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REFLECTIVE REPORT ON MICRO TEACHING Alhamdulillah, first and forever, I would love to thank Allah for everything.

On 13 th October 2013, we have been asked to a have to resent our lesson ly our !"! 310# assessment in teaching. $herefore, we lan that we have re ared earlier for the !nglish "anguage

$eaching %ethodology for &oung "earners task. I have chosen year # to ic that was %alaysia %y 'ountry and focusing on listening and s eaking skills. I would like to challenge myself with the difficulties that I would have faced that I saw not many of us have ut this as their targets or aims. ( eaking as we know is a ma)or roblem in learning !nglish for (econd "anguage for %alays. (o here, I really liked to have the real situation of teaching !nglish at school. (o it would be easy for me to find the roblem which is to be assumed as weaknesses. $here was only one skill that I was focusing on and it went with three levels res ectively. *or the first level, it was to s eak with correct word stress. *or the second, to listen and recite oems, tongue twister and sing songs aying attention to ronunciation, rhythm and intonation. As stated on my lesson lan, we can refer the "earning outcomes and student rior knowledge, teaching aids, generic skills and moral values that have devoted in the lesson. I admit, it was my first time doing this lesson lan and I have faced many roblems and it ke t encountered again and again. %y ma)or roblem was choosing the best activity for certain stage. It was not hard to roduce the idea, but it was hard when I had to rethink whether the activity chosen is suitable for student+s level, syllabus, time and s ace and many factors that could be related in the coming lesson. (o the activities that really were available that time was limited. ,evertheless, the teaching was running smoothly and the roblems were solved by lecturer+s favours. I had to satisfy with my effort even I have not done my best and I ho e I can do better ne-t time. $he teaching rocess has really hel ed me in develo ing my skills in teaching. I have recogni.ed my strengths, weaknesses and a few im rovements to be im lemented in the future.

Strengths $he strengths of my teaching basically held on my chosen activities. As you can refer on my lesson lan sheet, I have rovided interesting event for teaching and learning activities which were chanting on set induction, listen, memorise and re eat and singing at resentation. If I 14

was the student, I would have never been bored in the class. /ids generally ortrayed with laying games, singing, having fun and easy to lose attention. $herefore, the activities were re ared to tackle those roblems from occurring in my class. %y u ils would not roaming away if my activities are more interesting than theirs. (o, the strength that I would like to highlight here is the activities that I have lanned were good enough to attract u ils+ attention to stay focus in learning. 0(tudent might not only choose what to study, but what and why that to ic might be interesting one to study1 23ogers 14445

0Any fun activity which gives young learners the o

ortunity to ractice the foreign language

in a rela-ed and en)oyable way1 2%artin 14465 $he fact that I have decided to use all those activities was reasonable. I thought analytically in choosing activities for every stage in ste s. It is because, the activity chosen lays im ortant role in making my u ils understand and to ensure the learning outcomes could be achieved at the end of the lesson so that the lesson would not waste time. 7ere is another challenge emerged as I have stated earlier. $he activity must be knowledgeable, and suitable for syllabus. $herefore, here I had to use my creativity and twist my brain to ada t the lesson into games and attractive activities. 8hat I was looking for was meaningful learning. If my interactive activities stood alone without any benefit, I should not teach !nglish in school. 9ut here, I have managed to make my focused skill. At the induction stage, I have well ronunciation. $hey were arroting me u ils understood about the lanned the activity with teaching aids erfectly. 8o.niak once said:

usage. $he way I taught also involved re etition which I asked my u ils to re eat after my 0!ffective learning must be based on re etition1 2;r. <iotr 8o.niak 144=5 7ere my goals were listening and ronouncing the words given correctly. ;es ite the timing was a little bit off, but they ronounced them well. $he ne-t strength of mine is the usage of interactive teaching aids and materials. I have used slideshows and sounds for my activities. $he materials I used were suitable with the activities e-ecuted. All the materials and aids were built in good looking way and fascinating. I knew children well. $hey love bright colours as we can find it on television cartoons and animations. 3egarding to several resources, colours lay im ortant role in studying, words. (o, they were lucky to have the aids. 0'hildren remembered colour cues better than verbal cues1 2>uontella 14445 I also have acted nice in front of my mock u ils. Acting as a nice teacher, I raised them, gave them thumb u u ils seemed ha a and resent to encourage them in learning. As a result, the y and motivated. It is called ositive reinforcement. 3eal children would

reciate their teacher+s gift even it is not big enough to be announced. It means, if a 15

teacher gives their student some resent, it will surely motivates them to be good in front of the teacher. 0$he way ositive reinforcement is carried out is more im ortant than the amount. 0 29. *. (kinner5. 7ence, raising and giving a resent are one of best method to motivate and control our u ils and classroom.

Weaknesses $here were lots of weaknesses that I immediately reali.ed after I have done micro teaching. !ven though the activities that have been re ared were interesting for kids, I have forgotten one im ortant main oint. If I was the u il, I was a boy. $herefore, there are certain activities lanned were sort of boy game such as wheel of verbs and game of %eanwhile there were certain activities that seemed only girls involved. 8hat am I saying is, the class involvement has not fully ha would like to a ened. 9y that, the essence of moral values that I ly to them not really worked. (inging would be one of the best activities I

can include in my lesson. According to a scholar: 0It is an activity that may be en)oyable irres ective of age, gender, culture, ethnically or religion1. 27ughes 200?5 $he ne-t weakness is on me. 8hile the teaching e-ecuted, I totally forgot about the time division of the each stages. It ha first time a ened maybe because I was nervous by the time I entered the micro teaching class. I have never taught !nglish before and it was my really lying the method taught. I have s ent a lot of time for induction set and I have taken a lot of times to think and recall the ste s in the lesson re ared. $herefore, the ga s between the ste s looked dull and I was @uite an-ious at those times.

Improvement *or the very first roblem, the boys and the girls did not coo erate nicely during activities. $his means the class involvement was weak. $hey were not coo erating to each other as I had lanned. As a roblem solver, I have to think advance. $he activities should not have been racial and gender bias. I should have re ared activities that would attract boys and girls to coo erate between each other. $he team work between girls and boys would roduce e-cellent results. $he information shared would bring benefit to each other. (o, my oint here is, I should have been more careful in choosing the best activity to avoid gender bias. Or maybe I could have combined those activities so the boys and girls could lay and learn together. *or the second roblem, I was so nervous that I have taken lots of times to calm down and recall the ste s in my teaching rocess. I su ose this ha ened because I have re ared the materials )ust a day before the event occurred. $herefore, I was not well 16

re ared even thought I have done the re aration before the teaching. $echnically, I was not familiar with my aids and materials. $herefore, the answer to my roblem is of course to re are the materials earlier so that I can muster the aids that I built. I should have been better re ared than my usual re aration. $hat is what a trainee teacher does after all.

Ezzah Syahirah Ramli 6 PISMP Science


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