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!record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt !i \\bh-ac-001\eputterm$\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.

txt !record !include Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt Is_Function ; Is_Function := func(s); is_set({3}); is_set({3}); ; !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !include Z:\DiscreteStrucutes\myfuncs.txt !include Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !record !record $ Eli Putterman $ Assignment 1 Is_Smap := func(sm); return is_relation(sm) and #domain(sm) = #sm; end; Is_Perm := func(p); return Is_List(p) and #p = #{x: x in p}; end; Is_Bag := func(b); return Is_Smap(b) and (forall a in image(b) | is_integer(a) and a > 0) end; Is_Relation := func(r,a,b); return is_relation(r) and is_set(a) and is_set(b) and (domain(r) subset a) a nd (image(r) subset b); end; SmapToFunc := func(sm); if Is_Smap(sm) then Func := func(y); return sm(y); end;

return Func; end; end; $ Assignment 2 Is_Pset := func(ps); return is_set(ps) and (forall x in ps | is_set(x) and x /= {}) and (forall x,y in ps | x = y or x inter y = {}); end; Is_Emap := func(em); return is_relation(em) and (forall x,y in domain(em) | ([x,y] in em) = ([y,x ] in em)) and (forall x,y,z in domain(em) | (([x,y] in em) and ([y,z] in em)) = ([x, z] in em)); end; $ Assignment 3 EmapToPset := func(em); if Is_Emap(em) then return {em{x}: x in domain(em)}; end; end; PsetToSmap := func(ps); if Is_Pset(ps) then i := 1; sm := {}; for x in ps do sm := sm + {[y,i] : y in x}; i := i + 1; end; return sm; end; end; $ Assignment 4 Factorial := func(n); if is_integer(n) then if n < 0 then return 0; elseif n = 0 then return 1; else return %*{1..n}; end; end; end; NumLists := func(N,k); if is_integer(N) and is_integer(K) then return n**k; end; end; NumPerms := func(N,k); if is_integer(N) and is_integer(k) then

return Factorial(N) div Factorial(N-k); end; end; NumSets := func(N,k); if is_integer(N) and is_integer(k) then return Factorial(N) div (Factorial(N-k)*Factorial(k)); end; end; NumBags := func(N,k); return NumSets(N+k-1,N-1); end; AllLists := func(S,k); if is_integer(k) and k >= 0 then if k=0 then return {[]}; elseif S = {} then return {}; else return {p with x: x in S, p in AllLists(S,k-1)}; end; end; end; AllSets := func(S,k); if is_integer(k) and k >= 0 then if k=0 then return {{}}; elseif S = {} then return {}; else return {p with x: x in S, p in AllSets(S less x,k-1)}; end; end; end; AllPerms := func(S, k); $ requires: S is a set; k is a nonnegative integer $ effects : returns the set of all perms of S of size k if is_integer(k) and k >= 0 then if k = 0 then return {[]}; elseif S = {} then return {}; elseif k > 0 then return {p with x: x in S, p in AllPerms(S less x,k-1)}; end; end; end; AllBags := func(S,k); if is_integer(k) and k >= 0 then if k=0 then return {{}}; elseif S = {} then return {}; else return {p with [x,1]: x in S, p in AllBags(S less x, k-1)}

+ {p less [x, i] with [x,i+1]: x in S, p in AllBags(S,k-1), [x,i] in p}; end; end; end; AllBagsL := func(S,k); local BagAdd, x; BagAdd := func(p,x); p(x) := 1+p(x)?0; return p; end; if k=0 then return [{}]; elseif S = {} then return []; else x := arb(S); return [BagAdd(p,x): p in AllBagsL(S,k-1)] + [p: p in AllBagsL(S less x,k)]; end; end; $ Assignment 5 !include bin_tree.utl $ bin_tree.utl MakeBinTree := func(left,rootLabel,right); $ requires: left and right are (labeled) binary trees $ effects : returns a new (labeled) binary tree return [left,rootLabel,right]; end; MakeEmpty := func(); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns an empty binary tree return []; end; IsEmpty := func(tree); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns true if tree is an empty binary tree and false otherwise return tree = MakeEmpty(); end; MakeBinLeaf := func(item); $ effects : returns a binary tree leaf return MakeBinTree(MakeEmpty(),item,MakeEmpty()); end; IsBinLeaf := func(t); return IsEmpty(Left(t)) and IsEmpty(Right(t)); end; BinRoot := func(t); $ requires: t is a binary tree $ effects : returns the label of root of the tree if is_list(t) then

return t(2); end; end; Left := func(t); $ requires: t is a binary tree $ effects : returns the left subtree of t if is_list(t) then return t(1); end; end; Right := func(t); $ requires: t is a binary tree $ effects : returns the right subtree of t if is_list(t) then return t(3); end; end;

PrintExpTree := proc(t); $ requires: t is a binary expression tree $ effects : prints t RecPrint := proc (level, t ); $ requires: level is a non negative integer; t is a binary tree $ modifies: output stream $ effects : prints the tree at level of indentation if IsBinLeaf(t) then printf BinRoot(t):0, "\n"; else printf BinRoot(t):0; if not IsEmpty(Right(t)) then printf "--->" ; RecPrint(level + 1, Right(t)); end; if not IsEmpty(Left(t)) then for j in [ 1.. 3 ] do for i in [1..level] do printf "| " ; end; if j = 3 then printf "V " ; else printf "| " ; end; printf "\n"; end; for i in [1..level] do printf "| " ; end; RecPrint(level, Left(t)); end; end; end;$ RecPrint printf "\n"; RecPrint(0,t); printf "\n"; end;$ PrintTree;

L2 := MakeBinLeaf(2); L3 := MakeBinLeaf(3); L5 := MakeBinLeaf(5); T23 := MakeBinTree(L2,"+",L3); T53 := MakeBinTree(L5,"-",L3); T := MakeBinTree(T23,"*",T53); Lw := MakeBinLeaf("w"); Lx := MakeBinLeaf("x"); Ly := MakeBinLeaf("y"); Lz := MakeBinLeaf("z"); La := MakeBinLeaf("a"); Lb := MakeBinLeaf("b"); Lc := MakeBinLeaf("c"); Ld := MakeBinLeaf("d"); Le := MakeBinLeaf("e"); Lf := MakeBinLeaf("f"); $ i) Txpy := MakeBinTree(Lx,"+",Ly); Txpz := MakeBinTree(Lx,"+",Lz); T1 := MakeBinTree(Txpy,"*",Txpz); $ ii) Txmy := MakeBinTree(Lx,"-",Ly); Tymw := MakeBinTree(Ly,"-",Lw); Txyz := MakeBinTree(Txmy,"*",Lz); Twxz := MakeBinTree(Txyz,"+",Tymw); T2 := MakeBinTree(Twxz,"*",Lx); $ iii) Taxx := MakeBinTree(La,"*",Lx); Taxb := MakeBinTree(Taxx,"+",Lb); Tabx := MakeBinTree(Taxb,"*",Lx); Taxc := MakeBinTree(Tabx,"+",Lc); Tacx := MakeBinTree(Tacx,"*",Lx); Taxd := MakeBinTree(Tabx,"+",Ld); Tadx := MakeBinTree(Tabc,"*",Lx); Taxe := MakeBinTree(Tabx,"+",Le); Taex := MakeBinTree(Tabd,"*",Lx); T3 := MakeBinTree(Tabx,"+",Lf); Is_Bintree := func(bt); if bt = OM then return false; else return IsEmpty(bt) or (Is_Bintree(Left(bt)) and BinRoot(bt) /= OM and Is_Bintree(Rig ht(bt))); end; end; BinPreorder := func(bt); if Is_Bintree(bt) then if IsEmpty(bt) then return []; else return [BinRoot(bt)]+BinPreorder(Left(bt))+BinPreorder(Right(bt)); end; end; end;

