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ABN: 97494251385


Plre erformers 8ecrulLmenL & ManagemenL ConsulLlng
karen 1homson M 0412 393 681

CnkCkunL ln1
Plre erformers ermanenL ConLlngenL 8ecrulLmenL
1erms of 8uslness

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1.1 1hls documenL seLs ouL Lhe Lerms ln whlch we offer Lo supply our placemenL servlce Lo you. 1hese Lerms only apply lf you
accepL Lhem.

1.2 AccepLance may be expressed, lmplled or by conducL and, wlLhouL llmlLlng Lhe varleLy of clrcumsLances.

1.3 WhaL mlghL consLlLuLe accepLance - Lhls occurs lf you:
(a) Lell us you have accepLed Lhem, or
(b) ask us for help Lo flll a poslLlon afLer you have recelved a copy of Lhem, or
(c) use or dlsclose, wlLhouL our consenL an offer of work LhaL ls made by you or any oLher person Lo our candldaLe.

1.4 1hese Lerms apply Lo your engagemenL of our placemenL servlces: Cn a conLlngenL basls l.e. where we are only pald a fee lf
one of our candldaLes whom we have presenLed Lo you accepLs a poslLlon wlLh you, C8 someone Lo whom you have
passed on personal lnformaLlon abouL LhaL candldaLe wlLhouL our consenL: C8 oLher employmenL servlce provlders have
presenLed Lhe same candldaLe.

1.3 Cnce Lhey are ln operaLlon, Lhese Lerms remaln ln force for all fuLure engagemenLs of our placemenL servlces unless Lhey
have been varled ln wrlLlng.

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2.1 $//0123456 78944 .5:0/581;39/ <=$7.>? means Lhe annuallsed sum of all remuneraLlon payable Lo a candldaLe placed (or
soughL for placemenL) ln accordance wlLh Lhese Lerms (and lf parL Llme, calculaLed as Lhough on a full Llme basls), lncludlng
allowances, superannuaLlon conLrlbuLlons, superannuaLlon guaranLee paymenLs, salary sacrlflced componenLs and Lhe
value of any moLor vehlcle, Lelephone, compuLer, lnLerneL, Lravel, accommodaLlon, reduced lnLeresL loan provlslon,
conference or educaLlon allowance, or oLher beneflL LhaL forms parL of Lhe conslderaLlon payable Lo Lhe candldaLe for Lhe

2.2 (9/;81@; means Lhe conLracL of (or for) employmenL or oLher engagemenL, wheLher ln wrlLlng or noL, beLween you and our
candldaLe ln relaLlon Lo Lhe placemenL,

2.3 *08 @1/6361;5A4 means anyone:
(a) who ls seeklng a poslLlon Lhrough us, or
(b) whom we have ldenLlfled as a person:
(l) who mlghL conslder seeklng a poslLlon Lhrough us, and
(ll) abouL whom we are able Lo provlde relevanL lnformaLlon regardlng LhaL person's avallablllLy or sulLablllLy for a

2.4 %21@5:5/; means Lhe fllllng of a poslLlon LhaL you requlre Lo be fllled and, where Lhe conLexL so requlres, lncludes a poslLlon
LhaL a Lhlrd parLy requlres Lo be fllled,

2.3 .521;56 5/;3;B has Lhe same meanlng as ln Lhe Companles AcL 2000 and applles, wlLh Lhe necessary changes belng made, lf
you are noL a body corporaLe under LhaL AcL,

2.6 .5C21@5:5/; C58396 means Lhe replacemenL perlod seL ouL ln Lhe lee Schedule,

2.7 D@E56025 means Lhe schedule lncluded wlLh Lhese Lerms, whlch may be subsLlLuLed as provlded from Llme Lo Llme,

2.8 )E386 C18;B means a person or enLlLy LhaL ls noL a parLy Lo Lhls AgreemenL,

2.9 F4G 908 or H5 refers Lo Lhe suppller named ln Lhe lee Schedule,

2.10 I90 or B908 refers Lo Lhe cllenL named ln Lhe lee Schedule and lncludes any of your relaLed enLlLles for whom you have
auLhorlLy (wheLher acLual, lmplled or osLenslble) Lo enLer lnLo Lhls agreemenL.

