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1. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Trees attached to the land Pigeon houses Usufruct over a parcel of land Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land Wooden scaffoldings Machineries installed by the o ner !uilding constructed by the lessee Machineries installed by lessee "tea#ship President $leveland Real property Real property Real property Real property Personal property Real property Personal property Personal property Personal property


&a'( &b' and &c' Residential house $ar Far# in ,uezon "hares of stoc$ondo#iniu# unit in $anada Ti#e deposit in $anadian !an/ross estate P%()**(*** +)*(*** 1(%**(*** ))*(*** .(***(*** %+*(*** P0(1+*(*** P%(***(*** P%(***(*** 1%)(*** 14)(*** +*(*** 1)*(*** .)(*** P%()))(***


a. 2onresident alien &

ith reciprocity'

3ouse and lot( Manila b. 2onresident alien &no reciprocity' 3ouse and lot( Manila "hares of stoc-( Philippine corporation "hares of stoc-( 3ong-ong $orporation 5ccounts receivable( Philippine debtor Proceeds of revocable life insurance "avings deposit( Manila !an/ross estate .. a. 2onresident alien & ith reciprocity'

ith business situs

2o gross estate shall be sub6ect to ta7 because all properties are intangible personal ithin the Philippines. 8nly real properties and tangible personal properties ithin are included in the gross estate of a nonresident alien & ith reciprocity' decedent. b. 2onresident alien &no reciprocity' "hares of stoc-( Po 9u Tan $orporation !onds( Tsi Tsa $o#pany Franchise( Philippines /ross estate P %%)(*** +*(*** %**(*** .:)(***


1. ;n the absence of a #arriage settle#ent or hen the settle#ent agreed upon is void( the syste# of property relationship shall depend on the date of the celebration of

#arriage. ;f the #arriage as celebrated prior to 5ugust 1( 10:: the spouses are governed by the con6ugal partnership of gains. 3o ever( if the #arriage has been celebrated after this date( the spouses shall be under the absolute co##unity of property regi#e. Conjugal Part. 2. Real property in 2aga $ity ;nco#e of real property in 2aga Real property in $auayan $ity ;nco#e of real property in $auayan $ity Real property in =avao $ity ;nco#e of real property in =avao $ity Real property in $ebu ;nco#e of real property in $ebu Tangible personal properties in 5ntipolo $ity ;nco#e of properties in 5ntipolo $ity ;ntangible personal( "ingapore ;nco#e of intangible personal in "ingapore Tangible personal properties in =apitan $ity ;nco#e of property in =apitan $ity ;ntangible personal properties in >apan ;nco#e of personal properties in >apan a. Abso !"# Co$$!%&"' o( P)o*#)"' R#+&$# $o##unity Properties? Real property( =avao $ity ;nco#e of real property in =avao Real property( !atac ;nco#e of real property in !atac Real property in ;loilo ;nco#e of real property in ;loilo Real property in !acolod ;nco# e of real property in !acolod Tangible properties in =agupan ;nco#e of property in =agupan ;ntangible personal properties in U.".5. ;nco#e of intangible in U.".5. <7clusive properties Tangible properties in "antiago ;nco#e on properties in "antiago /ross estate b. Co%,!+a *a)"%#)s-&* o( +a&%s $on6ugal ;nco#e of real property in =avao ;nco#e of real property in !atac P %)(*** )%(*** P 1**(*** %)(*** .%*(*** )%(*** 4+*(*** %1(*** %:*(*** 0*(*** 1%(*** 1()** )*(*** 4(*** .+(*** .()** <7clusive of Re#elisa $on6ugal <7clusive of Unico $on6ugal $on6ugal $on6ugal $on6ugal $on6ugal <7clusive of Re#elisa $on6ugal <7clusive of Unico $on6ugal <7clusive of Re#elisa $on6ugal <7clusive of Unico $on6ugal Abs. Community $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity <7clusive of Re#elisa <7clusive of Re#elisa <7clusive of Unico <7clusive of Unico $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity $o##unity

P %(*.*()** )*()** P %(*01(***

Real property in ;loilo ;nco#e of real property in ;loilo Real property in !acolod ;nco#e of real property in !acolod ;nco#e of properties in "antiago $ity ;nco#e of intangibles in 3ong-ong ;nco#e of property in =agupan ;nco#e of personal properties in U.".5. <7clusive Real property in =avao Tangible personal properties in "antiago $ity Tangible personal properties in =agupan /R8"" <"T5T< 3.