BinInorder := func(bt); if Is_Bintree(bt) then if IsEmpty(bt) then return []; else return BinInorder(Left(bt))+[BinRoot(bt)]+BinInorder(Right(bt)); end; end; end; BinPostorder := func(bt); if Is_Bintree(bt) then if IsEmpty(bt) then return []; else return BinPostorder(Left(bt))+BinPostorder(Right(bt))+[BinRoot(bt)]; end; end; end; Height := func(bt); if Is_Bintree(bt) then if IsEmpty(bt) then return -1; else return 1 + max(Height(Left(bt)),Height(Right(bt))); end; end; end; SameShape := func(at,bt); if Is_Bintree(at) and Is_Bintree(bt) then if IsEmpty(at) then return IsEmpty(bt); else return SameShape(Left(at),Left(bt)) and SameShape(Right(at),Right(bt )); end; end; end; MakeShape := func(bt); if Is_Bintree(bt) then if IsEmpty(bt) then return 0; else return 2**(2**Height(bt)-1) + MakeShape(Left(bt)) + 2**(2**Height(bt ))*MakeShape(Right(bt)); end; end; end; $ utility functions for MakeShape PrintBin := proc(i); if is_integer(i) and i > 0 then if i = 1 then printf "1"; else PrintBin(i div 2);

if i mod 2 = 0 then printf "0"; else printf "1"; end; end; end; end; StringBin := func(i); if is_integer(i) and i > 0 then if i = 1 then return "1"; else if i mod 2 = 0 then return StringBin(i div 2) + "0"; else return StringBin(i div 2) + "1"; end; end; end; end; IntBin := func(i); if is_integer(i) and i > 0 then if i = 1 then return i; else return (10*PrintBin(i div 2)+(i mod 2)); end; end; end; $ Assignment 6 !include ord_tree.utl $ ord_tree.utl 4-28-02 MakeOrdTree := func(root,subtrees); $ requires: root is not OM and subtrees is a list of ordered trees $ effects : returns a new ordered tree with the given root return {["root",root], ["subtrees", subtrees]}; end; MakeNull := func(); return []; end; MakeOrdLeaf := func(item); $ requires: item is not OM $ effects : returns an ordered tree leaf node return MakeOrdTree(item, MakeNull() ); end; Is_OrdLeaf := func(t); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns true if t is a leaf of an ordered tree and false otherwise return t = MakeOrdLeaf(OrdRoot(t)); end; revised

OrdRoot := func(tree); $ requires: tree is an ordered tree $ effects : returns the root of the tree if Is_Smap(tree) then return tree("root"); end; end; Subtrees := func(tree); $ requires: tree is an ordered tree $ effects : returns the subtrees of the root oftree if Is_Smap(tree) then return tree("subtrees"); end; end; Is_OrdTree := func(t); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns true if t is an ordered tree and false otherwise return Is_OrdLeaf(t) or (is_defined(OrdRoot(t)) and forall st in Subtrees(t) | Is_OrdTree(st)); end; IsNull := func(forest); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns true iff forest is empty return forest = MakeNull(); end; HasRoot := func(tree); return is_defined(OrdRoot(tree)); end; PrintOrd := proc(otree); $ requires: otree is an ordered tree or forest of ordered trees $ effects : prints it local printer; printer := func(tr,indent); if HasRoot(tr) then printf indent*" ";print OrdRoot(tr); for t in Subtrees(tr) do printer(t,indent+1); end; else for t in tr do printer(t,indent+1); end; end; end;$ printer printer(otree,1); end; V8 V9 V4 V2 V15 V14 := := := := := := MakeOrdLeaf(8); MakeOrdLeaf(9); MakeOrdTree(4,[V8,V9]); MakeOrdTree(2,[V4]); MakeOrdLeaf(15); MakeOrdTree(14,[V15]);

V13 V10 V5 V6 V11 V12 V7 V3 V1

:= := := := := := := := :=

MakeOrdLeaf(13); MakeOrdTree(10,[V13,V14]); MakeOrdTree(5,[V10]); MakeOrdLeaf(6); MakeOrdLeaf(11); MakeOrdLeaf(12); MakeOrdTree(7,[V11,V12]); MakeOrdTree(3,[V5,V6,V7]); MakeOrdTree(1,[V2,V3]);

AllIntNodes := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if IsNull(ot) then return {}; elseif Is_OrdLeaf(ot) then return {OrdRoot(ot)}; else return {OrdRoot(ot)} + (%+{AllIntNodes(x): x in Subtrees(ot)}); end; end; end; AllLeaves := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if IsNull(ot) then return {}; elseif Is_OrdLeaf(ot) then return {OrdRoot(ot)}; else return %+{AllLeaves(x): x in Subtrees(ot)}; end; end; end; AllNodes := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if IsNull(ot) then return {}; elseif Is_OrdLeaf(ot) then return {OrdRoot(ot)}; else return {OrdRoot(ot)}+(%+{AllNodes(x): x in Subtrees(ot)}); end; end; end; FindSubtree := func(ot,v); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if OrdRoot(ot) = v then return ot; else for x in Subtrees(ot) do if FindSubtree(x,v) /= OM then return FindSubtree(x,v); end; end; end; end; end;

Parent := func(ot,v); if FindSubtree(ot,v) /= OM then if (exists x in Subtrees(ot) | OrdRoot(x) = v) then return ot; else for x in Subtrees(ot) do if Parent(x,v) /= OM then return Parent(x,v); end; end; end; end; end; Siblings := func(ot,v); if Subtrees(Parent(ot,v)) /= OM then return [x: x in Subtrees(Parent(ot,v)) | OrdRoot(x) /= v]; end; end; Position := func(l,v); $ A utility function returning the position(s) of an item in a list. $ Here used for LeftSiblings and RightSiblings. if v in l then return [x: x in [1..#l] | l(x) = v]; end; end; LeftSiblings := func(ot,v); if Subtrees(Parent(ot,v)) /= OM then S := Subtrees(Parent(ot,v)); return [x: x in S | Position(S,x)(1) < Position(S,FindSubtree(v))(1)]; end; end; LeftSiblings := func(ot,v); if Subtrees(Parent(ot,v)) /= OM then S := Subtrees(Parent(ot,v)); return [x: x in S | Position(S,x)(1) > Position(S,FindSubtree(v))(1)]; end; end; OrdHeight := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if Is_Null(ot) then return -1; else return 1 + %max[OrdHeight(x): x in Subtrees(ot)]; end; end; end; Ancestors := func(ot,v); if Is_OrdTree(ot) and FindSubtree(ot,v) /= OM then if OrdRoot(ot) = v then return []; else return Ancestors(ot,OrdRoot(Parent(ot,v))) + [OrdRoot(Parent(ot,v))] ; end;

