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I.OCAI. COTTON VOL. 5!).NO. 314, 17'i Ccnl

Complete A. P. iiml V. P. Leased \Vircs. Memhcr ABC and NEA ANN'ISTON, ALA., S U N D A Y , DEC. 7, 1941. + * * * * * \ + * * * * *** + t *

From six . m. (Ill U p. m. AnnWon Star TJnSUd Press hews and N. B. t!, AMoclntnl Press Bulletins are fl*h4 over P.adlo SlaUon WHM&. Keep tuned lo thai station H nil lime* nft don'l miss "The Final Edition" of war news at 8:00 s'clock every nhjhl pl Sunday,


+ * <

+ + +

Southern Pacific Theatre Explodes Into War With Japanese Attack Upon American Bases
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. JR!The* LONDON', Dec. 7. (U.BThe BerWhite House saiil tonight t h n f naval j lin radio broadcast tonight lhat "as reports f r o m Hawaii indicated lhal I a resulf of ivar uiongf-rmg by the heavy loss of life uiin d a m a g e re- j President or tlic Unilcil Stales Ihc suited in H a w a i i f r o m an early ; first clashes Inn e occurred in East morning Japanese air attack, j Asia between Japanese ami Amcii\Vhite House Secretary Stephen | can forces. Thus, this uar monger T. Early said a preliminary report [ Xo. I has at last achieved his aim from A d m i r a l C. C'. Block, coniman- ! and brought war over his people.'1 der of the H a w a i i a n n a v a l district, i "expresses liic belie! there lias been NEW VORK. Dec. 7. MY-The air heavy damage done in Hatvaii antl fence of the United States in tile Far that (Here has been heavy loss of ICast has taken lo the air. an NBC life." observer reported by radio direct f r o m Manila tntlav. S A C R A M E N T O . Dec. ~. (U.RiThe Army Air Corps today placed t h e L O N D O N , Dee. 7. ( U K Tlic Tokyo NEW YORK, DecT-MUP)The U. S. S. Okla-| huge Sacrarmriid) A r m y air depot at radio broadcast a high command TOKYO, Monday, Dec. 8. (AP)Japanese imMcClellan I-'iclcl on a ii-hom- war- comnnmiqne tonight saying "Japahoma, a battleship, was set afire in today's air attack! perial headquarters announced at 6 a. in. today that time basis. nese naval ami land forces arc now on Pearl Harbor, an NBC broadcast from Honolulu I Japan had entered a state of war with the United in a slate of war with American and ! LOS AXGKl.l.S, Ucc. 7. ' U P All British military forces In the said. > States and Britain in the Western Pacific as from I aircraft observation posts cre or- Pacific.'' dawn today. (This was 4 p. m., E. S. T.). dered i m m e d i a t e l y m a n n e d by observers in an order issued tddav by KUIBVSHEV, Russia. Deo. (i. (DeNEW YORK, Dec. 7. (UP)An NBC observer; Brig.-Gcn. William O. R y a n , coin- layed I ifPi Gen. Wladyslaw skorBy ASSOCIATED PRESS reported tonight from Honolulu that 359 men had j A n c v u n r - Pull flf t I n l n i t h c i m a n r t i r >E eencra} oi the Fourtli In- ski. premier anil minister of military n lias jur- affairs of the Polish government, (crce or been killed in a direct bomb hit at Hickam Field there. isdiction over the southwestern por- declarer! tnilay that Polish sulilicrs tion of Hie United Stales. j equipped liy Soviet Russia, Great Manila, apdjatcst reports indicated that, i Britain ami U>egj.mtcrt,.SU,le',,,\\oulrt j HONOLULU, Dec. 7. (UP)Japanese bomber WASHING TON, i)ee. 7. '#'flic Ke ready fo lair jiart in an offensive ( squadrons, torpedo planes and parachute troops at- WASHINGTON, nee. 7. Wi White House a n n o u n c e d at 3:35 a f t e r J a n u a r y 1. 