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Deurloo FS 2001

The following is a summary of the hard to obtain Karel Deurloo Festschrift with Table of Contents: Unless Some One Guide Me... [Amsterdamse Cahiers] : Festschrift for Karel A. Deurloo / Deurloo Karel Adriaan. Maastricht Sint Maartenslaan 26, 6221 AX Maastricht : Utigeverij Shaker Publishing, 2001. xi+422 p. : broch. (Amsterdamse Cahiers voor Exegese van de Bijbel en zijn Tradities Supplement Series, 2) ISBN 9042301406, 9789042301405

Table of Contents A man of Letters: Karel Deurloo as a Theologian / R. Zuurmond The Creation of the Sabbath (Gen. 1:1-2:3) / K.A.D. Smelik Lack of Space and Loneliness: Abraham and Lot separate. / J. W. Dyk Rembrandt und Hagar / M. Spijkerboer Concerning the Sign of Sinai (Ex. 3:12) Including a Survey of Prophetic and Call Signs. / C. den Hertog Structure and Function of Exodus 19:3b-6 / H. Jagersma Teure Gnade: Numeri 16:1-35 / D. Boer Autoritative Interpretation im Deuteronomim: Beleuchtet anhand von Deuteronomium 1:9-18. / C. Houtman Texts for Recitation: Deuteronomy 6:7; 11:19. / E. Talstra A hidden Message? Judges as Foreword to the Books of Kings P.J. van Midden A Story to weep about: Some Remarks on Judges 2:1-5 and its Context. K. Spronk Wer h, dein Name, bitte? Ein erster versuch, mit der Frau ohne Namen aus Richter 13 Bekanntschaft zu machen. / W.C.G. van Wieringen Eine metaphorische tiologie in Richter 18:12. / U.W.F .Bauer Samuel and Saul. / A.G. van Daalen () Fact and Imagination in the History of Hezekiah (II Kgs. 18-20). E. van den Berg Jesaja 44:1-5 als Predigtperikope zu Pfingstsonntag. / M. Prudk Orgueil ou majeste (souverainete), psychologie ou politique? Quelques remarques sur Interpretation de la racine [ ]dans le livre dEsai, notamment dans la Traduction Oecumnique de la Bible / C. van Duin

Cedars decay, a Sprout will blossom: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Conclusion of the Prophecies on Kingship. / J. Dubbink With Bonds of Love: Hosea 11 as Recapitulation of the Basic Themes in the Book of Hosea. / J.C. Siebert-Hommes Jacob: A Questionable Ancestor? Some remarks on Hosea 12. / R. Abma Quelques relectures anciennes du Psaume 23. / V.A. Schuman Psalm 44. / M. Kessler Glauben gibt es nur als Hoffen: Andacht iiber Psalm 91 / J.Tk Witvliet The Coming of YHWH as King: The Complementary Character of Psalms 96 and 98. / H. Leene The Torah as Work of YHWH: A Reading of Psalm 111 / H.W.M. van Grol Psalm 130:3-4: The Words and their Context. / Th. Booij Collapsing the Narrative Bridge. / J.W. Wesselius A Cloud of Witnesses: Towards a New Linguistic Typology of Biblical Hebrew Texts. / A. J. C. Verheij Use the Guile of my Words to strike them down: Introducing Judith in a Liberal Protestant Congregation (Jdt. 9:10). / A. Dicou Scripture and Scribe: Ben Sira 38:34c-39:l 1 / P.C. Beentjes Biblical Christology: Son of God (Mark 1:1). / D. Monshouwer () Und seines Knigreiches wird kein Ende sein: Ein klassischer Widerspruch: Lukas 1:33 oder I Korinther 15:28? / R.H. Reeling Brouwer Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your ears: Mimetic Representation in Luke 4:14-21 / J. Venema The Beloved Disciple in John 13:23 / K. Better Welche Bedeutungen hat das Verbum [Greek ?]? Eine Untersuchung anlsslich Apostelgeschichte 8:31 / R. W. Mazurel Warum Joseph von Arimathia Jesus von Nazareth ein Familiengrab zur Verfgung stellte: Ein Beitrag zur Logik biblischer Erzahlungen. B. J. Diebner ARMAGEDON der Name als Program. / J. Heller Food and Drink in the Bible: An Exciting New Theme A. Brenner, J. W. van Henten Rabbinic updating of the Torah: Isaiah 49:14 and 15 in Bavli Berkhot 32b. N.A. van Uchelen Did Maimonides write Nonsense? Intellect, Sense and Sensibility in Ruach Chen. / I. E. Zwiep Abraham bei Luther. / P. Boendermaker Chronicle: A Bible Translation to be read aloud. / J.L. Blok-van den Boogert

Rolling the Stone from the Mouth of the Well: Teaching Old Testament Exegesis in West-Africa / A. Blokker Bibliography Karel Adriaan Deurloo. F.J. Hoogewoud, J Deurloo-Sluijter I obtained this Festschrift for a single paper Fact and Imagination in the History of Hezekiah (II Kgs. 18-20). by E. van den Berg that I had seen referred to several times in my research on Sennacherib and Hezekiah. It proved quite difficult to obtain. The closest library that had this title was in upstate New York about 200-300 miles away from my location. I decided to order the volume through the publisher and made my payment with Paypal and then waited and waited and waitedwithout even an order acknowledgement. After a few weeks I had to investigate through Paypal to discover that order had not been received. After about two months I finally received my book. It seems that others take orders and forget to send the book. Be sure to be proactive with this publisher and use Paypal so that you have a record of payment and recourse to dispute. Fortunately I can say that this drawn out process was worthwhile as I got the paper I wanted and also some papers on the Psalms that I had not expected to find as no Table of Contents could be found online. It also allowed me become acquainted with some of the work of Karel Deurloo a scholar that I hardly knew of before as he seems to write mostly in his own language and his books and papers have unequal distribution and availability in North America. This then highlights one of the most significant shortcomings of the Festschrift presumably intended to celebrate and extend the familiarity of his writings. This is achieved, in part, by having most of the papers in English and German with at least two in French. Unfortunately the publishers minimal promotion hardly contributes to this celebration and extension of the authors contribution to Biblical studies. A little more could be done to promote the Festschrift and improve the fulfillment of orders. I would certainly suggest that anyone handling orders at least acknowledge the order for which more oversight seems required. Another suggestion, in the digital era, is to fully automate the process and offer digital versions of the book for immediate downloads. As for my part, after I have looked this book over once again, I intend to donate it to my University Library so that those who might want to read it do not have to travel too far or wait too long to consult the volume of papers celebrating the academic contributions of Karel Adriaan Deurloo.

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