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Dear Reader

You must understand that I am a Inventor first, writer second. As a Inventor; solutions come to
me and that's it. This is the answer and there is nothing more to prove to me, and all I have to do is to
build it and learn how to write the patent to protect my idea.
Now, as a Inventor; I see a solution to a problem; and I need nothing more to prove that my idea
works. As a Inventor I am well aware of the Inventor Paradox, which is "You have invented something
New, because it is New Nobody will accept it because it's a New Idea"
I am amazed that there is no Public Electronic Vote already, there exists the internet, computer
and the NSA ability to search and screen everything on the internet. There is no reason for a public vote
in the House or Senate or a Committee to pass bills into law already; it just never has been done, so
that's the job of the Inventor, to create something that is obvious and therefore not thought of. Or I can
use this phrase "it's obvious, why didn't somebody thing of it before"
I have no idea why the Public Electronic Voter is not already in congress? But with a 10 percent
confidence in Congress, surely that shows a need to get things done is a needed thing to do.
I have thought of numerous ways to prove my point, prove that You the American Public need
this amendment passed and signed into law, and how this amendment would enact the ability of the
people to pass laws they need into law.
I will explain throughout the little book how it works for you.

An Proposal to Create an 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This Amendment
proposes that an Public Electronic Vote and Public Electronic Voter be included in Legislative Functions
of Congress. To Reserve the Right to Propose Laws to the House of Representatives and Senate; the
ability to vote and to pass legislation in the House and Senate.

