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SAP Questions

What is IMG Guide? Implementation Management guide (IMG) is a project support tool. It contains documentation on each and every activity that can be carried out directly. What are the customizing step specific attributes? Mandatory activities. These are activities for which S ! cannot deliver default settings (for e"ample #rgani$ational Structure). %e must store our own customer&specific re'uirements for activities that are classified as mandatory. Optional activities. S ! delivers default settings for these activities. %e can use these settings if they meet our re'uirements. Non-re uired activities S ! delivers complete default settings for these activities. #nly in e"ceptional cases( do you need to adapt these settings (for e"ample( if you need country specific settings) !ritical activities %e must proceed with great care when carrying out critical activities as any errors made here can have far& reaching conse'uences. Non-critical activities %e must also proceed with care when carrying out these activities( but the conse'uences of any errors are less far&reaching. "escribe the points of integration #ith other $%& !omponents. !ersonnel )ev plan and carry out training and job&related activities( which provide individual professional development for your employees. Training and *vent Management+ organi$e and schedule training events and conventions. %or,flow+ automates business processes( tas,s are given to the right person at the right time. -ompensation Management+ necessary for the administration of compensation (carrying out payroll( for e"ample). !ersonnel -ost !lanning+ used to project personnel costs on the basis of e"isting and planned organi$ational units. Shift !lanning+ used to schedule the optimum number of appropriately 'ualified personnel on the basis of job re'uirements. -apacity !lanning+ .ogistics component used to schedule persons on the basis of their availability and 'ualifications to complete wor, for specific wor, centres. /IS+ perform simplified reporting for employee data in the organi$ational plan. Manager0s )es,top+ supports managers in their administrative as well as strategic daily tas,s. "efine &ersonnel area? It is a !ersonnel dministration specific unit and is the subunit of the company code. alphanumeric identifiers. What are the primary functions of &ersonnel %rea? To generate default values for data entry 1 for payroll accounting area. It is a selection criteria for reporting.. It constitutes a unit in authori$ation chec,s. It has four&digit


SAP Questions

What is the default value for personnel area? '()*$+. It is based on the organi$ational unit concerned or the been maintained for the position. "efine &ersonnel $ub-area? W,*)$. It represents a further sub&division of the personnel area. The principal organi$ational aspects of human resources are controlled at this level namely pay scale and wage type structures and planning of wor, schedules and are stored according to country. .i,e personnel area( it does also have four&digit alphanumeric identifier. What is the default value for personnel sub-area and business area? )efault values for these areas come from account assignment features infotype (number 566788) for the position or organi$ational unit concerned. Where do you find divisions of an organization? !ersonnel sub&area is generally used to identify divisions. What the organizational functions of the personnel sub-area? To specify the country grouping. Master data entry and the setting up and processing of wage types and pay scale groups in payroll depend on the country grouping M#.G . The grouping must be uni'ue within a company code. To assign a legal person which differentiates between companies in legal terms. To set groupings for Time Management so that wor, schedules and substitution( absence and leave types can be set up for individual personnel sub&areas. To generate a default pay scale type and area for an employee0s basic pay. To define a public holiday calendar. To define sub&area&specific wage types for each personnel area. Which control features are influenced using personnel sub-area? What is an e-ternal personnel area and personnel sub-area? This relevant only for personnel areas that are outside an enterprise and contain such as address of the receiving personnel area. 4or e"ample( a guy is sent to subsidiary which is a self&administering company located abroad. What is country re-assignment? If an employee is transferred out to another country( then we have to run a personnel action to set the status 6 for the e"isting country and hire the same person in the new country. "efine employee group? )efines the relationship between an employee and a company in that the employee ma,es a certain contribution to the company in terms of wor,. ctive employees( pensioners and early retirees ma,e up the main employee groups in !ersonnel dministration. It is identified by a two digit alpha numeric. &rimary functions of employee group? )efault values can be generated for payroll accounting area and basic pay( for e"ample( according to employee group. The employee group is used as a selection criterion for reporting. ccount ssignment 4eatures info&type 5667 ( if it has


SAP Questions

The employee group is one unit of the authori$ation chec,. It can be used to generate default values for data entry( for e"ample( for the payroll area or an employee9s basic pay. It is used as a selection criterion for reporting. It is used as an entity for authori$ation chec,s. s a rule( you can use the standard entries in the system for setting up employee groups. If necessary( you can also add to these entries so that they meet your re'uirements "efine employee sub-group? The employee subgroup is a fine division of employee groups according to the status of employees and identified by t#o-digit alphanumeric . n employee group is comprised of a number of employee subgroups. The following employee subgroups ma,e up the :active: employee group( for e"ample+ /ourly wage earners Monthly wage earners !ay scale employees ;on&pay scale employees &rimary functions of employee sub-group? The employee subgroup grouping for the personnel calculation rule controls how an employee9s payroll is processed( for e"ample( whether an employee is to be paid on an hourly or monthly basis. The employee subgroup grouping for primary wage types controls the validity of wage types at the employee subgroup level. The grouping for collective agreement provision restricts the validity of pay scale groups to specific employee subgroups. The employee subgroup grouping for the wor, schedule allows you to define which wor, schedules are valid for which employees. The employee subgroup grouping for time 'uotas allows you to specific which attendance and absence 'uota types are valid for which employee subgroups. The employee subgroup grouping for appraisals allows you to define appraisal criteria for each employee subgroup. ssign employee characteristics( such as the activity status( employment status( and level of education<training( for statistical purposes. The employee subgroup allows you to define default values for data entry( for e"ample( for the payroll area or basic pay. What elements ma.e up the enterprise structure? enterprise structure? !ersonnel area and personnel sub&area. What elements determine the enterprise structure for personnel administration? -lient( -ompany -ode( !ersonnel area and !ersonnel sub&area What elements ma.e up the personnel structure? *mployee group and employee sub&group What elements ma.e up the organizational structure? !osition( =ob >ey( #rgani$ational ?nit and #rgani$ational ,ey What components are authorization ob/ects in


SAP Questions

What are the vie#s in &ersonnel $tructure? There are two different views in the personnel structure+ %dministrative vie# Employee group Employee subgroup Payroll group Organizational key Organizational vie# Position Job Organizational unit These levels are subject to authori$ation chec,s( to define remuneration levels or different wor, schedules( for e"ample. What is a payroll accounting area? Is payroll area same? It is an organi$ational unit defined for the purposes of payroll accounting. together are assigned to the same payroll accounting area. ll employees who are accounted

It provides the payroll driver with two pieces of information+ number of employees to be accounted as per # assignment IT @ dates of the payroll period. n employee may only change payroll accounting areas at the end of a period. If an employee changes status from wage earner to salaried employee in the middle of the month( and the payroll accounting area is different for both( you should not enter the new payroll accounting area until the start of the following month.

Where is payroll area assigned to?

!ersonnel area or personnel sub&area. A>BS feature !lease find out. What is an organizational .ey used for? %e use all the fields of #rgani$ational ssignment( edit and sort names to create an organi$ational ,ey 012 characters field3. It is the part of the authori$ation chec, in /B module and we revise the authori$ation chec, by using organi$ational ,ey. 4o# do you create organizational .ey? Where do you start the configuration in 4* module? #rgani$ational structure What are user group and reference user group? Beference user group is 66 and is the default user group for accessing. %e create different numbers for each module to be created under /B so that access is barred for users other than current module. What is the concept of Organizational Management? #rgani$ational Management is based on the concept that each element of the organi$ation constitutes a uni'ue object with individual attributes. 5. What is purpose of Organizational Management? #M forms the base for personal planning and development and allows us to analy$e and adjust an organi$ational plan as well as structure data. Why do #e need an organizational management? To create a complete model of the organi$ational and reporting structures of an enterprise for a specific period. To obtain an overview of the current status of an organi$ational and reporting structures at any time using a number of methods. !lan and simulate future scenarios using #rgani$ational Management It provides a basis for other /B components( as well as cross application components


SAP Questions

Which status can be assigned to the info-types in Organizational Management? What is an organizational &lan? #rgani$ational plan is the comprehensive and dynamic model of the structural and personnel environment in an enterprise( which can be evaluated at any time. 4o# do you create organisational plan? #rgani$ational plans are defined in organi$ational management. This can be done in organisational and staffing or the *"pert mode. What are the steps for creating an organisational &lan? -reate root organi$ational units -reate sub&ordinate organi$ational units -reate jobs and positions ssign tas,s and -ost center ssign persons dd other attributes What is the use of organizational &lan? It gives a fle"ible basis for personnel planning( previewing and reporting. What is the basis for creating an organisational plan? #rgani$ational Structure 4o# many structures does an organizational plan have? 5. #rgani$ational structure Organizational $tructure It depicts the assignment of the organi$ational units to one another. %e create an organi$ational structure by creating and maintaining organi$ational units( which we then relate to each other. It is based on Tas,s and functions of the company 4inancial or geographical Beporting C. Beporting Structure

*eporting $tructure If the actual reporting structure of an enterprise differs from the organi$ational structure( and the relationships between positions are one&dimensional and hierarchical( you can depict them in a reporting structure. 6ist the interfaces #ith #hich you can maintain your organizational plan in Organisational Management. The #rgani$ational Management component includes various user group-specific modes and vie#s with which to edit organi$ational plans+ The Organization and $taffing view provides an intuitive interface for creating and editing organi$ational plans. The General $tructures view allows you to edit organi$ational plans with any structure including object types which you have defined yourself (Teams( for e"ample). The Matri- vie# is for creating and editing matri" structures. Infotype Maintenance allows you to edit the characteristics of various objects and their relationships via info& types.


SAP Questions

$tructural Graphics enables you to view objects and structures( and perform a variety of maintenance activities for the objects in graphical format. $imple Maintenance provides an overview of object and structure editing. 4o# do you create staff assignments? Ay creating positions based on the jobs( assigning them to an organi$ational unit and allocating them a position holder. What is an organigram? It is the name for a reporting structure or matri" management structure associated with an organi$ational plan to represent the chain of command or authority structure. What is a &lan 7ersion? It is used to store different organi$ational plan scenarios such as restructuring( e"panding( downsi$ing etc in plans such as -urrent plan( business plan( perspective plan etc. #ne of the plan versions represents a current or actual organi$ational plan and is flagged as the active integration plan version. !an #e create duplicate copy of plan version? Des( it is possible to create multiple copies of the original plan version and change the duplicates as re'uired. The original remains unaffected by any such changes. 4o# do you set up a plan version? %e set up the plan versions( which a company re'uires( in the personnel management IMG. %e enter the plan version in the &6OGI parameter group. 4o# many plan versions may be integrated #ith other $%& Modules? #nly one plan version may be integrated with other S ! modules. !an #e use or delete plan version 8.9:? The plan version E.+F must not be used or deleted since it is used for the transport( inde"ing and general control of all plan versions. 4o# do you assign an employee to company structure? 4iring action assigns an employee to the company structure. The data is saved in info&type #rgani$ational ssignment ( IT 6665) What are the methodologies used in OM Methodology: Multiple Structures Structural model of the organi$ation based on the tas,s( responsibilities and functions of company Structural model of the organi$ation based upon financial accountability or geography Model of the reporting structure Model of alternate reporting structure Methodology : Object-Oriented Design #rgani$ational Management is based on the concept that each element in an organi$ation represents a stand& alone object with individual characteristics. These objects are created and maintained separately( then lin,ed together through relationships( such as those indicated above( to form a networ, which has the fle"ibility to handle human resource forecasting( and reporting. Dou can also create additional characteristics for objects. This provides additional information for other components( evaluations and so on. ll object characteristics (e"istence<relationships <characteristics) are maintained in info&types. Methodology : Planning


SAP Questions

#rganisational Management enables you to depict the structure of your organi$ation in the past( present and future. ?sing this information( you can prepare for and react to future resources re'uirements and changes. Methodology : Plan Versions Same as mentioned above. Ob/ect ;ypes What is an ob/ect ? It represents each information class in an organi$ational plan. 4o# do you identify an Ob/ect? #bject type is identified by a combination of plan version( object type( and object I) What are the components of an ob/ect? 5. I) G( a short and long te"t defining the e"istence of the object C. Structural relationships between the object and other objects 2. Third component is represented by the object characteristics. ll these components are created as info&types. Dou can define particular characteristics for an object in each info&type. Where do you maintain ob/ect characteristics? Info&types Where do you maintain relationships bet#een ob/ects? Info&types or organi$ational plan

When can #e assign additional characteristics to the ob/ects? #nce we have created the structure using objects and relationships( you can assign additional characteristics to the objects. 4or e"ample( we can assign additional characteristics such as vacancy( wor, schedule and e"pected salary to Ob/ect &erson. What is ob/ect I"? %hen an object is created( an object I) must be assigned. Internal number assignment is by the system( indicated by I; and e"ternal number assignment is by the administrator is indicated by *H. #bject id is identified by an eight-digit numeric. S ! recommends the use of the internal number assignment. 4o# many planning statuses are there? 0Ob/ect status cycle3 4ive. They are ctive !lanned Submitted pproved Bejected What is the purpose of *elationship 7alidity &eriod<date? *ach info&type record uses a start and end date to identify the validity of the info&type data. Belationships between objects may only e"ist during the time when both objects are valid. If an object is delimited( all the object0s relationships and characteristics are also automatically delimited. Belated objects are unaffected. 4or e"ample( consider organi$ational assignment info&type for a particular individual who was assigned to three different departments in the last five years. Three different records for the relevant period of assignment in each department will be created. What is the use of validity period or validity dates?


