferred to a clone? Its the future. But are ethics going to com e in at the right tim e? Or will ethics be viewed as control by big brother? The problem of ethical practices will have to be resolved in a courtroom . Whether it starts with brain scans or ends with m ore jobs for lawyers, the problem goes back to the consum er as in who will pay for the technology when insurance wont. As technology advances, so do the legal and ethical issues. Who will own your digital selfyour relatives or the courts? And will be responsible for restoring you on a flash drive of sorts to a robot or clone in the distant future? This is no longer laughed off as science fiction. If you think the next parallel universe is the final frontier, it really happens to be your brain on a com puter software program . When will brain scans be adm issible in court, and are they accurate or not? <> Neuroscience has m any branches, trends, and ethics. Whether youre looking at the neurotechnology of nutrition such as m etabolic and genetic dietetics or technology from brain scans to s e c r e t r e c o r d in g d e v ic e s , its a road m ap of the future and an open door for science writers and researchers to explore. Neuroscience all focuses on the brains electrical m ap as well as neurobiofeedback. But its also about publicizing your right to privacy of m ind. Thats why the future of neuroscience is an issue of ethics. < > Read full article: http://www.exam /x-7160-Sacram ento-Nutrition-Exam iner~y2010m 4d25-Sacram entos-science-writers-tackle-brain-

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research-from -neuroethics-to-neurotechnology?cid=edition-by-channel-rss-Sacram ento-Health === === Je r e m y H s u , Ja p a n e s e G o v e r n m e n t a n d In d u s tr y A im fo r M in d -C o n tr o lle d R o b o ts a n d E le c tr o n ic s in 1 0 Y e a r s , P o p u la r S c ie n c e , p o p s c i.c o m , 04.23.2010, < /technology/article/2010-04/japanese-titansindustry-aim -m ind-controlled-robots-and-electronics-10-years >. Quote: < > Japans insatiable love for robots and m ind-reading technology has converged in the form of a new governm entindustry partnership. That m eans Japanese consum ers can look forward to robots and electronics controllable by thought alone within a decade, according to Agence France-Presse. < > The lack of specs has not prevented the collective sci-fi im agination of said sources from running wild. Future m ind-controlled devices would include television sets and sm art phones which com pose text m essages by thought. < > Other possible applications include a car navigation system which searches for restaurants when it detects the driver thinking on his or her em pty stom ach, and air-conditioners which adjust the tem perature based on feeling too warm or cold. Thats a huge stretch by todays standards. < > Read full article: /technology/article/2010-04/japanese-titans-industry-aim -m ind-controlled-robots-and-electronics10-years === === Je r e m y H s u , In te l W a n ts Br a in Im p la n ts in Its C u s to m e r s H e a d s b y 2 0 2 0 , P o p u la r S c ie n c e , p o p s c i.c o m , 11.20.2009, < /technology/article/2009-11/intel-wants-brain-im plants-consum ers-heads-2020 >. Quote: < > Researchers expect brain waves to operate com puters, TVs and cell phones < >

SCAN: Im age: /files/im agecache/article_im age_large/articles/Matrix.jpg in /technology/article/2009-11/intel-wants-brain-im plants-consum ers-heads-2020 Quote: < > Mind Trip Intel wants into your brain Warner Bros. < > The scientists anticipate that consum ers will adapt quickly to the idea, and indeed crave the freedom of not requiring a keyboard, m ouse, or rem ote control for surfing the Web or changing channels. They also predict that people will tire of m ulti-touch devices such as our precious iPhones, Android sm art phones and even Microsofts wacky Surface Table. < > If scientists can translate brain waves into specific actions, theres no reason they could not create a virtual world with a full spectrum of activity tied to those brain waves. Thats right were seeing Matrix creep. [Com puterworld via ReadWriteWeb] < > Read full article: /technology/article/2009-11/intel-wants-brain-im plants-consum ers-heads-2020 === === A r ie Ja n S ta p e l, Ja p a n n e r s o n tw ikke le n v r o u w e lijke r o b o t, tw e a ke r s .n e t, 31 juli 2005, < l >. Quote: < > Japanse wetenschappers hebben de m eest realistische robot tot dusverre ontwikkeld: een vrouwelijke androde genaam d Repliee Q1. < > Volgens Ishiguro krijgen de m ensen die m et Repliee Q1 bezig zijn voordurend de neiging haar als m ens te behandelen en niet als robot. Je kunt best zien dat ze niet echt is, m aar onbewust behandelen we haar als vrouw. Haar m aker, professor Hiroshi Ishiguro van de universiteit van Osaka, zegt dat we waarschijnlijk op een dag wel robots voor m ensen zullen aanzien. < > Read full article: l N B!

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G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === E w a ld S m its , S e ks m e t r o b o t s tr a ks d o o d n o r m a a l, S Y N C , s y n c .n l, 20 septem ber 2007, < etrobot-straks-doodnorm aal/ >. Quote: < > De m ens zal binnen nu en veertig jaar seks hebben en liefdesrelaties beginnen m et robots. Die stelling probeert de Londense schaakm eester David Levy hard te m aken in zijn proefschrift Intim ate relationships with artificial partners waarop hij op 11 novem ber hoopt te prom overen aan de Universiteit van Maastricht. Ik schat dat seks m et robots over een paar jaar al norm aal zal zijn. Over tien jaar zeker, m aar waarschijnlijk veel eerder, vertelt de grootm eester aan Noorderlicht. Levy baseert zich hierbij op hoe er nu m et seks en seksspeeltjes wordt om gegaan. Onze houding ten opzichte van seks is in korte tijd enorm veranderd. Neem bijvoorbeeld hom oseksualiteit. Vroeger werd je daarvoor opgehangen en tegenwoordig is het heel gewoon en zelfs legaal om te trouwen m et iem and van hetzelfde geslacht. Of m asturberen, daar zou je blind van worden. Maar inm iddels heeft onderzoek aangetoond dat zelfs getrouwde m ensen het een of twee keer per m aand doen. < > Read full article: et-robot-straks-doodnorm aal/ N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === L u n a , S e ks m e t e e n r o b o t in d e to e ko m s t, W a a r M a a r R a a r , w a a r m a a r r a a r .n l, 30-09-07, < http://www.waarm et_een_robot_in_de_toekom st.htm l >. Quote: < > Seks m et een robot, dat klinkt futuristisch of als een fantasietje van een nerd? Niet volgens de Britse onderzoeker en schaakm eester David Levy. Hij noem t het een logisch gevolg van de individualisering en de controledrang van de m oderne m ens. Software en nieuwe technologie zullen robots m enselijker m aken, zegt Levy. En hoe m enselijker ze worden, hoe m eer m enselijke taken ze kunnen overnem en. < > Maar zon seksrobot is niet enkel voor m annen die hun lusten willen botvieren en/of niet aan een partner raken. Ook de s e ks in d u s tr ie is genteresseerd, net als de ouderenverzorgers die de robot willen gebruiken voor therapeutische toepassingen. Bijvoorbeeld voor m ensen die schroom hebben bij seks, zij kunnen oefenen m et die robot. Over een paar jaar zou het al zover m oeten zijn. Of er ook m a n n e n r o b o tte n kom en om vrouwen te plezieren, is niet bekend. < > Read full article: http://www.waarm et_een_robot_in_de_toekom st.htm l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === W o lte r H u ttin g a , L e v y v o o r s p e lt tr o u w e n m e t e e n r o b o t, T r o u w , tr o u w .n l , 7 septem ber 2007, < >. Quote: < > Zelf ontwikkelde Levy ook m enselijke robotprogram m as. Nu denkt hij dat robots op term ijn niet alleen de lusten kunnen bevredigen, m aar zelfs object van liefde kunnen worden. Echte liefde. In c lu s ie f e e n h u w e lijk , m et een ja-woord van m ens en robot. < > Met robotethiek is nog nauwelijks een begin gem aakt. Die wordt, zegt Levy, wel erg ingewikkeld, zeker wanneer we robots uit gaan rusten m et kunstm atig bewustzijn. We zullen dan m oeten nadenken over hun rechten en hun ethische status, net zoals we dat nu doen m et arbeidskrachten in de seksindustrie. < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === C h a r le s Q . C h o i, S e x a n d m a r r ia g e w ith r o b o ts ? It c o u ld h a p p e n , m s n b c .m s n .c o m , Oct. 12, 2007, < http://www.m snbc.m /id/21271545/from /ET/ >.

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Quote: < > In his thesis, Intim ate Relationships with Artificial Partners, Levy conjectures that robots will becom e so hum anlike in appearance, function and personality that m any people will fall in love with them , have sex with them and even m arry them . It m ay sound a little weird, but it isnt, Levy said. Love and sex with robots are inevitable. Sex with robots in 5 years Levy argues that psychologists have identified roughly a dozen basic reasons why people fall in love, and alm ost all of them could apply to hum an-robot relationships. For instance, one thing that prom pts people to fall in love are sim ilarities in personality and knowledge, and all of this is program m able. Another reason people are m ore likely to fall in love is if they know the other person likes them , and thats program m able too. < > Read full article: http://www.m snbc.m /id/21271545/from /ET/ === === R e g in e , R o b o t la w y e r s s e t fo r tr ia l a g a in s t h u m a n s , w e -m a ke -m o n e y -n o t-a r t.c o m , Novem ber 10, 2005, < http://www.we-m ake-m /archives/2005/11/next-year-the-b.php >. Quote: < > Next year the Buys legal firm will introduce robotic rivals to its hum an staff. The com pany is developing 3 robots, Stacy, Dave and Nathan, to provide online legal opinions and advice to its custom ers. The robots will initially be used to answer basic questions from the public and to present electronic training m aterial. According to AI Expert System s at the University of Texas, AI will let com puters autonom ously reason with the law to draw legal conclusions. < > Read full article: http://www.we-m ake-m /archives/2005/11/next-year-the-b.php === === R o b o t o n td e kt e v o lu tie , T U D E L T A , W E E K BL A D V A N D E T E C H N IS C H E U N IV E R S IT E IT D E L F T , Jaargang 37 Num m er 17,, 26-05-2005, < >. Quote: < > Am erikaanse onderzoekers ontwikkelden een robot die kopien m aakt van zichzelf. Het begin van een heel nieuw hoofdstuk in de robotica, vinden experts: dat van de evoluerende robot. < > Geef toe, op het film pje (te zien via de link onderaan dit artikel) ziet het er spectaculair uit. Hod Lipson en collegas van de Am erikaanse Cornell University hebben een robot gem aakt die zichzelf voortplant. De m achine pakt van tevoren klaargelegde blokjes op, en klikt ze m et elektrom agneten aaneen tot een nieuw exem plaar van zichzelf. < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === C h a n g in g Y o u r Id e a o f W h a t R o b o ts C a n D o , b o s to n d y n a m ic s .c o m , < http://www.bostondynam /? section=robotics >. Quote: < > Boston Dynam ics builds advanced robots with rem arkable behavior: m obility, agility, dexterity and speed. We use sensor-based controls and com putation to unlock the capabilities of com plex m echanism s. Our world-class developm ent team s take projects from initial concept to proof-of-principle prototyping to build-test-build engineering, to field testing and low-rate production. Organizations worldwide, from DARPA, the US Arm y, Navy and Marine Corps to Sony Corporation turn to Boston Dynam ics for advice and for help creating the m ost advanced robots on Earth. < >

SCAN: Im age: http://www.bostondynam /im g/DI-Guy_Iraq_logo.png in http://www.bostondynam /? section=robotics

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<> Read full article: http://www.bostondynam /?section=robotics === === R o y K lo p p e r , R o b o ts o ld a a t in o p m a r s , n ie u w s fe it.n l, 19 januari 2008, < ponent/content/article/5513-robotsoldaat-in-opm ars.htm l >. Quote: < > DEN HAAG (T T e le g r a a f ) De Nederlandse krijgsm acht werkt aan een eigen Starwars-project, waarbij robots riskante taken kunnen overnem en van m ilitairen op de grond. <> Radiogolven De robot, die zelfs kan worden bewapend, reageert dankzij radiogolven of glasvezelverbindingen ook op hoofdbewegingen van zijn bestuurder: als de m ilitair naar links of rechts kijkt, doet de robot dat ook. < > Hij kan niet onm iddellijk naar Oeroezgan, m aar de robot is wel al deel van onze toekom st, aldus overste Aart Fokkem a, die nam ens Defensie nauw betrokken is bij de ontwikkeling. Hiervoor zijn vele m iljoenen euros nodig. Fokkem a verwacht dat deze investering zich uitbetaalt in m ensenlevens: Waarom zouden we onze m anschappen gevaarlijke klussen laten doen als een robot ze ook kan uitvoeren? De studie naar de ideale robotsoldaat m oet m edio 2012 zijn afgerond. < > Read full article: ponent/content/article/5513-robotsoldaat-in-opm ars.htm l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === L a r a F a r r a r , S c ie n tis ts : H u m a n s a n d m a c h in e s w ill m e r g e in fu tu r e , C N N .c o m / te c h n o lo g y , e d itio n .c n n .c o m , July 15, 2008, < /2008/TECH/07/15/ l >. Quote: < > LONDON, England (CNN) A group of experts from around the world will hold a first of its kind conference Thursday on global catastrophic risks. They will discuss what should be done to prevent these risks from becom ing realities that could lead to the end of hum an life on Earth as we know it. < > On the final day of the Global Catastrophic Risk Conference, experts will focus on what could be the unintended consequences of new technologies, such as superintelligent m achines that, if ill-conceived, m ight cause the dem ise of Hom o sapiens. Any entity which is radically sm arter than hum an beings would also be very powerful, said Dr. Nick Bostrom , director of Oxfords Future of Hum anity Institute, host of the sym posium . If we get som ething wrong, you could im agine the consequences would involve the extinction of the hum an species. < > Our brains are a m illion tim es slower than electronics, Kurzweil said. We will increasingly becom e software entities if you go out enough decades. This m ovem ent towards the m erger of m an and m achine, according to Kurzweil, is already starting to happen and is m ost visible in the field of biotechnology. < > Yet the invention of so m any high-powered technologies and the possibility of m erging these new technologies with hum ans m ay pose both peril and prom ise for the future of m ankind. I think there are grave dangers, Kurzweil said. Technology has always been a double-edged sword. < >

