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Pengesahan Ketua Jabatan:



Faculty Department Semester Sess !n C!urse Name C!urse C!"e Cre" t #!urs Pre re$u s te : : : : : : : : Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Information Technology 1 2007/2008 Asas Teknologi Maklumat dan omunikasi !TM 101" " #ours $2 hours lecture% 2 hours la&' (one

(ame ./mail *hone (um&er 5oom (um&er (ame ./mail *hone (um&er 5oom (um&er (ame ./mail *hone (um&er 5oom (um&er (ame ./mail *hone (um&er 5oom (um&er (ame ./mail *hone (um&er 5oom (um&er (ame ./mail *hone (um&er 5oom (um&er ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) *n+ #arnani ,inti Mat -in $Coordinator' harnani0ftmk+u1si+edu+my 02/3202148 2A/01 Pn% Sa ra&anu ' nt Omar K(an saira&anu0ftmk+u1si+edu+my 02/3202023 2, /18 .n+ (a6re ,in A&dul 5ashid na6re0ftmk+u1si+edu+my 02/3202033 2A/04 Cik #asnatul (a6uha ,inti #assan na6uha0ftmk+u1si+edu+my 02/3202013 2,/11 Cik Asmara ,inti Alias asmara0ftmk+u1si+edu+my 02/3202178 ",/ 17 Cik Fadhlina ,inti Mohd 5a6ali fadhlina0ftmk+u1si+edu+my 02/3202073 ",/17

This course 8ill 1ro9ide a &asic kno8ledge of information and communication technology+ ,esides &ringing the &asic kno8ledge of com1uter fundamental and multimedia% students are also gi9en skills to use automated soft8are 8ith a11lied multimedia elements% Internet and communication soft8are such as email to u1grade the :uality of 8ork+ ;tudents are also e<1osed to the ICT security and ethics+

At the end of this course% students 8ill &e a&le to ) 1+ =efine the conce1t of Information Technology+ 2+ Identify the differences &et8een a11lication soft8are and system soft8are+ "+ =efine the main com1onents of system unit+ 3+ .<1lain the differences &et8een in1ut and out1ut de9ices+ 2+ .<1lain the alternati9e connection in ne8 information era+ 4+ .<1lain the multimedia% 8e& and other ne8 a11lication/ gra1hic 1rogram% 9irtual reality and artificial intelligent+ 7+ .<1lain the issues/ stand alone% security and en9ironment issue+ 8+ .<1lain the management of the data+ 7+ .<1lain the flo8 of information in organi6ation+ 10+ =iscuss ho8 technology can &e use to change the normal com1etition+

At the end of this lesson% students should &e a&le to) 1+ ;tate the conce1t of information technology+ 2+ >ist and descri&e the most common uses of communication technology+ "+ =escri&e the common features and uses of &asic a11lication soft8are+ 3+ =escri&e the common features and uses of s1eciali6ed a11lication soft8are+ 2+ =escri&e the functionality of system soft8are+ 4+ Identify and determine the com1onent of system unit+ 7+ =ifferentiate the com1onent and features of in1ut and out1ut de9ices+ 8+ Identify and differentiate ty1es of secondary storage+ 7+ ;tate the meaning of communication systems+ 10+ =istinguish the ty1es of net8ork systems+ 11+ =iscuss issues related to the 1ri9acy and security+ 12+ Identify and differentiate ty1es of information system+

Lecture ?@>eary T+A+ B ?@>eary >+I+ $2007'+ C!mput n, Essent als -../+ Mc/Cra8 #ill/ Ir8in La&!rat!ry Modi et al$2004'+ M!"ul Apl 0as Aut!mas Pe1a&at : Asas Te0n!l!, Ma0lumat "an K!mun 0as % Un 2ers t Pen" " 0an Sultan I"r s+ *ener&it !ni9ersiti *endidikan ;ultan Idris+

1+ #+> Ca1ron% A+A Aohnson $2007'+ C!mputers T!!ls 3!r an In3!rmat !n A,e C!mplete % .ight .dition *rentice #all

2+ (orton@s *+ $2004'+ Intr!"uct !n t! C!mputers% Mc/Cra8 #ill Technology .ducation "+ Dilliams ,+ + B ;a8yer ;+C+ $2002'+ Us n, In3!rmat !n Tec(n!l!,y A Pract cal Intr!"uct !n t! C!mputers an" C!mmun cat !ns% Mc/Cra8 #ill Technology .ducation

>ectures and la&oratory acti9ities+


ACTIVITIES 4 SOFT SKILLS Crou1 assignment Indi9idual 1resentation Re3erence : ?M E emahiran ,erkomunikasi *; E emahiran erFa ,er1asukan KOM 5 PSK 5

