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PERGAMON Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31 (1999) 517±523

Earthworm and soil moisture e€ects on the productivity and

structure of grassland communities
J.G. Zaller *, J.A. Arnone III 1
Botanisches Institut, UniversitaÈt Basel, SchoÈnbeinstrasse 6, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
Accepted 9 July 1998


The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the e€ect of earthworm activity on aboveground plant biomass production of
native calcareous grassland communities in NW-Switzerland and (2) to determine which plant functional types (graminoids,
non-legume forbs and legumes) are most responsive as indicators of potential e€ects on plant community structure. Earthworm
activity was manipulated in the ®eld by creating three earthworm densities (low: 37, ambient: 114, high: 169 worms m ÿ 2) and
two soil moisture conditions (ambient and 280 mm yr ÿ 1 additional rain) in 30 1  1 m2 trenched plots (to a depth of 45 cm with
nylon screening). Earthworm density was censused and readjusted in the spring and autumn of 1996 and again in the spring of
1997 using the Octet electro-sampling method. Earthworm activity, measured as cumulative surface cast production, was
signi®cantly di€erent among worm density treatments (low worm density: 591 2 49, ambient: 9912 87, high: 14692 120 g cast
d.m. m ÿ 2 yr ÿ 1), P < 0.001. Cast production increased with increasing worm density, however increased soil moisture, which
was signi®cantly higher in plots receiving additional rain, did not a€ect worm activity at any worm density level. Surprisingly,
earthworm activity had no e€ect on the aboveground biomass production of the plant community or of any plant functional
type; however additional rain stimulated aboveground biomass production of graminoids (+30%, P = 0.006) and Carex spp.
(+200%, P = 0.020). The lack of a stimulatory e€ect of increased earthworm activity on plant biomass production indicates
that apparent earthworm-induced increases in plant nutrient availability were insucient to promote the growth of the perennial
plant species in these native grasslands. Our results, taken together with those from earlier studies in these grasslands, suggest
that the e€ects of earthworm activity on plant community structure occur slowly where they relieve soil constraints on plant
growth. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (e.g. Stockdill, 1982; Hoogerkamp et al., 1983; Curry

and Boyle, 1987) or where the e€ects of earthworm ac-
The activity of earthworms has been shown to tivity on plant growth may be confounded with the
enhance plant yield (Waters, 1951; Sears and Evans, other e€ects of the land management practice that
1953; Stockdill, 1959; Barley, 1961; Stockdill and resulted in a particular earthworm density (e.g.
Cossens, 1966; Watkin and Wheeler, 1966; Mackay et Kladivko and Timmenga, 1990; Edwards et al., 1995).
al., 1982; Stockdill, 1982; Hoogerkamp et al., 1983; Thus, the extent to which these ®ndings may be
Curry and Boyle, 1987) because of their bene®cial applied to extensively managed or natural grasslands is
e€ects on the soil environment (e.g. Lee, 1985; questionable.
Edwards and Bohlen, 1996). However, these results are Earthworms and their activity may also a€ect the
derived solely from experiments where earthworms structure of plant communities by in¯uencing the con-
were introduced to intensively managed grasslands tribution of various plant species to the community
(e.g. Hopp and Slater, 1948; van Rhee, 1965;
Hoogerkamp et al., 1983; Thompson et al., 1993;
* Corresponding author. Present address: Research Institute of Zaller and Arnone, 1998). This may occur via selective
Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Ackerstrasse, 5070 Frick, Switzerland. seed burial and dispersion (Thompson et al., 1994;
Tel.: +41-62-865-7243; Fax: +41-62-865-7273; E-mail: hans.zaller
Willems and Huijsmans, 1994) or by promoting the
Present address: Desert Research Institute, Biological Sciences establishment and growth of particular plant species as
Center, P.O. Box 60220, Reno, NV 8956, USA. a result of a plant's proximity to nutrient-rich casts