SCAN: Im age: /ul_im g/4396i-robot.jpg in /article.php?id=4396 <> Read full article:

converted by /2008/TECH/07/15/ l === === N O T A BE N E ! T o n ie v a n R in g e le s tijn , R o b o t b e s tu u r t m e n s , b r ig h t.n l , 23-01-2006, < ens >. Quote: < > Hoogtepunt is een experim ent waarin presentator Menno Bentveld zich onderwerpt aan galvanic vestibular stim ulation: het op afstand besturen van m ensen. Het Japanse telecom bedrijf NTT werkt daar aan. Een film pje m et een vrouw die wordt bijgestuurd m et een afstandsbediening was vorig jaar al razend populair op internet. Nu werd de tv-presentator zelf bestuurd. Hoe was dat, op afstand bestuurd worden? Bentveld: Een heel erg vreem d gevoel. Je krijgt een koptelefoon op en een m an m et een grote afstandsbediening laat zwakke electronische stroom pjes, die naar links of rechts gaan, op je los. Daardoor worden je evenwichtsorganen in verwarring gebracht. Je denkt dat je scheef loopt. Ik m oest langs een rechte lijn lopen, m aar ik m erkte dat ik steeds naar rechts ging. Je voelt een prikkeling, een knetter in je hoofd en ik werd voor m ijn gevoel een bepaalde richting opgeduwd. Je kan dat gevoel wel onderdrukken als je echt je best doet, m aar het voelde toch prettiger om rechts af te gaan. Men weet trouwens nog niet of dit schadelijk is voor de hersenen. < > Read full article: ens N O T A BE N E ! W a tc h th is v id e o : /data/im ages/ns/9999/radiocontrolledhum an.m pg N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === H u g h G u s te r s o n , T h e m ilita r iza tio n o f n e u r o s c ie n c e , Bu lle tin o f th e A to m ic S c ie n tis ts , th e b u lle tin .o r g , 9 April 2007, < nists/hugh-gusterson/the-m ilitarization-neuroscience >. Quote: < > Weve seen this story before: The Pentagon takes an interest in a rapidly changing area of scientific knowledge, and the world is forever changed. And not for the better. < > According to Jonathan Morenos fascinating and frightening new book, Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense (Dana Press 2006), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been funding research in the following areas: Mind-m achine interfaces (neural prosthetics) that will enable pilots and soldiers to control high-tech weapons by thought alone. Living robots whose m ovem ents could be controlled via brain im plants. This technology has already been tested successfully on roborats and could lead to anim als rem otely directed for m ine clearance, or even to rem otely controlled soldiers. Cognitive feedback helm ets that allow rem ote m onitoring of soldiers m ental state. MRI technologies (brain fingerprinting) for use in interrogation or airport screening for terrorists. Quite apart from questions about their error rate, such technologies would raise the issue of whether involuntary brain scans violate the Fifth Am endm ent right against self-incrim ination. Pulse weapons or other neurodisruptors that play havoc with enem y soldiers thought processes. Neuroweapons that use biological agents to excite the release of neurotoxins. (The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention bans the stockpiling of such weapons for offensive purposes, but not defensive research into their m echanism s of action.) New drugs that would enable soldiers to go without sleep for days, to excise traum atic m em ories, to suppress fear, or to repress psychological inhibitions against killing. Morenos book is im portant since there has been little discussion about the ethical im plications of such research, and the science is at an early enough stage that it m ight yet be redirected in response to public discussion. < > Meanwhile, individual scientists will tell them selves that, if they dont do the research, som eone else will. Research funding will be sufficiently dom inated by m ilitary grant m akers that it will cause som e scientists to choose between accepting m ilitary funding or giving up their chosen field of research. And the very real dual-use potential of these new technologies (the sam e brain im plant can create a robosoldier or rehabilitate a Parkinsons disease sufferer) will allow scientists to tell them selves that they are really working on health technologies to im prove the hum an lot, and the funding just happens to com e from the Pentagon. < > Read full article: nists/hugh-gusterson/the-m ilitarization-neuroscience === ===

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D e b o r a h D u p r e , ( V id e o ) W h a t is H .A .A .R .P .? H u m a n R ig h ts in fo 1 0 1 , E x a m in e r .c o m , April 7, 2010, < http://im age.exam /x-10438-Hum an-Rights-Exam iner~y2010m 4d7-Video-What-is-HAARP-Hum an-Rights-info-101 >. Quote: < > Though denied by HAARP officials, respected researchers such as Dr. Nick Begich allege that H.A.A.R.P.s secret electrom agnetic warfare capabilities are designed to forward the US m ilitarys stated goal of achieving full-spectrum dom inance by the year 2020. (See: Want To Know) It isnt just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. The European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution calling for m ore inform ation on its health and environm ental risks. Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing m ore sinister than a radio science research facility. (See the Canada public broadcasting network, CBC docum entary on H.A.A.R.P., located in Want To Know.) Want to Know state, To view the European Union (EU) docum ent which brings HAARP and sim ilar electrom agnetic weapons into question, click here. < >

Scan: Im age: http://im age3.exam /im ages/blog/EXID10438/im ages/300px-HAARP_site.jpg in http://im age.exam /x-10438-Hum an-Rights-Exam iner~y2010m 4d7-Video-What-is-HAARP-Hum an-Rights-info-101 < > M in d C o n tr o l H.A.A.R.P. is also a geophysical weather/Mind control weapon. In the audio below, Jim Marrs interviews Dr. Nick Begich on Whitley Striebers Dream land Radio about H.A.A.R.P. being a geophysical weather/m ind control weapon for the ultim ate covert war, not to m ention the ultim ate invasion of privacy. < > E le c tr o m a g n e tic im p a c t o n e n tir e p o p u la tio n s Dr. Begich stated in his book, Angels Dont Play This HAARP, that according to HAARP records, when the device is built to full power it can send VLF and ELF waves using m any wave form s at energy levels sufficient to affect entire populations. In 1998 at a World Foundation for Natural Sciences conference in Interlaken Switzerland, Dr. Begich reported what he then viewed the m ost shockingly revealing docum ent about electrom agnetic technology, one by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Air Force that included the statem ent: One can envision the developm ent of electrom agnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the hum an body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary m uscular m ovem ents, control em otions [and thus behavior], produce sleep, transm it suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term m em ory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. At the October 2006 End the Silent Holocaust teleconference initiated by the writer and sponsored by Freedom From Covert Surveillance and Harassm ent, Dr. Begich reported that psychotronics, including m ind-control technology, are now operational worldwide. < > Read full article: http://im age.exam /x-10438-Hum an-Rights-Exam iner~y2010m 4d7-Video-What-is-HAARP-Hum an-Rights-info-101 W a tc h th is v id e o : m in d y o u r b r a in , Jim M a r r s / N ic k Be g ic h / H .A .A .R .P P t.1 / 6 , y o u tu b e .c o m , Ju ly 1 8 , 2 0 0 8 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / w a tc h ? v = c 7 N N v n c H R S k& fe a tu r e = p la y e r _ e m b e d d e d > .

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=== === O n d e r zo e k n a a r a n d e r w a p e n te g e n h o o lig a n s , A N P / BV D L , A D N ie u w s m e d ia BV , a d .n l, 21/04/10, < l >. Quote: < > H IL V E R S U M D e p o litie o n d e r zo e kt o f e r a lte r n a tie v e w a p e n s in g e ze t ku n n e n w o r d e n te g e n g r o e p e n h o o lig a n s . D a a r b ij w o r d t g e d a c h t a a n g e u r -, lic h t- o f g e lu id s w a p e n s , d a n w e l e e n c o m b in a tie d a a r v a n . M e t d e r g e lijke w a p e n s ku n n e n a g r e s s ie v e g r o e p e n w o r d e n g e d e s o r i n te e r d , o m d e ze v e r v o lg e n s te is o le r e n o f te a r r e s te r e n . < > Read full article: l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === ==== T im R ifa t, M IC R O W A V E M IN D C O N T R O L , w h a le .to , < l >. Quote: < > In conclusion, it can be seen that the UK intelligence and police, have a dizzy array of high-tech m ind control devices. They regularly target their own populations and thousands of people are m ade ill by m icrowave weapons. With the advent of synthetic telepathy, CCTV of the m ind becom es a reality. With the election of a New Labour governm ent unaware of m icrowave weapons and untainted, as they had no part in their developm ent and deploym ent, it is certain that Tony Blairs governm ent will outlaw these abhorrent m icrowave weapons as they have done land m ines. The only problem will be convincing the Labour governm ent that MI5s m icrowave com m unication equipm ent is in fact m icrowave m ind control weaponry. With the total secrecy the MI5 organisation operates under, one can be sure they will be m endacious as to how their 200 m illion pound budget is used to hone their leading edge m icrowave m ind control torture weapons that are used on the public. Even m ore disturbing is the use of EMP and m icrowave weapons by the police on anyone researching into this area. < > Read full article: l l === === Ju lia S a g a r , W e ir d T e c h : R a y g u n m ic r o w a v e s d e m o n s tr a to r s , te c h r a d a r .c o m , June 6th 2008, < /news/com puting/pc/weird-tech-ray-gun-m icrowaves-dem onstrators-385251 >. Quote: < > The Pentagon tested out its latest toy a ray gun that harm lessly repels enem ies by causing a burning sensation in the top layer of the skin on m ock dem onstrators this week. To exhibit the weapon, the m ilitary staged a scenario that soldiers m ight encounter in Iraq. This consisted of a handful of m ilitary volunteers acting as civilian protesters, who were arm ed with signs saying peace not war and threw objects at a sm all collection of soldiers, The Raw Story reported. A few blasts from the Active Denial System later, and the crowd was effectively dispersed. However despite this dem onstration of faith, the m ilitary reportedly rem ains unwilling to trust the weapon enough to send it to Iraq, raising suspicions that the real intention is to use it for dom estic crowd control. < > Read full article:

converted by /news/com puting/pc/weird-tech-ray-gun-m icrowaves-dem onstrators-385251 === === A n n a R e im a n n u n d T o b ia s S c h r e ite r , G -8 -G e w a lt. P r o te s t g e g e n G u m m ig e s c h o s s -O ffe n s iv e , S P IE G E L O N L IN E , s p ie g e l.d e , 05.06.2007, <,1518,486722,00.htm l >. Quote: < > Randale in Rostock: Mit welchen Waffen Autonom e und Polizei km pfen < >

SCAN: Im age: g/0,1020,885842,00.jpg in l < > Lrm als Waffe: Die Schallkanone (Long Range Acoustic Device) wurde vom US-Unternehm en Am erican Technology Corporation fr das Militr entwickelt. Sie ist so gro wie eine Satellitenschssel und sendet in einem Winkel von 15 bis 30 Grad schm erzhafte Tne aus. Die Krachwaffe wurde schon von Schiffen gegen Piraten eingesetzt und kann auch gegen Menschenm engen verwendet werden. Bei dem ohrenbetubenden Lrm von bis zu 150 Dezibel sind Gehrschden nicht auszuschlieen < >

SCAN: Im age: g/0,1020,885828,00.jpg in l < > Strahlenwaffe: Die Mikrowellen-Kanone der US-Arm ee kann gezielt in eine Richtung abgefeuert werden. Beim Getroffenen wird die oberste Hautschicht in krzester Zeit auf etwa 50 Grad erhitzt, was Schm erzen auslst, die m it der Berhrung einer brennenden Glhbirne verglichen werden und zwar an der ganzen Krperfront, die der Waffe zugewandt ist. Weil die Strahlung weniger als einen halben Millim eter tief in die Haut eindringe, sollen erst nach 250 Sekunden tatschlich Verbrennungen auftreten <> Wolfgang Bosbach, stellvertretender Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, erklrte dem Fernsehsender N24, die Geschosse seien eine gefhrliche Einsatzwaffe, die auch eine tdliche Wirkung haben knne. Gewalttter agierten oft aus einer friedlichen Menge heraus, und es sei sehr schwierig, m it einer Distanzwaffe wie Gum m igeschossen nur den Angreifer zu verletzen und zu stoppen, nicht aber die friedlichen Dem onstranten um ihn herum . Wie Politiker aus Union und SPD hat auch die Polizei selbst verrgert auf Forderungen nach dem Einsatz von Gum m igeschossen zum Schutz vor Angriffen von Randalierern reagiert. Das ist alles Quatsch. Das ist eine absolute Dum m heit, so eine Diskussion, sagte der Sprecher dieser G-8-Sondereinheit, Axel Falkenberg. In Deutschland sei ber die Verwendung solcher Geschosse berhaupt noch nicht ausreichend nachgedacht worden. Auerdem fehlten klare gesetzliche Regelungen. < > Read full article:,1518,486722,00.htm l N B!: G o o g le T r a n s la te G e r m a n E n g lis h ,|en|