end; end; Descendants := func(ot,v); if Is_OrdTree(ot) and FindSubtree(ot,v) /= OM then return [x: x in (AllNodes(ot) - OrdRoot(ot)) | v in Ancestors(ot,x)]; end; end; OrdDepth := func(ot,v); if Is_OrdTree(ot) and FindSubtree(ot,v) /= OM then if v = OrdRoot(ot) then return 0; else return 1 + OrdDepth(Parent(ot,v)); end; end; end; LongestPath := func(ot,v); return %max[OrdDepth(ot,OrdRoot(x)): x in AllLeaves(ot)]; end; Is_Forest := func(f); return is_list(f) and forall x in f | Is_OrdTree(x); end; OrdPreorder := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if IsNull(ot) then return []; elseif Is_OrdLeaf(ot) then return [OrdRoot(ot)]; else return [OrdRoot(ot)] + %+[OrdPreorder(x): x in Subtrees(ot)]; end; end; end; OrdPostorder := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if IsNull(ot) then return []; elseif Is_OrdLeaf(ot) then return [OrdRoot(ot)]; else return %+[OrdPostorder(x): x in Subtrees(ot)] + [OrdRoot(ot)]; end; end; end; ForestToBinTree := func(f); if Is_Forest(f) then if #f = 0 then return MakeEmpty(); else return MakeBinTree( end;

ForestToBinTree(Subtrees(Head(f))), OrdRoot(Head(f)), ForestToBinTree(Tail(f) ) );

end; end; $ Define OrdPreorder(forest) to be %+[OrdPreorder(x): x in forest]. Then: $ BinPreorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)) = OrdPreorder(forest); $ BinInorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)) = OrdPostOrder(forest); $ BinPostorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)), however, does not seem to have any rela tionship $ to a particular ordering of forest. Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and (edge(1) in nodes) and (edge(2) in nodes); end; Is_UndirectedEdge:= func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and (forall a in edge | a in nodes); end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and Is_Relation(edges,nodes,nodes); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edges) and (forall edge in edges | Is_Undire ctedEdge(nodes,edge)); end;!include F:\ALebow\ISETLW\isetl.stl completed !stack off !verbose on !memory 30000000 !allocate 30000000 !include funcs.ini !source off !echo off $ standard isetl has domain and image for maps -- and hi,lo for tuples $ here we extend the definitions to more types !unlock domain image hi lo [domain,image,hi,lo] := [Domain,Image,Hi,Lo] where sysdomain := domain; sysimage := image; syslo := lo; syshi := hi; Domain := func(f); if is_tuple(f) then return {i : i in [syslo(f)..syshi(f)]| f(i) /= om}; elseif is_string(f) then return {1..#f}; else return sysdomain(f); end; end; Image := func(f); if is_map(f) then return sysimage(f); else

return { f(x): x in Domain(f) }; end; end; Hi := func(f); return %max Domain(f); end; Lo := func(f); return %min Domain(f); end; end; $ fix and floor are the same on positive numbers and differ on negative ones. $ we may need round, so here it is. round := func(x); if is_number(x) then if x - floor(x) < 1/2 then return floor(x); else return floor(x) + 1; end; end; end; is_list := is_tuple; is_relation := is_map; range := image; !lock image lo hi domain round is_list is_relation range $ !unlock domain $$ leave unlocked to assign domain of funcs !source on $!include message $!i graphs.!i $!include merge.!i !include alias.ini !echo on !alias q quit !alias c clear !alias i include !alias r record !alias w watch !alias uw unwatch !echo off !i list_ops.utl $printf("\tBy including this file 'list_ops.utl' you will be able to use the fu ncs\n"); $printf("\twhose names and parameters are shown below. As far as possible they\n "); $printf("\timplement the descriptions that are found in the Aho & Ullman textboo k,\n"); $printf("\tFoundations of Computer Science. In most cases the names of the \n") ; $printf("\tparameters indicate the required type of argument to be used when \n" ); $printf("\tevaluating the func.\n"); $!echo on

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Is_List := func(L); Head := func(list); Tail := func(list); Sublist := func( i, j, list); Prefix := func( i,list,); Suffix := func( i, list); First := func(list); Last := func(list); Retrieve := func(position,list); Length := func(list); Is_EmptyList := func(L); Insert := func(item, list); Delete := func(item, list); Lookup := func(item, list); InsertFirst := func(item, list); InsertLast := func(item, list); DeleteFirst := func(item, list); DeleteLast := func(item, list);

$!echo off Is_List := func(L); return is_tuple(L) and (lo(L) = 1 or L=1@[]) and forall x in L | is_defined(x); end; Head := func(list); return list(1); end; Tail := func(list); return list(2..); end; Sublist := func( i, j, list); return list(i..j); end; Prefix := func(i,list); return list(..i); end; Suffix := func(i, list); return list(i..); end; First := func(list); return list(1); end; Last := func(list); return list(#list); end; Retrieve := func(position,list); return list(position); end; Length := func(list); return #list; end; Is_EmptyList := func(L); return L = [] ; end; Insert := func(item, list); local pos; $ position pos := 1 + arb(#list - 1); list(pos..pos) := list(pos..pos) with item;

return list; end; Delete := func(item, list); for p in {1..#list} do if list(p) = item then list(p..p) := []; return list; end; end; return list; end; Lookup := func(item, list); return item in list; end; InsertFirst := func(item, list); return [item] + list; end; InsertLast := func(item, list); return list with item; end; DeleteFirst := func(item, list); for p in [1..#list] do if list(p) = item then list(p..p) := []; return list; end; end; return list; end; DeleteLast := func(item, list); for p in [#list, #list-1..1] do if list(p) = item then list(p..p) := []; return list; end; end; return list; end; Subsequence := func(positions, L); $ requires: positions is a set of positive integers and L is a list $ effects : returns the subsequence of the list L deterimined by positio ns return [L(i): i in [1..#L] | i in positions]; end;

$!i compose.utl $!i relation.!i $!i prob.utl $!i rand.utl $!i arbs.!i $ $printf "Include the file for the course you are taking:\n\n"; $printf "!i disc $ Discrete Structures\n\n"; $printf "!i alg $ Modern Algebra\n\n"; $printf "!i calc $ Calculus\n\n";

printf "\n\n"; printf "Type !record at end of session to close the history.txt file"; printf "\n\n"; !record Z:\history.txt Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and ({x: x in edge} sub set nodes); end; Is_UndirectedEdge:= func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and Is_Relation(edges,nodes,nodes); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edges) and (forall edge in edges | Is_Undire ctedEdge(nodes,edge)); end; $ Define OrdPreorder(forest) to be %+[OrdPreorder(x): x in forest]. Then: $ BinPreorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)) = OrdPreorder(forest); $ BinInorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)) = OrdPostOrder(forest); $ BinPostorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)), however, does not seem to have any rela tionship $ to a particular ordering of forest. $ Assignment 7 !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and ({x: x in edge} sub set nodes); end; Is_UndirectedEdge:= func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and Is_Relation(edges,nodes,nodes); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edges) and (forall edge in edges | Is_Undire ctedEdge(nodes,edge)); end; !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt OrdPreorder := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if IsNull(ot) then return []; elseif Is_OrdLeaf(ot) then return [OrdRoot(ot)]; else return [OrdRoot(ot)] + %+[OrdPreorder(x): x in Subtrees(ot)]; end; end; end;

