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The Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation

Pre-Proposal for Organizations Please complete all of the following questions. We ask that you do not skip any questions as these are all important in order for our program team to review and decide on your request. Proposed Grantee Organization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Name of Organization to applying for the Grant Legal Name (The name under which you registered) Other names by which the organization is known Address of Organization's Main Office City and State or Province (No Abbreviation, please) Postal Code (If applicable) and Country Main Organization's Phone Main Organizations Fax Main Organization's E-mail Address

10. Website Address (If available) 11. Organizational Background - Please provide information on your mission, primary activities, governance and typical sources of financial support and/or major donors. (200 words or less) 12. Organization's Fiscal Year End (Month / Day) 13. Total Annual Organizational Budget (For the current year, in GBP) 14. What type of organization are you (government, educational, NGO, community-based, association, etc.)? Applicant Contact Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Contact Prefix (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.) First Name and Last Name Position Title Your Office Address or Post Office Box City and State or Province (No Abbreviation, please) Postal Code (If applicable) and Country Your Phone (include Country Code, if applicable), Phone Extension (If applicable)

8. 9.

Your Fax Your E-mail

10. Preferred Means of Contact? (Email, Telephone, Fax, Post) Proposed Project 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Today's Date Country or Region That Project Would Benefit Amount Requested from the Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation in GBP Total Project Budget (GBP) Length of Project in Months (Current Maximum: 24 months). Please enter the term in whole months; example: enter 12 for a year-long project. Proposed Project Start Date - What date would you require to receive this grant? Proposed Project Title -What is your project or program called? Tell us about the project, Purpose and Goals, and Why the Project Is Important (up to 400 words) Grant Activity - What activities would you like us to fund? (300 words or less) contributes to advancing human security in Africa or aligns with our core initiatives. 11. Other Funding Sources towards this Project - Please indicate whether none, pending or awarded, and amount. 12. Main Project Personnel and Relevant Experience (100 words or less) 13. Additional Information (100 words or less) 14. How did you find out about the Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation? Please let us know if by mailing, online search, foundation directory, or if referred, by whom, etc. 10. Connection to The Olusegun Obasanjo Foundations mission - Please describe how this project

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