C!urse6!r0 Crou1 Assignment >a& Assignment Dord .<cel *o8er*oint Indi9idual 1resentation Mid ;emester Test F nal E9am nat !n T!tal 7.8 12G 20G 2G 2G 2G 2G 22G :.8 ;..8


+re" A A/ ,H , ,/ CH C C/ =H =/ F Ran,e !3 mar0s 80 E 100 72 E 77 70 E 73 42 E 47 40 E 43 22 E 27 20 E 23 32 E 37 30 E 33 "2 E "7 0 E "3 PN+<S4K= 3+00 "+70 "+30 "+00 2+70 2+30 2+00 1+70 1+30 1+00 0 Status =istinction =istinction Credit Credit Credit *ass *ass Deak *ass Deak *ass Deak *ass Fail


+RADIN+ SCALE 2 3 " 2 1 CRITERIA FOR SOFT SKILLS .<cellent Cood ;atisfactory le9el Minimum le9el Deak and need im1ro9ement

TEAC#IN+ PLAN FOR ;: >EEKS: Week / Date ! 9 - 13 July 2007 Hour 1 Lecture Topic Course Instru tional Plan brie!ing (e ture "hapter ! Information Technolog#$ The Internet$ and %ou In!or"ation syste"s Peo#le $o!t%are &ar'%are "hapter ! Information Technolog#$ The Internet$ and %ou 5ata Conne ti6ity7 the %ireless re6olution an' the Internet /thi s Careers in IT $tate the on e#t o! in!or"ation te hnology Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Activities Soft Skills Incorporated eference

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

& 14 - 20 July 2007

$tate the on e#t o! in!or"ation te hnology

(e ture 8,9 session

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

Allocation of group assignment


' 23 - 27 July 2007

"hapter & The Internet$ The We($ and )lectronic "ommerce The Internet an' the %eb 9 ess Co""uni ation $ear h tools /le troni o""er e :eb utilities "hapter ' +asic Application Soft,are 9##li ation so!t%are :or' #ro essors $#rea'sheets 5atabase 1anage"ent $yste"s Presentation gra#hi s Integrate' #a kages $o!t%are suites "hapter * Speciali.ed Application Soft,are $#e iali=e' a##li ations 2ra#hi s 9u'io an' 6i'eo 1ulti"e'ia :eb authoring

(ist an' 'es ribe the "ost o""on uses o! o""uni ation te hnology

(e ture 8,9 session

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

* 2; July < 3 9ugust 2007

5es ribe the o""on !eatures an' uses o! basi a##li ation so!t%are

(e ture

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

4 < 10 9ugust 2007

5es ribe the o""on !eatures an' uses o! s#e iali=e' a##li ation so!t%are

(e ture 5is ussion

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

/ 13 < 17 9ugust 2007 2

9rti!i ial intelligen e 5es ribe the !un tionality o! syste" so!t%are+ (e ture )*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in )*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

"hapter S#stem Soft,are $yste" so!t%are )#erating syste"s >tilities 5e6i e 'ri6ers "hapter / The S#stem 1nit $yste" unit /le troni 'ata an' instru tions $yste" boar' 1i ro#ro essor 1e"ory $yste" lo k /?#ansion slots an' ar's @us lines Ports Po%er su##ly "hapter 0 Input and Output :hat is in#utA Keyboar' entry Pointing 'e6i es $ anning 'e6i es I"age a#turing 'e6i es

0 20 < 2; 9ugust 2007

I'enti!y an' 'eter"ine the o"#onent o! syste" unit

(e ture

2 27 < 31 9ugust 2007

5i!!erentiate the o"#onent an' !eatures o! in#ut an' out#ut 'e6i es+

(e ture 8,9 session

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

9u'io-in#ut 'e6i es :hat is out#utA 1onitors Printers 9u'io-out#ut 'e6i es Co"bination in#ut an' out#ut 'e6i es I'enti!y an' 'i!!erentiate ty#es o! se on'ary storage+ (e ture )*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

3 3<7 $e#t 2007

"hapter 2 Secondar# Storage $torage Blo##y 'isks &ar' 'is s )#ti al 'is s )ther ty#es o! se on'ary storage 1ass storage "e'ia "hapter 3 "ommunications and 5et,orks Co""uni ations Co""uni ations hannels Conne tion 'e6i es 5ata trans"ission "hapter 3 "ommunications and 5et,orks Cet%orks

!4 10 < 1; $e#t 2007

$tate the "eaning o! o""uni ation syste"s+

(e ture

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

!! 17 < 21 $e#t

5istinguish the ty#es o! net%ork syste"s+

(e ture 5is ussion

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials


Cet%orks ty#es Cet%ork ar hite ture )rgani=ational Internets 5is uss issues relate' to the #ri6a y an' se urity+ (e ture 8,9 session

