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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT First Judicial Region Branch 7 Baguio City SPOUSES DOMINADOR DE VERA

and NORMA DE VERA, Plainti s, !"ersus! Ci"il Case No# $%&'!R For( )U* OF *ONE+ and ,A*AGE)

ENGR. REUEL D. TERTE, ,e endant# -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

(For the Plaintiffs)


OME NOW the plaintiffs,

0y t1e undersigned counsel, unto t1e

/onora0le Court, 2ost res3ect ully su02it t1eir *E*ORAN,U* in t1e a0o"e!entitled case, and or t1is 3ur3ose state( I


4# T1at so2eti2e in )e3te20er, 4&&&, t1e 3lainti s 51o 5ere t1en 3lanning to construct t1eir residential 1ouse at Barangay Ta0ta0ungao, Rosario, La Union, in or2ed se"eral constructors o said 3lan and i"e 678 contractors, including t1e de endant, su02itted t1eir corres3onding 0ids or t1e construction o t1eir residential 1ouse# T1e di erent contractors su02itted t1e ollo5ing 0ids( Contractor 9A: 9B: 9C: 9,: Engr# Reuel Terte Bi Pric! P;,<7<,<<<#<< P;,<=<,<<<#<< P;,;<<,<<<#<< P;,$7<,<<<#<< P;,7<<,<<<#<<


># )e"eral days a ter su02itting 1is 0id, t1e de endant in?uired ro2 t1e 3lainti s 51o 5on t1e 0idding or t1e construction o t1eir residential 1ouse and 1e 5as t1ere ore in or2ed t1at it 5ill 0e a5arded to t1e lo5est 0idder 51o su02itted a 0id in t1e a2ount o P;,<7<,<<<#<< or P$7<,<<<#<< lo5er t1an 1is 0id#

;# ,e endant t1en re?uested t1e 3lainti s t1at t1e contract or t1e construction o t1eir 1ouse 0e gi"en to 1i2 since 1e is no5 5illing to acce3t t1e @o0 o constructing t1eir 1ouse in t1e a2ount o P;,<<<,<<<#<< or lo5er t1an t1e lo5est 0idder# $# As a result o t1e de endantAs lo5ered o er o P;,<<<,<<<#<<, t1e 3lainti s a5arded t1e rig1t to construct t1eir residential 1ouse to t1e or2er#

I22ediately, a Construction Contract duly 3re3ared 0y t1e de endant 5as 2ade to 0e signed 0y t1e 3lainti ,O*INA,OR ,E BERA# T1e said

contract 3ro"ides t1at in case o suit, t1e sa2e s1all 0e iled in Baguio City, t1e residence o t1e de endant instead o Rosario, La Union 51ic1 is t1e residence o t1e 3lainti s 51ic1 s1o5s t1at t1e de endant 5as already taCing ad"antage o t1e 3lainti s ro2 t1e "ery 0eginning 7# In t1e construction contract, it 5as agreed u3on 0y t1e 3lainti s and t1e de endant t1at t1e construction o t1e or2erAs 1ouse s1all 0e co23leted 5it1in 4=< calendar days ro2 )e3te20er 4=, 4&&& or u3 to *arc1 4=, ><<<# T1at it 5as liCe5ise agreed u3on in t1e contract t1at( a# t1e a2ount e?ui"alent to ;<D o t1e Contract Price s1all 0e 2ade u3on t1e start o t1e 3ro@ectE 0# t1e First Billing s1all 0e a ter > F 2ont1 only or a ter t1e acco23lis12ent o %<D o contract 5orC and t1e de endant s1all su02it a re?uest or 3ay2ent o actual 5orC acco23lis12entE c# t1e >nd Billing s1all 0e 2ade only a ter t1e acco23lis12ent o &<D o t1e 5orCs and t1e contractor s1all re?uest or 3ay2ent o t1e 5orC acco23lis1ed and 2aCe a 3reli2inary ins3ection on 3re3aration or t1e inal turn!o"er o t1e Pro@ect, a ter 51ic1, t1e inal 0illing s1all 0e con ir2ed and a33ro"ed 0y t1e 3lainti sE

