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October 23, 2013


My basic mission statement for our BC-MMAR trust is to restore 'private individual rights' , through a creative application of common law, [I Chin] by appointing every member of our Quadra EDA to be their own federal agent, in order to regain our inalienable rights as human beings, in order to return to being treated as equals before and under the law [Sec 15 of the Charter] PREAMBLE: From 1996 to the last posting in June 2013, the CDSA /MMAR/MMPR were under statutory law and regulations. In their latest postings, it says that these laws expired on Oct 1st 2013. On June 6th 2013 HC says on page-1 on the internet posting [But it was not made public till Oct 11th] [QUOTE] Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations P.C. 2013-645 2013-06-06. Whereas a provision of the annexed Regulations provides for the communication of information obtained under the Regulations to certain classes of persons referred to in paragraph 55(1)(s) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances ActFootnote a and, in the opinion of the Governor in Council, it is necessary to communicate that information to those classes of persons for the proper administration or enforcement of the Act and the Regulations; - Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Health, pursuant to subsection 55(1) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances ActFootnote a, makes the annexed Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations.

Subsection 55(1) outlines that the MMPR only applies to those who entered into license
with Health Canada in order to export dried cannabis, [then they list 29 rules /restrictions] it's safe to assume that if you entered into the old MMAR contract that this new status is being forced on you, even if you don't want any part of exporting cannabis. These MMPR annexed regulations don't apply to 'private individuals' of the Marijuana Party These new rules are such an affront /assault to case law that it constitutes FRAUD to imply that the opinion of an unnamed Lieut Gov in Council applies to anyone, especially when these rules are depriving everyone of their MMAR Supreme Court upheld right. BOTTOM LINE: it's a Sec 336 CC violation to break the fiduciary trust to impose rules that in essence insist on trashing the last 15-years or so of case law, What must be noted is that: It's all backed by deception and lies [to prove the point] click on any one of the above links and you can see for yourself that the printed internet version of the regulations is totally different wording from what the PDF file stipulates. WE ARE OFFERING A POLITICAL SOLUTION TO THIS MESS CALLED CORPORATE TYRANNY: The opinion of the Lieutenant Governor in Council cannot deprive any of the members of our Party, especially when: all our compassion club members, are seeking to be protected by our Sec 8 CC right to contract under common law, by being their own federal agent. The Elections Act simply does not have a limit as to how many agents any EDA can have, So we are undertaking a very valid 'social experiment' of registering `everyone' in our Quadra EDA as being their own agent who acts on protecting their own right to be a private individual. Under Freedom of Association, no court can say that an entire EDA of federally registered agents, cannot enter into common law contract, as an 'agency' with any City or Province. In Vancouver case, there are about 40,000 members of compassion clubs that operate under rules that Health Canada wants to totally abolish, under their totally fraudulent MMPR. FURTHERMORE: We are standing under this OPPT-UCC trust challenge, and especially the Papal decree that followed, to undertake a Peaceful way to challenge authority to accept that they must [at least] co-exist with our right to 'serving the Creator' under this UCC public trust challenge, and frankly no civil court can deny our right to do so; because the new Pope thru the UCC insist that 'to serve the Creator' actually constitutes a 'raising of the BAR'

UCC challenges are done in Tax Court, So we are filing for a tax ruling to see if our federal agents can use/create ORR transactions in order to fund and protect our members Charter right to Freedom of Expression, which [quote] at face value, extends to protecting beliefs the majority in power consider wrong or false. [referred to in Sec 1 of the Charter]and [R v Oakes] TAX COURT RULINGS TRUMP ALL OTHER COURTS: In other words, we are doing an end-run to abolish prohibition of cannabis, by filing for a Tax Ruling, under hardship. No court ruling can prohibit our Federal Party EDA from using ORRs to protect our RUBRIC They can take their sweet time about making this ruling, like they did with Blair Longley's Elections Act /Revenue Act ruling, where they took 17-years to say 'yes' to a similar question BUT we have learned a big lesson from this [which is] because we are seeking a ruling under duress and hardship means the judge MUST give us an injunction that grants us the right to carry-on collecting and remitting taxes [under ORRs] in order to afford the court costs and raise funds to run candidates in the next election [that's tentatively posted for May 2014] IN OTHER WORDS: we get 'a yes' answer to being able to operate compassion clubs, The judge can't say no BUT IF HE DOES we immediately get an answer to the legality of selling cannabis thru a clever application of the Elections Act and Income Tax Act, without endangering or exposing anyone else to the liability created by criminal prosecutions. This is by definition called CIVILIZATION which is done by fixing a criminal matter thru civil means, by using a 'Scot Free' defence of paying taxes in order to protect our beliefs. As i said in the beginning, i've given this a lot of thought and what's being pressed is a trap. This Tax Court Challenge will also need to rule on this: since we can collect ORRs, we should be able to collect and remit an additional 10% City sales tax, in order to protect our beliefs, and our agents' Charter right to a safe and secure source for herbal medicine. This results in a situation where if this Judge wants to go thru the motions of questioning our use of ORRs to protect our trampled-on rights, will result in a situation where the City cannot collect its 10% tax that we are offering. Politically: This City would solve years of debate if this court says it's OK for our agency to collect this 10% City Sales Tax and remit it to the City, under Freedom of Contract Now, we get a chance to ask a judge [who is directly under the employ of the Mayor] to deny his City the right to collect this tax for the next 20 years of court delay, especially when [under this judge's fiduciary trust] this judge MUST let us operate anyways?: Legally, this Tax Court cannot stop us from operating under ORRs, because ORRs are under UCC law, and we are raising the bar [that the UCC is pressing] thru a Tax ruling.

BUT then i'm the first to admit that we are standing under Sec 8 CC-UCC Territorial rights AND it permitted native rights to be abused under the old trust of serving the Sovereign's interest. By definition [just like the OPPT says] no civil judge can say that in our case, Sec 15 of the Charter does not apply, because we are wrongfully being victimized by Regulations that only apply to 'certain classes of persons' referred to in paragraph 55(1)(s) [aka - slaves] My contention is that this Court is actually ruling on whether corporations get to rule on whether everyone in Canada have less rights than a native, because the Courts are somehow obligated thru international obligations [not treaties] to trample on all our God given rights.

All our rights were fraudulently robbed. thru lexicography [perversion of words]. The entire history of Canada was steered by masons who ruled the civil service and willingly did evil with an excuse that good would result, by creating and are obeying dead things called corporations that used them to conspire to destroy the form and the Creation itself, thru outright worshipping of money, and power. I simply have nothing to loose BUT the Freedom they say i've lost, when i stop fighting.

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