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Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

Advantage Answers Warming/Environment.......................................................................................................1 War turns environment........................................................................................................................................... 2 *Air Pollution........................................................................................................................................................... *Ama!on.................................................................................................................................................................. " *#ees........................................................................................................................................................................ $ *#iodiversit%............................................................................................................................................................ & *'oral....................................................................................................................................................................... ( *Dead )ones........................................................................................................................................................... 1* *+ono,ulture.......................................................................................................................................................... 11 *-,eans.................................................................................................................................................................. 12 *-il De.enden,%.................................................................................................................................................... 1 *-il S/o,0s............................................................................................................................................................. 1" *-!one.................................................................................................................................................................... 1$ *-1%gen.................................................................................................................................................................. 1& *Pesti,ides 2Endo,rine disru.tors3........................................................................................................................14 *Pollution............................................................................................................................................................... 2* *P/%to.lan0ton...................................................................................................................................................... 22 *****Warming 5rontline....................................................................................................................................... 2" E1t 61 ,ant solve innovation s/aring................................................................................................................2$ E1t 62 no one will model.................................................................................................................................... 2& E1t 6 Warming is natural ,%,le........................................................................................................................ 2( E1t 6" 7oo 8ar gone............................................................................................................................................ *


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

War turns environment

War destroys the environment McNEELY 2002 29e88re%: '/ie8 S,ientist at IU';: 'onserving t/e Pea,e:**2/envse,<,onserving<overview..d83 War: and .re.arations 8or it: /as negative im.a,ts on all levels o8 =iodiversit%: 8rom genes to e,os%stems. 7/ese im.a,ts ,an =e dire,t>su,/ as /unting and /a=itat destru,tion =% armies>or indire,t: 8or e1am.le t/roug/ t/e a,tivities o8 re8ugees. Sometimes t/ese im.a,ts ,an =e deli=erate: and a new word /as =een added to t/e militar% vo,a=ular%? @e,o,ide:A t/e destru,tion o8 t/e environment 8or militar% .ur.oses ,learl% deriving 8rom t/e @s,or,/ed eart/A a..roa,/ o8 earlier times. Westing 21(&$3 divides deli=erate environmental mani.ulations during wartime into two =road ,ategories? t/ose involving massive and e1tended,ations o8 disru.tive te,/niBues to den% to t/e enem% an% /a=itats t/at .rodu,e 8ood: re8uge: ,over: training grounds and staging areas 8or atta,0sC and t/ose involving relativel% small disru.tive a,tions t/at in turn release large amounts o8 @dangerous 8or,esA or =e,ome sel8D generating. An e1am.le o8 t/e latter is t/e release o8 e1oti, mi,roDorganisms or s.reading o8 landmines 2o8 w/i,/
over 1** million now litter a,tive and 8ormer war !ones around t/e world>Strada: 1(($3.

Nuclear war destroys the environment NI ANI !""2 2+oti: Pro8essor at Wa%ne State: Eives in t/e #alan,e?

7/e 'old War and Ameri,an Politi,s 1("FD1((1: /tt.?//'G2./tml3 7/ere will =e 8ewer .eo.le and less industrial and ,ommer,ial a,tivit% long a8ter t/e war: /en,e some serious environmental t/reats will =e ameliorated. #% 0illing =illions and destro%ing industrial in8rastru,tures: nu,lear war mig/t: 8or instan,e: /alt or slow down t/e sus.e,ted trend o8 glo=al warming. -n =alan,e: /owever: t/e warHs overall environmental im.a,t will almost ,ertainl% =e on t/e negative side. Iadioa,tive

8allout will ,ontaminate soils and waters. We s/all .ro=a=l% learn to adJust to t/ese new ,onditions: .er/a.s =% s/unning ,ertain regions or =% ,arr%ing radioa,tivit% meters ever%w/ere we go t/e wa% our an,estors ,arried s.ears. Still: t/is will lower t/e Bualit% o8 /uman li8e. ;u,lear e1.losions mig/t ,reate immense Buantities o8 dust and smo0e. 7/e dust and smo0e mig/t =lan0et: dar0en: and ,ool t/e entire .lanet. Alt/oug/ t/e e1tent o8 t/e damage is un,lear: 2" it would =e 8ar more severe during t/e growing seasonDlate s.ring and summer in t/e nort/ern latitudes. -ne 'assandran and ,ontroversial .redi,tion sounds a =it li0e t/e eerie twilig/t des,ri=ed in G. K. WellsH The Time Machine. 7/is Lnu,lear winterL .roJe,tion 8ore,asts 8ree!ing summertime tem.eratures:2F tem.orar% ,limati, ,/anges 2e.g.: violent storms: dramati, redu,tions in rain8all3: lower e88i,ien,ies o8 .lant ./otos%nt/esis: disru.tion o8 e,os%stems and 8arms: loss o8 man% s.e,ies: and t/e deat/ o8 millions o8 .eo.le 8rom starvation and ,old. Gowever: even t/ese .essimists e1.e,t a return to normal ,limati, ,onditions wit/in a 8ew


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

#Air $ollution
Alt causes $a%istan Clean Air Initiatives Last date cited 2006 2@Pa0istans air .ollution levels on t/e riseA /tt.?//www.,,aiasia/1"12/arti,leD&1"
a,,essed $/2(/*(3 S' 2./tml

Air pollution levels in Pakistans highly populated cities are among the highest in the world. And the levels are on the rise, raising health concerns, says a Pakistan government report. The levels of ambient particulates, smoke particulates and dust, which cause respiratory diseases, are twice the worlds average and more than five times as high as that in industrialised and Latin American countries , says the Economic urvey
of Pakistan !""#$!""%, released in &une. The survey found that pollution levels in Pakistans cities had either crossed safe limits or reached the threshold value, with the presence of suspended particulate matter 'spm( in the ambient air being very high. The

report says the ma)or sources of spm in the country are vehicles, industry, burning of

solid waste, brick kilns and natural dust.

*rowing energy demand, increasing industrial and domestic demand and a fast growing transport sector contribute to the pollution. +n cities, widespread use of low ,uality fuel, combined with a dramatic e-pansion in the number of vehicles on roads, is a ma)or contributor. The number of vehicles has )umped from ".. million to about /." million in !" years 0 an overall increase of over /"" per cent, the report says. ince 12.", a ma-imum growth has been seen in two$stroke vehicles and a !"" to 3"" per cent increase in diesel trucks and buses. uspended particles were primary pollutants with ground level o4one being a secondary pollutant, says 5ohammad A,ib, coordinator of Pakistan 6lean Air 7etwork. 8arachi alone has 3#,""" registered and !#,""" unregistered two$stroke rickshaws plying on the roads. An estimated #"",""" rickshaws ply all over the country.

Even & air 'ollution is im'ossi(le to %ee' in chec% with unilateral action let alone the glo(al sco'e) $ollution (lows into our country *rom others Stricherz 4 2Min,e: s,ien,e aut/or 8rom t/e universit% o8 Was/ingtons o88i,e o8 ;ews and In8ormation @Dirt% air 8rom Asia ,an .us/ U.S. air .ollution to un/ealt/%
levelsA N/tt.?//news.=ioDmedi,,"44D1/O 5e=ruar% 1 a,,essed $/2(/*(3 S'

+ncreasing evidence clearly documents that air pollution from Asia can get caught up in an e-press transport system and cross the Pacific 9cean to the :est 6oast of 7orth America in a matter of days. 7/oug/ su,/ events /a..en in8reBuentl%: when large pockets of Asian pollution do make it across, the effects on air ,uality this side of the Pacific can be dramatic : said Daniel 9a88e: an environmental s,ien,e .ro8essor at t/e Universit% o8 Was/ington: #ot/ell. The most pronounced effects can push the levels of atmospheric o4one and small particulates beyond limits set by the ;. . Environmental Protection Agency, which raises health issues 8or t/ose wit/ res.irator% .ro=lems: 9a88e said 5rida% during a .resentation at
t/e Ameri,an Asso,iation 8or t/e Advan,ement o8 S,ien,e meeting in Seattle. W/en .arti,ulates get as small as 1* mi,rons: a=out oneDtent/ t/e widt/ o8 a /uman /air: t/e% are small enoug/ to .ass t/roug/ t/e nose and into t/e res.irator% s%stem. At 2.F mi,rons or smaller t/e% ,an =egin to /ave noti,ea=le /ealt/ e88e,ts: .arti,ularl% 8or .eo.le wit/ ,onditions su,/ as ast/ma. L7/is ,learl% /as /ealt/,ations: =ut itHs a rare event:L 9a88e said. LGow rare we donHt 0now 8or sure: =ut 8rom t/e re,ord it loo0s li0e itHs somet/ing on t/e order o8 t/ree o,,urren,es ever% 8ive %ears.L -ne su,/ event /a..ened last summer: w/en .ollution 8rom Si=erian 8orest 8ires ,rossed t/e Pa,i8i, and =oosted levels o8 atmos./eri, o!one: an im.ortant summertime .ollutant: at stations in Was/ington state and #ritis/ 'olum=ia. 5rom +a% 2& t/roug/ 9une (: sur8a,e o!one levels e1,eeded t/e longDterm average 8or +a% and 9une. -n 9une $: Enum,law: Was/.: a=out F miles sout/east o8 Seattle: re,orded an eig/tD/our average o8 ($ .arts .er =illion: well =e%ond t/e EPA limit o8 4* .arts .er =illion. 7/e data: w/i,/ /as not %et =een .u=lis/ed: indi,ates t/at t/e .lume 8rom t/e Si=erian 8ires ,ontri=uted a=out 1F .arts .er =illion to t/at reading. Anot/er o,,urren,e ,ame in 2**1: w/en windstorms 0i,0ed u. dust 8rom t/e Ko=i Desert in +ongolia and .us/ed it to more t/an 1*:*** 8eet in altitude: w/ere it ,ould =e ,a.tured =% strong winds and .us/ed dire,tl% a,ross t/e Pa,i8i,. In t/at event: re.orted last ;ovem=er in a .u=lis/ed in t/e Journal E-S 7ransa,tions: /al8 t/e .arti,ulate matter was smaller t/an 2.F mi,rons and /al8 was 2.F to 1* mi,rons. +easurements were ta0en at 11* sites in t/e Interagen,% +onitoring Program 8or im.roved Misual Environments networ0: t/roug/out t/e United States in relativel% .ristine environments: su,/ as national .ar0s and wildli8e re8uges. Ieadings on 1*: 2**1: averaged a,ross t/e ,ountr% gave a value o8 nine mi,rograms .er ,u=i, meter 8or .arti,ulates 1* mi,rons or smaller. #% 1$: t/e average rea,/ed 1$ mi,rograms: even t/oug/ measuring stations tend to =e 8ar 8rom industrial .ollution sour,es. L'learl% =% 1$: t/at dust 8rom Asia was all over t/e United States: and it didnHt dissi.ate immediatel%:L 9a88e said. LIt didnHt go =a,0 down to nine until +a%: and t/ere were several .us/es o8 it ,oming a,ross.L #e8ore 2**1: .arti,ulate

Asian pollution comes across on winds pulled by a sort of high$speed conveyor belt, with a low$pressure system over the Aleutian +slands and a high$pressure cell near <awaii acting like twin gears that propel the air mass. =arious forces over the Pacific can affect the altitude at which the pollution enters 7orth America, =ut eventuall% it drops low enough, =etween ground level and :F** 8eet: to have an impact on air ,uality. In t/e 2**1 event: t/e e88e,ts were
measurements 8rom t/e 11* interagen,% networ0 sites dating =a,0 to t/e midD1(4*s s/ow Just one ,om.ara=le event: in 1((4.

more dramati, in some ur=an settings t/at alread% /ad mu,/D/ig/er =a,0ground levels o8 .arti,ulate matter in t/e air: sin,e t/e% were su=stantiall% ,loser to industrial .ollution sour,es. 5or instan,e: 7u,son: Ari!.: measured .arti,ulates o8 1*Dmi,rons or smaller at 4F mi,rograms .er ,u=i, meter on 1& and 14: w/ile Savanna/: Ka.: registered an 4F on 2*. Salt Ea0e 'it%: WinstonDSalem: ;.'.: and As.en: 'olo.: all /ad measurements in t/e &*s at some .oint during t/e event: and Atlanta registered a $& on 2*. A=out /al8 t/e .arti,ulates measured in t/ose areas ,ame 8rom Asian dust and /al8 ,ame 8rom lo,al .ollution sour,es: 9a88e said. LI8 %ou were driving in t/is: %ouHd wonder w/at was going on. ItHs a noti,ea=le aerosol loading:L /e said. Ge noted t/at .arti,ulates o8 2.F mi,rons or smaller ,an =egin /aving /ealt/ e88e,ts at ,on,entrations o8 "* mi,rograms .er ,u=i, meter. Sin,e roug/l% /al8 t/e .arti,ulates arriving 8rom Asia were t/at small: t/at would mean ,ities w/ere .arti,ulates o8 1* mi,rons or smaller registered 4* or a=ove would /ave /ad enoug/ small .arti,ulates 8or residents wit/ res.irator% .ro=lems to 8eel t/e e88e,ts. 9a88e said t/e 2**1 and 2**

L+t>s gone from a geophysical curiosity to a point where we can now say that, >?es, this occurs at large$enough levels o,,asionall% that it can affect our air ,uality:HL /e said.
events /ave given greater gravit% to a ./enomenon /e 8irst re.orted in 1((4.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment



,e*orestation declining in the Ama+on nowI/ett .utler/ 4/1*/2*00 2/tt.?//news.monga=a%.,om/2**&/*41*Dama!on<de8orestation./tml3 De8orestation rates in t/e #ra!ilian Ama!on 8or t/e .revious %ear were t/e lowest on re,ord: a,,ording to 8igures released =% I;PE: #ra!ilHs ;ational Institute o8 S.a,e Iesear,/. Preliminar% estimates s/ow t/at =etween August 1: 2**$ and 9ul% *: 2**&: some :&*& sBuare miles 2(:$** sBuare 0ilometers3 o8 rain8orest were ,leared: a 1 .er,ent dro. 8rom 2**$ w/en F:"1( sB ml 21":*"* sB 0m3 were lost 22**$ 8igures were re,entl% revised 8rom 1 :1** sB 0m3. ,e*orestation rates have *allen shar'ly DD $F .er,ent DD sin,e 2**" w/en 1*:F(* sB mi 22&:"2( sB 0m3 were destro%ed. A1$A is solving .ra+ilian de*orestation$roceedings o* the National Academy o* ciences : (/&/2*02 2/tt.?//www.ensD newswire.,om/ens/se.2**$/2**$D*(D*&D* WW5D#ra!il is .art o8 t/e Ama!on Iegion Prote,ted Areas 2AIPA3 initiative D a .artners/i. =etween t/e #ra!ilian government: t/e World #an0: Klo=al Environment 5a,ilit%: Kerman Develo.ment #an0 and t/e #ra!ilian #iodiversit% 5und D w/i,/ /as /el.ed ,reate more t/an &&:*** sBuare miles o8 .rote,ted areas in t/e Ama!on. In 9une t/e .artners/i. announ,ed t/e .rote,tion o8 &: F sBuare miles in t/e sout/ern Ama!on wit/in t/e newl% ,reated 9uruena ;ational Par0. L7/roug/ AIPA we are ,reating .ar0s and reserves in areas t/at ris0 =eing ra.idl% de8orested:L said 'lPudio +aretti: /ead o8 WW5D#ra!ilHs .rote,ted areas .rogramme: w/i,/ su..orts t/e AIPA initiative. LWe are not onl% ensuring =iodiversit% ,onservation in .er.etuit% in t/ese areas: =ut we are also =ringing order to t/e land tenure ,/aos t/at leads to un,ontrolled de8orestation.L .ee* e3'orts destroying the Ama+on now4they don5t solve6enter *or International 7orestry 1esearch: "/2/2*08 2/tt.?//www.monga=a%.,om/e1ternal/=ra!il<=ee8<ama!on./tm3 #ra!ilHs s.e,ta,ular and growing su,,ess as a 'rime e3'orter o* (ee*Dvolume o8 e1.orts a=road /ave in,reased more t/an 8ive8old in t/e last si1 %earsDis res.onsi=le 8or mu,/ o8 t/e re,ent s.i0e in t/e destru,tion o8 t/e Ama!on rain8orest: a,,ording to a stud% released toda% (y one o* the world9s leading *orestry research organi+ations. Multi'le alternate causes to Ama+onian de*orestation9im Lo(e/ "/(/2*08 2/tt.?//www.,*"/*"*(D*F./tm3 7/e maJor ,ul.rits =e/ind de8orestation in t/e Ama!on region in,lude cattle)ranching: so%=ean 8arming: and su(sistence agriculture: as well as logging: a,,ording to re,ent studies. No im'act4a: the Ama+on is recovering and (: even i* it was totally destroyed there5s no im'act NEW Y;1< $; = 2)")200> 2Posted at '/eat See0ing +issiles: date is date o8 .ost:
/tt.?//,/eatsee0ingmissiles.=logs.ot.,om/2**F/*$/sto.Dglo=alDw/iningD2./tml3 L-ne o8 t/e sim.le: =ut ver% im.ortant: 8a,ts is t/at t/e rain8orests /ave onl% sounds li0e a ver% long time =ut: in