1 NEW YORK, lice. 7. WVnloli! the United States had won the first battle in the new tacked the United States' great naval and air base at Secretary of S t a t e Corrlell Hull b i t - p.m., K. S. T. today t h a t the Auny Ceil. Siliorslji came here f r o m hvo damage lias been done (o (he lr. World War. just received word t h a t an talks in MOSCOM- w i t h ,Joseph S t a l i n , 8. naval base al Pearl Harbor and "The Army and the Navy, it appears, now have Pearl Harbor tod;)}', blasting: furiously at warships (crfy rebuked the two Japanese en- ' had American vessel, believed to be a which resulted in the signing of a tu the c i f y of Honolulu itself by imand war installations hut suffering- loss of "many" voys, Ambassador Kicllisabnro No- cargo ship, )iad been sending nut m u t u a l air pact liefuecn the Polish ideiilifictl bombing: planes, an NBC the air and sea under control," said an NBC broadm u r a and S a b t n o Kinusil, today signals oC distress approximately and Russian governmentsthe first observer reported today in a broad- cast from Honolulu, a few hours after the Japanese attack craft. ivlicn they hamlcd him Tokyo's re- i 700 miles west of San Francisco. accord of its type in Russian-Polish cast dirccf from H o n o l u l u . opened the assault. A great number of planes participated in the at- ply to his recent request that Japan 1 Whether it had tjccn torpedoed historv. The observer, standing on the Adopting Adolf Hitler's surprise tactics of strikroof of the Advertiser Building in tack, presumably from aircraft at sea, which first abandon aggression and return to was not I m m e d i a t e l y learned. TOKVO. 7:45 A. M., Monday, tenets of international law. j Honolulu, sakl the planes, undoubt- ing over the week-endignoring President RooseV>cr, 8. i.-TMDomei announced toestimates running from 50 to 150. , (lie BERLIN. Dec. 7. ./p ; A German edly Japanese, made the raid unThe two Japanese representatives declared tonight there day t h a t "naval operations arc expectedly. His report wan sudden- velt's personal last-hour appeal for peace to Emperor Not Caught By Surprise ! were at the State Department at spokesman progressing oft Hawaii with at ly broken off coukl be no reaction from Germany time the White House announc- , Hirohito last nightthe Japanese attacked the two least one Japanese a i r c r a f t carrier American defense forces were not caught by the eri the Jap a t t a c k s upon Pcari Plar- to the announced air at- in action against Pearl Harbor. Before its i n t e r r u p t i o n . His report tack ou Pearl Harbor \mlil all sides keystone? of American defense in the Pacific at apsurprise and went into action immediately as the at- hor nnd Manila. said: Japanese bombers, Drnnei said. the case were at hand. proximately 9:20 a. m., Honolulu time (3:20 p. m,, raided Honolulu al !:3.> a. m. Ha"We have witnessed this morntacking craftshowing the red symbol of the rising The two Japanese went to see of "We c a n n o t comment," tlie nf State Hull at 1:35 p. spokesman said, "until full nnd ex- waii lime (1:05 p. m. H u n r l a v , K ing t l i e a t tack of Pearl H a r b o r and E. S. T.). ' sun on their wing Lipsflashed over the island moun- Secretary S. T. a .scvorr. bombing of Pearl H u r h o r m, (E. S. T . I , and remained about act details of t h e ' Japanese as well by army planes, undoubtedly Japtains and dived down on the "Gibraltar of the Pa- 20 minutes. as the American statements are War Declaration Near anese. LONDON". Dec. 7. (fP>~ The House They handed to the secretary available." cific." (London heard reports that a naval battle ' Tokyo's of Commons was summoned tonight reply to the statement of "The city of Honolulu has been WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. (UP)Legislative