SAP Questions

llow you to define the life span of an object or info&type record Identify changes to your organi$ation while retaining historical data llow you to evaluate the organi$ational structure on ,ey dates past( present and future What are the mandatory characteristics of an ob/ect? #bject I) #bject name and abbreviation #bject type !lanning status !lan version Belationship validity period 6ist the most common ob/ect types used in Org Mgmt?

Ob/ect ;ype

Ob/ect ;ype

)eys # S > ! I T

#rgani$ational ?nit & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & =ob & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & !osition & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & -ost -enter & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & !erson & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Iualification & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Tas,s & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & %or, -enter & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & Audget & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & What is an organisational unit 0O3?


It describes the different business units that e"ist in an enterprise that are usually structured according to tas,s and functions. These are used to model structures in !ersonnel dministration or !ayroll ccounting( for e"ample. #rgani$ational units are related to cost centers from -ontrolling. What is a =ob 0!3 =ob represents a uni'ue classification of responsibilities in an organi$ation. %hen we create jobs( we should consider what specific tas,s and re'uirements are associated with the individual jobs. Which are the application components #here /obs are used? =ob and !osition )escription Shift !lanning !ersonnel -ost !lanning -areer and Succession !lanning What is the difference bet#een =ob *e uirement and =ob >ualification? =ob re'uirement represents list of s.ills and e-perience re'uired in order to be suitable in a position( job( tas, or wor, center( whereas job 'ualification represents only list of s.ills. What is a &osition 0$3. !osition is held by employees. position inherits a job0s tas,s but we can also define additional tas,s related to duties performed specifically by that position.


SAP Questions

If characteristics of a job are changed( this has an effect on the position as position inherits characteristics from =ob. !ositions can be 566J filled( partially filled( or vacant. #ne position may also be shared by a number of employees( each wor,ing less than full time. 4or e"ample( two employees can hold K6J and L6J of a position. What is automatic ob/ect inheritance? %hen we create a new position then that must be related to the corresponding job. Through this relationship( an object automatically inherits the attributes of another object if the two are related in certain ways. What is the advantage of ob/ect inheritance? utomatic inheritance can be used to advantage when creating large number of similar objects. This significantly reduces data entry time( as tas,s and characteristics do not have to be assigned to each position separately. What is the difference bet#een /ob and position? =ob is single and position is multiple. %e can define multiple positions against a single job not vice versa. Where do you create organisational units+ /obs+ position and tas.? These are defined in organi$ational management. This can be done in organisational and staffing or the *"pert mode under create mode. &erson 0&3 !erson (employee) hold positions in the organi$ational structure( which is governed by #rgani$ational Management. !erson characteristics are maintained in !ersonnel dministration and are lin,ed to an organi$ational plan through their position assignment. person can fill a position 566J or partially. This depends on the number of wor,ing hours assigned to the position and on the person0s wor, schedule. What is staffing percentage? The staffing percentage refers to the wor, capacity of the person assigned to the position. If the staffing percentage of the person is greater than the re'uirements of the position( the position is overstaffed. If one or more holders do not fulfil the re'uirements of the position( the position is understaffed. What is cost center 0)3? It is maintained in 4inancial ccounting and can be lin,ed to either organizational units or positions. -ost center assignments are inherited along the organi$ational structure Why do #e al#ays attach cost centre to organizational units? What #ill happen if cost centre is assigned against positions? What is a ;as. 0;3 and ho# do you assign it a position? It describes the duties and responsibilities performed in a job and position. Tas,s can be classified under the following aspects+ s wor,flow components to monitor cross&application processes s personnel management tools( to describe jobs and positions ll tas,s are contained in a tas, catalog. The tas, catalog lists all tas,s that e"ist in a particular period. The catalog also shows the relationships that e"ist between tas,s if tas, groups have been defined. If you plan to relate tas,s to positions( you should first relate the tas,s that all positions have in common to the corresponding job. %hen you create a position based on a job( the tas,s will then automatically be transferred to the position. If you assign the same tas,s to different jobs( you can use different weightings( which gives you more information when analy$ing job descriptions. ;as. Group is a collection of conveniently associated tas,s( perhaps( because they are usually performed by the same person. tas, group can be used to 'uic,ly relate many tas,s to a job or to a position. ;as. &rofile is a list of the individual tas,s that have been assigned to a specific object. It collectively defines an object0s purpose( role or action in the B<2 system. &hase is a category in the -haracter info&type that can be used to classify how tas,s fit into a business process. &urpose is the category of the -haracter type that can be used to differentiate between tas,s that contribute directly to the goods and services produced by your company and tas,s regarded as administrative.


SAP Questions

Wor. !entre 0%3 wor, centre can represent anything as general as a geographical location( such as the !hiladelphia branch office( or they can be very precisely defined( such as a particular wor,station with specific e'uipment in a specific building (this may ma,e sense in a factory( or plant( for e"ample). %hen you have created wor, centres( you describe their attributes( such as certain health re'uirements or physical restrictions limiting the group of employees that may wor, there. Dou may define restrictions or you might specify certain e"aminations that have to be completed at regular intervals. 'udget 0'(3 - Its role comes in compensation management where budget for personnel are defined and is assigned to organi$ational units. >ualification 0>3 - Its role comes in personnel development and is assigned to persons( jobs and positions. Some object types are not applicable in #rgani$ational Management though they are defined in the same tables as the #rgani$ational Management objects. 4or e"ample+ #bject types )( *( 4 @ G are similar in nature to #rgani$ational Management object types( but are only applicable to Training and *vents Management What is the difference bet#een organizational unit and #or. center? *elationship identification The relationships between basic object types are defined in the S ! Standard System and should not be changed. *ach standard relationship has a three-digit code and standard synta- is %<' ???. Dou can define your own relationships. The range %%% to @@@ is reserved for relationships created by the customer. *elationships are reciprocal. If a job describes a position( then the position( in turn( will be described by the job. These relationships are distinguished by the identification or A. It is therefore( only necessary to create a relationship in one direction. The inverse relationship will automatically be created by the system. % relationship may also be one-sided . Belationships to objects of an e"ternal object type (cost centreM in -ontrolling( for e"ample)( are one&sided( that is( they only go in one direction. What are the important relationships? 5. %<' ??5 is about supervision Ob/ect relationship 9 Organizational units n organisational unit reports to another organi$ational unit. <A 662 is about ownership Ob/ect relationship 9 Org. (nits and positions. <A 66N is about description Ob/ect relationship 9 =ob and &ositions <A 667 is about holding Ob/ect relationship 9 &osition and persons. <A 6L5 is about lateral or flat relationship Organization staffing and interface ,-plain organization and staffing interface? )uring implementation and in production( the structure of a company will change and the organi$ational plan will need to be maintained. The organi$ation and staffing interface is used to perform the tas,s associated with this maintenance.


SAP Questions

What are the functions of organization and staffing interface? The functions in #rgani$ation and Staffing let you create organi$ational units( positions( jobs( and tas,s 'uic,ly and easily. Dou only specify the most important details for these objects. #rgani$ation and Staffing 9,nows9 what relationships to create and does so automatically What are the main areas of organization and staffing interface?

What all #e can do #ith Organization and staffing? -reate and maintain the basic data for your organi$ational plan -reate and maintain the reporting structure (hierarchy of positions) that e"ists between the positions in your organi$ational plan -reate and maintain cost centre assignments and the default settings for cost centres -reate and maintain certain info&types. To minimi$e the number of processes( not all functions are available in Simple Maintenance. ll objects you create in #rgani$ation and Staffing automatically get Oactive0 status and an object I). *ecommendation+ -reate most of the objects and relationships in your organi$ational plan in #rgani$ation and Staffing. ?se e"pert mode to maintain individual objects at a detailed level( especially when you want to maintain info&types for a specific object. 4o# many search tools available in the search area of Organization and staffing? Three. They are Search using a search term Structural search Iuery search

What is key date?

*very time when we log on( the current date is set as the .ey date. %e can change the ,ey date and data valid on the date you have selected is displayed.

What is preview period?

%hen we logon initially( a previe# period of A months is set+ that is( all changes to data that happen in this period are displayed. %e can change this preview period. ;e"t time we log on( the preview period( which has been selected( is set. ,-plain #ays to create organisational units and assign cost centers? #rgani$ational units can be created from #rgani$ational plan( organi$ation @ staffing( e"pert mode or simple maintenance. On the organization and staffing change screen+ be sure to enter the validity date and preview period. ?se the search area to find the HDP -orporation and double&clic,. $taff assignments structure for the organisational unit will appear. -hoose create icon. %e will be as,ed what ,ind of object we wish to create (org unit<!osition)( select organisational unit and enter a new name and abbreviation. The relationship between organisational units is created automatically. Belate the new organi$ational unit to a cost center on the account assignment (5667) tab page. Select the master cost center field and search for a cost center using the search help. To create sub&ordinate organisational unit( select parent organisational unit( and choose create icon as we did for the parent one and save the organizational structure. ,-plain #ays to create and assign positions defined by /obs? *nsure we are in the staff assignments (structure) view. Select the benefits organi$ational unit in the overview area.


SAP Questions

-hoose create( select position( and name it. The relationship to the organi$ational unit will be created automatically. To search for an e"isting job( enter 66Q directly in the job field( this will access a list from which we can choose a job. If we want to create a new job( select create jobs from the edit menu( ensure that we enter the correct validity period and save the entries. ,-plain #ays to associate tas.s to position Select the ;as. %ssignment vie# in the overview area. Select the position to which you want to assign tas,s. If we want to create our own tas,s( choose the create icon and the tas,. If we want to use tas,s which already e"ist( use the search area to populate the selection area with tas,s. *"isting tas,s will be prefi"ed with 66Q. #nce the selection area contains tas,s( you can drag and drop them to the relevant position in the overview area. lternatively( we can also assign tas,s in the staff assignments 0structure3 vie#. To do this( select relevant position( and then the tas,s tab page. ?se search area to search for tas,s. #nce they appear in the selection area( we can drag them to the tas, list. ,-pert Mode9 Infotype Maintenance What is the use of ,-pert Mode? %e have a complete picture of an organi$ation( but now want to add more information on the individual objects 1 give a description( certain positions to be flagged as vacant and some departments to be characteri$ed as administrative departments etc.( we ta,e the help of e"pert mode What is an info-type? 5. .ogical or business related characteristics of an object. )ata fields are grouped into data group or information units according to their content. Info&types are accessed directly from info&type maintenance. #bjects with various statuses can be maintained. Which table is containing Info-type characteristics? 7BtC5Da What are the different number ranges for info-types? 6666&6333 Master data info types 5666&5333 !lanning data Info types C666&C333 Time data Info types L666&L333 pplicant data info types 3666&3333 -ustomer specified info types 4o# do you enhance a standard info-type? "o you need an access .ey if you have to do an enhancement to a standard info-type? 4o# do you create a ne# info-type? Transaction code !M65 ta,es you to the screen to create new info&type. %e can create three type of info&tyes 4or personnel administration 4or Becruitment 4or both Info&types number between 3666&3333 are reserved for customer created info&type. What is info-type menus and ho# to create it? !M ! -ustomi$e procedure Infotype menus Is it mandatory to configure info groups? !an #e do #ithout them?