=een around 8or =etween 12:*** and 1$:*** %ears. 7/at terms o8 t/e /istor% o8 t/e eart/: itHs /ardl% a .in.ri,0. L#e8ore t/en: t/ere were /ardl% an% rain8orests. 7/e% are ver% %oung. It is Just a =ig mista0e t/at .eo.le are ma0ing. L 7/e sim.le .oint is t/at t/ere are now still D des.ite w/at /umans /ave done D more rain8orests toda% t/an t/ere were 12:*** %ears ago.L L7/is lungs o8 t/e eart/ =usiness is nonsenseC t/e da8test o8 all t/eories :L Stott adds. LI8 %ou want to .ut 8orward somet/ing w/i,/: in a sim.le sense: s/ows %ou w/atHs wrong wit/ all t/e s,ien,e t/e% es.ouse: itHs t/at image o8 t/e lungs o8 t/e world. LIn 8a,t: =e,ause t/e trees 8all down and de,a%: rain8orests a,tuall% ta0e in slig/tl% more o1%gen t/an t/e% give out. L7/e idea o8 t/em soa0ing u. ,ar=on dio1ide and giving out o1%gen is a m%t/. ItHs onl% 8astDgrowing %oung trees t/at a,tuall% ta0e u. ,ar=on dio1ide:L Stott sa%s. L In terms o8 world s%stems: t/e rain8orests are =asi,all% irrelevant. World weat/er is governed =% t/e o,eans D t/at great s%stem o8 o,ean atmos./eri,s. L+ost t/ings t/at /a..en on land are mere =li.s to t/e s%stem: =asi,all% insigni8i,ant :L /e

sa%s. #ot/ s,ientists sa% t/e .lausi=le D is

Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

argument t/at t/e ,ure 8or ,an,er ,ould =e /idden in a rain8orest .lant or animal D w/ile also =ased on 8alse s,ien,e =e,ause t/e sea /olds more m%steries o8 li8e t/an t/e rain8orests . And =ot/ sa% 8ears t/at man is destro%ing t/is raw sour,e o8 medi,ine are un8ounded =e,ause t/e rain8orests are remar0a=l% /ealt/%. L7/e% are Just a=out t/e /ealt/iest 8orests in t/e world. 7/is stu88 a=out t/em vanis/ing at an alarming rate is a ,on =ased on =ad s,ien,e:L +oore sa%s.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

?oney(ees are not %ey to survival IN=E1NA=I;NAL ?E1AL, =1I.&NE >)2)2000 2/tt.?//www.i/t.,om/arti,les/a./2**&/*F/*

//ealt/s,ien,e/;ADS'IDUSD Gone%=eesDWeird../.3 7/e s,ientist w/o wrote t/e Ste8an Qimmel: eDmailed 7/e Asso,iated Press to sa% t/at t/ere is Lno lin0 =etween our tin% little stud% and t/e ''DD ./enomenon ... an%t/ing else said or written is a lie.L And U.S. De.artment o8 Agri,ulture to. =ee resear,/er 9e88 Pettis laug/s

at t/e idea: =e,ause w/enever /e goes out to investigate dead =ees: /e ,annot get a signal on /is ,ell ./one =e,ause t/e /ives are in su,/ remote areas. Also on t/e Internet is a Buote attri=uted to Al=ert Einstein on /ow /umans would die o88 in 8our %ears i8 not 8or /one%=ees. It is wrong on two ,ounts. 5irst: Einstein .ro=a=l% never said it: a,,ording to Ali,e 'ala.ri,e: aut/or o8 L7/e Ruota=le EinsteinL and 8ive ot/er =oo0s on t/e ./%si,ist . LIHve never ,ome a,ross it in an%t/ing Einstein /as written:L 'ala.ri,e said. LIt ,ould =e t/at someone /ad made it u. and .ut EinsteinHs name on it.L Se,ond: it is in,orre,t s,ienti8i,all%: Pettis said. 7/ere would =e 8ood le8t 8or /umans =e,ause some 8ood is windD.ollinated . No im'act to honey(ee dieo** MI=? 2000 2Geat/er: Slate: 9ul% 1 : /tt.?//www.slate.,om/id/21&* *F/.agenum/23 #ut is ''D su,/ a traged%S 7/e /one%=ee ma% =e t/e onl% inse,t ever e1tended ,/arismati, mega8auna status: =ut itHs alread% gone 8rom t/e wild 2and it wasnHt even native to ;ort/ Ameri,a to =egin wit/ 3. Sure: it ma0es /one%: =ut we alread% get most o8 t/at
8rom overseas. W/at a=out t/e T1".$ =illion in L8ree la=orLS ItHs more e1.ensive t/an ever? In t/e last t/ree %ears: t/e ,ost to rent a /ive during t/e 'ali8ornia almond =loom /as tri.led: 8rom TF* to T1F*. Kood t/ing t/e /one%=ee isnHt t/e onl% inse,t t/at ,an .ollinate our

,ro.s. In t/e last de,ade: resear,/ la=s /ave gotten serious a=out ,ultivating ot/er inse,ts 8or mass .ollination .
7/e% arenHt at t/e .oint %et w/ere t/e% ,an .rovide all o8 t/e ,ountr%Hs .ollination needs: =ut t/e%Hre getting t/ere. 7/is %ear t/e 'ali8ornia Almond #oard twoDtimed t/e /one%=ee wit/ -smia lignaria>t/e =lueDor,/ard =ee? Des.ite ''D: t/e% /ad a re,ord /arvest.*

Im'act is em'irically denied4massive dieo**s have occurred in 'ast ;L,1;Y, 2000 2Dr. #enJamin P. -ldro%d is wit/ t/e #e/aviour and Keneti,s o8 So,ial Inse,ts Ea=orator%: S,/ool o8 #iologi,al S,ien,es:
Universit% o8 S%dne%: PEoS #iolog%: 9une: /tt.?//www..u=med,,lerender.8,giSartidU14(24"*3

Some winter losses are normal: and =e,ause t/e .ro.ortion o8 ,olonies d%ing varies enormousl% 8rom %ear to %ear: it is di88i,ult to sa% w/en a ,risis is o,,urring and w/en losses are .art o8 t/e normal ,ontinuum. W/at is ,lear is t/at a=out one %ear in ten: a.iarists su88er unusuall% /eav% ,olon% losses. 7/is /as =een going on 8or a long time. In Ireland: t/ere was a @great mortalit% o8 =eesA in (F*: and again in ((2 and 1"" V W. -ne o8 t/e most 8amous events was in t/e s.ring o8
1(*$: w/en most =ee0ee.ers on t/e Isle o8 Wig/t 2United Qingdom3 lost all o8 t/eir ,olonies V"W. Ameri,an =ee0ee.ers also su88er /eav% losses .eriodi,all%. In 1(* : in t/e 'a,/e valle% o8 Uta/: 2*** ,olonies were lost to a m%sterious @disa..earing diseaseA 8ollowing a @/ard winter and ,old s.ringA VFW. +ore re,entl%: t/ere was an in,ident in 1((F in w/i,/ Penns%lvania =ee0ee.ers lost F X o8 ,olonies V$W.

.ees are useless A: Wheat is %ey to glo(al *ood consum'tion 6A1=E1 200! 2'olin 'arter is wit/ t/e De.artment o8 Agri,ultural and Iesour,e E,onomi,s: U' Davis: 'I++Y7 World W/eat -verview and
-utloo0: www.,,//E,onomi,s/ma./8a,ts<trends/w/eat**D*1/.d8/w/eat**D*1<.art ..d83

W/eat is t/e .rimar% grain ,onsumed =% /umans around t/e glo=e. A=out &FX o8 t/e worlds w/eat is ,onsumed dire,tl%: 1FX is ,onsumed indire,tl% in t/e 8orm o8 animal .rodu,ts: and anot/er 1*X is used 8or seed and industrial use. 7/e glo=al ,onsum.tion o8 w/eat dou=led in t/e last * %ears to rea,/ nearl% $** million tons .er %ear in re,ent %ears 25igure 13. Iising .o.ulation and in,omes: along wit/ in,reased ur=ani!ation and its asso,iated ,/anging dietar% .atterns: ,aused ,onsum.tion to in,rease =% a=out F.$ million tons %earl% in t/e last de,ade. 5uture growt/ in w/eat ,onsum.tion is e1.e,ted to originate mainl% in ,ountries: w/i,/ also a,,ount 8or t/e re,ent growt/ in glo=al w/eat ,onsum.tion. A,,ording to t/e United ;ations: .o.ulation is growing =% a=out 1.FX/%r in ,ountries:
,om.ared to almost !ero growt/: on average: in develo.ed ,ountries. In addition: ur=ani!ation is a ./enomenon t/at is largel% ,on8ined to t/e world.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


1. Impact is empirically denied years of species loss ith no impact A!C "e s # 2@#iodiversit% 'ras/ing Australia Wide:A A#' ;ews Worldwide:
/tt.?//www.a=,**(/*$/1*/2F("44"./tm: AD? $/ */*(3 A;
Australia has the worst record for mammal e-tinctions and near$e-tinctions of any developed nation in the world. And according to the latest national audit of Australian biodiversity, the nation is still losing plant and animal species on a continental scale . The

Australian Terrestrial @iodiversity Assessment !"". has been finished for nine months, but is yet to be officially released. Environment minister Peter *arrett>s office says it is out for peer review, but forest ecologist Aavid Lindenmayer has told Badio 7ational @reakfast that government attempts to turn back the tide of species losses are not working. C@iodiversity is not doing well in Australia, and it>s continued to do very badly for ,uite some time,C he said. C:e are seeing massive crashes of mammal populations in northern Australia now, and we>re not seeing those in southern Australia because essentially mammals have gone from huge areas of woodlands, and we are starting to see the bird populations crash.C According to 5r Lindenmayer, not even 1" per cent of mammal population numbers that e-isted in northern Australia 1" to 1# years ago are left. +n =ictoria there are huge crashes in the number of birds. The *overnment has implemented a national biodiversity conservation strategy to try to reverse the trend. 2. "o Impact $ Corporations innovation solves !io% loss &home # @Wol*gang ?A/ =ourism re'orter/ B<a*red ;**ers New 7orest and 6ommunity E3'erience/C East A*rica =ourism 1e'ort/ e=ur(o News/ htt'-//wwwAetur(onewsAcom/!002>/wol*gangs)east)a*rica)tourism)re'ort/ A,2/D0/0":
Dormer general manager of ;ganda <eritage Trails, &ohn Tinka, has now reappeared in the Dort Portal, 8ibale area working at the 8ibale Association for Bural and Environmental Aevelopment, in short 8ADBEA. The community$based association has amongst its ob)ectives, the aim to conserve biodiversity at the

community level, promote eco$friendly tourism practices, and assist the local community to engage in sustainable business ventures. The nearby @igodi :etland anctuary is the first manifestation of 8ADBEAs community engagement and on offer are guided nature walks taking anywhere between a few hours to a full day and an interpretive nature and village walks where
the daily life of a rural African community unfolds in front of visitors eyes. Traditional home$cooked meals, using fresh local ingredients, are also available for visitors, as are dance and drama sessions performed by local artists E this re,uires prior booking, however. The local womens groups produce curio items and handicrafts for purchase by visitors, bringing much$needed cash into the villages, while some families are available to open their homes and offer tourists a home stay. The Tinka family is at the forefront of this trend, of course, knowing intimately well what is e-pected by tourist visitors from his previous work in creating the @uganda <eritage Trail in 6entral ;ganda.

DA Ecosystems are resilient#ru,e =onn: 11/1/2*00 2/tt.?//www.a,,essm%li=rar%.,om/,oms2/summar%<*24$D

7/eoreti,all%: .ursuing t/is goal ,ould also =e ,ounterD.rodu,tive in t/e long run.


Presuma=l%: t/roug/ t/e .ro,ess o8 evolution: ,olle,tions o8 s.e,ies evolve to ,reate even more resilient e,os%stems. Preventing evolution t/roug/ maintenan,e o8 t/e status Buo: t/en: would restri,t eart/Dli8eHs a=ilit% to ada.t to new ,onditions and situations. Kiven t/at it is ,ertain t/at ,onditions on eart/ will ,/angeDD8or instan,e: we 0now t/at t/e ,ontinents will ,ontinue to dri8t and alter

o,ean ,urrents: w/i,/: in turn: ,ould lead to devastating glo=al ,limate ,/angeDD.reventing t/e evolution in t/e ,om.osition o8 t/e totalit% o8 eart/Dli8e ,ould a,tuall% lower t/e .ro=a=ilit% t/at eart/Dli8e will =e a=le to survive into t/e distant 8uture under normal ,ir,umstan,es. 7/us: 8utures sustaina=ilit% reBuires t/e maintenan,e o8 8un,tioning =ioregions: not t/e =iologi,al status Buo.

8A All ecosystems not critical to (iodiversity#ru,e =onn: 11/1/2*00 2/tt.?//www.a,,essm%li=rar%.,om/,oms2/summar%<*24$D

It s/ould =e ,lear: t/oug/: t/at


.rote,ting =iodiversit% does not mean t/at it is ne,essar% t/at t/e status Buo o8 all e,os%stems on eart/ =e maintained V1 W. 7a0en literall%: t/at is an im.ossi=le goal =e,ause t/ere will alwa%s =e 8lu,tuations in s.e,ies .o.ulations i8 onl% due to annual ,/anges in weat/er and .re,i.itation .