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=== === Y a s s in M u s h a r b a s h u n d C h r is tia n S t c ke r , D e m o -W a ffe n , S P IE G E L O N L IN E , s p ie g e l.d e , 05.06.2007, < ensch/0,1518,486777,00.htm l >, p. 2, < ensch/0,1518,486777-2,00.htm l >. Quote: < > Gum m igeschosse gelten pltzlich als geeignetes Mittel gegen Dem o-Gewalttter doch es gibt effektivere. SPIEGEL ONLINE zeigt die nicht-tdlichen Waffen, die heute schon gegen Dem onstranten eingesetzt werden, und blickt in das Arsenal der Autonom en. Sie sind ein Klassiker der Unruhen-Bekm pfung, und die Liste der Lnder, in denen Polizisten Gum m igeschosse anwenden, ist lang: Argentinien, Bolivien und Venezuela gehren dazu, aber auch Gam bia, die Elfenbeinkste, Nepal, Bangladesch und gypten. rzte und Menschenrechtsgruppen warnen vor der Munition: Die Geschosse knnten schwere Verletzungen anrichten, auf kurze Entfernung ernste, ja sogar tdliche Verletzungen hervorrufen, klagte Am nesty International 2003 ber die Praxis der franzsischen Polizei, im m er hufiger auf dieses Mittel zurckzugreifen. < > Hei werden soll Angreifern nach den Vorstellungen des US-Militrs: Dessen Active Denial System ist eine Mikrowellenkanone, die auf Fahrzeuge m ontiert und gezielt in eine Richtung abgefeuert werden kann. Die oberste Schicht der Haut wird bei den Getroffenen in krzester Zeit auf etwa 50 Grad Celsius erhitzt, was eine schm erzhafte Em pfindung auslst, die m it der Berhrung einer brennenden Glhbirne verglichen wird an der ganzen Krperfront, die der Waffe zugewandt ist. Der Schm erzreflex fhre bei dieser Tem peratur dazu, dass sich der Getroffene sofort abwende, versichern die Befrworter. Weil die Mikrowellenstrahlung weniger als einen halben Millim eter tief in die Haut eindringe, wrde es jedoch etwa 250 Sekunden dauern, bis tatschlich Verbrennungen auftrten. Kritiker bem ngeln, dass gerade bei Massenauflufen eine Flucht in dieser Zeit kaum m glich wre. > Read full article: ensch/0,1518,486777,00.htm l ensch/0,1518,486777-2,00.htm l N B!: G o o g le T r a n s la te G e r m a n E n g lis h ,|en| === === T o m H a y d e n , T h e M ilita r y O c c u p a tio n o f O u r M in d s , H u ffin g to n P o s t.c o m , April 27, 2010, < /tom -hayden/the-m ilitary-occupation-o_b_553709.htm l >. Quote: < > Paranoia? Do we live under Orwellian thought control? Of course not. But we the people, the m edia and the Congress, routinely accept taxpayer-funded Pentagon and White House public relations narratives. These often take disgusting form s, such as the false claim s and cover-up that soldier Pat Tillm an died under enem y fire, or the recent Special Forces killing of three pregnant wom en which was followed by digging of bullets out of their bodies to cover up the crim e. The current cycle of m ilitary m edia m anipulation began with the Iraq war, when the Pentagon enticed generals, intelligence officers, and defense contractors to becom e m essage force m ultipliers for the Bush adm inistrations version of the war, som etim es even when they suspected the inform ation was false or inflated. It took a New York Tim es lawsuit to uncover 8,000 pages of docum ents showing that the chosen surrogates could be counted on to deliver propaganda m essages in the form of their own opinions. The strategy goes far deeper than the sleaze of everyday public relations. This is about the Pentagons turning of com puter science into a weapon in the em erging field of inform ation warfare, in which the deaths of m en, wom en and children are less im portant than the perception of those deaths, or whether they are perceived by anyone at all. < > Read full article: /tom -hayden/the-m ilitary-occupation-o_b_553709.htm l === === ? , , 1 1 , 2 0 0 9 , u fo -in fo -c o n ta c t .o r g , < l >. Quote: < > . , , , , . < > Quote: < > : 1. - , ( , ). , . 2. , . 3. . 4. - . . < >

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Read full article: l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === R a m zy Ba r o u d , H o w th e W e s te r n M e d ia P r o m o te s a M is ta ke n V ie w o f th e W o r ld , G lo b a l R e s e a r c h , April 29, 2010, < >. Quote: < >

SCAN: Im age: in context=va&aid=18916 <> < > We can only challenge the abhorrent narratives about us when we start to present our own truth and experience, and support others to do the sam e. < > Read full article: === === Ju d y M a llo y , S y s te m s o f S u r v e illa n c e , w e ll.c o m , Last Update: April 3, 2010, < /user/jm alloy/gunterandgwen/resources.htm l >. Quote: < > At a tim e when technologies of surveillance and control such as brain scanning, m ind-body control, wireless rem ote control, and high-power ultrasound are developed with governm ent funds in sem i secret, it is im portant that we understand their potential for intrusion on the lives of hum an beings and anim als. Yet it is difficult to ask for ethical consideration of the use of technologies that we have not been inform ed of or do not understand. Rem em bering the exam ple of dedicated investigation and code breaking set by m any m en and wom en who were intelligence agents in World War II, and in conjunction with the fictional poetic narrative Revelations of Secret Surveillance, the references set forth here look at the potential for technology-m ediated surveillance and repression. Read full article: /user/jm alloy/gunterandgwen/resources.htm l === === E le a n o r W h ite , E le c tr o n ic H a r a s s m e n t E ffe c ts , r a v e n 1 .n e t, February 21, 2005, .htm , ent.pdf E le a n o r W h ite , T h e S ta te o f U n c la s s ifie d a n d C o m m e r c ia l T e c h n o lo g y , C a p a b le o f S o m e E le c tr o n ic A s s a u lt E ffe c ts , Novem ber 19, 2009, .htm === === N / A , R e s e a r c h a n d T o r tu r e , d e p lo y m e n t o f s u r v e illa n c e a n d h a r a s s m e n t te c h n o lo g ie s , 1 4 .0 1 .2 0 0 9 , /2009/01/14/research-and-torture/ Quote: < > P r o je c ts d o c u m e n te d a s fa c t , past and present, that have been aim ed at fir s tly , accessing and interpreting the hum an organsm s bodily and m ental functioning , and s e c o n d ly , m anipulating, to one degree or another, the behavioral, m ental states, and neuro-physiological function of the hum an organism , a r e n u m e r o u s . The US m ilitary and intelligence has,
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according to scholarly reports, spent large sum s of m oney and resources on the above stated technologies ( Colin A. Ross, CIA Doctors , also see links, reported interest and possibilities: Persingers article funding ex.:CIA and Tulane) . For m ost who m ay or m ay not be reading this, these research projects dont overtly effect you, though, with the technologies and tactics researched in the nam e of developing techniques to create h y p n o tic a s s a s s in s , stem m ing from M K u ltr a in post war Am erica, the m onies and research facilities broadened to encom pass generalized research on m ental and behavioral m anipulation. Atrocities from these researches, using governm ent, that is tax payer, funds, can be found detailed in CIA Doctors (previously entitled Bluebird) , by Colin A. Ross. < >

personal note: to the people using the few, or the m any undisclosed subjects in the stated C o v e r t H a r a s s m e n t/ G a n g S ta lkin g , otherwise E le c tr o n ic M in d C o n tr o l : You are a m o r a l h u m a n s to b e e q u a te d with N a zi wa r c r im in a ls , < >
Read full article: /2009/01/14/research-and-torture/ === === V a d im V . Ba r a n o v , T a ty a n a A . Ba r a n o v a ( n e e S p r y s ko v a ) , S e r g e i V . Ba r a n o v , S P E C IA L S E R V IC E S A G A IN S T T H E O R D IN A R Y P E O P L E , b a r a n o v fa m ily .o r g , London Moscow Los Angeles, March 2001 present tim e, < http://www.baranovfam >. Quote: < > T h e m e th o d s e la b o r a te d b y s p e c ia l s e r v ic e s fo r th e lim ite d p u r p o s e s o f s p e c ia l o p e r a tio n s a r e o n m a s s iv e s c a le tr a n s fe r r e d to p e a c e fu l p o p u la tio n in o r d e r to c r e a te a r tific ia l u n h e a lth in e s s w ith th e a im o f: behavior m odification; reduction of social and political activity of com petitors and opponents; suppression of any non sanctioned initiative in any sphere of life beginning from a dom estic one; and m ore often m erely against unwanted persons. The artificial unhealthiness of targeted victim s is achieved by clandestine application of the widest spectrum of chem ical or biological substances special m eans which cause deterioration of m ental or physical health (or both) of various degree and duration. It should be em phasized that such sort of actions in any case cause artificial decline of life quality, accelerate biological aging, artificially shorten life expectancy. The sam e practice extended to its lethal extrem e m akes it possible to carry out m ass purges cam ouflaging them under social and econom ic difficulties. < > The described here barbarous system is aim ed to solve quite certain tasks, which according to our observations are the following: To ruin the will, to destroy the m orale of the victim , etc; to m ake a victim guided, that is to force a person to do those things which in the norm al circum stances it would have never done (recruiting Rus: verbovka). To intim idate a victim , to force it to refuse the certain personal, social or political plans. To m ake im possible the realization of plans deliberately inducing poor health (artificial disability). To destroy the fam ily of a victim as a m ain support of resistance to violence. To reduce occupational, educational or personal activities, m asking application of special m eans under Multiple Chem ical Sensitivity Syndrom e, Chronic Fatigue Syndrom e, etc. As a revenge, causing m ore or less harm to health when intim idation, recruiting or luring failed. To discredit and arrange conditions for prosecution, or attach a false psychiatric diagnosis and then treat the victim as a lunatic. (As a result, to rem ove a dangerous witness, etc.) As tortures (deprivation of sleep, m uscular-skeletal pains, the hardest headaches, toothaches, etc.) and getting satisfaction from suffering caused to the victim (sadism ). For expulsion (from a residence, territory, m otherland, etc.) To dehum anize before liquidation. And the last to elim inate, to kill, to overtreat with special m eans (Rus: urabotat ) . That m eans that the aim to kill is put from the beginning arranging seem ingly natural death. The range of it is enorm ously wide. < > Read full article http://www.baranovfam === === , , 6 4 , liv e in te r n e t .r u , 2005 ., < l#BlCom 515538143 >. Quote: < > !!! P s y c h o tr o n ic W e a p o n s / : ! < > Quote: < > , 12 2009 ., l <> Read full article: l#BlCom 515538143

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N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === ===

S C A N : Im a g e : G o o g le S e a r c h , Br a in D a m a g e , / , Im age: http://im /im ages/P/6305461872.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg === ===

S C A N : Im a g e : G o o g le S e a r c h , M e n ta l S la v e r y , / , Im age: http://www.m /wpcontent/uploads/2006/11/m entaldeath.jpg in http://www.m /2006/11/12/the-psychological-traum a-of-m entalslavery/ === === s o le ilm a v is , M in d c o n tr o l v ic tim s R a lly 1 , Ju ly 1 8 , 2 0 0 8 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / u s e r / s o le ilm a v is > . /user/soleilm avis === === s o le ilm a v is , M in d C o n tr o l V ic tim s 1 , A u g u s t 0 1 , 2 0 0 7 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / u s e r / s o le ilm a v is # p / a / u / 2 / k2 u a o A s G 9 L o > . /user/soleilm avis#p/a/u/2/k2uaoAsG9Lo === === C h e r y l W e ls h , T a r g e te d In d iv id u a ls o f E x p e r im e n ta tio n a n d H a r a s s m e n t u s in g E le c tr o m a g n e tic R a d ia tio n a n d N o n -L e th a l W e a p o n s , m in d ju s tic e .o r g , < http://www.m s.htm >. Quote: < >

SCAN: Im age: http://www.m in http://www.m s.htm <>

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SCAN: Im age: http://www.m in http://www.m s.htm < > 1990s Russian journal article pictures, reflecting universal them es com m on to m ind control victim s of m any countries, particularly the U.S.; m ind control is the latest version of the centuries old practice of torture < > Quote: < > Contents Introduction: The Auschwitz Lesson Vicki Casagrande testifies before presidential com m ittee The first organization for m icrowave targeting no longer in existence Letter from the Association of National Security Alum ni to Cheryl Welsh Man held in attem pt to m ail Clinton a bom b Dan Rather Identifies Attacker Hong Kong professor sues U.S. for m ind control Peace wom en fear electronic zapping at base The first class action lawsuit for m icrowave targeting Mildred Cooper is a still very active octaganerian activist now Exam ple of an advertisem ent on m ind control Victim s from around the world. This book is entitled: Im peaching the Misuses of the Electric Waves as a Weapon Mother and children allege m icrowave targeting. Delores Hejazi died of throat cancer More about Delores Hejazi: Hi-tech intelligence tools. -Yet another Classified Intelligence Program . Sim ilar to the FBI Cointelpro Program . One of m any cases filed by prisoners JONES v. AULT cite as 67 F.R.D. 124 (1974) Electrom agnetic and Mind Control Technology Ex-Con Plans Class Action Suit, Claim s Prisoners Brainwashed Form er Prisoner Raises Question of Mind Control New 2002 Evidence confirm s San Quentin ex-prisoners 1960s claim of m ind control experim ent 2006 Book, Rem ote Control, The Battle For Your Mind, published <> Read full article: http://www.m s.htm === === D r . R e in h a r d M u n ze r t, T a r g e tin g th e H u m a n w ith D ir e c te d E n e r g y W e a p o n s , m ikr o w e lle n te r r o r .d e , 6. Sept. 2002, < http://www.m w-weapon.htm >. Quote: < > New arm s threaten and destroy lives in strange ways. Directed energy weapons are am ong the high-tech arm s of the century. They hurt and kill with electrom agnetic power. Microwave weapons can be aim ed at com puters, electronical devices and persons. They have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used for m ilitary and terrorist activities. These weapons are also part of crim es (in Europe) that alm ost nobody knows except the victim s and the offenders. Until now they m ake the perfect crim e possible. No doubt, these weapons have a terrible future. < > Read full article: http://www.m w-weapon.htm === === D r . N ic k Be g ic h , C o n tr o llin g th e H u m a n M in d : T h e T e c h n o lo g ie s o f P o litic a l C o n tr o l o r T o o ls fo r P e a k P e r fo r m a n c e , E a r th p u ls e P r e s s P u b lic a tio n s , e a r th p u ls e .c o m , < /src/product.asp? productid=212 >. Quote: < > This is the Century of the brain and the m ind. The technologies that have advanced, under cover of secrecy and

