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Unit 3 The digestive and respiratory systems

Language structures Defining relative clauses with which: The pancreas is a gland which produces hormones ... Formation of adjectives from nouns: circulation - circulatroy , digestion - digestive Comparatives: The air in the alveoli has a higher concentration of oxygen and lower concentration of carbon dioxide than the blood Adverbs of place: The diaphragm moves down. The ribs move up Vocabulary page 38 to get: para obter deliver: trasportar

process: procesar expel: expulsar

perform: fan, executan released: liberado/s

page 39 oral cavity: cavidade bucal pharinx: farinxe passage: conducto carry/carries: trasporta throat: garganta hollow: oco ("hueco") oesophagus: esfago SMALL intestine: intestino DELGADO LARGE intestine: intestino GROSO digestive tract: tracto ou tubo dixestivo, ( sometimes tract is a system, apparatus is not used like our "aparato dixestivo", generally speaking) lower: parte baixa anus: ano gland: glndula secrete: secreta/n pancreatic juice: xugo ou zume pancretico aid: axuda gall bladder: vexiga da bile ( "bilis") ou fel appendix: apndice rectum: recto anus: ano pancreas: pancreas stomach: estmago liver: fgado diaphragm: diafragma oesophagus: esfago mouth: boca salivary glands: glndulas salivares nose: nariz page 40 enzyme: enzima insalivation: mesturar con saliva mastication: masticacin tongue: lngua, msculo da boca taste bud: botn gustativo undergo/es: levar a cabo reach/es: chega swallo/wing: tragar/tragando start/s: comeza amylase: enzima que rompe o amidn en glcidos mis pequenos pass down: baixar parotid, submandibular and sublingual: 3 pares de glndulas salivares: partidas, submaxilares e sublinguais page 41 ground and crushed: molida e desmenuzada turned into: transformada teeth: irregulr plural of tooth enamel: esmalte tear: desgarrar grind and crush: moler e aplastar fall out: caen replaced: reemplazados incisor, canine, premolar and molar: incisivos, caninos, premolares e molares ground up: moi molida e desmenuzada food bolus: bolo alimentcio page 42 involuntary: actos involuntarios, sen a intervencin da vontade peristalsis: movementos de avances no tubo dixestivo, gracias msculo involuntario da parede( disposto en 2 capas) swallowing: tragando bolus: bolo alimentcio, producido masticar lead/s: conduce involves: comprende push: empuxar palate: paladar squeezing: exprimiendo larynx: larinxe middle ear: oido medio prevent/s: impide suffocation: atragantarse page 44 pylorus: ploro, orificio de sada no estmago valve: vlvula cardia: cardias, orificio de entrada no estmago chyme: quimo, bolo alimentcio no estmago pepsin: pepsina, enzima estomacal que rompe as protenas hydrochloric acid: cido clorhdrico bile: bile, producida poo fgado e que facilita a dixestin das grasas no duodeno emulsify:emulsionar, mestura de pequenas gotas de grasa en auga crescent-shaped: en forma de media la fluid: fludo, lquido activates: activa mucus: mucus, polisacrido protector dos epitelios acidic: cido, con pH < 7 gastric juice: zume ou xugo gstrico smell: ulir

small intestine: intestin odelgado ileocaecal valve: vlvula ileocecal, que separa os 2 intestinos duodenum: duodeno, en forma de asa de bastn, o lugar principal da dixestin, nel verten: fgado e vescula biliar, e pncreas, xuntos e na ampolla de Vater ( ampulla de Vater) jejunum: xexuno ( "yeyuno" en castellano ), moi longo e pregado ileum: o final, xunto xa do intestino groso liver: fgado top-right: arriba dereita reddishbrown: de cor entre o encarnado e o marrn processes: procesos stored: almacenada emulsifying: emulsionantes, que mesturan grasas e auga nunha suspensin ( non unha verdadeira mestura, por exemplo unha maionesa ) page 45 greyish- white: de tonos gris claro glandular: glandular, que elabora sustancias e as vota fora underneath: debaixo insulin and glucagon: insulina e glucaxn amount: cantidade secretes: secreta, elabora e vota fora trypsin: enzima que rompe as protenas en aa. sodium bicarbonate: bicarbonato sdico nutralises: neutraliza digestive tract: tubo ou tracto dixestivo in addition to: ademais de chyle: quilo, o lquido da comida xa dixerida no duodeno page 46 absorption: absorcin, proceso de paso dos nutrientes sinxelos cara sangue e a linfa capillary: capilares, vasos moi finos qu estn en tdolos tecidos, mandan os nutrientes s clulas e recollen os refugallos symbiotic: vivindo xuntos nunha relacin beneficiosa par a todos defaecation: accin de defecar bloodstream: torrente circulatorio sanguneo absorption: absorcin dos nutrientes no intestino e cara o sangue villi and microvilli: pregues da parede intestinal e das clulas epiteliais do intestino delgado, aumentan a superficie de absorcin moito para que a absorcin de nutrientes sexa mis rpida one million (In British English, a billion used to be equivalent to a million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000), while in American English it has always equated to a thousand million (i.e. 1,000,000,000). British English has now adopted the American figure, though, so that a billion equals a thousand million in both varieties of English.: Oxford Dictionary) large intestine:( intestino groso ): caecum: cego ; colon : colon ; and rectum : recto page 48 cellular respiration: reaccins qumicas do metabolismo que liberan enerxa na clula waste: lixo, producto de desfeita collected: recollido airways: conductos de ventilacin nasal cavity: cavidade nasal pharynx: farinxe larynx: larinxe trachea: traquea bronchi: bronquios bronchioles: bronquiolos lungs: pulmns exchanged: intercambiados page 49 moist: hmido reaches: chega passage: paso nasal cavity: cavidade nasal nostrils: orificios nasais warm up: quenta (suavemente) fleshy folds: pregues carnosos mucosae: mucosa, pel fina e hmida moisten: humedece shared: compartido moves down: mvese cara abaixo tonsils: amigdalas epiglottis: epiglotis, membrana que se levanta respirar e que baixa para tapar a trquea tragar rings: anelos vocal cords. cordas vocais trap: atrapa pleurae: pleuras, membranas protectoras dos pulmns con lquido pelural no medio Unit 3. the digestive and respiratory systems. You have to do the following questions in your exercise book: page 38: 1 page 42: 3 and 4 page 43: 5 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 13 - 15- page 45: 19 page 46: 20 and 21 page 47 : 23 - 26 - 27 - 29 page 50 : 32 page 51 : 33 - 36 - 39 page 53 : 42 - 43 - 44 -