2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

!& 2; < 20 $e#t 2007

"hapter !4 6rivac# and Securit# Peo#le Pri6a y $e urity /rgono"i s /n6iron"ental #rote tion "hapter !! Information S#stem )rgani=ational in!or"ation !lo% Co"#uter-base' in!or"ation syste"s Transa tion #ro essing syste"s 1anage"ent in!or"ation syste"s "hapter !! Information S#stem 5e ision su##ort syste"s /?e uti6e su##ort syste"s )ther in!or"ation syste"s

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

!' 1<D ) t 2007

I'enti!y an' 'i!!erentiate ty#es o! in!or"ation syste"+

(e ture

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

!* 0 - 12 ) t 2007

I'enti!y an' 'i!!erentiate ty#es o! in!or"ation syste"+

(e ture 5is ussion

)*(eary T+J+ , )*(eary (+I+ -2007.+ Co"#uting /ssentials 2000+ 1 -2ra% &ill3 Ir%in

TEAC#IN+ PLAN FOR ;: >EEKS <LA'=: Week / Date ! 9 - 13 July 2007 & 14 - 20 July 2007 ' 23 - 27 July 2007 * 2; July < 3 9ugust 2007 Hour 1 2 Lecture Topic Course Instru tional Plan brie!ing (ab a ti6ities Intro'u tion to 1y2uru2 Intro'u tion to Internet - $ear h engine - @ro%ser Intro'u tion to Internet - >P$I %eb - Ba ulty #ortal - /"ail :in'o%s EP usage - :in'o%s o#eration - Bail an' !ol'er o#eration - 5eskto# "anage"ent - 9''3re"o6e har'%are - In!or"ation seeking - In!or"ation syste" "anage"ent >se Internet to gain kno%le'ge >se Internet to gain kno%le'ge (ab a ti6ities Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Activities Soft Skills Incorporated eference

(ab a ti6ities

>se to "anage :in'o%s EP

(ab a ti6ities

1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I

Week / Date 4 < 10 9ugust 2007 / 13 < 17 9ugust 2007 0 20 < 2; 9ugust 2007


Lecture Topic

Learning Outcomes /"#loy an' a##ly 1i roso!t :or' !eatures /"#loy an' a##ly 1i roso!t :or' !eatures

Teaching & Learning Activities (ab a ti6ities

Soft Skills Incorporated


1i roso!t :or' - 5o u"ent !or"atting - 5o u"ent e'iting - 5o u"ent #rinting - 5o u"ent sa6ing 1i roso!t :or' - 1ail "erge - :eb #age 'e6elo#"ent

(ab a ti6ities

1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I 1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I 1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I 1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I 1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I

1i roso!t /? el - :orksheet reation - :orksheet e'iting - 5ata organi=ation - 5ata sorting 1i roso!t /? el - >sing !or"ula - Create !or"ula

/"#loy an' a##ly 1i roso!t /? el !eatures

(ab a ti6ities 1i roso!t :or' assign"ent sub"ission (ab a ti6ities

2 27 < 31 9ugust 2007 3 3<7 $e#t 2007

/"#loy an' a##ly 1i roso!t /? el !eatures

1i roso!t /? el - Gali'ation usage - 2ra#h an' hart reation

/"#loy an' a##ly 1i roso!t /? el !eatures

(ab a ti6ities

Week / Date !4 10 < 1; $e#t 2007 !! 17 < 21 $e#t 2007


Lecture Topic

Learning Outcomes /"#loy an' a##ly 1i roso!t Po%erPoint !eatures /"#loy an' a##ly 1i roso!t Po%erPoint !eatures

Teaching & Learning Activities (ab a ti6ities 1i roso!t /? el assign"ent sub"ission (ab a ti6ities

Soft Skills Incorporated


1i roso!t Po%erPoint - $li'e 'esign - Te?t inserting - $a6ing #resentation !ile 1i roso!t Po%erPoint - Create ne% sli'e - Insert gra#hi - 9ni"ation - Insert au'io ele"ent - Create table an' hart - Create button Integrations bet%een 1i roso!t :or'7 1i roso!t /? el 5an 1i roso!t Po%er Point

1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I 1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I

!& 2; < 20 $e#t 2007

Integrate the 1i roso!t )!!i e a##li ation

(ab a ti6ities 1i roso!t Po%erPoint assign"ent sub"ission Presentation K)1

1o'i et al -2004.+ 1o'ule 9#likasi 9uto"asi PeFabat: 9sas Teknologi 1aklu"at 'an Ko"unikasi+>P$I

!' 1<D ) t 2007 !* 0 - 12 ) t 2007

In'i6i'ual #resentation

In'i6i'ual #resentation



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