0038-0717/99/$19.00 # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S 0 0 3 8 - 0 7 1 7 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 1 2 6 - 6
518 J.G. Zaller, J.A. Arnone III / Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31 (1999) 517±523

(Zaller and Arnone, 1998) and the ability of a plant tored over the topmost 10 cm of the topsoil using
species to exploit these nutrients (Hofer, unpublished time-domain-re¯ectrometry (one measurement every 20
data). min). We also continuously recorded soil temperature
The objectives of our study were: (1) to evaluate the in each plot with thermistors placed at depths of 5 and
e€ects of earthworm activity on aboveground biomass 15 cm (one reading h ÿ 1).
production of native calcareous grassland communities Earthworm density treatments were established in
and (2) to determine which plant functional types (gra- May 1996 by ®rst extracting the earthworms from
minoids, nonleguminous forbs and legumes) are most each plot using the `Octet' electro-sampling method
responsive as an indication of potential e€ects on (Thielemann, 1986). This non-destructive method has
plant community structure. To do this, earthworm ac- been shown to provide comparable estimates of earth-
tivity was manipulated in the ®eld for two growing worm community size (Vetter, 1996) and composition
seasons: ®rstly, by manipulating the size of earthworm (Zaller and Arnone, 1998) to other more conventional
community in trenched ®eld plots and, secondly, by sampling methods, as long as earthworms are sampled
increasing soil moisture in these plots. at times when they are active and when soil moisture
is sucient. To sample, eight steel rods (65 cm
long  6 mm diameter) were inserted into the soil at
2. Materials and methods equal distances along the circumference of a 60-cm-di-
ameter circle in the center of each plot. An electrical
2.1. Site description voltage (300±500 V) was applied to the moist soil over
the entire length of the rods in 4 s pulses supplied
The calcareous grassland we studied is located on a sequentially to opposing pairs of rods in the `Octet'.
208 southwest-facing slope near the village of The portable transformer (DEKA 4000, Deka
Nenzlingen (canton Basel-Land), NW-Switzerland (500 GeraÈtebau, Germany) providing the electrical pulses
m a.s.l., 47827 0 N, 7834 0 E). Mean annual precipitation was powered by a 12 V car battery. All earthworms
is about 920 mm at mean air temperatures of about arriving at the soil surface within 40 min in each plot
8.58C (Ogermann et al., 1994). Up to 1993 this grass- were collected and stored in cool water until they were
land had been used for extensive cattle grazing and identi®ed, counted and weighed. A total of 9 earth-
since 1993 the area has been fenced and mown twice a worm species were collected (nomenclature follows
year in spring and autumn. Among the 100 vascular BoucheÂ, 1972) representing three ecological groups
plant species found on this site, the grass Bromus erec- (BoucheÂ, 1977): anecics (Nicodrilus longus Ude., N.
tus is dominant (Zoller, 1954; Huovinen-Hufschmid nocturnus Ev., Lumbricus terrestris L.), endogeics (N.
and KoÈrner, 1998). Soils are classi®ed as a transition caliginosus Sav., Allolobophora chlorotica Sav., A. rosea
Rendzina (pH is about 6.5, bulk density of the top soil Sav., Octolasion cyaneum Sav.) and epigeics (L. casta-
1.1 g cm ÿ 3, C-to-N ratio about 12), with a well devel- neus Sav., Dendrobaena mammalis Ger.).
oped, stone-free, loamy topsoil and a rapid transition All of the earthworms in each ecological group col-
at 15±25 cm depth to the underlying calcareous scree lected from the six plots in each block were pooled;
material (Ogermann et al., 1994). one-third were added to the ambient-density plots and
the remaining two-thirds to the high-density plots.
2.2. Experimental design This procedure was repeated for each of the ®ve blocks
in May 1996 (start of density treatment) and again in
To control earthworm density, 30 1  1 m plots were September 1996 and May 1997 to maintain density
trenched to a depth of 45 cm with 1-mm-mesh nylon treatments.
window screen in spring 1995. The screen extended 15 Aboveground plant biomass was mowed to a height
cm above the soil surface to create an aboveground of 5 cm in each plot several days before each earth-
earthworm barrier. Trenching to 45 cm in these shal- worm sampling date in three steps. First, the 10-cm-
low soils would be expected to strongly limit subsur- wide strip on the perimeter of each plot was removed
face lateral movement of earthworms into or out of and discarded. Second, all the material in an 80  80
the plots. Plots were arranged in a randomized com- cm centre area in each plot, with the exception of two
plete block design (5 blocks), with three earthworm 25  25 cm areas, was harvested, dried at 808C and
densities (low, ambient and high) and two amounts of weighed. Third, the biomass on the two 25  25 cm
rainfall (ambient and 280 mm yr ÿ 1 additional rain). areas in each plot was harvested and sorted into func-
These amounts of added rain were applied to the tional groups [graminoids without Carex spp., Carex
appropriate plots during dry periods in the growing spp. (Carex ¯acca and C. caryophyllea), nonlegume
season to maintain sucient soil moisture for earth- forbs and legumes], dried at 808C and weighed. The
worms to stay active in all but the driest periods. total amount of plant biomass harvested in May and
Volumetric soil water content was continuously moni- September 1997 from the centre area in each plot,
J.G. Zaller, J.A. Arnone III / Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31 (1999) 517±523 519