Read pages 38-46 in the book, and then label the following figures: fig1: rectum - appendix - large itestine - colon - small intestine - cardia - salivary glands & mouth - liver - colon - oesophagus stomach samll intestine fig 2: incisors - canine - premolars - molars (twice) fig 4: epitheliar cells - veins - vessels - blood

capillary - lymphatic capillary . This fig 3 shows ____________________________ fig 5 shows __________________________________

fig 4: starch - villi cells - glucose. The



Match the phases of swallowing/ action types and numbers (fig 3): chewing ____ involuntary ______ swallowing reflex ____ voluntary _______ transporting the bolus ____ esophageal phase _____ peristalsis ______


fig5 fig4

How do we digest our food? Read the following paragraphs describing digestion of a sandwhich and underline the right word: A ham sandwhich contains cholesterol / starch (bread), glucose / fats (butter) and proteins / water (ham) In the mouth. First, we take the sandwhich into the mouth where is ingested/ digested ; then we bite off pieces of the sandwhich with the back /front teeth, and chew them with our back teeth. At the same time, our mouth becomes filled with saliva/ bile produced by 3 pairs of salivary glands. Saliva

contains water and amylase, an enzyme that joins / breaks down bread starch into maltose ( a disacharide), and also contains a bactirized substance. When we swallow, the food is pushed down/up our throat into our gullet by the swallowing reflex / voluntary and peristalsis, a gut wall involuntary contraction. In the stomach. The gastric glands produce the saliva / gastric juice, that contains an enzyme called pepsin. Pepsin breaks ham proteins into smaller glucose / polypeptides . Pepsin is active at acid pH only. Gastric glands also produce large amounts of hydrochloric acid that decrease/ increase stomach pH and also kills food nutrients / germs . The food spends three or four hours in the stomach /mouth. Every now and again the stomach wall churns the food up and the result is a mushy acid liquid called quimo / quilo . When quimo is ready ( proteins digested and food liquified) the cardias / pyloric sphincter (a ring of muscle) opens and food goes into the colon / duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. In the intestine. Despite its name the small intestine is the shortest / longest part of the gut and may be over six metres in length. Here the digestion of the ham, butter (it has not started yet), and bread are completed, and the soluble products are absorbed into the blood. The small intestine receives fluids from three different places: The liver produces the saliva / bile. The bile is stored in the gall bladder and after a meal, it is released bit by bit into the duodenum. Bile helps emulsifying proteins / fats . The pancreas produces the pancreatic / orange juice, that flows down into the duodenum. It contains three important enzymes: Amylase breaks down bread starch (bread) into aminoacids /glucose, continuing the process which has begun by saliva in the mouth cavity. Trypsin breaks down fat / protein (ham) into polypeptides, as pepsin does in the stomach Lipase breaks butter down into smaller molecules. This completes the digestion of fat. The action of lipase is made easier by the fact that the fat has already been broken up into droplets by the quimo / bile. Intestinal glands. These glands are situated in the wall of the intestine itself. They produce similar enzymes as the pancreas and finish the digestion. Intestinal juices are alkaline, taking the pH up / down. The sandwhich is now digested and dissolved into big / small molecules: glucose, fatty acids and aminoacids, and also water, minerals and vitamins, that are aborbed into the thousands of finger-like projections called villi / velo , that increase the intestinal surface a lot. Each villi is covered with tiny 'hairs' called microvilli that decrease / increase the surface area even more. Within the villi there are numerous blood and lymph capillaries / pillars for taking up the absorbed food. Glucose and aminoacids go through towards blood, fatty acids go into the lymph, and water minerals and vitamins go to both. Fill in the following table: where it comes from salivary glands stomach wall pancreas and intestinal glands where it works enzyme amylase bile salts (not enzymes) amylase trypsin lipase food acted on substances produced maltose polypeptides fat droplets glucose aa fatty acids

small intestine

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