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organlc lnorganlc elecLrolyLes nonelecLrolyLe elecLrolyLe balance sugars
monosaccharldes dlsaccharldes polysaccharldes glycogen llplds faLs LrlsLearln
faLLy aclds glycerol saLuraLed faLLy acld unsaLuraLed faLLy aclds monounsaLuraLed faLLy
aclds polyunsaLuraLed faLLy aclds Lrlglycerlde saLuraLed faLs unsaLuraLed faLs
phosphollpld sLerold proLeln enzymes amlno aclds slde chaln conformaLlons
prlmary sLrucLure secondary sLrucLure LerLlary sLrucLure denaLure
quaLernary sLrucLure nuclelc acld nucleoLldes 8nA unA meLabollsm anabollsm
caLabollsm dehydraLlon synLhesls pepLlde bond dlpepLlde polypepLlde hydrolysls
dlssolve acLlvaLlon energy subsLraLe acLlve slLes enzyme-subsLraLe complex producL
meLabollc paLhway llpase proLease amylase sucrose malLase lacLase raLe
llmlLlng enzyme cofacLor conenzyme vlLamln
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1. Compare and conLrasL Lhe four macromolecules: carbohydraLes, llplds, proLelns, nuclelc
2. uescrlbe Lhe sLrucLure and funcLlon of each macromolecule, and glve examples of each
ln Lhe body
3. ulfferenLlaLe Lypes of carbohydraLes (le monosaccharlde, dlsaccharlde), Lypes of llplds
(le faLs, phosphollplds) , proLeln sLrucLures (le prlmary, secondary), and Lypes of nuclelc
aclds (le 8nA, unA)
4. ueflne meLabollsm
3. Compare and conLrasL anabollsm and caLabollsm
6. Compare and conLrasL dehydrLaLlon synLhesls and hydrolysls
7. uescrlbe enzymes as blologlcal caLalysLs
8. uescrlbe enzyme acLlon (enzyme-subsLraLe complex, enzyme speclflclLy, denaLurlng,
lnhlblLlon (compeLlLlve and non compeLlLlve))
Macromolecules (blg" molecules) are comprlsed of monomers (repeaLlng unlLs)
CarbohydraLes are also referred Lo as sugars
CarbohydraLes and llplds are excellenL sources of energy
Lnzymes are proLelns, and acL as blologlcal caLalysLs, speedlng up chemlcal reacLlons by
lowerlng acLlvaLlon energy
roLelns are assembled wlLh speclflc comblnaLlons of 20 amlno aclds
nuclelc aclds sLore lnformaLlon
Anabollc paLhways consLrucL, caLabollc paLhways desLrucL
SubsLraLe + Lnzyme ! Lnzyme-SubsLraLe Complex ! roducL + Lnzyme

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