'. ()*+s destroyin, -iodiversity in the s./o !ello # 2Walden: @A 'ritiBue o8 -rt/odo1 Pers.e,tives:A All A8ri,a: -.inions:
/tt.?//alla8ri,a.,om/stories/2**(*$2$*&"*./tml: AD? $/ */*(3


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

Proponents of *59s have not been able to alleviate worries that transgenic foods have the potential for creating une-pected reactions in humans unless these foods, which have never been seen before and thus not selected for human consumption by eons of evolution, are tested rigorously in accordance with the universally recognised precautionary principle. 7either have they been able to allay worries that non$ target populations might be negatively affected by genetic modification aimed at specific pests , as in the case of @t corn>s impact on the monarch butterfly. 7or have they dispelled the very real threat of loss of biodiversity posed by *59s . The risks are hardly trifling, as noted by one accountF The effects of transgenic crops on biodiversity far e-tend the concerns already raised by monocropping under the *reen Bevolution. 7ot only is diversity decreased through the physical loss of species , but because of its >live> aspect, it has the
potential to contaminate, and potentially to dominate, other strains of the same species. :hile this may be a limited concern with respect to the contamination of another commercial crop, it is significantly more worrisome when it could contaminate and eradicate generations of evolution of diverse and subtly differentiated strains of a single crop, such as the recently discovered transgenic contamination of landraces of indigenous corn in 5e-ico.G3H 2A 1e)s'eciation

will ra'idly *ill in the vacuum Mc<inney "E +i,/ael E. +,Qinne%: 1((4: #iodiversit% D%nami,s ? ;i,/e Preem.tion and Saturation in Diversit% EBuili=ria: #iodiversit% D%nami,s? 7urnover o8 Po.ulations: 7a1a: and 'ommunities: '/a.ter 1: +i,/ael E. +,Qinne% and 9ames A. Dra0e: eds. /tt.?//www.eart/s, /m,0inne%/m,0inne%*1./tml A 0e% .redi,tion o8 t/e ni,/e .reem.tion model is t/at: as in,um=ent o,,u.ants o8 ni,/es are not dislodged =% ,om.etition: t/en e1tin,tion o8 t/e in,um=ents =% distur=an,es .rovides t/e main o..ortunit% 8or,ement. As Io% 21(($3 dis,usses 2and s/ows eviden,e 8or3: speciation$rate disparities tend to drive chan,es in diversity composition d/rin, =ot/ =a,0ground and mass e0tinctions. )ass e0tinctions provide idespread opport/nities to occ/py many ecolo,ical niches and so accelerate inc/m-ent replacement 2Pat!0ows0% 1((FC Io% 1(($3.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

1. "on$/ni./e ma1or coral loss no

&oon 2 @3ohn4 )ana,er of (eor,ia &ech 5esearch and 6/-lications 7%iversity of plant$eatin, fishes may -e 8ey to recovery of coral reefs9 :http;<<
medicine.or,<-iolo,y$ne s$1<%iversity$of$plant$eatin,$fishes$may$-e$8ey$to$recovery$of$coral$reefs$'2=2$4<> *cto-er 2 accessed 6<2#<0#?


Dor endangered coral reefs, not all plant$eating fish are created e,ual. A report scheduled to be published this week in the early edition of the )ournal Proceedings of the 7ational Academy of ciences suggests that maintaining the proper balance of herbivorous fishes may be critical to restoring coral reefs, which are declining dramatically worldwide. The conclusion results from a long$term study that found significant recovery in sections of coral reefs on which fish of two complementary species were caged. 6oral reefs depend on fish to eat the seaweeds with which the corals compete, and without such cleaning, the reefs decline as corals are replaced by seaweeds. Aifferent fish consume different seaweeds because of the differing chemical and physical properties of the plants. C9f the many different fish that are part of coral ecosystems, there may be a small number of species that are really critical for keeping big seaweeds from over$growing and killing corals,C e-plained 5ark <ay, the <arry and Linda Teasley Professor of @iology at the *eorgia +nstitute of Technology. C9ur study shows that in addition to having enough herbivores, coral ecosystems also need the right mi- of species to overcome the different defensive tactics of the seaweeds.C @y knowing which fish are most critical to maintaining coral health, resource managers could focus on protecting and enhancing the highest$impact species. +n situations where local peoples depend on fishing, they might better sustain the reefs on which they depend by harvesting only less critical species. CThis could offer one more approach to resource managers,C <ay added. C+f ecosystems were managed for critical mi-es of herbivorous species, we might see more rapid recovery of the reefs.C

2. )assive alt ca/ses$ poll/tion4 overfishin,4 disease4 and

armin, Science %aily ' @7Coral 5eefs %eclinin,A"ot 3/st *verfishin,9 : htt'-//wwwAsciencedailyAcom/releases/200>/0E/0>0ED000220"AhtmF August D! accessed 2/2"/0":
6oral reefs, the rainforests of the sea, feed a large portion of the world>s population, protect tropical shorelines from erosion, and harbor animals and plants with great potential to provide new

reefs are no -eset -y pro-lems ran,in, from local poll/tion and overfishin, to o/t-rea8s of coral disease and ,lo-al armin,. Although most scientists agree that reefs are in desperate trouble, they disagree strongly over the timing
therapeutic drugs. ;nfortunately, and causes of the coral reef crisis. This is not )ust an academic e-ercise, because different answers dictate different strategies for managers and policymakers intent on saving reef ecosystems. The cover story published this month in *eology helps focus the debate. A team led by Bichard Aronson of the Aauphin +sland ea Lab in Alabama took cores through reef frameworks in

scientists have s/,,ested that reefs -e,an their decline cent/ries a,o d/e to early overfishin,, AronsonBs team fo/nd that coral populations were healthy and vibrant until the 12."s, when they were killed by disease and high sea temperatures . The research effort was supported by the 7ational *eographic ociety, the mithsonian +nstitution
@eli4e to reconstruct the history of the reefs over the past several thousand years. Although some and the 7ational cience Doundation. As Aronson points out, CProtecting fish populations is important in its own right, but it won>t save the corals.

6orals are being killed at an

unprecedented rate by forces outside local control.


aving coral reefs means addressing global environmental issues$$climate change in particular$$at the highest levels of


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


#,ead Gones
!A tatus Huo solves- 7ertili+er use declining nowKina =eel/ !/2/200" 2sta88 writer: 'algar% Gerald: /tt.?//www.,anada.,om/,algar%/erald/news/,algar%=usiness/stor%./tmlSidUaa"8,,e&D(*d,D"" 1D=1*"D 28F= ,881d8F3 7/e glo=al e,onomi, re,ession is rede8ining norms ever%w/ere and t/e agri,ultural se,tor is no e1,e.tion.
ItHs =e,ome a .la,e o8 e1tremes w/erein rea,tive mar0ets ,an evis,erate ,ommodities in t/e =lin0 o8 an e%e: and w/ere demand d%nami,s see 8armers a=le to =u% 8ertili!er /olding out 8or 8ireDsale .ri,es w/ile t/ose w/o want to =u% ,anHt: as a,,ess to ,redit /as dried u.. 7/e latter demand s,enario /as ,ontri=uted to an

un'recedented reduction in *ertili+er use (y *armers on a glo=al =asis t/is 8all: w/i,/ saw 'algar%D =ased Agrium: ;ort/ Ameri,aHs t/irdDlargest 8ertili!er .rodu,er: s/ut in .rodu,tion o8 nitrogen and ./os./ates earlier t/is mont/ at some o8 its ;ort/ Ameri,a 8a,ilities. Agrium isn9t alone. Plants in t/e U. Q. and t/e U. S. /ave announ,ed s/utDins 8or nitrogen and 8or urea: as well as ./os./ates and: in 'anada: .otas/. Klo=all%: out.ut o8 all t/ree nutrients /as =een trimmed. 5or Wilson: a veteran ,ommodities ,areer gu% w/oHs ridden out re,essions =e8ore: Lt/oug/ none wit/ su,/ a .re,i.itous dro.:L t/e =iggest sur.rise o8 re,ent events was t/at t/e 8armers would cut (ac% on their *ertili+er 'urchase this *all to t/e degree t/e% /ave. LItHs un/eard o8:LWilson said in a re,ent interview at AgriumHs su=ur=an 'algar% /eadBuarters.
2A $lan doesn5t solve- most dead +ones not in the & -

+i,/ael .ernstein: /2(/2*02 2/tt.?//<releases/2**$D* /a,sDo!* 2(*$../.3 Dead !ones are along t/e ,oasts o8 t/e maJor ,ontinents: and t/e% are s.reading over larger areas o8 t/e sea 8loor: Wu sa%s. 7/e United ;ations Environmental Programme estimates nearly !>0 'ermanent and recurring dead +ones e3ist worldwide: in,luding " in U.S. ,oastal waters. DA $o'ulation growth and 'ollution causes o* Iul* o* Me3ico dead +ones4they don5t solve-

=i+on/ 2008 sta88: Eos Angeles 7imes: F/$/2**"C Ee1is Pollution =roug/t on =% .o.ulation growt/ and develo.ment /as ,aused o1%gen levels in t/e water to dro.: rendering one large se,tion o8 t/e ,anal a Ldead !one.L
7/e s,ene Lis .rett% 8rig/tening:L said E/rli,/: F$. 7/e growing dead !one t/reatens not Just sea li8e DD Good 'anal /as one o8 t/e ri,/est s/ell8is/ =eds in Puget Sound DD =ut t/e entire e,os%stem: a .ano.l% o8 =irds and mammals: 8orests: and a vast networ0 o8 salmonDri,/ rivers and streams. Also at sta0e is t/e ,analHs image as a .ristine out.ost: t/e last natural =arrier .rote,ting t/e -l%m.i, Peninsula 8rom t/e .lagues o8 ur=an s.rawl. 7/e ,anal ma0es u. t/e .eninsulaHs stillD wild eastern edge: a water% s/ield against t/e westward .us/ o8 .eo.le and ma,/ines. Kov. Kar% Eo,0e warned re,entl% t/at t/e ,anal ,ould turn into a Ldead sea.L I8 t/at /a..ened: Was/ington would lose Lone o8 its great Jewels:L said state 8is/er% =iologist Duane 5agergren. 7/e state also ,ould see t/e e88luen,e o8 s.rawl

Dead !ones are ,reated =% large ,on,entrations o8 .eo.le and t/e .ollution t/e% generate. Iesear,/ers /ave identi8ied dead !ones in Eos Angeles Gar=or: '/esa.ea0e #a% and the Iul* o* Me3ico.
tri,0le into t/e .eninsula: one o8 t/e last great uns.oiled areas in t/e West: /e said.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


Monoculture is sta(le4it is Just an e3tenstion o* 'lant mono)dominance that occurs in nature AKE1Y 200D 2Dennis: 5ounder o8 t/e 'enter 8or Klo=al 5ood Issues: @+imi,0ing ;ature to Eat Well:A +ar,/:
/tt.?//www.,,les/2** /mar<24<* ./tm3 7ro.i,al interD.lanting is also e,ologi,all% alien to t/e e,ologi,al insig/ts o8 t/e ,ereal

t/e lands w/ere most o8 /umanit% lives. W/% would e,oDa,tivists reJe,t 8armers w/o ,reated sustained /uman su,,ess t/roug/out Asia 2ri,e3: t/e ;ear East 2w/eat3: Euro.e 2w/eat3: and most o8 t/e Ameri,as 2,orn and later w/eat3S 7/eir agri,ultural s%stems ,learl% mimi, naturall% evolved stands o8 monoDdominant .lants. 7/e ,urrent e,oDa,tivist advi,e to a=andon mono,ultures violates virtuall% ever% e,ologi,al .re,e.t. &ANA 'rogram solves the im'act to (iological diversity worldwide4this will also create *uture coo'eration &NI=E, NA=I;N ")!2)2000 2U; Press Ielease: /tt.?//www.s,oo..,o.n!/stories/W-*&*(/S**2&&./tm3 Delegates 8rom 1*( ,ountries at a United ;ationsD=a,0ed ,on8eren,e /ave ado.ted t/e 8irst internationall% agreed 8ramewor0: in,luding 8inan,ing 8or states: to /alt t/e erosion o8 t/e geneti, diversit% o8 livesto,0: seen as ,ru,ial in mitigating t/e e88e,ts o8 glo=al warming and .rote,ting t/e worldHs 8ood su..l% . L7/is is a milestone in international e88orts to .romote t/e
wise management o8 t/e worldHs animal geneti, resour,es 8or 8ood and agri,ulture:L U; 5ood and Agri,ulture -rgani!ation 25A-3 Assistant Dire,torD Keneral 8or Agri,ulture and 'onsumer Prote,tion 9osZ +ar[a told t/e ,losing session o8 t/e 8irst International 7e,/ni,al 'on8eren,e on Animal Keneti, Iesour,es in Interla0en: Swit!erland. LIt will .rovide t/e 8ramewor0 8or a,tion and international ,oo.eration 8or

man% %ears to ,ome. It is a visi=le sign o8 t/e urgen,% t/at all ,ountries and regions give to ensuring t/e survival o8 t/ese ,ru,ial resour,es: and to im.roving t/eir use to a,/ieve glo=al 8ood se,urit% and sustaina=le develo.ment.L Monocultures are natural and science 'roves they5re sa*e W;;, 2002 2Dr. Dave: e,ologist 8rom UQ w/o /as lived in India 8or t/e .ast 8ew %ears: @-ne Gand ' -rgani, 5arming in India:A
De,em=er 12: /tt.?//www.,,les/2**2/de,<12<*2<wood./tm3

7/e realit% o8 mono,ultures is t/e e1a,t o..osite? all our im.ortant -ld World ,ereals /ave immediate wild relatives growing in vast monodominant natural grasslands t/roug/out Asia and A8ri,a . 7/ese natural mono,ultures were a 0e% sour,e o8 gat/ered 8ood =e8ore 8armingC seem to /ave =een maintained and toug/ened =% seasonal 8ire or 8lood distur=an,e 2redu,ing 8un,tionall%Dsur.lus =iodiversit%3C are t/e e,ologi,al antit/esis o8 H.rimeval 8orestHC and .rovide e1a,t mono,ulture models to earl% 8armers 8or treeD8ree ,ereal 8ields. 7/us t/ere is sound a..lied e,olog% under.inning our ,ereal mono,ultures. 7/e /istori,al and ro=ust e,ologi,al =ene8its o8 ,ereal mono,ultures dire,tl% derived 8rom H.rimeval grasslandH ,ontinue to t/is da%: .roviding most o8 our 8ood Vsee t/e .eerDreviewed Wood: D. and EennZ: 9. 2**1
;atureHs 5ields? a negle,ted model 8or in,reasing 8ood .rodu,tion. -utloo0 on Agri,ulture *: 1$FD1&"W.

eed (an%s solve the im'act o* monoculture NA=I;NAL .I;L;II6AL IN7;1MA=I;N IN71A =1&6=&1E 2000 2@E1 situ 'onservation o8 Agri,ultural
Keneti, Iesour,es:A East +odi8ied 1*D1F: /tt.?// o.enUF12\o=JIDU"*$\\PageIDUF(*\modeU2\in</i<useridU2\,a,/edUtrue3 Keneti, diversit% is .reserved t/roug/ a variet% o8 in situ 2in .osition or inD8ield3 agri,ultural addition: t/ere

.ra,ti,es des,ri=ed a=ove. In are a num=er o8 organi!ations t/at enlist teams o8 lo,al 8armers to grow native varieties: .arti,ularl% t/ose t/at are t/reatened =% e1tin,tion due to la,0 o8 modernDda% use. 7/ere are also lo,al: national and international e88orts to .reserve agri,ultural geneti, resour,es t/roug/ e1 situ 2o88Dsite3 met/ods su,/ as seed and s.erm =an0s. Some o8 t/e maJor germ.lasm storage e88orts in,lude? * 7/e 'onsultative Krou. on International Agri,ultural Iesear,/
2'KIAI3 is a ,onsortium o8 International Agri,ulture Iesear,/ 'enters 2IAI'3 and ot/ers t/at ea,/ ,ondu,t resear,/ on and .reserve germ.lasm 8rom a .arti,ular ,ro. or animal s.e,ies. 7/e 'KIAI and t/e IAI's are 8unded =% donor ,ountries 2in,luding a signi8i,ant ,ontri=ution 8rom t/e United States3: .rivate 8oundations: and international and regional organi!ations. 7/e 'KIAI /olds one o8 t/e worldHs largest e1 situ ,olle,tions

o8 .lant geneti, resour,es in trust 8or t/e world ,ommunit%. It ,ontains over F**:*** a,,essions o8 more t/an

:*** ,ro.: 8orage: and agro8orestr% s.e,ies. 7/e ,olle,tion in,ludes 8armersH varieties and im.roved varieties and: in su=stantial measure: t/e wild s.e,ies 8rom w/i,/ t/ose varieties were ,reated D 'KIAI we=site: 2** * ;ational germ.lasm storage ,enters in,luding t/e U.S. De.artment o8

Agri,ultureHs ;ational 'enter 8or Keneti, Iesour,es Preservation: IndiaHs ;ational #ureau o8 Animal Keneti, Iesour,es 2;#AKI3: t/e 7aiwan Eivesto,0 Iesear,/ Institute: and t/e Australian ;etwor0 o8 Plant Keneti, Iesour,e 'entres . * -rgani!ations su,/ as t/e World Iesour,es Institute 2WII3 and t/e World 'onservation Union 2IU';3 are nonD.ro8it organi!ations t/at .rovide 8unding and ot/er su..ort to e1 situ and in situ ,onservation e88orts .