d# T1e 3lainti s are entitled to a retention 2oney e?ui"alent to 4<D o t1e contract 3rice or P;<<,<<<#<< 51ic1 s1all 0e released to t1e de endant UPON FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF T/E 3ro@ect# In s1ort, t1e de endant s1all co23lete t1e 3ro@ect 5it1 t1e a2ount o P>,'<<,<<<#<< and t1e retention a2ount o P;<<,<<<#<< s1all 0e 3aid to t1e de endant only a ter inal acce3tance o t1e residential 1ouse# %# T1at u3on e-ecution o t1e Construction Contract on )e3te20er 4=, 4&&& or i22ediately t1erea ter, t1e 3lainti s 3aid t1e ollo5ing a2ounts in order to co23ly 5it1 t1e ;<D ad"ance 3ay2ent in accordance 5it1 t1e contract, to 5it( ,ate )e3te20er 4=, 4&&& )e3te20er 4=, 4&&& )e3te20er >;, 4&&& Total A2ount US"#$,$$$.$$ %P&$$,$$$.$$ at P'$.$$(") P7$,$$$.$$ P*$,$$$.$$ P+#$,$$$.$$

Or 2ore t1an t1e P&<<,<<<#<< 51ic1 re3resents ;<D o t1e Contract Price as agreed u3on in t1e construction contract# '# )1ortly a ter t1e de endant started constructing t1e residential 1ouse o t1e 3lainti s or 0e ore t1e la3se o t1e > F 2ont1 3eriod 0e ore t1e 4 st 0illing as agreed u3on in t1e contract, 1e started asCing or additional a2ounts ro2 t1e latter e"en t1oug1 ( aG# 1e 1as not co23leted %<D o t1e contract 5orCE and 0G less t1an > F 2ont1s 1a"e la3sed ro2 t1e start o t1e construction 5orC 51ic1 is not in accordance 5it1 t1e construction contract# =# As a result o t1e assurance 2ade 0y t1e de endant t1at t1e gi"ing o additional a2ounts 0y t1e 3lainti s 5ould e-3edite t1e co23letion o t1eir 1ouse e"en 0e ore t1e 4=<!day 3eriod agreed u3on, t1e 3lainti s 2ade t1e ollo5ing 3ay2ents in ad"ance 5it1 51at 5as agreed u3on in t1e construction contract, to 5it( Dat! Octo0er >=, 4&&& No"e20er &, 4&&& No"e20er >7, 4&&& Tota. A,o-nt U)H;,<<<#<< or P4><,<<<#<< P=,<<<#<< P=<<,<<<#<< P+#&,$$$.$$

Or total 3ay2ents in t1e a2ount o P4,=$=,<<<#<<, 0arely t5o 6>8 2ont1s and one 648 5eeC ro2 t1e e-ecution o t1e construction contract# &# T1at alt1oug1 t1e de endant 5as already 0e1ind sc1edule in 1is 5orC, 1e continued asCing or additional a2ounts ro2 t1e 3lainti s in "iolation o t1e construction contract t1at is 51y 0y *arc1 >7, ><<< or 5ay 0eyond t1e 4=<! day 3eriod agreed u3on or t1e co23letion o t1e 3lainti As 1ouse, t1e 1ouse o t1e 3lainti s 5as @ust o"er %<D co23lete t1oug1 t1e total 3ay2ents recei"ed 0y t1e 3lainti 5as already P>,&=$,';=#<< or &&#$&D o t1e contract 3rice# 4<# T1at on A3ril 47, ><<< or 5ay 0eyond t1e agreed 3eriod 5it1in 51ic1 t1e de endant s1all co23lete t1e residential 1ouse o t1e 3lainti s, 1e sto33ed 5orCing on it and de2anded ro2 t1e 3lainti s t1e 3ay2ent o t1e a2ount o P7,>7>,;$4#47 or t1e co23letion o t1eir 1ouse 0y su02itting a ne5 cost esti2ates# .orse, 1e 2ade it a33ear t1at 1as already s3ent P;,$';,&$>#<$ in t1e construction o t1e 3lainti sA 1ouse and t1at 1e is t1ere ore collecting t1e a2ount o P$=&,><$#<< ro2 t1e2 in addition to t1e a2ount 1e 1as collected!!!e"en i 1e 5ill already sto3 t1e construction 5it1 only @ust a0o"e %<D o t1e 5orC co23leted# 44# T1at in t1e A3ril 47, ><<< cost esti2ate 2ade 0y t1e de endant to @usti y 1is act o sto33ing urt1er 5orCs on t1e 3lainti sA 1ouse as 5ell as @usti ying t1e collection o o"er P>,>7>,;$4#47 2ore in addition to t1e contract 3rice o