SAP Questions

4o# do you maintain info-types in the relevant e-pert mode?

&lan version9 *nsure you wor, in the correct plan version at all times. Organizational unit9 The object I) is displayed. This enables the user to carry out a search for the object in 'uestion. %bbreviation9 The abbreviation is displayed so that the user can ensure that the right object is being edited. 7alidity period9 Start and end dates specify the period during which the object e"ists in the plan version and selected. Info-type9 Dou select the info&type you want to maintain. $tatus9 Dou must select the status of the info&type you want to maintain using the tab pages. "isplay available info-types9 It is easy to tell at first glance which info&type records e"ist for the object selected. )epending on the period( they are mar,ed by a green chec, mar,.


SAP Questions

What is an action? What are the info-types used for standard action for creating position?


SAP Questions

%e create objects using actions. n action is a series of info&types that are presented for editing in a specific order or se'uence. %e determine the info&types and the se'uence in customi$ing. *ach action can only be defined for one object type. %hen defining an action( ma,e sure that we are assigning info&types in a logical order. ;he ob/ect info-type should al#ays be edited first and have ?1 as its line number. Info&types for creating position #bject info&type Belationship to organi$ational unit Belationship to describing job )escription info&type )epartment<Staff info&type What is the use of cost distribution info-type 01?1D3? It allows organi$ational units and positions to be assigned to both a master cost centre and additional cost centres. Dou must enter a cost centre and a percentage. The assignment to the master cost centre is based on the difference (to 566J). n employee will inherit the master cost centre assigned to their position or organi$ational unit. !ersonnel -ost !lanning uses the Master )ata -ost )istribution info type (66CN) for cost planning for basic pay and payroll results. If this has not been maintained( it uses the -ost )istribution info type (5657) in #rgani$ational Management. The #rgani$ational Management -ost )istribution info type is always used for cost planning for planned compensation. If it is available( the Master )ata -ost )istribution info type (66CN) is used to determine and assign personnel costs in !ayroll ccounting. If this info type has not been maintained( however( the system( where possible( accesses the #rgani$ational Management -ost )istribution info type (5657). $imple Maintenance ,-plain the uses of the simple maintenance interface? Simple Maintenance is used when Staff assignments and reporting structure are to be changed. There are three main areas in Simple Maintenance. *ach area contains particular maintenance functions( depending on whether you want to edit organizational structure+ staff assignments or tas. profiles. 4or #rgani$ational Management users( Simple Maintenance is best used to establish the basic framewor, in organi$ational plan development. 4or complete( detailed editing of individual organi$ational objects in your organi$ational plan (editing particular positions or organi$ational units( for e"ample)( we recommend that you switch to Info&type Maintenance. Simple maintenance uses a tree structure( which allows you to create a basic framewor, for organi$ational plans( using streamlined procedures. In this way( we can create an organi$ational and reporting structures step by step. 4o# many main areas are in simple maintenance?E There are three main areas in Simple Maintenance. *ach area contains particular maintenance functions( depending on whether you want to edit organi$ational structures( staff assignments or tas, profiles. !hange Organizational $tructure 4oundation screen in Simple Maintenance. Dour activities always begin there and then switch to the other screens in Simple Maintenance( as appropriate. This screen allows you to build up and maintain the organi$ational structure for your organi$ational plan. !hange $taff %ssignments The -hange Staff organi$ational plan. ssignments screen allows you to identify the staff assignments re'uired for an


SAP Questions

%hen you create positions on the -hange Staff ssignments screen( you also automatically create the relationships records that lin, positions with organi$ational units. If you create positions by copying jobs( the system creates the relationship records that lin, positions and jobs. !hange ;as. &rofile The -hange Tas, !rofile screen allows you to create( maintain( and view tas, profiles for organi$ational units( jobs( positions and users The types of tas,s you can wor, with in the -hange Tas, !rofile screen depend on the view you have chosen. Name and e-plain the t#o vie#s under simple maintenance 5. #verall Riew C. /B Riew The difference between the overall and /B views hinges on tas,s and tas, profiles. In overall view( you can wor, with tas,s( standard tas,s( wor,flow tas,s( wor, flow templates and roles. In the /B view( you can only wor, with tas,s and standard tas,s. In general structure maintenance+ it is possible to represent the legal entity of organizational units? What is the difference bet#een general structure and matri- organization? General structure is used to depict teams of an organi$ation in the system. Matri" structure is used when a company0s holding company must also be represented in the organi$ational plan. What is the difference bet#een hierarchical organization and matri- organization? matri" organi$ation is distinguished from a hierarchical organi$ation because the matri" contains at least one position that reports to more than one superior. Matri" types must be defined before you can access matri" processing by choosing matri" types. matri" organi$ation is a two&dimensional chain of command( in which positions( for e"ample( report to more than one superior. feature of the matri" organi$ation is that more than one manager can overlap on the same level+ there can be managers responsible for objects (4inance( Manufacturing( /uman Besources and so on) and managers responsible for performanceS in the same way( you could also have managers responsible for projects( or regional managers. !an you use the organizational structure to form a matri- organization? What is an evaluation path? *valuation paths are chains of relationships that e"ist between certain object types. *"ample #&S&! 1 Staff assignments along organi$ational structure. What is the use of an evaluation path? *valuation paths define how a tree structure will be created. s objects may have multiple relationships( not all will be applicable or even possible in a single view. The search parameters for the evaluation path allow you to identify objects in the path you wish to find. 4o# do you create an evaluation path? *valuation paths are created in organi$ational management -ustomi$ing under basic settings. #ne or more relationships form the navigation paths for an evaluation. These enable us to report on and display structural information( for e"ample( organi$ational structure or the reporting structure. %e can create alphanumeric evaluation paths with a ma"imum of 7 characters starting with P. Which situations re uire ne# evaluation paths? Is it possible to create ne# evaluation paths in customizing?


SAP Questions

From9 ;o9

:Bajni: TrajniUabaloneindia.orgV cp,

dd to ddress Aoo,

$ub/ect9 #pening in /B with S !&/B e"pertise "ate9 /ello Thu( K pr C66K 57+65+CW X6W26 !raveen ( GreetingsY It was nice tal,ing to you. s discussed please find below the details of the company. !lease do send your -R as soon as possible. -ompany ?B.+ bout -ompany and position+ Shell is a Multinational -ompany of /olland. They are the largest #il *"plorer of %orld. The company is divided in two !arts as Shell ?p STB* M & ll the business of Shell related to #il *"ploration and )rilling #il from Ground and %ater is Shells ?p stream Ausiness it not available in India as there is no oil e"ploration possibility in and around India.) @ Shell )own Stream & ll the business of shell after oil is drilled out and goes for Befining and then selling #il and #il by products come under Shell down stream Ausiness this is available in India in various forms li,e Aharat Shell ( =R Aetween Boyal )utch Shell )own Stream with Aharat !etroleum) & .ubricant Ausiness. Shell Gas & .!G Gas Ausiness Shell Benewable *nergies Shell Aitumen .td Shell Betail India !vt .td ( Shells !etrol and )iesel Betailing Ausiness.) This !osition in S ! /B is for Shell !rojects This is an offshoot of Shell and its the -entralised /B facility in India for *astern part of the Globe i.e this particular department will ta,e care of all the /B 4acility and functions of /B for Shell companies on the eastern Side of the Globe. /ence the /B Module will be implemented in the -ompany with the co ordination of all the shell companies ( ll The )ownstream Ausinesses)

Than,s @ Begards Bajni< sheesh


SAP Questions

balone !rofessionals )irect .ine+ 2CWWN6WW !hone+ X35 (655) CK5265K5 <CK5265KC <CK5265K2 )elivering 'uality on time ...... lwaysY

*esponsibilities as Functional !onsultant9 *ole 9 4unctional -onsultant . Implemented %reas9 &% 0&ersonnel %dministration3 Aase&line -onfiguration and -ustomi$ation 1 *nterprise Structure+ &&&& In the sense preparation of the company0s enterprise structure by getting information about the company from the time of establishment. To ma,e the settings of entp strc as -omp code( personnel areas and personnel sub areas and do the changes as re'uired to the client and configure them in customi$ation. -ustomi$ation is entp0s capacity of all aspects and customi$es them as re'uired in IMG. &ersonnel $tructure 9 & !reation of employee groups 0 persg3 +& llows us to divide employees into groups and their relationships with company in aspects of active employees( early retirees @ !ensioners. and they r useful for generating values for !ayroll accounting areas(general units for authori$ation chec,s . ,mployee sub groups 0 pers.3 9 - Bepresent a sub division of the employee group and these !ers, are specified for Ralidity of !rimary wage types ( specification of validity of wor, schedules( specification of validity of !ay scales groups( specification of time 'uota types and account determination. ,mployee sub group grouping for collective agreement provisions + for defining groupings for !-B0s @ - !0s for all !ers,0s and pergs0s. the employee sub group grouping is re'd In pcr0s for !ayroll accounting and in cap0s for Indirect validation of wage types in Aasic !ay info type 6667. &ayroll accounting areas 9 Grouping of employees or personnel numbers who receive their salaries on e"act payroll period and determines the period parameter. *" + pay roll for salaries emps one and one for hourly paid employees related to the entp strc. Info types Menus + & In this step( you define the infotype menus for maintaining and displaying /uman Besources master data. These menus can be defined so that they are dependent on the user group (user parameter (G*). If there are no entries for an infotype menu for the user9s user group or if the user has not maintained his<her user group( then the infotype menu is determined using the reference user group. &ersonnel %ctions 0&%2?3+& Bunning a personnel action means maintaining a predefined se'uence of infotypes for a particular employee. The system creates a relevant record in infotype Actions (6666) for most personnel actions. In this infotype( you enter the personnel action type( the reason for the action( and the employee0s employment status. This information is important for managing employee data. ll infotypes that belong to this personnel action0s infotype group are called up.

Info- groups+ & n infotype group( or info group( is a se'uence of related infotypes that are displayed one after the other for maintenance purposes when a personnel action is performed.The infogroup guarantees that during the personnel action( all information needed for the business processes is stored. n infogroup e"ists in the standard system for every personnel action type in the !ersonnel ctions section.In -ustomi$ing for Personnel Administration, you can modify the relationship between individual infogroups and define the infogroups as user& dependent.The infogroup is processed when Bunning a !ersonnel ction. "ynamic %ctions+ 9 - )ynamic actions trigger automatic processing when info types are maintained. If u ma,e a change to the personnel data of an infotype that then has as effect on the data of a second infotype( the automatically displays the infotype. The ! component guarantees a consistent data retention at all times. These dynamic actions r started automatically by the system unli,e the ! which u start by yourself. )ynamic actions assist you with many human resource processes which lead onto further activities. In personnel administration customi$ing u can set up user defined processing chains which are suited to ur companies conditions. $creen Modifications + & The screen modification in customi$ing for IS 1/ lets u stipulate whether the system is tom show r hide procedure fields in relation to the transaction.