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


@L/L: Massive conservation e**orts solving now


Wednesday, January 7, 200 Bush moves to conserve the Pacific Ocean. !!"/!#/!$/%&'(#)* +".&,-


<udos to $resident .ush *or 'rotecting an additional !">/208 sHuare miles o* ocean area in the $aci*ic on 7uesda%. Must as the national 'aar% system in America created a ri''le e**ect around the world: wit/ over 1** ,ountries ado.ting similar s%stems: President .ush9s decision may have s'ar%ed the (eginning o* a worldwide ocean conservation movement . Iegardless o8 /is .ast environmental .oli,%: this decision is a maJor victory *or the environment and a de*ining moment o* .ush9s 'residency.
@L/L: Massive reservations chec% s'ecies loss (uliet %ilperin. (an $. !!". Bush to Protect ,hree +reas in Pacific. !!"/!#/!$/+0 !!"!#!$! #!1.html

Bush today announced he is creating three new marine national monuments in the Pacific Ocean today, a move that will help preserve sprawling sea and island ecosystems and cement the one aspect of his legacy that has won praise, sometimes grudgingly, from many environmentalists. Bush's decision to safeguard far-flung areas totaling #"). 2! s3uare miles,
President which comes
just two weeks before he leaves office, underscores his contradictory environmental record. While he has resisted imposing mandatory curbs on greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate

than any person in history. 'nvo4ing powers of the +nti3uities +ct of #"!$ that are used to protect statues and cultural sites, Bush today sharply restricted oil and gas e5ploration and commercial fishing around numerous remote islands in the central and western Pacific that have long been .!. possessions. 6cientists identified them as biologicall/ and geologicall/ rich areas. ,he monuments, which together are e"ual in si#e to !pain. include regions teeming with shar4s and other top marine predators. along with vibrant coral and h/drothermal vents . $he protected areas 7will allow for research. free passage. and recreation -- including the possibilit/ of recreational fishing one da/ ,% Bush said while announcing his decision today. %8or seabirds and marine life. the/ will be sanctuaries to grow and thrive. &
change and has opened large areas of the nation to drilling, mining and other use of resources, by the end of his term he will have protected more ocean


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

#;il ,e'endency
@)): Even under (est case conditions/ the time *rame to their advantage is 20D0#enJamin Q. Sovacool4 200= 2 Mirginia Pol%te,/ni, Institute and State Universit%3. Energ% Poli,%: Molume F: Issue 11: ;ovem=er 2**&. @Solving t/e oil inde.enden,e .ro=lem? Is it .ossi=leSA
/tt.?//www.s,ien,edire,t.,om/s,ien,eS<o=UArti,leUIE\<udiU#$M2WD"P4 D4SD 2\<userU4*"*$F\<,overDateU11X25 *X252**&\<rdo,U1\<8mtU/ig/\<origUsear,/\<originUsear,/\<sortUd\<do,an,/orU \viewU,\<a,,tU'****" 4"*\<versionU1\<urlMersionU*\<useridU4*"*$F\mdFU*$,a, 8a* =",&(848$d d8 (4182,1"\sear,/ t%.eUa

As ,urrentl% dis,ussed in .oliti,al ,ir,les: oil inde.enden,e is unattaina=le>la,0ing ,o/erent meaning and wedding .oli,%ma0ers to t/e notion t/at t/e% ,an never a,,om.lis/ it. 'ontrar% to t/is t/in0ing: more t/an a do!en di88erent
sets o8 te,/nologies and .ra,ti,es ,ould in,rease domesti, su..l% and redu,e demand 8or oil to t/e .oint o8 ma0ing t/e US 8un,tionall% inde.endent 8rom oil .ri,e s/o,0s. Gowever: a,/ieving t/is goal demands ,on,erted a,tion to e1.and and diversi8% ,onventional

domesti, oil su..lies: redu,e overall demand in t/e trans.ortation and =uildings se,tor: and ,ontinue to develo. alternative 8uels. I8 .oli,%ma0ers undertoo0 su,/ a,tions toda%: the CS co/ld -ecome oil independent -y 20D0. @)): u(sidies *or .ig ;il 'revents renewa(les transition4they don5t solve their advantage Dee. $atel/ !/!E/200E 2/tt.?//www.renewa=leenerg%world.,om/rea/news/.od,astSidUF11$(3 W/% is t/e government so involved in our L8ree mar0etsLS 7/e su(sidies that the government has

given .ig ;il is the reason renewa(les never (ecame com'etitive to ;il in the *irst 'lace .
7/e government is t/e reason 8or t/e ,reation o8 t/e .ower o8 #ig -ilC t/e% used our own ta1 mone% to ,reate an oligo.ol% w/i,/ is now ,ontrolling t/e most ,riti,al element to li8e: energ%. I8 renewa=les /ad a 8air environment to ,om.ete in: #ig -il would not =e as .ower8ul as t/e% are at t/e ,urrent moment. @)): No via(le mar%et contender to oil on the hori+on4the *ossil *uel economy is huge/ mature/ su(sidi+ed/ 'ervasive/ entrenched/ and as well groomed as Ed Lee'/arles Eeiss and William #. !onvillian4 200# 2dire,tor o8 +assa,/usetts Institute o8 7e,/nolog%s Was/ington o88i,e3. @Stimulating a Ievolution in Sustaina=le Energ% 7e,/nolog%.A 9ul%DAugust 2**(. A,,essed Se.t *: 2*1* at /tt.?//www.environmentmaga!,/ives/#a,0X2*Issues/9ul%DAugustX2*2**(/WeissD#onvillianD 8ull./tml An initial rationale 8or su,/ a .rogram is t/at mar0et me,/anisms alone: su,/ as a ,ar=on ,/arge 2a ,a.DandDtrade regime or ,ar=on ta13: cannot stim/late the development and deployment of ener,y technolo,ies 8ast enoug/ to meet t/e urgent national need: nor ,an it over,ome t/e -/ilt$in -ias in favor of technolo,ies -ased on fossil f/els . 5ossil 8uels are ,onvenient and ,/ea. i8 e1ternalities li0e war and environment are e1,luded. 7/e 8ossil 8uel e,onom% is h/,e4 mat/re4 heavily s/-sidized4 pervasive4 adept at fendin, off competition4 deeply entrenched in the economy and the political system4 and sustained =% p/-lic e0pectation of cheap ener,y. E1,e.t in limited ,ir,umstan,es: a new energ% te,/nolog% must ,om.ete at s,ale wit/ e1isting te,/nolog% 8rom t/e moment o8 its mar0et laun,/: a da/ntin, prospect. As a result: any innovation in ener,y technolo,y faces an /neven playin, field. @)): =echnology alone can5t solve oil de'endence#enJamin Q. Sovacool4 200= 2 Mirginia Pol%te,/ni, Institute and State Universit%3. Energ% Poli,%: Molume F: Issue 11: ;ovem=er 2**&. @Solving t/e oil inde.enden,e .ro=lem? Is it .ossi=leSA
/tt.?//www.s,ien,edire,t.,om/s,ien,eS<o=UArti,leUIE\<udiU#$M2WD"P4 D4SD 2\<userU4*"*$F\<,overDateU11X25 *X252**&\<rdo,U1\<8mtU/ig/\<origUsear,/\<originUsear,/\<sortUd\<do,an,/orU \viewU,\<a,,tU'****" 4"*\<versionU1\<urlMersionU*\<useridU4*"*$F\mdFU*$,a, 8a* =",&(848$d d8 (4182,1"\sear,/ t%.eUa

Su,/ a s%nergisti, a..roa,/ would .resent immense o=sta,les. W/en President Keorge W. #us/ 22**$3 stated t/at @Ameri,a is addi,ted to oil ] 7/e =est wa% to =rea0 t/is addi,tion is t/roug/ te,/nolog%:A /e was onl% .artl% rig/t. Some o8 t/e tools reBuired 8or oil inde.enden,e /ave =een around 8or de,ades: and instruments su,/ as 8uel e,onom% standards and alternative 8uels are well 0nown. Ketting t/em 8ull% a,,e.ted is t/e ,/allenge. Poli,%ma0ers m/st move -eyond the idea that technolo,y ill a/tomatically solve the co/ntryBs ener,y pro-lems and ,ome to address t/e remainin, social4 economic4 and political -arriers.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


#;il hoc%s
Multi'le chec%s to the im'act o* oil shoc%sFconomist4 2011 2+ar,/ : 2*11: @7/e 2*11 oil s/o,0:A /tt.?//www.e,onomist.,om/node/14241&&"3 So 8ar: t/e s/o,0s to su..l% have -een tiny. Ei=%as turmoil /as redu,ed glo=al oil out.ut =% a mere 1X. In 1(& t/e 8igure was around &.FX. 7oda%s oil mar0et also has plenty of -/ffers. Kovernments /ave sto,0.iles: w/i,/ t/e% didnt in 1(& . Commercial oil stoc8s are more ample t/an t/e% were w/en .ri,es .ea0ed in 2**4. Saudi Ara=ia: t/e ,entral =an0 o8 t/e oil mar0et: te,/ni,all% /as eno/,h spare capacity to,e Ei=%a: Algeria and a ,lut,/ o8 ot/er small .rodu,ers. And t/e Saudis /ave made clear that they are illin, to p/mp. Even large shoc%s don5t cause maJor crises) 20!0 'roves ha'iro 2)"D11 VIo=ert: ,/airman and ,oD8ounder o8 Sone,on: EE': a .rivate 8irm t/at .rovides advi,e and anal%sis to senior e1e,utives and o88i,ials o8 U.S. and 8oreign =usinesses: governments: and nonD.ro8it organi!ations and 8ormer Under Se,retar% o8 'ommer,e 8or E,onomi, A88airs 8rom 1((& to 2**1: @7/e Ieal E,onomi,,ations o8 t/e U.rising in Eg%.t:A /tt.?//*11/*2/realDe,onomi,,ationsD u.risingDeg%.tW
#ut in order to

threaten the &A A and glo(al recoveries/ an oil 'rice s'i%e would have to (e (oth very large and 'ersistent )) *or at least *our)to)si3 monthsA .e*ore this year5s unrest gri''ed =unisia and Egy't/ oil 'rices in 20!0 had risen (y a(out 20 'ercentA =hat cost the & nited tates an additional N02 (illion *or oil im'orts/ an e3tra N00 (illion *or the E&5s oil im'orts/ and N20 (illion more *or Ma'anA =hat5s not 'eanuts/ (ut it was still Just ri''les *or economies o* their si+e. Saudi Ara=ia is t/e onl% ,ountr% wit/ t/e ,a.a,it% to engineer and maintain a .ri,e s.i0e su88i,ient to wre,0 real e,onomi, /avo, as it /as t/e
,a.a,it% to .revent an% ot/er oilD.rodu,ing ,ountr% 8rom tr%ing to do t/e same.

;il reserves and ;$E6 chec% the im'act o* any shoc%s Everly 2)2!D11 VSteve: sta88 writer 8or t/e Qansas 'it% Star: @'risis in Ei=%a =rings worries: =ut not a .ani,: over oil .ri,es:A /tt.?//www.0ansas,it%.,om/2*11/*2/21/2$&242 /li=%anD,risisD=ringsDoilD worries./tml6i1!!1K%=$K$)/W
-n +onda%: 8oreign oil ,om.anies .ulled em.lo%ees out o8 Ei=%a amid mi1ed re.orts a=out /ow mu,/ t/e unrest /as a88e,ted oil .rodu,tion. I8 t/ose su..lies disa..eared: t/e largest disru.tion would =e su88ered =% Euro.e: w/i,/ im.orts 4* .er,ent o8 Ei=%as oil. 7/e United States ta0es onl% F .er,ent. =he strategic oil reserves in (oth Euro'e and the &A A are more than am'le to re'lace

short)term interru'tionsA =he &A A has emergency stoc%'iles to meet t/e ,ountr%s demand 8or oil 8or 4* da%s. Also: commercial oil inventories are well a(ove normalA =he disru'tion could (e *urther reduced (y the ;rgani!ation o8 t/e $etroleum E1.orting 6ountries: w/i,/ /as more ,a.a,it% to .rodu,e oil t/an it now uses. Produ,tion ,a.a,it% is t/e a=ilit% to s/i. more oil wit/out /aving to e1.lore and drill 8or more su..lies. 7/at sur'lus ca'acity is 8A2> million (arrels a day : or a=out tri.le Ei=%as .rodu,tion. In the 'ast/ ;$E6 has used its sur'lus ca'acity when there were serious disru'tions / including when IraH invaded <uwait. #ut 8or now: Saudi Ara=ia: w/i,/ =% itsel8 /as 4* .er,ent o8 t/e worlds sur.lus .rodu,tion ,a.a,it%: doesnt =elieve intervention is ne,essar%. Even i* there are oil shoc%s/ the im'act is very small Iyaanomics 2)28D11 VKlo=al 8inan,e ,overage news servi,e: @Gow =ig is t/e 2*11 oil .ri,e s/o,0SA /tt.?//g%aanomi,s.word.ress.,om/2*11/*2/2"//owD=igDisDt/eD2*11DoilD.ri,eDs/o,0D8tD=logDgav%nDdavies/W
W/at would /a..en ne1t de.ends on several 8a,tors. +ulti.lier e88e,ts 8rom t/e initial dro. in s.ending would worsen t/e im.a,t: as would an% tig/tening in monetar% .oli,% needed to ,ontrol t/e in8lationar% e88e,ts o8 /ig/er oil .ri,es. 7/ere8ore t/e e88e,t ,ould =e larger t/an 1 .er ,ent o8 KDP. And t/e damage would vary Huite widely (etween economies . 5or e1am.le: t/e /ig/er energ% intensit% o8 emerging e,onomies means t/at a T2* .er =arrel .ri,e in,rease would ,ost t/em a=out 1.1 .er ,ent o8 KDP: ,om.ared wit/ *.4 .er ,ent in t/e develo.ed world. Among develo.ed e,onomies: t/e US would lose most 2*.(F .er ,ent o8 KDP3 w/ile Euro.ean ,ountries li0e Kerman% would =ene8it 8rom t/eir lower energ% intensit% and would t/ere8ore lose least 2*.F2 .er ,ent o8 KDP3. It is im.ortant: t/oug/: to remem=er t/at none o* these e**ects

