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A |eaf ve|n pattern has been ut|||zed to represent and refect the character of Ha|swe||, w|th the purpose

of prov|d|ng access for the commun|ty to the sports park as part of

the proposed town centre. The |eaf vascu|ar pattern penetrates the sports park |n the form of the roads that |nterconnect w|th the surround|ng area. The vary|ng s|zes of |eaf
mesophy||s prov|de numerous poss|b|||t|es to form act|v|ty zones. The |ntent|on of the des|gn |s to act|vate the underut|||zed sports park, transform|ng |t |nto a d|verse hub and
|mprov|ng the atmosphere of the proposed town centre.
Ha|swe|| |s |ocated south west of Ohr|stchurch. The major|ty of th|s area cons|sts of farm|ands and res|dent|a| hous|ng. lt`s a res|dent|a| town grow|ng rap|d|y w|th subd|v|s|ons
new|y created fo||ow|ng the Oanterbury earthquake. Many res|dents are mov|ng from the east to the west, due to the damaged |and cond|t|on caused by ||quefact|on. The
research shows that Ha|swe|| has no town centre for res|dents to gather |n; the |oca| bus|nesses have to fnd a meet|ng p|ace e|sewhere; the cu|ture of Ha|swe|| |s not v|s|b|e,
the k|ds don`t have a centra| p|ace to |dent|fy w|th and to form memor|es |n. Hence, a town centre wou|d be a necess|ty for Ha|swe||.
There are a |arge amount of commun|ty groups throughout Ha|swe||, w|th sport|ng and |e|sure groups be|ng predom|nant. The commun|ty offers a number of act|v|t|es. lt has
a great focus on sports act|v|t|es and |t organ|zes events that create a sense of commun|ty and br|ng peop|e c|oser. The commun|ty |s a fr|end|y ne|ghbourhood. However the
range of act|v|t|es be|ng ||m|ted to sports cou|d resu|t |n boredom. A d|verse act|v|ty zone near a town centre wou|d he|p the growth of the commun|ty.
The junct|on of Ha|swe|| Road and N|cho||s Road has the most potent|a| to become the town centre. Th|s junct|on has the bus|est road served by the ma|n road between
Ha|swe|| and the c|ty of Ohr|stchurch; the ma|n supermarket and other commerc|a| stores are |ocated on one of the three corners; the church, sports fe|ds and Ha|swe|| Do-
ma|n are |ocated on the east s|de of the junct|on.
The v|s|t to Ha|swe|| showed more about the qu|etness of the b|g empty open sports park. The surpr|s|ng s|tuat|on |s that there are rare|y any peop|e who come to the un-
p|anned open sports ground, desp|te the |ncreas|ng |oca| popu|at|on. The sports fe|d |s current|y an undeve|oped open green space, w|th a coup|e of bu||d|ngs and some
trees. Th|s sports fe|d needs to be des|gned w|th |ts own character to become an attract|ve feature as part of the town centre.
The des|gn concept came from a |eaf venat|on. Ha|swe|| has a great amount of farm|and p|anted w|th crops and the shape of bu||t fabr|c area on the aer|a| photo has a s|m||ar
format|on to that of a |eaf. The beauty of a |eaf |s |n |ts venat|on: The pattern of the |eaf |s used to shape the p|ann|ng for the sport fe|ds, as we|| as Ha|swe|| Doma|n. lmag|ne
the vascu|ar |eaf pattern as the roads travers|ng Ha|swe||, vascu|ar bund|es form|ng the pattern of ve|ns |n the same way as roads form road patterns; the pattern of ve|ns
ca||ed venat|on a|so suggests the road patterns that form the transport c|rcu|at|on of the who|e area. ||ke the mesophy|| shaped by a system of venat|on, the road c|rcu|at|on
wou|d shape spaces and bu||d|ngs.
The ma|n vascu|ar routes prov|de veh|cu|ar access that |nterconnect most of the sports fe|ds from Ha|swe|| Road to W||||am Br|ttan Avenue. Narrower vascu|ar bund|es for
cyc||sts and pedestr|ans defne the out||ne of the sports fe|ds and gardens around them. The |rregu|ar shape and s|ze of each segment prov|des |ts own un|que |dent|fy|ng
character|st|cs by |ts shape and the act|v|ty for wh|ch |t |s ut|||zed. The |ocat|on of the ex|st|ng sports fe|ds are adjusted to ft |nto the |arge mesophy||, to form the who|e pro-
gram, creat|ng spectators` seat|ng areas from d|fferent ang|es w|th easy access around the fe|ds. The med|um s|ze mesophy|| p|eces wh|ch res|de next to res|dent|a| houses
and around the sports fe|ds are des|gned to be used as gardens for h|re as a||otments and for commun|ty use, as p|ant|ng vegetab|es or fru|t trees w||| enhance the character
of Ha|swe|| and Ohr|stchurch c|ty, |n keep|ng w|th Ohr|stchurch`s reputat|on as the Garden O|ty. A|ong the street front, sma|| mesophy||s are des|gnated as open spaces be-
tween the reta|| stores and gardens, and are necessary for |oca| res|dents to use as meet|ng po|nts, for examp|e for a tr|p to the sports park to watch a game w|th a p|cn|c.
Th|s ab|||ty to make use of a sma|| mesophy|| next to a |andscaped garden on a sunny day wou|d be qu|te enjoyab|e.
Ha|swe||`s ve|n - Zara (Oheng} Huang

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