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CHAPTER 7 Abby!!

England wins the Seven Years War has all of this new territory !an e"#and al$ost at will thro%gho%t the world witho%t !hallenge Parlia$ent begins to thin& the A$eri!an Colonies need to be ree"a$ined and bro%ght to heel

Additional causes for revolution

'n higher !ir!les the$e of (republicanism) #%shed by *asons and Whigs +who later be!o$e the Re#%bli!an #arty, began to ta&e hold- An fo!%s on #ersonal liberties and freedo$s being obstr%!ted by rando$

a!ts of a tyrant &ing began to do$inant #oliti!al !onversations

'n .ritish #oliti!al !ir!les (mercantilism) be!a$e the do$inant the$e- Parlia$ent be!a$e obsessed with !ontrolling trade and adding to the national treas%ryA$eri!an !olonies/!olonists were s%##osed to be #rod%!ing goods for the E$#ire and #roviding a $ar&et for finished goods $ade in England-

All A$eri!an goods sold abroad were to go thro%gh .ritish $er!hants and .ritish $ar&ets +often #ri!ing the !olonists right o%t of the $ar&et,-

Coinage: defi!it in the !olonies b%t not allowed to !reate own +nor was any !reated for the$,

Crown !o%ld veto any !olonial law +as long as it was seen as !onfli!ting with trade 012 ti$es effe!ting 3 415 laws,

6%eling states of greed in whi!h one #layer held all the !ards-

England7s war debt was h%ge sin!e A$eri!ans had benefited fro$ '$#erial #rote!tion witho%t #aying the !ost Pri$e *inister George Grenville tho%ght it was only fair for the A$eri!ans to bear their fair share of the b%rden

A$eri!an7s disagreed +settle$ents left for forts $ilitia #%nished and ridi!%led,

Navigation Act: all !o$$er!e to be on .ritish vessels

Sugar Act: Ta" on foreign s%gar +%sed in r%$ #rod%!tion,

Quartering Act: Soldiers in ho$es +es#e!ially 8ew England, at ho$e owners e"#ense +Ty#i!al Red Coat,

Why large new ar$y A9TER the war was over 'ndian tribes !r%shed and 9ren!h driven away:

The Stamp Act: all legal do!%$ents with two #en!e ta"

*ost !olonial violations7 trials in ad$iralty !o%rts; $ilitary !o%rts were yo% had to #rove inno!en!e and a soldiers7 word was !onsidered eviden!e

<ERY %#setting trial by =%ry was a right afforded even .ritish servants that were not !iti>ens

Also 8? TA@AT'?8 W'TH?AT REPRESE8TAT'?8B .ritish sho%ld have gave in $ay have at least delayed the warC

Answer these questions ! "ow did American colonies brea# the Stamp Act$ %! What new groups were created because of the Stamp Act$ &! Wh' were some (ritish furious at Americans )what seemed unfair*$ +S: note the side reference to the Statue of ,ing George -! ./plain the problems with the Townshend Act and how it led to the (oston 0assacre 1! What was Sam Adams2 contribution to the earl' resistance $ 3! ./plain how Sam Adams4 Thomas "utchinson4 (ritish .ast 5ndia Compan'4 +arliament4 and the (oston Tea +art' are all connected

6! ./plain the 5ntolerable Acts and how the' directl' ma' have started the American 7evolution 8! What did the 9eclaration of 7ights and the :irst Continental Congress tr' to achieve4 how was it received$ ;! <ist the strengths )-* and wea#nesses )3* of the (ritish =! <ist the strengths )&* and wea#nesses )3* of the Americans ! "ow were slaves and blac#s affected b' militar' matters of the war$

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