would do much damage unless they were e3'ected to last *or Huite a long time . -t/erwise: consumers would Just di' into their savings to *inance what they e3'ected to (e tem'orary increases in energy e3'enses. 7/ere8ore the severity o* any oil 'rice shoc% should (e Judged not only (y the si+e o* the short term s'i%e in oil 'rices/ (ut also (y its duration . In t/e gra./ =elow: I measure t/e
.ossi=le si!e o8 t/e @oil s/o,0A =% ta0ing t/e annual ,/ange in t/e 12 mont/ moving average o8 t/e glo=al oil .ri,e: =ased on t/ree di88erent assum.tions o8 t/e ,ourse o8 oil .ri,es 8rom now to t/e end o8 2*11. 7/ese are? 2i3 t/e status Buo at T1** .er =arrelC 2ii3 a 8airl% .essimisti, ,ase in w/i,/ oil .ri,es rise to T12* .er =arrel and sta% t/ere all %earC and 2iii3 an o.timisti, ,ase in w/i,/ .ri,es 8all =a,0 to T4* .er =arrel: w/ere t/e% were e1.e,ted to =e =e8ore re,ent .oliti,al disru.tions. It is ,lear t/at on t/e o.timisti, ,ase: the 20!! oil shoc% would (e a very minor one / and


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


even in the middle case/ the oil shoc% would (e only o* similar magnitude to what was o(served in 200>)2002/ when the glo(al economy continued steaming ahead with a I,$ growth rate o* a(out > 'er cent. Gowever: on t/e .essimisti, ,ase: t/e T"* a =arrel annual rise in oil .ri,es: .ersisting 8or a=out a %ear: ,ould ,ut glo=al KDP growt/ =% a=out 2 .er ,ent: and t/at would =e ver% /ard 8or t/e world e,onom% to ,o.e wit/. ?ow li%ely is it that oil 'rices could rise to N!20 'er (arrel and then stay there 8or t/e =etter .art o8 a 8ull %earS In m% o.inion: this is not 'articularly li%ely unless Saudi Ara=ia e1.lodes. 7/en: as t/e% sa%: all =ets are o88.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


Your ;+one Im'acts are em'irically denied/ it5s all hy'e *ounded on *lawed evidence recorded in the E05s and the "05s Lie(erman 00 #en Eie=erman: a senior .oli,% anal%st at t/e Geritage 5oundation: Se.tem=er 1(: 2**&: Was/ington 7imes: . ln 7/e international treat% to .rote,t t/e o!one la%er turns 2* t/is %ear. #ut is t/ere reall% mu,/ reason to ,ele=rateS Environmentalists /ave made man% a.o,al%.ti, .redi,tions over t/e last several de,ades. Mirtuall% none /as ,ome to .ass. Yet ea,/ time: t/e greens and t/eir .oliti,al allies .ro,laim vi,tor%: arguing t/eir .reventive .res,ri.tions averted disaster. Su,/ is t/e ,ase wit/ t/e 1(4& +ontreal Proto,ol -n Su=stan,es 7/at De.lete 7/e -!one Ea%er 2+ontreal Proto,ol3. &he l/rid predictions of ozone depletion$ind/ced s8in cancer epidemics4 ecosystem destr/ction and others havenBt come tr/e: 8or w/i,/ +ontreal Proto,ol .ro.onents ,ongratulate t/emselves. !/t in retrospect4 the evidence sho s ozone depletion as an e0a,,erated threat in the first place. As t/e treat% .arties return to +ontreal 8or t/eir 2*t/ anniversar% meeting it s/ould =e ,ause 8or re8le,tion: not ,ele=ration: es.e,iall% 8or t/ose w/o /o.e to t/is Lsu,,ess stor%L in t/e ,onte1t o8 glo=al warming. &he treaty came a-o/t over le,itimate -/t overstated concerns that chlorofl/orocar-ons 2'5's: a t/enDwidel% used ,lass o8 re8rigerants3 and other compo/nds ere risin, to the stratosphere and destroyin, ozone molec/les. 7/ese mole,ules: ,olle,tivel% 0nown as t/e o!one la%er: s/ield t/e Eart/ 8rom e1,essive ultravioletD# radiation 2UM#3 8rom t/e sun. 7/e +ontreal Proto,olHs .rovisions were tig/tened in 1((* and again in 1((2: ,ulminating wit/ a '5' =an in most develo.ed nations =% 1(($. So w/at do we 0now nowS As far as ozone depletion is concerned4 the thinnin, of
the ozone layer that occ/rred thro/,ho/t the 1#20s apparently stopped in the early 1##0s4 too soon to credit the )ontreal 6rotocol. A 1((4 World +eteorologi,al -rgani!ation 2W+-3 re.ort said? L Since 1##14 the linear Gdo n ardH trend o-served d/rin, the 1#20s has not contin/ed4 -/t rather total col/mn ozone has -een almost constant.I Jo ever4 the same report noted that the stratospheric concentrations of the offendin, compo/nds ere still increasin, thro/,h 1##2. &his lends credence to the s8eptical vie : widel% derided at t/e time o8 t/e +ontreal Proto,ol: t/at natural variations =etter


e1.lain t/e 8lu,tuations in t/e glo=al o!one la%er. +ore im.ortantl%: t/e 8eared in,rease in ground level UM# radiation /as also 8ailed to materiali!e. Keep in mind that ozone depletion4 in and of itself4 doesnBt really harm h/man
health or the environment. It as the concern that an eroded ozone layer ill allo more of the s/nBs dama,in, CL! rays to reach the Farth that led to the )ontreal 6rotocol. !/t E)* concedes no statistically si,nificant lon,$term trends have -een detected4 notin, earlier this year that Io/tside the polar re,ions4 ozone depletion has -een relatively small4 hence4 in many places4 increases in CL d/e to this depletion are diffic/lt to separate from the increases ca/sed -y other factors4 s/ch as chan,es in clo/d and aerosol.I In short4 the impact of ozone depletion on CL! over pop/lated re,ions is so small itBs hard to detect. "eedless to say4 if CL! hasnBt ,one /p4 then the fears of increased CL!$ind/ced harm are /nfo/nded. Indeed: the m/ch$hyped acceleration in s8in cancer rates hasnBt -een doc/mented. C.S. "ational Cancer Instit/te statistics sho mali,nant melanoma incidence and mortality4 hich had -een /nder,oin, a lon,$term increase that predates ozone depletion4 has act/ally -een levelin, off d/rin, the .utative ozone crisis. 5urt/er: no ecosystem or species as ever sho n to -e serio/sly harmed -y ozone depletion. 7/is is true even in Antar,ti,a: w/ere t/e largest seasonal o!one losses: t/e soD,alled Antar,ti, o!one /ole: o,,ur annuall%. Also for,otten is a lon, list of tr/ly ridic/lo/s claims4 s/ch as the one from Al (oreBs 1((2 -oo8 LEart/ in t/e #alan,eL that4 than8s to the Antarctic ozone hole4 Ih/nters no report findin, -lind ra--itsM fisherman catch -lind salmon.I -verall: t/e +ontreal Proto,ol isnHt ma0ing t/ese =ad ,onseBuen,es

go awa% D t/e% were never o,,urring in t/e 8irst .la,e. ;+one de'letion inevita(le =IME E,&6A=I;NAL &$$LEMEN= !)!2)2008 Wit/out t/is .rote,tion: t/ere would =e little li8e on Eart/. So: o!one is 8ormed =% UM: destro%ed =% UM: and in t/e .ro,ess it .rote,ts us 8rom UM. W/at t/is means is t/at t/ere is an Lo!one =alan,eL Da state in w/i,/ o!one is =eing ,reated and destro%ed at eBual rates Dw/i,/ 0ee.s t/e o!one la%er in =eing. 7/e =alan,e is naturall% 8ragile and 8lu,tuating: and an%t/ing t/at u.sets it and in,reases t/e rate o8 o!one destru,tion is .otentiall% li8eDt/reatening D/en,e t/e worr%: sin,e t/e 1(4*s: a=out t/e e88e,t o8 t/e release into t/e atmos./ere o8 ,/loro8luoro,ar=ons 2'5's3: su,/ as t/ose used in aerosols: re8rigerators and air ,onditioners. 7/ese inter8ere wit/ t/e o!one =alan,e =% .romoting ,om.le1 ,/emi,al rea,tions t/at s.eed u. t/e =rea0down o8 o!one . 7/e .ro=lem is aggravated =%
t/e 8a,t t/at '5's were used 8or man% %ears in t/e =elie8 t/at t/e% were inert: wit/ no environmental .enalties. 7/eir ver% sta=ilit%: /owever: means t/at even a8ter t/e% /ave =een ./ased out: t/e% will remain in t/e atmos./ere 8or a long time .


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


No im'act to o3ygen4even i* every tree in the world was (urned o3ygen levels would remain high N;WA< et al 2000 2David 9. ;owa0: ProJe,t Eeader: USDA 5orest Servi,e: ;ort/ern Iesear,/ Station F +oon Ei=rar%C Io=ert Goe/n:
#iologi,al S,ien,e 7e,/ni,ian: USDA 5orest Servi,e ;ort/ern Iesear,/ Station F +oon Ei=rar%C Daniel E. 'rane: In8ormation 7e,/nolog% S.e,ialist USDA 5orest Servi,e ;ort/ern Iesear,/ Station F +oon Ei=rar%. Ar=ori,ulture \ Ur=an 5orestr%: +a%: /tt.?//**&/nrs<2**&<nowa0<**1..d83

7/e reason t/e o1%gen .rodu,tion value o8 ur=an trees is insigni8i,ant /as to do wit/ t/e large amount o8 o1%gen wit/in t/e atmos./ere 2a..ro1imatel% 21X o8 t/e atmos./eres volume is o1%gen3. As stated =% +iller 21(&(3? @We /ave a large num=er o8 serious e,ologi,al .ro=lems: =ut su88o,ation 8rom la,0 o8 o1%gen is not one o8 t/em 2#roe,0er 1(&*C S'EP 1(&*3. 7/e o1%gen ,ontent o8 t/e atmos./ere remains essentiall% ,onstant wit/ t/e o1%gen ,onsumed =% all animals: =a,teria: and res.iration .ro,esses roug/l% =alan,ed =% t/e o1%gen released =% land and sea .lants during ./otos%nt/esis. 7/e .resent atmos./eri, o1%gen ,ontent seems not to /ave ,/anged sin,e 1(1* 2S'EP 1(&*3. 5urt/ermore: =e,ause air is a=out 2* .er,ent o1%gen: t/e total su..l% is immense 2#roe,0er 1(&*3.A -ur atmos./ere /as su,/ an enormous reserve o8 o1%gen t/at even i8 all 8ossil 8uel reserves: all trees: and all organi, matter in soils were =urned: atmos./eri, o1%gen would onl% dro. a 8ew .er,ent 2#roe,0er 1(($3. Also: waters o8 t/e world are t/e main o1%gen generators o8 t/e =ios./ereC t/eir algae are estimated to,e ^(*X o8 all o1%gen used 2En,%,lo.aedia #ritanni,a 1(("3. 7/us: alt/oug/ ur=an trees do .rodu,e signi8i,ant amounts o8 o1%gen: it is not a signi8i,ant e,ologi, =ene8it given t/e glo=al nature o8 o1%gen and t/e s/eer volume o8 o1%gen in t/e atmos./ere.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


#$esticides @Endocrine disru'tors:

No im'act to endocrine disru'tors- their evidence is Just 'anic and 'u(lic hysteria : .reithau't 2008 2Golger: P/D 8rom U. D_sseldor8 Institute o8 En!%me 7e,/nolog%: E+#Ie.orts: LA ,ause wit/out a diseaseL: F?1: /tt.?//www.nature.,om/em=or/Journal/vF/n1/8ull/&"***$ ./tml3 Endo,rine disru.tors>or Hgender =endersH as t/e% are o8ten re8erred to =% t/e .u=li,>/ave =e,ome t/e 8o,us o8 environmentalists and .u=li, /ealt/ advo,ates w/o de,r% a slow .oisoning o8 /umans and t/e environment =% t/e
,/emi,al and ,onsumer goods industries. 7/e term is a rat/er =road la=el 8or su=stan,es t/at are a=le to inter8ere wit/ /ormone re,e.tors or /ormonal .at/wa%s in t/e ,ell. Endo,rine disru.tors /ave ,aused serious .u=li, ,on,ern: =e,ause t/eir intera,tion wit/ t/e /ormone s%stem ,ould .otentiall% wrea0 /avo, wit/ .renatal and earl% develo.ment and a88e,t a wide variet% o8 organs. 7/eo 'ol=orn: a resear,/er 8or t/e World Wildli8e 5und: .ainted a =lea0 .i,ture o8 t/eir e88e,ts at a 2**1 meeting o8 t/e US De.artment o8 t/e Interior? L... t/ese ,/emi,als ,an undermine t/e develo.ment o8 t/e =rain: and intelligen,e and =e/aviour: and t/e endo,rine: immune and re.rodu,tive s%stems. ... t/ere is now a growing ,olle,tion o8 studies revealing t/at some o8 t/ese ,/emi,als ,an a88e,t our ,/ildrenHs a=ilit% to learn: to so,iall% integrate: to 8end o88 disease and to re.rodu,eL 2'ol=orn: 2**13. Gowever: as

.u=li, 8ear mounted: t/e eviden,e 8or a , e.idemi, ,aused =% endo,rine disru.tors in t/e environment

remained elusive

In 8a,t: earl% o=servations on wild and la=orator% animals s/owed t/at some ,om.ounds t/at are a=le to intera,t wit/ re,e.tor mole,ules: in .arti,ular wit/ t/e oestrogen re,e.tor: e1ert e88e,ts on t/e re.rodu,tive s%stem o8 t/ese animals. 7/ese o=servations were a,,om.anied =% re.orts on t/e in,reasing in,iden,e o8 =reast and .rostate ,an,er and de,lining male 8ertilit%: and it was onl% a matter o8 time =e8ore t/e .ress too0 u. t/e issue and .arents =e,ame ,on,erned a=out t/is slow .oisoning o8 t/eir ,/ildren. Gowever: as .u=li, 8ear mounted: t/e eviden,e 8or a , e.idemi, ,aused =% endo,rine disru.tors in t/e environment remained elusive. Alt/oug/ most s,ientists now a,0nowledge t/at man% su=stan,es ,an /ave an e88e,t on t/e /uman endo,rine s%stem: more re,ent anal%sis /as s/own t/at man% o8 t/e ,laims a=out

