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Flexi Packet Installation

SiSo India

Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 2 MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01 Page 2

1.Introduction.......................................................................................................... 4 2. ork Flo!............................................................................................................. 4 ".Site Sur#e$........................................................................................................... 4 4.Site %eli#er$ &e'ort (S%&)................................................................................... * *.Material +itting..................................................................................................... * ,.&FI -ssurance....................................................................................................... * ..Flexi Packet /ink Installation................................................................................, 0./ink Co11issioning............................................................................................. . 2.Self -ssess1ent................................................................................................... 0 10.Site Folder Pre'aration....................................................................................... 0 11.-cce'tance Testing............................................................................................ 0 12.3ualit$ -udit...................................................................................................... 2

MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01

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Flexi Packet Installation Met4od of Procedure

1. Introduction
T4is Installation MoP is designed to su''ort t4e entire !ork 'rocess of installing Flexi Packet Micro5!a#e 6o'e site.

2. Work Flow
T4is Installation 'rocedure s4ould be executed in t4e follo!ing order7 Site survey Material Kitting FI !ssurance Fle"i #acket Installation Self !ssess$ent Site Folder #re%aration !cce%tance Testing &uality !ssurance

'. Site Survey

Site Sur#e$ Includes #isiting t4e site and 're'aration of detailed re'ort including '4otogra'4s and filling Sur#e$ C4ecklist. !nne"ure (1 1ust be follo!ed to carr$ out site sur#e$.

&FI C4ecklist Trans1 ission.'df

%uring Site sur#e$ c4ecking S'ace a#ailabilit$ for Micro5!a#e -ntenna 8 9%: on To!er; S'ace for I%:; 'o!er su''l$; en#iron1ental conditions. Sur#e$ 9ut'ut !ill include filling &FI C4ecklist for Site; Floor Plan /a$out; I%: -llocation %ra!ing 8 Site %eli#er$ &e'ort (S%&) !it4in 40 6ours or ti1elines as 'er /ocal 'ro<ect tea1 re=uire1ent. MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01 Page 4

I%: -llocation 1ust be re'orted as gi#en in sa1'le attac4ed la$out in case if I%: installation is re=uired in 12> ?xisting cabinet. Sa1'le out'ut

I%: -llocation.'df

). Site *elivery

e%ort +S* ,

Site deli#er$ re'ort 1ust be 're'ared b$ t4e core installation Planner; S%& s4ould include all t4e 1aterial list i1'orted @93 as !ell as /ocal @93. Sa1'le S%& for reference is attac4ed belo!.

Sa1 'le Trans1 ission S%&.'df

S%& re'ort 1ust contain t4e exact lengt4 for t4e %C 'o!er cable; %%F and 9'tical Cable.

-. Material Kitting
Material kitting s4ould be done in t4e circle !are4ouse b$ TI Partner under guidance of /ogistic coordinator. Material kitting for 'er Flexi &adio site s4ould be as 'er ASA S'ecified Site %eli#er$ &e'ort (S* ). T4is acti#it$ in#ol#es assurance of co1'lete 1aterial deli#er$ at site including local as !ell as t4e i1'orted ite1s.


FI !ssurance

&FI -ssurance 1ust be done b$ t4e TI Vendor. %eclaring &FI B !nne"ure(1/ s4ould be used. Site s4ould be declared free fro1 Infra Punc4 Points and 4undred 'ercent read$ for Flexi Packet I%: 8 9%: Installation. In case of 'ending Infra 'unc4 'oint t4e sa1e 1ust be re'orted to t4e 9'erator. Co11ence1ent of Site &eadiness can be done if criticalC1a<or Punc4 Point is not 'ending. &FI assurance 1ust be declared onl$ for 4o's; A?-& ?A% and F-& ?A% bot4 s4ould read$.

MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01

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0. Fle"i #acket 1ink Installation

Flexi Packet installation co1'rised of I%: 8 9%: (-ntenna 8 &adio :nit) Installation; -ll instructions are a#ailable for 9%: is a#ailable in attac4ed docu1ent.

0* 5 3uick Installation Duide.'df

7.1.1 IDU Installation I%: installation 1ust be as 'er t4e allocation diagra1 or at allocated s'ace fro1 o'erator. Installation of grounding cable for I%: !it4 fixing accessories (cable ties); labels and connectors (lugs) u' to t4e defined lengt4 including testing of t4e co1'lete cable run. Installation of 9'tical Patc4 Panel. /a$ing and ter1ination of 9'tical Patc4 cable fro1 I%:. /a$ing of ?t4ernet and o'tical cables fro1 I%: to 9%:. Connecting ?1 cables !it4 %%F. Connecting -lar1 cables !it4 %%F.