Plre erformers 8ecrulLmenL & ManagemenL ConsulLlng
karen 1homson M 0412 393 681

Plre erformers 1erms CLd
J" %.-D-+)$)'*+ *K *F. ($+L'L$)-

3.1. 1he presenLaLlon of one of our candldaLes commences when we flrsL forward Lo you any lnformaLlon abouL Lhe candldaLe
wheLher on an ldenLlfled, anonymous, or pseudonymous basls.

3.2. When we flrsL presenL one of our candldaLes Lo you lL wlll be presenLed on a conLlngenL basls unless sLaLed as belng on a
reLalned basls. 1he basls upon whlch we presenL our candldaLes affecLs your rlghLs and obllgaLlons and Lhe scope of our
placemenL servlces regardlng LhaL candldaLe. 1he basls upon whlch we presenL one of our candldaLes may change by
agreemenL wlLh you durlng Lhe course of presenLaLlon.

M" *F. .-D%*+D'N'&')'-D

4.1. lf we presenL a candldaLe on a @9/;3/O5/; P1434:
(a) We wlll Lake reasonable sLeps Lo ensure LhaL we have Lhe candldaLe's permlsslon Lo presenL LhaL candldaLe Lo you,
(b) We make no represenLaLlon LhaL:
(l) Lhe candldaLe wlll be sulLable for any poslLlon wlLh you,
(ll) Lhe candldaLe's deLalls and lnformaLlon as shown ln Lhe candldaLe's resume or oLher background are accuraLe,
relevanL, compleLe, or up Lo daLe,
(lll) we have any excluslve enLlLlemenL Lo presenL Lhe candldaLe, or
(lv) Lhe candldaLe has noL already been presenLed Lo you by oLher means.

Q" I*F. .-D%*+D'N'&')'-D

3.1. When engaged on a @9/;3/O5/; P1434, you agree:
(a) LhaL lf we are engaged on an excluslve basls wlLh respecL Lo any poslLlon whlch you requlre Lo have fllled:
(l) you wlll expressly sLaLe Lhe perlod of our excluslve appolnLmenL and conflrm lL Lo us ln wrlLlng,
(ll) for Lhe perlod of our excluslve appolnLmenL you wlll:
noL brlef any oLher employmenL servlce provlder or agency wlLh respecL Lo Lhe poslLlon,
dlrecL any oLher employmenL servlce provlder or agency who makes lnqulry of you wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
poslLlon Lo make lnqulry Lhrough us,
dlrecL any appllcanL or candldaLe for Lhe poslLlon, whom we have noL already presenLed Lo you ln respecL of
LhaL poslLlon, (lncludlng any candldaLe who applles lnLernally or dlrecLly Lo you or who ls referred by any Lhlrd
parLy) Lo apply for Lhe placemenL Lhrough us,
use your besL endeavours Lo asslsL us, ln good falLh, Lo flll Lhe poslLlon wlLhln Lhe perlod of our excluslve
(lll) followlng Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod of our excluslve appolnLmenL, unless you have LermlnaLed Lhls agreemenL or
no longer requlre Lhe poslLlon Lo be fllled, you wlll conLlnue Lo engage and auLhorlse us Lo recrulL for Lhe poslLlon,
(b) Lo noLlfy us lmmedlaLely of:
(l) Lhe ouLcome of any lnLervlew beLween you and our candldaLe,
(ll) any offer (or accepLance of any offer) ln relaLlon Lo Lhe placemenL of our candldaLe wlLh you, or a person on whose
behalf or for whose beneflL you may be acLlng, or Lo whom you have communlcaLed any personal lnformaLlon
abouL ur candldaLe. ?our noLlflcaLlon musL lnclude deLalls of Lhe remuneraLlon or beneflLs offered,
(lll) your employmenL or engagemenL of our candldaLe,
(c) Lo provlde us wlLh a copy of Lhe conLracL or an accuraLe summary of lLs conLenLs wlLhln seven days of lLs belng agreed
by boLh you and Lhe candldaLe,
(d) Lo lnclude Lhe followlng lnformaLlon ln Lhe conLracL or summary:
(l) Lhe name of Lhe candldaLe,
(ll) Lhe name of Lhe person or enLlLy engaglng Lhe candldaLe,
(lll) sLaLus of Lhe placemenL - wheLher flxed Lerm/Lask, casual or non-casual and wheLher as an employmenL or ln some
oLher capaclLy,
(lv) Lhe locaLlon of Lhe [ob,
(v) Lhe sLarL daLe for Lhe placemenL,
(vl) Lhe hours Lhe candldaLe ls Lo work per week,
(vll) a [ob descrlpLlon descrlblng Lhe work LhaL Lhe candldaLe wlll be expecLed Lo perform,
(vlll) Lhe experlence, Lralnlng and quallflcaLlons requlred of Lhe candldaLe,
(lx) deLalls of any auLhorlsaLlon requlred by law or any oLher professlonal body ln order for Lhe candldaLe Lo underLake
Lhe placemenL (lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo professlonal reglsLraLlon or valldaLlon), and
(x) Lhe candldaLe's remuneraLlon,

