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Regional Autonomy


Self ruling of the government of a certain area. It has bigger authority to manage their own region. They rule their own region at their own decision.

Regional Autonomy in Bogor

Includes: o Staffing agencies, education and training (Badan Kepegawaian, Pendidikan, dan Latihan) o Area income service (Dinas Pendapatan Daerah) o Layout and defense (Tata Ruang dan Pertahanan)

Staffing agencies, education and training

Their main goal is assisting regent in formulating regional policies in staffing agencies, education and training Provide support for the organization of events related to staffing agencies, education and training

Development and execution of tasks in the field

Carry out the task assigned by the regent according to its function

Area income service

Provide support for the organization of events related to incomes. Development and execution of tasks in the field Carry out the task assigned by the regent according to its function Manage Secretariat Office

Layout and defense

provide support for the organization of events related to layout and defense development and execution of tasks in the field

carry out the task assigned by the regent according to its


Product of resource will be used for their own development. They have peaceful relationship between central government and regions Being independent on the development of their own region Being equal between regions Developing local workers to be professionals


Not equal between rich resources regions and poor regions Chance of corruption, collusion, and nepotism.

Problem #1
Areas demand to have more power because they feel burdened by regional autonomy. Solution:

Government make survey in 2 places, the first used many

rule while the other one doesn't, then this proves that despite there are many rules, bogor people can be independent

Problem: After the revolution era, areas wanted to be independent Solution: Make more law so they would make a new area

Problem: Collecting the tax, misunderstanding in changing the UU Nomor 18 Tahun 1997. Solution: revision for UU Nomor 34 Tahun 2000 about

regional tax.

Kabupaten Bogor. Bogor: Pemerintah Kabupaten Bogor, 2013. Web. 4
Oct. 2013. Haryudi. "DPRD Setuju Pembentukan Kabupaten Bogor Barat |

SINDOnews." Sindonews. Metro Sindo News, 20 Aug. 2013. Web. 03

Oct. 2013.

Lampiran Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bogor. Bogor: 2013. Web. 6

Oct. 2013.

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