including that from the two small sub-plots, was used Systat, Evanston, IL; Wilkinson et al., 1992). All error
to estimate the 1997 aboveground biomass production estimates given in the text are standard errors of the
of the plant community. The two sub-plots were used mean (2S.E.).
to estimate the biomass responses of plant functional
Cumulative surface cast production (dry mass) was 3. Results
measured biweekly from October 1996 to May 1997
on one of the two 25  25 cm sub-plots in each plot as Density and biomass of earthworms as well as earth-
an indicator of earthworm activity. Cast production worm community structure in the 30 plots were similar
was measured only during this period because this is before treatments were imposed (density for anecics,
when earthworm activity is highest (see Zaller and endogeics and epigeics was 672 1, 66 27 and 12 2 1
Arnone, 1997) and because casts could be seen and worms m ÿ 2, respectively; biomass for anecics, endo-
quanti®ed most reliably during this period since plant geics and epigeics was 62 22, 53 25 and 32 0.5 g
biomass was lowest and because we needed to avoid m ÿ 2, respectively). The manipulation of earthworm
disturbing the plant canopy during the growing season. community size (density and biomass) was indeed
After weighing (fresh mass) each cast in the ®eld on a e€ective (Fig. 1), although earthworm populations
portable balance, it was returned to its original pos- ¯uctuated between sampling dates with community
ition and deformed slightly to facilitate the identi®- size (number and biomass) in low-density plots tending
cation of newly produced casts at the next sampling to increase and in high density plots tending to
date. Cast subsamples from each plot were taken at decrease, whereas in ambient density plots remaining
each sampling date to calculate fresh mass-to-dry mass largely unchanged. Low density plots contained fewest
ratios (808C, 24 h). earthworms (37 25 worms m ÿ 2) and least biomass
(26.72 3.3 g m ÿ 2) on average; the ambient density
2.3. Statistical analysis plots contained about twice that and the high density
plots about 50% more than the ambient plots con-
The mean density and biomass of the earthworm
community in each plot over the course of the exper-
iment was calculated based on ®ve sets of data: the
May 1996 establishment data, the September 1996
electro-sampling and re-establishment data and the
May 1997 electro-sampling and re-establishment data.
The e€ect of the worm density treatment on actual
worm density and biomass was tested using the mean
earthworm density (and biomass) for each plot in an
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with earthworm density
(`worm'), `rain' and `block' as factors. The e€ect of the
rain treatment on soil moisture was tested using the
mean daily volumetric soil water content from May
1996 to September 1997 for each plot in an ANOVA
with the same three factors. The e€ects worm density
and rain treatments on earthworm activity were tested
using total cumulative surface cast production from
October 1996 to May 1997 in each plot using the same
ANOVA procedure.
Worm density and rain e€ects on aboveground bio-
mass production of the plant community and each
functional group, as well as that of Carex spp. pro-
duction was similarly tested by ANOVA. We used
simple linear regression to assess relationships between
the 1997 aboveground biomass production of the plant
community (dependent variable) and mean earthworm
community density, biomass and activity (independent
Fig. 1. Mean earthworm density (a) and earthworm activity
variables). ANOVAs were used to test the signi®cance
measured as cumulative surface cast production (b) in ®eld plots
of the regression coecient of these linear models with manipulated earthworm density (low, ambient, and high den-
(Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). All statistical analyses were sity) receiving no additional rain and additional rain (mean2S.E.,
performed using Systat (SYSTAT, version 5.2.1, n = 5).
520 J.G. Zaller, J.A. Arnone III / Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31 (1999) 517±523