Plre erformers 8ecrulLmenL & ManagemenL ConsulLlng
karen 1homson M 0412 393 681

Plre erformers 1erms CLd
(e) Lo pay us our fee for Lhe placemenL or our candldaLe lf you breach any conLracL for Lhe employmenL or engagemenL of
our candldaLe before Lhe placemenL ls compleLe and Lhe conLracL LermlnaLes for LhaL reason,
(f) LhaL you are responslble for saLlsfylng yourself:
(l) LhaL our candldaLe has Lhe quallflcaLlons, Lralnlng, and experlence necessary Lo underLake Lhe placemenL and
(ll) LhaL our candldaLe meeLs any sulLablllLy, securlLy, Lrade, professlonal, or occupaLlonal healLh and safeLy
requlremenLs lmposed by law ln order Lo work ln Lhe placemenL,
(lll) LhaL our candldaLe meeLs any oLher lnherenL requlremenLs of Lhe placemenL,
(g) LhaL you are responslble for obLalnlng work permlLs or Lhe approprlaLe auLhorlsaLlon for Lhe candldaLe Lo work,
lncludlng Lhe provlslon of any requlred documenLaLlon abouL Lhe placemenL LhaL our candldaLe requlres ln order Lo
apply for any necessary work permlL, work auLhorlsaLlon, vlsa or enLry clearance lncludlng cerLlflcaLlon of sulLablllLy Lo
work wlLh any speclal populaLlon,
(h) LhaL you wlll noL seek or recelve any unlawful premlum ln respecL of Lhe engagemenL of our candldaLes regardless of
wheLher lL ls Lo be pald by Lhe candldaLe or by any oLher person. lor Lhe purpose of Lhls provlslon premlum" lncludes a
conslderaLlon, glfL, allowance or forbearance for Lhe engagemenL of our candldaLe,
(l) Lo pay our lees and Charges

3.2 When engaged on a @9/;3/O5/; P1434G we wlll charge you Lhe fee seL ouL ln Lhe lee Schedule lf, wlLhln 12 monLhs of our lasL
presenLaLlon of our candldaLe Lo you, LhaL candldaLe accepLs a poslLlon wlLh:
(a) you, or
(b) anoLher person
(l) on whose behalf or for whose beneflL you may be acLlng, or
(ll Lo whom, wlLhouL our consenL, you have dlsclosed personal lnformaLlon abouL LhaL candldaLe LhaL we have
provlded Lo you.