P;,<<<,<<<#<<, 1e 2aliciously increased t1e ?uantity o t1e 2aterials to 0e used in t1e construction o t1e 3lainti sA 1ouse and 5orse, 1e liCe5ise 0loated t1e a2ounts s3ent or t1e 3ortion o t1e 1ouse already co23leted# 4># T1at in t1e original 5orC esti2ate, t1e roo ing 6stile roo 8 5as gi"en an esti2ate cost o P>=',;;;#4<# In t1e A3ril 47, ><<< esti2ate, 1o5e"er, 1e 0loated t1e a2ount needed to co23lete said 3ortion o t1e 1ouse in t1e a2ount o P7><,$;$#=> or a di erence o P>;;,4<4#'># At t1at ti2e, 1o5e"er, said roo ing 1ad long 0een co23leted since t1e de endant 1ad t1e sa2e su0! contracted 0y ONC ENGINEERING I CON)TRUCTION in t1e a2ount o

P>'<,<<<#<< 51ic1 s1o5s t1e o0"ious 0ad ait1 on t1e 3art o t1e de endant in t1e disc1arge o 1is contractual o0ligations 5it1 t1e 3lainti s and an o0"ious atte23t to 3ro it e"en i 1e did not 3er or2 t1e 5orCs on t1e roo ing o t1e 3lainti sA 1ouseE 4;# T1at t1e act o t1e de endant in ailing to co23lete t1e residential 1ouse o t1e 3lainti s des3ite recei3t o t1e entire contract 3rice and su02itting an outrageous cost esti2ate to @usti y t1e collection o t1e 0loated a2ount o P7,>7>,;$4#47 to co23lete t1e construction instead o P;,<<<,<<<#<< as agreed u3on in t1e contract is a clear e"idence o 0ad ait1 on t1e 3art o t1e de endant and an intentional act to taCe ad"antage o t1e 3lainti s# 4$# T1at in order to deter2ine t1e a33ro-i2ate cost s3ent 0y t1e de endant in t1e construction o t1e 3lainti sA 1ouse as o A3ril 47, ><<< 51en t1e said de endant a0andoned 1is 5orC, t1e 3lainti s 5ere constrained to engage t1e ser"ices o anot1er contractor at t1e agreed ees o P><,<<<#<<# 47# T1at as 3er actual ins3ection and esti2ate o t1e contractor, Arc1# Pe3ito *unar o Bauang, La Union, engaged 0y t1e 3lainti s to deter2ine t1e cost o t1e construction o t1eir 1ouse as o A3ril 47, ><<<, t1e de endant 1ad

s3ent only t1e a2ount o P>,>&=,7&>#'$ 51ic1 s1o5s t1at t1e 3lainti s 1a"e o"er3aid t1e de endant in t1e a2ount o P%=%,4$%#<<# 4%# T1at as a result o t1e o0"ious 0ad ait1 on t1e 3art o t1e de endant in t1e 3er or2ance o 1is contractual o0ligation, t1e 3lainti s su ered 2ental anguis1, rig1t, 5ounded eelings and si2ilar in@uries 51ic1 t1ey s1ould 0e co23ensated in t1e a2ount o not less t1an P$<<,<<<#<< 0y 5ay o 2oral da2ages# 4'# T1at in order to teac1 t1e de endant a lesson so t1at ot1er 5ill not ollo5 1is illegal acts, 1e s1all 0e ordered to 3ay t1e a2ount o not less t1an P><<,<<<#<< 0y 5ay o e-e23lary da2ages# 4=# T1at as a result o t1e delay in t1e co23letion o t1e residential 1ouse o t1e 3lainti s, t1e de endant s1all 0e assessed li?uidated da2ages in accordance 5it1 t1e construction contract to 0e deter2ined during t1e trial in accordance