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national security, now have the power to either enslave us or free us to our higher potentials. These technologies will im pact our consciousness itself and as a result require an invigorated public debate, in the light of day. < > Dancing to the Tune of an Unknown Drum m er The articles and papers listed below are the very best of the m aterials we have recently utilized in our work. Mind Control: The Ultim ate Brave New World by Dr. Nick Begich US Electrom agnetic Weapons and Hum an Rights by Peter Phillips, Lew Brown and Bridget Thornton Advanced Neural Im plants and Control DARPA. Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research Defense Intelligence Agency Paraphysics R & D Warsaw Pact Defense Intelligence Agency Controlled Offensive Behavior USSR Defense Intelligence Agency Science & Technology for New DoD Capabilities Interactive Neuronal and Nanoelectronic/photonic Circuits Darpatech 2002 Sym posium Transform ing Fantasy Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars by Richard Alan Miller USSR Hypnosis at a Distance Defense Intelligence Agency DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY ~ OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY SECNAVINST 3900.39D _ HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION PROGRAM <> Read full article: /src/product.asp?productid=212 === === P S Y C H O L O G IC A L H A R A S S M E N T IN F O R M A T IO N A S S O C IA T IO N , p s y c h o lo g ic a lh a r a s s m e n t.c o m , < http://www.psychologicalharassm / >. Quote: < > In v is ib le W e a p o n s : P s y c h o lo g ic a l th e M in d < -> P h y s ic a l th e Bo d y One invisible weapon or technology that affects the m ind, psychological m anipulations or harassm ent is used to use another invisible weapon that affects the body, the weapon of high levels of stress and sleep deprivation, coritsol and adrenaline, which can lead to acid-base disorders and serious illness such as brain aneurysm , heart attacks, and cancer. < > Read full article: http://www.psychologicalharassm / === === A n d e r s , T h e G e s ta p o R e v iv e s : M in d C o n tr o l In U S a n d E U , e u r o -m e d .d k , 29 Mar 2010, < http://euro-m p=14548 >. Read full article: http://euro-m === === m h ky u s , V ic tim o f O r g a n ize d D o m e s tic S ta lkin g & E le c tr o n ic H a r a s s m e n t, n o w p u b lic .c o m , August 17, 2009, /world/victim -organized-dom estic-stalking-electronic-harassm ent Quote: < > I a m a v ic tim o f s ta lkin g a n d e le c tr o n ic h a r a s s m e n t in Louisville, KY. I have been gathering evidence as I go along but cannot believe how m uch this is actually tolerated, and how m any victim s there really are worldwide. < > P e r p e tr a to r s that are involved in this type of stalking are trying to wear you down to the point that you feel worthless, unattractive, and unable to achieve anything or m aintain a level of independence, learn or focus on anything or even rem em ber things very easily and then it is m ade obvious on purpose. As if to convince you that your life is of no value and you dont even have the right to take care of yourself or m ake independent decisions. In the m eantim e, also keeping a som e type of controversy or suspicion loom ing just for the sake of dram a to m ake the target less credible, less capable of achieving anything, and m ore able to m anipulate or control. <> In s ta n c e s o f e le c tr o n ic , e le c tr o m a g n e tic , a n d m ic r o w a v e w e a p o n s s e e m to b e e m e r g in g a s n e w a n d m o r e d e a d ly fo r m s o f h a r a s s m e n t a n d s u r v e illa n c e . < > PLEASE SIGN THE FOLLOWING PETITIONS TO HELP BAN ORGANIZED STALKING AND HARASSMENT: /online/33163.htm l

converted by ind_controldirected_energy_weapons_abuse_and_torture <> Read full article: /world/victim -organized-dom estic-stalking-electronic-harassm ent === === E le a n o r W h ite , P O L IC E W H O K N O W IN F O R M A T IO N , m u ltis ta lke r v ic tim s .o r g , Log started Feb. 11, 2006, Rev: Novem ber 16, 2007, < http://www.m ultistalkervictim >. Quote: < > T O P O L IC E O F F IC E R S : As you can see here, your colleagues are finally telling the truth. Please join them in letting the world know about this decades-old crim e. Anonym ity is guaranteed if you contact m e, Eleanor White, with your story. ewraven1@sym <> Read full article: http://www.m ultistalkervictim === === S o le ilm a v is , L a w y e r s w h o kn o w m in d c o n tr o l a b u s e a n d to r tu r e , in W e h e lp v ic tim s , p e a c e p in k.n in g .c o m , Novem ber 9, 2008, < /forum /topics/lawyers-who-know-m ind-control >. Quote: < > After a long tim e hard working, we have already bring awareness of m ind control abuse and torture to m any people, including som e lawyers. H e r e a r e s o m e la w y e r s w h o kn o w a b o u t M in d C o n tr o l A b u s e a n d T o r tu r e . If you know m ore other lawyers who know about Mind Control Abuse and Torture, please add their nam e to this list by reply . < > Read full article: /forum /topics/lawyers-who-know-m ind-control === ===

S c a n : Im age: Mental Slavery, Free your m ind: /_EX4vJvg1kzM/SvUdfOtftlI/AAAAAAAAAGs/vdTtqTGjX40/S220/n536344631_1700769_2843582.jpg in /search/label/Conspiracy === === E le a n o r W h ite , D O C T O R S W H O K N O W IN F O R M A T IO N , m u ltis ta lke r v ic tim s .o r g , Log started Aug. 27, 2006, Rev: January 25, 2009, < http://www.m ultistalkervictim >. Quote: < > T O D O C T O R S : As you can see here, your colleagues are finally telling the truth. Please join them in letting the world know about this decades-old crim e. Anonym ity is guaranteed if you contact m e, Eleanor White, with your story. ewraven1@sym <> Read full article: http://www.m ultistalkervictim === === Watch this video: G S w a tc h d o g , F r e e d o m F ig h te r s v . O r g a n ize d S ta lke r s 3 , y o u tu b e .c o m , N o v e m b e r 0 8 , 2 0 0 9 , < h ttp :/ / w w w .y o u tu b e .c o m / w a tc h ? v = o kzU g s S -jY s > .

converted by /watch?v=okzUgsS-jYs === === 2 6 .1 2 .2 0 1 0 , N O T A BE N E !: S te v e n d e Jo n g , G r o u p A n o n y m o u s o p o o r lo g s p a d zo n d e r c o m m a n d a n t, N R C H a n d e ls b la d , O p in ib lo g , w e b lo g s .n r c .n l, 1 0 .1 2 .2 0 1 0 , < ous-op-oorlogspad-zonder-com m andant/ >. Quote: ( ) L a a ts te b a s tio n v a n v r ijh e id ()

( ) SCAN: Im age: in ous-op-oorlogspad-zonder-com m andant/ () Het bewustzijn wordt warm van begrippen als vrijheid en waarheid en vindt legitim atie in beroem de spreuken: die van Ron Paul ( Truth is treason in the em pire of lies.), Benjam in Franklin ( He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.) en Abraham Lincoln ( Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for them selves.). In een verklaring op wordt internet aangem erkt als het la a ts te b a s tio n v a n v r ijh e id in e e n e v o lu e r e n d e te c h n is c h e w e r e ld . ( ) Read full article: ous-op-oorlogspad-zonder-com m andant/ N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en|

Thank you! Yours sincerely. Com m ents (3)

April 20, 2010


Filed under: ATTACK!!!, MINDCO NS THEO RY O F INFO W AR AGAINST CIVILIANS!, Brain Destruction, HELP THE VICTIMS!, INVASIVE W EAPO NS!, m edia, Mind Control News, Neurodem ocracy, STO P INFO W AR AGAINST CIVILIANS!, Welcom e to the

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Machines!, Welcom e to the Secret Services Globalization!, W ELCO ME TO YO UR BRAIN! Tags: Arm es psychotroniques, Culture, Droits Hum ains, , Elections, Health, infowar, Menschen, NEURO MO RAL, Politics, Science, Verk iezingen m indcon @ 6:40 pm

A T T A C K !!! WELC O ME TO THE NEU RO DEMO C RA C Y! F r o m th e Bio n ic A n im a l to th e Bio n ic H u m a n . D e a r @ S ir , @ M a d a m , More on the story can be found here: PA RT 1 R o b o tic A n im a ls : Im p la n tin g M ic e w ith S p e e c h R e c o g n itio n , F u tu r e F e e d e r , fu tu r e fe e d e r .c o m , June 17th, 2005, < /2005/06/robotic-anim als-im plantingm ice-with-speech-recognition/ >. Quote: < > Scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center of Shandong University of Science and Technology have dem onstrated how a set of com puter generated electronic signals can control the behavior of the m ice. < >

SCAN: Im age: /wp-content/IIm ages/labm ouse.jpg in /2005/06/roboticanim als-im planting-m ice-with-speech-recognition/ < > via Chinanews | PhysOrg A m ouse can understand hum an speech! Recently, it was observed at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center of Shandong University of Science and Technology that five m ice with m icro electrodes im planted on their heads obeyed the com puter-generated com m ands of the research staff, correctly com pleting com m ands to, in succession, turn left, turn right and m ove forward. Anim al robots, also known as robotic anim als or intelligent anim als, are anim als whose nervous system s are controlled by hum an electronic signals, turning them into robotic anim als. < > Read full article: /2005/06/robotic-anim als-im planting-m ice-with-speech-recognition/ === === D e s lim s te r a t te r w e r e ld ( r e d .) , F A Q T , fa q t.n l, 24 nov 2009, < >. Quote: < > Wetenschappers zijn er in geslaagd een rat veel slim m er te m aken door hem m eer geheugen te geven. < >

SCAN: Im age: in <> Toen Hobbie-J nog een em bryo was, is hij genjecteerd m et genetisch m ateriaal dat van nature in de hersenen van zoogdieren aanwezig is en het geheugen reguleert. Hij heeft daarm ee een veel groter geheugen gekregen. Dr. Joe Tsien, die het experim ent leidde op het Medical College of Georgia, ontdekte dat Hobbie-J dankzij het extra gen inform atie beter kan herinneren. Onze studie bewijst dat genetica cruciaal is voor de verbetering van het geheugen. Genetische m anipulatie kan worden gebruikt voor

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geheugen doping. Wanneer de gentherapie beschikbaar is voor m ensen, kan Tsien niet zeggen. Maar dat ook m ensen en andere zoogdieren binnenkort een beter geheugen kunnen krijgen dankzij een injectie, lijkt hem logisch. Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === G e o r g e G a r d n e r , S c ie n tis ts g lo a t o v e r p ig e o n r e m o te , T e c h n o lo g y n e w s , Blo r g e .c o m , te c h .b lo r g e .c o m , February 27, 2007, < /Structure:%20/2007/02/27/scientists-gloat-over-pigeon-rem ote/ >. Quote: < > Using a rem ote control in com bination with the electrodes, scientists were able to com m and the pigeons to fly left, right, up, or down. Su and his team unfortunately were not able to add a reverse function to their device. < > Its the first such successful experim ent on a pigeon in the world, Xinhua news agency quoted Su Xuecheng, as saying, The im plants stim ulate different areas of the pigeons brain according to signals sent by the scientists via com puter and force the bird to com ply with their com m ands. < > Read full article: /Structure:%20/2007/02/27/scientists-gloat-over-pigeon-rem ote/ === === F lig h t o f p ig e o n s r e m o te -c o n tr o lle d b y C h in e s e S c ie n tis ts u s in g m ic r o e le c tr o d e s , T e c h S h o u t.c o m , Feb 28, 2007, < /science/2007/28/flight-of-pigeons-rem ote-controlled-by-chinese-scientists-usingm icroelectrodes/ >. Quote: < > The im plants in the pigeons brain stim ulated different areas of the pigeons brain according to signals sent by the scientists via a com puter. These im plants thus forced the bird to com ply with their com m ands m aking it right or left or up or down. < > Read full article: /science/2007/28/flight-of-pigeons-rem ote-controlled-by-chinese-scientists-usingm icroelectrodes/ === === C h in a C e n tr a l T e le v is io n , 0 8 / 0 7 / 1 4 E x tr a o r d in a r y H o m in g P ig e o n ( P a r t 2 ) , C C T V .c o m , 07-14-2008, < /program /natureandscience/20080714/102731.shtm l >. Quote: < > Prof. Su Xuecheng developed the first Chinese rem ote controlled m ouse two years ago. It could turn left or right under peoples guidence. < >