3.3 lf any componenL of our fee ls calculaLed ln whole (or ln parL) as a percenLage of AC8 and AC8 has noL been agreed wlLh
Lhe successful candldaLe aL Lhe Llme when we may lnvolce you for paymenL, AC8 wlll be calculaLed on Lhe basls of Lhe
hlghesL AC8 advlsed Lo us by you aL any Llme up Lo lnvolclng.
3.4 lf we presenL one of our candldaLes for a placemenL LhaL aLLracLs commlsslon or earned bonuses as parL of Lhe
remuneraLlon and our fee ls calculaLed ln whole or ln parL as a percenLage of AC8:
(a) we wlll provlde Lo you our esLlmaLe of Lhe AC8 lncluslve of Lhe commlsslon and earned bonus and aLLempL Lo agree lL
wlLh you,
(b) AC8 for Lhe purpose of calculaLlng our fees:
(l) wlll be calculaLed havlng regard Lo Lhe esLlmaLed commlsslon/bonus earnlngs lndlcaLed by any poslLlon descrlpLlon,
auLhorlsed [ob adverLlsemenL, or key performance lndlcaLors LhaL may be avallable,
(ll lf our esLlmaLe ls dlspuLed ln wrlLlng wlLhln one buslness day of lLs belng provlded Lo you, wlll be Lhe amounL
deLermlned by a person nomlnaLed by Lhe CLC for Lhe Llme belng of 8CSA, who shall acL as an experL and noL as an
(lll) lf noL dlspuLed ln Lhe manner seL ouL aL sub paragraph (ll) above, wlll be deemed Lo be Lhe amounL provlded ln our

3.3 We wlll noLlfy you of our anLlclpaLed charges for adverLlslng and any oLher servlces provlded by Lhlrd parLles LhaL you
expressly auLhorlse us ln wrlLlng Lo lncur.
3.6 All fees and charges quoLed by us are excluslve of CS1.
3.7 Cur fees and charges (lncludlng any CS1 componenL), are due wlLhln 7 days.
3.8 no clalm or dlspuLe ralsed wlLh respecL Lo our charges enLlLles you Lo seL off agalnsL, or wlLhhold paymenL of, Lhe unpald
sum of our lnvolces.
3.9 ?ou lndemnlfy us for any cosLs (lncludlng legal cosLs on a sollclLor and cllenL basls) LhaL we lncur ln Laklng any lawful sLeps Lo
obLaln overdue paymenL. ?ou agree LhaL we may recover Lhe amounL of Lhose cosLs from you as a debL upon producLlon of
an lnvolce, whlch shall be sufflclenL proof of Lhelr amounL.

Plre erformers 8ecrulLmenL & ManagemenL ConsulLlng
karen 1homson M 0412 393 681

Plre erformers 1erms CLd
R" .-%&$(-S-+)
6.1 lf wlLhln Lhe replacemenL perlod, one of our shorL llsLed candldaLes whom we have placed wlLh you:
(a) performs unsaLlsfacLorlly ln Lhe placemenL for whlch he or she was presenLed and Lhe placemenL ls LermlnaLed for LhaL
reason, or
(b) LermlnaLes Lhe conLracL
Lhen, sub[ecL Lo clause 6.2 and 6.3, we wlll use our besL endeavours Lo presenL a replacemenL candldaLe aL no exLra fee.

6.2 Cur obllgaLlons under clause 6.1 arlse lf and only lf:
(a) you pay or have pald our lnvolce by lLs due daLe,
(b) you noLlfy us lmmedlaLely ln wrlLlng of any clrcumsLance LhaL may resulL ln our belng requlred Lo perform our
obllgaLlons under Lhls clause 6,
(c) you have provlded accuraLe lnformaLlon on a regular basls durlng Lhe replacemenL perlod so LhaL we can conducL
confldenLlal and Llmely performance checks (and counselllng) wlLh you and wlLh Lhe candldaLe for our own beneflL and
aL our dlscreLlon. ?ou release us from any obllgaLlon Lo pass on Lo you any lnformaLlon we collecL from Lhe candldaLe,
(d) you noLlfy us ln wrlLlng of Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe employmenL, engagemenL or conLracL prompLly, sLaLlng Lhe daLe and
reason(s) for LermlnaLlon,
(e) you have made a reasonable aLLempL Lo lnducL and orlenL Lhe candldaLe lnLo Lhe workplace,
(f) you have fulfllled all your oLher obllgaLlons arlslng under Lhls agreemenL ln respecL of Lhe placemenL,
(g) Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe candldaLe's placemenL ls noL due Lo:
(l) any false or mlsleadlng represenLaLlon made Lo Lhe successful candldaLe ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe placemenL,
(ll) redundancy, reLrenchmenL, or your operaLlonal requlremenLs,
(lll) any acLlon on your parL whlch mlghL make Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhe successful candldaLe's employmenL or
engagemenL unlawful, harsh, un[usL or unreasonable, or
(lv) any breach by you of Lhe Lerms of Lhe conLracL wlLh Lhe successful candldaLe, and
(h) you agree Lo pay any adverLlslng or addlLlonal charges whlch you auLhorlse us Lo lncur ln locaLlng anoLher sulLable