OrdPostorder := func(ot); if Is_OrdTree(ot) then if IsNull(ot) then return []; elseif Is_OrdLeaf(ot) then return [OrdRoot(ot)]; else return %+[OrdPostorder(x): x in Subtrees(ot)] + [OrdRoot(ot)]; end; end; end; ForestToBinTree := func(f); if Is_Forest(f) then if #f = 0 then return MakeEmpty(); else return MakeBinTree( end; end; end; $ Define OrdPreorder(forest) to be %+[OrdPreorder(x): x in forest]. Then: $ BinPreorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)) = OrdPreorder(forest); $ BinInorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)) = OrdPostOrder(forest); $ BinPostorder(ForestToBinTree(forest)), however, does not seem to have any rela tionship $ to a particular ordering of forest. $ Assignment 7 Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and ({x: x in edge} sub set nodes); end; Is_UndirectedEdge:= func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and Is_Relation(edges,nodes,nodes); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edges) and (forall edge in edges | Is_Undire ctedEdge(nodes,edge)); end; !record Z:\DiscreteStructures\history.txt !include Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !include Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record /= a !clear a /= a; a \= a;

ForestToBinTree(Subtrees(Head(f))), OrdRoot(Head(f)), ForestToBinTree(Tail(f) ) );

Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {edge(1), edge(2)} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(edge); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {n : [node,n] in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; !clear DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd : [node,nd] in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, [nd,n] in edges}; end; end; end; !ids UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: {node,nd} in edges}; !clear while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, {nd,n} in edges}; !clear end; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A | {nd,n} in edges}; end; end; end; !pp DirectedReach nodes := {'a','b','c','d','e'}; !clear DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd : [node,nd] in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, [nd,n] in edges}; end; end;

end; !pp UndirectedReach UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A | {nd,n} in edges}; end; end; end; !pp UndirectedReach nodes := {'a','b','c','d','e'}; edges := {[b,a],[b,c],[c,b],[d,e],[e,b],[e,c]}; DirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; DirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); edges = {{a,b}: [a,b] in edges}; edges := {{a,b}: [a,b] in edges}; false; edges := {{a,b}: [a,b] in edges}; edges := {{b,a},{b,c},{c,b},{d,e},{e,b},{e,c}}; UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); edges := {{'b','a'},{'b','c'},{'c','b'},{'d','e'},{'e','b'},{'e','c'}}; UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges); 'a' in nodes; !pp UndirectedReach UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A | {nd,n} in edges}; end; end; return A; end; UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); !pp DirectedReach DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: [node,nd] in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, [nd,n] in edges}; end; end; return A; end; edges := {['b','a'],['b','c'],['c','b'],['d','e'],['e','b'],['e','c']}; DirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); "a"; 'a'; {n: ['a',n] in edges};

!clear {n: n in nodes | ['a',n] in edges}; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A | [nd,n] in edges}; end; end; return A; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; end; return A; end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges}; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; end; return A; end; DirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); DirectedReach(nodes,edges,'b'); edges' edges; !clear edges; DirectedReach(nodes,edges,'d'); edges; edges := {{"e", "c"}, {"e", "b"}, {"d", "e"}, {"b", "c"}, {"b", "a"}, {"c", "b"} }; UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'b'); UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'a'); UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'c'); UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'d'); UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,'e'); Connected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; elseif if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return DirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; else return false; end; !clear end; !clear StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes;

elseif if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return DirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; elseif if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return DirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; else return false; end; !clear StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; elseif if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return DirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; else return false; end; !clear StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; elseif if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return DirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; else return false; end; !clear StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return DirectedReach(nodes,edges,arb(nodes)) = nodes; else return false; end; end; StronglyConnected(nodes,edges); edges; !pp DirectedReach DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; end; return A; end; !pp UndirectedReach UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; end; return A; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); and StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; !clear

Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; !pp StronglyConnected StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; !clear SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; edges; Dedges := {["e", "d"], ["c", "e"], ['e','c'], ["e", "b"], ["b", "a"], ["b", "c"] }; SimplyConnected(nodes,Dedges); Is_RootedTree(nodes,Dedges); StronglyConnected(nodes,edges); StronglyConnected(nodes,Dedges); !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subset n odes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; !pp Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt Is_DirectedEdge !pp Is_DirectedEdge Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !pp Is_UndirectedEdge !pp Is_DirectedGraph !pp Is_UndirectedGraph DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A;

A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end ; !pp DirectedReach !pp !pp DirectedReach UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; !pp UndirectedReach Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; !pp StronglyConnected SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(no des,edges,node) = nodes; end; !pp SimplyConnected Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PossibleRoots := func(nodes,edges); if Is_RootedTree(nodes,edges) then; !clear PossibleRoots := func(nodes,edges); if Is_RootedTree(nodes,edges) then return {n: n in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes}; end; end; !pp Is_RootedTree !pp PossibleRoots Parent := func(nodes,edges); if Is_RootedTree(nodes,edges) then return {[b,a]: [a,b] in edges}; end; end; nodes := {'a','b','c','d','e'}; edges := {['d edges := {['d','e'],['e','b'],['e','c'],['b','a']}; !clear edges := {['d','e'],['e','b'],['e','c'],['b','a']}; Parent(nodes,edges); Parent('d');

Parent(nodes,edges)("d"); Parent(nodes,edges)("e"); PathFromRoot := func(nodes,edges); if Is_RootedTree(nodes,edges) then PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); !clear PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and l = [node]; while(parent(par) /= OM) par := parent(node); !clear PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and l := [node]; while(parent(par) /= OM) par := parent(node); !clear PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and l := [node]; par := parent(node); while(par /= OM) l := [par] + l; !clear PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and path := [node]; par := parent(node); while(par /= OM) do path := [par] + path; par := parent(par);

parent is the

parent is the

parent is the

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parent is the

parent is the

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end; return path; end; PathFromRoot('a',Parent(nodes,edges)); edges; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; PathFromRoot('a',Parent(nodes,edges)); !pp PathFromRoot min; max; lo; !pp lo !pp !pp lo lo; !ids !locker !locked MakeCounter := func(); local count; count := 0; return func(); count := count + 1; return count; end; end; a := MakeCounter(); a; a(); a(); a(); MakeCounter := func(); local count; count := 0; counter := func(); count := count + 1; return count; end; return counter; end; a := MakeCounter(); a(); a(); a(); MakeCounter := func(); count := 0; counter := func(); count := count + 1;

return count; end; return counter; end; a := MakeCounter(); a(); a(); a(); b := MakeCounter(); b(); b(); a(); a(); b(); MakeCounter := func(); local count; count := 0; counter := func(); count := count + 1; return count; end; return counter; end; b := MakeCounter(); a(); 1; a(); 2; a(); 3; b := MakeCounter(); b(); 1; b(); 2; a(); !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node);

if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set

$ $

2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := {root}; $ loop while fringe /= {} do take node from fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked then fringe := fringe with v; end; end; end; return marked;

end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); !clear !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end;

UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := {root}; $ loop while fringe /= {} do take node from fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked then

fringe := fringe with v; end; end; end; return marked; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end;

end; end; !clear !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt !record Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge );

end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, node;

$ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := {root}; $ loop while fringe /= {} do take node from fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked then fringe := fringe with v; end; end; end; return marked; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; $ you fill in the code for... fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs> Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); !ids !pp ReachTree ! allocate 50000000 ! allocate 40000000 ! allocate 35000000 ! allocate 30000000 ! allocate 12 !memory 50000000 !memory 500000000 !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt

!record Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end;

PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := {root}; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= {} do take node from fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end;

return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; $ you fill in the code for... fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs> Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); Buckets := [5,3,3]; bgraph := MkBucketNbrs(Buckets); bgraph; ReachTree([0,0,0],bgraph); #ReachTree([0,0,0],bgraph); btree := ReachTree([0,0,0],bgraph); bnodes := domain(btree) + range(btree); IsRootedTree(bnodes,btree); Is_RootedTree(bnodes,btree); Buckets := [4,2]; bgraph := MkBucketNbrs(Buckets); btree := ReachTree([0,0,0],bgraph); > btree := ReachTree([0,0],bgraph); !clear btree := ReachTree([0,0],bgraph); bnodes := domain(btree) + range(btree); Is_RootedTree(bnodes,btree); bnodes; btree; #btree; bgraph; !pp bgraph bgraph([0,0]); bgraph([3,0]); ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := {root}; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= {} do take node from fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; btree := ReachTree([0,0],MakeBucketNbrs); btree := ReachTree([0,0],MakeBucketNbrs(Buckets));

*** btree := ReachTree([0,0],MkBucketNbrs(Buckets)); !clear btree := ReachTree([0,0],MakeBucketNbrs(Buckets)); *** btree := ReachTree([0,0],MakeBucketNbrs); !clear btree := ReachTree([0,0],MkBucketNbrs(Buckets)); bnodes := domain(btree); Is_RootedTree(bnodes,btree); bnodes; bnodes := domain(btree) + range(btree); Is_RootedTree(bnodes,btree); bnodes; btree; #btree; #bnodes; !pp Is_RootedTree SimplyConnected(bnodes,btree); !pp SimplyConnected btree := {[a,b]: [b,a] in btree}; btree; Is_RootedTree(bnodes,btree); b := {[a,b]: [b,a] in {2}}; *** b := {[a,b]: [b,a] in {[2,3]}}; !clear b := {[a,b]: [b,a] in {[2,3]}}; b; b := {[a,b]: [b,a] in {[2,3],5}}; [a,b] := [3,4]; a; b; #SolveBucketProblem([3,7,5,6],[0,0,0,0],[0,3,1,2]); SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; #SolveBucketProblem([3,7,5,6],[0,0,0,0],[0,3,1,2]); MkBucketNbrs([0,0,0,0]); SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; #SolveBucketProblem([3,7,5,6],[0,0,0,0],[0,3,1,2]); SolveBucketProblem([3,7,5,6],[0,0,0,0],[0,3,1,2]); SolveBucketProblem([3,7,5,6],[0,7,2,2],[0,3,1,2]); SolveBucketProblem([4,7,4,4],[0,7,2,2],[0,3,1,2]); SolveBucketProblem([4,7,4,4],[0,0,0,0],[2,5,2,2]); SolveBucketProblem([4,7,4,4],[0,0,0,0],[3,5,2,2]); OM;

SolveBucketProblem([4,7,4,4],[0,0,0,0],[3,5,1,2]); SolveBucketProblem([4,7,4,4],[0,0,0,0],[3,5,1,4]); SolveBucketProblem([4,6,5,4],[0,0,0,0],[3,5,1,4]); SolveBucketProblem([5,7,5,5],[0,0,0,0],[4,4,4,4]); SolveBucketProblem([5,7,5,5],[0,0,0,0],[4,4,3,4]); SolveBucketProblem([5,7,5,5],[0,0,0,0],[3,4,3,4]); SolveBucketProblem([5,7,5,5],[0,0,0,0],[3,4,3,3]); ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); ReachTree([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5])); tree := ReachTree([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5])); leaves := {x: x in domain(tree) | x notin range(tree)}; leaves; #leaves; #tree; leaves := {PathFromRoot(x,tree): x in domain(tree) | x notin range(tree)}; leaves; l := {x: x in leaves | #x > 20}; l; l := {x: x in leaves | #x > 30}; l; #l(1); #arb(l); #arb(l); forall x in l | #x = 31; #l; choose x in leaves | x(#x) = [1,7,1,1]; Reachable := func(root,Neighbors,NewHolder); $ requires: Neighbors(node) returns the set of nodes adjacent to node $ NewHolder returns an empty holder-object $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, node; marked := {}; !clear !pp SolveBucketNumbers !pp SolveBucketProblem ReachTreeQ := func(root,Neighbors,NewHolder); $ requires: Neighbors(node) returns the set of nodes adjacent to node $ NewHolder returns an empty holder-object $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, edges, fringe, node; marked := {}; !clear ReachTreeQ := func(root,Neighbors,NewHolder); $ requires: Neighbors(node) returns the set of nodes adjacent to node $ NewHolder returns an empty holder-object $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, edges, fringe, node; marked := {}; fringe := NewHolder(); edges := {}; Put(root,fringe); $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) already in the marked set $ 2) at most one edge away from a marked node and in the fringe

3) can be reached from nodes in the fringe $ loop while not IsEmptyH(fringe) do node := Take(fringe); marked := marked with node; for v in Neighbors(node) do if v notin marked then Put(v,fringe); edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return marked;

end; SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTreeQ(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; tree := ReachTreeQ([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5])); tree := ReachTreeQ([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5]), NewQueue); !pp NewQueue NewQueue := func(); local queue, Enqueue, Dequeue, IsEmptyH; queue := []; Enqueue := proc(x); queue := queue with x; end; Pop := func(); local x; take x fromb queue; return x; end; IsEmptyH := func(); return queue = []; end; return {["put",Push],["take",Dequeue],["empty?",IsEmptyH]}; end; $ Any holder-object can be used with these interface funcs. Put := proc(item,holder); $ requires: item is not OM, holder responds to "put" $ modifies: holder $ effects : puts item into holder holder("put")(item); end; Take := func(holder); $ requires: holder is not empty $ modifies: holder $ effects : removes an item from holder and returns the item return holder("take")(); end;