SAP Questions

Integration #ith *ecruitment Module etc 9 - In recruitment mode of a $%& process goes li.e one by one as 1+ vacant position+ &'%G. 5 create advertisement + &'%W A. *ecord %pplicant data+ &'1? 2. !reate >ualification profile+ &&&M C.!arry $election procedure+ &,&M H.Intervie# %pplicant &'H? I. %ssign applicant to &osition &%2? and D. ;ransfer applicant &%2? J &%25 details to personnel Mgmt. The ability to meet personnel re'uirements is ,ey for enterprises. The success of an enterprise depends on such factors as the 'uality and availability of personnel. It is particularly important for the development and success of e"panding enterprises that they have 'uic, access to ade'uate personnel.If you implement the Recruitment component( you can recruit personnel based on your re'uirements. Dou can increase the number of applicants available to your enterprise( and include them in the selection procedure for vacancies( by advertising for personnel (e.g. job advertisements) or by receiving unsolicited applications. Dou can store applicants that you have not deemed suitable for a particular vacancy in the pplicant !ool( where they can be considered for other or future vacancies. This component enables you to define a recruitment procedure that suits the needs of your enterprise. Dou can distribute tas,s and responsibilities to different people involved in the recruitment process. Recruitment supports you in dividing and assigning administrative and decision&ma,ing tas, areas. Many tas,s can be processed via mass processing. Indeed( the Recruitment component allows you to automate many processes. They are e"ecuted in dynamic actions. 4or e"ample( when you first enter applicant data( the system creates a confirmation of receipt in the form of an applicant activity and a letter confirming receipt of application. This relieves the /B )epartment of administrative tas,s in the area of applicant correspondence.This component has all the functions you need for wor,ing through the entire recruitment procedure( from creating applicant data to filling vacant positions. The Recruitment component contains an entire range of powerful( fle"ible functions that you can use to implement an effective 1 and largely automated 1 recruitment strategy. Wor.ed on features 9 4eatures are objects in the system( which by 'uerying different enterprise personnel or data structure fields( determine a specific value ,nown as a :bac, value: or :result:. The bac, value is used to determine default values and to control certain system processes. 4eatures serve to enhance system fle"ibility. 4eatures contain rules that are primarily used for programming in the /B component and that are( for the most part( used for specifying default values &IN!4 + & assignment of administration groups for the related entp strc( and assignment of personnel officer for the related company. %')*$ is used for assignment of !ayroll area for the related *mp grps and employee sub grps . 6GM$; + This is planned remuneration specification for all the wage types as per !ay scale structures. ;%*IFF + ssignment of pay scale type and !ay scale area for related emp grps and emps grps. Aasic pay -onfiguration + ssignment of wage types created for pay scale groups and levels. Mail alerts on infotype changes + can assign alerts for the new infotypes created by the re'uest of the client. Info type audit trails and standard te"t + Standardi$e the customer specified info types and assign them a standard mean for maintenance. OM 0Organizational Management3 9 ?sed the interfaces as Simple maintenance ( details maintenance and structural maintenance for creating org units( jobs( positions and their tas,s. ssigned relationships between objects org units to org units ( positions to org structure ( jobs to position( job to person and by relating them for reporting structure by assigning personnel officer authori$ed for that and with the line manger for controlling. Belationships r nothing but integration between all the objects as KOL org units( K&L person( K$L positions( KcL =obs ( K;L Tas, centers( K%L wor, center. #rg units may be departments or indirectly personnel sub areas. =obs are the tas, assigned to the position to which emp is going to assign as !osition. =ob is invisible in the structure and position is visible and position may be divided r assigned in parts for persons ( but not job. Beporting structure assigned. -reated the #rgani$ational Structures using the interfaces as Simple maintenance ( )etail maintenance ( Structural Maintenance. -reated the #rgani$ational ?nits( =obs( !ositions and Tas,s. ssigning Belationships between different objects li,e #rgani$ation units to organi$ational units( !ositions to organi$ation units( =obs to position =ob to !erson and configured Beporting structures. ;M 0 ;ime Management 3 9 !reated &ublic 4olidays + It0s a combination of annual calendar and list of all public holidays in a year. The public holiday gives an overview of all wor,ing days ( days off of a calendar year. It can be created to cover a validity period of several years. It is defined for various countries @ regions separately because of changes in their approach to the public relations. 4olidays calendar 9 Ay creating the !ubic holidays a list of holidays can be assigned to the company by defining them into /oliday calendar I). Factory !alendar 9 -alendar is which wor,ing days are numbered se'uentially. The factory calendar is defined on the basis of a public holiday calendar. The validity period of a factory calendar must be within the validity period of the public holiday calendar. The wee,days that are wor,ing days must also be specified in this calendar.


SAP Questions

Mapped ;ime Management 1 created !/ calendar + & -ustomi$ing the present situation of the company for proceedings at Time Management and specifying them in S ! after customi$ing with related groupings for the personnel structures. Wor. schedule + & )escription of the duration and composition of employee wor,ing time for any given wor,day. The wor, schedule defines wor,ing time models such as shifts( continuous wor,ing times( or fle" time for scheduling wor,ing time provisions for wor,force or wor, processes. "aily #or. $chedules + & daily wor, schedule is an employee&based description of the duration and amount of wor,ing time on a wor,day. brea. schedules 9 -Dou define the brea, rules in the wor, schedule for any particular wor,ing day and assign them to a personnel sub area grouping for wor, schedules. This grouping enables you to assign a brea, schedule to as many of the grouping0s daily wor, schedules as you want( achieving ma"imum fle"ibility in combining all elements of the daily wor, schedule. The following three types of brea, schedules are available + Fi-ed brea.s. Area,s are defined for a certain time period and can only be used by employees during this period of time. Area,fast brea, Z 3+66 a.m. to 3+5W a.m. .unch brea, Z 5C+66 noon to 5+66 p.m. -offee brea, Z 5W+26 to 5W+LW &eriod #or. schedules + & period wor, schedule defines the duration and composition of employee wor,ing time for any given period (a wee,( for e"ample). period wor, schedule e"ists for each day of the period. Grouping+ Grouping of &$ grouping ,$ grouping + #or. schedules rule + It is an ssignment feature used to specify a reference date for a period wor, schedule. ,-ample period wor, schedule contains a se'uence of wor, schedules that determine when employees are assigned to wor,. The period wor, schedule is based on business&specific considerations( and not on the specific date or day of the wee,. The wor, schedule rule assigns a certain reference date to the wor, schedule( and thus specifies the start date and the wee,day( aswell as the pattern for the period wor, schedule. %vailability + ?sed for having the wor, time regularities of an employee for certain period. The employee who are all available for duty for a specific time interval or with a certain period of the planned wor,ing time. $ubstitution 9 the change record to an employee planned wor, time that occurs at short notice and involve a full day. These changes to wor,ing time might involve following as wor, pattern in wor, schedule ( C employees wor,ing according to a particular )%S variant substitutions on public holidays. %bsence 9 n employee9s entitlement to a certain absence. The 'uota has a limited validity period( and is reduced by each recorded absence. *ach employee has an entitlement to a certain number of days of various absence types. /olidays are the most common e"ample( for which there are usually a fi"ed number of days per year. This often depends on the length of service the employee has. In the GA Model -ompany( there are a couple of absence types for which 'uotas can be set. These absence 'uota types are as follows+ 65 !aid time&off in lieu ( 33 /oliday. These absence types are grouped according to the personnel subarea grouping for time 'uota types( which is always 67 for the GA Model -ompany( and the employee subgroup grouping for time 'uota types( which is 5 for the GA Model -ompany. Table TWWK contains the absence 'uota types. bsence 'uota type 33 (/oliday)( for e"ample( sets the number of days that are available per employee for vacation and is automatically updated each year. 4eatures .RTD!( .R;?M( ? A*GS and ? *;) are used to default leave entitlement. Area,down of employee time in lieu entitlements (according to reason for entitlement)

Examples Annual leave ,Leave for challenged persons, Tim in lieu for overtime. Attendance quota : The entry screen for general absences is used for attendances that are not deducted from a quota, such as business trips. You can check the accounting days and hours calculated for an attendance directly from the entry screen. Attendances with quota deduction are attendances that are deducted from an employee's attendance approval. You can only record these attendances for employees who have sufficient attendance quota in the Attendance Quotas infotype !""#$. You can use a special entry screen to record attendances with quota deduction. %nce you have saved the attendance is saved, the employee's available entitlement is automatically reduced.
$hift planning 9 ssignment of employees to shifts to cover wor,force re'uirements defined to complete business&related tas,s. This application component allows you to accurately determine and schedule the appropriate number and type of human resources re'uired for your enterprise to carry out business re'uirements. Implementation !onsiderations ?nli,e other types of resource planning for materials( machines and vehicles( human resources planning involves a uni'ue set of re'uirements. !ersonnel administrators face problems and issues that are e"tremely time consuming and cost intensive to deal with without computer support. The S i!t Planning component allows you to distribute your human resources 'uic,ly and efficiently( and ensures that an enterprise0s capacity is used to the full e"tent. Dou can assign shift time( shift location( selection and number of re'uired employees so that your personnel capacity is utili$ed to its ma"imum effect. Dou can schedule and create wor,ing hours for your employees in a fle"ible manner to cover re'uirements. Dou can also create time data for any number of employees at the same time( as well as for one or more days( wee,s or even months


SAP Questions

$pecification of shift groups 9 )escribes the grouping together of all re'uired shifts for a group for the purpose of shift planning. In a shift group( you can define the shifts re'uired e"clusively for various organi$ational units. %ith this function you define the data and information in the IMG for S i!t Planning that must be defined before using this component. Dou can ma,e the following settings+ %hich re'uirements groups with shift abbreviations and re'uirements types are available for shift planning The lin, between a shift group and an organi$ational unit that is to be used in shift planning %hich time types or time evaluation results are to be printed in the shift plan using Microsoft *"cel Integration To implement S i!t Planning( you need the following SAP "ime #anagement components+ Personnel Administration personnel master record must be created for each employee to be scheduled in a shift plan in this component. In addition( the "arget $orking "ime infotype (666N) must also be maintained for each employee available in shift planning. "ime %ata Recording Substitutions( attendances<absences and availabilities are maintained in this component( and are transferred by the system to shift planning. 4urthermore( changes to this time data made in shift planning are automatically sent bac, to time recording to be used in time evaluation. Organizational #anagement #rgani$ational structures are created and maintained in this component. n organi$ational structure consists of all of the e"isting organi$ational units that can be used as entry object types in shift planning. The entry object type defines the human resources re'uired for shift planning by using the evaluation path of the entry profile *ecruitment9 The ability to meet personnel re'uirements is ,ey for enterprises. The success of an enterprise depends on such factors as the 'uality and availability of personnel. It is particularly important for the development and success of e"panding enterprises that they have 'uic, access to ade'uate personnel. If you implement the Recruitment component( you can recruit personnel based on your re'uirements. Dou can increase the number of applicants available to your enterprise( and include them in the selection procedure for vacancies( by advertising for personnel (e.g. job advertisements) or by receiving unsolicited applications. Dou can store applicants that you have not deemed suitable for a particular vacancy in the pplicant !ool( where they can be considered for other or future vacancies. This component enables you to define a recruitment procedure that suits the needs of your enterprise. Dou can distribute tas,s and responsibilities to different people involved in the recruitment process. Recruitment supports you in dividing and assigning administrative and decision&ma,ing tas, areas. Many tas,s can be processed via mass processing. Indeed( the Recruitment component allows you to automate many processes. They are e"ecuted in dynamic actions. 4or e"ample( when you first enter applicant data( the system creates a confirmation of receipt in the form of an applicant activity and a letter confirming receipt of application. This relieves the /B )epartment of administrative tas,s in the area of applicant correspondence. This component has all the functions you need for wor,ing through the entire recruitment procedure( from creating applicant data to filling vacant positions. The Recruitment component contains an entire range of powerful( fle"ible functions that you can use to implement an effective 1 and largely automated 1 recruitment 4ully involved in this Module0s Implementation Good )no#ledge of *ecruitment Instrument 9 -oncrete medium used to publish a job advertisement. Becruitment instruments include( for e"ample( newspaper A- or the employment office in city HDP. Dou would li,e to ,now which of the recruitment instruments used by your company have resulted in the most applications. The report E&aluate Recruitment 'nstruments enables you to display the number of applications per recruitment instrument. Media 9 Media is the medium which serves two purposes of recruitment 5) it is used to classify all recruitment instruments nd C) it also used to indicate the medium through which an unsolicited applicant came into contact with the company. *" + pres( employment agency and personnel consultancies. %dvertisements9 dv is an announcement of one r more vacancies published in a recruitment with the aim of recruiting suitable candidates. &ersonnel Officer 0%dministrator39 !ersonnel officer is nothing but administrator in S ! .anguage. s administrator can be assigned separately for recruitment( pay roll and Time management. -oncerned to the grievances with the employees. /e may be used for communication and information0s.


