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Name: Maria Sosinska School: Norre Gymnasium, Denmark Date: 14.04.2013 Session number: 000598-031


Name an# $%ass

Maria Sosinska, 3i

Write activity and number of hours in each category and sum up in total grand hours when finished

C!&A'()('" S&!)(C&


CAS Ar+ ,9 -ours. 2013

/orse ri#in0, ri#in0 in -orses ,25 -ours.

)o%un+ary $-ari+y 1ork 2or 3Sa4e +-e C-i%#ren Denmark5 ,8 -ours.

Desi0nin0 an# makin0 an o1n s-oe ,9 -ours.

6a%kin0 in 7ar$e%ona ,10 -ours.

Gi4in0 4o%un+ary re$i+a%s in s$-oo%, $-ur$-es, nursery -omes e+$. ,25 -ours. 'ea$-in0 youn0 ;oy -o1 +o 0o sno1;oar#in0 ,2 -ours.

8%ayin0 +-e 9iano : #e4e%o9in0 my 9iano ski%%s ,25 -ours.

Cur%in0 ,5 -ours.

'ea$-in0 o+-ers 4o%un+ary -o1 +o 9%ay +-e 9iano ,< -ours.

Sno1;oar#in0 ,12 -ours.

8ar+i$i9a+e in +-e 3Mo#e% ni+e# Na+ion5 in s$-oo% ,8 -ours. )o%un+ary 1ork 2or +-e Danis$-ari+y ins+i+u+e 3*9era+ion Da0s4aerk5 ,8 -ours. )o%un+eerin0 2or D(S ,Danis(ns+i+u+e 2or S+u#yin0 A;roa#. ,8 -ours.

CAS Ar+ ,< -ours. 2012

Goin0 on sno1 s$oo+er ,8 -ours.

'o+a% -ours $rea+i4i+y


'o+a% -ours a$+ion 60

'o+a% -ours ser4i$e59

Gran# +o+a% ,#a+e=year.

174 H !"S

#$S %&N$' (SS$)

The IB CAS Programme has been an amazing journey for me, and I am very happy to have got the opportunity to experience this high y motivating and deve oping tas!" #y CAS experiences have had a big positive inf uence on my ife, and they have made me a more $e % rounded individua " I fee that the activities I have been invo ved in contributed to the shaping of my persona ity, becoming a more se f% a$are and more motivated individua " Important factors that are expected in an IB student &to underta!e ne$ cha enges, initiate activities, $or! co aborative y, sho$ perseverance and commitment, engage in issues of g oba importance, consider ethica imp ications of their actions, be a$are of their o$n strengths and areas for gro$th, and deve op ne$ s!i s' are characteristics that I fee as present in me than!s to CAS and the activities I(ve been invo ved in" Before the CAS programme and the C)*ATI+IT, section in it, I $ou d never rea y consider my piano%p aying as something that can be used as a socia izing%too or exchange of joy and musica aspects" I $ou d a $ays see my piano p aying as an individua engagement" It $as not unti I entered the CAS programme that I got encouraged to use my passion in a more creative $ay" -espite p aying the piano to improve my s!i s, I decided to go out $ith my music and p ay for others vo untary" I began p aying at schoo events, nursery homes, churches and ibraries" This $as an amazing experience, because there $as an exchange of joy % the isteners tru y appreciated istening to ive music, and I $ou d be extreme y happy $hen they $ou d come up to me and than! me for p aying" .nti this CAS experience I did not !no$ that I had the courage and s!i to perform for others, but the more I p ayed vo untary for others the more I rea ized ho$ much I enjoy doing it" A so, students $ou d come up to me in schoo as!ing me $hether I cou d give them some piano essons, and I did so vo untary $ith a great p easure" A though I had never tried teaching ho$ to p ay the piano before and found it /uite cha enging and difficu t at times, eventua y I gained experience and fe t comfortab e $ith something I never $ou d have it if it $asn0t because of the CAS Programme % name y sharing my !no$ edge about piano p aying to others by giving them free essons" I a so became a$are of the fact that I $as good at teaching, according to my 1ne$ students2, $hich $as a very p easant surprise for me" In addition, after a $hi e I a so joined a roc! band $here the resu t $i be to p ay on a musica in 3une 4567" This $as a cha enge for me because I had on y p ayed c assica music before and so I have rea y stretched out my sty e in the p aying and earned extreme y much" I a so $or!ed for the first time in a group $hen p aying the