SCAN: Im age: /program /natureandscience/20080714/im ages/102731_1216005598797.jpg in /program /natureandscience/20080714/102731.shtm l <> If the pigeons could be taught to obey hum ans, it would have m uch greater practical value than a robotic m ouse. < > T h e p ig e o n c a n t a v o id c lo s in g its e y e s a n d tu r n in g its h e a d . A t th is m o m e n t, th e in te n s ity o f th e c u r r e n t w a s s tr e n g th e n e d fu r th e r . < > W A T C H V ID E O : 0 8 / 0 7 / 1 4 S E x tr a o r d in a r y H o m in g P ig e o n (Part 1): /video/natureandscience/2008/07/natureandscience_300_20080714_1.shtm l Read full article:

converted by /program /natureandscience/20080714/102731.shtm l W A T C H V ID E O : /program /natureandscience/20080714/102731.shtm l === === S u X u e c h e n g , ti v o g lio c o n o s c e r e , th e g o le m .s p lin d e r .c o m , 28 febbraio 2007, < http://thegolem /post/11158184 >, < http://thegolem /post/11158184/Su+Xuecheng,+ti+voglio+conosce >. Quote: < > Lo studioso ha inoltre sottolineato di voler lavorare allottim izzazione del funzionam ento dei dispositivi, in m odo da cercare applicazioni pratiche per il futuro. < >

SCAN: Im age: in http://thegolem /post/11158184 <> Read full article: http://thegolem /post/11158184 http://thegolem /post/11158184/Su+Xuecheng,+ti+voglio+conosce N B!: G o o g le T r a n s la te Ita lia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === C in a , g u id a n o il v o lo d e i p ic c io n i c o n d e i m ic r o e le ttr o d i n e l c e r v e llo , la, r e p u b b lic a .it , 27 febbraio 2007, < l >. Quote: < > Con una serie di m icro elettrodi sistem ati nel cervello degli uccelli, i ricercatori afferm ano di averne condizionato il volo, ordinando loro di volare a destra o a sinistra, oppure di planare verso lalto o verso il basso. Gli im pianti elettronici stim olano diverse aree del cervello dei piccioni a seconda dei segnali inviati attraverso il com puter, forzando cos lanim ale a rispondere ai com andi, spiegano i ricercatori allagenzia di stam pa. < > Read full article: l N B!: G o o g le T r a n s la te Ita lia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === R o b o -p ig e o n : th e p ig e o n th a t flie s w h e r e v e r y o u fa n c y , M a ilO n lin e , th e D a ily M a il, T h e M a il o n S u n d a y & M e tr o M e d ia G r o u p , A s s o c ia te d N e w s p a p e r s L td , d a ily m a il.c o .u k , 28 februari 2007, < http://www.dailym l >. Quote: < > By sending electronic im pulse signals from a com puter on the ground, they were able to plot a course and force the pigeons to fly in a chosen direction. < > Via a com puter, we forced the bird to com ply with our com m ands, he said. < > Exactly what practical use rem ains a m ystery. Thought control, with its Orwellian overtones, is a sensitive issue, even if lim ited to pigeons and m ice. < > Read full article:

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http://www.dailym l === === Br a in Im p la n ts & N e u r a l In te r fa c e , b lo g s .m y s p a c e .c o m , m aart 14, 2007, < http://blogs.m /index.cfm ? fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=146309030&blogId=241095887 >. Quote: < >

SCAN: Im age: /album s/u40/thesingularity/rat_brain_im plant.jpg in http://blogs.m /index.cfm ?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=146309030&blogId=241095887 <>

SCAN: Im age: /album s/u40/thesingularity/cyborg_pigeon2.jpg in http://blogs.m /index.cfm ?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=146309030&blogId=241095887 <> Watch this video: Read full article: http://blogs.m /index.cfm ?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=146309030&blogId=241095887 === === S te fa n A n ite i, R e s e a r c h e r s H a v e M a n a g e d R e m o te C o n tr o l o n P ig e o n s F lig h t, N a n o -Bio te c h n o lo g y , S o ftp e d ia , n e w s .s o ftp e d ia .c o m , 27th of February 2007, < /news/Researchers-Have-Managed-Rem oteControl-on-Pigeons-039-Flight-48153.shtm l >. Quote: < > The im plants stim ulate different areas of the pigeons brain according to electronic signals sent by the scientists via com puter, m irroring natural signals generated by the brain, and force the bird to com ply with the operators instructions said Su Xuecheng, the centers chief scientist. < >

SCAN: Im age: /im ages/news2/Researchers-Have-Managed-Rem ote-Control-on-Pigeons-039-Flight2.jpg in /news/Researchers-Have-Managed-Rem ote-Control-on-Pigeons-039-Flight-48153.shtm l < > The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is also m aking investigations on the field of controlling anim als, turning m arine life into front line scouts. Earlier this year, DARPA announced a project to actively m anipulate a sharks brain signal, allowing scientists to accurately control the sharks m ovem ents. This technology would be used to help these
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stealth sharks patrol the open seas like underwater spies. The US Arm y wants to exploit the sharks natural ability to glide quietly through the water, sense delicate electrical gradients and follow chem ical trails. By rem otely guiding the sharks, the Arm y could follow enem y vessels without being spotted. As progress on the project continues, DARPA will release blue sharks im planted with the devices off the coast of Florida. < > <> Read full article: /news/Researchers-Have-Managed-Rem ote-Control-on-Pigeons-039-Flight-48153.shtm l === === R e m o te C o n tr o l C y b o r g In s e c ts N o w A R e a lity , V id e o , D is c lo s e .tv , P IN D Z M E D IA , p in d z.b lo g s p o t.c o m , Septem ber 27, 2009, /2009/09/rem ote-control-cyborg-insects-now.htm l === === PA RT 2

D e m is H a s s a b is , C a r lto n C h u , G e r a in t R e e s , N iko la u s W e is ko p f, P e te r D . M o ly n e u x a n d E le a n o r A . M a g u ir e , D e c o d in g N e u r o n a l E n s e m b le s in th e H u m a n H ip p o c a m p u s , C u r r e n t Bio lo g y , V o lu m e 1 9 , Is s u e 7 , 5 4 6 -5 5 4 , E ls e v ie r L td , c e ll.c o m / c u r r e n t-b io lo g y , 12 March 2009, < /current-biology/fulltext/S09609822%2809%2900741-6 >. Quote: < > Sum m ary Ba c kg r o u n d The hippocam pus underpins our ability to navigate, to form and recollect m em ories, and to im agine future experiences. How activity across m illions of hippocam pal neurons supports these functions is a fundam ental question in neuroscience, wherein the size, sparseness, and organization of the hippocam pal neural code are debated. < >

SCAN: Figure 5, /im ages/journalim ages/0960-9822/ l.gif in h ttp :/ / w w w .c e ll.c o m / c u r r e n t-b io lo g y / fu llte x t/ S 0 9 6 0 -9 8 2 2 % 2 8 0 9 % 2 9 0 0 7 4 1 -6 < > D is c u s s io n Our results dem onstrate that fine-grained spatial inform ation can be accurately decoded solely from the pattern of fMRI activity across spatially distributed voxels in the hum an hippocam pus. This shows that the population of hippocam pal neurons representing place m ust necessarily be large, robust, and nonuniform . Thus, our findings im ply that, contrary to prevailing theories, there m ay be an underlying functional organization to the hippocam pal neural code. < > C o n c lu s io n s Here, we focused on the cross-species behavior of navigation, dem onstrating that highly abstracted representations of space are expressed across tens of thousands of coordinated neurons in the hum an hippocam pus in a structured m anner. < > By showing that it is possible to detect and discrim inate between m em ories of adjacent spatial positions, our com bination of noninvasive in vivo high-resolution fMRI and m ultivariate analyses opens up a new avenue for exploring episodic m em ory at the population level. In the future, it m ay be feasible to decode individual episodic m em ory traces from the activity of neuronal ensem bles in the hum an hippocam pus. This brings ever closer the tantalizing prospect of discovering how a persons lifetim e of experiences is coded by the neurons of the brain. < > Read full article: /current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822%2809%2900741-6 === === S A M A N T H A G R O S S ( A P ) , M in d -r e a d in g b r a in -s c a n s o ftw a r e s h o w c a s e d in N Y , T h e A s s o c ia te d P r e s s , 8.04.2010, < /hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jpJKXrjBOe-rLKZbqgFl5em tgYFgD9EUP19G0 >.

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Quote: < > Software that uses brain scans to determ ine what item s people are thinking about was am ong the technological innovations showcased Wednesday by Intel Corp., which drew back the curtain on a num ber of projects that are still under developm ent. < > De visie is in staat om interface tot inform atie, uw apparaten en andere m ensen zonder tussenliggend apparaat, zei hij. < > While Intel prim arily m akes com puter processors and other hardware, it often works to develop and dem onstrate new technologies in an effort to stim ulate the m arket and advance its reputation. < > Read full article: /hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jpJKXrjBOe-rLKZbqgFl5em tgYFgD9EUP19G0 === === K a tie N e ls o n , In te l d e b u ts m in d -r e a d in g b r a in s c a n s in N Y C , N Y D a ily N e w s .c o m , April 8th 2010, < /m oney/2010/04/08/2010-04-08_m indreading_brain_scans_debut_in_nyc.htm l >. Quote: < > New technology unveiled by Intel Corp. can read m inds. < > Future im provem ents to brain scanning technology could m ean that todays $2 m illion, 12-foot device will one day be sm all enough to wear on a head band or in a hat or behind your ear and allow us to interface with the global network sim ply through the power of our thoughts, Intel researcher Dean Pom erleau said. < > Read full article: /m oney/2010/04/08/2010-04-08_m indreading_brain_scans_debut_in_nyc.htm l === === Jo e C r o w th e r , M in d -r e a d in g b r a in -s c a n s o ftw a r e s h o w c a s e d in N e w Y o r k, M E T R O , m e tr o .c o .u k, 8th April, 2010, < http://www.m ind-reading-brain-scan-software-showcased-in-new-york >. Quote: < > The software uses brain scans to determ ine what item s people are thinking about at any given tim e. < > Pom erleau is touting the new software as on of the first steps to being able to control technology with our m inds. < > Read full article: http://www.m ind-reading-brain-scan-software-showcased-in-new-york === === M a r k H a r r is , C a n a d ia n s in v e n t in fr a r e d m in d -r e a d in g r a y , F u tu r e P u b lis h in g L im ite d , te c h r a d a r .c o m , February 10th 2009, < /news/world-of-tech/canadians-invent-infrared-m ind-reading-ray-528377 >. This is the first system that decodes preference naturally from spontaneous thoughts, says Sheena Luu, the University of Toronto student in biom edical engineering who led the study. < >

SCAN: Im age: http://cdn.m //im ages/brain-218-85.jpg in /news/world-oftech/canadians-invent-infrared-m ind-reading-ray-528377 < > This is your brain, as seen by a Canadian < > When your brain is active, the oxygen in your blood increases and, depending on the concentration, it absorbs m ore or less light, Luu says. In som e people, their brains are m ore active when they dont like som ething, and in som e people theyre m ore active when they do like som ething. In the future, Luu envisions creating a portable, near-infrared sensor that rests on the forehead and relies on wireless technology, opening up the world of choice to children who cant speak or m ove. Thats all very well, although TechRadar envisions a future where Canadians rule the world with an iron fist, probing a terrified global population with brain scans to seek out and < > Read full article: /news/world-of-tech/canadians-invent-infrared-m ind-reading-ray-528377 === ==== E w e n C a lla w a y , Br a in s c a n n e r s c a n te ll w h a t y o u r e th in kin g a b o u t, N e w S c ie n tis t, M a g a zin e is s u e 2 7 3 2 , n e w s c ie n tis t.c o m , 28 October 2009, < /article/m g20427323.500-brain-scanners-can-tellwhat-youre-thinking-about.htm l?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news >.