SAP Questions

%pplicant Groups9 pplicant groups are divided in perspective of the employment tenure of the employee to the company. *" 1 permanent tenure( temporary( or trainee ( or pprentice or a free lancers. %pplicant range 9 These applicant ranges are used to classify the employees according to their hierarchical criteria. *" 1 functional area( e"ecutive or s salaried employee in sales and production. (nsolicited %pplication groups 9 4reely definable criterion for classifying unsolicited applications. 4or e"ample( you might group unsolicited applications according to the activity within the company which is being applied for (such as salaried employee in Sales and )istribution( salaried employee in !ersonnel )epartment). Aoth internal and e"ternal applicants can submit unsolicited applications( or apply in response to an advertisement. Dou assign applicants who file an unsolicited application to an unsolicited application group during initial data entry. n unsolicited application group is a user&definable criterion for use in structuring unsolicited applications. Dou might( for e"ample( want to structure unsolicited applicants by the activity for which they have applied (salaried employee in Sales and )istribution( for e"ample( or salaried employee in /uman Besources. %pplicant status9 In accordance with the two types of selection procedure( there are also two applicant statuses( the o&erall status and the &acancy assignment status. These two statuses are normally maintained in different ways.In some cases the overall status can affect the vacancy assignment status. 4or e"ample( if an applicant has the overall status rejected, then each vacancy assignment status must also be rejected. In other words( if you reject an applicant in the overall procedure( he or she can no longer be included in the selection procedure for a specific vacancy. 7acancy %ssignment status #ith overall status 9 %pplicant actions 9 preset activity in the Becruitment system which changes the applicant9s overall status. n applicant action can be assigned a se'uence of infotypes which are processed as part of the action. The most important piece of information contained in the Applicant Actions (L666) infotype is the applicant9s overall status (e.g. Processing( On old( Rejected ). The overall status depends on the last applicant action type performed for the applicant. If( for e"ample( the applicant action type Put applicant on old is performed( the applicant is assigned the overall status On old. In the standard S ! system( a new record is created in the Applicant Actions infotype (L666) for every applic ant action type performed for an applicant. In addition to data on the applicant action type that was performed( the Applicant Actions info type (L666) contains information on whether or not an applicant can produce a reference. If this is the case( you can store the name of the employee providing the reference for the applicant in a te"t not used in evaluations. The applicant9s organi$ational assignment data is already entered as default values in this info type. Dou can overwrite these values. The time constraint for this info type is 5. Info groups + se'uence of info types displayed by the system for processing when an action (such as a personnel action or applicant action) is performed. n info type group( or info group( is a se'uence of related infotypes that are displayed one after the other for maintenance purposes when a personnel action is performed. The infogroup guarantees that during the personnel action( all information needed for the business processes is stored. n infogroup e"ists in the standard system for every personnel action type in the !ersonnel ctions section. In -ustomi$ing for Personnel Administration, you can modify the relationship between individual infogroups and define the info groups as user&dependent. The info group is processed when Bunning a !ersonnel ction. Info type menu 9 info type menus are set up to be dependent upon the user group. The user groups correspond the country groupings. *" 1 In /B master data all the related data of an employee to company is maintained from #rgani$ational assignment to !ayroll. %pplicant Menu 9 pplicant data is evaluated by means of reports. Beports are able to read and analyse data that is stored in the system. %hen you perform the &' 1? 'nitial Entry o! (asic %ata action( the system classifies applicants by+

!ersonnel area<subarea O&erall Status )nsolicited application group<Ad&ertisement pplicant Groups pplicant range Personnel o!!icer This structure enables you to carry out the available evaluations only on certain groups of applicants. 4or e"ample( you can carry out an evaluation only on applicants who have applied in response to a particular advertisement and whose overall status is processing. Features The standard evaluations for Recruitment can be split into two categories+


SAP Questions

nalysis reports These reports enable you to generate lists of applicants and applicant data (for e"ample( Applicants by *ame( Applications( Applicants by Action). Statistics reports. These reports enable you to carry out statistical evaluations of applicant data (for e"ample( Applicant Statistics( Job Ad&ertisements). Dou can control the length of each list or the amount of data included in the statistics by specifying selection criteria on the report selection screen

%pplicant %ctivities 9 -oncrete administrative stage through which an applicant passes in the course of the application procedure. If it has not yet been carried out( the activity has the status :planned:( and if it is already finished( :completed. Dou use the pplicant ctivities infotype (L662) to enter the activities that have been created for an applicant. ctivities carried out for an applicant within a selection procedure are entered( logged and planned in the Becruitment system by means of applicant activities. In other words( applicant activities are administrative stages through which an applicant passes during the course of the application procedure. -orrespondence with applicants is also handled by means of applicant activities. Dou can only display applicant activities in applicant master data (you cannot edit them here). To create or change applicant activities( choose Applicant acti&ity #aintain. The time constraint for this infotype is 2. *eference %ctivity9 -ross&reference from an activity module to an e"ternal reference or deliverable. Test modules are called within test procedures and are passed data via parameters. #ccasionally( data from a second applicant activity is needed for use in a letter( mail( or for data transfer to Personnel Administration. The system includes this data automatically in the te"t if there is a reference between the activity re'uiring the additional data and that from which the data is to be accessed. Dou want to include data from the activity Appointment !or inter&ie+ in the letter for the activity 'n&ite !or inter&ie+. In this case( you define the activity Appointment !or inter&ie+ as the reference activity of 'n&itation to inter&ie+. This will mean that data such as the date and time of the interview will be imported automatically into the letter for the activity 'n&itation to inter&ie+ !lease note that only one reference activity may be assigned to each applicant activity. Beference activities can be created in the following ways+ Dou can define a reference activity between two e"isting applicant activities. 4or more information( see -reate<change<delete reference activity for an applicant activity.

Dou can also create a reference activity when you are creating follow&on activities for an e"isting applicant activity. This option is normally preferable since it only involves one additional step. 4or more information( see -reate follow&up activities for an applicant activity.

Features for automatic !reation of %pplicant %ctivity9 There are four activation types. Dou can specify the activation type by stating the feature to be activated. The originals of the sub features are called up and activated. -omplete activation then ta,es place. complete activation of all features always ta,es place. Dou are not permitted to enter a feature for the selection option ,eature-s..

%ctivation of selected features ll selected features are activated whether or not activation is necessary for each of them. It is always the last saved version of the relevant feature that is activated. %ctivation of changed features #nly the modified features that are selected are activated. These must be activated before they can be used. If you save or temporarily store these features without chec,ing( this does not count as a change. Internal activation #nly for internal S ! use. %pplicant correspondence 9 The Recruitment system can automatically create all letters and documents re'uired for correspondence with an applicant (such as confirmations of receipt( interview invitations( contract offers) using either S !script or Microsoft %ord. /aving the system create correspondence automatically means that+ you do not have to create standard applicant lettersS instead( you simply assign the letters to applicants and print them out.

you can create individual letters for applicants by simply editing the standard letter. Dou can also send letters in the form of fa"es and e&mails directly from the B<2 System. See Sending -orrespondence to pplicants via 4a" or *&mail (S !connect). Integration 9 pplicant correspondence is created using applicant activities. %hen the system is customi$ed( one or more company&specific standard letters<documents (standard te"ts) containing variables for including applicant data are created for every applicant activity that involves sending a letter<document to the applicant (e.g. Send con!irmation o! receipt). These letters are created using either S !script or Microsoft %ord. If the applicant is to receive a standard letter( you must assign him or her an applicant activity. Dou can call up the relevant applicant


SAP Questions

correspondence via this activity. Dou can then display or print the letter directly. The system inserts the applicant9s personal data automatically into the standard letter. If the applicant is to receive an individual letter( you must assign a suitable applicant activity to him or her using the /reate planned acti&ity function. Dou call up a standard te"t from the applicant activity screen. The applicant0s personal data are automatically inserted into the letter. To create an individual letter( change the standard letter in S !script or Microsoft %ord. If you want to change a letter using Microsoft %ord( you can use all the variables available in the system for applicant data. These variables are replaced with the appropriate applicant data. *ach individual letter is then saved with the data on the applicant. Dou can display or print out this letter at any time. It is also important to note that you can reverse the changes you have made to the standard letter at any time. Features .etters or documents for applicants can either be printed out individually via the connected activity( or together with other letters using bul, processing. letter is dealt with in bul, processing if you have set the indicator for Recurring tasks in the connected activity. Dou can adjust the system settings so that when an applicant action (such as 'nitial entry o! basic data ) is performed( the system automatically creates a corresponding activity (e.g. #ail receipt o! application) and sets the indicator for Recurring tasks. This speeds up and simplifies correspondence with applicants. $creen Modifications. &ayroll %dministration 9 "efine employee %ttributes 9 ssignment of relationship status of the employee to the company as employee groups and employee sub groups are assigned in *nterprise personnel structures( here ctivity status of the employee( *mployment status and education @ training status are to be assigned. ctivity status is for determining that emp is related to comp as Temporary ( active( retirees or others. *mployment status comes under salaried ( hourly paid or others. Training activity comes under is he trained or to be trained ( or apprentice.These attributes are used nationally and internationally for reporting selection or grouping of employee data in national plausibility0s. &ayroll %ccounting %rea 9 Grouping of employees or personnel numbers who receive their salaries on e"act payroll period and determines the period parameter. *" + pay roll for salaries emps one and one for hourly paid employees. &ay $tructures 0 !%& J &!*3 9 !reate J !hec. Wage ;ype !atalog 9 In this step( you create your own wage types for the infotype asic Pay (6667) by copying the model wage types in the standard system. These copies are the wage types you will use in further processing. Dou can also modify the copies to suit your re'uirements. #nly wage types for use in infotype asic Pay (6667) are proposed in this step. Note 4or information on setting up customer wage types either by using prototypes or by copying the wage type catalogs delivered by S !( see the steps : !reate #age types using #age type catalogs : and : !reating #age types using prototypes:. !lease note that any copies you ma,e of model wage types have the same characteristics as the models( both for processing in dialog and in payroll. The following steps enable you to chec, and( if necessary( change the dialog characteristics of your wage types. !aution #nly use the name range reserved for your customer wage types (wage types that begin with a number). ;ever copy wage types to the area reserved for S ! model wage types (those that begin with a letter or a symbol). %ctivities -reate your copy wage types for the infotype asic Pay (6667) using the steps. Wage type 7aluations 9 This section allows you to define the date on which wage types may be entered. ,-ample The :special bonus: wage type may only be entered up to 5C<25<533W. *e uirements Dou have set up your wage type catalog. entered in which info type. %ctivities )efine the validity period for entries These characteristics describe Dou have decided which wage types can be

!haracteristics 9 In this step( you define the wage type characteristics. entering of wage types and not how they behave in payroll.

,-ample Dou want to define a ma"imum wage type amount of [5666 and a minimum of [56. The ma"imum wage type number may be 566( the minimum 5. The wage type amount should not be included in the totals line of basic pay. Dou must enter a wage type amount. Dou should only be able to enter the number for a wage type. Dou want to set certain units of time and measurement for the number. Dou want to set certain units of time and measurement for the number. %age types should be valuated indirectly. *e uirements 9 Dou have set up the wage type catalog and pay scales in the previous step. Dou have defined your wage type catalog and compiled a list of wage type characteristics.