piano, and this experience $as probab y the most enriching and important experience I0ve had in my musica path$ay so far" A though I fee high y satisfied $ith this activity, I fee that possib e aspect for improvement is inc uding even more group $or! in the p aying % for instant $rite songs together that one cou d perform during events such as schoo events etc" If it $asn0t because of CAS, I $ou d have missed this fantastic experience" Second y, in the ACTI89 section in the CAS program, I have been motivated to events that I $ou d other$ise not have done % such as being a -IS buddy" -IS is a program for students from the .SA that $ant to do an exchange year in -enmar!" Than!s to CAS I fe t motivated to joining this group by being a -IS buddy, $hich means that t$ice a month the American students : some -IS buddies &peop e $ho come from Copenhagen or have ived here' meet in order to exp ore the city and the cu ture together and a so do sports together" *vents such as these taught me ho$ to do activities &i"e" sports' and at the same time socia izing, earning a ot about ne$ cu tures and having fun $ith ne$ peop e exchanging information about our cu tures, traditions etc" Sometimes there cou d be some difficu ty in communication due to different $ays of approaching a situation due to cu tura differences" ;o$ever, such cha enging situations $ou d a $ays end up in success as they ead to an even more vivid and interesting exp anation and discussion of our cu tures" The ACTI89 section has motivated me to participate in sports that I had never tried before, such as driving a sno$ scooter and cur ing, but a so become even more engaged in previous interests such as horse%riding" -uring the t$o years of IB I a so got invo ved in riding in a young horse" I did this together $ith a coup e other gir s, and it has been a very interesting experience $here $e got to exchange our approach to horsemanship and inspire each other to try different $ays of ta!ing care of young horses" A so, having the 1Action1 section has a $ays motivated me to perform some sort of sport, and I found this to be an extreme y he pfu time $here I cou d rest from stress re ated to schoo and fee better not on y physio ogica y, but a so psycho ogica y" <ast y, the experience $hich probab y taught me the most $as the S*)+IC* section in the CAS program" I had never rea y participated in any !ind of charity events before, and so CAS rea y encouraged me to something that I $i appreciate for the rest of my ife" I $ou d vo untary sign up for i"e" teaching an 66%year o d boy from Sierra <eona ho$ to go sno$boarding" ;e had recent y arrived to Scandinavia and had difficu ties $ith fitting into the cu ture and cou d not find any friends" ;is fami y did unfortunate y not try to find any extracurricu ar activities for him" -uring my $inter brea!, $hen

visiting my mother in S$eden, I $ou d meet up $ith him regu ar y and teach him a sport that is very common in the region in $hich he ives" A though the motif of the encounter $as going sno$boarding, I fee that $e both got so much more out of this experience" I $ou d teach him some S$edish, and te him about the Scandinavian cu ture, traditions etc" =e became good friends and $e have contact unti today" This experience has rea y made me rea ize ho$ much I enjoy he ping others and that by giving joy to others> I receive the same amount of joy bac!" I a so got to practise some !ind of eader and teacher s!i s, $hich is very good to !no$ for the future" Another thing I did $as participating in co ecting in money for the charity organization 1Save the Chi dren1, $here me and some peop e $ere co ecting money that $ou d be donated to he p chi dren in Bang adesh" I got to experience charity $or! $hich I tru y enjoyed, and a so ho$ to approach strangers on the streets and create a contact $ith them" This $as sometimes difficu t, as not every stranger $as positive to$ards us" ;o$ever, being in a group rea y he ped, because $e cou d encourage each other to not oose motivation" This is an activity that I $i never forget and that I have got very much out of" ;ad it not been the CAS program, I $ou d probab y not have tried this at a , and I can see today ho$ much that $ou d be considered a oss" In conc usion, the CAS program has been extreme y enriching, teaching me not on y about myse f and my strengths and $ea!nesses, but a so about others and ho$ to cooperate together" It $as been an amazing journey through exchange of !no$ edge, cu ture, opinions and positives, and I am more than than!fu for being ab e to experience these successfu events % events that I never had tried before" The factors and va ues I have earned during the CAS program are things that I $i a $ays !eep inside of me and use as va uab e !no$ edge about ho$ to behave in the future $hen simi ar situation arise" It has been an amazing adventure and I $i definite y continue $ith many of the activities that I began on than!s to the CAS program"

