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Aluno: Srie: Professora: 7 Turma: Data: N Nota: Valor da Prova: 50 pontos

Dbora Toledo

Assinatura do responsvel: Orientaes gerais: 1) Nmero de questes desta prova: 13 2) Valor das questes: Abertas (5): 6,0 pontos cada. Fechadas (8): 2,5 pontos cada. 3) Provas feitas a lpis ou com uso de corretivo no tm direito reviso. 4) Aluno que usar de meio ilcito na realizao desta prova ter nota zerada e conceituao comprometida. 5) Tpicos: - Imperative; - There to be; - Adverbs of Quantity

Leia o texto abaixo e responda s questes 1 e 2: AUSTRALIA There are seven continents on our planet. Australia is one of the most interesting continents. Twenty one million people live in Australia. They speak English. The weather in Australia is hot and sunny. There are many interesting animals in Australia. Dingoes are dogs but they dont live with people. They are wild and you can see them in the desert. Kangaroos and koalas live in Australia too. They carry their babies in a special pocket. Koalas are gray and have big ears. They can climb trees. Kangaroos are bigger and have very strong legs. They can jump high and run very fast. They dont eat meat. They like to eat vegetables and grass.
Vocabulary: our: nosso; to live: viver, morar; weather: tempo; wild: selvagem; to carry: carregar; pocket: bolso

1 Questo: Marque a opo incorreta: a) Austrlia um dos continentes mais interessantes no nosso planeta. b) A lngua falada na Austrlia o Ingls. c) 21 milhes de pessoas vivem na Austrlia. d) Dinges so animais domsticos que vivem no deserto. e) Existem muitos animais interessantes na Austrlia. 2 Questo: Sobre os animais encontrados na Austrlia correto afirmar: a) Cangurus e coalas carregam seus bebs numa bolsa especial. b) Muitas pessoas criam dingoes, uma espcie de cachorro, em casa. c) Cangurus so pequenos e tm pernas muito fracas. d) Cangurus comem carne. e) Coalas so cinza e tm orelhas muito pequenas. Nota = Nota =

1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 7 / pg : 1

3 Questo: Qual a forma negativa da frase Lets talk about love!? a) Lets not talk about love! b) Lets talk not about love! c) Dont lets talk about love! d) Not lets talk about love! e) Lets dont talk about love! 4 Questo: Leia as frases abaixo: There was salt here. Was there ..sugar in the coffee? There werw eggs in the bowl. Os advrbios que completam as frases so, respectivamente: a) a lot of many - many b) a lot of much - many c) many much a lot of d) a lot of much - much e) much many much

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5 Questo: Leia a tirinha abaixo e marque a opo cuja frase esteja no imperativo:

Smudge: Dad! Tell me a bedtime story! Dad: Okay, Smudge. What story do you want? Smudge: The one I like best! Dad: I Know. Once upon a time, there were three little pigs
Vocabulary: to tell: contar; to want: querer, desejar; to Know: saber; to like: gostar

a) Tell me a bedtime story. b) What story do you want? c) The one I like best. d) I Know. e) There were three little pigs.

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6 Questo: Os significados das palavras cucumber, onion, cabbage, beetroot so, nessa ordem: a) repolho, cebola, pepino e beterraba. b) alface, beterraba, repolho e pepino. c) pepino, cebola, repolho e beterraba. Nota = d) pepino, cebola, alface e b eterraba. e) repolho, cebola, pepino e beterraba. 7 Questo: Escolha a opo que melhor completa as frases abaixo: Is there much water in the bottle? No, .. many windows in the house? Yesterday morning, many children in the park. Was there Italians in Spain? Yes, 1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 7 / pg : 2

a) there isnt Is there there were there is b) there is Are there there was there was c) there isnt Are there there were there wasnt d) there is There are there were there there is e) there isnt Are there there were there was

