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MA_T: The symbolic representation of Ma_t as a human figure with 
outreached hands and wings, is the Netcher of the weighing of the soul in 
ancient Kemet. The heart of the deceased was believed to be the seat of 
the soul and it was weighed on the scale of the Netcher Ma_t, against a 
feather, which represented the principles of truth and righteousness (the 
seven cardinal virtues). This symbolic weighing of the heart against the 
feather of truth (Ma_t) was performed to established the righteousness of 
the deceased. The scale of Ma_t was balanced after the recitation of the 
 "42"  Declarations of Innocence or Admonitions of Ma_t. pg. 
The Neophyte or students ultimate aim in Kemet was for a person to 
become "One with God" or to "become like God." The path to the 
development of godlike qualities was through the development of virtue, 
but virtue could only be achieved through special study and effort. 
According to George G. M. James in his timeless work Stolen Legacy 
writes: The following of the 10 virtues were sought by the Neophyte in 
ancient Kemet. In the final analysis, the ancient Kemites sought Ma_t or 
to be more correct they sought to become one with Ma_t, the cosmic 
(1). Control of thoughts
(2). Control of actions
(3). Devotion of purpose
(4). Have faith in the ability of [your] [teacher] to teach [you] the 
(5). Have faith in [yourself] to assimilate the truth
(6). Have faith in [themselves] to wield the truth
(7). Be free from resentment under the experience of persecution.
(8). Be free from resentment under the experience of wrong.
(9). Cultivate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong and
(10). Cultivate the ability to distinguish between the real and the 
Gerald Massey.

Principles of MA_T
Ad moni tion s of M a_t
(Concepts for Living in Balance)
1 I have not committed sin
2 I have not committed robbery with violence
3 I have not stolen
4 I have not slain men and women
5 I have not stolen food
6 I have not swindled offerings
7 I have not stolen from God
8 I have not told lies
9 I have not carried away food
10 I have not cursed
11 I have not closed my ears to truth
12 I have not committed adultery
13 I have not made anyone cry
14 I have not felt sorrow without reason
15 I have not assaulted anyone
16 I am not deceitful
17 I have not stolen anyone's land
18 I have not been an eavesdropper
19 I have not falsely accused anyone
20 I have not been angry without reason
21 I have not seduced anyone's wife
22 I have not polluted myself
23 I have not terrorized anyone
24 I have not disobeyed the law
25 I have not been excessively angry
26 I have not cursed God
27 I have not behaved with violence
28 I have not caused disruption of peace
29 I have not acted hastily or without thought
30 I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern
31 I have not exaggerated my words when speaking
32 I have not worked evil
33 I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds
34 I have not polluted the water
35 I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly
36 I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deed
37 I have not placed myself on a pedestal
38 I have not stolen that which belongs to God
39 I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased
40 I have not taken food from a child
41 I have not acted with insolence
42 I have not destroyed property belonging to God
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Last modified: August 7, 1997 

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