leadfor a session Imorrow. was in progress near Hawaii.) principles winch he gave to them a t t a c k e d and conr.klprablr- damage ers said tonight after hurried telephone conferences WASHINGTON', Dee. 7. ifThe The House of Lords nisi; was calldone . While House annmineeit at 3:22 p.m. Dive bombers, light bombers and torpedo planes on November 26. ed. A f t e r tiicir departure, the State KST today t h a t an Army transport "This b a t l i e hus been going on with President Roosevelt that a joint session of Conwere reported among the attacking fleet, which was Department announcement from Prime for announced t h a t Hull carrying lumber r a t h e r t h a n Iroops M An nearly thiTr- hours. gress tomorrow, perhaps to hear a war message, is i n i s t e r Churchill's o f f i c i a l resihad been torpedoed I,:iOfl miles ivest 3,400 miles from its home base and to at least a limit- had informed the Japanese t h a t i of "One of thn bombs dropped w i t h - under consideration. dence said a s t a t e m e n t would be San Francisco. This placed Japi document presented by Ihetn was in 50 feet of the KGU tower. ed extent carrying out a "suicide" assault that seem- , "crowded ivirh infamous falsehoods anese naval action tvell east of Ha- made from both chambers. The decision was to be made at the White House "U is no joke: it is a real war. waii, toward the mainland. ' ed designed to touch off long-threatened hostilities in nnd distortions." "Tlie public of Honolulu have conference of congressional leaders tonight. There was no inlcirnv.Uion vvheU)- i WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. (U.P.IThe A l t e r Hull had read tlie Japanese been advised to keep in their the Pacific. the transport had been sunk or War D e p a r t m e n t today requested he "immediately turned to the erh e A definite announcement was expected at that t h e r there was loss of l i f e aiming t h e United Press to a n n o u n c e t h a t homes iuid av;ny f r o m t h e Army Gov. Joseph B. Poindexter declared a state of .reply : Japanese ambassador and with the w S'ccrefaiy Henry I., slhnsoit had or- and Navy. There IMS been severe time. the eretr. greatest indignation said: f i g h t i n g going nn in t h e air and on emergency. His first order to the public was to keep dered all officers in the Cnitcd One top-ranking congressional leader predicted son." "'I must sny trmi in all my conWASHINGTON. Der. 7. J,fi>The States lo wear uniforms ii-lien re- the calm and stay off the streets. At this point the bi'otulcn^t wns that if Mr. Roosevelt either sends a war message or ! vcrsatiotis witli you < t h e Japanese War D e p a r t m e n t today requester! all p o r t i n g for d u l y on December 8. hiteiTupted. (National Broadcasting Company said its Hono- ambassador) d u r i n g the last nine tarlio stations lo broadcast this bulSAX FRANCISCO. Dec. 7. fU.P The .speal:rr c n n t i n u c r l a few min- delivers one in person, both houses would act on his months I have never uttered one letin: lulu observer reported that untold damage was done : word Riij;. Gen. i;. A. Stockton, commaml- utes l a t e r : of u n t r u t h . This is borne out recommendations in an "hour or so." "The secretary of war flu-eels tlvat inp the h a r b o r defenses of . San to the Pearl Harbor naval base and to the city of absolutely by tlie record. "XVo have ntj M f i t e m e n f as to how all firms and mannfacUm'nR plants I'rancijcD Ray, tcday orrirrcrl all The congressional leaders were to meet with Mr. much d a m n y e has been done, but " 'In all my 50 