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Elementary language class


The verb be
+ (llts) I am You are He/She/It is We are You are They are - (tagads) I am not You arent He/She /It isnt We arent You arent They arent ? (krds) Am I Are you Is he/she/it Are we Are you Are they

Word order
Statement (llts) Subject + Verb + other elements I go to school. Question (krds) Two types: Yes/No (eldntend) Are you hungry? Do you live in London? Wh (Krdszavas) Why are you here? Where do you live?

Question form (krd alak)

Krdsz + Segdige + Alany + lltmny+Tbbi mondatrsz

Where Where -

are do Do Are

you? you you you

(krdszavas to be-vel)

live ? (krdszavas segdigvel) live in London? (Eldntend) crazy? (Eldntend to be-vel)

Krdszavak: Who? (Ki?) What (Mi,Mit?) Where (Hol? Hov?) Which (Melyik?) Why (Mirt?) How (Hogy? (Hogyan?)

How often ? (Milyen gyakran ?) How long? (Milyen hosszan?) idben How old ? (Mennyi ids?) How far? (Milyen messze?)

Negatives (Tagad)

Alany + Segdige tagad alakja + Ige + Tbbi mr. to be tagad alakja

I You dont arent live in St. hungry.

1. married/Are/parents/your? 2. your/is/How old/brother? 3. healthy/Oranges/are. 4. the/Why/children/are/late? 5. Oxford/live/I/in/wife/with/my. 6. day/helps/She/every/her/mother. 7. crocodile/Edgar/a/isnt/he/teddy/is/bear/a. 8. language/English/international/is/an. 9. from/Tiago/Brazil/is. 10. golf/Im/playing/not/interested/in.

Family members
I do the housework. I cook for my husband and children. . I am your fathers brother. I am your .. I am your fathers father. I am your ... I am your mothers sister. I am your ... I look after my wife and children. . Your father and my father are brothers. We are ..

The Present Simple

Segdigi: do / dont (I,you,we, you, they) does / doesnt (he,she, it)
+ They come from France. (nem kell segdige) - They dont come from France. (segdige tagadva) ? Do they come from France? (segdigvel krdez)

There is / There are

There is a/an + singular noun (egyesszm fnv) There is a table in the living-room.
There are + plural noun (tbbesszm fnv) There are three books on the shelf.

Is there a cat in the house? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.
Are there four apples on the table? Yes, there are. No, there arent.

Practice the structure

+ There is a lamp in the room. - There isnt a lamp in the room. ? Is there a lamp in the room?
+ There are two eggs in the fridge. - There arent two eggs in the fridge. ? Are there two eggs in the fridge?

The using of some and any

some + positive statements (llt mondatok) some + plural nouns (tbbesszm fnv) There are three flowers in the garden. There are some flowers in the garden.
any + negatives and questions(tagad s krd) any + plural nouns (tbbesszm fnv) There arent any flowers in the garden. Are there any flowers in the garden?

in (ba, be , ban , ben, on, n,) He lives in the south of France. on (on, n, ra, re, hoz, hz, nl, nl) There is a photo on the television. under (alatt) There are magazines under the table. next to (mellett) The bank is next to the supermarket. in front of (eltt) There is a post boksz in front of the post office. behind (mgtt) There are some toys behind the door.

this/these (ez/ezek)
this/these for things/people that are near to us (azokra a dolgokra s szemlyekre akik a kzvetlen kzelnkben vannak) this + singular nouns (ez) these + plural nouns (ezek) I like this dog. (Szeretem ezt a kutyt) I dont like these clothes. (Nem szeretem ezeket a ruhkat.)

that/those (az, azok)

that/those for things/people that arent near to us (azokra a dolgokra s szemlyekre, melyek nem a kzvetlen krnyezetnkben vannak) I like that picture. (Tetszik az a kp.) I dont like those people. (Nem szeretem azokat az embereket.)

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