5it1 t1e I23le2enting Rules and Regulations o Presidential ,ecree No# 47&$# 4&# T1at as a result o t1e illegal acts o t1e de endant, t1e 3lainti s 5ere constrained to engage t1e ser"ices o counsel to 3rotect t1eir rig1ts and interests in t1e a2ount o P%<,<<<#<< and a33earance ee o P>,<<<#<< 3er 1earing# II






T1e a0o"e grounds 0eing interrelated, are 1ere0y discussed @ointly, in t1e ollo5ing# T1e de endant clai2s t1at 1e sto33ed 5orCing on t1e residential 1ouse o t1e 3lainti s on A3ril 47, ><<< 0ecause t1ey re used to 3ay 1i2 t1e a2ount o P7,>7>,;$4#47


to co23lete t1e sa2e# In act, 1e clai2s t1at as o said date, 1e 1ad already s3ent P;,$';,&$>#<$ or P$';,&$>#<$ 2ore t1an t1e contract 3rice o P;,<<<,<<<#<< 51ic1 5as agreed u3on# In su33ort o said contention, 1e su02itted a CO)T E)TI*ATE) FOR FINAL CO*PLETION OF T/E >!)TORE+ RE)I,ENTIAL BUIL,ING o t1e 3lainti s dated A3ril 47, ><<<#4 T1ere is no dis3ute t1at t1e construction o t1e 3lainti sA residential 1ouse 5as started on )e3te20er 4=, 4&&&# T1e de endant, 1o5e"er, clai2s t1at on t1e "ery 2o2ent t1at 1e 5as a0out to start t1e sa2e, t1e 3lainti s allegedly re?uested or an increase o t1e loor area ro2 ;<< J s?uare 2eters to 7<<J s?uare 2eters t1ere0y increasing t1e cost o construction ro2 P;,<<<,<<<#<< to P7,>7>,;$4#47# I 5e 0elie"e t1e de endantAs clai2, t1ere 5ill 0e an increase o t1e cost 0y '7DK )ur3risingly, t1ere is no 5ritten docu2ent to 3ro"e t1e alleged agree2ent as clai2ed 0y t1e de endant# T1e 3lainti sA, 1o5e"er, clai2 t1at t1ere 5as no c1ange in t1e 3lan as 5ell as t1e 3ro@ect cost# .1at is "ery sur3rising is t1e act t1at t1e de endant ad2itted t1at 1e caused t1e 3re3aration and notariLation o t1e construction contract 0et5een 1i2 and t1e 3lainti s# Please taCe note o t1e date 51en t1e sa2e 5as notariLed( )e3te20er ><, 4&&& or t5o 6>8 days a ter t1e start o t1e 3ro@ect# I indeed t1ere 5as an agree2ent on )e3te20er 4=, 4&&& regarding t1e increase in t1e 3ro@ect cost, 51y 5as it not re lected t5o 6>8 days later in t1e contractM T1e reason is "ery o0"ious# T1ere 5as no suc1 agree2ent on )e3te20er 4=, 4&&&# .1at 5as t1e su0@ect o t1e lay!out 5as t1e area or 3lan agreed u3on# For 1o5 could t1e de endant 0een a0le to start 5it1 t1e lay!out on )e3te20er 4=, 4&&& 5it1out a 3lan i it is indeed true t1at it 5as @ust on t1at "ery 2o2ent t1at t1e 3lainti s decided to increase t1e loor area o t1eir 1ouseM T1e A3ril 47, ><<< cost esti2ates 2aCing t1e cost al2ost dou0le 5as an ingenious sc1e2e to e-tort 2oney ro2 t1e 3lainti s# Or a 5ay o @usti ying 1is act o sto33ing 1is 2en ro2 5orCing on t1e 3ro@ect a ter collecting al2ost t1e entire contract 3rice 5it1 @ust o"er %<D o t1e 5orCs co23leted#

Please see E-1i0it 9L: and 94>:#

Please looC at 1is atrocious @usti ication o t1e alleged increase cost 0y co23aring it 5it1 t1e original esti2ate(