IsEmptyH := func(holder); $ requires: $ modifies: nothing $ effects : return holder("empty?")(); end;> NewQueue := func(); !clear tree := ReachTreeQ([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5]), NewQueue); NewQueue()("put"); !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\ReachObj.txt $ File : Reach&Obj.txt ReachTreeQ := func(root,Neighbors,NewHolder); $ requires: Neighbors(node) returns the set of nodes adjacent to node $ NewHolder returns an empty holder-object $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, edges, fringe, node; marked := {}; fringe := NewHolder(); edges := {}; Put(root,fringe); $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) already in the marked set $ 2) at most one edge away from a marked node and in the fringe $ 3) can be reached from nodes in the fringe $ loop while not IsEmptyH(fringe) do node := Take(fringe); marked := marked with node; for v in Neighbors(node) do if v notin marked then Put(v,fringe); edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return marked; end; $ Here is a holder object. You should write funcs for other $ holder-objects, Queue, Mutable sets NewStack := func(); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns a new empty stack-object local stack, Push, Pop, IsEmptyH; stack := []; Push := proc(x); stack := [x] + stack; $ puts x at top of stack end; Pop := func(); local x; take x fromb stack; $ takes x from top of stack return x; end; IsEmptyH := func();

return stack = []; end; return {["put",Push],["take",Pop],["empty?",IsEmptyH]}; end; NewQueue := func(); local queue, Enqueue, Dequeue, IsEmptyH; queue := []; Enqueue := proc(x); queue := queue with x; end; Pop := func(); local x; take x fromb queue; return x; end; IsEmptyH := func(); return queue = []; end; return {["put",Push],["take",Dequeue],["empty?",IsEmptyH]}; end; $ Any holder-object can be used with these interface funcs. Put := proc(item,holder); $ requires: item is not OM, holder responds to "put" $ modifies: holder $ effects : puts item into holder holder("put")(item); end; Take := func(holder); $ requires: holder is not empty $ modifies: holder $ effects : removes an item from holder and returns the item return holder("take")(); end; IsEmptyH := func(holder); $ requires: $ modifies: nothing $ effects : return holder("empty?")(); end; tree := ReachTreeQ([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5]), NewQueue); !i Z:\DiscreteStructures\ReachObj.txt $ File : Reach&Obj.txt ReachTreeQ := func(root,Neighbors,NewHolder); $ requires: Neighbors(node) returns the set of nodes adjacent to node $ NewHolder returns an empty holder-object $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, edges, fringe, node; marked := {}; fringe := NewHolder(); edges := {}; Put(root,fringe); $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop

$ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) already in the marked set $ 2) at most one edge away from a marked node and in the fringe $ 3) can be reached from nodes in the fringe $ loop while not IsEmptyH(fringe) do node := Take(fringe); marked := marked with node; for v in Neighbors(node) do if v notin marked then Put(v,fringe); edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return marked; end; $ Here is a holder object. You should write funcs for other $ holder-objects, Queue, Mutable sets NewStack := func(); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns a new empty stack-object local stack, Push, Pop, IsEmptyH; stack := []; Push := proc(x); stack := [x] + stack; $ puts x at top of stack end; Pop := func(); local x; take x fromb stack; $ takes x from top of stack return x; end; IsEmptyH := func(); return stack = []; end; return {["put",Push],["take",Pop],["empty?",IsEmptyH]}; end; NewQueue := func(); local queue, Enqueue, Dequeue, IsEmptyH; queue := []; Enqueue := proc(x); queue := queue with x; end; Dequeue := func(); local x; take x fromb queue; return x; end; IsEmptyH := func(); return queue = []; end; return {["put",Enqueue],["take",Dequeue],["empty?",IsEmptyH]}; end; $ Any holder-object can be used with these interface funcs.

Put := proc(item,holder); $ requires: item is not OM, holder responds to "put" $ modifies: holder $ effects : puts item into holder holder("put")(item); end; Take := func(holder); $ requires: holder is not empty $ modifies: holder $ effects : removes an item from holder and returns the item return holder("take")(); end; IsEmptyH := func(holder); $ requires: $ modifies: nothing $ effects : return holder("empty?")(); end; tree := ReachTreeQ([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5]), NewQueue); ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; tree := ReachTree([0,0,0,0],MkBucketNbrs([5,7,5,5])); leaves := {x: x in domain(tree) | x notin range(tree)}; paths := {PathFromRoot(x),x in leaves}; paths := {PathFromRoot(x,tree): x in leaves};

paths; p := {x: x in paths | #x > 30}; p; p := {x: x in paths | #x > 20}; p; p := {x: x in paths | #x > 25}; p; > p := {x: x in paths | #x > 23}; !clear p := {x: x in paths | #x > 23}; p; p := {x: x in paths | #x > 22}; p; list := [1,2,3,4]; list(2..2); list(2..2) := [5,5,5]; list; !locked Is_Perm := func(p); return Is_List(p) and #p = #{x: x in p}; end; AllLists := func(S,k); if is_integer(k) and k >= 0 then if k=0 then return {[]}; elseif S = {} then return {}; else return {p with x: x in S, p in AllLists(S,k-1)}; end; end; end; "abc"(1); "abc"(2..3) = "bca"(1..2); SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm(alph) and is_integer(n) and n > 0 then $ test s alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return [node(1): node in cycle]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); Is_List("abc"); SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm([x: x in alph]) and is_integer(n) and n > 0 t hen $ tests alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)};

cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return %+[node(1): node in cycle]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); is_string("abc"); SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm([x: x in alph]) and is_integer(N) and N > 0 t hen $ tests alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return %+[node(1): node in cycle]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end;

StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket);

$ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node) return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; !clear end; OutDegree := func(node) return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | InDegree(node) = OutDegree(node); end; EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); $ effects : return an Euler cycle of the directed graph GetCycle := func(node); $ requires: node is on one of the graphEdges $ effects : returns a cycle from node and deletes its edges from the

set edges edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = node]); current := edge(2); cycle := [node,current]; local edge, current, cycle; while(current /= node) do edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = current]); current := edge(2); edges := edges less edge; cycle := cycle with current; end; return cycle; end func;$ GetCycle $ begin main func if HasEulerCycle(nodes,edges) then !clear !clear Is_Perm := func(p); return Is_List(p) and #p = #{x: x in p}; end; AllLists := func(S,k); if is_integer(k) and k >= 0 then if k=0 then return {[]}; elseif S = {} then return {}; else return {p with x: x in S, p in AllLists(S,k-1)}; end; end; end; Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A;

end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do

take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node) return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; !clear end; OutDegree := func(node)

return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | InDegree(node) = OutDegree(node); end; EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); $ effects : return an Euler cycle of the directed graph GetCycle := func(node); $ requires: node is on one of the graphEdges $ effects : returns a cycle from node and deletes its edges from the $ set edges edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = node]); current := edge(2); cycle := [node,current]; local edge, current, cycle; while(current /= node) do edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = current]); current := edge(2); edges := edges less edge; cycle := cycle with current; end; return cycle; end func;$ GetCycle $ begin main func if HasEulerCycle(nodes,edges) then !clear !clear Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end;

end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe;

marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node) return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; !clear end; OutDegree := func(node) return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node];

end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | InDegree(node) = OutDegree(node); end; EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); $ effects : return an Euler cycle of the directed graph GetCycle := func(node); $ requires: node is on one of the graphEdges $ effects : returns a cycle from node and deletes its edges from the $ set edges edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = node]); current := edge(2); cycle := [node,current]; local edge, current, cycle; while(current /= node) do edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = current]); current := edge(2); edges := edges less edge; cycle := cycle with current; end; return cycle; end func;$ GetCycle $ begin main func if HasEulerCycle(nodes,edges) then !clear !clear Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do

B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end;

end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then !clear Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs

et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree

$ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]};

emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then !clear Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then

A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v;

edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then !clear

Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent);

$ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state);

local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then !clear Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end;

UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do

if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then

!clear Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end;

PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state;

end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then !clear Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end;

end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe;

marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node]; end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) = node]; end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) = node]; end;

if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | InDegree(node) = OutDegree(node); end; end; EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); $ effects : return an Euler cycle of the directed graph local GetCycle, cycle; GetCycle := func(node); $ requires: node is on one of the graphEdges $ modifies: edges $ effects : returns a cycle from node and deletes its edges from the $ set edges edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = node]); current := edge(2); cycle := [node,current]; local edge, current, cycle; !clear while(current /= node) do edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = current]); current := edge(2); edges := edges less edge; cycle := cycle with current; end; return cycle; end func;$ GetCycle !clear !clear Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_list(edge) and #edge = 2 and {x: x in edge} subs et nodes; end; Is_UndirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); return is_set(nodes) and is_set(edge) and #edge = 2 and edge subset nodes; end; Is_DirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_DirectedEdge(nodes,edge); end; Is_UndirectedGraph := func(nodes,edges); return is_set(edges) and forall edge in edges | Is_UndirectedEdge(nodes,edge ); end; DirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | [node,nd] in edges} with node; while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | [nd,n] in edges}; end; return A; end; end; UndirectedReach := func(nodes,edges,node); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and node in nodes then A := {nd: nd in nodes | {node,nd} in edges} with node;

while (A /= B) do B := A; A := A + {n: nd in A, n in nodes | {nd,n} in edges}; end; return A; end; end; StronglyConnected := func(nodes,edges); if Is_UndirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | UndirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; elseif Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) then return forall node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; else return false; end; end; SimplyConnected := func(nodes,edges); return Is_DirectedGraph(nodes,edges) and exists node in nodes | DirectedReach(nodes,edges,node) = nodes; end; Is_RootedTree := func(nodes,edges); return SimplyConnected(nodes,edges) and #edges = #nodes - 1; end; PathFromRoot := func(node,parent); $ requires: node in domain(parent) and parent is the $ reversed edges of a rooted tree $ effects : returns a path from root to node $ in an efficient way path := []; while(node /= OM) do path := [node] + path; node := parent(node); end; return path; end; ReachTree := func(root,AdjacentNodes); $ requires: AdjacentNodes(x) returns the set of nodes adjacent to x $ effects : returns the set of nodes that can be reached from root local marked, fringe, edges, node; $ The following is true before each iteration of the $ loop $ All nodes that can be reached from root are of 3 kinds: $ 1) in the marked set $ 2) in the fringe and adjacent to a node in marked $ 3) can be reached from a node in the fringe marked := {}; fringe := [root]; edges := {}; $ loop while fringe /= [] do take node fromb fringe; marked := marked with node; for v in AdjacentNodes(node) do if v notin marked and v notin domain(edges) then fringe := fringe with v; edges := edges with [v,node];

end; end; end; return edges; end; MkBucketNbrs := func(capBucket); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem $ effects : returns the func for the neighbors of a node $ in the graph of the buckets and well problem local Fill, Empty, Pour; Fill := func(state,i); state(i) := capBucket(i); return state; end; Empty := func(state,i); state(i) := 0; return state; end; Pour := func(state,i,j); local amount; $ the amout to be poured from bucket i to bucket j amount := min(capBucket(j)-state(j),state(i)); state(i) := state(i) - amount; state(j) := state(j) + amount; return state; end; return func(state); local fillNbrs, emptyNbrs, pourNbrs; fillNbrs := {Fill(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; emptyNbrs := {Empty(state,i): i in [1..#state]}; pourNbrs := {Pour(state,i,j): i,j in [1..#state] | i /= j}; return fillNbrs + emptyNbrs + pourNbrs; end func; $ unnamed func end func; $ MkBucketNbrs SolveBucketProblem := func(capBucket,start,solution); $ requires: capBucket is a list of integers = capacities $ of the buckets in a buckets and well problem, $ start is the starting state, and solution is $ the desired ending state. $ effects: returns a path from start to solution tree := ReachTree(start,MkBucketNbrs(capBucket)); if solution notin domain(tree) then return OM; end; return PathFromRoot(solution,tree); end; HasEulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); local InDegree, OutDegree; InDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(2) end; OutDegree := func(node); return #[l: l in edges | l(1) end; if StronglyConnected(nodes,edges) return forall node in nodes | end; end;

= node]; = node]; then InDegree(node) = OutDegree(node);

EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); $ effects : return an Euler cycle of the directed graph local GetCycle, cycle; GetCycle := func(node); $ requires: node is on one of the graphEdges $ modifies: edges $ effects : returns a cycle from node and deletes its edges from the $ set edges local edge, current, cycle; edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = node]); current := edge(2); cycle := [node,current]; while(current /= node) do edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = current]); current := edge(2); edges := edges less edge; cycle := cycle with current; end; return cycle; end func;$ GetCycle if HasEulerCycle(nodes,edges) then cycle := GetCycle(arb(nodes)); while edges /= {} do for i in [1..#cycle] do if cycle(i) in domain(edges) then cycle(i..i) := GetCycle(cycle(i)); end; end; end; return cycle; end; end; SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm(alph) and is_integer(n) and n > 0 then $ test s alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return [node(1): node in cycle]; end; end;> Is_DirectedEdge := func(nodes,edge); !clear Is_Perm := func(p); return Is_List(p) and #p = #{x: x in p}; end; AllLists := func(S,k); if is_integer(k) and k >= 0 then if k=0 then return {[]}; elseif S = {} then return {}; else return {p with x: x in S, p in AllLists(S,k-1)}; end;

end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); !pp SRSeq SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm(alph) and is_integer(n) and n > 0 then $ test s alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return [node(1): node in cycle]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); is_string("abc"); SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm([x: x in alph]) and is_integer(n) and n > 0 t hen $ tests alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return [node(1): node in cycle]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm([x: x in alph]) and is_integer(N) and N > 0 t hen $ tests alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return [node(1): node in cycle]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); edge; current; node; EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); $ effects : return an Euler cycle of the directed graph local GetCycle, cycle; GetCycle := func(node); $ requires: node is on one of the graphEdges $ modifies: edges $ effects : returns a cycle from node and deletes its edges from the

set edges local edge, current, cycle; edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = node]); edges := edges less edge; current := edge(2); cycle := [node,current]; while(current /= node) do edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = current]); current := edge(2); edges := edges less edge; cycle := cycle with current; end; return cycle; end func;$ GetCycle if HasEulerCycle(nodes,edges) then cycle := GetCycle(arb(nodes)); while edges /= {} do for i in [1..#cycle] do if cycle(i) in domain(edges) then cycle(i..i) := GetCycle(cycle(i)); end; end; end; return cycle; end; end;> EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); !clear EulerCycle := func(nodes,edges); $ effects : return an Euler cycle of the directed graph local GetCycle, cycle; GetCycle := func(node); $ requires: node is on one of the graphEdges $ modifies: edges $ effects : returns a cycle from node and deletes its edges from the $ set edges local edge, current, cycle; edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = node]); edges := edges less edge; current := edge(2); cycle := [node,current]; while(current /= node) do edge := arb([e: e in edges | e(1) = current]); current := edge(2); edges := edges less edge; cycle := cycle with current; end; return cycle; end func;$ GetCycle if HasEulerCycle(nodes,edges) then cycle := GetCycle(arb(nodes)); while edges /= {} do for i in [1..#cycle] do if cycle(i) in domain(edges) then cycle(i..i) := GetCycle(cycle(i)); end; end; end; return cycle; end; end;