Amendment 28 -- Establishment of Public Electronic Vote

a) There shall be established an Public Electronic Vote of One Vote Per State in the Senate, This will be a
1 to 2 ratio of 1 Pubic Electronic vote to 2 Elected Representative vote in the Senate. There shall be
established an Public Electronic Vote in the House to be an 1 to 2 ratio of 1 Public Electronic vote to 2
Elected Representative vote in the House of Representatives. These ratios of votes shall be consistent
and not subject to change.
b) An Senate Public Electronic Vote shall be collected from each state, to represent that Senate
Electronic Vote; a single Senate Public Electronic Vote shall be cast per majority vote of Americans
registered of that State; for that respective legislative function.
c) An House Public Electronic Vote shall be collected from each state by the 1to 2 ratio of Public
Electronic Vote to Elected House Representatives of that State. Each State will have a 1 to 2 ratio of
Public Electronic votes to the Total Elected Representatives of that State. Public Electronics Vote shall be
cast by popular Public Electronic Vote in accordance and keeping of 1 to 2 Total Elected Representatives
of that State per district; for that respective legislative function.
d) The Public Electronic Vote shall reserve the right to propose legislative law per majority vote of the
Total Public Electronic Votes in respective House or Senate, or legislative changes to the proposed
legislative law, in either the House or the Senate.
e) A required majority of Votes Consisting of the Public Electronic and Elected Representatives of the
House shall be required to pass forth legislative law. A required majority of Votes Consisting of the
Public Electronic Vote and Elected Representatives of the Senate shall be required to pass forth
legislative law.
f) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing access and security in order to enable a
American to Vote as an Public Electronics Voter.
g) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing legal assistance to proposed legislative
laws from Public Electronic Voters to be proposed before the House of Representative to be voted upon
by the House.
h) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing legal assistance to amend proposed
legislative laws from the Senate to be voted upon by the Public Electronic Voter.
i) The Public Electronic Voter shall have the means of providing regular voting periods, to enable the
smooth running of the Congress. The Public Electronic Voter shall have timely legislative proposals to be
evaluated upon on an Electronic Platform in a regular manner. The first business day of the month shall
be reserved for the Public Electronic Voter to propose bills or legislative law to be voted upon, and to
have bills or legislative law voted upon in the House or Senate.
j) There shall be no interaction between lobbyist's and the Federal Government Persons providing legal
assistance to the Public Electronic Voter. The Activity of the Federal Government and State Electronic
Vote shall be separated from lobbyists and representatives of Political Groups.
k) Information provided to the Public Electronic Voters, on those Platforms that collect the means of
collecting votes and proposals shall be accurate and correct by a scientific peer review; On a national
level, as well as a local level.
l)There shall be established an Automatic Proxy Public Electronic Vote, your Electronic Public Vote can
be automated to reflect the voting of the Elected Official of your Choice. This Vote will follow the
Elected Official Vote of Ya or Nay (or versions of Yes or No Vote for proposed legislation) in the House or
Senate, or Committee.
m)There shall be established an Electronic Public Vote of a 1 to 2 ratio of 1 Electronic Public Vote to
Elected Representative on that Senate or House Committee and Sub Committee.
n)The Electronic Public Vote be included in the House and Senate Committees and Sub Committees shall
have all the rights of the 28
amendment in the sections a) through and L).
o)The Electronic Public Vote shall have the same rights in the Senate and House voting and procedures
and also have the same rights in the House and Senate Committees. This right shall be evoked by
popular vote of the Public Electronic Voter to convey the same ability of a Senator or Representative
p)All Americans have the right to a Electronic Public Vote.
Chapter 1 Separation of the People and the State
I will explain each part of the amendment each part will make a chapter in the book. So here
"a) There shall be established an Public Electronic Vote of One Vote Per State in the Senate, This will be
a 1 to 2 ratio of 1 Pubic Electronic vote to 2 Elected Representative vote in the Senate. There shall be
established an Public Electronic Vote in the House to be an 1 to 2 ratio of 1 Public Electronic vote to 2
Elected Representative vote in the House of Representatives. These ratios of votes shall be consistent
and not subject to change. "
I created this addition to the amendment, because it the basic need of the Citizens of America to
control congress and add your vote into legislative law. I picked thirds because thirds are actually the
most balancing means in nature; I am a genius and I took enough IQ tests because I wanted to prove to
myself that I was too smart for my own good. Anywhere from 135 to `162 was my score in those self
tests. The problem with genius is thinking too much, I call them logic loops; Benjamin Franklin once said
have a list of pro's and con's then evaluate the solution. Or something like that; its a nice idea, however
because your creating the list, I wind up with a list that has an equal pro's and con's and I get stuck.
Then I realized that there really are three parts to a balanced act, you have the left side, the right side
then the fulcrum point. The fulcrum point is the balance between both the Right Side and the Left Side,
and there needs a third element involved to balance out the differences between the left and the right.
Currently there are 100 votes in the Senate with 1 additional vote of the Vice President. Sure
enough its about 50/50 in general . Historically the number of Republicans is around 50, and the number
of Democrats is also around 50. And not alot of bills get voted upon and passed into law. Clearly adding
1/3 more voters meaning 50 more votes would change that balance of power. you see by adding 50
votes in the Senate, and making each vote a majority of all Americans in each state; those votes would
be used to get things done. currently there is like 90 percent of Americans that want a bill passed into
law that would require background checks of the person buying a gun in America. Currently there is no
background check needed to buy a gun; it's called Craig's list and you can buy any gun anywhere
anytime; and if you have the money, you can buy a gun. By adding those 50 votes in the Senate, those
votes that cannot be bought or controlled by the special interest groups; because one would need to
bribe give money or support all Americans to get your vote. I don't see a Special Interest group giving
each American a dollar and spending 300 million dollars in the process to get a law passed that blocks
background checks. Currently all they need is 1 Senator and have him filibuster that bill and have it
never to be voted upon.
Remember I just talked about the balance of power, by having your vote count in the Senate
you have the ability to change how things are done in congress. When the 28th amendment gets passed
into law; and one day it will, you will have the ability to vote upon bills into law. By you being the
fulcrum and having the power of the vote in the Senate, you can rebalance a Senate from being either
too far left or too far right in the political agenda.

There is a separation of people and the state, election was supposed to control those that get
elected into office, and that process is 200 years old. People dont understand that Congress was Elected
every 2 or 4 years and that was actually a very quick process when you take into count the rate of
change of the Nation, and the rate and change of congress. The rate of change was something called
the Horse and Wagon. Think about it; that's a slow rate of change and election every 2 or 4 years made
sense. With the Internet and the acceleration of the rate of change in the Nation; elections every 2 or 4
years is a very long time. There is also a very big change that has occurred since the Constitution was
created, it's something called the Internet. So there is a need to change on how things are done, and
instead of just having a vote to a politician every 2 or 4 years, there is a requirement to have a control
mechanism on those Politicians. Today You are not going to have alot of change in politics by having a
new name on the Republican ticket or the Democrat ticket. Nor are you going to influence a
Congressman into changing his mind on a subject. The only thing you can do is pass the 28th
amendment and have it as part of the constitution. That way instead of wasting your time and effort of
trying to create 'political pressure' which in my opinion no longer exists. No matter of debate in the
Senate or writing to a Congressman is going to change their views or vote. Its doesn't matter anymore,
yet by having a direct vote in the Senate and the House of Representative's that is real political power
and will be used to control the left or Right Political Parties from going crazy, and give the American
People the ability to propose laws directly before congress.