Original Esti2ate> 4 > ; Roug1 Enclosure Arc1itectural Finis1ing Total nu20er o 0ags o Portland Ce2ent needed or Foundations, Colu2ns, Bea2s, loor sla0s on 0ot1 loors Total Nu20er o Re!0ars needed 6>< 22, 4% 22 4> 22 and 4< 228 or t1e colu2ns, 0ea2s, loor sla0s, I roo truss Total Cost or Ri"er sand 6Foundations, colu2ns, 0ea2s, loor sla0s8 Total Cost or crus1ed gra"el Total Cost or Roug1 lu20er to 0e used E-3enses or roo ing Plu20ing 6Roug1!in8 P4,;<',<<;#<< P4,%'',';7#<< 4,4%> 0ags

A3ril 47, ><<< Cost Esti2ate; I %2 incr!a3!4 P;,$';,&$>#<7 6#5524 P4,%'',';7#<< %$24 >,$<< 0ags %#$524

><%< 3cs#

=,;>= 3cs# %'$'24

7 % ' = &

P4%,&>7#<< P;;,=7<#<< P'',7><#<< P>=',;;;#4< P$7,<<<#<<

P%;,'7<#<< %67724 P$7,&<<#<< %)6524 P>=$,4&;#<< 665724 P7><,$;$#=> %)&)24 P4$%,;<<#<< %6#*24

T1e a0o"e co23arison s1o5s @ust e5 o t1e ite2s 0loated not @ust 4<<D 0ut e"en $<<DK .e cannot s3eci ically co23are t1e increase in t1e ?uantity o t1e ri"er sand and crus1ed gra"el used 0ecause 51ile in t1e original esti2ate 1e co23uted it in cu0ic 2eters, t1e de endant @ust indicated it as =7 trucCloads and 74 trucCloads, res3ecti"ely, in 1is A3ril 47, ><<< esti2ate# But t1e cost as indicated a0o"e 5ould s1o5 t1e unreasona0le increase# .1ile t1e cost o ri"er sand in t1e original esti2ate 5as only P4%,&>7#<<, t1e A3ril 47, ><<< esti2ate is P%;,'7<#<<K T1ere is an increase o ;''DK )o e"en assu2ing 5it1out ad2itting t1at t1e loor area o t1e residential 1ouse 5as indeed increased ro2 ;>< s?uare 2eters to 7<< s?uare 2eters as clai2ed 0y t1e de endant, or an increase o 7%#>7D, it is i23ossi0le t1at t1e a2ount o ri"er sand to 0e used 5ill increase 0y ;''DK T1at is too 2uc1# As or t1e lu20er used, again, 5e cannot easily esti2ate t1e increase 0ecause 51ile in t1e original esti2ate, t1e de endant indicated t1e nu20er o 3ieces used, in 1is
> ;

E-1i0it 944:, 9L: E-1i0it 94>:, 9N:


A3ril 47, ><<< esti2ate, 1e indicated it in 0oard eet# Anot1er ingenious sc1e2e to con use t1e 3lainti s 51o2 1e Cno5s to 0e uneducated co23ared to 1i2# But 5e can still co23are t1e di erence t1roug1 t1e a2ounts to 0e used( P'',7><#<< as co23ared to P>=$,4&;#<< or an increase o ;%'DK T1e sa2e is true in t1e ot1er as3ects# But t1e 0est e"idence o dou0le!dealing on t1e 3art o t1e de endant is 1is act o su0!contracting t1e roo ing# Please taCe note t1at in 1is original esti2ate, 1e indicated t1at P>=<,<<<#<< is needed, 2aterial and la0or, to co23lete t1e sa2e# +et, 1e is no5 clai2ing P7><,$;$#=> 51en 1e 1ad it su0contracted 0y ONC Construction or