6.3 1he provlslons of clauses 4, 3, 7 and 10 of Lhese Lerms apply Lo Lhe presenLaLlon of a replacemenL candldaLe.
6.4 lf a replacemenL candldaLe ls placed under Lhls clause 6 aL a hlgher AC8 Lhan Lhe orlglnal candldaLe Anu our fee was
calculaLed ln whole or ln parL as a percenLage of AC8, we may clalm an addlLlonal fee referable Lo Lhe lncreased AC8.
Powever, no refund or credlL wlll be pald by reason only LhaL Lhe AC8 referable Lo Lhe replacemenL candldaLe ls lower Lhan
LhaL of Lhe orlglnal candldaLe.
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7.1 8ecause you are ulLlmaLely responslble for your declslon Lo employ or engage our candldaLes and because once Lhey are
employed or engaged Lhey work under your conLrol, supervlslon and dlrecLlon:
(a) (nC 8L8LSLn1A1lCnS) We make no represenLaLlon or guaranLee LhaL Lhey wlll achleve a cerLaln level of
performance, achleve a cerLaln ouLcome, solve a parLlcular problem, or aLLaln a speclflc goal,
(b) (8LuuCLu LlA8lLl1? & lnuLMnl1?)
(l) Sub[ecL Lo sub-paragraph (ll) of Lhls sub-clause, we wlll noL be llable Lo you for, and you wlll hold us harmless
agalnsL any llablllLy for, damage, loss or ln[ury of whaLsoever naLure or klnd, however caused wheLher dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly and wheLher by our negllgence or LhaL of one of our candldaLes (lncludlng Lhelr servanLs or agenLs) once
Lhey are engaged by you,
(ll) Sub-paragraph (l) of Lhls sub-clause does noL reduce our llablllLy, dlrecLly lncurred, Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch lL may
have conLrlbuLed Lo any such damage, loss or ln[ury, and
(c) (lMLlLu 1L8MS)
Cur llablllLy for any breach of a Lerm lmplled ln Lhls agreemenL by any AcL of arllamenL wlll be llmlLed, aL our opLlon, Lo
provldlng, or paylng Lhe cosLs of provldlng, Lhe servlces agaln.

7.2 1he provlslons of Lhls clause 7 conLlnue Lo blnd Lhe parLles afLer Lhls agreemenL ends.

Plre erformers 8ecrulLmenL & ManagemenL ConsulLlng
karen 1homson M 0412 393 681

Plre erformers 1erms CLd
V" )-.S'+$)'*+
8.1 LlLher of us can LermlnaLe Lhls agreemenL by provldlng 14 days wrlLLen noLlce.

8.2 We can LermlnaLe Lhls agreemenL lmmedlaLely and wlLhouL lncurrlng any llablllLy Lo you as a resulL, due Lo:
(a) any fallure by you Lo pay any amounLs ouLsLandlng Lo us, and/or
(b) a breach of clause 3 or 10 of Lhese Lerms.

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9.1 lf any dlspuLe beLween Lhe parLles arlses abouL Lhe Lerms of Lhls agreemenL or lLs effecL Lhe parLles wlll flrsLly Lry Lo resolve
Lhe dlspuLe by negoLlaLlon, medlaLlon or experL appralsal. lf, afLer a reasonable Llme, Lhe dlspuLe has noL been resolved,
Lhe parLles wlll refer Lhe dlspuLe Lo a process of dlspuLe resoluLlon agreed beLween Lhem and, falllng agreemenL, Lo a
process of commerclal arblLraLlon by a person nomlnaLed by Lhe CLC for Lhe Llme belng of 8CSA.
noLhlng ln Lhls clause
ousLs Lhe proper [urlsdlcLlon of a courL or Lrlbunal wlLh respecL Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhe dlspuLe.