S('%*(+$'!$,& N %" M #"($,&+&,)

Name: Maria Sosinska #lass: 3i #an-i-ate number: 000598-031 School: Norre Gymnasium, Denmark $ 8%ayin0 +-e 9iano, #e4e%o9in0 my musi$a% ski%%s Hours: 25 10 Summarise 1hat /ou -i- in this an- ho1 /ou interacte- 1ith others (n +-is a$+i4i+y ( 9%aye# +-e 9iano, resu%+in0 in 0i4in0 re$i+a%s a+ 9%a$es su$- as s$-oo%, $-ur$-es, %i;raries an# nursin0 -omes 4o%un+ari%y. ( a%so 9ar+i$i9a+e in se4era% so$ia% e4en+s su$- a+ +-e S1e#is- >M 2es+i4a% 2or 'a%en+e# "ou+-, 1-ere $u%+ure an# in+eres+s 1ere e?$-an0e#, $rea+in0 ne1 2rien#s-i9s an# ins9ira+ions. A%so, ;y ;ein0 kno1n 2or +-is a$+i4i+y in s$-oo%, ( e4en+ua%%y 0o+ aske# +o ;e a 9iano 9%ayer in a ro$k ;an#, 1-i$- a%%o1e# me +o e?$-an0e musi$a% s+y%es 1i+- o+-ers, as 1e%% as 9er2ormin0 in a musi$a% - 1-i$- 1as some+-in0 $om9%e+e%y ne1 2or me, an# in#ee# 4ery 9%easan+@ 20 (34lain 1hat /ou ho4e- to accom4lish throu5h this ( -o9e# +o no+ on%y im9ro4e my 9iano 9%ayin0, ;u+ a%so +o ;e a;%e +o 0e+ some sor+ o2 musi$a% e?$-an0e 2rom i+ - 9%ayin0 1i+- o+-ers, ;ein0 ins9ire# ;y +-em, or s-arin0 my musi$ ;y 9%ayin0 2or o+-ers. 30 Ho1 success6ul 1ere /ou in achie.in5 /our 5oals7 8hat -i66iculties -i- /ou encounter an- ho1 -i- /ou o.ercome them7