years of public .ser- who have defense C v , ' r a c ' s or arc soliUcrs, Honolulu. The observer was quoted that the battle vice ami toast Guard it has been j* very r;c;vre a t l i i c k . I have never seen a document working on defend or,'!,-, u-ill at farces lo officers Roosevelt after he confers with members of his cabiman their posts immedihad been going on for three hours and that one bomb Hint sva.s more crowded with i n f a - once instilntc. proper measures ately. All leaves ami furloughs were "The A r m y and Navy, it appears, now7 hnve ihe air and sea under net. mous falsehoods and distortions against sabotage." fell within 50 feet of the tower of Radio Station j Infamous cancelled. control." falsehoods and distortions Hero the broadcast again was Oalm Island, antl another at Pearl KGU.) I on a scale so huge t h a t I never imaLONDON, Dec. ~. (U f. ' Kosponsl- 1 NI'.W YOHK. Dec. 7. f.-ViDeclarJAP AIR FORCE WEAK u n t i l today t h a t any eovern- ble rmarter.s saiii iani^lit as Prime ing l!ic aetivilics of the Japanese t:iit oil" u'Hhout explanation. Men-it Laws, who saw the beginning of the at- ; gined Harbor, seuhiB an oil tank alire. merit, on this planet was capnble of Minister Winston Churchill wciRh- government wire licing "masterShortly before I Started talking on j Rriljsh Press Correspondent Terms tack ori Pearl Harbor, said: : u t t e r i n g them.'" rrl the British position rclalivc lo minded by Hie thugs sinl gangsters Naval Knpagrnient Going On the Irani-pacific telephone. 1 saw a Jap Force Weakest In World "1 was returning home from work and was above .Japanese a t t a c k s in t h e Pacific t h a t who control the Na/i government," Off Honolulu's llarbnr loim.uion ot five Japanese plaucs By I'.VGF.Ni: B l ' l i X S .1APS ni'RN R E C O R D S Britain vtould declare war ajjainst Mayor F. H. I.aGuai ilia t o n i g h t flying over Honolulu. Pearl Harbor when I saw a bomb fall on Ford Island, HOXOl.Cfj:. lire. 7. ..!'. A n a v a l . honr" if t h e warned New Y o r k e r s "not lo feel LONDON, Dec. 1. (S1,The JapNEW ORLEANS. La . Dec. 7. (UP) .T.tpan "H-iUiln an American a m i a h c v a U has set up engagement is in iirneress of) Honoin the middle of the harbor. A lew minutes a f t e r a 24-hour po- Vnitcd States proclaimed a state of entirely secure because I l i c y I m p - lulu. l i i t h at lenst one. b'ack enemy a t e r r i f i c d i n , and the sky also is anese airfoice um described today pen to be on the .Ali.lntlc coast." "The bomb exploded with a deafening roar. It lice guard was ordered around the war. a i r c r a f t c u r r t c r in iU'tinn against filled >vith A m e r i c a n b a t t l e a i r - as the weakest of any of the great world powers by the British Pre&, j Japanese, consulate here today, n ciaft. Pearl H n r h o r defenses. must have been a big one. ! bonfire was reported In the bnckThe sound of cannonading coining Association's air correspondent. Some a e r i a l dogfight.' arc in prog: yard of the consulate. Police beTorpedoes Aiso Loosed Prcs.5 Association added, however, from tiie direction of Pearl Harbor. ress in I h e skic? over Honolulu. t h a t confidential papers were Al 9:30 a. m. 