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Ref. No. DOR-OPPT-hatj-DODD-hatj-07301972

I, eternal essence, dul de!os"ted, do#"c"l, and co#!letel factual"$ed "n %od &ul 30, 1972, also !erce"'ed as (eather )nn Tucc"-&arraf, dul recorded, secured, not"ced, *o'erned, %onded, "nsured and *uaranteed, "nclus"'e of +ternal, ,n"'ersal and Internat"onal Record No. 201303203- and 201212791., under !er!etu"t ,// Record No. 20000.313-, and dul declared, dul declared, D+/0)R)TION O1 I, dul DON+, e2ecuted, and not"ced, "nclus"'e of the date of Octo%er 7, 2013, dul !erfected, nunc !ro tunc !raeterea !reterea, "nclus"'e of Octo%er 10, 2013, and D+/0)R)TION O1 D+PO3ITOR4 )ND D+PO3IT, reference nu#%er DODD-hatj-07301972, dul DON+, e2ecuted, not"ced, and !erfected, "nclus"'e of Octo%er 27, 2013, all sa"d records and 5alue dul #ade, "ssued, de!os"ted, do#"c"l, conf"r#ed, reconf"r#ed, rat"f"ed, 'er"f"ed and not"ced, nunc !ro tunc, !raeterea !reterea, all restated and "ncor!orated "n full % reference as "f set forth "n full, 6"thout !rejud"ce, at th"s #o#ent, also !erce"'ed as No'e#%er 1, 2013, DO dul #a7e, "ssue, conf"r#, 'er"f , reconf"r#, rat"f and not"ce th"s D+/0)R)TION O1 R+/+IPT, 6"th reference nu#%er DOR-OPPT-hatj-DODD-hatj-07301972, 6"th full !ersonal res!ons"%"l"t and l"a%"l"t , nunc !ro tunc !raetera !reterea, and that th"s D+/0)R)TION "s true, accurate, correct, and I )8 consc"ous and co#!etent to sa so9 I. I, e e!na" e##ence $n%od&, o!$'$na" de(o#$ o!& and #o)!ce o* e e!na" e##ence Va")e, d)"& dec"a!e, !econ*$!+, !a $*&, ,e!$*& and no $ce de"$,e!& o* and -e acce( ance $n o c)# od&,!#-$(, $ "e, !$'- , and -o"de!-$n-d)e co)!#e %& I, .$ - *)"" !e#(on#$%$"$ &, o* -e *o""o.$n'/ ). Rece"!t, s!ec"f"call "dent"f"ed as Record Nu#%er 201212791., restated, D+/0)R)TION O1 1)/T3, dul done, #ade, "ssued and not"ced % The One Peo!le:s Trust, for full t"tle, o6nersh"!, r"*hts, custod of 5alue "n s!ec"f"c"t and !art"cular"t 9 1. 5alue e2!ressl "dent"f"ed as 1I5+ ;I00ION <-,000,000,000.00= !re-1933 >old and 3"l'er, la6ful #one of The ,n"ted 3tates of )#er"ca, also "dent"f"ed % /O88+R/I)0 ;I00, Record Nu#%er 201211.-?@, restated, as A+B,IT4CD 2. 5alue "dent"f"ed 1I5+ ;I00ION <-,000,000,000.00= !re-1933 >old and 3"l'er, la6ful #one of The ,n"ted 3tates of )#er"ca, also "dent"f"ed % /O88+R/I)0 ;I00, Record Nu#%er 201211.-?@, restated, as AD)8)>+3CD 3. TR,+ ;I00, s!ec"f"call "dent"f"ed as Record No. 201211.77@, restatedD ;. I D,04 )/ENOF0+D>+ )ND )//+PT Rece"!t, Record Nu#%er 201212791., and the 5alue there"n del"'ered, restated, 6"th full res!ons"%"l"t , "nto actual custod and !ossess"on of and do#"c"l "n or"*"nal de!os"tor and source of 5alue, D+0/)R)TION O1 D+PO3ITOR4 )ND D+PO3IT, 6"th reference nu#%er DODD-hatj-07301972, restated, 6"th auto#at"c %oo77ee!"n*, account"n* and aud"t"n* done, la6full a'a"la%le for "##ed"ate ut"l"$at"on, #ana*e#ent, o!erat"on, transfer, sale and con'ers"on % the consc"ous FI00 and FORD of ID II. I, e e!na" e##ence $n%od&, o!$'$na" de(o#$ o!& and #o)!ce o* e e!na" e##ence Va")e, d)"& dec"a!e, acce( , !econ*$!+ and ,e!$*& -a / ). I, "n%od , reta"n full t"tle, o6nersh"!, custod"ansh"!, trusteesh"!, o!erat"on, res!ons"%"l"t and l"a%"l"t of all that I DO "n %od and the 5alue do#"c"l there"n % I, eternal essenceD ;. I )8 /ON3/IO,3, 6"th full res!ons"%"l"t , that all that I DO affects and effects )00 T()T I3D /. I )8 the sole custod"an, trustee, #ana*er, %oo77ee!er, and record holder of th"s or"*"nal de!os"tor , "nclus"'e of "#!le#entat"on and o!erat"on of sa"d or"*"nal de!os"tor , and an and all 5alue of I do#"c"l there"n, dul !roduced, dra6n, transferred, "ssued, #ana*ed, or o!erated there"n and therefro#, recorded, not"ced, transferred, del"'ered and rece"'ed % ener*et"c and #a*net"c record, %oo77ee!"n*, account"n* and aud"t, "nclus"'e of an and all #utuall acce!ta%le dul e2ecuted 6r"tten re!resentat"ons that #a %e #ade thereofD III. I, e e!na" e##ence, A0, co+("e e"& *ac )a"$1ed $n%od&, d)"& +a2e, dec"a!e, $##)e, !econ*$!+, ,a"$da e, ,e!$*& and no $ce, .$ ac $on o* con#c$o)# d)"& e3ec) ed .e -$n2 #$'na )!e, -$# CON4CIOU4 5ILL AND 5ORD OF I, DECLARATION OF RECEIPT, n)nc (!o )nc, (!ae e!ea (!e e!ea, and -a -e #(ec$*$c con#c$o)# dec"a!a $on# +ade -e!e$n, a!e !)e, acc)!a e, and co+("e e, .$ - *)"" !e#(on#$%$"$ & and "$a%$"$ & o* I, $n%od&, *o! a"" o !e"& )(on a# !)e, acc)!a e, and co+("e e. F)! -e!+o!e, d)"& +ade and $##)ed *ac#$+$"e# and d$'$ a" #can# o* -$# o!$'$na" DECLARATION OF RECEIPT $# "a.*)""& DECLARED o 6E an o!$'$na". F"thout !rejud"ce _______________________________________________________ I, eternal essence "n%od , also !erce"'ed as (eather )nn Tucc"-&arraf contact "nfor#at"on9 #o%"le !hone G H212 <0= @2 007 2.3?D !roject 2""" G heatheranntucc"jarrafD s7 !e G jarrafusa

I##)ed ()!#)an o and 7o,e!ned %& Rec. No. 2013032035 PRE-AUTHORIZED, PRE-APPROVED, and PRE-PAID, Re*. No./ DODD--a 8-09301:92 ('. 1 o* 1 In$ $a"#/ ;;;;;;; I A0 I, e e!na" e##ence $n%od&

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