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Quote: < > WHAT are you thinking about? Which m em ory are you reliving right now? You m ay think that only you can answer, but by com bining brain scans with pattern-detection software, neuroscientists are prying open a window into the hum an m ind. < > Read full article: /article/m g20427323.500-brain-scanners-can-tell-what-youre-thinking-about.htm l?DCMP=OTCrss&nsref=online-news === === G is e la T e lis , P a r d o n , Y o u r T h o u g h ts A r e S h o w in g , A A A S , A m e r ic a n A s s o c ia tio n fo r th e A d v a n c e m e n t o f S c ie n c e , n e w s .s c ie n c e m a g .o r g , March 11, 2010, < http://news.sciencem l?etoc >. Quote: < > C o g n itiv e n e u r o s c ie n tis t E le a n o r M a g u ir e a n d h e r c o lle a g u e s a t U n iv e r s ity C o lle g e L o n d o n a r e n o s tr a n g e r s to m in d r e a d in g . < > The findings confirm that the hippocam pus is heavily involved in episodic m em ory. This is really an interesting result, its the closest weve com e to reading specific m em ories, says Lynn Nadel, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson. < > W h a t h a p p e n s to th e s e m e m o r ie s o v e r tim e is a n im p o r ta n t is s u e th a t r e m a in s to b e r e s o lv e d , s h e s a y s . < > Read full article: http://news.sciencem l?etoc === === S a m s a m s o n s o y , N S A T E C H N IQ U E S A N D R E S O U R C E S , g lo b a lm in d c o n tr o l.w e b s .c o m , April 05, 2010, < http://globalm /apps/blog/entries/show/3360817-nsa-techniques-and-resources >. Quote: < >

SCAN: Im age: http://globalm /scalartech12_05.gif in http://globalm /apps/blog/entries/show/3360817-nsa-techniques-and-resources <> Read full article: http://globalm /apps/blog/entries/show/3360817-nsa-techniques-and-resources === === S u r fd a d d y O r c a , U s in g Y o u r T h o u g h t-C o n tr o lle d iP h o n e to D ia l H o m e , H + M a g a zin e , h p lu s m a g a zin e .c o m , April 12, 2010, < http://hplusm /articles/neuro/using-your-thought-controlled-iphone-dial-hom e >. Quote: < > In addition the EPOC can read brain activity related to facial m ovem ents, which can be translated in software to infer your em otional state and intentions. < > If brainwave signals can be plucked out of the air to get the m ood of a space, then brainwaves can be hacked. < > Read full article: http://hplusm /articles/neuro/using-your-thought-controlled-iphone-dial-hom e === === S u r fd a d d y O r c a , M in d R e a d in g ( N e u r a l D e c o d in g ) G o e s M a in s tr e a m , H + M a g a zin e , h p lu s m a g a zin e .c o m , Novem ber 9, 2009, < http://hplusm /articles/neuro/m ind-reading-neural-decoding-goes-m ainstream >. Quote: < > These developm ents are raising concerns about the potential exploitation of m ind reading technologies by advertisers or oppressive governm ents. So its understandable that researchers are wary of having their work referred to as m ind reading. < >

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What was once speculative fiction the ability to read m inds and to control the m ovem ent of objects using thought alone, som etim es called m ind-over-m atter - is rapidly becom ing neurotechnological fact. < > Read full article: http://hplusm /articles/neuro/m ind-reading-neural-decoding-goes-m ainstream W a tc h th is v id e o : w o r ld c a r fa n s , H o n d a D e v e lo p s Br a in -M a c h in e In te r fa c e T e c h n o lo g y , y o u tu b e .c o m , March 31, < 2009, /watch?v=q-fE9QBy0FI&feature=player_em bedded >.

=== === V ig ila n t, T h e H id d e n M e a n in g o f L a d y G a g a s T e le p h o n e , T h e V ig ila n t C itize n , v ig ila n tc itize n .c o m , M a r 1 4 th , 2 0 1 0 , < /?p=3423 >. Quote: < > Lady Gagas 9-m inute video featuring Beyonc is steeped in weirdness and shock value. Behind the strange aesthetic, however, lies a deeper m eaning, another level of interpretation. The video refers to m ind control and, m ore specifically, Monarch Program m ing, a covert technique profusely used in the entertainm ent industry. < > There are, yet again, a whole bunch of Illum inati/m ind control sym bols in Lady Gagas latest video. < > This concept is never openly discussed by the artists when they are asked to explain their videos because it is not m eant to be understood for the m asses. The hidden m eaning of the video actually depicts the elites contem pt for the general population, hence the scene of ritual m urder of average Am ericans in a diner by m ind-controlled slaves. < > In the video, the telephone is a m etaphor for Gagas brain and the fact that she is not answering that phone (her brain) m eans that she has dissociated from reality. Dissociation is the ultim ate goal of Monarch m ind control. It is induced by traum atizing events, such as electroshock therapy or torture, to force the victim to dissociate from reality. This enables the handlers to create in the victim an alter personality that can be program m ed to perform various tasks, such as carrying out an assassination. <> In C o n c lu s io n Telephone is yet another Lady Gaga product perm eated with references to m ind control and Illum inati sym bolism . Gagas com m entary on todays youth is certainly not a positive one. The video basically says: Am erica is ready to eat any poisonous crap the elite serves them , and that is accom plished through controlled puppets. < > Read full article: /?p=3423 === === V ig ila n t, T h e T r a n s h u m a n is t a n d P o lic e S ta te A g e n d a in P o p M u s ic , T h e V ig ila n t C itize n , F e b 2 2 n d , 2 0 1 0 , v ig ila n tc itize n .c o m , < /?p=3306 >. Quote: < > In C o n c lu s io n Articles on this site have m ainly focused on the occult sym bols found in m usic videos. There are, however, other aspects of the Illum inati agenda that are present in popular culture. Transhum anism and the establishm ent of a virtual police state are two objectives that are slowly but surely being im plem ented with little to no public debate. Movies, video gam es and the m usic industry are doing the job of leading the m asses collective consciousness towards a new era by saturating the airwaves with those concepts. The robot agenda, as som e observers call it, has been an intricate part of the m usic industry for years now and exam ples of it are way too m any to enum erate. The them e of the upgraded hum an due to his robotization has been exploited by

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m ost of todays international stars. There is a difference between a trend and an agenda. The police state elem ent found in video and perform ances is relatively new but equally, if not m ore, disturbing. Music has always been a healing, liberating and em ancipating m edium . Looking at the m usic industrys products of the last years, is there a possibility of it being hijacked by an ever-intrusive elite? Think about who owns the record com panies. < > Read full article: Watch this video: /?p=3306 === === Ja r e d L a n g e v in , T h e S p a tia l M in d , ja r g o n e tc e te r a .b lo g s p o t.c o m , March 26, 2010, < /2010/03/spatial-m ind.htm l >. Quote: < > New Scientist published an interesting article this week about the influence of the bodys positioning in space on ones thought processes. According to recent research, space and the body are actually m uch m ore connected to the m ind than has been traditionally accepted. <>

SCAN: Im age: /_nfGqOdQ_zWw/S6ysKstm 56I/AAAAAAAAAi8/utbSRCV43PI/s1600/m indreading.jpg in /2010/03/spatial-m ind.htm l <> Read full article: /2010/03/spatial-m ind.htm l === === M in d r e a d in g s c a n n e r te s te d , M E T R O , m e tr o .c o .u k, 24th Septem ber, 2008, < http://www.m ind-reading-scanner-tested >. Quote: < > A m ind-reading security scanner which screens the person, rather than their bags, is being tested in the US, it em erged today. < > But the system raises serious privacy concerns as it catalogues a persons vital signs for non-m edical reasons and could be seen as invasive. < > Read full article: http://www.m ind-reading-scanner-tested W a tc h th is v id e o : je tte r c a t, F A S T C o m in g to a n A ir p o r t n e a r Y O U ! F u tu r e A ttr ib u te S c r e e n in g T e c h n o lo g y : T h e M a c h in e T h a t R e a d s , y o u tu b e .c o m , Septem ber 23, 2008,

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=== === K u r t N im m o , G o v e r n m e n t L ie d : N a ke d Bo d y S c a n n e r s C A N T r a n s m it Im a g e s , A le x Jo n e s p r is o n p la n e t.c o m , April 3, 2010, < /governm ent-lied-naked-body-scanners-can-transm it-im ages.htm l >. Quote: < > As it turns out, the m achines can save im ages. This was confirm ed in a letter sent to Rep. Bennie G. Thom pson, Chairm an of the Com m ittee on Hom eland Security, at approxim ately the sam e tim e the governm ent claim ed the m achines are safe and cannot save im ages. In fact, this ability is a governm ent requirem ent. < > Read full article: /governm ent-lied-naked-body-scanners-can-transm it-im ages.htm l === === D a v id W h ite h o u s e , Ja p a n e s e d e v e lo p fe m a le a n d r o id , BBC N e w s , b b c .c o .u k , 27 July 2005, < >. Quote: < > Japanese scientists have unveiled the m ost hum an-looking robot yet a fem ale android nam ed Repliee Q1Expo. <>

SCAN: Im age: http://newsim edia/im ages/41348000/jpg/_41348135_rep_getty_203.jpg in < > Professor Ishiguro (r) stresses the im portance of appearance in his robots < > Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro of Osaka University says one day robots could fool us into believing they are hum an. < > Professor Ishiguro believes that it m ay prove possible to build an android that could pass for a hum an, if only for a brief period. < > Read full article: === === Ju d ith H o r s tm a n , Y o u r Bio n ic Br a in : T h e M e r g in g o f Br a in a n d M a c h in e , F O X N e w s N e tw o r k, fo x n e w s .c o m , April 13, 2010, < /scitech/2010/04/12/scientific-am erican-brave-new-brain/ >. Quote: < > The six-m illion dollar m an was pure fantasy in the 70s but largely realistic technology today. And the future of this tech is even wilder: Im plantable brain electrodes m ay be just around the corner. < >

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Scan: Im age: Flickr/illum inaut, Adapted from the book The Scientific Am erican Brave New Brain. /static/m anaged/im g/Scitech/brain_power_doom sday_604x341.jpg in /scitech/2010/04/12/scientific-am erican-brave-new-brain/ <> Read full article: /scitech/2010/04/12/scientific-am erican-brave-new-brain/ === === PA RT 3

L ia n e Y o u n g , Jo a n A lb e r t C a m p r o d o n , M a r c H a u s e r , A lv a r o P a s c u a l-L e o n e a n d R e b e c c a S a x e , D is r u p tio n o f th e r ig h t te m p o r o p a r ie ta l ju n c tio n w ith tr a n s c r a n ia l m a g n e tic s tim u la tio n r e d u c e s th e r o le o f b e lie fs in m o r a l ju d g m e n ts , Edited* by Nancy G. Kanwisher, M a s s a c h u s e tts In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , Cam bridge, MA, and approved February 22, 2010 (received for review Decem ber 21, 2009), the National Academ y of Sciences,, < >. Quote: < > Abstract When we judge an action as m orally right or wrong, we rely on our capacity to infer the actors m ental states (e.g., beliefs, intentions). Here, we test the hypothesis that the right tem poroparietal junction (RTPJ), an area involved in m ental state reasoning, is necessary for m aking m oral judgm ents. In two experim ents, we used transcranial m agnetic stim ulation (TMS) to disrupt neural activity in the RTPJ transiently before m oral judgm ent (experim ent 1, offline stim ulation) and during m oral judgm ent (experim ent 2, online stim ulation). In both experim ents, TMS to the RTPJ led participants to rely less on the actors m ental states. A particularly striking effect occurred for attem pted harm s (e.g., actors who intended but failed to do harm ): Relative to TMS to a control site, TMS to the RTPJ caused participants to judge attem pted harm s as less m orally forbidden and m ore m orally perm issible. Thus, interfering with activity in the RTPJ disrupts the capacity to use m ental states in m oral judgm ent, especially in the case of attem pted harm s. <> Read full article: === === Bo u w e v a n S tr a te n , M a g n e tis c h e m a n ip u la tie , H o e je s le c h te b e d o e lin g e n w e g s tim u le e r t, V P R O , n o o r d e r lic h t.v p r o .n l, 3 0 -0 3 -2 0 1 0 , < >. Quote: < > Hoe m oet je leven? Wat is goed, en wat niet? Morele regels zijn vaak eeuwenoud, en veranderen niet zom aar, zelfs al kunnen ze per cultuur verschillen. Je krijgt ze m et de paplepel ingegoten, en worden van generatie op generatie overgedragen. Maar m et sterke m agnetisch stim ulering kun je het m orele oordeel van m ensen aanzienlijk benvloeden. Dan blijken ideen over goed en kwaad opeens niet m eer zo stabiel, ontdekten onderzoekers van het MIT, Harvard University en Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Mensen krijgen dan m oeite om slechte bedoelingen en slechte uitkom sten uit elkaar te houden. <>

SCAN: Im age: http://im g.db?43286330+s%28400%29 in < > Als je een m agnetisch veld op een specifiek hersengebied richt, veranderen je m orele oordelen < > Liane Young, Marc Hauser e.a.: Disruption of the right tem poroparietal junction with transcranial m agnetic stim ulation reduces

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the role of beliefs in m oral judgm ents, in Proceedings of the National Academ y of Sciences, 29 m aart 2010. < >
Watch this video: Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === , M E M BR A N A , m e m b r a n a .r u , 31 2010, < http://www.m em >. Quote: < > - 25 ( ). , , 500 . T P J, J , . < >

SCAN: Im age: http://www.m em ages/form s/12269.jpeg in http://www.m em Quote: < > . , , , ( Rebecca Sax). < > Read full article: http://www.m em N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === , , , g a ze ta .a if .r u , 16.07.1998, < l >. Quote: < > , . < > , , . < > . < > . . < > , , . , , . , . < > , , . < > . , . , , , , . ,

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. < > ( 9 ). , . < > Read full article: l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === A n n e T r a fto n , E m o tio n s ke y to ju d g in g o th e r s , M a s s a c h u s e tts In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , w e b .m it.e d u , M a r c h 2 4 , 2 0 1 0 , < http://web.m oral-judgm ent.htm l >. Quote: < > Study offers a new piece to the puzzle of how the hum an brain constructs m orality <>

SCAN: Im age: http://web.m ages/article_im ages/20100324140605-1.jpg in http://web.m oral-judgm ent.htm l <> The finding offers a new piece to the puzzle of how the hum an brain constructs m orality, says Liane Young, a postdoctoral associate in MITs Departm ent of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and lead author of a paper describing the findings in the March 25 issue of the journal Neuron . Were slowly chipping away at the structure of m orality, says Young. Were not the first to show that em otions m atter for m orality, but this is a m ore precise look at how em otions m atter. < > Read full article: http://web.m oral-judgm ent.htm l === === , 2 1 2 0 0 6 , M E M BR A N A , m e m b r a n a .r u , < http://www.m em l >. Quote: < > - , . < >

SCAN: Im age: http://www.m em ages/articles/1158844771.jpeg in http://www.m em l <> -, . : (Nosferatu, eine Sym phonie des Grauens) ( ). < > , , , . : ,