-51200 Installation Manual.'df

7.1.2 ODU Installation 9%: installation 1ust be on s'ecified 1ount and as 'er 4eig4t s'ecified in Tx Planning %ata.

MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01

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Installation of &adio :nit. for 0."1;0.,1; 1.21;1.01 etc. -ntenna as a''licable in 'lanning data. In Case of 1E1 /ink doubles 9%: need to be installed. Fixing of Ae! Flexi Packet &adio :nit on t4e To!er Mount !it4 all fixing accessories Installation of grounding cable for &adio :nit !it4 fixing accessories (cable ties); labels and connectors (lugs) /a$ing as !ell 'ro'er routing of Single IF Cable !it4 cla1'ing blocks. If 1E1 /ink t4ere !ould be t!o IF Cable need to be run. -''l$ing eat4er Proofing at a 'oint of I%: 8 IF cable connecti#it$. Connecting t4e 9%: !it4 I%: t4roug4 IF Cable. /abeling of Cables 8 accessories.

7.1.3 Antenna Installation -ntenna Installation 1ust be on s'ecified 1ount and as 'er 4eig4t s'ecified in Tx Planning %ata. Installation and fixing Flexi Packet Single Micro5!a#e -ntenna 0."1; 0.,1; 1.21; 1.01 etc. as a''licable in Planning data. Installation of grounding cable for Micro5!a#e -ntenna !it4 fixing accessories (cable ties); labels and connectors (lugs) u' to t4e defined lengt4 including testing of t4e co1'lete cable run. Fixing of Micro!a#e -ntenna on t4e To!er Mount !it4 all fixing -ccessories. Cou'ling of 9%: !it4 Ae! -ntenna !it4 9%:. /abeling of Cables 8 accessories.

2. 1ink Co$$issioning
Co1'lete 4o' 1ust be installed 1eans bot4 A?-& ?A% 8 F-& ?A% 1icro5!a#e s$ste1 s4ould installed. Co11issioning of 69P t4e I%: !it4 res'ect to T4e 9%: as 'er ASA Planning data. Integration !it4 ?1 and confir1ation to t4e AMS Tea1. Conducting all t4e rele#ant tests as 'er ASA Site Folder.

MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01

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0. 5 Co1 1 ission.'df

3. Self !ssess$ent
-fter co1'letion of all installation acti#it$; t4ere !ill be re=uire1ent to assess t4e Installation ork. T4is s4ould be done in 'resence of Pro<ect5?ngineer (P?5TI). -ttac4ed c4ecklist 1ust be follo!ed.
Dlobal Site 3ualit$ C4eckilist #"F*.xls

-ll 'unc4 'oints generated due to ASA !ork 1ust be closed 'unc4 'oints generated due to 9'erator 1ust be notified. Filled 3ualit$ C4ecklist 1ust be 4ando#er to P?5TI in 4ardco'$ to u'load in IPM.


Site Folder #re%aration

Site folder 1ust be filled b$ t4e TI5Partner under P?5TI su'er#ision during Installation P4ase; after co1'letion of Installation Site folder s4ould be 4anded o#er to t4e Co11issioning Tea1. P?5TI s4ould be res'onsible for :'dation of site folder as 'er ASA standardsG Site folder s4ould 4a#e latest as5built /a$out. Site Folder 1ust be sub1itted in 6ardco'ies (01 for Site; 01 for ASA &ecords 8 01 for Custo1er) and softco'$ to be u'loaded in IPM.


!cce%tance Testing

-cce'tance of t4e Flexi Packet 6o' s4ould be co1'rised of Installation; Co11issioning and Integration of Aode. %uring -T of Installation TI5Partner 8 P?5TI s4ould be a#ailable at site. -cce'tance testing s4ould be done on Mutual agreed C4ecklist bet!een ASA 8 9'erator. T4is acti#it$ !ill include7 Pre'aring t4e -cce'tance test re'orts -rranging Test ?=ui'1ents for -T. -T certification fro1 Custo1er

MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01

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&uality !udit

ASA 1a$ co11ence =ualit$ audit for installed sites to assure 3ualit$ 8 96S at site; TI Partner 1a$ 'artici'ate for t4e -udit. -udit s4ould be based on t4e sa1e -udit c4ecklist !4ic4 is follo!ed during Self assess1ent of t4e Site.

MoP Flexi Packet Installation Ver01

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