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Submitted By: Dacanay, Lino III B. Hermono, Elena Karen G.

Lazaro, Leizle Marjorie Marcelo, Melanie

Submitted to: Mrs. Bessie Delos Reyes

Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a slowly progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and eventually by disturbances in reasoning, planning, language, and perception. The cause(s) of Alzheimer's disease is (are) not nown. Although, accumulation of the specific protein (beta!amyloid protein) in the brain is suspected to play a role.

Sta es! Mil" Alzheimer#s

The most common early symptom is trouble recalling something you "ust learned. #n this early stage, you may also notice it's a little harder to remember other things, ma e decisions, and find your way around new places. $ther people may not notice your symptoms at first. %ou may find that you& 'orget where you put everyday things (et lost )ave trouble with comple* tas s, li e paying bills or planning a party )ave trouble coming up with the right words sometimes 'eel less social or moody

Mo"erate Alzheimer#s
This is the longest stage of Alzheimer's. #t can last many years !! it+s different from person to person. As your Alzheimer's evolves, your memory will get worse. %ou'll have more trouble with language and thin ing clearly. %ou may& ,ot always now family and friends -ose trac of the day of the wee or where you are 'orget details in your life, li e your address, phone number, or where you went to high school or college )ave trouble putting clothes on in the right order or pic ing the right clothes, and later bathing and using the toilet .umble words )ave poor "udgment about your health, finances, or safety

%our personality may also change during this stage. %ou may see or hear things that aren't there /uspect people of lying, cheating, or stealing from you 0e depressed or an*ious 0ecome angry or violent

Se$ere Alzheimer#s
#n late!stage Alzheimer's, you may no longer be aware of where you are or remember your life history. %our physical abilities are also affected, and you may not be able to carry out simple tas s. %ou may& 0e unable to spea more than a half dozen words ,eed help wal ing and later be unable to sit up, smile, or hold up your head )ave trouble controlling your bowels or bladder 1ander and get lost 2now familiar faces but have trouble remembering their names )ave more personality changes )ave habits li e wringing your hands or shredding tissues

Ris% &actors
#ncreased Age (enetic )ypertension 3oronary Artery Disease Diabetes

Si ns an" Sym'toms
(. )orsene" a*ility to ta%e in an" remem*er ne+ in,ormation, ,or e-am'le! 45epetitive 6uestions or conversations 7isplacing personal belongings 'orgetting events or appointments (etting lost on a familiar route.4

.. Im'airments to reasonin , com'le- tas%in , e-ercisin j/" ment! 48oor understanding of safety ris s #nability to manage finances 8oor decision!ma ing ability #nability to plan comple* or se6uential activities.4 0. Im'aire" $is/os'atial a*ilities 1*/t not, ,or e-am'le, "/e to eye si ht 'ro*lems2! 4#nability to recognize faces or common ob"ects or to find ob"ects in direct view #nability to operate simple implements, or orient clothing to the body.4 3. Im'aire" s'ea%in , rea"in an" +ritin ! 4Difficulty thin ing of common words while spea ing, hesitations speech, spelling, and writing errors.4 4. 5han es in 'ersonality an" *eha$ior, ,or e-am'le! $ut!of!character mood changes, including agitation9 less interest, motivation or initiative9 apathy9 social withdrawal -oss of empathy 3ompulsive, obsessive or socially unacceptable behavior. Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimers Disease :. 7emory loss ;. Difficulty performing familiar tas s <. 8roblems with language =. Disorientation to time and place >. 8oor or decreased "udgment ?. 8roblems with abstract thin ing @. 7isplacing things A. 3hanges in mood or behavior B. 3hanges in personality :C. -oss of initiative

6est an" Dia nosis

Alzheimer's disease is not simple to diagnose ! there is no single test for it. 'or this reason, the first thing doctors do is to rule out other problems before confirming whether mental signs and symptoms are severe enough to be a ind of dementia or something else. Doctors may& Ta e a history (as about symptoms and daily activities)

Do a physical e*amination to find any signs of, for e*ample, a stro e, heart condition or idney disease, and 3hec neurological function, e.g. by testing balance, senses and refle*es. Depending on what the doctor thin s could need chec ing, other diagnostics are& o /ending off for tests of blood and urine samples o Arranging brain scans (possibly including 3T, MRI and DD().

:. Dstablish an effective communication system with the patient and his family to help them ad"ust to the patient+s altered cognitive abilities. ;. 8rovide emotional support to the patient and his family. <. Administer ordered medications and note their effects. #f the patient has trouble swallowing, crush tablets and open capsules and mi* them with a semi soft food. =. 8rotect the patient from in"ury by providing a safe, structured environment >. 8rovide rest periods between activities because the patient tires easily ?. Dncourage the patient to e*ercise as ordered to help maintain mobility @. Dncourage patient independence and allow ample time for him to perform tas s A. Dncourage sufficient fluid inta e and ade6uate nutrition. B. Ta e the patient to the bathroom at least every ; hours and ma e sure he nows the location of the bathroom. :C. Assist the patient with hygiene and dressing as necessary ::. 're6uently chec the patient+s vital signs :;. 7onitor the patient+s fluid and food inta e to detect imbalances. :<. #nspect the patient+s s in for evidence of trauma, such as bruises or s in brea down. :=. Dncourage the family to allow the patient as much independence as possible while ensuring safety to the patient and others.

The six pillars of a brain-healthy lifestyle are: :. ;. <. =. >. ?. 5egular e*ercise )ealthy diet 7ental stimulation Euality sleep /tress management An active social life

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