tained. However, additional rain had no apparent (data not shown). Additional rain stimulated above-
e€ect on the size of earthworm communities in any ground biomass production of graminoids (+30%;
worm density treatment (F = 1.14, P = 0.299; Fig. 1a). F = 9.30, P = 0.006) and of Carex species (+200%;
As expected, increasing worm density treatment also F = 6.44, P = 0.020), however worm density treat-
resulted in signi®cant increases in earthworm activity ments had no e€ect on biomass production of these
(cumulative surface cast production; F = 24.27, plant functional groups (Fig. 4). Non-legume forbs
P < 0.001; Fig. 1b). Surprisingly, however, additional and legumes did not respond to either treatment.
rain had no signi®cant e€ect on earthworm activity in
any worm density treatment (F < 0.01, P = 0.976;
Fig. 1b) even though soil water content was consist-
ently greater in these plots (Fig. 2a). The daily mean 4. Discussion
soil temperature in all plots ¯uctuated in a normal
fashion with season (Fig. 2b), but did not di€er signi®- The absence of any apparent e€ects of earthworm
cantly among worm density or rain treatments, or activity on either the aboveground production of plant
between 5 and 15-cm depths, at any time during the communities (Fig. 3) or individual plant functional
study. types (Fig. 4) in this calcareous grassland (after 2 yr of
Aboveground biomass production (>5 cm height) manipulation of earthworm densities) was somewhat
of plant communities in 1997 averaged about 440 g surprising in light of the relatively large stimulatory
m ÿ 2 in plots receiving no additional rain and 580 g e€ects observed in intensively managed grasslands (e.g.
m ÿ 2 in plots receiving additional rain (F = 24.20, Sears and Evans, 1953; Stockdill and Cossens, 1966;
P < 0.001; Fig. 3a). However, earthworm density Curry and Boyle, 1987) and in microcosm studies (e.g.
had no e€ect on plant biomass production in either Hopp and Slater, 1948; van Rhee, 1965). The lack of a
rain treatment (F = 0.45, P = 0.647; Fig. 3a). worm e€ect in our study was also puzzling because
Consequently, biomass production was not correlated earthworm activity, and presumably nutrient avail-
with either earthworm activity (Fig. 3b), actual mean ability to plants (e.g. Scheu, 1994; Willems et al., 1996;
earthworm density or actual mean earthworm biomass Blair et al., 1997; Zaller and Arnone, 1997), did vary

Fig. 2. Seasonal ¯uctuations in the mean daily volumetric soil water content of the top 10 cm (a) and the mean soil temperature at 5-cm depth
(b) in ®eld plots with manipulated earthworm density receiving no additional rain (lower curve in (a)) and additional rain (upper curve in (a)).
J.G. Zaller, J.A. Arnone III / Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31 (1999) 517±523 521

