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This is a questionnaire to collect data for the study on Current Leadership Development Practice
in Hawassa City Administration: Problems and Prospects. I am doing this study for the
fulfillment of Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership. I hope the result of this study will
significantly help the administration to improve and advance its leadership system and ultimately
to improve the quality of its services. Your honest and timely response is very important for the
effectiveness of this study. Note that your responses are strictly confidential and used only for
the purpose of this study. You don’t need to write your name.
Thank you.
Complete the questions by writing your response on the blank spaces and/or putting thick mark
in the appropriate box that best reflect your response for the corresponding question.
Part I Bio Data
1.Your current leadership position:
Agency Head
Department Head or equivalent
Team Leader or equivalent
2.Service years at your current position -------- years
3.Gender M F
4.What is your educational qualification level?
Diploma and below
BA/BSc degree or equivalent
Master's degree and above
5.You major field of study or specialization
Management and leadership or closely related
Other than management and leadership
Part II Leadership Development Practices, Achievements, Challenges and Prospects
of Hawassa City Administration
Note: Leadership Development means any process of honing skill, expanding knowledge and
capacity, providing wide range of experience so that currently practicing and potential future
leaders would become fit, competent and successful.
1.Is there any leadership development exercise which is run by Hawassa City administration?
Yes, there is
No, there is not
I don't know
2.If you respond yes to question # 1 how you get to know?
Through official and formal channels of communication
Informally heard from coworkers
3.Is it (the leadership development effort) planned

Fekadu Woldesenbet Phone No. 0911396598 1

4.How well is the leadership development program designed?
Systematically planned, documented and being implemented
Not systematically planned, but there exist random practices
No systematic plan as well as practice
5.What is major focus of the program? (If there is any)
Improving qualification level and personal development of both current and potential
Improving organizational performance and growth
Improving both personal development and organizational development
6.Indicate whether you agree or disagree to consider the following as leadership development
Agree Disagree
University/college education
Short term training on leadership topics
Attending workshops, seminars and symposiums
deliberating on leadership
Leadership performance evaluation and feed
Mentoring relationship
Experience sharing tour
Job rotation
Assignment to special task forces and projects

7.Put the following in order of frequency of utilization by the city administration. Give the
most frequently used 1st rank and proceed in this order to assign the last rank to the least
frequently used one.

Rank in frequency
of utilization
University/college education
Short term training on leadership topics
Workshops, seminars and symposiums deliberating on leadership
Leadership performance evaluation and feed back
Mentoring relationship
Experience sharing tour
Job rotation
Assignment to special task forces and projects
8.If you believe the city administration has no identifiable leadership development program
and practice what do you think the factor would be? (If you have already answered there
is the program and practice skip this question)
Lack of awareness
Because it is not the priority issue this time
Because there is no leadership problem

Fekadu Woldesenbet Phone No. 0911396598 2

9.How did absence of planned leadership development program affect the city
administration? (If you have already responded there is planned program you can skip this)
Caused poor performance
Created difficulty of alignment and coordination
Lack of sense of common purpose among various agencies
High turnover and dissatisfaction
Caused all the four problems mentioned above
Caused no significant problem
10. How often did you or coworkers get the opportunity to participate in any of the
leadership development processes run by the city administration?
Very seldom
None so far
11. If you are made to judge the quality of the program what you most appreciate? (You can
give more than one response if you have more appreciations)
Participatory nature of its design
Clarity of its goal
Fairness of access
Relevance of the content and delivery method
Consistency of evaluation and monitoring of its implementation
There is nothing to appreciate
Other than those aspects mentioned (Specify ________________)
12. How you evaluate the overall effectiveness of those programs or practice conducted so
Not effective
13. What delivery techniques are used most frequently? (You can give more than one response
if you think more than one techniques were applied)
Case study
Practical problem solving project
Small group discussion and idea sharing
Mentoring and coaching relationship
If other than these specify _______________________________
14. If there has been some sort of leadership development program or/and practice, what
were the criteria to recruit and select participants?
Assessed skill, knowledge or/and experience gap
Potential for assuming future responsibility
There is no clear criteria made known
15. How you describe the procedure and criteria used to recruit participants?
Fair and transparent
Not fair and not transparent
Somehow fair and transparent
Transparent but not fair or vice versa

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16. What mechanism does the administration use to evaluate the relative contribution of
leadership development programs applied?
No mechanism in place so far
17. What is/are the criteria of assessment used to measure improvement of participants?
Knowledge and skill gap narrowed
Peers, coworkers, superiors and subordinates expectations that is met or 360 degree
Increased motivation
External benchmark
18. Is there any inspiring organizational value and culture established to develop sense of
common purpose among all members of the city administration
19. Do you think all employees or the good majority know the organizational culture, value,
and vision of the city administration?
20. If yes how you think they able to learn those core organizational values and culture?
Through face to face orientation and consistent effort of executives
Reading brochures and leaflets
Through personal effort, discussion with coworkers and peers
21. How much knowledge you have about the governing leadership development philosophy
of the city administration?
Have sufficient knowledge
Know nothing

Thank you very much!

Fekadu Woldesenbet Phone No. 0911396598 4

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