!X" %.'Y$(I Z (*+K'L-+)'$&')I
10.1 ?ou agree Lo preserve Lhe prlvacy of personal lnformaLlon concernlng any of our candldaLes whose personal lnformaLlon
has been provlded Lo you, or accessed by you, Lo a sLandard noL less Lhan LhaL prescrlbed by Lhe rlvacy AcL 1988
(CommonwealLh), and addlLlonally Lo hold yourself as a LrusLee of Lhe promlse Lo do so for Lhe beneflL of our candldaLe.
10.2 So far as Lhe law allows, you musL malnLaln Lhe confldenLlallLy of any lnformaLlon LhaL we communlcaLe Lo you and ldenLlfy
as belng confldenLlal (lncludlng Lhe facL LhaL one of our candldaLes may be seeklng a new poslLlon). ?ou musL noL use or
dlsclose confldenLlal lnformaLlon LhaL we communlcaLe Lo you wlLhouL our wrlLLen consenL. lor Lhe purposes of Lhls sub-
clause you may use confldenLlal lnformaLlon LhaL we have communlcaLed Lo you abouL our candldaLe for Lhe purpose of
engaglng our servlces.
10.3 ?ou musL ldenLlfy any lnformaLlon LhaL you requlre us Lo keep confldenLlal. lf you do noL expressly ldenLlfy lnformaLlon LhaL
you communlcaLe Lo us as belng confldenLlal we may use and dlsclose lL as we Lhlnk flL for Lhe purpose of provldlng or
offerlng our placemenL servlces Lo you, and you musL lndemnlfy us agalnsL any clalms (lncludlng cosLs) for breach of
confldenLlallLy LhaL may flow from our use or dlsclosure of lL.
10.4 lor Lhe purposes of clause 10.3 Lhe followlng lnformaLlon ls expressly ldenLlfled as belng confldenLlal, namely lnformaLlon
(a) your currenL sLaff, and
(b) your human resources sLraLegles.
We wlll noL use or dlsclose lL wlLhouL your consenL.

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11.1 lf we do noL Lake acLlon Lo enforce or requlre sLrlcL compllance wlLh your obllgaLlons and responslblllLles under Lhese Lerms,
or lf we granL you any exLenslon or lndulgence ln Lhe performance of your obllgaLlons, we may sLlll exerclse all our rlghLs as
Lhough Lhey were fully avallable Lo us.
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12.1 1hese Lerms are governed by and wlll Lake effecL ln accordance wlLh Lhe laws ln force ln WA [urlsdlcLlon.
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13.1 lf any of Lhese Lerms ls held Lo be lnvalld ln any way, or unenforceable, lL wlll be severed, and Lhe remalnlng Lerms wlll noL
be affecLed or lmpalred, buL wlll be consLrued so as Lo mosL nearly glve effecL Lo Lhe lnLenL of Lhe parLles aL Lhe Llme lL was
orlglnally execuLed.

Plre erformers 8ecrulLmenL & ManagemenL ConsulLlng
karen 1homson M 0412 393 681

Plre erformers 1erms CLd
14. Ln1l8L AC8LLMLn1
14.1 1hese Lerms represenL Lhe enLlre agreemenL beLween us and you ln relaLlon Lo lLs sub[ecL maLLer. All lmplled and sLaLuLory
Lerms, Lo Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhey are lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhese Lerms, are excluded Lo Lhe fullesL exLenL permlLLed by law.
14.2 8y accepLlng Lhe Lerms seL ouL ln Lhls documenL, you acknowledge LhaL nelLher we, nor anyone acLlng on our behalf, has
made any warranLy or represenLaLlon Lo you ln relaLlon Lo Lhe maLLers covered by Lhls agreemenL whlch ls noL fully seL ouL
ln Lhese Lerms, LhaL you have noL relled upon any such warranLy or represenLaLlon, LhaL you have read Lhese Lerms
LogeLher wlLh Lhe Schedule, and LhaL you have undersLood Lhem.

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1C1AL AnnuAL C8CSS 8LnuML8A1lCn
8LC8ul1MLn1 lLLS
up Lo $80,000 13
Cver $80 000 18

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