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ISO Country Code AR

Verification Date: 24-May-2013 Contacts Designated Authorities Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) Argentina Embassy to the United States United States Embassy to Argentina Flight Information U.S. Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

NOTE: This countrys AIP is not available in English . Designated Authorities, however, have been reprinted in the native language. Additionally, Embassy contacts and other select information is provided.

Designated Authorities
ADMINISTRACIN NACIONAL DE AVIACIN CIVIL Hiplito Irigoyen 250 Piso 12 Oficina 1211 C1086AA - Buenos Aires - Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 11 4845-0094/95 Email: Website: DIRECCIN NACIONAL DE SERVICIOS DE NAVEGACIN AREA Y AERODROMOS Av. Comodoro Pedro Zanni 250 1 Piso. Oficina 178 Sector Verde C1104ADP Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires - Repblica Argentina Tel/Fax 54 11 4317-6307 Direccin (AFS): SABAYRYX Email: DIRECCIN NACIONAL DE SEGURIDAD OPERACIONAL Departamento Instituciones Aerodeportivas Oficina 365 Sector Amarillo Av. Comodoro Pedro Zanni 250 C1104ADP - Buenos Aires Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 11 4317-6023-6010 Tel/Fax: 54 11 4317-6129 DIRECCIN DE AERONAVEGABILIDAD Junn 1060 C1113AAF Buenos Aires Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 11 4508-2106 Fax: 54 11 4508-2107 Telex: 27928 DNAFAA Email: COMISIN DE PREVENCIN DE ACCIDENTES DE AVIACIN Av. Com. Pedro Zanni 250 2. P Of. 264. C1104ADP - Buenos Aires - Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 11 4317-6001/3 Int. 14593

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Tel: 4317 - 6698 / 6498 Email: POLICA DE SEGURIDAD AEROPORTUARIA Aeropuerto Ezeiza Terminal A Casilla de Correo N 11/B1802ADA - Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: 54 11 4480-9590/2457/58 Email: DIRECCIN NACIONAL DE TRANSPORTE AREO Hiplito Yrigoyen 250 Piso 12 Oficina 1213 C1086AA - Buenos Aires - Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 11 4349-7304 Fax: 54-11 4349-7206 Telex: 22577 DNTTA AR Email: DIRECCIN DEL SERVICIO METEOROLGICO NACIONAL 25 de Mayo 658 C1002ABN - Buenos Aires - Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 11 5167-6712/6767 Fax: 54-11 5167-6707 Telex: 27040 METEO AR (H 24) Direccin Telegrfica: METEOBAIRES Website: Email: DIRECCIN DE COMUNICACIONES, NAVEGACIN Y VIGILANCIA Av. Com. Pedro Zanni 250 4. P. C1104ADP - Buenos Aires - Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 11 4317 6000 int. 15152/15071 Direccin (AFS): SABBAHYX Email:

Aeronautical Information Services (AIS)

Oficina AIS Central Direccin Nacional de Servicios de Navegacin Area y Aerdromos Direccin de Informacin Aeronutica Departamento de Servicios de Informacin Aeronutica Oficina 162/1 Sector Verde Av. De los Inmigrantes N 2050 CP 1104ADP - C.A.B.A Argentina Tel/Fax: 54 011 4317 6452

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Direccin Telegrfica Aeronutica (AFS): SABAYRYX Email: Oficina NOTAM Internacional (NOF) Regional Aerea Central Oficina NOTAM Internacional Aeropuerto Internacional Ezeiza/Min. Pistarini (1804) Buenos Aires Repblica Argentina Tel: 54 011 480-0331 480-0011/19 Telefax: 54 011 480-0331 480-03395 480-0291 Direccin telegrfica aeronutica (AFS): SAEZYNYX

Argentina Embassy to the United States

United States Embassy to Argentina

Flight Information
U.S. Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices
U.S. Prohibitions, Restrictions and Notices may be found on the IFIM main page under General Information. Click HERE to open.

Aeronautical Information Publication AIP

The IFIM staff is not aware of a free-access Aeronautical Information Publication website for this country. The country Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) may be contacted for information.

24-May-2013 / AR

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