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8 Questo: Observe o pargrafo a seguir: Clean your room! Dont leave your tennis shoes in the bathroom! Do your homework! Dont come late at night! Quantas frases esto no modo imperativo? a) uma. b) duas. Nota = c) trs. d) quatro. e) cinco A World of Water Today, about 10% of the worlds people dont have enough water. In 2025, some people say, it will be 35%. Look at our Earth, the third world from the sun. It is a beautiful blue, with white in the north and the south. Here and there, there are browns and greens. But most of it is blue, because about three quarters of it is water great seas of water. The Pacific has more than half of the worlds water in it. Water is perhaps a better name for our world than Earth. The large white places are ice the Arctic in the north and the Antarctic in the south. When you stand on the ice in the Antarctic, in some places there are four kilometres of ice below your feet. 90% of the worlds ice is in the Antarctic. In the Arctic it is different. The ice is a great, thin, flat plate, and it floats on the sea. But Greenland is a large country in the Arctic and the ice on it is two kilometres thick. There is also ice on high mountains everywhere. This ice is fresh water, but the worlds seas are salty. This is important because we, the people on Earth, cant live without fresh water. We cant drink water from the seas.
SMITH, Bernard. Water for Life. Penguin Active Reading, 2008, p. 8. Vocabulary: 1. more than: mais do que; 2. half: metade; 3. better: melhor; 4. below: abaixo 5. thick: espesso, grosso; 6. without: sem; 7. enough: suficiente; 8. ice: gelo; 9. salty: salgada; Nota = 10. sea: mar; 11. has: tem; 12. to look: olhar

9 Questo: Responda de acordo com o texto: a) Como a Terra? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ b) Quanta gua o Pacfico tem? ______________________________________________________________________________ c) Onde esto 90% da gua do mundo? ______________________________________________________________________________ d) Como o gelo no rtico? ______________________________________________________________________________ e) Encontre no texto uma frase no imperativo. ______________________________________________________________________________ f) Escreva a frase que voc encontrou na letra e na forma negativa: ______________________________________________________________________________ g) O que o autor afirma sobre o melhor nome para se dar ao nosso planeta? ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 7 / pg : 3

Nota = 10 Questo: Escreva V ou F e corrija as frases incorretas. a) The Arctic in the north is a large white place. ( ) ______________________________________________________________________________ b) In Greenland the ice is two kilometers thick. ( ) ______________________________________________________________________________ c) We cant live without fresh water. ( ) ______________________________________________________________________________ d) We can drink water from the seas. ( ) ______________________________________________________________________________

11 Questo: Complete as frases com there is ou there are na afirmativa, negativa ou interrogativa. Em seguida, passe as frases para o passado. Nota = a) _____________________a movie theater on Maple Street. (aff.) ______________________________________________________________________________ b) _____________________many offices in that building. (aff.) ______________________________________________________________________________ c) ______________________a school here? (int.) ______________________________________________________________________________ d) ______________________9 countries in South America? (int.) Yes, ____________________. (aff.) ______________________________________________________________________________ e) ______________________23 letters in the English alphabet? (int.) No, __________________. ______________________________________________________________________________ 12 Questo: Complete as frases com much ou many: a) There is _____________ coffe in the cup. b) How ______________ cups of coffee do you drink? c) There was ______________ milk in the pot. d) There are ______________ books on that shelf. e)How ______________ money do you have? f) How __________ girls are there in the classroom? 13 Questo: Faa o que se pede: I. Faa frases no imperativo: a) to buy / the ham. ______________________________________________ b) to take / the carrots. ___________________________________________ II. Faa sugestes usando Lets a) to study / for the test. ___________________________________________ b) to prepare / the dinner. __________________________________________ Nota = Nota =

III. Escreva as frases na negativa: a) Sit down on the couch! ________________________________________________________ b) Lets wash the cucumber. _______________________________________________________ 1 P.R. / Ingls / Debora / 7 / pg : 4

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