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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ORLANDO DIVISION Plaintiffs Name Goes here Plaintiff -vYour name Defendant(s) COMPLAINT Plaintiff, Your name, individuall , here! sues Defendant(s), """""""""""" and """""""""""""""" for violations of the #ele$hone Consumer Prote%tion A%t (#CPA) Se%& ''(&, )( *SC + ''((!)(,), )( *SC + ''((a) (iii)&

CASE# Goes here

PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ,& #his is an a%tion for dama-es and in.un%tive relief !rou-ht ! Plaintiff a-ainst Defendants for violations of the #ele$hone Consumer Prote%tion A%t (#CPA) Se%& ''(&, )( *SC + ''((!)(,), )( *SC + ''((a) (iii)& '& *$on !elief and information, Plaintiff %ontends that man of these $ra%ti%es are /ides$read for some or all of the Defendants& Plaintiff intends to $ro$ound dis%over to Defendants identif in- these other individuals /ho have suffered similar violations& 0& Plaintiff %ontends that the Colle%tion Com$an Defendant have violated su%h la/s ! re$eatedl harassin- Plaintiff in attem$ts to %olle%t alle-ed !ut none1istent de!t&

JURISDICTION AND VENUE )& 2urisdi%tion of this Court arises under ,3 *&S&C& +,45,$, )( *&S&C& +''((!)(0), ,3 *&S&C& +,46'7(d), 8la& Stat& +)(&93,, and su$$lemental .urisdi%tion e1ists for the state la/ %laims $ursuant to '5 *&S&C& +,04(& 3& :enue is $ro$er $ursuant to '5 *&S&C& +,06,! and 8la& Stat& +336&((& :enue in this Distri%t is $ro$er in that the Plaintiff resides here, the Defendants transa%t !usiness here, and the %ondu%t %om$lained of o%%urred here& 4& #his is an a%tion for dama-es /hi%h e1%eed ;,3,999&99& PARTIES (& Plaintiff, Your name, is a natural $erson and is a resident of the State of Your State& 5& *$on information and !elief Defendant, """""""""""""""""""""(<"""""""=) is a forei-n %or$oration, authori>ed to do !usiness in 8lorida& 6& *$on information and !elief Defendant, """""""""" (<""""""""""=) is a 8lorida %or$oration, authori>ed to do !usiness in 8lorida&

FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS ,9& 8rom 2ul 0, thru Se$tem!er ,0, '9,9, """"""" violated the #CPA ! leavin- '9 re%orded messa-es usin- automati% tele$hone dialin- s stem or artifi%ial or $rere%orded voi%es on Plaintiffs %ell $hone& ,,& 8rom 2ul 0, thru Se$tem!er ,0, '9,9, """"""" violated the #CPA ! %allinPlaintiffs %ell $hone '9 times /ith no $rior $ermission -iven ! Plaintiff& ,0& ?n 2ul 0, and Au-ust ,, '9,9 the Plaintiff """""""""" violated the #CPA ! leavin- re%orded messa-es on Plaintiffs %ell $hone /ithout e1$ress $ermission&

COUNT I VIOLATIONS OF THE TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS ACT47 U.S.C. 227 ,)& Plaintiff alle-es and in%or$orates the information in $ara-ra$hs , throu-h ,0& ,3& Defendant """"""" has demonstrated /illful or 7no/in- non-%om$lian%e /ith )( *&S&C& +''((!)(,)(A) ! usin- an automati% tele$hone dialin- s stem to %all the Plaintiffs num!er, /hi%h is assi-ned to a %ellular tele$hone servi%e& ,4& Defendant """"""" has %ommitted '9 se$arate violations of )( *&S&C& +''((!)(,) (A) and Plaintiff is entitled to dama-es of ;,399 $er violation $ursuant to )( *&S&C& +''((!)(0) (@)& ,(& Defendant """"""" has demonstrated /illful or 7no/in- non-%om$lian%e /ith )( *&S&C& +''((!)(,)(A) #he last '9 %alls are su!.e%t to tre!le dama-es $ursuant to )( *&S&C& +''((!)(0) as the /ere intentional& Plaintiff s$o7e /ith """"""" t/i%e after sendin- and """"""" re%eivin- the Antent to Sue Better and """"""" assured Plaintiff that the %alls /ould sto$& Sin%e then """"""" refuses and %ontinues to violate )( *&S&C& An unintentional %all %arries a dama-e amount of ;399C an intentional %all %arries a dama-e amount of ;,,399 $er violation& ,5& Defendant """""""""" has demonstrated /illful or 7no/in- non-%om$lian%e /ith )( *&S&C& +''((!)(,)(A) ! %allin- the Plaintiffs num!er, /hi%h is assi-ned to a %ellular tele$hone servi%e& #he Plaintiff has never -iven """""""""" $ermission to %all Plaintiffs %ell $hone& Plaintiff is entitled to dama-es of ;,399 $er violation $ursuant to )( *&S&C& +''((!)(0)(@)& Plaintiff and """""""""" do not have an esta!lished !usiness relationshi$ /ithin the meanin- of )( *&S&C& +''(&

