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The Coefficient of Bohm Diffusion in Fully Ionized Plasma and its

Theoretical Proof
Ahmad Talaei a, ∗, Reza Amrollahi a

a Department of Nuclear Engineering and Physics,

Amirkabir University of Technology, No. 424, Hafez Ave., P.O.Box. 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran

2th IPM International Conference on Plasma Dynamics, Tehran, Iran, 2006.

As we know, the classical diffusion can not be able to respond the experimental results of the dif-
fusion in the fully ionized and isothermal plasma. In this article, we purpose to extract the empirical
coefficients of the Bohm diffusion and its confinement time, theoretically, in the fully ionized plasma,
using the single fluid MHD equations.

Keywords: Classical diffusion, Bohm diffusion, Bohm time, Single fluid MHD equations, Fick’s

1 Introduction
As we know, in the weakly ionized plasma in the absence of magnetic fields, charged
particles collide primarily with neutral atoms rather that with one another. But considering
the weakly ionized plasma in a existence of the magnetic field, charged particles will move
along by diffusion and mobility. In this case, we can write the perpendicular coefficient of the
diffusion to the magnetic field as [1]:
D⊥ ∝ (1.1)
Where r⊥ is the Larmor radius and τ the mean time between collisions for particles.
In fully ionized plasmas (composed of ions and electrons alone), all collisions are Coulomb
collisions between charged particles. In the absence of gravity, for a steady state plasma, the
perpendicular coefficient of the diffusion to the magnetic field using the single fluid MHD
equations, becomes[1]:
η⊥ n KT
D⊥ ∝ (1.2)

Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (Ahmad Talaei)

D⊥ is so called the classical diffusion coefficient for a fully ionized gases where n is the plasma
density and η⊥ the perpendicular resistance to the magnetic field. As we see Eq.(1.2), D⊥
is proportional to B −2 , just like in the case of weakly ionized plasma. But the laboratory
verification of the B −2 dependence of the D⊥ in a fully ionized plasma elude from the all
experiments. In almost previous experiments, D⊥ scaled as B −1 , rather than B −2 , and the
decay of plasma was found to be exponential, rather than reciprocal with time. Furthermore,
the absolute value of D⊥ was far larger than that given by Eq.(1.2). Bohm, gave the coefficient
of this poor magnetic confinement diffusion empirical as [1]:

1 KTe
D⊥ = ≡ DB (1.3)
16 eB
Diffusion following this law is called Bohm diffusion. This formula was obeyed in a surprising
number of different experiments. As we see, DB is independent of density and proportional
to B −1 . The confinement time in a cylindrical plasma column of radius R and length L can
be estimated from Eq.(1.3) as follows [1]:

τ= ≡ τB (1.4)
The τB is often called the Bohm time.

2 Therotical Equation of Bohm Diffusion in Fully Ionized Plasma

We use the single fluid MHD equations for obtaining Eqs.(1.3) and (1.4)as:

∂V → −
− → − →
ρ = j × B − ∇p + ρ−

g (2.1)

− −
→ → −→ →

E +V ×B =ηj (2.2)

∂ρ − → →

+ ∇ · (ρ V ) = 0 (2.3)
∂σ − → − →
+ ∇ ·(j )=0 (2.4)

− →

Where ρ is the mass density of plasma, V the velocity of one phase plasma, j the current

density of plasma, B the magnetic field, p the Maxwellian pressure, − →g gravitational field,
η⊥ specific resistivity and σ charge density in one phase plasma. We write the perpendicular

component to B in Eq.(2.1), as follows:

∂ V⊥ − → − → − →
ρ = j⊥ × B − ∇p + ρ− →g (2.5)
In the absence of gravity, for a steady state plasma, we have:
→ −
− → − →
j⊥ × B − ∇p = 0 (2.6)

Taking the cross product with B , we have:

→ −
− → → −
− → →

(j⊥ × B ) × B − ∇p × B = 0 (2.7)

The scalar product of current density perpendicular to magnetic field with B is zero, thus:

− →

→ ∇p × B
j⊥ = − (2.8)

→ −

As we know, j⊥ = neV⊥ . Thus, we have:

− −
→ →
− →

→ ∇p × B −
→ (γe KTe + γi KTi ) ∇n × B
V⊥ = − ⇒ V ⊥ = − (2.9)
neB 2 neB 2
For simplicity, we assumed γe KTe = γi KTi (for an isothermal plasma) so we have:

− →

→ KTe ∇n × B
V⊥ = −2γe (2.10)
neB 2

The perpendicular component of the flux associated with diffusion to magnetic field, Γ⊥ is as:

− →

−→ −
→ KTe ∇n × B
Γ⊥ = nV⊥ = −2γe (2.11)
eB 2
On the other hand, Fick’s low of diffusion is equal:

→ →

Γ = −D ∇n (2.12)
Where D is diffusion coefficient. We compare Eq.(2.11), with the perpendicular component

of the flux in Eq.(2.12) so we can write the perpendicular diffusion coefficient to B as:

D⊥ = 2γ (2.13)

As we obtained, D⊥ is proportional to B −1 , and it is not proportional to n. Also, the absolute
value of D⊥ in Eq.(2.13) is nearly equal to value of coefficient of the Bohm diffusion. For
obtaining the Bohm time, we use the equation of continuity Eq.(2.3) as:

∂n − → − →
+∇· Γ =0 (2.14)

For perpendicular component of Eq.(2.14) to B , and using Fick’s law (that we assume D⊥ is
independent of geometry), we have:

− D⊥ ∇2 n = 0 (2.15)
Eq.(2.15) can be solved by using the method of separation of variables. Therefore, we consider:

n(r, t) = T (t)S(r) (2.16)

Combining Eqs.(2.15) and (2.16), we have:

1 dT (t) D⊥ 2
= ∇ S(r) (2.17)
T (t) dt S(r)

Since the left side is a function of time alone and the right side a function of space alone, they
must both be equal to the same constant, which we shall call − τ1 .

1 dT (t) D⊥ 2 1
= ∇ S(r) = − (2.18)
T (t) dt S(r) τ
The function T(t) obeys the equation:

1 dT (t) 1 t
= − ⇒ T (t) = T◦ e− τ (2.19)
T (t) dt τ
Therefore, density decays exponentially with time, as one would expect. Also, the spatial
part of Eq.(2.18), S(r), in cylindrical geometry obeys the equation:

D⊥ 2 1 d2 S(r) 1 dS(r) S(r)

∇ S(r) = − ⇒ + + =0 (2.20)
S(r) τ dr2 r dr D⊥ τ
As we know, S(r) is called a Bessel function of order of zero, and Eq.(2.20) is called Bessel’s
equation of order zero. With the solution we have:
r r
S(r) = AJ◦ ( √ ) + BY◦ ( √ ) (2.21)
D⊥ τ D⊥ τ
We would expect the density to be finite at the center of cylinder (r=0). This boundary
condition {S(r → 0) = f inite} requires:
S(r) = AJ◦ ( √ ) (2.22)
D⊥ τ
Also, we would expect the density to be nearly zero at the walls. Since once ions and electrons
reach the wall, they recombine there. The density near the wall, therefore, is essentially zero.

S(r → R) = 0 ⇒ AJ◦ ( √ )=0⇒ √ = λn (2.23)
D⊥ τ D⊥ τ
λn is points that the Bessel function of order of zero is zero in these points, such as 2.408,5.87,etc..
For satisfying the boundary condition {n(r → R, t) = 0}, we must set √DR τ equal to the first

zero of J◦ , namely, 2.408. Therefore, for the decay time τ , we have:

R R2
√ = 2.408 ⇒ τ = (2.24)
D⊥ τ 5.798D⊥

The valve of confinement time in Eq.(2.24) is nearly equal to value of the Bohm time. As one
sees, we extract the empirical coefficients of the Bohm diffusion and Bohm time, theoretically,
using the single fluid MHD equations. Consequently, by combining Eqs.(2.16),(2.19),(2.22)
and (2.24), the density of plasma as function of time and space in the cylindrical geometry is
2.408r − t
n(r, t) = T (t)S(r) = n◦ J◦ ( )e τ (2.25)

3 Conclusion
In this work, we extract Bohm diffusion and Bohm time in fully ionized plasma for a
steady state (that Bohm gave the empirical formulas for them) using the single fluid MHD
equations. Consequently, we suggested a plasma density with time and space components in
a cylindrical column of radius R and length L.

[1] Francis F.Chen, ”Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,” Plennum Press, New
York, Second Edition, Vol. 1, Plasma Physics, 1984.

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