/ealt/ e88e,ts were eit/er e3aggerated or (ased on *lawed analysis o8 o=servations. As Ste./en G. Sa8e: Pro8essor o8 Meterinar% P/%siolog% and P/arma,olog% and o8 #io,/emistr% and #io./%si,s at 7e1as A\+ Universit% 2'ollege Station: 7`: USA3 .ut it? L7/e /%.ot/esis is o0a%: =ut we don9t even have a 'ro(lem .L

Even 'ro'onents o* the theory that endocrine threatened human health have recanted their views.reithau't 2008 2Golger: P/D 8rom U. D_sseldor8 Institute o8 En!%me 7e,/nolog%: E+#Ie.orts: LA ,ause wit/out a diseaseL: F?1: /tt.?//www.nature.,om/em=or/Journal/vF/n1/8ull/&"***$ ./tml3 Ii,/ard S/ar.e: one o8 t/e original aut/ors o8 t/e endo,rine disru.tor /%.ot/esis: also a,0nowledged t/at Lt/e t/reat Vto /uman /ealt/W is minimal.L In 8a,t: a series o8 studies t/at ,losel% investigated t/e original .u=li,ations ,laiming an in,rease in =reast and .rostate ,an,er and a de,line in male 8ertilit% 8ound t/at t/is is not so. LWe now 0now t/at this is a(solutely not true:L Sa8e said a=out /ealt/ advo,ates w/o warn t/at endo,rine disru.tors ,ould ,ause a worldwide e.idemi, o8 disorders and diseases. A,,ording to Witors,/: man% o8 t/e original e'idemiological analyses were *lawed and la,0ed ,on8ounding 8a,tors. Academic researchers can5t re'roduce the su''osed human health e**ects o* endocrine disru'tors.reithau't 2008 2Golger: P/D 8rom U. D_sseldor8 Institute o8 En!%me 7e,/nolog%: E+#Ie.orts: LA ,ause wit/out a diseaseL: F?1: /tt.?//www.nature.,om/em=or/Journal/vF/n1/8ull/&"***$ ./tml3 In 1(($: 'ol=orn: toget/er wit/ s,ien,e writers Dianne Dumanos0i and 9o/n Peterson +%ers: ,om.iled t/ese o=servations into t/e =oo0 -ur Stolen 5uture and drew a straig/t line =etween t/e e88e,ts o=served in wild animals and /uman /ealt/ e88e,ts: in,luding =reast and .rostate ,an,er and de,reasing male 8ertilit% ,aused =% de,reasing s.erm ,ounts:
,r%.tor,/idism 2w/ere one or =ot/ testi,les 8ail to des,end 8rom t/e =od%3 and /%.os.adias 2de8ormation o8 t/e ./allus3. -8ten ,om.ared to Ia,/el 'arsonHs Silent S.ring: 'ol=ornHs =oo0 /ad an enormous im.a,t on .u=li, o.inion and triggered intense media ,overage a=out t/e sus.e,ted e.idemi, o8 ,an,ers and male in8ertilit%. 7/e media o=tained 8urt/er ammunition w/en 5red vom Saal and ,oDwor0ers at t/e Universit% o8 +issouri 2'olum=ia: +-: USA3 s/owed t/at =is./enol A 2#PA3: a ,ommonl% used ,om.ound 8ound in man% .lasti,s: ,aused a=normal .rostate growt/ and de,reased s.erm .rodu,tion in rats at doses 8ar lower t/an t/ose ,onsidered to =e sa8e 2;agel et al: 1((&C vom Saal et al: 1((43. Patri,ia Gunt at 'ase Western Ieserve Universit% 2'leveland: -G: USA3 o=served t/at #PA ,aused severe a=errations o8 t/e meioti, ,ell division in mouse oo,%tes in u. to "*X o8 all ,ases 2Gunt et al: 2** 3. Alt/oug/ industrial and a,ademi, resear,/ers /ave so 8ar 8ailed to re.rodu,e vom SaalHs

8indings: /is wor0 /as =e,ome t/e main argument 8or .u=li, /ealt/ advo,ates w/o see0 to =an ,/emi,als su,/ as #PA =e,ause t/e% ,an e1ert t/eir to1i, e88e,ts at e1tremel% low doses. In 8a,t: a series o8 studies t/at ,losel% investigated t/e original .u=li,ations ,laiming an in,rease in =reast and .rostate ,an,er and a de,line in male 8ertilit% 8ound t/at t/is is not so.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment



Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


Ignore their 'ollution arguments4*ear o* 'ollutant ris%s would Justi*y wi'ing out all o* humanity and 'er*ect sa*ety is im'ossi(le IM;N "2 29ulian: Io=ert G. Smit/ S,/ool o8 #usiness: Universit% o8 +ar%land: 7/e Ultimate Iesour,e II? Peo.le: +aterials: and Environment: /tt.?//www.r/smit/,ult%/Jsimon/Ultimate<Iesour,e/3 A sa8et%Dminded .erson mig/t sa%: LWit/ regard to .ollutant `: .er/a.s t/e additional ris0 t/at is indu,ed =% a larger .o.ulation is a small one. #ut would it not =e .rudent to avoid even t/is small .ossi=ilit% SL 7/is Buestion is related to t/e
issue o8 ris0 aversion dis,ussed in t/e se,tion on nu,lear energ% in ,/a.ter 1 . 7o state t/e .ro=lem in its most 8rig/tening 8orm? In an advan,ed te,/nologi,al so,iet% t/ere is alwa%s t/e .ossi=ilit% t/at a totall% new 8orm o8 .ollution will emerge and 8inis/ us


=e8ore we ,an do an%t/ing a=out it. 7/oug/ t/e in,iden,e o8 general ,atastro./es to t/e /uman ra,e /as de,reased 8rom t/e time o8 t/e
#la,0 Deat/ onwards: and t/oug/ IHd =et t/at it is not so: t/e ris0 ma% /ave =egun to in,rease in re,ent de,ades D 8rom atomi, =om=s or 8rom some un0nown =ut .ower8ul .ollution. #ut t/e .resent ris0 o8 ,atastro./e will onl% =e 0nown in t/e 8uture : wit/ /indsig/t. 7/e arguments in Part I a=out nonD8inite natural resour,es ,annot re8ute t/e .ossi=ilit% o8 some e1.losive un0nown disaster. Indeed: t/ere is no logi,al answer to t/is t/reat e1,e.t to note t/at li8e wit/ .er8e,t se,urit% is not .ossi=le D and .ro=a=l% would not =e meaning8ul. It mig/t ma0e sense to ,ontrol .o.ulation growt/ i8 t/e issue were sim.l% t/e in,reased ris0 o8 ,atastro./e due to .o.ulation growt/: and i8 onl% t/e num=er o8 deat/s mattered: rat/er t/an t/e num=er o8 /ealt/% lives lived. A 8law in t/is line o8 reasoning is revealed: /owever: =% .us/ing it to its a=surd

end.oint? -ne ma% redu,e t/e ris0 o8 .ollution ,atastro./e to !ero =% redu,ing to !ero t/e num=er o8 .ersons w/o are alive. And t/is .oli,% o=viousl% is una,,e.ta=le to all e1,e.t a 8ew. 7/ere8ore we must dig to learn /ow .ollution
oug/t to in8luen,e our views a=out .o.ulation si!e and growt/.

$ollution is overhy'ed4instinctive aversion to waste has 'revented rational assessments IM;N "2 29ulian: Io=ert G. Smit/ S,/ool o8 #usiness: Universit% o8 +ar%land: 7/e Ultimate Iesour,e II? Peo.le: +aterials: and Environment:
/tt.?//www.r/smit/,ult%/Jsimon/Ultimate<Iesour,e/3 Per/a.s t/ere is an instin,tive est/eti, rea,tion to wastes e1,rement is seen in t/e use o8 su,/ words as L,ra.L 8or an%t/ing we do not li0e. It ma% =e t/at t/is instin,t

as t/ere seems to =e to sna0es or =lood . Ievulsion to ma0es it di88i,ult 8or us to

Indeed: nowada%s was/ing dis/es .ertains mainl% to est/eti,s rat/er t/an

t/in0 a=out .ollution in a ,ool and ,al,ulating 8as/ion .

disease: t/oug/ we L8eelL t/at un,leanness is un/ealt/%.

Anot/er relevant analog% is t/at .ollution is li0e sinC none is t/e ideal amount.

#ut in 7/is

e,onomi, t/in0ing t/e ideal amount o8 .ollution is not !ero.

It is no easier to wean environmentalists 8rom t/e ideal o8 no

radiation and no tra,e o8 ,ar,inogens t/an it was to .ersuade t/e Simon 0ids t/at we s/ould sim.l% dilute t/e dirt to an a,,e.ta=le e1tent .

mindDset stands in t/e wa% o8 rational ,/oi,e on t/e .at/ to t/e redu,tion o8 .ollution . =he environment is getting cleaner4'ollution only loo%s (ad (ecause our standards are higher IM;N "2 29ulian: Io=ert G. Smit/ S,/ool o8 #usiness: Universit% o8 +ar%land: 7/e Ultimate Iesour,e II? Peo.le: +aterials: and Environment:
/tt.?//www.r/smit/,ult%/Jsimon/Ultimate<Iesour,e/3 W/at a=out more re,ent trendsS Is our environment getting dirtier or ,leanerS

S/i8ts in t/e .ollutions t/at attra,t .eo.leHs attention ,,ate t/e dis,ussion o8 trends in t/e ,leanliness o8 our environment. As we /ave ,onBuered t/e mi,roorganism .ollutions t/at were most dangerous to li8e and /ealt/ D .lague: small.o1: malaria: tu=er,ulosis: ,/olera: t%./oid: t%./us: and t/e li0e D lesser .ollutions /ave ,ome to t/e 8ore: along wit/ im.rovements in te,/ni,al ,a.a,it% to dis,ern t/e .ollutants. And some new .ollutions /ave arisen. No im'act to 'ollution4we 'anic over nothing IM;N "2 29ulian: Io=ert G. Smit/ S,/ool o8 #usiness: Universit% o8 +ar%land: 7/e Ultimate Iesour,e II?

Peo.le: +aterials: and Environment:

7/e e1traordinar% im.rovement in t/e ,leanliness o8 t/e environment ma% =e dis,erned 8rom t/e o8 .ollutants t/at Ameri,ans now worr% a=out D su=stan,es o8 so little /arm t/at it is not even 0nown w/et/er t/e% are /arm8ul at all. Alar was a notorious 8alse alarm: as was DD7 2dis,ussed in ,/a.ter 14 on 8alse environmental s,ares3. In 1((2 alarm was raised over ,ra=meat 8rom 'anada: and an,/ovies 8rom 'ali8ornia: w/i,/ su..osedl% ,ontain an a,id t/at mig/t ,ause Al!/eimerHs disease. 7/e su=stan,e in Buestion is a natural one: and /as alwa%s =een t/ere. We are onl% aware o8 it =e,ause: as t/e ;ew England Distri,t Dire,tor o8 t/e 5ood and Drug Administration said w/en ,ommenting on t/is issue: L7/ere is eBui.ment toda% t/at allows %ou to 8ind a w/ole lot o8 nast% t/ings in t/e 8ood we eatL. 7/is does not im.l% t/at t/ese su=stan,es /urt us. L7/e U.S. /as a !ero .at/ogen toleran,e.L

No im'act to solid waste4land*ills solve


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


IM;N "2 29ulian: Io=ert G. Smit/ S,/ool o8 #usiness: Universit% o8 +ar%land: 7/e Ultimate Iesour,e II? Peo.le: +aterials: and Environment: /tt.?//www.r/smit/,ult%/Jsimon/Ultimate<Iesour,e/3 F. I8 all t/e U.S. solid waste were .ut in a land8ill dug 1** %ards dee. or .iled 1** %ards /ig/ D less t/an t/e /eig/t o8 t/e land8ill on Staten Island wit/in t/e =oundaries o8 ;ew Yor0 'it% D t/e out.ut 8or t/e entire 21st ,entur% would reBuire a sBuare land8ill onl% ( miles on a side. 'om.a,tion would /alve t/e s.a,e reBuired. 'om.are t/is 41 sBuare miles to t/e .F million sBuare miles o8 U.S. territor%. 7/e area o8 t/e U.S. is a=out "*:*** times larger t/an t/e reBuired s.a,e 8or t/e waste. ;ine miles sBuare is a =it less t/an t/e
area o8 A=ilene: 7e1as: t/e 8irst ,it% in t/e al./a=eti,al list: and a =it more t/an t/e area o8 A0ron: -/io: t/e se,ond ,it% al./a=eti,all%. I8 ea,/ state /ad its own land8ill: t/e average state would reBuire onl% a=out 1.F sBuare miles to /andle its ne1t ,entur%Hs entire waste. I ,/ose t/e .eriod o8 a /undred

%ears =e,ause t/at is am.le time 8or s,ientists to develo. wa%s o8 ,om.a,ting and ,onverting t/e wastes into smaller volumes and .rodu,ts o8 ,ommer,ial value D twi,e as long as t/e time sin,e we got rid o8 /ouse/old ,oal as/.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment



It5s inevita(le A: ;+one de'letion inevita(le =IME E,&6A=I;NAL &$$LEMEN= !)!2)2008 Wit/out t/is .rote,tion: t/ere would =e little li8e on Eart/. So: o!one is 8ormed =% UM: destro%ed =% UM: and in t/e .ro,ess it .rote,ts us 8rom UM. W/at t/is means is t/at t/ere is an Lo!one =alan,eL Da state in w/i,/ o!one is =eing ,reated and destro%ed at eBual rates Dw/i,/ 0ee.s t/e o!one la%er in =eing. 7/e =alan,e is naturall% 8ragile and 8lu,tuating: and an%t/ing t/at u.sets it and in,reases t/e rate o8 o!one destru,tion is .otentiall% li8eDt/reatening D/en,e t/e worr%: sin,e t/e 1(4*s: a=out t/e e88e,t o8 t/e release into t/e atmos./ere o8 ,/loro8luoro,ar=ons 2'5's3: su,/ as t/ose used in aerosols: re8rigerators and air ,onditioners. 7/ese inter8ere wit/ t/e o!one =alan,e =% .romoting ,om.le1 ,/emi,al rea,tions t/at s.eed u. t/e =rea0down o8 o!one . 7/e .ro=lem is aggravated =%
t/e 8a,t t/at '5's were used 8or man% %ears in t/e =elie8 t/at t/e% were inert: wit/ no environmental .enalties. 7/eir ver% sta=ilit%: /owever: means t/at even a8ter t/e% /ave =een ./ased out: t/e% will remain in t/e atmos./ere 8or a long time .