Chapter 10 The need to keep Corporate bills from being passed into law.
"j) There shall be no legal interaction between lobbyist's and the Federal Government Persons providing
legal assistance to the Public Electronic Voter. The legal Activity of the Federal Government and State
Electronic Voter shall be separated from lobbyists and representatives of Political Groups."
There is a requirement to have the lobbyists removed from the bill making process, while the
Elected Congressman use lobbyists to write laws that Congress votes into law. I don't want Corporate
America ruin America more by polluting America. That's me personally. And I don't believe anything has
passed of any good where a lobbyists got his ideas and wishes passed into law.
Clearly it's a good idea to have Lobbyists and Political Groups try to influence a Federal lawyer
that working for the Public Electronic Voter on bills to be voted upon in the House and Senate.
I used the phrase "legal interaction" to illustrate that there exists a need to have the lobbyists
and political groups to be separated from the Federal Employees that are assisting the Public Electronic
Voter into writing bills into law. A person can argue well you should have it related to 'legal interaction'
because I don't want any Constitution law to interfere in the case that a Federal Employee is in a
relationship or married to a person that is employed to a Political Group. I included it this way, just in
case it happens; however to tell you the truth, once the 28th amendment is passed into law, and
corporate business not longer have the ability to have bills passed into law that suits their needs ( at the
expense of Americans). You see, once the 28th amendment get passed into law; the Public Electronic
Voter cannot be bought or sold or given money to . I mean if a Corporate tries to bribe all Americans
with a dollar, that's going to cost them 300,000,000 dollars or more if you accepted a 1 dollar bribe from
that Company.
hopefully, you start to understand just how powerful it is to have the ability to vote and pass
bills into law in the House and Senate.

Chapter 11 The Truth about the Internet and Information
"k) Information provided to the Public Electronic Voters, on those Platforms that collect the means of
collecting votes and proposals shall be accurate and correct by a scientific peer review; On a national
level, as well as a local level."
I am an inventor, and I have read papers that Scientist created. Did you know that the facts are
provided and are used to prove their point? Did you know that in order for a paper to be published in a
peer reviewed magazine, it gets filtered though a group of scientists prior to publication? Yes there is a
number of complaints about how it stifles information and it takes awhile for things to be proven or
accepted? that's the price of science information, it needs to be proven and the facts be used to prove
that point or theory. And the facts are available to be reviewed to question the claims of the author.
That is not used on the Internet, today the internet has exploded with information, and most of the
information is just made up. I really mean that, its information that is self created to provide justification
to provide support of a person's worldview. Bloggers, News Sites, Whole Television Networks are
currently just making up information and passing it along as fact. There is no actual factual review of
facts. There used to be site that have tried to inform the public what is factual and what is not, and I will
tell you that the level of accuracy is the level of water in my toilet bowl, it flushes facts into a sewer and
there needs a filtration process to find out what the fact was.
In fact there is a Method of Debunking. Debunking is the process used to disprove another person's idea,
and there are News Networks on Television that used this process. It is this
1. Attack the Proof or Data of the Person you do not agree with. That's the 1st level of attack; it is used
to attack the data that is used to provide support of the idea you disagree with. Because if you can
disprove the data or information that supports that person's idea; you get to disprove the idea.
2. If you cannot Attack the data or proof of the Person that you disagree with, Attack the Person directly,
you see people associate the idea with the person; and if the person is discredited, you tarnish the idea
that the person has.
3. If you cannot Attack the data or proof of the idea, if you cannot attack the Character of the Person;
substitute your idea with theirs, this is a guise attack. because you do not address the facts or actual
idea; you substitute then entire idea with your idea, and when you get that done, you get to destroy the
idea of the person by association.
4. If you cannot Attack the data or proof of the idea, and you cannot attack the Character of the Person,
and you have no ideas of your own to substitute as proof, use emotions and language of emotions to
discredit that person's idea or person's character. basically you discredit the person using Fear and
people will avoid Fear and the New Idea, thereby removing that new idea.
These are the four basic debunking methods used to discredit another person's idea. It what works for
me. You can invent other variations of those 4 themes.
So there's is a huge problem of information being created to influence you the Voter. What
information is actually truthful and accurate? it requires a group of people qualified to discern what
information if true or if that information if just made up. I want a scientific peer review of information
that will be used to influence the Public Electronic Voter on the Information Platforms that will be
created, you see in order to have your idea be voted upon on the Electronic Voter Sites, people will want
to know if your idea is truthful and not made up. There needs to have a screening process to have
information posted on the forums or websites that the Public Electronic Voter will need access to.