P>'<,<<<#<< onlyM )o e"en 1is original esti2ate 5as e"en P4<,<<<#<< 2ore t1an t1e a2ount 51ic1 1e 3aid t1e su0contractor# It is an undisguised atte23t to enric1 1i2sel at t1e e-3ense o anot1er# It is liCe 1a"ing t1e residential 1ouse o t1e 3lainti s 0e su0contracted 0y anot1er contractor or P;,<<<,<<<#<< t1en 0ills t1e 3lainti s, e"en 5it1out doing any 5orCs t1erein, or P7,><<,<<<#<< JK NOTE FURT/ER# T/E CO)T OF ./AT /E ACTUALL+ CO*PLETE, AL*O)T INCREA)E, B+ ;<<D BUT T/E CO)T OF ARC/ITECTURAL FINI)/ING I) T/E )A*E EBEN IF T/ERE I) AN ALLEGE, INCREA)E IN FLOOR AREA B+ 4=< )O# *##M UNBELIEBABLEK I it is true t1at t1ere 5as an increase in t1e cost, 51y did 1e not re lect it in t1e a33lication or a 0uilding 3er2it 51ic1 1e iled 2ore t1an t1ree 6;8 2ont1s ro2 t1e ti2e 1e started t1e constructionM .1y did 1e not indicate t1e a2ount o o"er P7* J instead o less t1an P4*M 1is e-3ected re3ly to t1e ?uestion o t1e /onora0le Court 5as 1e 5ants to sa"e on t1e ees 2aCing t1e /onora0le Presiding @udge to co22ent t1at 1e is c1eating t1e go"ern2ent# I 1e 1as no co23unction in c1eating t1e go"ern2ent 51ic1 could result in 1is i23rison2ent 0ecause t1e igures 1e ga"e to t1e *unici3al Engineer o Rosario, La Union is 3er@urious, 51at 2ore i 1e is 2erely dealing 5it1 1is uneducated uncle 51o2 1e learned t1at 1e earned a ortune in t1e United )tatesM PRA7ER ./EREFORE, in "ie5 o all t1e oregoing, it is 2ost res3ect ully 3rayed o t1e /onora0le Court to render @udg2ent ordering t1e de endant to 3ay t1e 3lainti s t1e ollo5ing(


a# P%=%,>4$%#<< re3resenting t1e o"er3ay2ent 2ade 0y t1e 3lainti s 6Total a2ount recei"ed 0y de endant P actual 5orC co23leted8E 0# P><,<<<#<< re3resenting t1e e-3enses o t1e 3lainti s in engaging t1e ser"ices o Arc1itect *unar to deter2ine t1e e-tent o 5orCs t1e de endant actually co23letedE c# P;<<,<<<#<< 0y 5ay o 2oral da2agesE d# P47<,<<<#<< 0y 5ay o e-e23lary da2agesE e# P%<,<<<#<< 0y 5ay o attorneyAs ees and P>,<<<#<< as a33earance eesE and # Cost o t1e suit# Baguio City Octo0er 47, ><<; 1as


44!B Ur0ano )t#, Baguio City Counsel or t1e Plainti s


44!B Ur0ano )t#, Baguio City Roll No# ;$;;=, June ;, 4&=% IBP O#R# No# 7$;='4, January &, ><<; Baguio City PTR No# =7><$', Fe0ruary >4, ><<; Baguio City

6Re( )ection 44, Rule 4; o t1e 4&&' Rules o Ci"il Procedure8

Th! ori8ina. co9: o; thi3 9.!a in8 <a3(

Q - G Filed directly 5it1 t1is /onora0le CourtRO iceE Q G Filed 5it1 t1is /onora0le CourtRO ice 0y Registered *ail 5it1 Return Card 0ecause(
Q G T1e distance 0et5een t1is /onora0le CourtRO ice and t1e O ice o t1e undersigned counsel 2aCes 3ersonal iling i23ractica0leE Q G LacC o o ice sta R3ersonnel to e ect 3ersonal ser"iceE Q G Ti2e constraintsE Q G Un a"ora0le 5eat1er conditions 3re"ents 3ersonal ser"iceE Q G Pleading is not urgent in nature#

Co9:1co9i!3 o; thi3 9.!a in8 <a31<!r!(

Q G Personally ser"ed on Pu0lic Res3ondentE Q -G )ent to counsel o t1e ad"erse 3arty and t1e O ice o t1e )olicitor General 0y Registered *ail 5it1 Return Card due to t1e ollo5ing reason(
Q G T1e distance 0et5een t1e o ices o counsels 2aCes 3ersonal iling i23ractica0leE Q - G LacC o o ice sta R3ersonnel to e ect 3ersonal ser"iceE Q G Ti2e constraintsE

Q G Un a"ora0le 5eat1er conditions 3re"ents 3ersonal ser"iceE Q G Pleading is not urgent in nature#

Co3y urnis1ed(

ATT7. MARVIN 7ANG=ED CORTE) LA. OFFICE )uire ><= La3eral Building )ession Road, Baguio City

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