SRSeq("abc",3); SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm([x: x in alph]) and is_integer(N) and N > 0 t hen $ tests alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return %+[node(1): node in cycle]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); SRSeq := func(alph,N); $ modifies: nothing $ effects : returns a string of size (#alph ** N) that $ has all strings of size N with the chars of $ alph as substrings (with wrap-around) local nodes, edges, cycle; if is_string(alph) and Is_Perm([x: x in alph]) and is_integer(N) and N > 0 t hen $ tests alph and N nodes := AllLists(alph,N-1); edges := {[n1,n2]: n1, n2 in nodes | n1(2..N-1) = n2(1..N-2)}; cycle := EulerCycle(nodes,edges); return %+[node(1): node in cycle(1..#cycle-1)]; end; end; SRSeq("abc",3); #SRSeq("abc",3); TestSRString := func(str,n,N); return is_string(str) and #str = n ** N and #{(str+str(1..n-1))(a..a+n-1): a in [1..#str]} = n ** N; end; TestSRString("bbcbbaccbcccacaaacbabcabaab"); TestSRString("bbcbbaccbcccacaaacbabcabaab",3,3); TestSRString("bbcbbaccbcccacaaacbabcabaa",3,3); TestSRString("bbcbbaccbcccacaaacbabcabaac",3,3); TestSRString(SRSeq("cdfi2",4)); TestSRString(SRSeq("cdfi2",4),5,4); SRSeq("cdfi2",4); #("2c2dc2fidcfc2fccd2idfi2idc2cd2fiiiidcdc22fcfccccdcff22f2idi2ciciiicdiccc2ifdf idif2d2cdc" +"iddcifcdi2dffff2fffcifdci2dccci2cfddc2ddd2ii22cccf2fic22iddfc2i22i2fi22d2fc2di 2222iif2" +"ifc2cidfd2ic2f2ccfcd2dfcciidicfdc2icfcfd22iccfdiiifd2fdcfid2d2ifffdcddfiidf2f2 dd2cffid" +"fcdff2c2fddii2diidd222dic2id22dfdcc222ffccfifiddicdcdf2df2iid2ffd2cif22c2c22dd fdfdici2" +"iciffc22cfcid2cc2ffi2ddifci22fdidccididddffdifdi2ificfi2fd2dcfdf222ci2fcii2cci fii2f22i" +"f2fdffiifi2cdfddf2ciicidciifcc2ccdidffcffcddccffdfcicf22dcicc2dfifcf2cdiff2icd 2c2iii2i" +"2d22cdd2f2fcdccdfcfiic2cf2dcd22fifficddddcdiiffdd2dififdddidiicfffif2cficcddi2 ff2did2i" +"2iiccicdficic2d2ddcf2i"); is_string('a'); PreorderToTree := func(pl);

local getTree; getTree := func(); local root, right, left; take root fromb pl; if root notin "+-*/" then return MakeBinLeaf(root); else left := getTree(); right := getTree(); return MakeBinTree(left,root,right); end; end; return getTree(); end; !i bin_tree.utl $ bin_tree.utl MakeBinTree := func(left,rootLabel,right); $ requires: left and right are (labeled) binary trees $ effects : returns a new (labeled) binary tree return [left,rootLabel,right]; end; MakeEmpty := func(); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns an empty binary tree return []; end; IsEmpty := func(tree); $ requires: nothing $ effects : returns true if tree is an empty binary tree and false otherwise return tree = MakeEmpty(); end; MakeBinLeaf := func(item); $ effects : returns a binary tree leaf return MakeBinTree(MakeEmpty(),item,MakeEmpty()); end; IsBinLeaf := func(t); return IsEmpty(Left(t)) and IsEmpty(Right(t)); end; BinRoot := func(t); $ requires: t is a binary tree $ effects : returns the label of root of the tree if is_list(t) then return t(2); end; end; Left := func(t); $ requires: t is a binary tree $ effects : returns the left subtree of t if is_list(t) then return t(1); end; end;

Right := func(t); $ requires: t is a binary tree $ effects : returns the right subtree of t if is_list(t) then return t(3); end; end;

PrintExpTree := proc(t); $ requires: t is a binary expression tree $ effects : prints t RecPrint := proc (level, t ); $ requires: level is a non negative integer; t is a binary tree $ modifies: output stream $ effects : prints the tree at level of indentation if IsBinLeaf(t) then printf BinRoot(t):0, "\n"; else printf BinRoot(t):0; if not IsEmpty(Right(t)) then printf "--->" ; RecPrint(level + 1, Right(t)); end; if not IsEmpty(Left(t)) then for j in [ 1.. 3 ] do for i in [1..level] do printf "| " ; end; if j = 3 then printf "V " ; else printf "| " ; end; printf "\n"; end; for i in [1..level] do printf "| " ; end; RecPrint(level, Left(t)); end; end; end;$ RecPrint printf "\n"; RecPrint(0,t); printf "\n"; end;$ PrintTree; PrintExpTree(PreorderToTree(["+","-","+",3,5,3,4]); !clear PrintExpTree(PreorderToTree(["+","-","+",3,5,3,4])); PrintExpTree(PreorderToTree(["+","-","+","3","5","3","4"]));NumBST = func(n); if n = 0 then return 1; else return %+[NumBST(k)*NumBST(n-1-k): k in [0..n-1]]; end ; end; !pp NumBST NumBST = func(n); if n = 0 then return 1;

else return %+[NumBST(k)*NumBST(n-1-k): k in [0..n-1]]; end; end; NumBST := func(n); if n = 0 then return 1; else return %+[NumBST(k)*NumBST(n-1-k): k in [0..n-1]]; end; end; NumBST(5); NumBST(28); NumBST(20); NumBST(10); NumBST(15);wordfile = openr("words.txt"); wordfile := openr("words.txt"); list := []; i := 1; while not eof(wordfile) do readf(list(i) from wordfile; !clear Wordread := func(); wordfile := openr("words.txt"); list := []; i := 1; while not eof(wordfile) do readf(list(i) from wordfile; !clear Wordread := func(); wordfile := openr("words.txt"); list := []; i := 1; while not eof(wordfile) do readf list(i) from wordfile; i := i + 1; end; end; Wordread(); Wordread := func(); wordfile := openr("words.txt"); list := []; i := 1; while not eof(wordfile) do readf list(i) from wordfile; i := i + 1; end; return list; end; Wordread(); #["a", "AAA", "AAAS", "Aarhus", "Aaron", "ABA", "Ababa", "aback", "abacus", "aba lone", "abandon", "abase", "abash", ; !clear #["a", "AAA", "AAAS", "Aarhus", "Aaron", "ABA", "Ababa", "aback", "abacus", "aba lone", "abandon", "abase", "abash", ; !clear l := Wordread(); ; !clear l; #l;!include Z:\DiscreteStructures\myfuncs.txt


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