enhancement of nutrient availability than agronomic

plant species, (2) that the signi®cant di€erences in
earthworm activity we created in our ®eld plots by
varying the size of earthworm communities were
apparently insucient to a€ect aboveground plant
growth and (3) that the longer-term e€ects earthworms
have on soil physical properties may be as important,
or even more important, than their shorter-term e€ects
on plant nutrient availability. Finally, there is the
possibility that (4) neither nutrient availability nor soil
structure were constraints to plant growth and were
therefore not alleviated by earthworm activities.
Enhanced aboveground biomass production of plant
communities in plots receiving additional rain was
most likely due to increases in nutrient mineralization
and availability as a result of increased soil moisture
(e.g. Marschner, 1995). These apparent increases in
nutrient availability seem to have been much larger
than the likely increases resulting from enhanced earth-
worm activity in plots with larger earthworm commu-
nities (e.g. Blair et al., 1997).
The lack of a stimulatory e€ect of increased soil
moisture on earthworm activity may be explained in a
couple of ways. First, although the additional rain pro-
vided probably raised soil moisture enough for worms
to remain active, temperatures in the topsoil may have
been prohibitively high (Fig. 2b). Second, earthworm
activity was not a€ected by increased soil moisture
Fig. 3. Aboveground biomass production of plant communities in during obligatory worm diapause periods. The lack of
1997 as a function of: (a) earthworm density and rainfall a soil moisture e€ect on earthworm activity further
(mean2S.E.) and (b) earthworm activity, in ®eld plots with manipu-
lated earthworm density receiving no additional rain and additional
suggests that the increases in worm activity we
rain. observed in ®eld plots maintained at elevated atmos-
pheric CO2 in another study (Zaller and Arnone,
1997), as well as the increase seen in the greenhouse
signi®cantly between earthworm density treatments study (Arnone et al., unpublished data), was probably
(Fig. 1b). due more to CO2-induced increases in above- and
In a parallel greenhouse study using plant commu- below-ground detritus (or litter) supply (Arnone,
nities taken from our ®eld site as intact soil-vegetation unpublished data) to worms than to CO2-induced
monoliths, addition of earthworms resulted in a 15% increases in soil moisture. Our current results showing
increase in aboveground biomass production. a signi®cant increase in the biomass production of
However, this relatively marginal stimulation of plant Carex spp. in plots receiving additional rain also indi-
biomass production was associated with a 2-fold cate that increased soil water availability induced by
greater earthworm density, a 4-fold greater earthworm elevated CO2 in the ®eld plots (Niklaus and KoÈrner,
biomass and a 10-fold greater earthworm activity (sur- 1998) may have contributed signi®cantly to the large
face cast production; Arnone et al., unpublished data) increase in Carex aboveground biomass production in
than that present in monoliths receiving no additional these plots (Leadley et al., 1998).
worms. These massive earthworm treatments are simi- Thus, our results suggest that moderate increases in
lar in magnitude to those imposed in studies reporting earthworm activity created by manipulating the size of
also 10±20%-increases in plant biomass production earthworm communities may not a€ect the plant bio-
after earthworms had been introduced to grasslands mass production in native calcareous grasslands, at
where earthworm abundance was originally very low least in the short-term (i.e. two vegetation periods).
(e.g. Stockdill, 1982; Hoogerkamp et al., 1983). Taken Therefore, the apparent e€ects of earthworm activity
together, these observations suggest: (1) that perennial on the structure of similar calcareous grassland com-
plant species common to native grasslands are less re- munities at the ®eld site (Zaller and Arnone, 1998)
sponsive or respond more slowly (e.g. Watkin and seem to be the result of long-term interactions between
Wheeler, 1966; Chapin, 1980) to earthworm-induced plants and earthworms.
522 J.G. Zaller, J.A. Arnone III / Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31 (1999) 517±523

Fig. 4. Aboveground biomass production of graminoids, Carex spp., nonleguminous forbs and legumes in ®eld plots with manipulated earth-

Acknowledgements Curry, J.P., Boyle, K.E., 1987. Growth rates, establishment and
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National Science Foundation to J.A. J.A. is also very Earthworm Ecology and Biogeography in North America. Lewis
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