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. <> Read full article: http://www.m em l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === M e n n o v a n d e r H u r k, In te r n e t C e n s u u r . U w o r d t v a n d e d o m m e g e h o u d e n , in Rafter, m osterdnadem, 21.09.2008, < http://www.m osterdnadem m e-gehouden.htm l >, < http://www.m osterdnadem ages/stories/m osterd/m edia/Internet%20Censuur%20U%20wordt%20van%20de%20dom m e%20gehouden%20%20PCActive.pdf >. Quote: < > E R IS E E N IN F O R M A T IE O O R L O G G A A N D E ; E E N O O R L O G W A A R BIJ U D A G E L IJK S H A L V E W A A R H E D E N K R IJG T V O O R G E S C H O T E L D < > Read full article: http://www.m osterdnadem m e-gehouden.htm l http://www.m osterdnadem ages/stories/m osterd/m edia/Internet%20Censuur%20U%20wordt%20van%20de%20dom m e%20gehouden%20%20PCActive.pdf N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === E s th e r Bo o ts m a , Jo u r n a lis te n w o r d e n v o o r td u r e n d g e m a n ip u le e r d , N O S .n l, 3 feb 2010, in Rafter, m osterdnadem, 04 februari 2010, Watch this video: Nick Davies, < http://www.m osterdnadem anipuleerd.htm l >, < anipuleerd.htm l >. Quote: < > Door Esther Bootsm a Kranten schrijven onzin, nieuwsprogram m as zitten vol leugens. < > Journalisten zijn niet m eer op zoek naar de waarheid. Ze zitten achter hun bureau, en schrijven berichten over van persbureaus of PR-organisaties. < > Ik hoop innig dat de journalistiek overleeft. De wereld heeft professionele journalisten nodig, die vaardigheden, bronnen en tijd hebben om de waarheid boven water te krijgen. Maar er is geen door God gegeven regel dat een bepaalde beroepsgroep altijd overleeft. Misschien zitten we al in het eerste stadium van de dood van de journalistiek. < > Watch this video: Nick Davies, Read full article: http://www.m osterdnadem anipuleerd.htm l anipuleerd.htm l N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === A r g u s o o g R a d io , D E M E N S A L S E L E C T R O M A G N E T IS C H W E Z E N , a r g u s o o g r a d io .o r g , 1 8 -a p r il-2 0 1 0 , < >. Quote: < > N a b e lu is te r e n e n o f D o w n lo a d e n : (klik rode linkjes) d e e l 1 v a n 3 D s ir e e n A r e n d presenteren het beeld van de elektrom agnetische m ens, in het tweede uur een gesprek m et Cathrien over hoe elektrom agnetische frequenties kunnen worden gebruikt voor het in evenwicht brengen van de fysieke processen en het aanspreken van het zelfhelend verm ogen van lichaam en geest d e e l 2 v a n 3 Behandeling van het werkdocum ent voor het Europees Parlem ent, in het vierde uur gaan D s ir e e n A r e n d in gesprek m et P e te r M o o r in g ( w e b s ite ) d e e l 3 v a n 3 D s ir e gaat in dit blok in gesprek m et d r . Jo h n H a ll en D o n R a u m a ke r , co- hosts van de Am erikaanse talk show The Control Factor op Republic Broadcasting Network o v e r s a te llie t te r r o r is m e , e le ktr o n is c h s ta lkin g , m in d
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show The Control Factor op Republic Broadcasting Network o v e r s a te llie t te r r o r is m e , e le ktr o n is c h s ta lkin g , m in d c o n tr o l te c h n o lo g ie n e n h e t m is b r u ik d a a r v a n d o o r n ie t a lle e n le g e r e n o v e r h e id , m a a r o o k d o o r c r im in e le n . < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , D u tc h E n g lis h ,|en| === === Br u c e C o n w a y , S te a lth M ic r o w a v e T o w e r s & T h e 2 0 0 4 P r e s id e n tia l E le c tio n , July 29, 2004, < c/stealthm wtowers29jul04.shtm l >. Quote: < > Consider this quote by a pioneer in electrom agnetic m ind control: Man does not have the right to develop his own m ind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We m ust electrically control the brain. Som e day arm ies and generals will be controlled by electric stim ulation of the brain. Dr. Jose Delgado -1974 Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118. <> With the U.S. Presidential election com ing up in a few short m onths, it is likely that the stealth cell tower network being rapidly constructed is destined to play an im portant role in rem otely influencing the perceptions, thoughts and decisions of Am erican voters. Stealth Tower online resources: /news/2004/0202widernetcelltowers.htm l /news/wireless/0,1382,57199,00.htm l / /products/gallery.htm l Mind Control Docum entation <> Read full article: c/stealthm wtowers29jul04.shtm l === === , . , N o 7 7 -4 4 0 0 , le n ta .r u , 23.12.2006, < >. Quote: < > () . - , , . , , 1992 . , , , , . < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| , le n ta .r u , , r a m b le r .r u , 23.12.2006, < http://www.ram l?print=1 >, < http://www.ram l >. Quote: < > , . , , , . , . 1991 . 1994 1997 . . < > Read full article:

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http://www.ram l http://www.ram l?print=1 N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| Screen, 20.04.2010, Quote: < >

<> Read full article: http://www.ram l === === A n n e T r a fto n , M IT N e w s O ffic e , M o r a l ju d g m e n ts c a n b e a lte r e d b y m a g n e ts , M IT , M a s s a c h u s e tts In s titu te o f T e c h n o lo g y , m it.e d u / n e w s o ffic e , March 30, 2010, < http://web.m oral-control-0330.htm l >. Quote: < > By disrupting brain activity in a particular region, neuroscientists can sway peoples views of m oral situations. < > You think of m orality as being a really high-level behavior, she says. To be able to apply (a m agnetic field) to a specific brain region and change peoples m oral judgm ents is really astonishing. < > Read full article: http://web.m oral-control-0330.htm l === === D e b o r a h D u p r e , M in d r e a d in g c o m p u te r te c h , e x a m in e r .c o m , April 11, 2010, http://www.exam /x-10438Hum an-Rights-Exam iner~y2010m 4d11-Mind-reading-com puter-tech Quote: < > Thrasm yachus com m ents, the ability to know where anybody is, what theyre doing and who theyre with whenever anybody wants, thats a serious threat to personal privacy. Of course, behind all of this technology is Com m erceyou wont be able to think but you will THINK about buying stuff you dont need, but, som eone who controls the internet, tells you you needthere is just so m uch m oney in m ind control, writes Eowriter. O n e u n a n s w e r e d q u e s tio n in th e A P a r tic le is h o w a n d o n w h o m h a s th e n e w te c h n o lo g y b e e n te s te d ? < > Read full article: http://www.exam /x-10438-Hum an-Rights-Exam iner~y2010m 4d11-Mind-reading-com puter-tech === === G a r y S . Be kku m , U F O S p y G a m e s , S e c r e ts a n d C o n s p ir a c ie s , T h e A m e r ic a n C h r o n ic le , U ltio , L L C , a m e r ic a n c h r o n ic le .c o m , April 05, 2010, < /articles/view/149402 >. Quote: < > The US governm ent as witnessed by files on the record has been involved in extrem ely questionable activities. As a case exam ple the one pointed to by Laura Magdalene Eisenhower is the notorious CIA MKULTRA series of m ind control experim ents, involving hum an experim entation on unwitting victim s. Present day events do not rest on a vacuum : there are long and well established connections to the abuses of past decades, but this is not evidence of a conspiracy. As an exam ple, consider MKULTRAs origin at CIAs Technical Services Division under Sidney Gottlieb and Richard Helm s.

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The disturbing aspects of Gottliebs program were eventually brought before Congress, in spite of Helm s order to destroy the files on topics too disturbing to be known by the average Am erican. Meanwhile, Gottlieb had been funding Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. Russell Targ at the Stanford Research Institute, who were covertly testing psychics according to the governm ent file record, m ost of the test subjects involved were unaware of CIA involvem ent to determ ine if there was any use for m ental powers in the cold war with the Soviets. Various other persons from CIA, including CIAs Life Sciences Division, were engaged with the Puthoff-Targ team and their test subjects. Puthoff would later be known for his interest in extraterrestrial-like technology, as well as psychic m ind research. T h is th r e a d c o n tin u e s in to to d a y s n e w r e a l-w o r ld e x p e r im e n ta l te c h n o lo g ie s , in c lu d in g th e u s e o f b r a in s c a n n in g e q u ip m e n t to id e n tify o r e v e n m o d ify th e m o r a l c o m p a s s o f th e m a te r ia l m in d . <> A lth o u g h it w o u ld b e fo o lis h to in fe r c o n s p ir a c ie s w h e r e n o n e e x is t, it w o u ld b e e q u a lly fo o lis h to fo r g e t th e le s s o n s o f h is to r y . < >. Read full article: /articles/view/149402 === === C h r is M c H a le , T h e C h a lle n g e o f E x o tic W e a p o n s , P r e p a r e d fo r th e In te r n a tio n a l S e c u r ity R e s e a r c h a n d O u tr e a c h P r o g r a m m e In te r n a tio n a l S e c u r ity Bu r e a u , H o m e > A c tiv itie s a n d P r o g r a m s > In te r n a tio n a l S e c u r ity R e s e a r c h a n d O u tr e a c h P r o g r a m m e ( IS R O P ) > IS R O P R e s e a r c h > H u m a n ita r ia n L a w > T h e C h a lle n g e o f E x o tic W e a p o n s , In te r n a tio n a l.g c .c a , March 2003, < s-arm es/isrop-prisi/researchrecherche/hum anitarian-hum anitaire/m chale2003/index.aspx?lang=en >. Quote: < > L e g itim izin g E x o tic W e a p o n s , s-arm es/isrop-prisi/research-recherche/hum anitarianhum anitaire/m chale2003/section03.aspx?lang=enlang=en Quote: < > Br ze zin s ki s ta te d th a t: U n h in d e r e d b y th e r e s tr a in ts o f tr a d itio n a l lib e r a l v a lu e s , th is e lite w o u ld n o t h e s ita te to a c h ie v e its p o litic a l e n d s b y u s in g m o d e r n te c h n iq u e s fo r in flu e n c in g p u b lic b e h a v io u r a n d ke e p in g s o c ie ty u n d e r c lo s e s u r v e illa n c e a n d c o n tr o l. T e c h n ic a l a n d s c ie n tific m o m e n tu m w o u ld th e n fe e d o n th e s itu a tio n it e x p lo its . 1 2 T h is p r e d ic tio n is m o r e im p o r ta n t fo r c o n s id e r a tio n in a d o m e s tic s e c u r ity c o n te x t a n d a b u s e o f le s s -th a n le th a l te c h n o lo g ie s b y c iv il a u th o r itie s .1 .1 3 In s u m m a r y , th e r e a r e a n u m b e r o f p o litic a l, m ilita r y a n d e c o n o m ic fa c to r s w h ic h h e lp e x p la in w h y th e r e s e a r c h , d e v e lo p m e n t a n d u s e o f e x o tic w e a p o n s h a v e b e c o m e e x tr e m e ly im p o r ta n t to th e c iv ilia n a n d m ilita r y e s ta b lis h m e n ts in d e v e lo p e d c o u n tr ie s a n d m a y b e a ttr a c tiv e to le s s d e v e lo p e d c o u n tr ie s w ith p o o r h u m a n r ig h ts r e c o r d s . < > <> C u r r e n t Is s u e s : P o s s ib le E ffe c ts o f E x o tic W e a p o n s o n W a r fa r e , In te r v e n tio n a n d S e c u r ity , s-arm es/isrop-prisi/research-recherche/hum anitarianhum anitaire/m chale2003/section06.aspx?lang=enlang=en Quote: < > Whether one considers exotic weapons to consist of technologies such as E M P , H M P o r p s y c h o tr o n ic w e a p o n s a n d in s e p a r a te c a te g o r ie s fr o m those system s m ore traditionally recognized as non-lethal, there is an im portant com m onality that both categories share. Any of these system s m ay m ake it easier for states to initiate a conflict or intervene from the outside into an existing conflict. < > Each of the weapons discussed in this paper have the capacity, through science and engineering to have a range from non-lethal to lethal. There is also the possibility that that the indiscrim inate effects of these weapons will change if they are designed to m ove from one end of this lethality spectrum to the other. M a n y s y s te m s w e r e d e s ig n e d in itia lly to b e le th a l .57 < > <> C o n c lu s io n , s-arm es/isrop-prisi/research-recherche/hum anitarianhum anitaire/m chale2003/section07.aspx?lang=enlang=en Quote: < > For those states that are on the leading edge of exotic weapons developm ent, opposition will be high to any attem pt to form ulate a convention that bans whole categories of weapons, let alone have a verification regim e that would necessitate intrusive inspections into the very heart of secret facilities and technologies. Since it is not clear at this writing which states are the leading com petitors in specific types of weapons system s, m ore transparency will be needed to contem plate arm s control treaties. The best short-term possibilities to address the im plications of the upcom ing generation of weaponry are nonproliferation control regim es that are national and possibly international in nature. Concerned officials and ex-officials in the United States have recently recom m ended using national controls such as the Critical List. The m otivation for m aking this prescription has m ore to do with preventing the diffusion of affordable technologies as part of weapons that are a threat to national infrastructure. Careful application of the Geneva Protocol (1949), specifically Article 36 of Additional Protocol I by national governm ents, would allow policy m akers to ask critical questions as to the stated purpose or intent of the weapon.67 Many states that are not yet party to Additional Protocol I have adopted procedures to ensure their weapons are subjected to this type of review.68 The current international situation is ripe for a discussion about the paths that several governm ents are taking with new generation weapons, including those classed as so called non-lethal weapons. Conducting this dialogue is a com plex issue.
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Developm ent of exotic weapons that have the capacity to be both lethal and non-lethal raise questions as to the actual intent of the weapon and their effects. Setting an agenda internationally on these new technologies is not sim plified because of the proliferation argum ent or the notion that the m isuse of such weapons will likely be caused by rogue states. Due to its large investm ents in DEW, the Russian Federation m ay also be a critical link to future dialogue. The issue is m ore sensitive because the states where dialogue should begin are friends and allies of Canada. The United States, United Kingdom and France are states that are leaders in exotic technologies. Attem pts to establish som e controls or regim es m ay also be com plicated by our com m itm ents to NATO and possibly our own future technical involvem ents through research and bilateral projects. There have been enough warning signals that should propel NGOs and concerned governm ents to action. Why should there be concern? What weapons system s should be the subject of prom pt action? The Moscow theatre gassing in October 2002, is a significant cause for alarm . Reassessing the prohibitions in the CWC regarding calm ative agents should be a start. What is even m ore of a concern is that the use of Fentanyl by security forces illustrates the specious nature of the argum ent that advocates of non-lethal weapons are m aking with regards to notions of reduced casualties and m inim al effects to hum an beings. This incident should be a critical exam ple of what necessitates Article 36 reviews and international attention. According to one U.S. m ilitary study, Directed energy (EMP and HPM) and acoustic technologies offer the greatest near term prom ise for a credible war fighting capability.69 The Swedish designed High Energy Whirls device utilizing vortex technology is also a cause for concern regarding traum a injuries. The use of m icrowave technology for area denial applications is an operational reality in the U.S. m ilitary. If this capability is enhanced without proper reviews and transparency, the issue of superfluous injury and unnecessary suffering will be a m issed opportunity. Careful scrutiny of these areas is essential and urgent. In m any areas however, there is not enough inform ation on new system s and their full capabilities, particularly when program s are taken over by national m ilitaries. Num erous analysts studying these issues have stated that discussion is long overdue and should begin im m ediately, particularly with m ore transparency, accountability and inform ation available to the public in several countries. T h e d o m e s tic a n d in te r n a tio n a l im p lic a tio n s o f th e u s e a n d m is u s e o f s e v e r a l e x o tic w e a p o n s a n d n o n le th a l v a r ia n ts a r e s e r io u s a n d r e q u ir e a h ig h e r p r io r ity b y th e C a n a d ia n g o v e r n m e n t a n d in te r n a tio n a l fo r a . < > Read full article: s-arm es/isrop-prisi/research-recherche/hum anitarianhum anitaire/m chale2003/index.aspx?lang=en g e r r y d u ffe tt, T h e C h a lle n g e o f E x o tic W e a p o n s / F o r e ig n A ffa ir s / C a n a d a , F F C H S T o w n H a ll F o r u m In d e x -> W e a p o n s T e c h n o lo g y , Mar 19, 2008, freedom , < http://www.freedom /ffchsm essages/viewtopic.php? t=5720 >. Read full article: http://www.freedom /ffchsm essages/viewtopic.php?t=5720 === === klu tzfu 5 9 , M in d C o n tr o l A tta c ks ( M in d c o n ) , N e u r o lo g ic a l W e a p o n s A tta c ks , JU N E 2 0 0 9 , D o c s to c , d o c s to c .c o m , 12/31/2009, < /docs/20914112/Mind-Control-Attacks-%28Mindcon%29-Neurological-Weapons-Attacks >, < / >. Quote: < > E L E C T R O N IC S U R V E IL L A N C E C A P A BIL IT IE S , E X T R E M E A BU S E O F T E C H N O L O G Y , S E C U R IT IE S A N D H U M A N R IG H T S , < > Quote: < > S y m p to m s .. < > Read full article: /docs/20914112/Mind-Control-Attacks-%28Mindcon%29-Neurological-Weapons-Attacks / === === A n n a b e lle Be lc h e r , W a lte r S in n o tt-A r m s tr o n g , N e u r o la w , W ile y In te r d is c ip lin a r y R e v ie w s : C o g n itiv e S c ie n c e , V o lu m e 1 , Is s u e 1 , P a g e s 1 8 -2 2 , P u b lis h e d O n lin e : 1 7 D e c 2 0 0 9 in W ile y In te r S c ie n c e , Jo h n W ile y & S o n s , In c ., in te r s c ie n c e .w ile y .c o m , < /cgi-bin/fulltext/123216877/HTMLSTART >, < /cgi-bin/fulltext/123216877/PDFSTART?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 >. Quote: < > Neurolaw - also known as law and neuroscience or legal neuroscience - studies legal issues raised by recent developm ents in neuroscience, including cognitive and social neuroscience. < > Neuroscientific findings m ay also affect various other aspects of the legal system , including the evidence on which legal decisions are based and the procedures by which legal decisions are m ade. < > Building on a foundation of psychology and social science research, our knowledge of the way the hum an brain operates continues to grow at a breakneck pace, aided by advances in the tools used to investigate this m ysterious organ. As these techniques becom e m ore refined, it is likely that the neural correlates of com plex behaviors will be unveiled, and these results will force us critically and carefully to exam ine various aspects of our legal system . < > Sim ilarly, the inevitable increase in our knowledge of the neural regions that guide appropriate decision-m aking processes will likely color future views on responsibility and free will. < >