Chapter 12 I don't have the time to vote
"I) There shall be established an Automatic Proxy Public Electronic Vote, your Electronic Public Vote can
be automated to reflect the voting of the Elected Official of your Choice. This Vote will follow the
Elected Official Vote of Ya or Nay (or versions of Yes or No Vote for proposed legislation) in the House or
Senate, or Committee. "
There are alot of Americans that do not have the time to Vote on a Monthly Basis or more. And
there needs to be a method of that Public Electronic Voter to have their Vote Included. So I thought well
if you trust Your Congressman, have your vote automatically be counted in accordance with that
Congressman, and here's the really neat part. If you trust any Congressman in Congress you can have
your vote be in accordance with that Politician. You are not restricted or stuck with the Congressman in
your district or State. Pretty neat idea huh?
Is your Congressman in a Committee in Congress? I want your vote to be included in those
committees as well, and have the same process in the House of Representative or Senate be used in a

Chapter 13 What does a Committee do in the House or Senate?
"m)There shall be established an Electronic Public Vote of a 1 to 2 ratio of 1 Electronic Public Vote to
Elected Representative on that Senate or House Committee and Sub Committee."
You hear about this Committee, or sub-committee; and I wonder what do they do? and How do they
vote on matters and propose legislation to be written into bills and law. By having the Public Electronic
Vote included in the voting process in the sub-committee; we will find out what is going on, and have a
swing voting power in that matter. There are elected Officials that believe in Creationism on the Science
Committee; yeah that's not a joke and it for real. Clearly there exists a need to keep the political cats
herded in the direction that works best. I want to have my vote count in those processes. There is not
point just to have a bill proposed and voted upon in the House and Senate, if it gets mowed under in a
committee. So we the people need access to those committee's and have a affect on the outcome.

Chapter 14 Fingers in the Pie
"n)The Electronic Public Vote be included in the House and Senate Committees and Sub Committees
shall have all the rights of the 28
amendment in the sections a) through and l)."
I want the ability to propose legislation in those committee's and sub committee's in the House
and Senate. by having all the rights of the Public Electronic Voter in the House and Senate be included in
the proposal of bills and idea's in the committees and sub-committees in the House and Senate; all
Americans will have the ability to have their ideas include in the legislative process. if there is six
republicans and six democrat's in the committee or 12 seats total, I want 6 Public Electronic Votes
included in the voting tally of Yea or Nea.

Chapter 15 Keeping the Rights the Same as a Senator or House Representative
o)The Electronic Public Vote shall have the same rights in the Senate and House voting and procedures
reflective in the House and Senate Committees. This right shall be evoked by popular vote of the Public
Electronic Voter to convey the same ability of a Senator or Representative.
This is a legal clause to ensure that the Public Electronic Voter shall have the same legal rights as
a Senator or Representative in Congress. If a Senator has the ability to Filibuster in the Senate, I want a
popular vote tallied to have the same effect. This little clause ensures that you as a group the Public
Electronic Voter can have the same procedural rights as a Senator or Representative.

Chapter 16 Everyone Votes
"p)All Americans have the right to a Electronic Public Vote."
Everybody that is a American Citizen has the right to vote, nobody shall be left out. I don't care
who you are, what your situation is; you are a American and you have the right to Vote.

Chapter 2 Getting Control of the Senate
Here is the next part of the 28th amendment
"b) An Senate Public Electronic Vote shall be collected from each state, to represent that Senate
Electronic Vote; a single Senate Public Electronic Vote shall be cast per majority vote of Americans
registered of that State; for that respective legislative function.
Well this makes perfect sense really, because of the fact that the Elected Political Officials make
up 100 votes, by having an additional 50 votes will ensure that things will be different in the Senate. By
having `150 votes in the Senate, your Electronic Public Voter will have power in the Senate, you will have
the ability to propose bills into laws, to have bills be voted upon in the Senate. No delays, or Filibuster or
any nonsense in the ability of getting bills passed into laws.
With a Electronic Platform collecting your vote by using the internet and having that converted
into a single vote per state in the Union, that will be used to control what individual politicians do in the
Senate and Remove what laws do or do not even get voted upon. This is the basic change that is needed
for the Congress to reflect what all Americans need and desire to get passed into law.