SAP Questions

$tandard $ettings 9 The standard system contains model wage types which you can copy to your wage type area. -opied wage types have the same characteristics as the model ones. *ecommendation If you intend to use payroll( familiari$e yourself with its functionality. Dou may be setting up wage types which already e"ist. %ctivities 9 5. )efine the validity period for wage type characteristics. C. )efine the operation indicator. 2. )efine the ma"imum and minimum wage type amount. L. If you want to edit a wage type for entry in the 'asic &ay infotype (6667)( determine whether the amount should be included in the total basic pay. W. )efine the default units of time<measurement and the minimum and ma"imum number. K. )efine the number<amount input combinations. N. )efine indirect valuation characteristics. Indirect valuation is possible in the following infotypes+ 'asic &ay (6667) *ecurring &ayments<"eductions (665L) %dditional &ayments (665W) Wage Maintenance (66WC) 7. If you want to use Time Management( define whether the wage type is a bonus or basic hourly pay. 3. )elete any unnecessary wage types. Further Notes #nly define wage types which can be entered in above infotypesS wage types which are generated in payroll do not need to be defined. &ay $tructure to ,nterprise $tructure. 9 here we indirectly default employee to the enterprise structure. Ie we assign -ollective agreement types and areas to personnel areas. 4or each personnel area we have to determine pay scale types and areas. !reation of !ontrol record 9 Summary of administrative functions in !ayroll for a payroll area. The payroll control record performs the following tas,s+

It defines the current payroll period and payroll past for retroactive accounting recognition. It loc,s the master and time data against changes during the payroll run.

The loc, applies for the payroll past and payroll present. /owever( changes that affect the future are still possible.

!ayroll is loc,ed whilst changes relevant for payroll are made in the master or time data. The payroll control record defines the greatest earliest retroactive accounting period. It also records the payroll status. This is for having control for payroll record as it determines the current payroll period for the e"act data ( it determines the payroll past for retroactive payroll accounting recognition ( and it loc,s the /B master data while running the payroll process. 4or each and every month of payroll we should have to create a control record with the period for running the payroll.

!lient 59 4eritage Foods 0I3 6imited+ /eritage 4oods (!) limited a leading Mil, @ Mil, !roducts -ompany in South India with Manufacturing( -hilling( and Mar,eting divisions. *esponsibilities as >uality !ontroller9 .oo,ing after Iuality of Incoming @ )ispatches of Mil, from !roducers. #nline testing of !ac,aging Mil,. Beporting to !lant Manager( GM Iuality control. Maintaining .ogs of collection( dispatches @ !roduction. %cademic 'ac.ground9 &.G9 Masters degree in Ausiness dministration in /uman Besources Management from Madhurai >amaraj ?niversity. %cademic &ro/ect 19 Isoft &vt 6imited !ompany. *valuating the /uman Besources 4unction for Ausiness )evelopment in !erspective with Isoft &vt 6imited !ompany. Graduation+ Aachelor of Science from Sri Ren,ateswara ?niversity( Tirupathi.

;echnical information 9 Au,rs 1 company code ( wer,s& personnel area ( Atrtl + personnel subarea ( !ersg& employee group( !ers, 1 employee sub group( Molga& country grouping ( ;um,r 1 *mployee ;umber ranges( ;umap& pplicant number ranges. #rgeh&#rgani$ational ?nit( A>BS& default payroll area( Tarif&default pay scale structures( .GMST&planned remuneration specification( !I;-/&assignment of administrative groups( !.#Gi is for assigning !lan version maintenance. #bjects + #&organi$ational unit or units( S& position( p&person( T 1tas,s( &%or, centers. nd jobs 1c.


SAP Questions

Master "ata ! 56 !ersonnel 4ile ! C6 )isplay /B Master )ata ! 26 Maintain /B Master )ata ! L6 !ersonnel *vents ! L5 -hange entry /iring (.eaving))ata ! LC 4ast )ata *ntry for *vents !BM) Maintain /B Master )ata !BM4 Travel *"penses+ 4eature TBR4) !BM. Set -ountry Grouping via !opup !BMM !ersonnel *vents !BM# Travel *"penses+ 4eature TBR-# !BM! Travel *"penses+ 4eature TBR! !BMS )isplay /B Master )ata !BMT ?pdate Match code !S#2 Info type overview !S#L Individual maintenance of infotypes ;ime Management ! W5 )isplay Time )ata ! W2 )isplay Time )ata ! K5 Maintain Time )ata ! KC .ist *ntry of dditional )ata ! K2 Maintain Time )ata ! KL -alendar *ntry ! N6 4ast )ata *ntry ! N5 4ast *ntry of Time )ata !A A Maintain vacancy assignments !T65 -reate %or, Schedule !T6C -hange %or, Schedule !T62 )isplay %or, Schedules 2 ) *"ecute the program *&";*%?? to list all /B Transactions. The followings are some useful S ! /B Tcodes+ !-66 !-56 !*66 !*65 !*6C !*62 !*6L !*W5 !B!B-T !B-? !B)5 SM25 SM5C TSTS!B6 S*5K !!62 !!6M !652 !#62 !p65 !!KW !*!M !A 5 !A C !A L !A !A A Bun !ayroll !ayroll menu ?S Starts Transactions !*65(!*6C(!*62 Schemas -alculation Bules 4eatures -reate functions and operations /B form editor !ayroll calendar -urrent Settings !rinting -hec,s ?S -reate )M* Maintain Tables .oc,ed Secessions Table loo,up IMG )ata Arowser (Table reports) !) Tables -hange #rg ?nit Maintain !ositions Maintain =obs. )etail Maintenance simple Maintenance !rofile Match up. pplicant bul, processing pplications pplication reception. Racancy ssignment. Maintain vacancy assignments


SAP Questions

!A N Transfer pplicant ssignments. !A * pplicant !ool .ist. ! K5 Maintain time data. !TK6 Time evaluation. !TKC ttendance chec,s. !T65 create wor, schedule. !T6C change wor, schedule !TKL bsence data overview. !!M)T Mangers des,top. !A % )R*BTIS*M*;TS. !A D M I;T I; R - ;D !A R B*-B?ITM*;T I;STB?M*; )IS!. D !!*M !. ;;I;G 4#B #BG ;IP TI#; . !. ;. !!!* !B#4I.*. !!N6 #BG ;IP TI#; . !. ;. !IM; I;4#BM TI#; SDST*M SI65 S ! I?*BD. !?62 -/ ;G* ! DB#.. ST T?S. - T2 )IS!. D %#B>I;G TIM*S - TC B*-#B) %#B>I;G TIM*S - TK TB ;S4*B TIM* ) T T# /B TIM* M ;G*M*;T. !!#M -/ ;G* #BG ;IP TI#; . ?;IT.

&% &ersonnel %dministration ;ables ;%'6, ! 6666 ! 6665 ! 666C ! 6662 ! 666L ! 666W ! 666K ! 666N ! 6667 ! 6663 ! 6656 ! 6655 ! 665C ! 6652 ! 665L ! 665W ! 665K ! 665N ! 66C5 ! 66CC ! 66C2 ! 66CL ",$!*I&;ION /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6666 ( ctions) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6665 (#rg. ssignment) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 666C (!ersonal )ata) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6662 (!ayroll Status) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 666L (-hallenge) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 666W (.eave *ntitlement) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 666K ( ddresses) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 666N (!lanned %or,ing Time) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6667 (Aasic !ay) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6663 (Aan, )etails) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6656 (-apital 4ormation) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6655 (*"t.Aan, Transfers) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 665C (4iscal )ata & Germany) Infotype Social Insurance & Germany /B Master Becord+ Infotype 665L (Becurr. Aens<)educs) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 665W ( dditional !ayments) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 665K (-ontract *lements) /B master record+ Infotype 665N (Travel !rivileges) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66C5 (4amily) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66CC (*ducation) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66C2 (!revious *mployment) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66CL (Iualifications)


SAP Questions

! 66CW ! 66CK ! 66CN ! 66C7 ! 66C3 ! 6626 ! 6625 ! 662C ! 6622 ! 662L ! 662W ! 662K ! 662N ! 6627 ! 6623 ! 66L6 ! 66L5 ! 66LC ! 66L2 ! 66LL ! 66LW ! 66LK ! 66L7 ! 66L3 ! 66W6 ! 66W5 ! 66WC ! 66W2 ! 66WL ! 66WW ! 66WK ! 66WN ! 66W7 ! 66W3 ! 66K6 ! 66K5 ! 66KC ! 66K2 ! 66KL ! 66KW ! 66KK ! 66KN ! 66K7 ! 66K3 ! 66N6 ! 66N5

/B Master Becord+ Infotype 66CW (!ersonal ppraisals) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66CK (-ompany !ension !lan) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66CN (-ost )istribution) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66C7 (Int. Medical Service) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66C3 (%or,ers9 -ompensation) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6626 (!owers of ttorney) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6625 (Beference !ers.;os.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 662C (Internal -ontrol) International Infotype 6622+ Statistics *"ceptions /B Master Becord+ Infotype 662L (-orporate 4unctions) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 662W (-omp.Instr.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 662K (Social Insurance -/) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 662N (Insurance) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6627 (Ta" & -/) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6623 ( dd. #rg. ssign. -/) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66L6 (#bjects on .oan) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66L5 ()ate Specifications) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66LC (Ta" & ustria) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66L2 (4amily llowance & ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66LL (Social Insurance & ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66LW (-ompany .oans) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66LK (!ension 4und & -/) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66L7 (Besidence Status & -/) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66L3 (Bed./rs.<Aad %eather) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66W6 (Time Becording) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66W5 ( SA<S!I )ata) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66WC (%age Maintenance) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66W2 (!ension Beserves) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66WL (%or,s -ouncil !ay) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66WW (!revious *mployer & ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66WK (Sic, -ertificates& ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66WN (Membership 4ees) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66W7 (-ommuter .ump Sum ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66W3 (Social Insurance & ;.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66K6 (4iscal )ata & ;etherlands) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66K5 (Social Insurance & *) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66KC (Ta" & *) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66K2 (Social Ins. 4unds ;.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66KL (Social Insurance & 4) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66KW (Ta" & GA) /B Master data infotype 66KK & -anadian garnishment+ order /B master data infotype 66KN & -anadian garnishment+ debt /B master data infotype 66K7 & -anadian garnishment+ adjust /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66K3 (;at. Insurance & GA) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66N6 (-ourt #rders & GA) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66N5 (!ension 4unds & GA)


SAP Questions

! 66NC ! 66N2 ! 66NL ! 66NW ! 66NK ! 66NN ! 66N7 ! 66N3 ! 6676 ! 6675 ! 667C ! 6672 ! 667L ! 667W ! 667K ! 6677 ! 6636 ! 663C ! 6632 ! 663L ! 663W ! 663K ! 663N ! 6637 ! 6633 ! 6566 ! 6565 ! 656C ! 6562 ! 656L ! 656W ! 656K ! 656N ! 6567 ! 6563 ! 6556 ! 6555 ! 655C ! 6552 ! 655L ! 655W ! 655K ! 655N ! 6557 ! 6553 ! 65C6

/B Master Becord+ Infotype 66NC (Ta" & )>) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66N2 (!rivate !ensions & )>) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66NL (Racation<S/ )>) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66NW ( T! !ension & )>) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66NK (%or,ers -ompensation ; ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66NN ( dditional !ersonal )ata) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 66N7 (.oan !ayments) Infotype SI dditional Insurance & ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6676 (Maternity !rotection) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6675 (Military Service) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 667C ( dditional bsence )ata) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6672 (.eave -ompensation) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 667L (Sic,ness !ay -ontrol & GA) /B Master Becord+ Infotpye 667W (%or, Incapacity !eriods GA) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 667K (SS!<SM! *"clusions GA) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6677 (SM! Becord & GA) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6636 (Rarious !ayee >eys) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 663C (Seniority & *) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6632 (!revious *mployer & )) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 663L (Besidence Status & ; ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 663W (Ta" -anada) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 663K (Ta" & ?S ) ;o longer used & will be deleted /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6637 (!rofit Sharing & 4) ;o longer used & will be deleted /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6566 (SI A) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6565 (Ta" A) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 656C (Grievances ; ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6562 (Aond !urchases ; ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 656L (Aond )enominations ; ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 656W (-ommunications) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 656K (Belated !ersons ; ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 656N (%or, Schedule A) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6567 (!ersonal )ata A) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6563 (-ontract *lements A) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6556 (!ensions ;.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6555 (Garnishment dmin. )) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 655C (Garn.Bepaym. )) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6552 (Garnishment Int. )) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 655L (Garnishable mount )) /B Master Becord+ Infotpye 655W (Garnishment %ages ) ) /B Master Becord+ Infotpye 655K (Garn.Transfer )) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 655N (Garnishment -omp.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6557 (-hild llowance )) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6553 ( nnual Income - )) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65C6 (!ension 4und Trans. -/)


