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By Manoj Babu Gupta on Friday, May 11, 2012 at 10:55am

ACID GROUP( -OH) INTRODUCTION Acids are more or less of electronegative character. All acids are not sour to taste. They all combine very readily with the electropositive substances as Potassium and Sodium. Majority of acids contain Oxygen. Hydrofluoric and Muriatic acids contain no Oxygen. These acids are derived from mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Hydrocyanic acid exists in great variety of plants. Oxalic acid exists in "Sorrel grass" and rhubarb. Malic and Citric Acid are derived from vegetable kingdom i.e. apples, pears, raspberries and oranges, lemons respectively. Acetic Acid is an organic acid and it is main ingredient of vinegar. Lactic acid is derived from sour milk. Acids show excoriating and burning properties. Acids are closely related to Ammoniums. Citric, Tartaric and Acetic acids are used for preparing tasty dishes. The term 'Acid' is multi linguistically derived from many languages (Acere/Acro/Acris/Astrus) meaning sharp pointed, pungent, sour tart or a razor. 'Astrus' in Greek is Oxus, hence Oxygen means Acid producer; Oxygen is also called as Acidifying Principle. To live is to Oxygenated or Acidified. Human body is a chemical factory and is demand of acids one after another. Various acids like pyruvic, lactic, carbonic, sulphuric, phosphoric, Uric are produced after burning proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All the life body is neutralising the acid or eliminating it. Nucleus of cell is acidic (Nucleic acids). The main principle of physiology is to finetune acid elimination so that body stay just on the alkaline border of neutrality. Acid-base balance means regulation of hydrogen ion concentration in body fluids. Following are the important characteristics of Acid Group remedies. Exhaustion & prostration, (mental, emotional & physical) Active, Hurried, No complaints, Hurriedness leads to a tired feeling, which further leads to exhaustion, Restlessness,< Night, they are Lively, fresh, Extrovert, Active, enterprising, Optimistic which gives them an aura of freshness. Talk very openly. Tendency to be perfectionist. Desire for Company, Capriciousness, Cheerful are important features.

IMPORTANT REMEDIES Acetic Acid (Glacial Acetic Acid) Arsenicum Album (Arsenious Acid) Benzoicum Acidum (Benzoic Acid) 1/4



Boricum Acidum (Boric Acid) Carbolicum Acidum (Carbolic Acid) Chromicum Acidum (Chromic Acid) Fluoricum Acidum (Hydrofluoric Acid) Hydrocyanic Acid (Prussic Acid) Lacticum Acidum (Lactic Acid) Muriaticum Acidum (Muriatic Acid) Nitricum Acidum (Nitric Acid) Nitro-Muriatic Acid (Aqua Regia) Oxalicum Acidum (Oxalic Acid / Sorrel Acid) Phosphoricum Acidum (Phosphoric Acid) Picricum Acidum (Picric Acid / Trinitrophenol) Salicylicum Acidum (Salicylic Acid) Sulphuricum Acidum (Sulphuric Acid) Sulphurosum Acidum (SulphurousAcid H2S02) Tannic Acid (DigallicAcid) Tartaricum Acidum (TararicAcid)

COMMON TRAITS AND GROUP CHARACTERISTICS Sphere of Action: Sphere of action of most acids is Mind, Mucous Membranes, Blood, Skin, Brain, Margins of outlets, Glands, Tubular organs, Metabolism, Sexual organs, Secretions. They show more affinity towards affections of Right side of body. Constitution: Acid group patients are usually fair haired . They are thin and thermally chilly. Pale, thin, sickly, brokendown, emaciating, cachectic; inherited phthisis leading to early decline; chilly; fair haired. Mental Generals: Most of the Acids show a tendency to be Perfectionists. They are the people who demand of themselves or of others an exceedingly high degree orabsolute standard of excellence . They believe in Idealism. They believe in envisioning of things as they should be or are wished to be according to preconceived standards of perfection rather than as they are or opposed to realism. They always try to be 'Idealist' by formulating or attempting to live in accordance with Ideals. This forced attitude often makes the opposite happen in their lives and makes them impractical dreamers. All the Acids show another basic property i.e. Aggressiveness. They always undertake an unprovoked attack or encroachment and always begin a quarrel. They show habitual aggressive action or practices. They force their will upon a situation always in the spirit of opposition and as the things do not go according to their wish they feel that they have to fight for their goals. This aggression and fighting nature of acids is also expressed physically in the form of biting and violence . These people show desire for unification . They believe in the act of unifying or the state of being unified. 2/4