Chapter 3 That House needs a makeover
There really needs to have a change in the House of Representatives. My proposal is this
"c) An House Public Electronic Vote shall be collected from each state by the 1to 2 ratio of
Public Electronic Vote to Elected House Representatives of that State. Each State will have a 1
to 2 ratio of Public Electronic votes to the Total Elected Representatives of that State. Public
Electronics Vote shall be cast by popular Public Electronic Vote in accordance and keeping of 1
to 2 Total Elected Representatives of that State per district; for that respective legislative
There really need to have a change is how the House of Representatives is used and the
actions of the House of Representatives. The largest district is the whole state of Montana with
989,415 people in 2010, and the smallest district is the whole state of Wyoming with 563,626
people in 2010.
That's a large difference, and while yes that is the maximum difference, it's a 2 to 1
difference. Yet in the 2012 Election Democrats hold an edge over Republicans in overall votes.
"53,952,240 votes were cast for Democratic candidates, while Republican candidates received
53,402,643. However, thanks in part to redistricting, Republicans will hold more than half the
seats in the House while receiving less than half of overall votes". Something is wrong with that
picture, how can you have a smaller vote count and have more of a majority rule in the House
of Representatives?
What makes sense to me is also adding 1/3 of total votes to the 435 that is currently the
max number in the House of Representatives. You can again have a 1/3 Public Electronic Votes
in the House of Representatives. What makes sense is the fact that the total number of votes
per state be voted as a majority vote of the Public Electronic voters per state. means if the
state has 2 Elected Officials, there is a 1 vote to be added by majority of citizens in that state in
a popular vote of that state. I mean to say, a majority of Electronic Votes be collected
statewide and that will determine the Electronic Vote of that State, Yea or Nea on that
legislative matter; that's an additional 145 Electronic Public Votes in the House of
Representative. Which mean the General Public will always have the swing vote in the House
of Representatives, that is alot of power that cannot be bought by Rich People or Businessman.
You the General Public will retain that power once the 28th amendment gets passed into law.
Here is the good part of the power of the Electronic Voter in the House of
Representatives, you get represented directly by Electronic Vote. you also get the right to
propose laws into congress directly, and this is the control mechanism needed in Congress.
While yes it's nice to Vote for that Representative, what happens when you live in a district that
elected a Republican and your a Democrat?. Your fraked for good. Go see what fraking is by
watching the newest Battlestar Glactica. You will get the point. And because of the additional
part of the 28th amendment you will get to proposed your ideas into bills and get them passed
into law directly, and not though the hopes of a elected person that does not represent you.