.: ,estroys 'hyto'lan%ton ,E$A1=MEN= ;7 ENKI1;NMEN=AL $1;=E6=I;N 2000 2+ontgomer% 'ount% +D DEP: @Kround Eevel -!one:A
August 1 : /tt.?//www.montgomer%,,ontent/de./aB/o! As t/e stratos./eri, o!one la%er is de.leted: /ig/er UMD= levels rea,/ t/e eart/s sur8a,e. In,reased

UMD= ,an lead to more ,ases o8 s0in ,an,er: ,atara,ts: and im.aired immune s%stems. +an% o8 our essential ,ro.s: su,/ as ,orn: =arle%: /o.s: w/eat and so%=eans: ma% =e,ome damaged: de,reasing t/eir %ield. P/%to.lan0ton : a .lant in t/e o,ean: also is a88e,ted. De.letion o8 t/is im.ortant lin0 in t/e marine 8ood ,/ain ,ould redu,e t/e num=er o8 8is/ in t/e o,ean. It also ,an in,rease t/e level o8 ,ar=on dio1ide in t/e atmos./ere =e,ause ./%to.lan0ton a=sor=s ,ar=on dio1ide in t/eir 8ood and energ% ma0ing .ro,esses.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


#####Warming 7rontline

!A massive structural (arriers to international law that (loc% sharing innovations Andrews !0
VA.r 1*: /tt.?//www.t/ee,<investigations/"&&42 /,ould<o.en<sour,e<te,/nologies</el.<us<solve<,limate<,/ange./tml S/ane 7omlinson wor0s 8or t/in0Dtan0 E K: leading a .rogramme ,alled HS%stems 8or '/angeH. Ges a s.e,ialist in t/e intelle,tual .ro.ert% issues surrounding low ,ar=on te,/nolog% trans8er. Ge =elieves t/at t/ere are a num=er o8 .ra,ti,al ste.s t/at ,an =e ta0en to im.rove t/e ,urrent situation.

9=here is a need *or nations to develo' an am(itious technology *ramewor% in the &N7666 which can deliver solutions *or a glo(alised world :H /e sa%s. 9=his should *ocus on agreeing a new international technology mechanism in 6ancunO Huadru'ling 'u(lic research and develo'ment su''ort (y 2020O and resolving di**erences on I$1 in a 'ragmatic manner that rea**irms the *le3i(ilities already availa(le in international law and agrees to (oth 'rotect and share innovations.H 7o move t/e de=ate 8orward in t/e .oli,% arena: o.en sour,e must =e,ome a legall% de8ina=le term. At .resent: t/e more mature
o.en sour,e /ardware initiatives 2su,/ as -.en,ores3 are largel% 8o,used on digital te,/nologies: wit/ li,enses 2su,/ as t/e K;U Pu=li, Ei,ense3 =orrowed 8rom t/e world o8 so8tware. Some e1isting /ardware initiatives are using t/e .o.ular a'reative 'ommons set o8 li,enses: w/i,/ are o8ten used 8or so8tware: =ut are also used e1tensivel% 8or writing: ./otos and ot/er ,reative wor0s. Iiven the large num(er o* 'ro'rietary

com'onents that o*ten ma%e u' a technology/ it5s *ar *rom clear whether it would (e *easi(le to sim'ly a''ly a 6reative 6ommons license across the (oard *or low car(on technologies . 2A %evelopin, nations

ill not model the C.S. on climate chan,e

!arton =
'Bep. &oe @arton, April !3 !""I, J:hat To Ao About *lobal :arming '<int +t +snt 6ap And Trade Policy(K, @arton is ranking member of the <ouse Energy and 6ommerce 6ommittee, ' Lleading$the$newsLwhat$to$do$about$global$warming$hint$$it$isnt$cap$and$trade$policy$!""I$"/$!3.html( The irony is that when ;. . environmental policies chase companies out of America, the global environment doesnt prosper. %evelopin, co/ntries al ays s ap clean air for economic ,ro th. 6hinas coal production, for e-ample, is as e-plosive as its economic growth, and the Chinese add a #""$ megawatt coal$fired po erplant every ee8. :e also heard that decisions in China a-o/t here and hat 8ind of po er plants to -/ild are decentralized4 effectively /ncontrolled4 and we learned that less than ' percent of China+s coal$fired electricity plants are even fitted ith ordinary s/lf/r dio0ide control e./ipment. Even for the ones with 9! scrubbers, its an open ,uestion whether those with the e,uipment actually use it. Some say if America 1/st sets the e0ample4 every-ody else ill follo . !/t a real poll/tant4 s/lf/r dio0ide4 is a fine

indicator of ho ,ood$e0ample strate,y doesn+t or8 at all. America has -een scr/--in, s/lf/r dio0ide o/t of smo8estac8s for more than 20 years -eca/se it+s a real poll/tant4 -/t China still ref/ses .

D. Earmin, is a nat/ral cycle Kazan #

6asey, 5+T Team AsksF +s *lobal :arming Part of a 7atural 6ycleM. The Aaily *ala-y. httpFLLwww.dailygala-y.comLmyNweblogL!""2L"%Lis$global$warming$part$of$earths$natural$cycle$mit$team$says$yes.html

A team o8 +I7 s,ientists re,orded a nearl% simultaneous worldDwide in,rease in met/ane levels Dt/e 8irst in,rease in ten %ears. W/at =a88les t/e team is t/at t/is data ,ontradi,ts t/eories stating /umans are t/e .rimar% sour,e o8 in,rease in green/ouse gas. It ta0es a=out one 8ull %ear 8or gases generated in t/e /ig/l% industrial nort/ern /emis./ere to ,%,le t/roug/ and rea,/ t/e sout/ern /emis./ere. Sin,e all worldwide levels rose simultaneousl% t/roug/out t/e same %ear: /owever: it is

'ro(a(le that this may (e 'art o* a natural cycle ) and not the direct result o* man9s contri(utionsA
8A We5re too *ar gone ?yndman E
;atural /a!ards and disasters #% Donald G%ndman: David W. G%ndman A Koogle#oo0s.

Warming o* the atmos'here causes more eva'oration *rom the oceans/ increasing the water va'or content in the atmos'here and there(y causing still more glo(al warming an un*ortunate *eed(ac% e**ect. 7/e 8eed=a,0 asso,iated wit/ water va.or is t/oug/t to roug/l% dou=le t/e warming e88e,t 8rom t/e ,ar=on


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


dio1ide in,reases alone. Warming o* the oceans is a trend that cannot easily (e reversed warm o,eans ,ould =e ,ooled onl% i8 t/e atmos./ere a=ove t/em were signi8i,antl% ,ooler. Un8ortunatel%: t/e o,eans are su,/ a /uge /eat sin0: ,overing a=out twoDt/irds o8 t/e Eart/s sur8a,e. We ,ant easil% ,ool t/e atmos./ere enoug/ to =egin ,ooling t/e o,eans. Even with reduction in manmade 6;2

emissions/ atmos'heric amounts would not level o** *or a(out 200 years / and tem'eratures would continue to increase *or another 200 yearsA Even with no *urther manmade emissions/ it would ta%e hundreds to thousands o* years to cool our environment to levels o* a century agoA >A ?umans can ada't Lom(erg 5!0 V#Jorn: /ead o8 t/e 'o.en/agen 'onsensus 'enter: /1(: @'ars: #om=s: and 'limate '/ange:A /tt.?//www.lom=org.,om/d%n/8iles/news<news/14$D8ile/#EX2*o.DedX2*2*1*X2*+ar,/X2*12X2*'ars: X2*#om=s:X2*''..d8W
7/e% /ave a .oint. I8 we a,tuall% 8a,e: as Al Kore re,entl% .ut it: @an unimagina=le ,alamit% reBuiring largeDs,ale: .reventative measures to .rote,t /uman ,ivili!ation as we

Even the worst)case scenarios 'ro'osed (y mainstream climate scientists s,enarios t/at go 8ar =e%ond w/at t/e ,onsensus ,limate models .redi,t are not as (ad as Iore would have us (elieve. 5or e1am.le: a sea)level rise o* *ive meters more t/an eig/t times w/at t/e United ;ations Intergovernmental Panel on 'limate '/ange e1.e,ts: and more t/an twi,e w/at is .ro=a=l% ./%si,all% .ossi=le would not deluge all or even most o* man%ind. -8 ,ourse: su,/ a rise would not =e a trivial .ro=lem. It would a88e,t a=out "** million .eo.le: 8or,e t/e relo,ation o8 1F million: and im.l% ,ostl% .rote,tion o8 t/e rest. #ut it would certainly not mean the end o* the worldA Estimates show that the cost in terms o* ada'tation would (e less than !P o* glo(al I,$. In ot/er words: the 'rice o* unchec%ed glo(al warming ma% =e /ig/: =ut it is not in*inite.
0now it:A t/en no .ri,e would =e too /ig/ to .a% to sto. glo=al warming in its tra,0s. #ut are t/e sta0es reall% t/at /ig/S 7/e answer is no.

2A No ,angerous Warming ) 6limategate and 1ussian data 'rove ,eling'ole 50" V9ames: 7elegra./ writer: 12D1$: L'limategate goes SEIIAE:L 7elegra./: /tt.?//=logs.telegra./.,o.u0/news/Jamesdeling.ole/1***2*12$/,limategateDgoesDserialDnowDt/eDrussiansD ,on8irmDt/atDu0D,limateDs,ientistsDmani.ulatedDdataDtoDe1aggerateDglo=alDwarming/W 6limategate Just got mu,/: mu,/ (igger. And all t/an0s to t/e Iussians w/o: wit/ .er8e,t timing: dro..ed t/is =om=s/ell Just as t/e worlds leaders are
gat/ering in 'o.en/agen to dis,uss wa%s o8 ,ar=onDta1ing us all =a,0 to t/e dar0 ages. 5east %our e%es on t/is news release 8rom Iionovosta: via t/e Iia ;ovosti agen,%: .osted on I,e,a.. 2Gat 7i.? Ii,/ard ;ort/3 A dis,ussion o8 t/e ;ovem=er 2**( 'limati, Iesear,/ Unit eDmail /a,0ing in,ident: re8erred to =% some sour,es as @'limategate:A ,ontinues against t/e =a,0dro. o8 t/e a=ortive U; 'limate 'on8eren,e in 'o.en/agen 2'-P1F3 dis,ussing alternative agreements to,e t/e 1((& Q%oto Proto,ol t/at aimed to ,om=at glo=al warming. 7/e in,ident involved an eDmail server used =% t/e 'limati, Iesear,/ Unit 2'IU3 at t/e Universit% o8 East Anglia 2UEA3 in ;orwi,/: East England. Un0nown .ersons stole and anon%mousl% disseminated t/ousands o8 eDmails and ot/er do,uments dealing wit/ t/e glo=alDwarming issue made over t/e ,ourse o8 1 %ears. 'ontrovers% arose a8ter various allegations were made in,luding t/at climate

scientists colluded to withhold scienti*ic evidence and mani'ulated data to ma%e the case *or glo(al warming a''ear stronger than it is .
'limategate /as alread% a88e,ted Iussia. -n 7uesda%: t/e +os,owD=ased Institute o8 E,onomi, Anal%sis 2IEA3 issued a re.ort ,laiming t/at t/e Gadle% 'enter 8or 'limate '/ange =ased at t/e /eadBuarters o8 t/e #ritis/ +eteorologi,al -88i,e in E1eter 2Devon: England3 /ad .ro=a=l% tam.ered wit/ IussianD,limate data. 7/e IEA =elieves t/at 1ussian meteorological)station data did not su(stantiate the

anthro'ogenic glo(al)warming theory. Anal%sts sa% Iussian meteorologi,al stations ,over most o8 t/e ,ountr%s territor%: and t/at
t/e Gadle% 'enter /ad used data su=mitted =% onl% 2FX o8 su,/ stations in its re.orts. -ver "*X o8 Iussian territor% was not in,luded in glo=alD tem.erature ,al,ulations 8or some ot/er reasons: rat/er t/an t/e la,0 o8 meteorologi,al stations and o=servations. 7/e data o8 stations lo,ated in areas not listed in t/e Gadle% 'limate Iesear,/ Unit 7em.erature UQ 2Gad'IU73 surve% o8ten does not s/ow an% su=stantial warming in t/e late 2*t/ ,entur% and t/e earl% 21st ,entur%. 7/e Gad'IU7 data=ase in,ludes s.e,i8i, stations .roviding in,om.lete data and /ig/lig/ting t/e glo=alDwarming .ro,ess: rat/er t/an stations 8a,ilitating uninterru.ted o=servations. ;n the whole/ climatologists use the incom'lete

*indings o* meteorological stations *ar more o*ten than those 'roviding com'lete o(servations .
IEA anal%sts sa% ,limatologists use t/e data o8 stations lo,ated in large .o.ulated ,enters t/at are in8luen,ed =% t/e ur=anDwarming e88e,t more 8reBuentl% t/an t/e ,orre,t data o8 remote stations. =he scale o* glo(al warming was e3aggerated due to

tem'erature distortions *or 1ussia accounting *or !2A>P o* the world5s land mass . 7/e IEA said it was ne,essar%
to re,al,ulate all glo=alDtem.erature data in order to assess t/e s,ale o8 su,/ e1aggeration. Klo=alDtem.erature data will /ave to =e modi8ied i8 similar ,limateDdate .ro,edures /ave =een used 8rom ot/er national data =e,ause t/e ,al,ulations used =% '-P1F anal%sts: in,luding 8inan,ial ,al,ulations: are =ased on Gad'IU7 resear,/. W/at t/e Iussians are suggesting /ere: in ot/er words: is t/at


entire glo(al tem'erature record used (y the I$66 to in*orm world government 'olicy is a croc%. As Ii,/ard ;ort/ sa%s? 7/is is serial.