,6& Defendant """"""" has demonstrated /illful or 7no/in- non-%om$lian%e /ith )( *&S&C& +''((!)(,)(A) ! %ontinuin- to %all Plaintiff ) times after re%eivin- the intent to sue letter and after hearin- the re%ordin-s /ith total disre-ard and in violation of )( *&S&C& +''(& WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands .ud-ment for dama-es a-ainst """"""", and """""""""" for a%tual or statutor dama-es, and $unitive dama-es, attorne Ds fees and %osts, $ursuant to 8la& Stat& +336&((& COUNT II VIOLATION OF FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT (FDCPA), ! U.S.C. "#2 BY DEFENDANTS $$$$$$$ AND $$$$$$$$$$ '9& Plaintiff alle-es and in%or$orates the information in $ara-ra$hs , throu-h ,6& ',& """"""" $la%ed no less than '9 tele$hone %alls to the Plaintiffs %ellular tele$hone after re%ei$t of Plaintiffs letter to %ease and desist& Defendant 7ne/ or should have 7no/n that the $hone %alls made /ere in%onvenient to the %onsumer& Su%h %ommuni%ations are $rohi!ited ! ,3 *&S&C& + ,46'%(a)(,)& Defendant demands ;,999& ''& """"""" $la%ed no less than '9 tele$hone %alls to the Plaintiffs %ellular tele$hone after re%eivin- /ritten noti%e from the Plaintiff to %ease %ommuni%ations& Pursuant to ,3 *&S&C& + ,46'%(%), if su%h noti%e from the %onsumer is made ! mail, notifi%ation shall !e %om$lete u$on re%ei$t& #his %learl demonstrates /illful violation of *&S&C& +,46'%& Defendant demands ;,999& '0& Defendants """"""" and """""""""" %ontinued %olle%tion a%tivit after re%eivinnoti%e of dis$ute, and failed to $rovide /ritten validation of de!t !efore resumin- %olle%tion a%tivities, in violation of ,3 *&S&C&+,46'-(!)& Defendant demands ;'999&

')& Defendants """""""""" violated +,46'e (,9) ! the use of an false re$resentation or de%e$tive means to %olle%t or attem$t to %olle%t an de!t or to o!tain information %on%ernin- a %onsumer& Plaintiff demands .ud-ment in the amount of ;,999& WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands .ud-ment for dama-es a-ainst """"""", and """""""""" for a%tual or statutor dama-es, and $unitive dama-es, attorne Ds fees and %osts, $ursuant to 8la& Stat& +336&((& F%&' ()*+ ,-.-/ .0- -1.- .223%/, COUNT III VIOLATION OF FLORIDA CONSUMER COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT (FCCPA), FLA. STAT. !!#(P.+- VI) BY DEFENDANTS $$$$$$$$$$ AND $$$$$$$ '3& Plaintiff alle-es and in%or$orates the information in $ara-ra$hs , throu-h ')& '4& Plaintiff is a %onsumer /ithin the meanin- of +336&33(')& '(& """"""" and """""""""" are de!t %olle%tors /ithin the meanin- of +336&33(4)& '5& """"""" violated +336&('(() ! /illfull %ommuni%atin- /ith Plaintiff /ith su%h freEuen% as %ould reasona!l !e e1$e%ted to harass Plaintiff& '6& """""""""" violated +336&('(() ! /illfull %ommuni%atin- /ith Plaintiff /ith su%h freEuen% as %ould reasona!l !e e1$e%ted to harass Plaintiff& Defendant demands ;,999& 09& """""""""" violated +336&('(6) ! %laimin-, attem$tin- or threatenin- to enfor%e a de!t /hen su%h $ersons 7ne/ that the de!t /as not le-itimate& Defendant demands ;,999& 0,& """""""""" violated +336&('(,3) ! refusin- to $rovide adeEuate identifi%ation of herself or himself or her or his em$lo er or other entit /hom she or he re$resents /hen reEuested to do so ! a de!tor from /hom she or he is %olle%tin- or attem$tin- to %olle%t a %onsumer de!t& Defendant demands ;,999&

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands .ud-ment for dama-es a-ainst """"""" and """""""""" for a%tual or statutor dama-es, and $unitive dama-es, attorne Ds fees and %osts, $ursuant to 8la& Stat& +336&((&

DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiff here! demands a trial ! .ur of all issues so tria!le as a matter of la/& Fes$e%tfull su!mitted this """"" of """"""", '9,, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Your name Your Address Your Phone Your email

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