( ;e%ie4e ( 1as Aui+e su$$ess2u% in a$-ie4in0 my 0oa%s - 2or e?am9%e, ( 0o+ +-e o99or+uni+y +o 9ar+i$i9a+e in +-e ;i0 S1e#is- 2es+i4a% >M 2or 'a%en+e# "ou+-, 1-ere a2+er 9assin0 +1i$e in+o ne?+ e9iso#es ( 0o+ +-e o99or+uni+y +o 9ar+i$i9a+e in +-e 2ina%s ;y +-e Bury. A%so, a2+er 9%ayin0 a 2e1 re$i+a%s, 9eo9%e $ame u9 +o me an# aske# me +o 9%ay a+ +-eir nursery -omes as 1e%% - 1-i$- 1as a ne1 e?9erien$e 2or me, an# ( $onsi#ere# i+ su$$ess2u%. ( 1ou%# some+imes 2in# #i22i$u%+ies 1i+- 9%ayin0 more #eman#in0 9ie$es, ;u+ ( o4er$ame +-is ;y %earnin0 +o ;e more 9a+ien+ an# a%so %earn -o1 +o a$$e9+ -e%9 2rom o+-ers. 40 8hat -i- /ou learn about /oursel6 an- others throu5h this 8hat abilities, attitu-es an- .alues ha.e /ou -e.elo4e-7 ( %earne# -o1 mu$- ( a$+ua%%y enBoy s-arin0 my musi$ 1i+- o+-ers, an# ( a%so %earne# -o1 +o use my 9iano 9%ayin0 as a Cso$ia%iDin0 +oo%C, 1-i$- is some+-in0 ( ne4er rea%%y +-ou0-+ a;ou+ ;e2ore. &?$-an0in0 musi$ 9assion 1i+- o+-ers is a 0rea+ 1ay +o mee+ ne1 9eo9%e an# a%%o1 +-em +o ins9ire you@ (n a##i+ion, ;y usin0 my musi$ ski%%s in so$ia% e4en+s ( 0o+ +o %earn -o1 o+-er 9eo9%e a99roa$- musi$, 1-i$- 1as a 4ery in+eres+in0 e?9erien$e. '-is a$+i4i+y #e4e%o9e# my ski%%s +o ;e more $on2i#en+ an+ ou+0oin0 1i+- my 9iano-9%ayin0, in$reasin0 +-e 1i%% +o s-are i+ 1i+- o+-ers. ( a%so 9%aye# 9ie$es 2or 2our -an#s ,9%ayin0 1i+- o+-er 9eo9%e., 1-i$- 1as 4ery enri$-in0 an# e?$i+in0@ 50 Di- an/one hel4 /ou to think about /our learnin5 -urin5 this &6 so, 1ho hel4e- an- ho1 -i- the/ hel47 6-ene4er ( -a# #i22i$u%+ies 1i+- a 9iano 9ie$e, ( 1ou%# mee+ u9 1i+- my o%# 9iano +ea$-er, an# -e 1ou%# 0ui#e me +-rou0- +-e #i22i$u%+y in+o ins9irin0 so%u+ions. /o1e4er, some+imes ( %earne# 2rom o+-ers ,a%so 9eo9%e in my o1n a0e. -o1 +ry ou+ #i22eren+ musi$a% s+y%es on +-e 9iano +-a+ ( -a# no+ +-e $oura0e +o +ry ;e2ore. 60 Ho1 -i- this bene6it others7 )ery many 9eo9%e ,mu$- more +-an ( ima0ine# ;e2ore s+ar+in0 +-is a$+i4i+y. +ru%y a99re$ia+e musi$ an# +-e o99or+uni+y +o %is+en +o %i4e-musi$. My $oor#ina+or 1ou%# a%1ays ;e 4ery -a99y 1-ene4er ( 9%aye# #urin0 s$-oo% e4en+s, ;e$ause i+ $rea+e# a 9%easan+ a+mos9-ere #urin0 +-e e4en+. Some e%#er%y 9eo9%e e4en $rie# si%en+%y #urin0 my re$i+a%s in nursery -omes, an# a+ +-e en# $ome u9 +o me an# +-ank me. (n a##i+ion, many 9eo9%e $ame u9 +o me in s$-oo% an# aske# me +o 0i4e +-em some 9iano %essons, 1-i$- ( 1ou%# a%1ays 4o%un+eer in 0%a#%y@ 70 8hat mi5ht /ou -o -i66erentl/ ne3t time to im4ro.e7 S+ress %ess #urin0 re$i+a%s an# ;e %ess s-y a;ou+ 9er2ormin0 in 2ron+ o2 o+-ers. ;0 Ho1 can /ou a44l/ 1hat /ou ha.e learne- in other li6e situations7

'-is a$+i4i+y #e2ini+e%y +au0-+ me -o1 9assion an# -o;;y +-a+ s+ar+s ou+ as some+-in0 in#i4i#ua% ,9%ayin0 +-e 9iano. $an +urn in+o some+-in0 4ery so$ia% an# 2u%% o2 e?$-an0e o2 Boy, musi$a% e?9erien$es an# ins9ira+ions 1i+- o+-er 9eo9%e@

'e%e9-one num;er +o +-e si0ner: E4529<1<940 &-mai% +o +-e si0ner: k1Fnorre0.#k

D&=' M$ % " =$",&#&=$,&N< &N ,H( !>M %(S,&+$'

S('%*(+$'!$,& N %" M $#,& N

Name: Maria Sosinska #lass: 3i #an-i-ate number: 000598-031 School: Norre Gymnasium, Denmark $ /orse ri#in0, ri#in0 in -orses e+$. Hours: 25