'Honolulu time- -3 lias been continuing for an hour anrt that tl'.c addition ot a dozen destroy"I saw two planes dive over the mountains and lieved being burned. p. tn. Eastern S t a n d a r d T i m e * the a h a l f . So far, there a t e no report." ers in the last 18 months had made down to' the water and let loose torpodoes at a naval of cnsii;iltie.s. No bombs have fallen the Navy ti;e '.vorld'^ third a t t a c k s t i l l was in progics;-. A L A S K A GETTING BEADY What, dairwse was done by the in Honolulu hseU. so far as 1 could strongest, those oi Britain and the ship. This warship was attacked again and again. swift surprise raid w:is not im- determine before making this call. United States being stronger. SEATTLE. Dec. 7. <U.R> The Army "1 what looked like mf-diately anp;vvcnt. But r e p o r t s . There is much commotion going The air correspondent said Lon" also ----- saw .._, . . dive . . bombers ,. . coin. oclfiv cniicolled all commercial sakl enemy bombers scrm-il a hit fit on. with planes in the air and anti- don air experts believed Japan had ing over ni single inc. Some oi the snips (liven clown; tcic-punm; cans to Ainska. The By .JOHN SI. H I G H T O W K K + force, marie before today, varied Hirknm Field. Army airport, nnd sii-ernfl firing. not more than 3,000 airplanes of all ' vcrv low over the water to aim bombs at warships." i Army sinni corps operates MI A H H I N t l T O N , OH:. 7. vis wi<!ely. vailsinc; from 'J.500 to 3.ROO n u n t l l c i n an oil t a n k .it t h r Pearl >-'.) "'" " ' o o v e i cominoveini coinnninicntioiis b?Tlie citizens of Horn/mill have i lype.. and quoted an authority as >lnnr s m . n n O f f l -od-iv l ' Mililiu-y experts s.;,id t i n ratlimuine her fighter strength ivvoc-ii tile United Stales anrt Alaska. tegisls here 's"-ef U ( i ' 0 ( i A ' 'Japanese had been so prcoviupil T i n r b f i r i i i i v n ! h.v-c-. been cleared from the streets by A\ least iwo ]iine-pUtni- f o r m a - militnry and n a v a l units, assisted by not more t h n n 1,000 planes. that one of Ihc prime purposes of WHEELER WITH FDR '\ REP. HOBBS TO SPEAK t l i c i n i t i a l air a t t a c k - on (lie A m e r i - w i t h keeping t h e i r nrinies oinK in (tons of fom -mcitoi -eel black Ijomb- civilian volunteer.*, nil carrying arms. NO ORDERS AT FORT 1 can insular outposts in M a n i l a and Ciiin;i t h a t tlu.v had not bern able evs flew nvr r Kouo!\\tu aud Peavl But R lot of citizens have left t h e j COLLISION TAKES 6 LIVES to keep t h e i r planes up to I h e lii^ii Hnrbor. Kach plane bore Japan's Congressman To Address "We'll Have To See It Through; t h e Philippines was to break an at- c city for hills, to watch the planes ship Rally At Aubu o m p e t i t i v e levels of .speed and Says No. 1 Isolationist Bri|f. Gen. R a l p h Pejmell. eomtempted hlocknde of Nippon before firepower rcarho-d by western n a mamliHg o f f i c e r of Fort McC'lelTherc w a s a report f i o m persons and a n t i a i r c r a f t , and get a general Train Smashes Into Antamobllc Al It could be well organized. A U B U R N , Ala., Dec. 6. f;Fj lan's 27Hi Division, stated this tlons. They likewise/ were said to W],0 came past Pi\irl Harbor t h a t view of the excitement. BILLINGS, Mont. Dec. 7. (U.K Kentucky Gratic Crossing They raid s general c o n f l i c t In the have ntitlier ihe rf-.~nuices nor one shin there was K i n g on Its side Fi^are.'eiUaltve Sam Hobos, of Senator B. K. Wheeler, leading iso- . afternoon that he lias not receivFar EaM. foticju over vast r.iens of mass iiroductiiins method.-* ciisifcr! ed any orders from W a s h i n g t o n BRITISH WARSHIP SUNK WLitrt and tour four other? were l a t i o n i M , said today when informed gi'ima, is .scheduled to deliver a laud and ocean snnullrmcou.s!'., VANCEBURG. K y . Dec t. 