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Four Reasons Why Puerto Rico Can Never Be Independent!


Four Reasons Why Puerto Rico Can Never Be Independent! Growing up in a Puerto Rican household the talk about Puerto Rico becoming independent was a fiery topic to talk about. You see in my family we are split up when it comes to PR becoming independent. In my family we have those who want independence and want nothing to do with the US. Then there are those who want PR to become a US state. For me I fall into the Loyalist section i believe that PR should become a state and not independent. Reasons being of why i feel that way is because PR has been under the US flag for so long that we consider ourselves more American than Puerto Rican. I know that by me saying this might churn up some hateful comments but it is what i see. There was a time when Spain ran things on the island for many years but after a while Puerto Ricans grew tired of being treated unfairly and so began the process of kicking the Spanish out of the island. Much like in other Latin countries where they too grew tired and angry of the Spanish since they held much of the wealth of those Latin countries. The Spanish American war came and the Americans were able to finally kick out the Spanish from PR. Unfortunately for the Puerto Ricans the Americans decided to stay and adopted PR as a Common Wealth rather than its own independent country. Spanish American Wart has been that way ever since! Being a Common Wealth came with some privileges like becoming instant American citizens if we were born on the island as well as granted the right to use US Government programs etc. The problem is that i feel Puerto Ricans have lost their identity while being under the flag of protection of the US. We have grown dependent on the US and have forgotten how to be our own country. When i bring that little statement up i might as well start running really fast before they lynch me. These people talk about independence like if its a really easy thing to set up! In reality i have seen and read about many countries who all of a sudden become independent and are not ready. Usually the country goes into turmoil civil war breaks out the economy goes to shit etc. Gaining independence takes planning and preparation and with this it takes time. Which is why i will list my Four Reasons Why Puerto Rico Can Never Be Independent Im not an expert in politics nor in economics although i like to read blogs about them Im no expert. So i will list my reasons and then explain them as best as i can so that you can understand what Im talking about. You cannot gain independence of nay country if you do not have these Four Reasons

Lets begin: Reason 1: Type of Government: Before Puerto Rico can become an independent country of its own they will need to work out what type of Government they will support. Now mind you setting up a Government is not an easy feat as like in any Government you will need people to run it and of course as people we have our own varying views of what and how a country should be run. The system can be either Democratic, Socialist, Communist or even Dictatorial it does not matter any type of new government will take time to be instituted in the way the people want. If you do not take the time to figure out and set up the government before you become independent two things will immediately happen! 1. The countrys economy will spiral to the bottom and Civil War will break out 2. The government that is already there will become extremely weak because they did not plan how the gov will be run so more than likely it will be toppled either by another country or by a strongman. It is important that before we gain independence that we have our government and systems in place which will continue operating normally once independence comes. Reason 2: The Economy: Now that we have a Government in place now we will need to check on the Economy of the island. What type of economy will we have once the US pulls all of their support? That means that the majority of US corporations who are on the island will leave as well since they will see no benefit in staying. This means very high unemployment as well as a large influx of people leaving Puerto Rico and coming back tot he US. Whether we want to admit it or not all countries need to have some type of economy that can produce products in exchange for money or other goods. Like I said Im no expert but if i were in this situation i would have professional economics come and help set us up before we become independent. This means no US support or any other countries support because once you do that you will no longer be independent. Without a form of economy Puerto Rico will lose their comfortable lifestyle they are living now and drop to third world status like Haiti. Puerto Ricans will need to figure out what resources does the island have other than tourism. What opportunities will be available to those international corporations that choose to stay or would like to invest in Puerto Rico. Will it become a tax haven like the Bahamas or will it be like Switzerland and have their own bank secrecy laws. I know i know it is a lot to think about but it needs to be figured out before anything. It takes money to run a country and its not cheap!

Reason 3: Currency: In Puerto Rico the US dollar reigns supreme on the island. I never seen any other form of currency being used. Now if you tend to split form the US how will you do that if you are still using their currency to buy and sell? You will need to make up your own currency from scratch build a place to print the money, have something of value to back it because after all its just a piece of worthless paper if there is no value in it. You may need to back your money up in Gold as well as getting other countries as well as Puerto Ricans to accept it as their own. Its part of the criteria in becoming an independent country. Just look around the majority of all independent countries today use their own currency. Convincing world banks to accept the currency will take some time to do so the earlier you start the better. Nothing makes a newly independent country happier than being able to show off their currency. Get that currency! Reason 4: Building a Military: Another costly venture for a newly independent country to invest in is building up a military so that they can protect its government as well as its citizens. You will need to invest in weapons, men as well as training in order to build up your military to a point that they can be ready to defend any enemy whether foreign or domestic. At first though you will need to look at other more established countries to send trainers to train citizen soldiers on how to properly be a soldier. This means learning how to fight and use the weapons at their disposal. Also you may need to equip your troops with older type of weapons at first until the country is strong enough and rich enough to hold its own. A strong united country has a strong and united military! There you have it! Those are my four reasons why Puerto Rico can never be independent with out following these four reasons because if you do not then you will just be just another third world banana republic run by some blood thirsty dictator. Or if these 4 reasons are too much of an investment then of course you are welcome to join the other 50 states and become a 51st state. By doing this you will not need to follow those 4 reasons above because the US will handle that service for you. Sure the idea of gaining Independence for ones own country is a great thing to strive for! But with out proper planning that beautiful dream of independence will quickly turn to a nightmare. Why risk that? Why not do it right from the beginning and not wait to the last minute because by that time it would be way too late. Like I said Im not an expert but i have watched international news networks, read history books and the like. The one thing i learned is that when countries gain their independence from their masters they quickly lose control of the country. These people who preach independence have not a clue of what it takes to run a country. The issue is that they are in love with the idea of independence and not on what to do once they gain their independence.

The majority of them are just glory hounds looking for recognition and not real Independista! A real Independista will know that it will take work and sacrifice to build a country up. Most people are not ready for the work and sacrifice! So which one are you?

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