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Infinite Math

Luke 23:34: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." This writer will attempt to refrain from making any further cites to any source, legal or Godly. Science is in process of determining whether the beginning of the universe can be defined in time as man knows it. One thing science will never be able to write about is about the end of the universe. With that stated it is impossible to apply A+B=C. Where A is defined as the beginning and B is defined as an unknown ending the resolution of C will not be known to mankind. Mans current application of time is measured by a 12 month calendar. Where man calculates time in terms of thousands of years, could it be that Gods application of time is equal to a blink of Gods eye. Attention is addressed to the word given to mankind not to eat of the tree of knowledge. Billions of souls upon the planet are familiar with not eating of forbidden fruit, but why? Could it be that the teacher that instructed man knew that evil would be released for all time upon mankind? This writer is under the belief that the eaters of the forbidden fruit knew not what the results would be if the fruit was eaten. Apparently God also knew that the eaters knew not what they were doing as they were forgiven for the act. How dare we question the word of God as the ultimate teacher? The audacity to question a teacher seems to have flourished over time as many without question believe there teacher is absolutely correct. This writer apologizes to those teachers who teach truth. However,

when a man is a teacher he is not the ultimate teacher and when a teacher teaches not truth it appears as evil has spurned most to believe a wrong teaching is correct. Applying this analogy to the formula A+B=C, where A equals truthful teaching and B equals application of mans law C would equal a lawful right. However when A is in error the formula is still written as A+B=C, but few fail to see that A has been canceled out leaving the formula as B=C which is false. Nor will evil acknowledge A has been canceled out for doing so would render a failure upon the presenter. Hence the saying of many, tell a lie enough everybody will believe the lie is truth including the liar. Will a liar admit a false teaching, not if he wants to retain his unjust gains, untruth upon untruth will be applied to sustain the lie is valid in a court of mans making. Many of the large financial evildoers employ legal servicers to aid in concealing the fact that actions committed failed to follow law. Many believe these hired legal guns should serve to see justice prevails but so is not the reality. Unlike the eater of the fruit who knew not what they did, these legal guns with willful knowledge and intent aid the evildoers to conceal a crime. Do these legal guns do what they do for the benefit of humanity or do they do what they do to preserve their monthly billed ill-gotten gains at detriment to humanity? This writer expects that a hell storm will manifest itself from this writing, fear not what threat man can unleash as the creator has made no threat. Further applying the formula A+B=C to the apple where A equals knowledge and B equals forgiveness we find the answer to C. With

todays financial mortgage fiasco the formula A+B=C can be simply applied. A as a whole has a subpart A1, where A1 is the mortgage securing to A and B equals application of law then C equals a party to has rights. However, we look at the many arguments made to the courts and the opinions rendered by the courts appear to reflected that AplusA1 + B=C has been placed before the court correctly. In contrary most of the time the argument is misplaced or opposing counsel deceives one to believe or misleads one to believe a different argument has been made. Physcology, use at its finest. Lets now apply the formula A+B=C to the criminal world. In a criminal world C becomes a variable dependent upon A and B. Applying A equals murder and B equals mentally deficient then C must be appropriately defined and applied. If in fact B is proven to an absolution that the party killing knew not what he was doing then termination of life is not appropriate, however, if the party knew he was committing murder then termination of life might be appropriate. In another context, most children learn from their teaching parent from the very beginning of life, unlike a beaten dog that returns to his master, bad attention is better than none, but such is not applicable to a human child. However the wrong parental teachings instilled upon a child make it harder for a child to understand the difference between right and wrong, or could it be said, right or wrong. Congratulations go to the abused child who breaks the cycle of abuse, and infers no abuse upon their own children. Is it easy, hell no as the writer can testify too as watching a mother overcome her abuse to properly care for her own

children! The Formula A+B=C thusly can be applied; where A equals lack of abuse and B equals an un-abused child equals C, a happy family. In the beginning simple laws were written in ten (10) short sentences known as the commandments. Over 2,000 years ago a man walked and reminded the world of the laws written. Since then many various writings have been utilized in attempt to educate the people. Simple words in the beginning have been so written into complexity many live their life by quips and quotes from the religious writings. Similar patterns can be found in those legal servicers that aid the evildoers except they seek quips and quotes from opinions rendered by a court, regardless of whether the opinion properly represents the merits. One thing that really irks this writer is when a legal servicer rebuts a fact by claiming the fact is vague. This appears to be in contradiction to the position they hold as part of the sworn duty was to be able to make sense and interrupt facts, so how can it be said that it was vague when it is clear that an understanding had to be applied to determine if the question was vague, supports the fact that the learned legal service provider understood but to this writer it appeared more imperative for the legal service provider to maintain a paycheck at any and all costs. Simple to apply the A+B=C formula here, where A equals comprehension and B equals application of deception thus C equals a paycheck. Time as known to man and the formula A+B=C lacks a known understanding of the creator. There is no known correlation between the creators time and mans time. Where mans time appears to be long in nature there is a real possibility that the same duration in the

creator eyes is just in a blink of time. Thus again applying A+B=C A as being all time (known and unknown) with the addition of B would exceed the value C could represent. Thus there is a formula application failure but if A is mans known time is added to the creators displacement of time then C would equal all of time which is unknown to man such the formula is not applicable to reversed verified. If it is in fact true that two different version of time exist, then is it possible that mans demise would become a fact in the blink of time? If so then the formula could be written as A-B=C where C equals nonexistence. One would not be alive to substitute known values for A or B, or, A and B, your choice. Recently a legal servicer for a financial institution and associates accused this writer of having hatred towards their client, this insistence is misplaced as the writer whole heartily supports those who follow mans law, following Gods law is a choice each must make. Whereas this legal servicers client likes not governmental oversight those in public banking have no legal qualm to following the law. This writer is aware of a number of Atheists who do not believe in God but such is not a concern for they walk a path that God would approve and thus they should be allowed to be forgiven, whereas there are selfproclaimed Christians that talk the talk but fail in walking the path required for the benefit of humanity who know not what they do and should also be forgiven, at least that is what this writer believes. This writer does not ask or require anyone to believe or trust the writers writings but this writer does hope that the reader will take the time to seek the appropriate answers that apply to his or her life.

With over 7 billion living souls on the planet and approximately 6 billion believing in a deity and with hearing leaders of government claiming they are acting for their people, a serious question arises, what people, the high dollar contributing constituents. Many claim there is a game of politics being played that places humanity into a servitude with no possibility of escape, but would it be more applicable if it was to obtain a position of power to influence the masters to grant favors? Closing, so long as intangible monetary greed exceeds the tangible value of the world it is not just this generation of children but all generations to come that the majority (~99%) will live a life in servitude. Hopefully words still provide a solution but somewhere in time the power of words will end and the alternative would not be pretty. Each and everyone has a choice, this writer just hopes and preys a wise choice is to be made, for it would not be pretty day or moment if this writer sat to the right side of God on judgment day.

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