'SVthe building of iliitish and on I n r . This could not be confirmas to t l i c risposition of Ills troops Japan hnd a t t a c k e d U. S. bases n i would be primarily a u a r of block- American ail' forces. C'tizenship Day address hejc Mon- Honolulu and Manila. "That. nicaJH but Otal he u n n l c l stand by con( Torpedoed Lying Al An- Six persons, all relatives, were killed eel immediately. when a Chesapeake and Ohio pasade. The i n i t i a l o b j e c t i v e ol ttnlicccnt months have brought chor In Shanghai Hnrbor day, directed particularly to young war, flhd we'll have lo see it s t a n t l y In readiness for !n*tr<.KUnverified reports said a foicifin senger train smashed Into their auUnite;! Stales, w i t h whatever aid many evidences- uf reinforcements warship appeared otf Pearl Harbor i people ol Auburn and Lee County through." | tliins. tomobile a mile west ol here late comes from other powers, would iJ". of American nir buses in the Philip- and bcniiii f i v i t i K at the defenses in SHANGHAI, Monday, Dec. 8. W) today. v.ho are Just reaching voting age. General rcnncll was al ills Asked If President Roosevelt, had : to cut off Japanese sources <i( supply pines. Numerous mili- (lint highly f o r t i f i e d post. The Japanese have sunk the Brithome uhon the news of the atThe program will ne in connec- p.sked Congress to declare \vnr, 1 from (he outside world and at the tary objectives are within easy Coroner H. M. Bertram Wentltt*d The sound of cannons firing comes ish gunboat Petrel as it lay off the tack en H a w a i i was announced tion with B statewide observance of j Whooiur said lie had received no nosame lime i i n i i F r t n k c nn air o f f e n - hoiuhing distance, ol long-rnuge to me here In Honolulu, fls 1 tele- imeraatloatil .SettletiiciH waterfront. the dead as Merla Smith, SO. * over Radio Station W I I M A . He CitizensVup Week, December 7-12, ' Uficntion. "but 1 assume he. will." sive (Ir.tlgnrd In dr.slroy lniiifi|>oi'tnplnncs o p e r a t i n g from the Philip- phone lliis story to the Ran FrnncisThe United States gunboat Wake, fanner; Nanry Kate Pell, M; Arthur left .shr.rlly aflerward for hfs of.spoii.somi annually by the Alnbair.n f tion f o e i l i . l e s , ]in\\'ei' p l a n t s , niuiii- pines, and bombing-patrol opcru- c.n A^r.ueUUed Press otUev. Smith, 35. tenixnt on tht Mni* nr-tirby. \vns no! damaged. fice anil lias (here on d u l y uhe Congress of Parents and Teachers. > Fitly two men accompanied tlous f u t ' t o r i r ^ n n c l o i l i e r soui rers ot Japimese bluejackets, or marines, Smith f a r m ; Clninle SmJth, IS, ton lious <-;m be carried out from new ReporU say Hint I h e i called liy a Star reporter liil a f l Hie S l a t e Defense Council co- ( Christopher Columbus on Hie 6a:im i l l t n r y power In J a n n n . Army and N n v y base:- In the Aleu- bombers scored t u j l^t.s. one at have, occupied the waterfront at the nf A r t h u r ; Cecil Sartln, M. < rrnoon. 0|ieratini? tilts year. I ta Mflrn, Nancy Jane Stennctt, *. Estimates ol the Japftiiese air t i a n islands o f l Alaska, Hlclcam Field, Air Corps post on i International Settlement.

Battleship U. S. S. Oklahoma! WAR BULLETINS 'rvfpnsp Units Go Into Action Set Afire In Today's Attack To Repel Bomber Attacks On Pearl Harbor By Bombers Launched From Carrier Ship
359 SoldiersAre Reported Killed By Di-! rect.HitOfBomb !


Reports Indicate U. S. Forces HaveWon Opening Battle

Answer run ui uniriiins; Secretary Tells Envoys In Sharp Statement j

pi command,

NBC Observer Reports H o n - ' Japan attacked the United States today, striking olulu Badly Damaged By (by air at the great Pearl Harbor naval base at Hono ...Attack Q.f Jan Planes

Jap Attack An Attempt To Smash B l o c k a d e w

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