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The Program and its Applications

Part II
by Ari Cohen

Tutorial 1 Continued: The Modeling the Settlement of a Circular Footing on Sand

12. General Calculations

Default Calculation Interface

12. General Calculations cont.

Phases can be named for clarification

*see section 4.4.1&2 of the PLAXIS reference manual for info on calculation types and phase insertion

13. Calculation Parameters

Accept default values for control parameters and iterative procedure

*see section 4.4.3-8 of the PLAXIS reference manual for load stepping applications

For Loading input accept default and select Define

14. Calculation Multipliers

Apply a displacement factor of 0.1 to the prescribed displacement

*see section 4.6 of the PLAXIS reference manual for info on Multipliers &

15. Select points for curves

Now one is ready to calculate phases, but first select points for curve generation later

This window appears (Output interface) asking one to select points at node locations

16. Verifying Ultimate State

Note the the Note prescribed ultimate ultimate prescribed state state has has been been reached fully reached fully and and proceed to the proceed to the output output

A successful calculation is noted by a green check mark, while a red x implies an error was encountered

17. Checking Reached Values

Moving back to the Multipliers tab, select Reached Values to view corresponding Fy

Fy corresponds to 1 radian of the axisymmetric footing. For total force multiply by 2p

What's to come?
1. Output & Curve Interface Modeling a loaded flexible plate vs. a prescribed displacement

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