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! 65C5 ! 65CC ! 65C2 ! 65CL ! 65CW ! 65CK ! 65CN ! 65C7 ! 65C3 ! 6526 ! 6525 ! 652C ! 6522 ! 652L ! 652W ! 652K ! 652N ! 6527 ! 6523 ! 65L6 ! 65L5 ! 65LC ! 65L2 ! 65LL ! 65LW ! 65LK ! 65LN ! 65L7 ! 65L3 ! 65W6 ! 65W5 ! 65K5 ! 65KC ! 65KW ! 65KN ! 65K7 ! 65K3 ! 65N6 ! 65N5 ! 65NC ! 65NN ! 65N3 ! 6575 ! 657C ! 6572 ! 657L

/B Master Becord+ Infotype 65C5 (Bef!er;o !riority) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65CC (-hild llowance Aonus )) ;o longer used & will be deleted ;o longer used & will be deleted /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65CW (Garnishment A) Infotype+ Supplementary !ension Germany /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65CN (-ommuting ;.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65C7 (;otifications) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65C3 (Te"t ;umber ssign.) /B Master Becord+ Infotpye 6526 (-hec,ing !rocedures) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6525 (Garn.Mgmt.)ata ) /B Master Becord+ Infotpye 652C (Garnishment ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6522 (Garnsh.Interest ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 652L (Garnishable mount ) /B Master Becord+ Infotpye 652W (Garn.Spec.-ond. ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 652K (Garnish.Trans ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 652N (Garnish.-omp. ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6527 (4amily<Bef.!ers A) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6523 (*mployees ppl.;o) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65L6 (SI Aasic )ata =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65L5 (SI !remium )ata =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65LC (Besidence Ta" =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65L2 (.ife Insurance =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65LL (!roperty ccum. =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65LW (!ersonnel Ta" Status =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65LK (D.*. . )ata =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65LN /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65L7 (4amily =!) /B Master Becord Infotype 65L3 (Ta" )ata South frica) /B Master Becord Infotype 65W6 (Social Insurance S ) /B Master Becord Infotype 65W5 (*"t.Insurance South frica) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65K5 (.imits IBS) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65KC (Ins. D.*.T. )ata =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65KW (.imits )eductions) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65KN (/ealth -are !lans) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65K7 (Insurance !lans) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65K3 (Savings !lans) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65N6 (Spending ccounts) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65N5 (General Aenefits )ata) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65NC (!ension Insurance) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65NN \%et llochtonenreg.] (;.) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 65N3 (Ta" SG) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6575 \ dd. 4unds] (SG) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 657C \ lternative ;ames] (SG) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6572 \ wards] (SG) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 657L \Besume te"t] (SG)


SAP Questions

! 657W ! 657K ! 6577 ! 6573 ! 6536 ! 6535 ! 653C ! 653L ! 653W ! 653K ! 653N ! 6537 ! 6533 ! 6C66 ! 6C65 ! 6C6L ! 6C6N ! 6C67 ! 6C63 ! 6C56 ! 6C55 ! 6C5C ! 6C52 ! 6C5W ! 6C5K ! 6C5N ! 6C57 ! 6C53 ! 6CC6 ! 6CC5 ! 6CCC ! 6CCL ! 6CCW ! 6CCN ! 6C26 ! 6C25 ! 6C2C ! 6C22 ! 6C2L ! 6C2W ! 6C2K ! 6C2N ! 6CL5 ! 6CLC ! 6CK5 ! 6CKW

/B Master Becord+ Infotype 657W \Identification] (SG) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 657K \Social Insurance] (SG) Ta" ( ustralia) /B Master Becord Infotype 6573 (-onstruction Industry %ages) /B Master )ata Becord Infotype 6536 (AuildingTrade!rev*B)at) /B Master Becord Infotype 6535 (AuildingTradeBeimburs*"pens) !ersonnel Master Becord Infotype 653C (AuildingTrade ttrib) /B Master Becord Infotype 653L (Garnishment )ocument) /B Master Becord Infotype 653W (Garnishment #rder) /B Master Becord+Infotype 653K (*mployee !rovident 4und MD) /B Master Becord+Infotype 653N (S#-S# -ontributions MD) Sheduled Ta" )eductuion Malaysia Ta" deduction -!27 < dditional amt < Aonus & Malaysia /B Master Becord( Infotype 6C66 (Garnishments )>) !ersonnel master record infotype 6C65 (basic pension amnts) /B Master Becord( Infotype 6C6L () <)S Statistics )>) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C6N (Besidence Ta" rea) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C67 (%or, Ta" rea & ?S ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C63 (?nemployment Insurance ?S ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C56 (%L ?S ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C55 (-#AB Iual. Aeneficiaries) /B Master Becord+ Infotpye 6C5C (-#AB /ealth !lans) dditional family information & Malaysia Auilding Trade Transaction )ata Garnishment djustment Infotype 6C5N (I;S** code) Infotype 6C57 (number of pension fund) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C53 (*"ternal organisations) Superannuation ( ustralia) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CC5 (Manual -hec,s) /B Master Becord for Infotype 6CCC (-ompany -ars GA) Ta" information & inf. 6CCL & -anada /B Master Becord for Infotype 6CCW (-ompany -ars GA C) Ta" file number ( ustralia) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C26 < Riew 6667 (!SG) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C25 < Riew 6665 (!SG) !ersonal&master record infotype 6C2C (-hild llowance) ()) /B&4 master record infotype 6C22 (9Ailan Social9) /B Master Becord Infotype 6C2L ( dd. %ithh. Inform. & ?S ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C2W (#ther Ta"es & ?S ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C2K (-redit !lans) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6C2N < Riew for 66WC (!SG) Indonesian Ta" )ata = MS#ST*> )etails( Indonesia .eave ccrual ustralia /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CKW < Special Begulations (!SG)


SAP Questions

! 6CKK ! 6CKN ! 6CK7 ! 6CK3 ! 6CN6 ! 6CNC ! 6CN2 ! 6CNL ! 6CNW ! 6CNK ! 6CNN ! 6CN7 ! 6CN3 ! 6C76 ! 6C75 ! 6C72 ! 6C77 ! 626C ! 626L ! 6263 ! 6256 ! 6255 ! 625C ! 6252 ! 625L ! 625W ! 6257 ! 6253 ! 62L5 ! 62WC ! 62W2 ! 62WL ! 62WW ! 62WK ! 62WN ! 62W7 ! 62KC ! 62KN ! 62N5 ! 62N2 ! 62NL ! 62NW ! 62NK ! 62NN ! 62N7 ! 6276

/B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CKK < Riew 66CN (!SG) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CKN (#ne time !ayment off&cycle) /B Master Becord Info type view 66LW and 6CK7 (.oan =!;) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CK3 ( )! Information ?S ) /B Master )ata Becord+ Infotype 6CN6 (-#AB !ayments) /B master record & infotype 6CNC (Garnishment 4) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CN2 (Ta" & S*) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CNL (Insurance & S*) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CNW (Garnishment & S*) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CNK (#!IS & S*) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6CNN (*"ceptions & S*) /B master record infotype 6CN7 (!4 basic data \-/]) /B master record infotype 6CN3 (Indiv.values for !4 \-/]) /B Master Becord Infotype 6C76<Riew for 665K /B Master Becord Infotype 6C75<Riew for 66LW /B Master Becord for Infotype 6C72 ( rchiving) /B -/+ /B Master Becord Infotype 66C5 (Suppl. Swit$erland) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 626C ( dditional ctions) Aasic pay & additional information IB) ;umber Infotype ;P Superannuation ;P .eave djustments & ;P .eave /istory djustments ;P *mployee Ta"ation )etail Infotype ;P I625L+ )ays for Racation llow. and Sal.)educs ()><;) - TS+ Sender Information /B Master Becord+ Infotype 4amily data for Indonesia (6257) Indonesia !rivate Insurances /B & master record infotype 2L5 ()?*R# start) ;/I for 4amily member (T%) Income Ta" Taiwan .abor Insurance Taiwan ;ational /ealth Insurance Taiwan *mployment Stabili$ation 4und (T%) Saving !lan (T%) *mployee %elfare 4und (T%) /B Master Becord+ Infotype Membership for Indonesia (62KC) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 62KN (SI& ddit.;otif.)ata ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 62N5 (!revious =ob Ta") /B loan repayment plan =!(!6CK7) Infortype 62NL+ General *ligibility /B Master )ata Becord+ Infotype 62NW ( dd. Aenefits )ata) /B Master )ata Becord+ Infotype 62NK (Medical Aenefits )ata) /B Master )ata Becord+ Infotype 62NN (Misc. !lans) /B Master )ata Becord+ Infotype 62N7 (Aenefits *vents) -ompensation /istory


SAP Questions

! 6275 ! 627C ! 6277 ! 623W ! 623K ! 6L6C ! 6L62 ! 6L6L ! 6L6W ! 6LKN ! 6366 ! 6365 ! C665 ! C66C ! C662 ! C66L ! C66W ! C66K ! C66N ! C656 ! C65C ! C652 ! /I ! ;;;; ! !. ! B MR .?* ! B-T ! T66 ! T65 ! T62 ! T6L ! T6W ! T6K ! T/ ! T/T*HT ! T; ! DB ! DBI ! ^SSTB-R5 ! ^SSTB-RC ! ^SSTB-R2

/B Master Becord Infotype 6275 /B Master )ata Becord Infotype 627C /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6277 (?nion =!) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 623W (*"ternal #rg. ssignment) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 623K (*"patriate ttributes) ccounting infotype /B Master Becord for Infotype 6L62 /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6L6L (Military Service Taiwan) !ersonnel master record infotype 6L6W (absence events) !ersonnel master data Infotype 6LKN (SI addit.notif. pl.c. ) /B Master Becord+ Infotype 6366 (Sales )ata) /B master record info category 6365 (purch. data) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C665 ( bsences) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C66C ( ttendances) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C662 (Substitutions) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C66L ( vailability) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C66W (#vertime) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C66K ( bsence Iuotas) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C66N ( ttendance Iuotas) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C656 (*mployee Bemuneration Info.) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C65C (Time Transfer Specifications) /B Time Becord+ Infotype C652 (Iuota -orrections) /istory of system( )A and S ! parameter /B Master Becord+ Infotype ;;;; pplicant master data Bun&time variables for platform&independent file names Beceipt log table (=apan) !atch steps !atch status !atch directory !atch add&on I) (! #I)) S ! !atch Manager settings -omponent&specific patches )efinition of physical file paths for each synta" .ogical file path names !artner number<organi$ational unit !ayment transfer medium file !ayment Be'uests Generated table for view ! ^SSTB-R5 Generated table for view ! ^SSTB-RC Generated table for view ! ^SSTB-R2