10 Summarise 1hat /ou -i- in this an- ho1 /ou interacte- 1ith others ( 1en+ -orse ri#in0, ro#e in -orses +o0e+-er 1i+- o+-ers, or0aniDe# an# 9ar+i$i9a+e# in $om9e+i+ions ,i.e. Bum9in0 $om9e+i+ions.. 20 (34lain 1hat /ou ho4e- to accom4lish throu5h this ( -o9e# no+ on%y +o im9ro4e my ri#in0, ;u+ a%so in+era$+ 1i+- o+-ers an# %earn 2rom ea$- o+-er, an# %earn -o1 +o $oo9era+e 1i+- o+-ers 1-en 1orkin0 1i+- -orses. 30 Ho1 success6ul 1ere /ou in achie.in5 /our 5oals7 8hat -i66iculties -i- /ou encounter an- ho1 -i- /ou o.ercome them7 ( ;e%ie4e ( 1as su$$ess2u% in a$-ie4in0 my 0oa%s, ;e$ause ( -a4e #e4e%o9e# a %o+ 1-en i+ $omes -o1 +o 1ork 1i+- -orses no+ on%y ;y myse%2, ;u+ a%so 1i+- o+-ers. Some+imes i+ 1as #i22i$u%+ no+ +o ;e a2rai# o2 youn0 -orses or 2in# an a0reemen+ 1i+- +-e o+-er 9erson -o1 +o ri#e +-em in. '-ese #i22i$u%+ies 1ou%# usua%%y ;e so%4e# ;y $on4ersa+ions an# e?9%ana+ions. 40 8hat -i- /ou learn about /oursel6 an- others throu5h this 8hat abilities, attitu-es an- .alues ha.e /ou -e.elo4e-7 Grom 1orkin0 1i+- -orses, ( -a4e #e2ini+e%y %earne# a;ou+ +-e -umanHs 9a+ien$e. ( -a4e %earne# -o1 +o ;e more 9a+ien+, as +-is is an e?+reme%y im9or+an+ a++i+u#e an# Aua%i+y 1-en 1orkin0 1i+- -orses ,es9e$ia%%y youn0 -orses.. ( -a4e a%so %earne# -o1 +o ;e more un#ers+an#in0 an# $-a%%en0e myse%2, an# +-a+ o+-er 9eo9%e #ea% 1i+simi%ar 2ears as me 1-en 1orkin0 1i+- -orses. 50 Di- an/one hel4 /ou to think about /our learnin5 -urin5 this &6 so, 1ho hel4e- an- ho1 -i- the/ hel47 >i$kan &riksson, my -orse-ri#in0 %ea#er, -as -e%9e# me a %o+ +-rou0-ou+ +-is a$+i4i+y. 6-ene4er ( #i# no+ kno1 -o1 +o #o 1i+- a -orse, or #i# no+ un#ers+an# +-e -orseHs ;e-a4iour, ( 1oun# a%so 0o +o -er. S-e 1ou%# +-en 0i4e me 4ery 0oo# a#4i$e an# e?9%ana+ion, +ea$-in0 me a %o+ a;ou+ -orsemans-i9. 60 Ho1 -i- this bene6it others7

>i$kan &riksson, my %ea#er in +-is a$+i4i+y, nee#e# -e%9 1i+- -er -orses, an# so e4ery -e%9 s-e 1ou%# 0e+ 1as 4ery a99re$ia+e#. ( 1ou%# a%so en$oura0e o+-ers +o 9ar+i$i9a+e in $om9e+i+ions an# 0enera%%y #o +-is +-a+ +-ey usua%%y 1ou%# no+ #are. ( a%so +a%ke# a %o+ 1i+- o+-er 9eo9%e a;ou+ -orsemans-i9, 2reAuen+%y +ea$-in0 +-em +-in0s +-a+ +-ey -a# no+ -ear# o2 ;e2ore an# 2oun# 4ery in+eres+in0 an# -e%92u%. 70 8hat mi5ht /ou -o -i66erentl/ ne3t time to im4ro.e7 No+ s+ress 1-en 1orkin0 1i+- a -orse +o0e+-er 1i+- o+-er 9eo9%e, an# a%so ;e more o9en 2or #i22eren+ a99roa$-e# +-a+ ( am use# +o. ;0 Ho1 can /ou a44l/ 1hat /ou ha.e learne- in other li6e situations7 8a+ien$e is #e2ini+e%y +-e Aua%i+y +-a+ ( am 0oin0 +o use in o+-er %i2e si+ua+ions, as i+ is 4ery im9or+an+. ( -a4e a%so im9ro4e# my ski%%s in $oo9era+in0 1i+- o+-ers.