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We need to get ready both to prevent m isuses and accom panying m istakes and also to encourage the best uses of any legitim ate applications of neuroscience in law. The only way to achieve these goals is for neuroscientists and lawyers to work together in the field of neurolaw. < > Read full article: /cgi-bin/fulltext/123216877/HTMLSTART /cgi-bin/fulltext/123216877/PDFSTART?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 === === . . , , , U N D P ( ) . , , 1 9 9 9 , h v p .b y .r u , < s/PsihotrG.htm >. Quote: < > . . . . < > , < > 1991 , 20 , , , . 21 1995 . , . , .. : , . , , , 100 , ( ). , , . 25 1995 2- , , , . . , , , . < > 17 1996 , - - . 1996 , . : , . , . < > , < > , , . , . < > , . , , , .. < > , 1995 . < > 1995 , , - . < > , <> , , . < > , , , . < >

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, <> Read full article: s/PsihotrG.htm N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| === === P s y c h o tr o n ic G o lg o th a b y N .I. A n is im o v , 1 9 9 9 , in C h e r y l W e ls h , M in d Ju s tic e , m in d ju s tic e .o r g , < http://m >. Quote: < > P s y c h o tr o n ic W e a p o n s At the dawn of the scientific-technical progress, dictators and rulers of totalitarian governm ents dream t about how to em body the m ost ancient occult sciences and hidden potentials of m ankinds psyche in technical weapons in order to, with their help, m ake their own populations obediently conform ist, blindly fulfilling the wishes of the dictator and his associates. They even cherished m onstrous ideas, after the creation of super-weapons, of using these for the enslavem ent of other governm ents and of becom ing rulers of the world. < > S c ie n tific C a n n ib a lis m , P s y c h o tr o n ic W e a p o n s a n d D ia b o lic a l T e c h n o lo g ie s <> Psychotronic weapons are a com plex of unique electronic-irradiating apparatuses capable, over a large distance, of controlling the psycho-physical activities of a person, purposefully destroying his health. <> There exist three types of psychotronic influencing on a person: secret, open and com bined. With the secret influencing the victim does not know and does not even suspect that his brain and organs are being subjected to distant influencing. All external thought-transm issions he takes as being his own, all conditions of illness are related to as natural illnesses and to the poor state of his health. Such a person-victim , being under influencing through his psyche, can com m it any crim e that com es to his m ind; under the m anipulation of the brain, he adheres to one and then to another political grouping. < > Read full article: http://m === === D r . R a u n i L e e n a K ild e , M D , M IC R O W A V E M IN D C O N T R O L : M O D E R N T O R T U R E A N D C O N T R O L M E C H A N IS M S E L IM IN A T IN G H U M A N R IG H T S A N D P R IV A C Y , S e p te m b e r 2 5 , 1 9 9 9 , in E le a n o r W h ite , r a v e n 1 .n e t, < >. Quote: < > Neuro-electrom agnetic involuntary hum an experim entation has been going on with the so-called vulnerable population for about 50 years, in the nam e of science or national security in the worst Nazi-type testing, contrary to all hum an rights. Physical and psychological torture of m ind control victim s today is like the worst horror m ovies. Only, unlike the horror m ovies, it is true. It happens today in the USA, Japan, and Europe. With few exceptions, the m ass m edia suppresses all inform ation about the entire topic. <> When the use of electrom agnetic fields, extra-low (ELF) and ultra-low (ULF) frequencies and m icrowaves aim ed deliberately at certain indiv- iduals, groups, and even the general population to cause diseases, disorientation, chaos and physical and em otional pain breaks into the awareness of the general population, a public outcry is inevitable. <> It is the biggest threat to hum anity and the m ost sinister plan to enslave the hum an race forever. < > M IC R O W A V E M IN D C O N T R O L W IT H N O N -L E T H A L W E A P O N S IS T H E BIG G E S T C R IM E IN T H E H IS T O R Y O F M A N K IN D A G A IN S T T H E P O P U L A T IO N O F P L A N E T E A R T H . IT M U S T BE S T O P P E D BY A L L P E O P L E S O F T H IS G L O BE . <> Read full article: === === S o le ilm a v is , Ba n m in d c o n tr o l/ d ir e c te d e n e r g y w e a p o n s a b u s e a n d to r tu r e , th e 2 0 1 0 Id e a s fo r C h a n g e in A m e r ic a c o m p e titio n , c h a n g e .o r g , Feb 09, 2010, <

converted by ind_controldirected_energy_weapons_abuse_and_torture >. Quote: < > WE CONCERN ABOUT THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF THE FOLLOWINGS :- DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS; MIND CONTROL WEAPONS; BODY AND BRAIN MANIPULATION WEAPONS; PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS; SPACE WEAPONS; NONLETHAL WEAPONS; COINTELPRO; ANDany other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped m eans inflicting death or injury on, or dam aging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, m ental health, or physical and econom ic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based system s using radiation, electrom agnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of inform ation war, m ood m anagem ent, or m ind control of such persons or populations. P le a s e h e lp to b a n a b u s e s a n d to r tu r e s o f a b o v e m e n tio n e d w e a p o n s . < > Read full article: ind_controldirected_energy_weapons_abuse_and_torture === === !, s v o b o d a s lo v a -n a .n a r o d 2 .r u , < >. Quote: < > , , , , ... , , . <>

SCAN: Im age: http://im in < > Quote: < > : . . . < > Quote: < > . . < > 8 0 7 5 0 . , . , . , . < > Read full article: N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,|en| , s v o b o d a s lo v a -n a .n a r o d 2 .r u , < >. N B! G o o g le T r a n s la te , R u s s ia n E n g lis h ,

converted by|en| === === D e b o r a h D u p r e , H o w to S to p th e N e w W o r ld O r d e r ( v id ) , E x a m in e r .c o m , April 9, 2010, < http://www.exam /x-10438-Hum an-Rights-Exam iner~y2010m 4d9-How-to-Stop-the-New-World-Order-vid >. Quote: < > H o w to S to p th N e w W o r ld O r d e r is a s h o r t film p r e s e n te d b y P u p p e tG o v .c o m . It r a is e s th o u g h t p r o v o kin g is s u e s s o c ie ty fa c e s to d a y a n d p r o v id e s a c o u p le o f s o lu tio n s th a t, if a d o p te d b y e n o u g h p e o p le . c o u ld tu r n a r o u n d th e O r e w e llia n life c o n s u m in g h u m a n ity , a life in w h ic h th e r e a r e n o h u m a n r ig h ts . < > Read full article: http://www.exam /x-10438-Hum an-Rights-Exam iner~y2010m 4d9-How-to-Stop-the-New-World-Order-vid p u p p e tg o v c o m , H o w T o S to p T h e N e w W o r ld O r d e r , y o u tu b e .c o m , Decem ber 02, 2008,

=== === S o le ilm a v is , R a lly o r D e m o n s tr a tio n , p e a c e p in k.n in g .c o m , Septem ber 27, 2008, < /photo/album s/rally-or-dem onstration >. Quote: < > Ba n m in d c o n tr o l/ d ir e c te d e n e r g y w e a p o n s a b u s e a n d to r tu r e < >

SCAN: Im age: /files/OrO20Gk*AGovwo6zrlbQL7Z23Bx9NFnnPBXiMMHB7Nh3RiCj5rEzkt5tqntUucPtA1ahTblozTzYXm CHR2gkAGXFsWhKIyY/strassbourge2.jpg in /photo/album s/rally-ordem onstration <>

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SCAN: Im age: /files/Udo4r6o8kbLYH5J0Gjs5qWwBRbZuirMphTrCPXiYOn5vPTiSWZSGU0arZUMasbYhst4*lm kUm NfLAEQ9U7pSxPs3iBKpYGv/strasbourg_Jun0910.jpg in /photo/strasbourgjun09-10? context=album &album Id=2351430%3AAlbum %3A92 Quote: < > S tr a s b o u r g D e m o n s tr a tio n o n Ju n 2 0 0 9 < > Read full article: /photo/album s/rally-or-dem onstration Thank you! Y o u r s s in c e r e ly . Com m ents (2)

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