What are the infotypes used for time management? C665 absenses


SAP Questions

C66C attendances C662 substitutes C66L availability C66W overtime C66K absence 'uota C66N attendance 'uota C656 employee remuneration information C655 time events C65C time transfer specification C652 'uota correction C6W6 annual calender C6W5 monthly calender CW66 pesonnel wor, schedule time CW65 employee time and labour data Q&& Somase,har 4o# do you create an evaluation path? *valuation paths are created in organi$ational management -ustomi$ing under basic settings. #ne or more relationships form the navigation paths for an evaluation. These enable us to report on and display structural information( for e"ample( organi$ational structure or the reporting structure. %e can create alphanumeric evaluation paths with a ma"imum of 7 characters starting with P. What is an infotype? %ell an infotype in short is a :type of information:. It is a set of logical data grouped according to subject matter( eg. ddresses (organi$ation assignment( personal data( addresses( planned wor,ing time( basic pay( ban, details( etc.) infotype( contains name( first name( ddress for correspondance( !ermanant address( city on. There are over W666 infotypes e"ists. The infotypes can be created( changed( copy( delimit( deleted.. %e can create infotypes useing the following path+ #rg Mgt&Ve"pert mode&V(#bject) The Maintain(object) screen appears In plan version and object fields enter data as re'uired In the infotype field ( select the infotype you want to create ?sing the tab pages select the status the new infotype record -hoose *dit&Vcreate infotype *nter appropriate fields and save.... Q&& Souji ,-plain the uses of the simple maintenance interface? Simple Maintenance is used when Staff assignments and reporting structure are to be changed. There are three main areas in Simple Maintenance. *ach area contains particular maintenance functions( depending on whether you want to edit organi$ational structure( staff assignments or tas, profiles. 4or #rgani$ational Management users( Simple Maintenance is best used to establish the basic framewor, in organi$ational plan development. 4or complete( detailed editing of individual organi$ational objects in your organi$ational plan (editing particular positions or organi$ational units( for e"ample)( we recommend that you switch to Info&type Maintenance. Simple maintenance uses a tree structure( which allows you to create a basic framewor, for organi$ational plans( using streamlined procedures. In this way( we can create an organi$ational and reporting structures step by step. What is the use of INFOG*O(&$? The infotype group (commonly ,nown as infogroup) guarantees that during the personnel action( all information needed for the business processes is stored. The infogroup is processed when you perform a personnel action. & n infogroup e"ists in the standard system for every personnel action type. & In -ustomi$ing for !ersonnel dministration( you can tailor the ma,e&up of the various infogroups to the re'uirements of your company. & Dou can define infogroups as user&group dependent. Q&& )ebjani !aul Infogroups are used in !ersonnel ctions to define a set of se'uencial infotypes that you would be using while performing an action. 4or e"ample( when you hire( you would want to use IT6666(6665(666C(666K(666N(6667 etc in a se'uence& in a particular order. So define an Infogroup for this purpose which contains all these infotypes( their order of e"ecution and the user groups it is applicable for. Then you assign this infogroup to the action that you had defined. Q&& >rish What is &*O!,$$ING !6%$$+ #here #e do them and #hy? %age type characteristic that determines how processing is conducted during the payroll run. What is ,7%6(;ION &%;4+ #here do #e do it and #hy? chain of relationships between objects in a hierarchical structure. for eg. #&S&!(#rgani$ation&V!osition&V!erson). What is IN;,*N%6 &%G*O66 &*O!,$$? !ayroll process(program) is run at a specific point in time( not only to calculate an employee0s basic remuneration


SAP Questions

but also any special payments( overtime payments or bonuses that must be effected for the period in 'uestion. Q&& Souji

Finding the list of H module !a"les

#s any"ody is having a complete list of H module ta"les? All personnel administration tables start with &A and the infotype number behind it. All personnel development'%( tables start with )*& and infotype e.g. +"""$ behind it. All recruitment tables start with &, and infotype number behind it. There also are )* tables that start with )*A, )&-, )*T, etc. The easy way to get a list is to use .A&'s 'Application )ierarchy', transaction ./0+ select all )* modes in the tree that you are want a list of tables for, click on the '1nformation .ystem' button, under Abap -ictionary 223 ,asic %b4s, double click on 'database tables', increase your 'ma5imun no. of hits' and e5ecute$. 6se transaction se++...type in &A7 do dropdown and enter, do the same for )*&7 and you will have most of the )* transaparent Tables. To access them look for *&8read87 and *&8provide7 in Table T*(A9 to read a infotype or use the 'select' statement to access the Transparent table. Transaction ./+: data browser$ is also useful. As mentioned above, the &A infotype tables all begin with &A and are followed by the infotype number e.g. &A"""+ for the %rg (an infotype. &A7 2 &A infotype tables &9L7 2 )* clusters &,7 2 recruitment tables &9/*T 2 payroll posting runs Another useful table is 9AT.-, for 9AT., and &T/;!""" for the 9AT. transfer table for infotype !""+'!""!. The rest of the )* Tables are as follows< --"+L -omains --"!L .A& tables --"=L Table >ields --"=T --< Te5ts for fields language dependent$ --"?L -ata elements --"?T *'= --< -ata element te5ts --"@. >oreign key fields --":L &ool'cluster structures --!"L (atchcode 1ds --!?. >ields of a matchcode 1T""" 9lients T""+ 9ompany 9odes

SAP Questions

T""+/ 9ompany code2dependent address data T""+& &ersonnel Areas'.ubareas T"+! )ouse banks T"+!A )ouse bank accounts T"+!T )ouse bank account names T@""L &ersonnel 9ountry Brouping T@""& &ersonnel Areas T@""T &ersonnel 9ountry Broupings T@"+ /mployee Broup T@"+T /mployee Broup Cames T@"!T (arital .tatus -esignators T@"= /mployee Broups ' .ubgroups T@"=A /mployee subgroup T@"=T /mployee .ubgroup Cames T@"?A ,enefits 2 -efault Dalues CA$ T@"?, ,enefit %ption Te5ts Corth America$ T@"?9 ,enefit Type CA$ T@"?- ,enefit 9redit Broup Amount T@"?/ ,enefit Amount T@"?> ,enefit 9osts T@"0A Eork .chedule *ules T@"0T Te5ts for /mployee .ubgroup Broupings for Eork .chedules T@+" &ay .cale Broups T@+"A &ay .cale Types T@+"> Assign &ay .cale 3 Time 6nit, 9urrency T@+"B &ay .cale Areas T@+") &ayroll 9onstants with *egard to Time 6nit T@+"1 .tandard Eorking )ours T@+"F 9onstant Daluations T@+"L Levels T@+"( Daluation of pay scale groups acc. to hiring date T@+"C &ay .cales for Annual .alaries CA$ T@+". Time Eage Type .election *ule T@+"6 &ay .cale Broups T@+"Y .pecial *ules for Eage Type Beneration T@++ Eage Types T@+!* 9umulation Eage Types in >orms T@+!. Te5ts for 9umulation Eage Types in >orms T@+!T Eage Type Te5ts T@+!E Eage Type Daluation T@+!G &ermissibility of Eage Types per 1nfotype T@+= Fobs T@+?. Table Came Te5ts T@+?T >ield Came Te5ts T@+-! Eage Type 9lasses T@+-= *eduction *ules T@+-? 9umulation *ules T@!#; %rganiHational 6nits T@!0, &ositions 2 Eork 9enters T@!09 Eage Type 9atalog T@!0T &osition Te5ts

SAP Questions

T@!IA &ersonnel /vent T@!I> >ast -ata /ntry for /vents T@!IT &ersonnel /vent Te5ts T@!,T Te5ts >or )* %b4ects T@!9" &ayroll .chemas T@!9+ &ayroll .chemas T@!9! Te5ts for &ersonnel 9alculation .chemas T@!9= Te5ts for &ersonnel 9alculation .chemas T@!9@ &ersonnel 9alculation *ules T@!99 .chema -irectory T@!9- .chema -irectory T@!9/ -irectory of &ersonnel 9alculation *ules T@!9T Te5t /lements T@!9; 9ross *eferences via Benerated .chemas T@!-+ Dalid &rocessing 9lasses T@!-! Dalid Dalues for &rocessing 9lasses T@!-= Dalid /valuation 9lasses T@!-? &ermitted Dalues for /valuation 9lasses T@!-@ Eage Type Broups T@!-: Eage Type Broup Te5ts T@!-# Assign Eage Types to Eage Type Broups T@!-0 Dalid &rocessing 9lasses 2 Te5ts T@!-I Dalid Dalues for &rocessing 9lasses 2 Te5ts T@=" *easons for /vents T@="/ *easons for 9hanges T@="> *easons for 9hanges T@="L Eage Types for .pecial &ayments T@="T /vent *eason Te5ts T@=+ -eadline Types T@=+. -eadline Type Te5ts T@== Leave Types T@==T Leave Type Te5ts T@=IA -efault Eage Types for ,asic &ay T@=IF ,ase Eage Type Daluation T@=I* /vents for .tandard Eage (aintenance T@=I. Eage Types for .tandard Eage (aintenance T@?0 -ate Types T@?0. -ate 9onversion T@?0T -ate Types T@?0Y -ate Types T@?IA &ayroll Areas T@?I, 9ompany >eatures T@?I9 -ecision Trees for >eatures 9ustomers$ T@?I- >eature -irectory T@?IL -ate modifiers T@?I( (onthly Assignment< &ayroll &eriod T@?IC &eriod (odifiers T@?I% Te5t for date modifier T@?I& Dalid Time 6nits for &ayroll Accounting T@?IJ &ayroll &eriods T@?I* &eriod &arameters

SAP Questions

T@?I. &ayroll date types T@?IT &ayroll Areas T@?I( (onthly Assignment< &ayroll &eriod T@?IC &eriod (odifiers T@?I% Te5t for date modifier T@?I& Dalid Time 6nits for &ayroll Accounting T@?IJ &ayroll &eriods T@?I* &eriod &arameters T@?I. &ayroll date types T@?IT &ayroll Areas T@@?. Absence and Attendance Types T@@?T Absence and Attendance Te5ts T@@?D -efaults for Absence Types T@@?Y Time 9onstraints in )* T1(/ T@@@A Time Types T@@@, Time Type -esignations T@@IA Eorking Eeeks T@@I, Came of Eorking Eeek T@#!> /vent Te5ts T@#!B Allowed Dalues for /vents T@#!) /vent Dalue Te5ts T@0!A 1nfotypes T@0!, 1nfotypes Ehich Are 9reated Automatically T@0!. 1nfotype Te5ts T@0!D Assignment of 1nfotypes to Diews T@0!E Assigns 1nfotype Diew to &rimary 1nfotype T@0!G 9ontrol Table for &A Time (anagement T@0?A 9hecking &rocedures 2 1nfotype Assignment T@00A Transaction 9odes T@00, 1nfotype (enus T@009 1nfotype (enus'1nfo Broups T@00- 1nfogroups for /vents T@00F .creen )eader -efinition T@00( 1nfotype .creen 9ontrol T@00C .creen (odification for Account Assignment ,lock T@00% .creen (odification for Assignment -ata T@00J .creen types for fast entry T@00* .election *eports for >ast -ata /ntry T@00. .creen Types for >ast /ntry T@00T (enu and 1nfogroup -esignations T@00D ,usiness ob4ect type T@00E /vent types for infotype operations T@00; 9ust. composite definition of event types for 1T operations T@00G -ynamic /vents T@I+A .ubtype 9haracteristics T@I+, Time 9onstraints for Eage Types T@I+. .ubtype Te5ts T@I:> )* .ubroutines T@I:B 9umulation wage types T@I:) 89umulation wage type te5ts T@I:1 9alculation rule for cumulation wage types

SAP Questions

T@I:6 9onversion Table T@II, *eport 9lasses T@II9 *eport 9lasses T@II- *eport 9ategories T@II> *eport 9lasses 2 .elect %ptions T###A ,uilding Addresses T###T 1nfotypes T###G 1nfotype Time 9onstraints T##0T 1nfotypes T##06 .ubtypes /rror (essages tables T+"" (essages T+""A (essage 1-s for T+"" T+""9 9ontrol of messages by the user T+""% Assignment of message to ob4ect T+"". 9onfigurable system messages T+""T Table T+""A te5t T+""D Assignment of messages to tables'views T+""E Assign (essages to Eorkflow T+""; /rror (essages< .upplements Finding the $asic %ay !a"le Table Cames for 9reating ,asic &ay 1nfotype


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