'e%e9-one num;er +o +-e si0ner: E4<3I2<1148 &-mai% +o +-e si0ner: in2oFsuenson.%;

S('%*(+$'!$,& N %" M

Name: Maria Sosinska #lass: 3i #an-i-ate number: 000598-031 School: Norre Gymnasium, Denmark $ )o%un+ary $-ari+y 1ork 2or 3Sa4e +-e C-i%#ren Denmark5 Hours: 8

10 Summarise 1hat /ou -i- in this an- ho1 /ou interacte- 1ith others ( 1as $o%%e$+in0 money 2or +-e Danis- $-ari+y or0aniDa+ion CSa4e +-e C-i%#renC 1i+o+-er 4o%un+eers. 20 (34lain 1hat /ou ho4e- to accom4lish throu5h this (n +-is a$+i4i+y ( 1an+e# +o see -o1 a $-ari+y 1ork $an %ook %ike, mee+ o+-er 9eo9%e 1i+- +-e same 1i%% +o -e%9, +a%k a;ou+ in +-ir#-1or%# $oun+ries +o 1-i$- 1e 1ere $o%%e$+in0 money, e?$-an0e o9inions an# +o0e+-er #o some+-in0 +o -e%9. An# o2 $ourse, 1e 1an+e# +o $o%%e$+ as mu$- money as 9ossi;%e ;y in4o%4in0 o+-er 9eo9%e in +-e $i+y +o #ona+e money. 30 Ho1 success6ul 1ere /ou in achie.in5 /our 5oals7 8hat -i66iculties -i- /ou encounter an- ho1 -i- /ou o.ercome them7 ( mana0e# +o raise 1,431 D>> ,a99ro?ima+e%y 13,000 D>> in our 0rou9 +o0e+-er., an# ( 1as 4ery -a99y +o -a4e a$$om9%is-e# +-is. '-e #i22i$u%+ies 1ere 0oin0 u9 +o 9eo9%e an# 0e+ ne0a+i4e res9onses some+imes, ;u+ no+ %oose mo+i4a+ion an# kee9 +ryin0 ;y 0oin0 u9 +o o+-er 9eo9%e. (+ a%so -e%9e# 4ery mu$- +o ;e in a 0rou9 an# su99or+ ea$- o+-er. 40 8hat -i- /ou learn about /oursel6 an- others throu5h this 8hat abilities, attitu-es an- .alues ha.e /ou -e.elo4e-7 ( %earne# -o1 mu$- ( enBoy #oin0 $-ari+y 1ork, an# i+ is #e2ini+e%y some+-in0 ( 1i%% kee9 on #oin0 in +-e 2u+ure@ (+ 1as a%so a 4ery in+eres+in0 e?9erien$e +o mee+ ne1 9eo9%e ,;o+- o+-ers 1-o 1ere $o%%e$+in0, ;u+ a%so +-ose on +-e s+ree+s 1-o #ona+e#. in su$- a 9%easan+ $on+e?+. ( 0o+ +o e?9erien$e +-e uni+y o2 9eo9%e +-a+ -a4e 0oo# in+en+ions.

50 Di- an/one hel4 /ou to think about /our learnin5 -urin5 this &6 so, 1ho hel4e- an- ho1 -i- the/ hel47

Durin0 +-e money $o%%e$+ion ( 1as +o0e+-er 1i+- some o+-er 9eo9%e, an# +-is #e2ini+e%y $rea+e# a ;e++er a+mos9-ere ;u+ a%so a 0rea+er ease +o 9er2orm +-e +ask. 6-ene4er a 9erson on +-e s+ree+s 1ou%# ;e ru#e an# my mo+i4a+ion 1ou%# #e$rease, o+-er 9eo9%e 1ou%# -e%9 me +o %au0- i+ a1ay an# $on+inue. 60 Ho1 -i- this bene6it others7 '-e $-ari+y or0aniDa+ion CSa4e +-e C-i%#renC 0aine# 8 mi%%ion D>> 2rom +-is a$+i4i+y +-a+ #ay, an# +-is 1i%% -e%9 $-i%#ren in 7an0%a#es-. 70 8hat mi5ht /ou -o -i66erentl/ ne3t time to im4ro.e7 (n4o%4e more 9eo9%e +o Boin me, e?9%ain ;e++er +o 9eo9%e 1-a+ i+ is 1e are $o%%e$+in0 money 2or. ;0 Ho1 can /ou a44l/ 1hat /ou ha.e learne- in other li6e situations7 ( -a4e 9ra$+ise# my so$ia% ski%%s, -o1 +o 1ork an# $om9romise in a 0rou9 an# -o1 +o a99roa$- s+ran0ers 1i+- a 0oo# a++i+u#e.

D&=' M$ % " + '!N,$"&N< % " ,H( "<$N&?$,& N @S$+( ,H( #H&'D"(N D(NM$">A

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