Chapter 4 Getting Bills to be Voted into Law
"d) The Public Electronic Vote shall reserve the right to propose legislative law per majority vote of the
Total Public Electronic Votes in respective House or Senate, or legislative changes to the proposed
legislative law, in either the House or the Senate."
The current Election process, the Public Voter has not direct means of getting a legislative bill
written and voted in the House and Senate. You have to ask your Congressman to proposed a bill and
have that bill voted in the House and Senate; well actually that is not quite correct, you see if your
Congressman doesn't like your idea, that's it. And there are bills that are written by Special Interest
Groups and given a go ahead by that Congressman then voted upon, well that is not quit correct either;
you see the majority political party in the House or Senate has the ability to put a bill before Congress, if
your idea is not in conjunction and agreement to the majority political party then your idea is moot.
I do not believe in political pressure at all. it makes no sense really; the only thing a politician
pays attention to is his party, the money that supports him, and his own ideas and beliefs. You the
generic public voter is not on his list. Oh if you are in agreement with him, you can get some sort of bill
passed with your idea on it, most of Americans do not have the money, time and ability to influence a
congressman into getting your idea passed into law. By the creation and having the 28th amendment
passed into law and the Constitution you will have the ability to get a bill proposed and your idea
proposed to be voted upon in the House or Senate. and that is real power.
Chapter 5 The Real Change in Congress
"d) The Public Electronic Vote shall reserve the right to propose legislative law per majority vote of the
Total Public Electronic Votes in respective House or Senate, or legislative changes to the proposed
legislative law, in either the House or the Senate."
This is the Heart of the 28th Amendment. This provision requires that the Public Electronic
Voter get to propose and voted upon a bill in the House and Senate. The Combined votes of the Public
Electronic Votes with the Votes of either the House of Representatives or Public Electronic Votes with
the Votes of the Senate pass laws in Congress.
This will create the real change in Congress that Americans really want, Americans really want
an effective Congress to ensure the rights, liberty and freedom of Americans. Right now, there is a
requirement of the control of congress, to keep it too far left, or too far right from controlling Congress.
Because the Public Electronic Vote will be required to pass any legislation in congress, certain
things will change forever.
You see people believe that Congress is broken, that is not true; it is functioning as designed.
The Voter Elects Congress and Congress passes bills to be signed into law by the President. It is working
as designed, personally I believe that it is not working for you, the average American.
I believe that most Americans are reasonable, and will support reasonable ideas and pass them
into law. Congress became dysfunctional when bills were written and passed and signed into law that do
not support the average American. It supports the people that wrote the bill into law.
Oil Companies get free money from the Federal Government, and Republicans voted to take
away my health care and food stamps from children. That's not right. Republicans refuse to pass laws to
have a background gun check; anybody can buy a gun in America, and what is sick is that not everybody
can vote in America.
People say that Citizens United is wrong, and that money needs to be taken out of Congress.
That is true, but a congressional amendment to remove money from politics will not be passed into law,
and doesn't support the true reason money is used to lobby a Congressman. Money is used to create a
bill and have that bill passed into law to support the person giving money to Congress. I don't care what
you think if I am incorrect, you can surf the net and find out just how much money is spent on congress
to pass bills. money that is given from companies that require laws to be passed to increase profits.
There are people that do not want a working Postal Service in America. They want to have a Postal
Service substituted with a Profit Business and have substitute a well paid person that will not steal your
check or money that is being mailed to you; to a person make minimum wage not steal your money. If
you think theft is bad now in the Postal Service, wait til a Private Company charge you three times the
money to deliver a package, and pay that delivery person three times less. you think that person is not
going to steal to pay a bill? I do. Survival and being hungry will motivate a person to do anything not to
be hungry.
There is alot of things wrong with how bills are written into law, and they are still being passed
into law. You want Pot to be legalized in America? Stop the Senseless and Expensive imprisonment of
people that are addicted to drugs? The Republican War on Drugs has cause America to create the
biggest prison system in America. It has caused Trillions to be spent on a failed idea. There will not be a
bill written into law to legalize Federally Pot in America. As things stand it going to take another 50 years
for that to happen. Do you want America to spend 50 more trillion dollars to lock up an addicted person
in jail?
You cannot get a bill passed into law that will decriminalize Pot in Congress. If you are tired of
paying taxes to keep addicts in jail, get the 28th amendment passed into the Constitution.
If you're tired of Private Companies paying Congress money to pass bills to remove laws to
protect the environment, get the vote going to pass the 28th amendment into law. a Private Company
cannot spend enough money to have another bill passed into law that includes the Public Electronic
If you're tired of your Voting Rights being taken away in the guise of identification, pass the 28th
amendment in your state government. I did not even try to propose this idea locally; having it written
into the constitution first will eventually change how states pass laws.
if you're tired of a minority of politicians controlling which bills get voted upon, vote and have
your state pass the 28th amendment into the Constitution.
If you're want the ability to control congress, and what gets voted on, get the votes together to
have your state pass the 28th amendment into the Constitution.
If you're tired of lobbyists giving money to political groups, giving money to politicians to pass
laws that the lobbyist desires, get the 28th amendment passed into law and into the Constitution.
Are you getting the idea of how the 28th amendment passed into law? Wait til the next chapter.

Chapter 6 Instead of Two Fighting it out, have a three way shootout
"e) A required majority of Votes Consisting of the Public Electronic and Elected Representatives of the
House shall be required to pass forth legislative law. A required majority of Votes Consisting of the
Public Electronic Vote and Elected Representatives of the Senate shall be required to pass forth
legislative law."