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E3t Q! can5t solve innovation sharing

E3tend our Andrews evidence it5s one o* their !A6 authors/ and it indicates that there are structural (arriers in international legal codes that ma%e the dissemination o* new technologies s'eci*ically those related to climate change nearly im'ossi(leA Also *rom your !A6 author licensing changes %ey you can5t access innovation sharing Andrews !0
VA.r 1*: /tt.?//www.t/ee,<investigations/"&&42 /,ould<o.en<sour,e<te,/nologies</el.<us<solve<,limate<,/ange./tml Its ver% eas% to get =ogged down in t/e details o8 s.e,i8i, .roJe,ts: or .arti,ular .oli,% ,on,erns. Indeed: some ma% de8ine the

whole &N 'rocess as a huge (og o* details and t/ere are 8ew .eo.le 8rom law%ers w/o get e1,ited a(out s'eci*ic licensing arrangements. #ut on a ma,ro level: reducing the (arriers to technology develo'ment and ado'tion is vital to ena(ling car(on reductionA ;'en source 'rinci'les could hold the %ey. And aside 8rom ,run,/ing t/e num=ers o8 ,ar=on redu,tion: on a more /uman level it could also unloc% *orces o* individual and community em'owerment currently lac%ing in the climate change de(ateA


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


E3t Q2 no one will model

E3tend our .arton evidence he5s a senior *ellow at the .roo%ings Institute ) he indicates that 6hina/ India/ and the develo'ing world dwar* the & in car(on emissionA 7urthermore/ none o* them will get on (oard with cutting emmissions they all care too much a(out develo'ment to sto' 'ollutingA India ill not c/t emissions hich ill h/rt its development &ransnational Instit/te = 3/ne =
'A worldwide fellowship of committed scholar$activists, 'httpFLLwww.tni.orgLdetailNpage.phtmlMactNidO1%2/2( ET +ndia is likely to cut a sorry figure on climate change issues during and after the *. summit at <eiligendamm in *ermany. s the world>s fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases '*<*( and one of its fastest growing economies, +ndia will come under intense pressure both from the European ;nion and the ;nited tates to cut its emissions. !/t India ill do,,edly ref/se to ma8e any time$-o/nd commitment to red/cin, them4 and stron,ly

resist le,ally -indin, caps. t press briefings on the eve of Prime 5inister 5anmohan ingh>s visit to *ermany $$ironically, on :orld Environment Aay $$ senior officials made it clear that "e %elhi stic8s to its stand that it is the developed orld hich ca/sed climate chan,e thro/,h its ind/strial activitiesM the on/s to reverse the dama,e lies on the developed co/ntries . inghsaidF C%/e care m/st -e ta8en not to allo ,ro th and development prospects in the developin, orld to -e /ndermined or constrained.C ingh emphasi4ed the Cprinciple of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities between the developed and developing worldC. his is shorthand for demanding that the ind/strialized co/ntries co/,h /p the -/l8 of the costs for reversin, climate chan,e. inghaddedF C...more and not less development is the best way for developing countries to address themselves to the issue of preserving the environment and
protecting the climate.C his means +ndia will demand special concessions for the developing countries like patent$free technology transfer in respect of Cclean energyC, and financial assistance, including venture capital funding, to make a transition towards reduced greenhouse gas emissions.C:ith such a stonewalling and negative approach, +ndia won>t emerge from the *$. meeting smelling of roses,C says <imanshu Thakkar, outh Asia coordinator of Aams, Bivers and People, which looks closely at climate change issues and which recently highlighted the contribution of IndiaBs lar,e dams to releases of methane4 a potent

,reenho/se ,as China+s C*2 emissions means sta-ilizin, atmospheric C*2 is impossi-le (CC 2
5ar 11 $., 'httpFLLwww.greencarcongress.comL!"".L"3Lnew$analysis$co.html( ET The ,ro th in China+s car-on dio0ide emissions is far o/tpacin,

previo/s estimates, ma8in, the ,oal of sta-ilizin,

atmospheric ,reenho/se ,ases m/ch more diffic/lt , according to a new analysis by economists at the ;niversity of 6alifornia, @erkeley, and ;6
an Aiego. The authors of the study, 5a-imillian Auffhammer, ;6 @erkeley assistant professor of agricultural and resource economics, and Bichard 6arson, ;6 an Aiego professor of economics, based their findings upon pollution data from 6hinas 3" provincial entities. Previous estimates, including those used by the +ntergovernmental Panel on 6limate 6hange, say the region that includes 6hina will see a !.# to #P annual increase in 69! emissions, the largest contributor to atmospheric greenhouse gases, between !""/ and !"1". The new ;6 analysis puts that annual growth rate for 6hina to at least 11P for the same time period. The study is scheduled for print publication in the 5ay issue of the &ournal of Environmental Economics and 5anagement, but is now online. The researchers most conservative forecast predicts that by !"1", there will be an increase of %"" million metric tons of carbon emissions in 6hina over the countrys levels in !""". &his ,ro th

from China alone o/ld overshado the 116 million metric tons of car-on emissions red/ctions pled,ed -y all the developed co/ntries in the 8yoto Protocol. 'The protocol was never ratified in the ;nited tates, which was the largest single emitter of carbon dio-ide until !""%, when 6hina took over that distinction, according to numerous reports.( Put another way, the pro1ected ann/al increase in China alone over the ne0t several years is ,reater than the c/rrent emissions prod/ced -y either (reat !ritain or (ermany . @ased upon these findings, the authors say current global warming forecasts are Joverly optimistic,K and that action is /r,ently needed to c/r- ,reenho/se ,as prod/ction in China and other rapidly ind/strializin, co/ntries. Auffhammer said this paper sho/ld serve as an alarm challen,in, the idely held -elief that actions ta8en -y the ealthy4 ind/strialized nations alone represent a via-le strate,y to ards the ,oal of sta-ilizin, atmospheric concentrations of car-on dio0ide . )a8in, China and other developin, co/ntries an inte,ral part of any f/t/re climate a,reement is now even more important. +t had been e-pected that the
efficiency of 6hinas power generation would continue to improve as per capita income increased, slowing down the rate of 69! emissions growth. :hat were finding instead is that the emissions ,ro th rate is s/rpassin, o/r orst e0pectations4 and that means the ,oal of sta-ilizin,

atmospheric C*2 is ,oin, to -e m/ch, much harder to achieve. No modeling *or warming

!arton =
'Bep. &oe @arton, April !3 !""I, J:hat To Ao About *lobal :arming '<int +t +snt 6ap And Trade Policy(K, @arton is ranking member of the <ouse Energy and 6ommerce 6ommittee, ' Lleading$the$newsLwhat$to$do$about$global$warming$hint$$it$isnt$cap$and$trade$policy$!""I$"/$!3.html( The irony is that when ;. . environmental policies chase companies out of America, the global environment doesnt prosper. %evelopin, co/ntries al ays s ap clean air for economic ,ro th. 6hinas coal production, for e-ample, is as e-plosive as its economic growth, and the Chinese add a #""$ megawatt coal$fired po erplant every ee8. :e also heard that decisions in China a-o/t here and hat 8ind of po er plants to


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


-/ild are decentralized4 effectively /ncontrolled4 and we learned that less than ' percent of China+s coal$fired electricity plants are even fitted ith ordinary s/lf/r dio0ide control e./ipment. Even for the ones with 9! scrubbers, its an open ,uestion whether those with the e,uipment actually use it. Some say if America 1/st sets the e0ample4 every-ody else ill follo . !/t a real poll/tant4 s/lf/r dio0ide4 is a fine indicator of ho ,ood$e0ample strate,y doesn+t or8 at all. America has -een scr/--in, s/lf/r dio0ide o/t of smo8estac8s for more than 20 years -eca/se it+s a real poll/tant4 -/t China still ref/ses .


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment


E3t QD Warming is natural cycle

E3tend Q D Warming is a natural cycle the <a+an evidence cites a study done (y MI= scientists who discovered a simultaneous increase in gasses glo(ally this dis'roves the notion that increases in greenhouse gasses are manmadeA 7urthermore/ multi'le data sets 'rove our argument is true

Kazan #
6asey, 5+T Team AsksF +s *lobal :arming Part of a 7atural 6ycleM. The Aaily *ala-y. httpFLLwww.dailygala-y.comLmyNweblogL!""2L"%Lis$global$warming$part$of$earths$natural$cycle$mit$team$says$yes.html
7/e .rimar% ,on,ern now is t/at w/ile t/e

,olle,ted data in 2**& re8le,ts a simultaneous worldDwide in,rease in emissions: /ow relevant are an% o8 t/e data 8indings at t/is late dateS -ne t/ing does seem ver% ,lear: /oweverC s,ien,e is onl% =eginning to get a 8o,us on t/e =ig .i,ture o8 glo=al warming . 5indings li0e t/ese tell us itHs too earl% to 0now 8or sure i8 manHs im.a,t is a88e,ting t/ings at Lalarming rates.L We ma% sim.l% =e going t/roug/ anot/er natural ,%,le o8 warmer and ,older times D one t/atHs =een o=served t/roug/ a s,ienti8i, anal%sis o8 t/e Eart/ to =e naturall% o,,urring 8or /undreds o8 t/ousands o8 %ears.


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

E3t Q8 =oo *ar gone

F0tend the Jyndman evidence e+re too far ,one to t/rn the tide in the armin, -attle this evidence indicates that even if ,lo-al emission rates ere c/t to zero today4 it o/ld still -e h/ndreds of tho/sands of years -efore armin, ent -ac8 to 7safe9 levels. "o c/shion left to i,,le o/t of armin, e+re too far ,one 'ratt !!

David: Iet/in0ing a @sa8e ,limateA? /ave we alread% gone too 8arS David S.ratt on t/e Eatest Gansen et Sato /tt.?//www.,limatesos,*11/*2/1&/ret/in0ingDaDsa8eD,limateD/aveDweDalread%DgoneDtooD8arDdavidDs.rattDonDt/eD latestD/

It is /ard to argue t/at an%t/ing a=ove t/e Golo,ene ma1imum 2o8 around *.F degrees a=ove t/e .reDindustrial tem.erature3 ,an .reserve a sa8e ,limate: and t/at we have already gone too *ar. 7/e notion t/at 1.F' is a sa8e target is out t/e window: and even 1 degree loo0s li0e an una,,e.ta=l% /ig/ ris0. ;ASA ,limate ,/ie8 9ames Gansen sa%s? At ,urrent tem.eratures: no @,us/ionA le8t to avoid dangerous ,limate ,/ange @] even small glo=al warming a=ove t/e level o8 t/e Golo,ene =egins to generate a warming on t/e Antar,ti, and Kreenland i,e s/eets.A We5re to *ar gone sea level changes 'rove we5re already in ra'id *eed(ac% warming 'ratt !!
David: Iet/in0ing a @sa8e ,limateA? /ave we alread% gone too 8arS David S.ratt on t/e Eatest Gansen et Sato /tt.?//www.,limatesos,*11/*2/1&/ret/in0ingDaDsa8eD,limateD/aveDweDalread%DgoneDtooD8arDdavidDs.rattDonDt/eD latestD/

toda% is .oised to e1.erien,e strong am.li8%ing .olar 8eed=a,0s in res.onse to moderate additional warming.A We are .er/a.s alread% a 8ew tent/s o8 a degree a=ove t/e Golo,ene ma1imum: and t/e s%stem seems to =e in t/e earl% stages o8 ,/ange. It is widel% e1.e,ted Ar,ti, seaDi,e will =e totall% lost in summer wit/ a 8ew %ears to a de,ade or so: .er/a.s at less t/an 1' or warming. Mer% 8ew s,ientists t/in0 Kreenland would =e sta=le in an Ar,ti, wit/ little or no summer seaDi,e: and o.inion is s.lit as to w/et/er it is .ast its .oint alread%. M$R Inevita(le can5t solve *or glo(al warming it is going to continue *or the ne3t !000 years oloman et al 200E 2Susan: ;-AA s,ientist: De,em=er1$: @Irreversi=le ,limate ,/ange due to ,ar=on dio1ide emissionsA: /tt.?//,ontent/earl%/2**(/*1/24/*412&211*$.a=stra,t3 In a rat/er startling stud%: ;ational -,eani, and Atmos./eri, Administration 2;-AA3 scientists sta8e the claim
that even if it ere possi-le to stop all poll/tants from enterin, the atmosphere from here for ard4 the dama,e ca/sed -y them is done and ill contin/e to -e done for 14000 years. Stud% aut/or Susan Solomon and /er ,olleagues .aint a

=lea0 outloo0 8or t/e 8uture i8 manmade ,limate ,/ange is true. Pu=lis/ed in Pro,eedings o8 t/e ;ational A,adem% o8 S,ien,es said t/at hile the dama,in, effects of some poll/tants s/ch as methane and nitro/s o0ide can -e
reversed in the short term4 that isn+t the case ith car-on dio0ide @C*2?. &he a/thors say that C*2 emissions are set to 7irreversi-ly chan,e the planet9 and there is 7no ,oin, -ac8.9 *ceans are c/rrently a-sor-in, m/ch of the planet+s heat as ell as the e0cess C*2 and at some point -oth the heat and C*2 ill -e released into the atmosphere . &hat process ill last for h/ndreds of years a,,ording to Solomon. 6eople have ima,ined that if e stopped emittin, car-on dio0ide that the climate o/ld ,o -ac8 to normal in 100 years or 200 years. Ehat eBre sho in, here is thatBs not ri,ht. ItBs essentially an irreversi-le chan,e that ill last for more than a tho/sand years .

,on5t (uy their try or die claims) warming is irreversi(le and we can5t contain it oloman et al 50E VSusan: ;-AA s,ientist: De,em=er 1$: @Irreversi=le ,limate ,/ange due to ,ar=on dio1ide emissionsA: /tt.?//,ontent/earl%/2**(/*1/24/*412&211*$.a=stra,tW It is sometimes imagined that slow 'rocesses such as climate changes 'ose small ris%s/ on the (asis o8 t/e assum.tion that a choice can always (e made to Huic%ly reduce emissions and 5ig. ".


Advantage Answers Warming/Environment

Illustrative irreversi=le ,limate ,/anges as a 8un,tion o8 .ea0 ,ar=on dio1ide rea,/ed. 2U..er3 #est estimate o8 e1.e,ted irreversi=le dr%Dseason .re,i.itation ,/anges 8or t/e regions s/own in 5ig. : as a 8un,tion o8 t/e .ea0 ,ar=on dio1ide ,on,entration during t/e 21st ,entur%. 7/e BuasiDeBuili=rium '-2 ,on,entrations s/own ,orres.ond to "*X remaining in t/e long term as dis,ussed in t/e te1t. 7/e .re,i.itation ,/ange .er degree is derived 8or ea,/ region as in 5ig. C see also 5ig. S . 7/e %ellow =o1 indi,ates t/e range o8 .re,i.itation ,/ange o=served during t%.i,al maJor regional droug/ts su,/ as t/e aadust =owl in ;ort/ Ameri,a 2 23. 2Eower3 'orres.onding irreversi=le glo=al warming 2=la,0 line3. Also s/own is t/e asso,iated lower limit o8 irreversi=le sea level rise 2=e,ause o8 t/ermal e1.ansion onl% =ased u.on a range o8 *.2 *.$ m/b'3: 8rom an assessment a,ross availa=le models 2F3. Smaller values 2=% *X3 8or e1.e,ted warming: .re,i.itation: and t/ermal sea level rise would =e o=tained i8 ,limate sensitivit% is smaller t/an t/e =est estimate w/ile larger values 2=% F*X3 would =e e1.e,ted 8or t/e end o8 t/e estimated li0el% range o8 ,limate sensitivit% 2"(3 t/ere=% reverse an% /arm wit/in a 8ew %ears or de,ades. We /ave s/own t/at t/is assum.tion is in,orre,t 8or ,ar=on dio1ide emissions: =e,ause o8 t/e longevit% o8 t/e atmos./eri, '-2 .ertur=ation and o,ean warming. Irreversi(le climate changes due to car(on dio3ide emissions have already ta%en 'lace/ and *uture car(on dio3ide emissions would im'ly *urther irreversi(le e**ects on the 'lanet : wit/ attendant long lega,ies 8or ,/oi,es made =% ,ontem.orar% so,iet%. Dis,ount rates used in some estimates o8 e,onomi, tradeD o88s assume t/at more e88i,ient ,limate mitigation ,an o,,ur in a 8uture ri,/er world: =ut negle,t t/e irreversi=ilit% s/own /ere. Similarl%: understanding o8 irreversi=ilit% reveals limitations in trading o8 green/ouse gases on t/e =asis o8 1**D%ear estimated ,limate ,/anges 2glo=al warming .otentials: KWPs3: =e,ause t/is metri, negle,ts ,ar=on dio1ides uniBue longDterm e88e,ts. In t/is we /ave Buanti8ied /ow so,ietal de,isions regarding ,ar=on dio1ide ,on,entrations t/at /ave alread% o,,urred or ,ould o,,ur in t/e ,oming ,entur% im.l% irreversi=le dangers relating to ,limate ,/ange 8or some illustrative .o.ulations and regions. 7/ese and ot/er dangers .ose su=stantial ,/allenges to /umanit% and nature: wit/ a magnitude t/at is dire,tl% lin0ed to t/e .ea0 level o8 ,ar=on dio1ide rea,/ed.

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