4+*(*** %1(*** %:*(*** 0*(*** .()** ))(*** 1%(*** 4(*** 1**(*** .+(*** 1%(***

P 1(1%:()**

14:(*** 1(4*+()**

The co##unity property of the spouses shall consist of the follo ing? a. 3ouse and lot received as edding gift b. Properties ac@uired during #arriage c. $ash earned by ife out of her salary Total P %(***(*** 4)*(*** 1%)(*** P %(:4)(*** %)(*** %(%)*(*** +(***(*** %)*(***


$on6ugal properties Rent inco#e Aapart#ent house 3ouse and lot Winnings in lotto "avings deposit <7clusive property of >uly? Bacation house /ross estate

P :()%)(*** 1(0**(* ** 1*(.%)(* **


a. Absolute community of property regime $o##unity property? $ash 5ccounts receivable $ar inherited by Mar- before #arriage $ar purchased during #arriage Fishpond >e elries 3ouse and lot !each resort $ash brought into the #arriage <7clusive property Properties for e7clusive use of Mar/R8"" <"T5T< b. Conjugal partnership of gains $on6ugal $ash 5ccounts receivable $ar purchased by Mahalia Residential house and lot >e elry %)*(*** 4:(*** +**(*** 1()**(*** +*(*** %)*(*** 4:(*** 1)*(*** +**(*** %**(*** +*(*** 1()**(*** .%*(*** 11*(***

1()::(*** 1%*(*** 1(4*:(***

!each resort <7clusive $ar inherited by MarFishpond Properties for e7clusive use /R8"" <"T5T< .. $on6ugal $ar Fa#ily ho#e "avings account $ash ;nterest on ban- account $attles C&+%-1)' 7 P1*(***D Winnings in 6ueteng ;nco#e earned on 6eepney <7clusive $attles &1) 7 P1*(***' 3ouse and lot Passenger 6eepney /ross estate /. a. Abso !"# 0o$$!%&"' o( *)o*#)"' )#+&$# $o##unity 5part#ent house ;nco#e of apart#ent house /old nec-lace "hare in con6ugal property of previous #arriage ;nco#e of the con6ugal property Fa#ily ho#e $ash "ole proprietorship ;nco#e of sole proprietorship <7clusive "hares /R8"" <"T5T< b. Co$* #"# s#*a)a"&o% o( *)o*#)"' "hares 5part#ent house ;nco#e of apart#ent house /old nec-lace "hare in con6ugal property ;nco#e of con6ugal property Fa#ily ho#e /ross estate 1. <@ual share in co-o nership &1(+0*(***E%' !an- deposit &1%)(*** 7 +*F' Riceland 10


P %(0*:(***

1)*(*** %**(*** 1%*(***

+4*(*** 1()4:(** *

.)*(*** 1(%**(*** %**(*** 1)*(*** %()** .4*(*** %*(*** +(*** 1)*(*** 1(+)*(*** 0*(***


1(:0*(*** .(1::()**

%()**(*** :*(*** %*(*** 1().*(*** 0)(*** 0**(*** ))(*** :%)(*** ++(***

P +(*:1(*** )%*(*** +(+*1(***

)%*(*** %()**(*** :*(*** %*(*** 1().*(*** 0)(*** 0**(*** )(+))(*** :.)(*** 4)(*** %)*(***

/ross estate $o#putation? "alary &.*(*** G )*(***' 3ouse and lot 9ot Total 0. Properties ac@uired by "a# H Paz 2atural fruits 3ouse in ,uezon $ity "hare of "a# in co-o nership? $ondo#iu# unit 5ppliances &)**(*** 7 +*F' >oint deposit &::(***E%' /ross estate IIIIIIII 1(:)*(** * 1(:)*(** * 0*(*** 1(.**(** * %**(** * 1(+0*(** * <7clusiv e


$on6ugal /ross estate 1(.**(** * %)*(***

1(***(** * 1**(*** ..(** * .(00.(** *



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