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437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 www.ddb.


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Press Release

Mark OBrien, President of DDB North America, Joins Ad Councils
Board of Directors

Date: November 5, 2013
Location: New York, NY

uu8 Worldwlde, a dlvlslon of Cmnlcom Croup (n?SL), announced Loday LhaL norLh Amerlcan
resldenL Mark C'8rlen has been appolnLed Lo Lhe Ad Councll's 8oard of ulrecLors. 1he board ls led
by uebra Lee, Chalrman and CLC of 8L1 neLworks.

C'8rlen commenLed, "uu8 has a long hlsLory of worklng wlLh Lhe Ad Councll Lo produce greaL
campalgns for lmporLanL causes. l'm proud and honored Lo be able Lo dlrecLly supporL Lhelr efforLs
as a board member."

1he Ad Councll produces 30 naLlonal publlc servlce campalgns annually on behalf of nonproflL
organlzaLlons and federal governmenL agencles. 1he creaLlve ls developed pro bono by leadlng ad
agencles LhroughouL Lhe counLry, and Lhe ads are run ln Llme and space donaLed by Lhe medla. 1he
board of dlrecLors ls comprlsed of leadlng execuLlves from Lhe organlzaLlon's foundlng secLors,
whlch lnclude medla companles, adverLlslng agencles and corporaLe adverLlsers. 1he board provldes
guldance on creaLlve sLraLegy, medla placemenL and ouLreach and helps secure fundlng for Lhe
organlzaLlon's operaLlons.
Mark C'8rlen ls one of 16 new board members. lor a full llsL, please vlslL:
# # #
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1he Ad Councll has a rlch hlsLory of marshallng volunLeer LalenL from Lhe adverLlslng and medla
lndusLrles Lo dellver crlLlcal messages Lo Lhe Amerlcan publlc. Pavlng produced llLerally Lhousands of
SA campalgns addresslng Lhe mosL presslng soclal lssues of Lhe day, Lhe Ad Councll has effecLed,
437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414

Registered numbers, office and regulatory authority details as required

and conLlnues Lo effecL, Lremendous poslLlve change by ralslng awareness, lnsplrlng acLlon and
savlng llves. 1o learn more abouL Lhe Ad Councll and lLs campalgns, vlslL, llke us
on lacebook, follow us on 1wlLLer or vlew our SAs on ?ou1ube.

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uu8 Worldwlde ( ls one of Lhe world's largesL and mosL awarded adverLlslng and
markeLlng neLworks. ln 2012 uu8 was named AdverLlslng neLwork of Lhe ?ear by !"#$"%&'( as well
as Agency of Lhe ?ear and ulglLal Agency of Lhe ?ear by )*+"*,&- magazlne. AL Lhe presLlglous 2013
Cannes lnLernaLlonal lesLlval of CreaLlvlLy, uu8 won 93 Llons, Lhe mosL ever for Lhe neLwork. ln
addlLlon, ./, 12'' 3,$4+* has llsLed uu8 as one of Lhe 1op 3 Clobal neLworks for Lhe lasL 12 years.
1he agency's cllenLs lnclude volkswagen, Mcuonald's, unllever, Mars, !ohnson & !ohnson, and Lxxon
Mobll, among oLhers.

lounded ln 1949, uu8 ls parL of Lhe Cmnlcom Croup (n?SL) and conslsLs of more Lhan 200 offlces ln
over 90 counLrles wlLh lLs flagshlp offlce ln new ?ork, n?.

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Cmnlcom Croup lnc. (n?SL-CMC) ls a leadlng global markeLlng and corporaLe communlcaLlons
company. Cmnlcom's branded neLworks and numerous speclalLy flrms provlde adverLlslng, sLraLeglc
medla plannlng and buylng, dlglLal and lnLeracLlve markeLlng, dlrecL and promoLlonal markeLlng,
publlc relaLlons and oLher speclalLy communlcaLlons servlces Lo over 3,000 cllenLs ln more Lhan 100
lor furLher lnformaLlon on Cmnlcom and lLs brands, please vlslL


ChrlsLle Clera
ulrecLor of CorporaLe CommunlcaLlons and norLh Amerlcan ubllc 8elaLlons, uu8 Worldwlde
Lmall: ChrlsLle.glera[
Cfflce: 212-413-2186

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