The essential theme in this is the desire for and the realisation of a universal oneness; where in all the boundaries have disappeared. They always insist on the condition or fact of being free from variety or diversity. They like the arrangement of parts into a homogeneous whole exhibiting oneness of purpose, thought, spirit and style. They want to achieve a state or quality of general concord and mutual understanding andharmony. Although acids show strong desire of total unification; they have a sensation or deep feeling of total Isolation and separation from fellow beings and loved ones. They experience a state of solitude or aloneness. Indolence and Indifference are main features of acids. Isolation and solitude brings aversion to exertion orwork in these people making them lazy. This also makes them indifferent, having no interest or feeling and unconcerned. All acids show typical hurriedness and it is often accompanied by tiredness or exhaustion. They show fear of failure . They show a certain freshness about them. Their activity, enterprising spirit and optimism give them an aura of freshness. They are energetic, bold, full of initiative; and show disposition to look on the bright side of things and feel that everything is ordered for the best. They are extroverts and always in lively mood. They are the people who like to turn one's interest towards objects and actions outside the self rather than towards one's own thoughts and feelings. Following are the important characteristics of Acid Group remedies - Exhaustion & prostration, (Mental, Emotional & Physical) Active, Hurried, No complaints, Hurriedness leads to a tired feeling, which further leads to a tired feeling, which further leads to exhaustion, Restlessness, < Night, they are Lively, fresh, Extroveert, Active, enterprising, optimistic which gives them an aura of freshness. Talk very openly. Tendency to be perfectionist. Desire for Company, Capriciousness, Cheerful are important features. General Features: In general these medicines decrease the acid secretions of the body and increase the alkaline secretions. Most of the acids help digestion; particularly in the digestion of nitrogenous articles of food. Main feature of all acids is Exhaustion i.e. weakness and prostration. Mineral acids produce irritability of fibre and irritable weakness whereas vegetable acids produce weakness without irritability. All acids produce exhaustion either mental emotional or physical. Physiologically also exhaustion is accompanied with acid imbalance. [e.g. Formation of Lactic Acid and carbondioxide after exercise] All acids stop haemorrhages. They also have tendency to produce thepseudomemranes. Most of the acids produce a peculiar debility, not simple, exhaustion, functional or nervous weakness but that due to defective nutrition and particularly from blood diseases. They are very much useful in very low type of diseases in which bloodpoisoning and dysfunction is a prominent feature', particularly when low type in conditions of exhaustion from abuse of various organs and bad effects of indulging in liquors. They are also indicated in Diabetes Mellitus and Scurvy arising due to salty diet with deprivation of vegetables. Acids characteristically show an overdose of activity prior to Exhaustion. They want to do a lot; and use. energy at very high rate. They are overactive initially. They struggle a lot which leads to collapse. Constant effort made in a particular direction is main chracteristic of acids. They show typical hurriedness. Acid show very high sexual desire . In most of acids complaints come and go suddenly; and are aggravated at 11 p.m. 3/4



They are aggravated by exertion, climbing stairs, touch and loss of vital fluids. Their complaints are ameliorated by lying down. Sour things,bread and coffee are another aggravating features. Acid show aversion for sour things and bread; and they desire fat, spicy, alcohol, fruits and refreshing things. Aggressive. Fight response rather than flight. Anger-violent. Destructiveness. Heightened sexual desire. Irresponsible gaiety. Unstrung. Active in everyday matters; with marked mertal decay later. Hurriedness; accompanied or followed by exhaustion.

Location Nutrition Mucous Membranes Blood Vegetative Tissues Glands Sexual organs Characters I)Acrid. Corrosive. Offensive. Hemorrhagic. Muco-purulent. II) Burning. Biting. Stitching. Fulgurating. Pricking like needle. Depressive irritant to nerves; neuropathic (Acet-ac., Hydr-ac., Ph-ac., Pic-ac.,). Senses first active, then lost. Mineral acids produce irritability of fibre & irritable weakness whereas vegetable acids produce weakness without irritability. All acids produce exhaustion. Physiologically too exhaustion is accompanied with acid imbalance. Blood disorganization. Slow progressive metabolic disorders. Particular complaints and clinical Applications: In acid aggression and fighting nature is expressed physically in the form of biting, itching character, aphthae, ulcers, fissures, fistula etc. Their pains are burning and biting and stitching . They are used for accidents and sprains. Their discharges are watery, acrid, sour and stained with blood. They cover the clinical conditions like Burns, Diarrhoea, Cystitis, Naevi, Prolapse, Diabetes Mellitus, Anaemia, Bleeding disorders, Scurvy, Nutritional disorders, Alcoholism, etc. Relationships: All acids are closely related to Ammoniums, Halogens, Ophidias. Some acids are used as an antidote for intoxication [e.g. Citric Acid].


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