This part of the 28th amendment creates the ability to break up the dual between Republicans and
Democrats in Congress. Ever see the scene where there is a three way gunfight, Clint Eastwood is
pointing his gun at one bad guy, and a gun is pointed at him, and the ugly bad guy is point a gun at the
other person.
It's a classic scene in the movie "The good, the bad, and the ugly" and was an original showdown. You
see by having a third party in the group, the thought that there was only one person to defeat in a
classic two person dual, there is created a third problem with a third person to deal with.
By having the requirement to have the Public Electronic Voter be included in the passage of bills to be
signed into law, it changes the dynamic in congress.
By having the Electronic Vote in Congress, you have the ability to pass bills into law.
Chapter 7 The 'Nitty' meets the 'Gritty'
f) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing access and security in order to enable a
American to Vote as an Public Electronics Voter.

Everyone in America needs the right to have their vote in Congress. Not have a Elected Official
Vote for them, when they don't vote for bills that are not for the average American. Not to have an
Elected Official takes food away from Children in the guise of 'saving money' Not when they Vote for a
bill and have it passed into law giving money to Oil Companies. By having the average American vote for
bills and are required to have their vote in order to pass bills into law will change things.
However only the Federal Government can create or have a private company pass out the
equipment to ensure every American can vote bills into law. and only the Federal Government can
ensure every American's idea be created into a legislative language and be included or created a bill to
be passed into law.
And it starts with the requirement that every American have a voting device in their own home.
Only the Federal Government can include a encryption that is secure enough to ensure your vote is not
hacked into. As a Electronics Tech a 'ROM' device, a Read Only Memory device can be created and
plugged into your own computer or phone or device that can connect to the internet. Only the Federal
Government can create legally a device that is encrypted and secure to ensure your vote is not hacked
into or the voting system be hacked into. And a Read Only Device cannot be hack or have a Virus of any
kind be inserted into a ROM device. I was a member of the White House Communication Agency, I was
a Electronics Tech that supported a secure network. I will tell you that a Secure Encrypted Connection
from a Federally Provided Device so that you can have your Electronic Vote at home be secure.
And it sure will work, that's the nitty-gritty truth.

Chapter 8 I don't know how to write a bill

"g) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing legal assistance to proposed legislative
laws from Public Electronic Voters to be proposed before the House of Representative to be voted upon
by the House.
h) The Federal Government shall provide the means of providing legal assistance to amend proposed
legislative laws from the Senate to be voted upon by the Public Electronic Voter."

I don't know how to write a bill, that can be passed into law; neither does most of Americans. I
don't know lawyer speak, but with the 28th amendment you can have the Federal Government hire
lawyers to write the bills to be voted upon from the proposals that will be collected on those Electronic
You see when the 28th amendment is passed and written into the Constitution of the United
States, you will get to have your idea's submitted electronically to a Common Website or some type of
Electronic Platform, and have other Americans Vote on those idea's. The most common idea would be
voted upon by all Electronic Voters and that proposal will need to be written into a House or Senate
Resolution Bill to be voted upon by the Elected Congressman with the Electronic Voter.
So basically it's a forum or some type of website that everyone will have access to, and by
popular vote, your idea can be voted upon; and if that idea is passed by popular vote of all Electronic
Voters, it will need to be lawyerized into legal speak, and that requires some lawyers to be hired by the
Federal Government to write the final bill into a official proposal. They will not change the idea, just
make it a legal proposal.
I wrote the amendment so that you can pass your proposal into a bill in either the house or
senate, thereby ensuring a vote will occur in both Houses of Congress.
It just makes sense.

Chapter 9 Getting things done in time
"i) The Public Electronic Voter shall have the means of providing regular voting periods, to enable the
smooth running of the Congress. . The Public Electronic Voter shall have timely legislative proposals to
be evaluated upon on an Electronic Platform in a regular manner. The first business day of the month
shall be reserved for the Public Electronic Voter to propose bills or legislative law to be voted upon, and
to have bills or legislative voted upon in the House or Senate."

Things need to change in how things get done when needed. I remember the fiasco about the
United States debt nearly defaulted by Congress. There is no need to have things done at the last minute.
There is no need to wait until the Speaker of the House decides when a bill can be voted upon and when
it's to be voted upon. There is no need to wait until the Majority Leader in the Senate decided when a
bill can be voted upon and when it's to be voted upon.
The 28th amendment ensures that bills will be voted upon on a regular basis. like the 1st of the
Month every Month. That way Americans will put aside a afternoon once a month to vote on bills in
congress. It makes perfect sense to ensure the American Public Electronic Voter puts a voting bill to be
voted upon, I say once a month is a good idea. I just changed the 'regular voting periods' to the first
business day of the month. that way it gives you the ability to recover from the New Years eve party fun.

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